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Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance, Guidelines

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Primary Market Research (PMR)


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Effective: 01 January 2009

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Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance, Guidelines

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Heading Description Page No.

1. Definition of the EMIA scheme 3

2. Minimum Mandatory Requirements 3

2.1 Eligible Enterprises 3

2.2 Qualifying Criteria 4

3. Limitation of Assistance Offered 4

4. Diagram of the Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign

Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance Process 6

5. Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment

(FDI) Assistance 7

5.1 General Description of the Offering 7

5.2 Scheme Specific Qualifying Criteria 7

5.3 Financial Contribution 8

5.4 Supplementary Information required 9

6. Description of Application Documentation and other requirements 11

7. Description Of Claim Documentation and Other Requirements 15

8. Definitions & Terminology 19

9. How to Contact the EMIA Administrators 21

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1. Definition of the EMIA Scheme

The purpose of assistance under the EMIA scheme is to partially compensate

exporters for costs incurred in respect of activities aimed at developing export markets

for South African products & services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into

South Africa.

The programme comprises the following Individual Participation Incentive


- Individual Exhibition (IE) and In-Store Promotions (IP)

- Primary Market Research (PMR) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

- Individual Inward Missions (IIM)

The programme comprises the following Group Participation Incentive Schemes:

- Group Inward Buying Missions (IBM) Group Inward Investment mission (IIM)

- National Pavilions (NP)

- Outward Selling Mission Assistance (OSM) and Outward Investment Mission

Assistance (OIM)



2.1 Eligible Enterprises

The following enterprises qualify for assistance on condition that they are operating

and trading for more than one financial year.

- South African manufacturers of products

- South African export trading houses representing at least three SMME’s or HDI’s

owned businesses

- South African commission agents representing at least three SMME’s or HDI

owned businesses

- South African Export Councils, Industry Associations and Joint Action Groups

representing at least five (5) South African entities.

- Entities in the following service sectors:

• Capital equipment services

• Consulting engineering services

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• Civil engineering contractors

• Film production

• Pre-qualified Tourism services, only for Investment purposes excluding real

estate agents.

• Pre-qualified ICT services

• Business Process Outsourcing services.

2.2 Qualifying Criteria

1. Export readiness of applicant

2. Export/production performance of the applicant

3. Export/marketing competence of person visiting the foreign country

4. Potential available/accessible production/export product capacity

5. Extent of export marketing planning

6. Type of product for export and local sales performance

7. Level of labour absorption, location and technological requirements

8. Industry in which the venture operates or is planned

9. Submission of general and specific qualifying documentation and adherence to

general and specific criteria as stipulated per each EMIA offering.

2.3 Permissible submission of the Application

1. All applications should be submitted at least two months before the

commencement date of the event.

2. Applications cannot be considered earlier than six months prior to the

commencement date of the event

3. Late applications and outstanding information are accepted up to 30 days before

the date of departure, but in the case of these application EMIA is not obliged to

inform applicants of the outcome of the application before the date of departure

4. The detailed itinerary can be submitted 14 days before departure; the required

letters of confirmations must accompany this itinerary. In these cases EMIA would

not be able to conclude a decision prior to date of departure

5. All applications submitted on the last day of the permissible submission period will

be provided with an opportunity to submit outstanding information within 5 working

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days. The application will not be considered if the outstanding information and

documentation are not submitted within this period.

3. Limitation of Assistance Offered

1. Individual Participation (Individual Exhibitions, PMR, FDI and Individual Inward

Bound Missions) of assistance is limited as follows per calendar year.

i. R200,000 per HDI entities

ii. R180,000 per SMME entities

iii. R 135,000 per Other sized entities

2. Participation in countries, which are members of the South African Customs Union

(Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Namibia) is excluded from EMIA assistance.

3. EMIA incentives are not available for events taking place in the period 10

December up to and including 10 January of each year.

4. Only one representative per business will qualify for support. The representative

should be a senior executive, and in authority to conclude contracts on behalf of

the firm.

5. Assistance under EMIA will be restricted to exporters or export agents for the

export of value-added products that will enhance the export capacity of South

Africa. A product must have a local content of at least 35% to qualify for


6. EMIA applicants must disclose information on related parties where the one party

can exercise ‘significant/ insignificant/ substantial/ insubstantial influence’ over

another party in making financial and operating decisions or can exercise control or

joint control over the other party. Assistance to these parties is to the sole

discretion of the Adjudication Board.

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4. EMIA Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance Process

Step 3: • Submit the application form at least 2 months prior to the date of departure

• Late applications and outstanding information are accepted up to 30 days before the date of

departure. The detailed itinerary can be submitted 14 days before departure; the required letters of

confirmation must accompany this itinerary. In these cases EMIA would not be able to conclude a decision prior to date of departure.

• The application form should be sent via registered mail, hand/courier deliver

Step 1: Obtain an EMIA

Information pack

via e-mail or from the Website Contact no:

(012) 394 1014

► Step 2: • Complete the Application form.

• The application form goes hand in

hand with this Guideline

document. • An application should be fully

completed and accompanied by

supporting documentation as stipulated in the Checklist of the

application form. • For Enquiries phone:

(012) 394 1014

Postal Address Department of Trade & Industry

The Enterprise Organisation Private Bag X 86

Pretoria 0001

Physical Address thedti Campus

EMIA-TEO Utangamiri Building- Ground Floort

77 Meintjies Street Sunnyside, 0002

Step 4:

• The Applicant will receive an acknowledgement letter within 4

working days. • Outstanding documentation will be

requested – the applicant would be

allowed 5 working days in which to supply the requested outstanding


► Step 5:

• Only complete applications will be considered by an Adjudication Board

• EMIA will supply an Approval or Rejection

letter within 20 working days from submission of a complete application.

• The EMIA applicant should ensure that

written confirmation of approval is received prior to the date of departure.

► Step 6:

• An approved applicant will receive an approval letter • Included with this approval letter will be the terms and condition of


• A claim form will accompany the letter of approval d contract

Step 7:

• Read the claim form and Guidelines carefully so to be well acquainted with the rules and

procedures before undertaking the trip and incurring expenses. • Identify which, documentation is required with the claim

• Be aware of the acceptable means of payments.

• All invoices and proof of payment should be in the name of the approved entity.

► Step 8:

• The claim form should be submitted within three months from date of

return from the approved business destination. • No late claims will be considered for payment.

• Claims or claim items outstanding after the three months, will be


Step 9:

• EMIA advisors will process and validate the claim

• The claimant will receive a letter of acknowledgement within 4 working days

• 30 working days turnaround time on complete claims, allow an additional 10 days for

payment by the dti finance section

• If a claim is complete with all the necessary supporting documentation as required on the

claim form and checklist, it may then be considered for approval.

► STEP 10 :

• The claimant has to submit a follow-up report in addition to the

questionnaire supplied, on the export successes achieved as a result of the visit, within six months of the event.

• Should this report not be submitted, The Department of Trade and

Industry (the dti) reserves the right to exclude the individual/ company from receiving further assistance under the EMIA scheme.

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5. Research in a Foreign Market (PMR and FDI)

5.1 General Description of the Offering

Assistance is provided to partially compensate exporters for costs incurred:

- In developing new export markets (PMR- Primary Market Research trip) and/ or

- Costs incurred in recruiting new Foreign Direct Investment into South Africa

through personal contact by visiting potential investors in foreign countries.

(FDI- Foreign Direct Investment Research)

5.2 Scheme Specific Qualifying Criteria

1. Compensation under PMR will be confined to market research aimed at the

establishment of new markets and not further development for a particular product

in a specific country.

2. Assistance under PMR is also extended towards attending exhibitions limited to

two days and conferences with the aim of lobbying or bidding for international

projects or hosting international events.

3. A minimum of two confirmed appointments per day must be scheduled to qualify

for the subsistence allowance or a minimum of two meetings but only one

appointment per day must be confirmed and scheduled to qualify for the

subsistence allowance. Proof of the meetings attended to be confirmed by thedti

Foreign Economic Representative and motivation for non compliance must be

submitted with the claim.

4. If appointments cannot be verified by EMIA, the entire application will be rejected.

5. Cold calls or door-to-door sales are not accepted.

6. Late applications and outstanding information are accepted up to 30 days before

the date of departure, but in the case of these applications EMIA is not obliged to

inform applicants of the outcome of the application before the date of departure.

7. No follow-up visits are allowed.

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5.3 Financial Contribution



HDI’s Economy Class return airfare

100% of the costs to a maximum of R13,000

SMME’s Economy Class Return Ticket 80% of the costs to a maximum of R11,000

Other Size Economy Class Return Ticket 50% of the costs to a maximum of R6,500

All Entities

Subsistence allowance � A minimum of 2 confirmed

appointments per day must be scheduled to qualify for the subsistence allowance

� If appointments are missed during the trip, the allowance does not apply

R1,800 / day Maximum 10 Days

All Entities

Transport of samples or promotional materials

� Maximum per trip


All Entities

Marketing materials � Annual maximum allowed � Designing and printing of

export brochures, promotional videos or CDs

R10,000 per annum

All Entities

Registration of a product in a foreign market such as international patent and quality mark registration. Testing would only be considered if this clearly forms part of the required activities to register a quality mark or patent in a foreign market. Only Invoices dated six months prior and twelve months after the date approval will be considered for re-imbursement.

50% of the actual costs to a maximum of R100,000 per annum.

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5.4 Supplementary Information required with the application form

(Refer to detail description of required documentation on page 12-14 of this document)

Supplementary Information required with application form for Research in a

foreign market

Documentation required from all applicants 1. A copy of the entity’s exporter’s registration certificate form Customs & Excise

(PMR Only).

2. Proof of registration of the entity

3. A full colour product brochure. (PMR Only)

4. Financial statements or bank statements in the case of a sole proprietor.

5. An export Marketing Plan (PMR)

6. A detailed Business Plan (FDI)

7. Three quotations for air travel from service providers of choice.

8. A detailed confirmed itinerary of businesses to be visited. The itinerary must

include all of the following details in order to facilitate the verification of

appointments by EMIA before the date of departure:

• Date of appointment(s)

• Name(s), full address(es) of business(es) to be visited

• Name(s) of contact persons and their designations in the business

• Phone and fax number(s) and or e-mail address(es)

9. Electronic mails (e-mail) or confirmation letters from the businesses abroad (on

their official letterhead) confirming 2 scheduled appointments must be submitted

to EMIA at least 14 days prior to the date of departure. Only appointments

confirmed 14 days prior to the date of departure will qualify for assistance. Please

cross-reference appointments with the itinerary submitted.

10. A copy of the conference program, clearly indicating the nature and status of the

conference, speakers, main and sub themes must be submitted with the


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Additional Documentation required from an Export Trading House, Commission

agent or Industry Association

10. Industry Associations, Export councils or Joint Action Groups, must supply:

• Brochures of at least five South African businesses

• Letters of permission to represent these businesses at this event.

• Details in terms of export capacity on the application form of the five

companies represented at the event

11. If the applicant is a Commission agent, copies of agency agreements from 3

represented SMME’s or HDI’s.

12. If the applicant is an Export Trading House, letters confirming permission to

represent three SMME’s or HDI’s

Entities that are outsourcing their manufacturing process

13. These entities will only qualify on submission of:

- Formal outsourcing agreement/s between the entity and the manufacturer/s or

- Other proof substantiating that the entity is the legal owner of the product/design or


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6. Description of Application Documentation and other requirements

6.1 Customs and Excise Registration Certificate

Businesses/individuals applying for EMIA assistance must be registered with the

Commissioner of Customs & Excise. A copy of the registration certificate must be

attached to all applications.

6.2 Proof of registration of the entity

- In the case of a entity registered as Ltd, (Pty) Ltd a copy of the Incorporation

certificate and certificates in respect of all name changes effected.

- In the case of an entity registered as CC, a copy of the Founding statement and

amended statements confirming name changes effected.

- Sole proprietors must submit a certified copy of a South African identity document

with all applications for EMIA assistance. Foreigners must submit certified copies

of their passports and proof of registration with the South African Revenue


- A Partnership agreement in the case of the Partnership

- Articles of association or other proof in the case of an Industry association.

- Documentary proof of the establishment of a Trust

6.3 Product Brochures

The brochure must be printed on good quality paper, EMIA also accepts a CD ROM

format. The brochure must contain the following information

- The entity name and logo

- International contact details

- Carefully edited pictures of the products

- Description of products and the international specifications where applicable

- An export-trading house or commission agent can either submit their own

brochure reflecting all products represented or those of the entities represented.

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6.4 Financial Documentation

- Entities are required to provide the latest audited financial statements;

- Or in the case of a CC latest financial statements signed off by the accounting

officer of the Close Corporation;

- Or in the case of sole proprietors, bank statements for the last three months.

- The latest financial statements must be prepared and signed off by registered

accountants. If the latest financial statements are not available, after a period

exceeding six-months from the financial year-end of the entity, the registered

accountant must provide the reasons for non-availability. In addition to this the

applicant should provide EMIA with audited financials pertaining to the previous

financial year.

6.5 Export Marketing Plan

An export-marketing plan must accompany all applications for EMIA,

PMR assistance. Please refer to the application form for A Guide in developing an

Export Marketing Plan. Please ensure that the following topics are included in the

Marketing Plan for PMR.

- The export market

- Analysis of the product, price, promotion strategies and distribution channels

- Viability of the product, expected competition and any trade barriers.

6.6 Itinerary

A detailed confirmed itinerary of businesses to be visited. The itinerary must include

all of the following details in order to facilitate the verification of appointments by EMIA

before the date of departure:

- Date of appointment(s)

- Name(s), full address(es) of business(es) to be visited

- Name(s) of contact persons and their designations in the business

- Phone and fax number(s) and or e-mail address(es)

6.7 Letters of Confirmation pertaining to the Itinerary

Electronic mails (e-mail) or confirmation letters from the businesses abroad (on their

official letterhead) confirming 2 scheduled appointments must be submitted to EMIA at

least 14 days prior to the date of departure. Only appointments confirmed 14 days

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prior to the date of departure will qualify for assistance. A minimum of two meetings

but only one appointment per day must be confirmed and scheduled to qualify for the

subsistence allowance. Proof of meetings attended to be confirmed by the Foreign

Economic Representative.

6.8 Air Ticket Quotations

Customers must obtain quotations from three (3) service provider of choice.

Service provider

- Only the lowest quotation will be considered for reimbursed.

- EMIA will not be responsible for any cancellation fees, or any additional costs, which

are incurred due to travel deviations. All additional costs will be borne by the


- It is the responsibility of the customer to make the arrangements for air-tickets. This

includes the booking, issue and delivery stages.

6.9 Additional Documentation required from an Export Trading House, Commission

agent or Industry Association

Industry Associations, Export councils or Joint Action Groups, must supply:

- Brochures of at least five South African businesses

- Letters of permission to represent these businesses at this event.

- Details in terms of export capacity on the application form of the five companies

represented at the event

Commission agent, copies of agency agreements from 3 represented SMME’s or

HDI’s must accompany the application.

Export Trading House, letters confirming permission to represent three SMME’s or

HDI’s must accompany the application

6.10 Outsourcing Agreements

- Entities that are outsourcing their manufacturing process will only qualify on

submission of:

- Formal outsourcing agreement/s between the entity and the manufacturer/s

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- Other proof substantiating that the entity is the legal owner of the product/design

or patent.


7.1 Permissible Submission date of a claim

- The claim form and all supporting documentation, together with the relevant post-

event questionnaire must be completed and submitted to EMIA within three

months after the date of event from the approved business destination.

- Incomplete claims and claim items received after the three months will be rejected

without exception. Customers will forfeit the in principle approval granted to them if

they do not submit the claim form and all supporting documentation within three

months after the date of return from the approved business destination.

- Claims, in respect of which claim items/documentation are outstanding after three

months, will be cancelled.

7.2 Invoices

- All invoices and proofs of payment must be made out in the name of the approved


- Invoices without verifiable VAT registration numbers, company registration

numbers, telephone and fax numbers, and without addresses will not be

considered for the claim as they cannot be authenticated.

- In the case of invoices for promotional materials, please note that only those

dated 3 months or a shorter period prior to the event will be considered for


7.3 Air Ticket and proof of payment

- Original or certified copies of the business/economy class air tickets or e-ticket,

which must be accompanied by an invoice and proof of payment.

- EMIA clients will not be reimbursed for air tickets where Voyager miles were


- Fax copies of the electronic air ticket or e-mailed from the travel or issuing agent

specifying the routes, dates, name, time, agent,value and proof of payment.

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- No invoices are required where an e-ticket was issued

- Please note that if the ticket was changed for what ever reason, all tickets issued

must be submitted and the reasons thereof.

- All boarding passes must be kept and submitted for verification purposes.

7.4 Specific Cases where Third Party Payments will be considered for re-


- When the payment incurred by the proposed traveler, the director of the company

or the responsible person as stipulated in the Application form.

7.5 Passport

Certified copy of the passport clearly showing:

- Passport Photo

- Departure date stamp from S.A

- Re-entry date stamp into S.A.

- Where passports do not have an entry and exit stamp, because they were

scanned at customs, a claimant will have to submit boarding passes as proof of

entry/exit into or out of South Africa.

7.6 Tax Clearance Certificate

- An original valid Tax Clearance Certificate must accompany all claims for EMIA

assistance under all EMIA programmes.

- A certified copy will not be accepted.

7.7 Documentation confirming bank details

- A fully completed original Credit Order Instruction Form with a bank stamp.

- The credit order is included in the claim form.

- An original or certified copy of a cancelled cheque or in the case of a savings

account, a bank statement on the bank’s letterhead.

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7.8 Documents for transport cost of samples

- A copy of the SARS Export Release Notification or Bill of Entry and copy of the

Airway Bill/Bill of Lading

- Proof of payment or certified copies thereof for the transport of samples.

7.9 Other claim requirements

- Faxed copies of the claim or documentation relating to the claim will not be


- A commissioner of oaths must certify all document copies submitted as true.

- EMIA can at any time request additional documentation / information regarding the

processing of a claim. Such documents can include copies of bank statements,

cheques, delivery notes, order notes, bank deposit slips and other documents

regarded as being material for claim purposes.

- A copy of the notification of approval must accompany all future correspondence

and/or submissions of further documentation to EMIA. Should EMIA receive

further correspondence/documentation unaccompanied with this notification of

approval, EMIA will not be held responsible for the loss or misplacement of must

be these documents, which could delay or hamper the administrative process.

- Copies of the conference proceedings, papers must be submitted with the claim.

- No claim will be considered unless accompanied by the following documents:

o A copy of the letter of approval for the relevant trip

o Invoices and proofs of payment (in the name of the approved entity)

of all the relevant costs incurred during the visit should be provided.

Please note that proof of payment in the form of bank statements

printed from the internet will not be accepted.

o All copies submitted must be certified as true copies by a commissioner

of oaths.

8. The only acceptable means of payment are:

- Cheque

- Electronic Banking transfer

- Credit card

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Please note: Bank statements and electronic bank transfers must provide the name of

the beneficiary. Bank Statements printed from the Internet will not be accepted as

sufficient proof of payment.

8.1 The following forms of payment will not be considered for reimbursement:

- Cash payments - Offset payments

- Book entries - Third Party payments

- Credit Notes - Travellers cheques

8.2 Verification by the dti

- All claims are to be accompanied by Tax Clearance Certificate from the claimant.

EMIA will calculate the subsistence allowance as follows: Two confirmed

appointments as scheduled on the initial application. However entities will not be

penalised for the order in which these appointments took place. Reimbursement

will be limited to the days on which two of the initial confirmed appointments took

place and payment will not exceed the maximum approved amount.

- EMIA reserves the right to carry out inspections on activities of an enterprise

approved by the Adjudication Committee from time to time.

- If the Adjudication Committee is satisfied that a grant was based on false

information, or that the applicants furnished misleading information, it may disallow

the grant and recover the full amount paid to the enterprise. Interest on grant

payments not due to applicants shall be levied at the rate prescribed in terms of

section 1(2) of the Prescribed Rate of Interest, 1975 (Act No. No.55 of 1975) as

from the day the grant was received.

- The Adjudication Committee further reserves the right to authorise publication of

full details, including names, in cases of grant abuse.

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9.1 Export Trading House (representing at least three SMME’s)

A business, which focuses on the promotion of export-trade through the marketing of

products from different manufacturers. The principle/manufacturer is not allowed to

participate simultaneously with the agent.

9.2 Commission Agent (representing at least three SMME’s)

A commission agent must have an agency agreement with a local manufacturer for

the promotion of he manufacturer’s products in the export market. The

principle/manufacturer is not allowed to participate simultaneously with the agent.

9.3 Small, Medium And Micro-Sized Exporters – SMME’s

SMME’s must be privately, independently or co-operatively owned and managed, and

must comply with any two of the following quantitative criteria:

- Total annual turnover must be less than R40 million.

- Total assets excluding fixed property must be less than R15 million.

- Less than 200 full time employees.

9.4 Historically Disadvantaged Businesses - HDI’s

For a business to qualify as a historically disadvantaged business, it must: be an

SMME where at least 51% of the business must be owned by black person(s), women

or disabled person(s) of South African nationality.

9.5 Other Businesses

Businesses that do not qualify under the definition of an SMME as stipulated by the

EMIA Scheme.

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9.6 Registered Exporters

Exporters registered with the Commissioner of Customs & Excise.

9.7 Value-Added Product

A value-added product is a product by which a South African business has increased

the value of a product at each stage of its production, excluding initial costs such as

indirect labour, commissions, taxes, duties, including raw materials and packaging,

by 35%

9.8 Subsistence Allowance

The daily subsistence allowance is provided in order to cover a portion of the hotel

accommodation, meals, taxi fares, telephone calls, etc.

9.9 HS – Code harmonised System Code)

- An international code used to classify products that are imported and exported.

- The HS - Code (Harmonised System Code) or Tariff Heading can be obtained

from: Customs & Excise Telephone: 012-334 6400

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10.How to Contact the EMIA Administrators

Description Contact Numbers

The dti Call Center

� For general EMIA information

0861 843 384

General Customer Care Line

� Clarification on issues pertaining to

EMIA service levels

� EMIA Report Back questionnaires

Sue Joubert

012-394 1014

(Individual Exhibitions, PMR, FDI and

Individual Missions)


Enquiries related to status of applications

and appeals

� Clarification on EMIA rules

� Request for application forms

Marlene Vlok

012 394 1036

(Individual Exhibitions, PMR, FDI and

Individual Missions)


� Enquiries related to status of claims

� Request for claim forms

Busisiwe Radebe 012 394 1038

Elize le Roux 012 394 1042

(Individual Exhibitions, PMR, FDI and

Individual Missions)

Visit our website

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EMIA Service Centres

For your convenience, further information about EMIA can also be obtained by visiting one of

our service centres near you. The offices listed below can assist by providing you with

general information about EMIA.

DTI Regional Offices

Cape Town Tel: 021-480 8060

Durban Tel: 031-305 3389

Port Elizabeth Tel: 041-582 1267

Provincial Investment Promotion Agencies

Centre for Investment and Marketing East Cape Tel: 043-704 5600

Dept of Economic Affairs – Free State Tel: 051-403 3613

Dept of Economic Affairs – Northern Cape Tel: 053-831 4227

Gauteng Economic Development Agency Tel: 011-833 8750

Invest North West Tel: 014-594 2570

Mpumalanga Investment Initiative Tel: 013-752 5384

Trade & Investment KZN Tel: 031-304 4303

Trade & Investment Limpopo Tel: 015-295 5171

Wesgro Tel: 021-402 8600

Business Chambers

Cape Chamber of Commerce: 021 402 4300 SA Chamber of Commerce 011 446 3800

Durban Chamber of Commerce 031 335 1000 Pietermaritzburg Chamber 033 345 2747

JHB Chamber of Commerce 011 726 5300

PE Regional Chamber 041 484 4430

Lowveld Chamber (Nelspruit) 013 755 2069

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Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance, Guidelines

Effective: 01 January 2009 Page 22 of 23



Aluminium Federation of S.A (AFSA) (011) 453 3339 [email protected]

Automotive Industry Export Council (012) 323 2980 [email protected]

Built Environment Professional Export Council (BEPEC)

(011) 463 2022 [email protected]

Capital Equipment Export council (011) 849 7388 [email protected]

Clothing Export Council (021) 761 6421 [email protected]

Fresh Produce Exporters Forum/ Fruit SA

(021) 526 0474 [email protected]

Farmed Abalone Export Council (028) 384 1404 [email protected]

Meat Exporters of South Africa (012) 361 4545 [email protected]

Plastic Federation of SA (011) 314 4021 [email protected]

Rail Road Association (011) 761 2434 [email protected]

SA Boat Builders Business Council (021) 418 6134 [email protected]

SA Cosmetics Export Council (SACEC) (011) 886 4087 [email protected]

SA Electro technical Export Council (011) 315 0209 [email protected]

SA Equine Trade Council (031) 314 1799 [email protected]

SA Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors

(011) 409 0900 [email protected]

SA Flower Export Council (Asso Flowers)

(011) 692 4237 [email protected]

SA Fruit & Vegetable Canners E.C (021) 871 1308 [email protected]

SA Footwear and Leather Export Council

(031)701 4206 [email protected]

SA International Steel fabricators (011) 726 6111 [email protected]

SA Iron & Steel Institute (SAISI) (012) 320 2450 [email protected]

SA Print Export Forum (011) 787 4300 [email protected]

SA Textile Industry Export Council (021) 959 4162 [email protected]

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Primary Market Research (PMR) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Assistance, Guidelines

Effective: 01 January 2009 Page 23 of 23



SA Wire Business Council (011) 453 0921 [email protected]

SA Dairy Foundation (012) 348 5345 [email protected]

SA Aerospace Maritime & Defence Industry Association.

(012) 420 1540 [email protected]

SA Stainless Steel Development Association (SASSDA)

(086) 172 7732 [email protected]

SA Ostrich Business Chamber (044) 272 3336 [email protected]

Steel Tube Export Council (011) 823 2377 [email protected]

Wines of South Africa (021) 883 3860 [email protected]

SA Jewellery (011) 334 1930 [email protected]

SA Vegetables (012) 332 0696 [email protected]

SA Music Exportation (SAMEX) (011) 403 1934 [email protected]

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