  • 7/24/2019 Measurement Scale Questionnaire


    A new graduate hired by the marketing research department of a major telephone company is

    asked to prepare a questionnaire to determine household preferences for telephone calling cards.

    The questionnaire is to be administered in mall-intercept interviews. Using the principles ofquestionnaire design, critically evaluate this questionnaire and comment, which follows

    Household Telephone Calling Card Survey


    ! "our name# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    % Age $$$$$$$$$$

    & 'artial status $$$$$$$$$$$$

    ( )ncome $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    * +hich, if , any, of the following telephone calling cards do you have#

    a. $$$$$$$$ AT T b. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ')

    c. $$$$$$$$ U print d. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ /thers

    0 1ow frequently do you use a telephone calling card#

    )nfrequently 2ery frequently

    ! % & ( * 0 3

    3. +hat do you think of the telephone calling card offered by ATT#


    4. uppose your household were to select a telephone calling card. 5lease rate the

    importance of the following factors in selecting a card.

    6ot important 2ery important

    a ost per call ! % & ( *

    b 7ase of use ! % & ( *

    c 8ocal and long-distance ! % & ( *

    harges included in the

    ame bill

    d 9ebates and discounts on calls ! % & ( *

    e :uality of telephone service ! % & ( *

    f :uality of customer service ! % & ( *

    ; 1ow important is it for a telephone company to offer a calling card#

    6ot important 2ery important

    ! % & ( * 0 3

  • 7/24/2019 Measurement Scale Questionnaire


    !nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio? being used in each of the

    following. 5lease e@plain your reasoning >% marks each?

    a. ) like to solve crossword pules

    =isagree Agree

    ! % & ( *

    ". 1ow old are you# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    #$5lease rank the following activities in terms of your preference by assigning ranks ! >mostpreferred? to * > least preferred?.

    i. 9eading magaines $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    ii. +atching television $$$$$$$$$$$$$$iii. =ating $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    iv. hopping $$$$$$$$$$$$

    v. 7ating out $$$$$$$$$$$$

    d$ +hat is your ocial ecurity number# $$$$$$$$$$$$

    e$ /n an average week day, how much time do you spend doing your homework and class

    assignments#i. 8ess than !* minutes $$$$$$$$$$$

    ii. !* to &< minutes $$$$$$$$$$iii. &! to 0< minutes $$$$$$$$$$

    iv. 0! to !%< minutes $$$$$$$$$$

    v. 'ore than !%< minutes $$$$$$$$$$$$

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