Page 1: Media institution might distribute media product (2)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

After comparing the two websites (above) which show the best horror films, I have picked out the movies that both agree with.

These are: The Exorcist (Warner Bros.), Shaun of the Dead (Universal Pictures), 28 Days Later (20th Century Fox), Drag me to Hell (Universal Pictures), The Cabin in the Woods (Lionsgate), Peeping Tom (Anglo- Amalgamated Film Distributors) and Rosemary’s Baby (Paramount Pictures).

By looking at the list the media institution that might distribute our media product is Warner Brothers. This is because they have distributed “The Exorcist” which is based on possessed people and psychological events. The movie has similar themes and idea to our product however there are only slight changes to the storyline. In the movie the mother is trying to save the child but in our product, there isn’t anything like this as it is only a opening scene. “The Exorcist” got best picture and one of the highest- grossing films of all time which shows us an estimate of how popular physiological movies are. Warner Brothers are a large distributing company that have a lot of success and because of this, they can advertise our product to a mass audience. By doing this, our product will have a larger audience and could be distributed in commercial cinemas.

Another media institution that might distribute our product is Paramount Pictures as “Rosemary’s Baby” also has demonic events and people. This movie clearly links to our product because the main character’s mother is possessed and in the movie the child is. Paramount Pictures are also a large distributing company because it is one of the oldest surviving companies and so many people will recognise it. As they will know the company there is more chance that they will go ahead and view our product. Also the company is large and well- known enough to have massive advertisements to promote our media product so we can have a huge audience.

Both Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers could distribute our media product because their previous works involved psychological and demonic movies. These have had a lot of success. So from this, our product will have more of a chance to get the right advertisement and be promoted reasonably well in order to have a diverse audience from different age groups.

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