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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Incorporated

Trading as Arthritis & Osteoporosis NT (AONT)

Annual Report2011 – 2012

Introduction.................................................................................................. . 3

President's Report ........................................................................................ 3

Service Agreement ...................................................................................... 6

The Board..................................................................................................... 6

Governance and Planning ............................................................................ 7

Organisation Structure ................................................................................. 7

Membership................................................................................................. . 9

Support Groups ........................................................................................... . 10

Donations, Fundraising and Sponsorship ................................................... 10

What we did during the year......................................................................... 11

Grant Applications and Projects ................................................................... 17

Financial Report ........................................................................................... 19

Audited Financial Statements....................................................................... 20

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608


This document is the Annual Report of The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Incorporated. It is designed to meet the requirements of the organisation’s Constitution and the Association’s Act 2003, containing all information required for the Annual Return to Business Affairs. For the year ending 30 June 2012, the Board has performed all Management Committee functions.

The Foundation has a number of business names, the most often used being Arthritis & OsteoporosisNT (AONT). In keeping with that practice the term “AONT” will be used throughout this document.

AONT is primarily an organisation for the benefit of, and services to, people with arthritis and osteoporosis. These same services may also meet the needs of persons with other musculoskeletal conditions.

President's Report


In 2010 the Board developed a detailed strategic plan for the period 2010 - 2013. A detailed submission for increased funding through our formal Service Agreement, to subsidise the much needed increase in staffing was made to the Northern Territory Government (NTG) Department of Health in October 2010, with further negotiations throughout 2011. The outcome was an increase of recurring funding of $15,773 to $75,877 per annum. At the invitation of the then Health Minister, a further detailed submission with more specific information including the monetary value of our volunteer contribution (estimated at $102,054) and NT statistics on arthritis and osteoporosis (difficult to obtain), was made. This submission was rejected.

In 2012 the Board reviewed the strategic plan, amending our priorities to work within current funding, to ensure quality of service delivery and achievable progress.

Increasing income and reducing expenditure

A Variation to Agreement has been entered into incorporating significant changes:• increase in funding from $60,104.00 to $75,877.00 (per annum) effective from 1st July 2011• a revised service plan to better reflect AONT’s capacity for service delivery, data collection

and reporting of activities• the service plan now reflects realistic outcomes for AONT to achieve in providing the delivery

and reporting of our services to NTG. That is, we are now funded by NTG to deliver services specifically to the Darwin and Palmerston areas and are obliged to report on those services.

• In our reporting we may include services and activities otherwise funded, eg through grants, sponsorship, donations and fundraising income. We still aspire to supply and deliver services to other regions of the NT.

For years I have advised that we were looking at income generation ideas. The election of several new members to the board last year has brought expertise in this area to the board as well as contacts within the government, health areas, NGOs and the wider community. In conjunction, both old and new board members have been looking at ways of trying to increase our funding.

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

I advised last year that AONT has had a history of periodically reducing expenditure by cutting paid staff hours and this had been suggested again in early 2011. This would be to the detriment of volunteers, employees and the stability of the organisation with a massive loss of corporate knowledge. We maintained the current modest level of staffing for 2011-2012 when the board passed a draft budget June 2011.

Reducing expenditure is difficult if not impossible. The costs of education and support materials are minimal – we rely heavily on materials produced by national bodies and other affiliates. Some training for both staff and volunteers over many years has been provided through the goodwill of interstate affiliates with no, or minimal, cost to us. This year has seen a reduction of research funding available to our affiliates and this has meant several of our affiliate members reducing staff numbers. These affiliates are now in a similar situation to AONT of trying to find avenues to increase their funding. While we were able to rely on the affiliates not passing costs on such as postage of materials, this may no longer be the case, and we will have to pick up the postage and whatever costs they are no longer able to bear.

We have received a number of small grants and donations throughout the year for specific projects. More details are provided in “Grant Applications and Projects”. Thanks to Pip, Diane, Ruth and other volunteers for all their efforts in applying for grants.


There have been several legislative changes over the last twelve months, including the Award under which we employ staff, and to Occupational Health and Safety requirements. All necessary changes have been implemented.

We saw the resignation of Philippa Henderson (Pip) in December 2011 with her replacement Diane Clark having a very short handover period. In her role of Development Officer, Pip pursued many avenues to increase our income and improve and modernise our image, adding much to the office with her professional attitude and friendly manner. Whilst Pip is now living in Adelaide we have retained her paid services for up to 5 hour per week to look after our website.

Diane Clark has brought a wealth of experience to AONT, using many contacts in numerous organisations, and has been responsible for several new initiatives within the office. At the time of writing this report, Diane has resigned from this demanding position, but is keen to stay on in a volunteer capacity. We are in the process of recruiting a replacement.

Natalie Valastro, in Accounts since early 2006, is a highly valued member of our team. Because of the new Standard of Chart Accounts requirement, Natalie has implemented the necessary changes to our bookkeeping procedures. Our Treasurer, Julie Mullins, provided much valued assistance in this regard.

As well as conscientiously attending to her regular duties, Natalie has no hesitation in helping out with many other tasks such as buying and collecting items for the office, collecting the mail, assisting the volunteers attending to enquiries, and anything else that requires attention - all performed in a kind and courteous manner. Thank you, Natalie for your cheerful reliability.

Between the volunteers and paid staff there are usually at least two people in the office each day. There are occasions when the office is late in opening or early in closing, due to unavailability of

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

personnel – unfortunate but unavoidable with our current level of staffing. With Natalie, Diane and Pip being part time, together they equate to one full time position. We would like to have the office open for five days but do not have the resources.


Ruth Garden, our previous secretary (no longer a board member) is still a very committed volunteer and who puts in many hours assisting in the running of the office. One of Ruth’s initiatives was to apply to the NTG Community Benefit Fund for a grant to fund a volunteer recruitment drive through commercial advertising (television, radio and print). At the time of writing this report we have many new volunteers and are developing suitable training packages.

While AONT accepts that volunteer contribution will always play a part in service delivery, it is unrealistic to expect a high level of expertise among those willing to commit time. It is also unfair to expect volunteers to commit more than few hours per week on a long term basis, or volunteer management and support to be the responsibility of other volunteers.

Support of AONT by the community and other organisations:

During the year we joined Disability Services Network and Volunteering SA&NT to complement our networking capacity with the Chronic Disease Network and the Darwin Aged and Disability Services.

Once again I would like to thank all those who have supported AONT throughout the year:• All the volunteers who do so much to keep the organisation going, which includes: responding

to requests for information and services, providing courses and presentations, running the office, production and distribution of the quarterly newsletter, fund raising activities, running support groups and networking with other organisations.

• Members and non-members who have made donations, often on a regular basis.• The Arthritis Foundation of South Australia who have kindly agreed to continue to pay

AONT's affiliate contribution to administrative costs of Arthritis Australia ($5,000 per annum)• Arthritis Australia and Osteoporosis Australia for providing AONT with up to date information

and materials• Interstate Arthritis Foundations (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western

Australia) for a range of booklets• Volunteer Ruth Garden, for her dedication and long hours, to keep the organisation running.• Volunteer Janet Durling, for attendance at meetings in the service industry, using her large

array of networks, and conducting community presentations.• Treasurer Julie Mullins, for ensuring our accounts are recorded appropriately• Secretary Hilary Fowler, who took over the Secretary’s position from Ruth at the last AGM.

As well as many secretarial and general board duties, Hilary has conducted numerous community presentations.

• The people who attend our support groups and keep them active. There are two groups – Palmerston Support Group and the Conversation Café at Rapid Creek. The ladies from Conversation Café cheerfully assist in folding and enveloping the newsletters, and other tasks as required.

• Member Sylvia Bugg for running the Palmerston Support Group and organising people from different organisations to present relevant information to the group.

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

Updates since June 2012

New Rheumatologist - RDH

Professor Johannes “Hans” Nossent has been employed at RDH as the new rheumatologist. Dr Nossent and his rheumatology nurse Carly Phillips are very supportive of the role of AONT and are keen to assist us in this regard.

Charles AthertonPresident

Service Agreement

For many years AONT has relied on core funding from Territory Health Services (Community Health) through a Service Agreement to provide "arthritis, osteoporosis support, health promotion and advocacy". Under this agreement AONT has six-monthly reporting obligations (The Service Report): statistics of information and support provided, education and training (both volunteers and employees) and evidence of networks and partnerships. “What we did during the year” is a summary of these reports.

Financial statements to accompany six monthly Service Reports:• June to December 2011• January to June 2012

The purpose of these reports is to demonstrate how funding from Territory Health Services (Community Health) is spent. These reports are prepared in-house from our records largely by volunteers.

Our Agreement was renewed for the period January 2011 to December 2013 with base annual funding of $75,877.00 + GST, and indexation.

An Agreement Variation was entered into incorporating significant changes:• increase in funding to $75,877.00 per annum effective from 1st July 2011• a revised service plan to better reflect AONT’s capacity for both service delivery and reporting

of activities.• servicing of Darwin and Palmerston areas only, to better reflect AONT’s service capacity

The Board

At 30th June 2012 the AONT Board comprised:

President & Public Officer Charles AthertonVice President Gail Keddie

Treasurer Julie Mullins Secretary Hilary Fowler

Ordinary Members Catherine Brown, Ash Dally, Mary WillisJanet Durling, Denis Power, Peter Fadelli

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

They first joined the Board:

Charles Atherton October 2006 AGM Mary Willis October 2008 AGM Gail Keddie November 2009 AGM Denis Power November 2009 AGM

Ash Dally November 2009 AGM Hilary Fowler March 2010Janet Durling October 2010 AGM Julie Mullins October 2011 AGM

Catherine Brown October 2011 AGM Peter Fadelli October 2011 AGM

From 1st July 2011 until the 2011 AGM on 30th October the AONT board comprised:

President & Public Officer Charles AthertonVice President Gail Keddie

Treasurer Mary Willis Secretary Ruth Garden

Ordinary Members Hilary Fowler, Ash Dally, John EdwardsJanet Durling, Denis Power

Our Constitution requires election at the AGM of office bearers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Officer (who may hold another office concurrently), and a minimum of three (3) and no more than ten (10) ordinary members. Throughout the year, the Board has authority to appoint a member to fill any vacancy arising, whether office bearer or ordinary member. Any person so appointed shall hold office until the following AGM.

Governance and Planning

The Board normally meets every month and maintains regular contact with staff. Other meetings are called as needed to deal with specific matters.

In August 2010 we developed a Strategic Plan for the three year period of 2010 - 2013. This was revised at a special Board Meeting on 19 April 2012.

At the Board meeting of 19 July 2012 a draft budget for 2012-2013 was approved which will allow for a net profit of $4,000.

Organisation Structure

As referred to in “Governance and Planning” above, the board has worked closely with employees to ensure the smooth running of the organisation. The regular office volunteers are generally responsible to the employees, who in turn are responsible to the Board.

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

Staff at July 2011:

• Natalie Valastro, 10 hours per week, Accounts• Pip Henderson, 25-28 hours per week, Administration and Community Development

Staff at June 2012:

• Natalie Valastro, 10 hours per week, Accounts• Diane Clark, 20 hours per week, Administration and Community Development Officer• Pip Henderson, up to 5 hours per week, Website and Facebook manager.


Volunteers have continued to assist with reception and other office duties as required. On any day the office is open there is usually one to three volunteers working there. Volunteer hours recorded for the financial year, 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, are 2738. This is equivalent to 228 hours per month or 53 hours per week.

This includes many hours outside our business hours in administration, education activities, fundraising and networking with different people and organisations.

Entire responsibility assumed by volunteers, including board members• mandatory reporting• newsletter production and distribution, 4 per annum to all members, plus complimentary

mailings• membership database

In part assisted by employees

• general administration, including reception duties, production of leaflets, printing of materials

• records management & resource management• support groups: convening, arranging special events & guest speakers• distribution lists• grant applications & acquittals• fundraising activities – no separate fundraising committee• network meetings, subject to availability• volunteer recruitment & support• self management courses• community speaking engagements• information stands

Volunteer activities outside the office include:

• presentations, information stands, networking• support groups• fundraising• self management courses

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


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At 30 June 2012:Number of members: 188Percentage of females / males: 83% / 17%

Membership falls due on 1st July each year and personalised renewal notices are usually sent out with the July, September and December newsletters.

Membership benefits include:

• Health advisory service• Newsletter mail outs, four times per annum• Borrowing library• Items for sale (books, DVDs)• Free or subsidised entry to AONT events• Access to self management courses• Access to support groups• The satisfaction of helping an organisation help many others

Honorary membershipOur Constitution makes provision for honorary membership to be conferred “on persona who by virtueof their special qualities or otherwise could assist in achieving the objects of The Foundation”. Honorary membership exempts a member from payment of subscriptions, and shall be reviewed at each Annual General Meeting, where it may be renewed.

At the Board meeting of 20 April 2010 honorary membership was awarded to Ruth Garden, Joy Lane and Doreen Walton and announced at the Annual General Meeting of 2010, and subsequently renewed at the Annual General Meeting of 2011.

At the Board meeting of 20 April 2009 honorary membership was awarded to Ellen Hankin and subsequently renewed at the AGMs of 2009, 2010 and 2011.

At the Annual General Meeting of 2008 honorary membership was awarded to Maureen Archbold, Sylvia Bugg and Peg Gellert, and has been subsequently renewed in 2009, 2010 and 2011.

At the Annual General Meeting of 2007 honorary membership was awarded to Kay Brown and JuneProctor, and has been subsequently renewed in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012


ABN 67 099 326 608

Support Groups

AONT aims to provide a range of forums that focus on helping people with arthritis and osteoporosis. Our aim is for participants to leave these meetings feeling better than when they arrived. New faces are very welcome at all forums.

Palmerston Arthritis Support Group – This group continues to meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:00am at the Brennan electorate office opposite the Target store. Guest speakers and special events are usually arranged by long term convenor Sylvia Bugg.

Conversation Café – commenced in July 2011 and continues to meet on the last Monday of each month at the Rapid Café (near the AONT office) at 11:30am. A Conversation Café is an informal get together for people to have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee, without relying on a convenor.

Donations, Fundraising and Sponsorship

Donations and sponsorship (unrestricted and tied combined) over 2011-2012 amounted to $9,669. Thanks to the many members and non-members who have made donations, small and large, including the Lions Club of Darwin-Casuarina, the Lions Club of Nightcliff, the Buff Club and Time Out. Very special thanks go to Blue Illusion, of Casuarina Shopping Square, who have now held three fund- raising events for us, in December 2011, April 2012 and, in the 2012-2013 financial year, September2012. The volunteers who have participated as models have had fun as well as helping our organisation.

Fundraising capacity is limited, due both to the limited resources to organise traditional events, and the vulnerable health status of most of AONT membership. We regularly participate in the Community Lottery of the People’s Choice Credit Union (formerly Australian Central Credit Union). This year’s lottery raised $1579. We did not run a BBQ at Harvey Norman this year. This is a rather physical activity for which our current volunteers are not best suited.

At the time of writing this report further significant donations have been received in the 2012-2013 financial year: Beer Can Regatta of $10,000 and Mr and Mrs A. Post, through an Open Gardens Event in Seniors Month of $427.30.

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


What we did during the year

The following tables are drawn from our twice yearly reports to the Northern Territory Government and provide an overview of our activities throughout from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012.

Telephone and email calls

Total 3085 Per month 257

Volunteer Hours

Total 2738 Per month 228

Education & information packages distributedA refers to arthritis, O refers to osteoporosis

Location Category Number Time(min)

Information Packs Referrals

Darwin/Palmerston A - General public 128 1984 97 Exercise programsArthritis aidsGPSelf-management programsHydrotherapyPain service


A - Health Professionals 17 190 5O – General public 18 199 13 Self-management programs 2

Other NT A – General publicO – General public




GPSelf-management programs


Outside NT A – General publicA – Health professional



Community Speakers Program 1

Totals 174 2656 127

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012

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Consumer Education

Location Date DiseaseCategory

Title of Event/Course/Group

Type Attendees Total Hours forProject including volunteer hours

Year round A & O Websitewww .aon t .o r g .au

3184 uniquevisitors, 7640 pages viewed

7 hours per week

Palmerston Monthly A & O Palmerston Support Group Support 5-8 8 per month

Darwin September to February A & O Darwin Support Group Support 3-8 4 per month

Darwin Monthly A & O Conversation Cafe Support 3-6 2 per month

Darwin 7 July A & O Dept Veterans’ Affairs –Men’s Health

Information &education

9 8

Darwin/Palmerston &other NT

July A & O JoinNTed Newsletter andOsteoblast (Newsletter ofOsteoporosis Australia)

Education,information &support

369 32.5

Darwin 2 Aug O Seniors Month - Falls andFractures PreventionSeminars – Darwin, Palmerston

Information &education (partfunded by grant)

12 25

Darwin 27 Aug A & O St Mary’s Primary SchoolExpo – Healthy Bones Stall

Education,information &support

15 8

Darwin 8 Sept A & O Asthma NT Information &education

10 5

Darwin 7 & 14 Sept A & O Challenging Pain Information &education

10 25

Darwin/Palmerston &other NT

Sept A & O JoinNTed Newsletter Education,information &support

398 35.5

Darwin 30 Oct A & O Veterans’ Health Day Information &support

20 12

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Location Date DiseaseCategory

Title of Event/Course/ Group

Type Attendees Total Hours forProject including volunteer hours

Darwin 28 Nov & 5 Dec O Dripstone Middle SchoolHealth Expo – HealthyBones Stall

Information &education

600 12

Darwin/Palmerston &other NT

December A & O JoinNTed Newsletter Education,information &support

494 44.75

Darwin 14 March A & O Nightcliff Lions Club Information 12 4

Darwin 25 Feb, 9 March, 26 March A & O Radio interview re ArthritisAwareness Week

Information &education


Palmerston 25 Feb A & O Defence Force Family DayExpo

Information &education

55 8

Palmerston 27 Feb A & O Seniors’ Forum Information 30 6

Darwin/Palmerston &other NT

March A & O JoinNTed Newsletter andOsteoblast (Newsletter ofOsteoporosis Australia)

Education,information &support

450 73

Darwin 27 March A & O U3A Information &education

18 3

Darwin 28 March A & O CDU Aged Care Students Education &information

15 4

Darwin 29 March A & O Q2 Health (airportemployees)

Information &education

8 3

Darwin 2 April O April Falls Day Information &education stall atCasuarinaShopping Square

45 6

Darwin 16 April A & O Seniors’ Forum Information 40 6

Darwin 1 May A & O Larrakeyah Aged CareServices

Information &support

16 4

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012

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Darwin 4 May A & O Continence Forum, stall Information 60 15

Darwin 1 June A & O Seniors Forum, Nightcliff Education &information

55 3

Darwin 6 June A & O Activate NT Education &information

3 3

Health Professional Education

Location Date DiseaseCategory

Group Type Attendees Total Hours forProject

Darwin 22 Aug A & O Aged Care Students CDU Information &education

16 5

Darwin 3 Nov A&O Anglicare Information 7 5

Darwin 19 Jan A & O OzHelp Foundation Information &education

16 5

Darwin 2 May A Rheumatologist, RDH Information reAONT services

3 4

Professional Development- staff and volunteers

Location Date Disease Category Who Type AONT Attendees

Total Hours forProject

Darwin 7 July A & O Development Officer Seminar – SuccessfulNon-Profit

1 5

Darwin 20 November A & O Development Officerand volunteers

Website Training 3 4

Darwin 12 March A & O Development Officer Website Training 1 9

Darwin 4 April A & O Secretary Grants ManagementSystem Update

1 6

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012

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Location Date Disease Category Who Type AONT Attendees

Total Hours forProject

Darwin 19 April A & O Secretary Risk ManagementWorkshop

1 6

Darwin 20 April O Development Officer Menzies Seminar onOsteoporosis

1 3


Brief description of the network / partnership a c t i v it i e s undertaken by category (ie arthritis / osteoporosis) and location

Location Disease Category Group Description

Darwin/Sydney A Arthritis Australia andstate Affiliates

1. AONT has a Director on the Board of Arthritis Australia2. AONT is working with Arthritis Australia on the Federal “Better Arthritis

and Osteoporosis Initiative (2010 to 2014)3. Distribute materials produced by Arthritis Australia, Arthritis NSW,

Arthritis QLD and Arthritis VICDarwin/Sydney O Osteoporosis Australia Distribute materials produced by Osteoporosis Australia, including Osteoblast

(newsletter)Darwin A & O Darwin Aged and

Disability Services(DADS)


Darwin A & O Health WorkforceAustralia Innovation andReform NationalConsultation

Board Member attended the Darwin meeting and contributed input.

Darwin A & O Territory Integrated PainService (TIPS)

Discussion re Challenging Pain Course and referrals from them to us and us tothem.

Darwin A & O Bodyfit NT Referral to hydrotherapy and exercise. Hydrotherapy patronised by many AONTmembers, receiving a discount on class fees

Darwin A & O Movement for LifePhysiotherapy

Refer clients to drop in sessions at their hydrotherapy pool. Physiotherapists havepresented sessions for our clients.

Darwin A & O Anglicare Exchange information and ideas; make presentations as requested.

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Location Disease Category Group Description

Darwin A & O Carers NT Exchange information and ideas; attend Darwin Aged and Disability Networkmeetings

Darwin A & O Asthma NT Exchange information and ideas; make presentations as requested

Darwin A & O Healthy Living NT Exchange information and ideas; make presentations as requested

Darwin O School Nurse - DripstoneMiddle School

Request to present information on Osteoporosis at Health Expo

Darwin A & O CDU Provide education for health students.

Darwin A Dr Mary Samuel Referrals from her to us and us to her.

Darwin A & O Rheumatology HealthProfessionals Association

One of our volunteer members is an associate member of the Rheumatology HealthProfessionals Association.

Alice Springs A & O U3A members Arthritis Victoria trained volunteer conducts Chair Based Exercises, accreditationto be updated through AONT

Darwin/Melbourne A & O beyondblue Materials distributed to assist people with arthritis and osteoporosis and theircarers, also suffering from depression and anxiety

Darwin A & O OzHelp Foundation Information for construction and mining industries

Darwin A & O Chronic ConditionsStrategy Unit

Discussion re self-management programs

Darwin A & O Chronic DiseasesNetwork

Exchange information and ideas, use CDN-enews for advertising

Darwin A & O Darwin Support Workers’Forum

Exchange ideas, provide information as requested

Darwin A & O COTA Exchange ideas, provide information as requested

Darwin A & O CDU Provide education for health students.

Darwin A Dr Johannes Nossent,Carly Phillips, RDH

Provide information for patients, referrals from them to us and us to them

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Grant applications and projects

Numerous efforts have been made to source additional funds to maintain and improve services. Grants are always project specific, and the projects cannot be started before the funding is approved.

Applications for 2011 - 2012:

Grant DateSubmitted

Project Outcome Amount

Community Benefit Fund July 2011 Towards the purchase of Cupboards Successful $1,500.00

NTG Seniors Month July 2011 Towards the Falls & Fractures seminars Successful $690.00

Australian Ethical Investment July – Oct2011

Delivery and return postage to rural and remote and housebound members

Successful $3,645.00

Kookaburra Awards August 2011 Volunteers Rejected

Marion & E.H Flack Trust August 2011 Library Upgrade Successful $1,341.00

Volunteer of the Year October 2011 Recognition of Volunteers Rejected $3,000.00

Sport and Recreation GrassRoots Development Grant

January 2012 Physical Exercise for Seniors Rejected $3,402.00

Community Benefit Fund Feb 2012 Volunteer Recruitment Drive Successful $4,545.93

NTG Seniors Month March 2012 Q & A for Seniors (4 sessions) Successful $1,094.00

City of Palmerston March 2012 Challenging Pain Course in Palmerston Rejected $816.80

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 – 2012

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Coles March 2012 Click for Community Grants Rejected $1,000.00

City of Palmerston March 2012 Raise awareness of AONT in Palmerston Successful $1,000.00

City of Darwin Council April 2012 AONT Branding project Rejected $4,775.00

City of Darwin CommunityGrant

April 2012 Towards providing a trade stand at CDN Conference Successful $750.00

The value of the successful applications is $14,565.93 which has enabled a range of projects, including those aimed at raising awareness of our organisation around Darwin and Palmerston, which is one the main aims in our Strategic Plan. We have been attempting to target those grants which are likely to succeed because the process of applying for grants is time consuming.

Further Applications:

Volunteers Benefit Grant July 2012 Stands and folders for display of our resources Unknown $2,310.00

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Financial Report

The Board is delighted to report an operating surplus for the 2011-2012 financial year. Full details of the income and expenses are in the Profit and Loss statement of the Auditor’s Report, with comparisons to the previous year’s figures.

The Board would particularly like to thank Julie Mullins for her work as Treasurer. Natalie Valastro is especially grateful for all her assistance during the last 18 months. We are sorry to lose Julie but wish her well for her move south. Mary Fathers has volunteered to be our new Treasurer, which we greatly appreciate.

Given the financial situation of the organisation in the previous financial year, this year we have been particularly careful of our expenditure. The profit includes some generous donations and unspent tied grants.

A brief summary of income and expenses follows.

Restricted Income:NTG Community Health 78,115

Small grants 13,159Donations / sponsorship 5,646

Unrestricted IncomeFundraising note fundraising expense below 2,766

Membership Fees 3,355Other Donations & gifts 4,023

Miscellaneous Income 2,146Total income 109,240

Expenses:Rent & Centre Outgoings 15,800

Electricity 1,153Employee expenses 44,661

Other Professional Support 1,886Administration & Overheads 16,166

Communications 6,581Education & Support, incl. printing & postage 4,732

Advertising & promotion 1,715Fundraising 1,380

Assets purchased (through donations & grants) 1,640Other miscellaneous expenses 628

Total expenses 96,342Operating profit for 2011 - 2012 year 12,898

Special Purpose Financial Report

This includes all income and expenditure items (Profit and Loss statement), and a Balance Sheet of all assets and liabilities, both for the full financial year. This report is prepared by an independent auditor.

The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Incorporated ABN 67 099 326 608Annual Report for 2011 – 2012


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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Incorporated ABN 67 099 326 608Annual Report for 2011 – 2012


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Ihe Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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The Arthriti s Foundationof the Northern TerritoryInc.Income

StatementFor the Year ended 30 June


2012 2011s s

Revenue 109.240 97,064


Surpl us I (loss} beforeIncome Tax

116.342 98.337

-----; 2,.8.,9'8" - --c,•.mrn).

Income Tax Expe.nse

Surpl us I (loss} Attributable to Members ;: ;·2.89!8!


The accorrpanying notfonn p..-rt of these financ i/.stafements.


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The Arthritis Foundation of the> Northern lne.Eblanee Sb..el

As al 3G June 21112



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Ihe Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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pro"lsiooforncome b>r has bee!1 ral!i<!<ll In fhese xcoor!b, becaL!se the Assoolal:ioo Is ofthalli. Is ool """""'bx.

Fixed Assels

The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 -2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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Office. I"

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ClrtlL!mth!!!nces !he GST is llf !he cmtllf llf th!!! asset or as llfan ilem llf E!llpl!l'lSI!. in !he Balarlce sh!lWn incl!lsiwGST.





Page 27: Microsoft Word - Annual Report Web viewOur Constitution makes provision for honorary membership to be conferred “on persona who by virtue. ... Joy Lane and Doreen ... Microsoft Word

Ihe Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Inc.

Statement by Members of the CommitteeFor the Year ended 30 June 2012

The Committee Members hereby state that:

1. The financialstatements,being a special purpose financial statement,and notes:-

a. Comply with Australian Accounting Standards and the Associations Incorporation(NT) Act;

b. Give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30 June 2012 and performance for the year ended on that date of the Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Inc;

2. In the Committee's opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Foundation will be able to pay Its debts as and when they become due and payable.

3. An Auditor's Independence Declaration from our auditors, Thompsons Australia has been obtained.

4. The members of the committee at the 30 June 2012 are: C. Atherton (President & Public Officer)G. Keddie (Vice President)H. Fowler (Secretary)J. Sneddon (Treasurer) C. BrownA. Dally J.Durling D. Power M.Willis

5. The principal activities of the association during the year were: Public and Individual Education and advocacy in the area of Arthritis and Osteoporosis treatment and management.

6. The net profit for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 after providing for depreciation of$4,653 was $12,898.

Signed on behalf of the Committee by:

...Jt...... F;.........Committee MemberName: 1\""'- '<' \'e><"Date: '24-jC\ It

c :t.......Name: GALL. D I€Date: ;J. !.f J I r 2.


The Arthritis FoW dation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Reportfor2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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Ihe Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


Page 30: Microsoft Word - Annual Report Web viewOur Constitution makes provision for honorary membership to be conferred “on persona who by virtue. ... Joy Lane and Doreen ... Microsoft Word

;:: .of


pre,pa;red lor !lis,!Fibution to !he members" WE! di!iol21imreliillnO!f this or oo lhe financiilll

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The Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011 -2012

ABN 67 099 326 608

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ThE; llrthrilis Foundidion of the Northern Tmit"')' Inc.Pmlit ""d LMs S t

Fa the Year ended 3il June 2012

2012 2[111$ $

!lrlteresl Coorses Donalolls FlillfllesGOII'emmmt Sumidlies & Gr:!lnts









Ihe Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory IncorporatedAnnual Report for 2011-2012

ABN 67 099 326 608


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