  • 7/31/2019 Memorandum Article 9 and NY Trust Law Vers Published


    Ronald Ryan

    Ronald Ryan PCAttorney at Law1413 E. Hedrick DriveTucson, Arizona 85719(520)298-3333 fax: (520)743-1020

    [email protected] #018140 Pima County #65325




    Source, see March 29, 2011, Draft Report of the Permanent Editorial Board on the

    UCC Rules Applicable to the Assignment of Mortgage Notes and to the Ownership

    and Enforcement of Those Notes and the Mortgages Securing Them, plusintroductory letter from Board Chairman


    The security interest follows ownership of the Loan/Note. This rule has been

    codified in ARS 33-817. The transfer of any contract or contracts secured by a trust

    deed shall operate as a transfer of the security for such contract or contracts. The

    phrase transfer of any contract, does not refer to transfer of the right to enforce the

    Note, or holder status, it means transfer of ownership of the Loan.2

    UCC Article 3

    applies to the right to enforce promissory notes, but not to the ownership of notes, no

    1 See





    2 "Contract", as distinguished from "agreement", means the total legal obligation that results

    from the parties' agreement as determined by this title [UCC Art. 9] as supplemented by anyother applicable laws. ARS 47-1201 (B)(12).

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    to the right to enforce the deed of trust rights incident to the sale of said notes. Article

    9 applies to sales of negotiable and non-negotiable promissory notes. UCC 9-109(a)(3)

    ARS 47-9109(A)(3). [Article 9] applies to. . . a sale of . . . promissory notes. Id

    Ownership of the Loan/Note is required to enforce a mortgage and being the holder of a

    note is insufficient. Exhibit M, p. 82. It must be borne in mind that in this context

    definitions used are unexpected and should be studied.3

    The rightful purchaser of a

    Loan/Note that is secured by a deed of trust in real estate obtains the security interest.

    The attachment of a security interest in a right to payment or

    performance secured by a security interest or other lien on

    personal or real property is also attachment of a security interest

    in the security interest, mortgage or other lien.

    ARS 47-9203(G); See also, as stated, ARS 33-817. However, in order to transfer

    the security in the mortgage, there must be a true and valid sale of the


    For there to be a true sale, it must be complete, which requires

    complete divestiture by the seller to the buyer, such that the sale is legally

    enforceable between them.

    3 See "Debtor" means . . . A seller of . . . promissory notes. . . ARS 47-9102(A)(28)(b).

    "Secured party" means. . . a person to which . . . promissory notes have been sold. ARS 47-9102(A)(71)(d). "Security interest" . . . includes any interest of a . . . buyer of a promissory

    note in a transaction that is subject to [UCC Article 9]. ARS 47-1201(B)(35); "Securityagreement" means an agreement that creates or provides for a security interest.. ARS 47-9102(A)(72). "Collateral" means . . promissory notes that have been sold. ARS 47-

    9102(A)(12)(b).4 Error! Main Document Only.As used here, Mortgage is synonymous with the deed of

    trust security interest. "Mortgage" means a consensual interest in real property, includingfixtures, that secures payment or performance of an obligation. ARS 47-9102(A)(55).

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    A security interest attaches to collateral when it becomes

    enforceable against the debtor with respect to the collateral, unless

    an agreement expressly postpones the time of attachment.

    ARS 47-9203(A). For the sale to be complete, three criteria must be met to

    validly sell a loan/note, and the mortgage that goes with it, such that the buyer

    (secured party) can enforce the mortgage against the homeowner. They are set

    forth in ARS 47-9203(B). The first two are substantive and are extremely

    important. First, the buyer does not have a security interest on the homeowners

    property and the mortgage cannot be enforced by the loan/note buyer or their

    agents, unless the loan/note was purchased for value. Second, the buyer does

    not have a security interest on the homeowners property and the mortgage

    cannot be enforced by the loan/note buyer or their agents, unless loan/note was

    purchased from a party that owned the loan/note and mortgage, and was the

    holder or otherwise had the right to transfer the note.

    [A] Security interest is enforceable against the debtor and third

    parties with respect to the collateral only if: 1. Value has been

    given; 2. The debtor has rights in the collateral or the power to

    transfer rights in the collateral to a secured party; and [the third

    criterion is met].

    ARS 47-9203(B)(1) and (2). The third criterion can be met in one of two ways.

    The buyer of the loan/note has a document transferring ownership of the note to

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    the buyer that has been signed by the seller, or the buyer has possession of the


    One of the following conditions is met: (a) The debtor hasauthenticated a security agreement that provides a description of

    the collateral . . . ; (b) The collateral is in the possession of the

    secured party under section 47-9313 pursuant to the debtor's

    security agreement.

    ARS 47-9203(B)(3).5

    In addition to the above, in order to pursue non-judicial

    foreclosure proceedings under the deed of trust, if there is not a valid assignment

    of deed of trust of record, the purchaser of the loan/note and mortgage may,

    prior to the recording of the notice of trustee sale, record the document

    evidencing the sale of the loan/note and a sworn affidavit that the secured party

    is entitled to enforce the mortgage nonjudicially.

    If necessary to enable a secured party to exercise under subsection

    A, paragraph 3 of this section the right of a debtor to enforce a

    mortgage nonjudicially, the secured party may record in the office

    in which a record of the mortgage is recorded: 1. A copy of the

    security agreement that creates or provides for a security interest

    in the obligation secured by the mortgage; and 2. The secured

    party's sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that: (a) A default

    has occurred; and (b) The secured party is entitled to enforce the

    mortgage nonjudicially.

    5 "Authenticate" means: (a) To sign; or (b) To execute or otherwise adopt a symbol, or encrypt

    or similarly process a record in whole or in part, with the present intent of the authenticatingperson to identify the person and adopt or accept a record. ARS 47-9102(A)(7).

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    ARS 47-9607(B). Obviously, if the party executing the Affidavit does not qualify

    pursuant to ARS 47-9203(B)(1) and (2), and all other relevant provisions, they

    would be committing perjury. Such affidavits must surely be challengeable on

    cross-examination and with controverting evidence. We must be allowed to

    discover proof that they truly purchased for value the Note from the party that

    owned in previously.

    The application of the above UCC Article 9 provisions to a transaction that

    falls within its scope cannot be avoided by agreement. Furthermore, UCC Article

    9 trumps common law. UCC Report, p2-3, fn 7-8; ARS 47-9602; ARS 47-1302.

    /s/ Ronald Ryan

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