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Issue 1

Autumn 2013

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Model: Annamarie Dollie Dore

Photography and

Post Production: JB Images


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Letter From The Editor

Hello Fellow Artists!

Welcome to the First Issue of Merciless Beauty


I am so pleased to be bringing this new and di-

verse style of magazine to the public eye. I was in-

spired to create this after hearing so many other

magazines were rejecting good Art simply on the

basis of the Editor not being keen on the work sub-

mitted, no matter how high the quality of the Art


I’m hoping to change this .

As we all know Art is subjective, what you enjoy and what someone else will like are al-

ways going to be different. This is where I want to see things change. This magazine is

for you and I want you to see what you like, the team here at Merciless Beauty will not

reject any work simply because of our opinion of the work, we may not accept work if

it’s technically not good quality, but never will we reject work because of our own per-

sonal opinion on the style of work itself.

We call this a Pin board style magazine for a reason, go and look at your own pin board,

what do you see? Ticket stubs from that awesome gig you attended? A poem that you

loved and wanted to read again? An article from the newspaper you read every day?

Does everything on your pin board follow a particular theme? I doubt it.

Too many magazines want to create and follow a certain theme every issue. Not us. We

will show you what is being produced in the moment, not what you produced 3 months

ago that you have been holding onto until that Romance or Horror issue is finally being


We want to know what you are producing right now, and I’m sure you want to see what

everyone is working on at this very moment. So make a cup of tea (or coffee) and step

Many Thanks

R.aven-Lily Editor Image: H Matthew Howarth

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Model: Lilly Kupra

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Double 8 Photography

"I am a female photographer from West Sussex who has been working with models for over a year and I enjoy the challenge of producing interesting images. However it's al-ways good to experiment and try something a little different. My normal style is very soft and includes a lot of depth of field, so this time I decided to try something a little more gritty and stark. I had an idea of working on some dramatic head shots in black and white. The props were a lace mask and a black feather collar. It was also important to look at the aspect of light concerning these images and so I took my reflectors along with the intention of experimenting with them. I met Lilly Krupa in Chichester and we went to the location which was the Cloisters at Chichester cathedral. I already had a basic idea and as I got Lilly set up, I was explaining what I was looking to achieve. She understood the concept and we got under way. Lilly was amazing and was happy to have me adjust the mask and the feather collar and we managed to get some amazing images. I could not resist softening some of them in Photoshop and giving some of them my trade mark look. But the ones that I am really proud of are the stark black and whites. It took a while to adjust the exposure to really make the images almost burnt and whited out in areas but this was my intention from the beginning." This experiment with the exposure and with light adds to the impact to the original im-age and highlights the mask and eyes. I really like and is different from my normal style. I will be attempting to replicate this again. This time I will be using a male model with facial piercings.

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Cheryl Curtis - Stylist and Designer

Iris Fitzgerald - Model

Anita Kwiat - Hair and Makeup

Jeff Tuliniemi - Photography and Post-production

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Cheryl Curtis - Stylist and Designer

Iris Fitzgerald - Model

Anita Kwiat - Hair and Makeup

Jeff Tuliniemi - Photography and Post-production

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Cheryl Curtis - Stylist and Designer

Iris Fitzgerald - Model

Anita Kwiat - Hair and Makeup

Jeff Tuliniemi - Photography and Post-production

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Cheryl Curtis - Stylist and Designer

Iris Fitzgerald - Model

Anita Kwiat - Hair and Makeup

Jeff Tuliniemi - Photography and Post-production

Jeff Tuliniemi Photography

I travel around the world a lot and enjoy location work as much as working in the studio. I like to keep everything very laid back and make sure everyone involved is comfortable and is a contributor to the creative process. I find by doing this I can draw a lot more out of everyone involved with a shoot. However, when needed, I can direct the scene and keep it focused, but always still fun.

My passion is to create something beautiful, which has drawn me towards fashion

and beauty as two of the areas I like to focus on. I'm also drawn to the challenges

of street and reportage photography and experimenting with various studio

lighting techniques. Finding the right balance and drawing from each of these are-

as allows me to push the boundaries a bit in order to create something fun and in-

teresting. I really enjoy the unique challenges each shoot or assignment brings.

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Lily Loves Photography

Lily Loves Photography is the brain child of our very own Editor


After spending so much time in front of the camera she decided to step be-

hind it and experiment herself and she loves being able to experience it

first hand.

She has always admired the Wildlife and Landscape images that she saw in

her travels and meetings with all the Photographers she posed for.

She quickly adapted well to the technology involved and happily spends

hours just capturing beautiful scenery or the wildlife living in her town.

She is trying her hand at Portraiture after learning about it as a Model and

is keen to try shooting Models soon.

She isn't your usual Photographer by any means, refusing to look at back

of camera preview screens or even using Photoshop, she relies heavily on

guesswork and simple editors to do as little as possible to not take away

from the original image first captured.

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Samantha Yore Photography

Samantha Yore is an 18 year old Photographer based in Kent.

Her work has rapidly increased in skill and quality over the past

few months and we hope to see a lot more from her in the

near future.

Model Below: Kathleen

Model Above: Melissa

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Trichotillomania Awareness

Merciless Beauty were so pleased to be approached by Raven-

Blakh Photography and Model Violet White about a shoot they

had done for a condition called Trichotillomania. Raven and

Violet tell us more.


One of the main problems trichotillomania sufferers face is a cripplingly low

self esteem. Those with the disorder often choose to hide under hats, wigs,

and excuses to hide their hair pulling from others, in fear if ridicule or disbe-

lief. This relatively unknown disorder affects more people than you would

think, and many with it don't even know that what they feel has a name,

and that they are not alone. I felt isolated for years, not understanding my

condition, believing that was just 'me', and it was only when others started

to notice my hair pulling that the 'habit' I had so desperately tried to hide

was real. While perhaps not a life threatening disorder in its own right,

trichotillomania can be a life destroyer. Experiencing this alone can worsen

the condition, and the impact it can have on ones self esteem (leading to, or

worsening pre existing anxiety or depression) is often tremendous. There is

no set treatment for trichotillomania, nor a certain understanding of the

causes, as every persons experiences are different. By producing these im-

ages, we hope that others with the condition will find peace in knowing that

it does not define them, and that those unaware of the condition can learn

a little so that others too may learn about it. The more people know, the

less we have to hide - with support from family, friends, and peers, trichotil-

lomania can be something that people understand and support

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Violet White:

1st - 7th October each year is Trichotillomania awareness week. As a Model with Trichotillomania raising awareness for this condition is very important to me. Trichotillomania is a body focused repetitive be-haviour which compels the suffer to pull their hair out. This can be hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic area, underarms, beard, chest, legs or other parts of the body. Not everyone who has trichotillomania has the same experience. Please see The Trichotil-lomania learning centre for more information:

The reason we decided to do this shoot was not only to raise a awareness but as trichotillomania can completely destroy your self confidence we wanted to remind people that they are still beautiful and they dont need to hide. The more people that get a better under-standing of this condition the more people wont feel the need to hide.

Photographer: RavenBlakh Photography

Model: Violet White

Designer: Re-Fashioned

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