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Evaluation 3

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

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IntroductionThroughout the whole process of creating our promotional

package, from initial plans to the completed product, collecting audience feedback was a very important aspect. First of all we created a target audience, which consisted of males and females aged 13-24. Once we had developed this target audience we could begin to address members of the target audience with questionnaires, surveys and other tools that enabled them to give us feedback on certain stages of our production. We felt that despite our products being aimed primarily at our target audience, we did not want to exclude other members of the audience so we carried out audience feedback with people who did not fit into our target audience as well. Our audience feedback we received helped us understand our audience more and allow us to make changes to our products to enhance them and meet demands of our audience feedback.

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Audience Feedback For Music Video

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Throughout the stage of pre-production of our music video we confronted both our target audience and members outside out target audience for feedback for several stages. Firstly we created a questionnaire that we handed out asking our clients to state which conventions they would most likely associate with acoustic music videos and what they would like to see in an acoustic music video. The questionnaire and results can be seen by clicking “here”. We asked questions about locations, camera shots, video structure, characters and more.

From the results we obtained we planned how we could incorporate the most popular conventions and demands into our music video storyboard and ultimately into our music video so it will appeal more to the audience.

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Below you can see which changes we made as a result of the audience feedback we obtained from the questionnaire.

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We created a short video on how our shot list was influenced by our audience feedback. You can view this video by clicking “here”

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First edit.Kenny and I posted a rough first edit of our music video onto the video-sharing site Youtube. With the video upload we were able to post the link to our friends, other people in our college and people outside college using the social networking site Facebook to share the link. We asked people to watch the music video and then write a little comment on what they thought of the music video. We also sent an email to BBC Norfolk Introducing producer Gary Standley asking him to comment on our music video. The first edit of the music video can be seen by clicking “here”.

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The comments we received from Youtube members as a result of uploading the first edit our music video gave us more audience feedback. We read all of the comments and thought about changes we could make in order to meet the wishes of the audience.

We created a document addressing the comments and the changes we made to our music video. You can see this document by clicking “here”

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We decided it would be a good idea to receive more audience feedback on the first edit of our music video. Hence we arranged for a viewing in college in the media classroom. We had a turnout of around 20 people, all of which who were in our target audience as they were students, so this method was ideal for us. We created another short questionnaire that we handed out to the audience and then screen them the music video. The questionnaire asked questions such as “On a scale of 1 to 10, how professional would you say our music video looks”. For this question we scored at average rating of 8.5 which we were really pleased about and gave us confidence that our music video appealed to our target audience. Another question asked “ Do you think that the use of a colour filter would enhance the look of the narrative section of the music video?”

One of the biggest and most noticeable changes we made to our music video was by adding a colour filter throughout.

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The majority of people who answered our questionnaire said that a colour filter would enhance the narrative section of our music video. More in depth answers stated that a summery filter such as a filter high in yellows and browns who help give a more summery feel to it. As the theme of summer is a convention of an acoustic music video, as well as being a demand of our target audience, we felt that the use of a colour filter would be an appropriate change to our music video to make it more visually appealing.

You can see the change in colour as a result of a colour filter in the next slide, comparing the original colour to the final edit colour.

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With Colour Filter

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Digipack Audience Feedback

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Kenny and I constructed a small video interviewing members of our target audience asking them questions about the music industry, how they watch music videos and album artwork.

You can view the video by clicking “here”

From these interviews we found out that some of our target audience see the album artwork as a very important aspect, which could ultimately influence whether or not they buy the CD. One candidate stated that “eye catching album artwork is important as when in shops you want a front cover that stands out from the rest”. This being said I wanted to make my album artwork very interesting so it would stand out in a shop, and also to please people in my target audience.

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I created two designs of a digipack along with a questionnaire. I asked members of my target audience and also members who didn’t fit into my target audience to complete both of the questionnaires. From these results I was able to see which design proved most popular and what changes, if any, I needed to make.

You can see the questionnaire and results of the first digipack design by clicking “here”.“here”.

You can see the questionnaire and results of the second digipack design by clicking “here”.“here”.

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The results I obtained for the first digipack design were predominantly negative. They felt that the artwork was dull, inappropriate and also felt that the font was hard to read. This negative feedback straight away made me ditch the idea of the first digipack design. As it did not appeal to my target audience and other members outside my target audience, then it may prevent my chosen artist’s release to be bought, as audience feedback shows that some people are heavily influenced into buying a CD dependant on the album artwork. This is a very negative outcome so I decided not to use the first digipack design in my final piece.

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The audience feedback I received from my second questionnaire on my digipack design 2 were much more positive. The answers stated that the majority of people liked the digipack the way it was, so I felt that any changes was unnecessary. The fact that the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire liked the font, photo and overall look of the digipack gave me confidence that this design would be successful at appealing to both my target audience and members outside of my target audience. This is why I came to the decision to use this digipack design.

You can see the questionnaire and results by clicking “here”.“here”.

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Music Magazine Advert Audience Feedback

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When it came to gathering audience feedback for my magazine advert, I took a similar approach to the way I gathered audience feedback for my digipack. I created an online questionnaire using “Survey Monkey” and gave people the link, accompanied with a printed out version of my magazine advert. As I wanted to have a recurring theme with the digipack and due to the digipack album cover being popular with members of my target audience and people outside my target audience, I decided to use the same photograph of Lewis and use the same font. You can see my questionnaire and the results by clicking “here”“here”

As the majority of people who answered my questionnaire said that they liked it, it encouraged me that it was an effective magazine advert to use. The fact that the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire said that they would associate the magazine advert with the genre of Acoustic music also gives me confidence that the magazine advert is appropriate and effective in representing the genre of my chosen artist.

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ConclusionOn reflection I have learnt a great deal about the importance of audience feedback to help improve my media products and believe that the level of audience feedback I received have had a positive effect on making my final products more appealing to my target audience and people outside of my target audience. Hence, I believe that audience feedback is incredibly important, especially when creating products such as a promotional package for an unsigned artists, as by adding in requirements stated by the audience feedback it can make your product that little bit more appealing and ultimately can contribute towards the audience purchasing your products.

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