  • Global Ideas 2015

    Asia Pacific - General Category Shortlist

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    Eveready Red Alert .................................................................................................................................. 3

    Heart verus Bill ........................................................................................................................................ 5

    Making Dynamo Dynamic ....................................................................................................................... 7

    SingTel - Roam Without Fear ................................................................................................................ 10

    RSPCA Adoption Awareness Drive ........................................................................................................ 12

    smart BoConcept Limited Edition ......................................................................................................... 14

    Stretch or Splurge: Sydney .................................................................................................................... 17

    The Rise of Boo Loo San ........................................................................................................................ 19

    Tom & Bens Singapore Sling ................................................................................................................ 21

    WhatTheBlack ....................................................................................................................................... 23

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    Eveready Red Alert

    Award Category: General Client: Eveready Battery Brand: Eveready Battery Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Philippines MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning, MEC Access Navigator: Industry Sector: Household Paid, Earned, Owned: Paid Spend category in billings: $0 Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Philippines Year: 2015 When did campaign run: Business or consumer insight From super typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009 to the world's strongest typhoon recorded, typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)in 2013, Filipinos headlined global news with stories of calamities and tragedies. Although global aid flooded in, we knew that it would take more than donations to rouse the heavily battered Filipino spirit. Capitalizing on this, we positioned Eveready at the forefront of nation rebuilding to become the trusted battery of the Filipinos. We sparked the Filipino spirit of bayanihan or communal unity to enjoin communities to come together through emergency preparedness. Submission INSIGHT: The Philippines is ravaged by natural calamities year after year. Stories of loss and tragedy headlined global news with the onslaught of super typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009, tropical cyclone Habagat in 2012 and super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in 2013, which flattened towns and left thousands of families homeless. While the nation may have been battered, we knew that it would take a spark of Filipino bayanihan spirit (communal unity) to build the nation anew./ CHALLENGE:

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    Eveready had to weather its own challenge as the market leader. The brand needed to sustain its image as the battery trusted by Filipinos despite the flooding of cheaper and generic batteries in the market. / PLAN OF ATTACK: Millions worth of global aid were already pouring in, but more than sending donations, Eveready wanted to recharge the hope of the nation. The strategy was to leverage on the national clamor for rebuilding and rehabilitating typhoon-hit areas./ IDEA AND ACTIVATION: 'Armed and ever ready with an E-Balde (Emergency Bucket)' MEC awakened the Filipino spirit of bayanihan or communal unity towards a common goal by enjoining families and community leaders to empower each other through emergency preparedness knowledge. We partnered with the first national emergency preparedness news program, RED ALERT, to spread a national consciousness of being ever ready through practical household solutions and life hacks. Launched through the countrys FIRST EMERGENCY EXPO, over 450 volunteers signed up for emergency response workshops and basic martial arts. The expo educated over 100 communities on how to prepare their own E-Balde (Emergency Balde) or Emergency Bucket, an arsenal of household items needed for storm survival and first aid. WEEKLY EMERGENCY ALERTS were aired on free TV, featuring tutorials to arm individuals with the necessary level of preparedness to deal with lifes emergencies. Headlined by TV reporter Atom Araullo who gained popularity from covering calamities, the TV alerts became a lifeline for many Filipinos./ EVALUATE AND COURSE CORRECT: The campaign fortified Evereadys leadership as the battery trusted by Filipinos, with a significant increase in spontaneous brand awareness. It transformed 100 communities and contributed to the overall improvement of national disaster preparedness of Filipinos. Eveready has successfully sealed its long-standing spot in the hearts of Filipino households as the dependable brand in times of emergencies, and more powerfully, a catalyst to nation building. /


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    Heart verus Bill

    Award Category: General Client: CitiBank Brand: CitiBank Credit Cards Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): India MEC Department:

    Buying/Implemention/Trading, Integrated Planning/Communications Planning, MEC Interaction/Digital/Social/Search/Mobile

    Navigator: Industry Sector: Financial & consulting Paid, Earned, Owned:

    Owned, Paid

    Spend category in billings:


    Submitter's region:

    Asia Pacific

    Submitter's country:


    Year: 2015 When did campaign run:

    Business or consumer insight The festival of Diwali has become about shopping where gifts and exchanged and the family gets new clothes, durables etc. However there is a great reluctance to use credit cards for fear of overspending. Therefore there is a constant tussle between the heart and the wallet. (Heart versus Bill) Unfortunately, the wallet wins. Submission Challenge: Citi cards were offering attractive EMI offers on purchases during the Diwali period. Our challenge was to increase usage from existing users and from dormant/lapsed users. The campaign message urged consumers to let their heart decide to buy what they wanted as the EMI scheme would manage their finances To take full advantage of this festival and messaging, we had only 5 days to execute this campaign i.e. the week of Diwali Plan of Attack: Citi advertising will chase big ticket, consumer durable advertising on the DIGITAL space. For example, where SONY was advertising their mobile phone, Citi would be present as a tag-on banner ad, with a contextually relevant message Today dont let the Bill decide, buy whatever your heart desires.

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    Idea/Activation: Consumer durable and electronics were the top categories where the EMI options was most relevant. We worked with top publishers (Yahoo, Network 18, Times Internet etc.) to arrive at a calendar for each Advertiser and their campaign timing. Apple, SONY, Canon, HP and Micromax Mobiles were slated to do big campaigns during that time. Then we checked if there were any ad slots available on the same page as these advertisers or if we can create new ad slots. We finalized three options: 1.Fixed Chaser Purchased a fixed ad spot on the same page as the other advertiser. 2.First Impression Remarketing Chaser If an advertiser from our target categories is taking a Home Page fixed roadblock (Full page rich media ad), the next ad that any person would see in the internal pages would be from Citibank. 3.Email Chaser If any advertiser from our target category was taking a Yahoo Email Login page fixed billboard property, the first ad after login from that page was from Citibank 4.Sectional Buy We purchased all Mobile and Laptop sections of CompareIndia, (product review website) Evaluate: Overall home page visits went up by 176% during campaign period Fixed Chaser: On IBNLive, SONY was advertising its XPERIA range. The CTR was 0.27%, even better than what SONY Xperia got First Impression Remarketing Chaser: Amazon was promoting its Mobile and Laptop range on Yahoo Homepage site takeover. The CTR was 0.31% from the same activity. Email Chaser: We delivered over 21 Mn Impressions and about 30K traffic on Citibanks EMI offer page The campaign was a great planning and strategic example for other clients as well and almost every client is looking forward to do the same.


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    Making Dynamo Dynamic

    Award Category: General Client: Colgate Brand: Dynamo Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Australia MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning Navigator: Industry Sector: Household Paid, Earned, Owned: Paid Spend category in billings: $0 Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Australia Year: 2015 When did campaign run: Business or consumer insight When it comes to her kids, Mum is a one-eyed supporter Idea: Supporting from every side line We partnered with the biggest kids sports site in the country Fox Sports Pulse, reaching 1.7 million Parents every week. We developed smart versioned banners. A world first technology, where every banner is its own HTML5 website. 1.2 Million creative messages were produced with a CTR of 7x higher then industry standards, plus we grew market share! Submission INSIGHT In the battle for laundry detergent supremacy, the fight was getting dirty. Dynamo was being outspent 3:1 by its biggest competitor. Unlike OMO, Dynamo had no emotional connection with Australian Mums. TASK 1. Halt Dynamos share decline 2. Advance the creative agency idea of Come back fresh every game day Marketing Challenge Our task was clear: build an emotional connection with Aussie Mums, increasing consideration by 7% and maintaining Dynamos tenuous #1 position. Strategy Consumer Insight When it comes to her kids, Mum is a one-eyed supporter Communications Strategy

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    IDEA: Supporting from every side line Dynamo joins every Aussie mum in supporting her childs team. Personally. Every advertising line we would deliver for Dynamo would be a personal message of support every week to every kids sporting team in the country. EXECUTION We partnered with the biggest kids sports site in the country Fox Sports Pulse. 1.7 million Parents visit Fox Sports Pulse every week to view fixtures and results. This is not just one big community, but thousands of small communities. We developed smart/dynamically versioned banners. A world first technology, where every banner is essentially its own HTML5 website. These ad units scan the page they are on, identifying relevant information, pulling it into the banner to make hyper-personalised messaging. We were scanning for 17 different variables e.g Team name, wins/losses, the sports code for visuals etc Over 1.2 million unique ads were served to Aussie Mums, customised for their childs team. Literally the biggest targeted ad campaign in category history. THE RESULTS We smashed it out of the park! 1.2 million Different banners/lines were dynamically produced! Banner click through rates was 7X higher then industry norms. The business goal was to maintain share we grew share. Consideration increased by 57%. Dynamos Buy Now score increased by 10%. Fox Sports, a leading Australian broadcaster, was so impressed with our Sporting Pulse initiative that they acquired the site, renaming it Fox Sports Pulse. A great testimony to the sites scale and depth as a sporting community, and a great win for all of the stakeholders in the campaign. Who says mums are hard to reach? You just need to talk to her when her kid is at his muddiest.

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    SingTel - Roam Without Fear

    Award Category: General Client: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Brand: SingTel Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Singapore MEC Department: Buying/Implemention/Trading, Integrated

    Planning/Communications Planning Navigator: Industry Sector: TelComms Paid, Earned, Owned: Owned, Paid Spend category in billings:


    Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Singapore Year: 2015 When did campaign run:

    Business or consumer insight Driven by an irrational fear of receiving a shocking phone bill due to data roaming charges, data-addicted Singaporean travellers have developed coping behaviours like hunting for free Wi-Fi spots and swapping out their SIM cards for local prepaid ones while on a trip. Submission Outbound travel from Singapore was growing at an average of 5.3% annually, but SingTel data roaming subscription growth was only averaging at 2%. Our challenge was to break out of historical norms and generate a 5% increase. This was no easy task, not because these subscribers did not use data overseas, but because they had developed coping behaviours like hunting for free Wi-Fi spots and swapping out their SIM cards for local prepaid ones. These behaviours was driven by horror stories of others receiving a shocking phone bill due to data roaming charges, learnt via word-of-mouth or media coverage. We knew we had to break this psychological barrier of bill shock. We wanted to show how peoples current behaviours around getting data overseas were actually symptoms of a kind of phobia which we uniquely called Roamaphobia the fear of bill shock arising from data roaming charges. Our strategy focused on dramatising the irrationality of Roamaphobia by helping people realise the ridiculousness of these coping behaviours, especially when there was an easy way to get unlimited data at $15/day. We created four quirky Roamaphobe personas that Singaporeans could relate to - the Wi-Fi Hunter, Caf Dweller, SIM Swapper and the Latergramm-er. We dramatised the symptoms these Roamaphobes exhibited on overseas travel, then showed how SingTels data roaming plan was the antidote to help them to Roam without fear.

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    We identified key touch points in both the passive and active stages of the consumers travel journey to amplify the personas. Passive Stage: We targeted our Roamaphobia video, introducing and personifying the four Roamaphobe types, to people interested in travel via Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Partnering with a local lifestyle magazine 8 Days, we created editorial content on celebrities roaming habits to provide context. We leveraged real-time Opinion Targeting on mobile to quiz consumers on how they stayed connected overseas to determine the type of Roamaphobe they were and retargeted them with the right messages. Active Stage: We focused on touch points including airline and price comparison sites - where travellers were actively searching and booking their travel plans to prime outbound travellers to activate data roaming. We gave a final nudge to the departing travelers at travel exit points - on e-Itineraries and boarding passes. The campaign was a phenomenal success! Data roaming penetration increased from 26% to 32%, outperforming historical increases by 300%.


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    RSPCA Adoption Awareness Drive

    Award Category: General Client: RSPCA Queensland Brand: RSPCA Queensland Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Australia MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning Navigator: Industry Sector: Charities Paid, Earned, Owned: Paid Spend category in billings: $0 Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Australia Year: 2015 When did campaign run: Business or consumer insight Potential adopters fear that animals will be damaged by bad experiences and are concerned that you cant truly connect with an old animal. However people who have adopted a pet are huge advocates and believe the connection with an adopted animal is stronger. Insight: The perceived risk is abated when someone you know has done it before and had a positive experience. Our campaign needed to demonstrate that RSPCA animals make great pets. Authenticity was key, so the campaign focused on showcasing real stories of how everyday Queenslanders have benefited from bringing an RSPCA pet into their lives. Submission CHALLENGE RSPCA animal shelters throughout Queensland continue to fill to capacity at key times of the year. Quite literally, theres nowhere to swing a cat. RSPCA desperately needed to increase adoption rates, but there were two significant barriers to overcome: a.Low awareness. Many potential new pet owners didnt know about pet adoption from animal shelters b.Negative perception. A lack of education meant that adopting pets from shelters was considered a risk INSIGHT Potential adopters fear that animals will be damaged by bad experiences and are concerned that shelter pets wont fit into their lives. However people who have adopted a pet are huge advocates and believe the connection with an adopted animal is stronger. Theyre so passionate, theyre willing to tell the world their adoption stories.

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    Insight: The perceived risk is abated when someone you know has done it before and had a positive experience. SOLUTION Real stories, not clever scripts. Everyday Queenslanders, not skilled actors. We commissioned a moving video showcasing the story of Darcy, a Staffie-Kelpie cross, and Brisbane mechanic Sam. It told how Sam had benefited from bringing an RSPCA pet into his life. TV, Cinema, and online video were identified as the key channels to provide scale, conveying this powerful and authentic message to an engaged audience. Social media was critical to building a higher level of trust and belief. So a call-to-action on all executions urged other adopters to share their stories. #myRSPCApet RESULTS In just six weeks the campaign achieved outstanding media and business results. Queenslanders embraced the testimonials with over 400 personal adoption stories shared. Over 80,000 video views on Facebook and YouTube with strong engagement of 2.64% - nearly three times the industry standard. The sRSPocial media campaign reached over 640,000 people with over 10K likes, shares and comments. Thats our whole audience of potential adopters 1.8 times each! A media investment of $88,000 became $399,308 worth of media value for this worthy cause. Most importantly, by the midway point we saw the highest weekly adoption levels - 112% higher than average weekly adoption rates. Chief Marketing Officer RSPCA Qld, Christian Bowman said We were very pleased with the campaign that MEC provided to us, as this helped us utilise our limited budget and creative resource to its fullest potential, resulting in a really successful campaign.


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    smart BoConcept Limited Edition

    Award Category: General Client: Smart Brand: smart Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): China MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning, MEC

    Interaction/Digital/Social/Search/Mobile Navigator: Industry Sector: Automotive Paid, Earned, Owned:

    Earned, Paid

    Spend category in billings:


    Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: China Year: 2015 When did campaign run:

    Business or consumer insight In a country where normally bigger and more expensive gives you bragging rights, and you want to sell a smart little car How did we achieve an ROI of 53:1 in 3 minutes? We realized that social currency beats bigger and more expensive. For our target audience, being able to show off is as, or more, important than the product itself. Submission Each year since 2010 (except 2011) we've partnered smart with different online platforms and, through campaigns, successfully (each campaign) sold between 200-666 smart cars in between 1.5-8.5 hours. CHALLENGE This year smart aimed to sell 388 BoConcept Limited Edition cars through an 8 day long digital campaign, and drive offline sales during April. In China where normally 'bigger and more expensive' gives you bragging rights, we needed with this tiny little car to create an experience worthy of our target audiences attention and action.

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    INSIGHT For our target audience social currency is as, or more, important than the product itself. PLAN OF ATTACK Move our thinking from category to culture and create China's first mobile commerce campaign. IDEA AND ACTIVATION We turned to the device and platform where our target audience lives and acts - mobile and WeChat - creating a full eco-system where they could experience, share and buy the car, without having to leave their mobile phones. We invited our audience to engage with a 360 degree virtual car exhibition on mobile, allowing exploration of smarts fine design elements, encouraging posting and sharing on WeChat. We offered pre-registration, with a 999 RMB deposit, on WeChat 1 week before the final online sale. To ensure offline conversion, smart dealers followed up these sales leads within 24 hours, inviting them to visit the dealership. On sales day, targeted display ads and WeChat push-messages functioned as last minute reminders and triggers to purchase. Pre-registered users could buy the smart BoConcept car conveniently with only one click. RESULTS Between April 14th and April 21st in 2014 388 smart cars were sold out in less than 3 minutes, achieving a generous ROI of 53:1. More than 6,600 sales leads were collected within the week of the campaign. Of these, more than 25% placed deposit in less than 24 hours. Over 700,000 users engaged with the online Virtual Car Exhibition and generated almost 17.5 million reposts on Wechat. 1,810 new brand followers were recruited on smart WeChat official account through the campaign. Approximately 80,000 media reports around the event were generated Total offline sales in April 2014 increased by over 23% year-on-year.

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    Stretch or Splurge: Sydney

    Award Category: General Client: Scoot Pte Ltd Brand: Scoot Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Singapore MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning, MEC Access Navigator: Industry Sector: Travel & tourism Paid, Earned, Owned: Earned, Owned, Paid Spend category in billings: $400,000 Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Singapore Year: 2015 When did campaign run: Business or consumer insight Stretch or Splurge Sydney, an original reality webisode series created by MEC, became the first media campaign to generate unprecedented incremental revenue for Scoot! Sydney was losing favour as a holiday destination amongst Singaporeans. Many felt there was nothing Sydney could offer for a repeat visit. Others perceived Sydney as an expensive destination that burns a big hole in their pockets. As consumers became increasingly sophisticated, they demanded greater flexibility in travel. Some fly low-cost to splurge on hotels or shopping, so we empowered them with the knowledge to mix and match their Sydney itinerary to build the perfect holiday. Submission How could Scoot, an airline that promises to put fun in travel, encourage consumers to consider Sydney as a preferred holiday destination amidst a landscape of evolving travel preferences? We spoke to our audience, people aged 25-44, to find out what hindered them from choosing Sydney as their holiday destination. The following misconceptions unearthed: 1. Been there, done that! those who visited before did not consider re-visiting as they felt there was nothing else Sydney could offer beyond her iconic attractions. 2. Everythings expensive in Sydney! those who had not visited before were reluctant to, thinking that it would burn a big hole in their wallets. A consumer-perception challenge could not be addressed overnight and Scoot had to overcome this to boost its passenger loads. Earlier marketing efforts with fire-sale airfare had been unsuccessful, gaining little traction from consumers. To entice consumers, it was crucial to empower them, showing how their travel itineraries could be tailored, from booking of air-tickets to ground activities, all within their budgets.

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    Singaporean travellers commence their research online about two months before their intended travel period. We capitalised on our understanding of their research behaviour and disrupted the process by serving them informative yet entertaining packaged info about Sydney, through an online branded content series! Stretch or Splurge Sydney was born a four-part reality webisode series featuring places and activities that were off-the-beaten track, with two hosts experiencing Sydney by stretching every dollar or a splurging on the citys finest. It was brought to life across paid (video networks, free-to-air TV), owned (website, Facebook, Twitter) and earned (influencers blogs, screens within travel agents branches) media. The hosts tossed a coin in each webisode to decide who took the stretch or splurge itinerary. Random challenges for the hosts were crowd-sourced from Scoots social community. As an added incentive to watch, The Price Is Right contest was launched where viewers guessed the price spent on each itinerary, proving that it did not cost a bomb to enjoy Sydney. The webisodes generated 23% increase in Sydney flight searches on Beyond driving consideration, it also contributed to a 6% revenue increase versus last year and a 5% increase in yield per customer since Scoot did not have to provide heavily discounted fares! This campaign went on to win multiple awards - Excellence in Media Strategy by Marketing Magazine and Best Use of Content at the Singapore Media Awards!


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    The Rise of Boo Loo San

    Award Category: General Client: Energizer Malaysia Brand: Schick Exacta 2 Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Malaysia MEC Department: Buying/Implemention/Trading, Integrated

    Planning/Communications Planning Navigator: Industry Sector: Cosmetics & toiletries Paid, Earned, Owned: Earned, Owned, Paid Spend category in billings:


    Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Malaysia Year: 2015 When did campaign run:

    Business or consumer insight For young Malaysian males where image is everything, brands need to do something fresh & unconventional to get noticed, and ultimately accepted. Trying to compete on share of voice is impossible, Schick Exacta needed to outsmart the significantly bigger budgets of its competitor: Gillette. Submission By creating a localized event with humorous content delivered through hyper-relevant channels, Schick was able to emotionally engage young Malays males and counteract the blanket messaging of its competitors. In 2014, the only creative asset available for the launch of Exacta 2 was a regional TV commercial featuring a hero-type, Bruce-Lee lookalike: Exacta Lee. However with every great story, it is crucial to have an antagonist. So MEC created a parallel villain: Boo Loo San (Mr Hair). And this is where the story began. Using tactical media placements, we pitted the two characters against each other in comical conflicts whilst rallying support from young men across Malaysia to help defeat Boo Loo San. As digital natives, we knew Facebook is where our audiences own life stories play out. This made the Schick Facebook page the perfect platform to host this battle between good and evil. We seeded news of the impending Boo Loo San threat with key social influencers to drum up support for Exacta in the form of likes on the Schick Facebook page. We then developed the personalities of each characters through a partnership with top performing radio station Hitz FM. Working with the stations celebrity presenters, we created a series of mock interview with

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    Exacta Lee, only to have Boo Loo San storm the studio each time, resulting in humorous clashes between the characters live on air. At the same time, Schicks Facebook page was hijacked by Boo Loo San with a social battle between the characters unfolding over the next day. This created highly engaging content with members of the Facebook community joining in the fight against Boo Loo San through different social engagements. The campaign succeed in emotionally connecting with Men 18-34 demonstrated by: Schick Exacta recorded its highest ever market share in Malaysia (22.7%) Online campaign engagements exceeded 57,000 and the page engagement rate reach 34%, all for a media spend of less than $7,000 Schicks Facebook page ranked 4th highest for engagement in Malaysia during the campaign period, the first ever Personal Care brand to reach Social Bakers Top 5 MEC has successfully localized a regional campaign making it relevant to our local target audience by speaking their language. Their in-depth understanding of our audience and the dedication shown is reflected on how well people have responded to Boo Loo Sans campaign. Well done! (Carrie Lim, Senior Brand Manager Schick Malaysia)


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    Tom & Bens Singapore Sling

    Award Category: General Client: Singapore Tourism Board Brand: Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): Australia MEC Department: Integrated Planning/Communications Planning Navigator: Industry Sector: Travel & tourism Paid, Earned, Owned: Owned Spend category in billings: $0 Submitter's region: Asia Pacific Submitter's country: Australia Year: 2015 When did campaign run: Business or consumer insight INSIGHT Singapores bland image is a consequence of comms having to appeal to people from all corners of the world. But Australians believe that theyre different. Theyre not ordinary tourists, they like to think that theyre the worlds greatest travellers. When they look at travel sites like Trip Advisor, they dismiss the reviews of other nationalities and seek opinions of their own people. If we wanted the Singapore story to be persuasive to Australians, it would need to be told by Aussies, for Aussies. Submission CHALLENGE Mate, its bloody boring! Just get me through Changi and on to somewhere exciting. That was the opinion of Australian travellers when asked about Singapore. The task: change this perception and increase consideration as a holiday destination, not a mere stopover. INSIGHT Singapores bland image is a consequence of comms having to appeal to people from all corners of the world. But Australians believe that theyre different. Theyre not ordinary tourists, they like to think that theyre the worlds greatest travellers. When they look at travel sites like Trip Advisor, they dismiss the reviews of other nationalities and seek opinions of their own people.

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    If we wanted the Singapore story to be persuasive to Australians, it would need to be told by Aussies, for Aussies. SOLUTION Give a truly Australian perspective on Singapore by developing unique content showcasing what Singapore could offer the Aussie traveller. We commissioned Australias #1 TV network, Seven, to create Tom & Bens Singapore Sling, a 60-minute program hosted by two of Australias most popular personalities. The show highlighted the contrasts and diversity of Singapore from a uniquely Australian perspective. This was more than a one-off prime time broadcast. Promotional content and additional footage were aired across the Seven Network, with extensive in-program coverage in Australias #1 breakfast show Sunrise. The content idea extended to Yahoo! Total Travel. An additional 15 content pieces were created including articles, galleries, competitions and interactive guides to engage people as they looked for information. The PR generated extended across radio, print, on-line, TV and social, with 28 placements including editorial in the Sydney Herald and radio broadcasts on 2DayFM and Nova. This multi-media branded content partnership created an abundance of content for STB and its partners, which continues to live well beyond the campaign period. RESULTS Tom & Bens Singapore Sling was the 7th most watched program for the night. The total combined audience of 1.1 million smashed many regular shows. Digitally, the content achieved over 81,000 views. At 3.5 minutes, the average session time was a full 1 minute longer than the Yahoo! average. But more importantly A quantitative showed that STBs core KPI, consideration as a holiday destination, had doubled from 13% to 26% (source: Hub Insights). By creating content by Aussies, for Aussies, twice as many Australians have Singapore at the top of their holiday wish list. Let me out at Changi mate, Im staying here!


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    Award Category: General Client: Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd Brand: Colgate Slim Soft Charcoal Region(s): Asia Pacific Country(s): India MEC Department:

    Buying/Implemention/Trading, Integrated Planning/Communications Planning, MEC Interaction/Digital/Social/Search/Mobile

    Navigator: Industry Sector: Cosmetics & toiletries Paid, Earned, Owned:

    Earned, Owned, Paid

    Spend category in billings:


    Submitter's region:

    Asia Pacific

    Submitter's country:


    Year: 2015 When did campaign run:

    Business or consumer insight Human Truth#1 Toothbrush is a low-interest, low-involvement category. Its relationship with the consumer only lasts for 5 minutes every morning, that too in his/her passive mind-set. Human Truth#2 People are used to see certain things in a certain way. When they see things in their not so used to way, they gets surprised. It makes them curious. They talk about it. Human Truth#3 Objects in black are considered as premium. Objects in black are considered as classy. Objects in black are considered as modern. Objects in black are considered as sophisticated. Objects in black are considered as elegant.

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    Submission THRIVE is when you put aside conventional wisdom and aim to scale untraversed territories. THRIVE is when you make a category not gone beyond TV & Print in the past 3 years do a launch with digital at the core. Colgate was introducing a unique black toothbrush Colgate Slim Soft Charcoal in India in the super premium niche category with a 0.2% share target by end of 2014. This was a competition stronghold territory where Oral-B was being considered as a modern, advanced & differentiated brand and enjoyed a strong loyal franchise. Challenge: Toothbrush is a low-interest, low-involvement category with virtually no attention arresting capability. How to tackle the category problem while differentiating Colgate offering? Plan of attack: Create something so disruptive that even an everyday object like toothbrush becomes a public talking point. It all started with tricks to put black in the spotlight and make black desirable. Partnering with a blogger directory, we made bloggers write about their most desirable black items. Key opinion leaders started discussing about it on social media warming up the playground. Several key opinion leaders from different fields, e.g. bloggers, media personnel, RJs, and corporate leaders were sent one unique black item every day for 4 days. These were items that we are otherwise accustomed to seeing in white, e.g. black egg, black tissue papers & paper cups, black newspaper, etc. Also, all of them cued to be associated with some morning routine / regimen. Their reaction - #WhatTheBlack! Word spread like wildfire on internet. These unique and interesting cues made everyone trying to connect the dots and demystify #WhatTheBlack. Finally, the mystery unravelled with the influencers receiving the fourth item a pack of Colgate Slim Soft Charcoal. The launch announcement happened across several national and regional dailies and news websites uncovering #WhatTheBlack and Slim Soft Charcoal. Hold on all those newspaper and sites had turned black. Even before a single penny on paid media was spent, #WhatTheBlack had made Colgate Slim Soft Charcoal familiar to 23 mn Indian consumers (saving $260,000 media money) through just 200 KOLs.

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    In order to sustain the earned media momentum, paid media activity started encompassing TV vignettes, print ads across dailies and magazine, in-store promotion, display, mobile, and paid search. Huge demand driven by word of mouth witnessed 2014 market share target achieved just within 2 months and product going out of stock. Year ended 250% above target (0.5% share).


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