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Media: Media is a platform to present oneself to the outside world. The most effective way with maximum potency to encap-sulate the activities concerning media is through “CAPTURE”. “ What media does is “capture” and “present”, be it in the form of an imagery, a video or a piece of literary work. The word “cap-ture” has a strong connotation to camera and it goes without saying that one ought to have a camera to capture moments.

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Ranking: Ranking, in literal terms, means having a definite po-sition in a hierarchy or scale. However, with the passage of time, ranking is now being more closely associated with depicting one’s relative position with respect to others. In other words, it means leading by competing. Olympics, the epitome of competition, has a rich history of leading by competing. Ranks are attributed to those who achieve the top three positions. According to Greek traditions, in ancient times, Olive wreath, also known as kotinos, was given to the Olympics winner as a prize. There used to be only one winner per event, crowned with an olive wreath made of wild Olive leaves of a sacred tree near the temple of Zeus at Olympia. Therefore, Olive wreath signifies not only signifies competition, but also represents the zenith achieved in the competition.

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Golden Ratio: Golden ratio, mathematically expressed as Fibo-nacci series, holds a vast number of examples in the nature of real world. This ratio can be observed in the human anatomy, natural creatures like the shell of a snail, petals of a flower etc. The ratio is said to have the perfect harmony of design and aesthetics. This fact was discovered by the Greeks long ago and has been ap-plied in the plethora of their creations since, many of which have earned global acclaim.

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During the conceptualization, it was decided that the logo needs to be minimalistic in nature. Therefore, only the strongest diagnostic cues were taken from the in-spiration elements and framed around the golden ratio concept.

Camera: Strongest diagnostic cue of a camera is its lens. Silhouette of camera was taken and a simplification procedure was performed later.

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Olive Wreath Crown: Strongest diagnostic cue are the leaves woven on a round frame. Simplification of the silhouette was performed.

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Golden Ratio: The common elements of the diagnostic cues from both the objects were drawn and a harmony was achieved on the basis of golden ratio concept.


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MRRC (Acronym): Continuous one-string concept depicts the seamless integration of all the activities undertaken.

Media Relations and Ranking Committee: The font chosen depicts modernity, technology and professionalism.

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Blue signifies trust and professionalism. It is the color of sky and sea. And often associated with the depth and stability.

There is formation of a letter “R” out of the negative space of the mascot . R stands for media RELATIONS and RANKING.

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1) The colors are not sacrosanct as one can change the colors to best suit the col-or of the background where the logo is to be used, therefore giving more flexibility. However, one is not supposed to disturb the integrity of the logo by changing either the proportion of the three key elements i. e. the mascot, the acronym and the full name of the committee or the font of any of the texts. Also the color of all the three elements has to be same in all the circum-stances.

2) For black and white platforms, the col-ors of all the key elements will be white. This logo cannot be used elsewhere except for the black and white platforms.

3) Except for SMM profile pictures where only mascot will be attached along with the acronym as depicted, the logo has to be posted with all its constituent elements in all the platforms, until stated otherwise. The logo has to be posted with all its con-stitutent elements as depicted above. how-ever, the color may vary keeping in mind that the color of all the three elements has to be same in all cases.







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