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Meaning and Importance of Christian Baptism

Baptism to Christians is an outward testimony of what to happen in the believer’s life. When

a Christian is baptized, he or she recognizes the life of Jesus Christ. More so, baptism

illustrates the death of Christ, burial and His resurrection. This process is done through the

immersion of the whole body into the water that eventually signifies a lot of things.

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The Highlight of Baptism

Baptism is a perfect symbol that is filled with so much meaning. In the teachings of Paul who

is a Christ’s disciple, a Christian must go through a similar experience to what Jesus Christ

went through in His death, burial and resurrection. With this, during the Christian baptism, the

person’s eyes are closed, his or her arms are on the chest, and the breath should be

suspended – like death. However, it is only for a short while.

The immersion of water signifies the burial. On the other hand, the watery grave means a

new life in Christ Jesus. When the person rises from the waters, the eyes are opened and he

or she breathes again. With this, it will resemble resurrection. Furthermore, the bible tells the

people those who were baptized in Christ, Jesus will live a new life. It is meaningful because

the old ways are gone and new things are in the person. With this, the first gift that he or she

will receive is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will be the constant guide to help a

Christian in his life. He helps the Christian in times of great sorrow and will be the constant

reminder to stay on the path of Christ.

The requirements of Christian Baptism

First and foremost, the person who wished to be baptized must find in his or her heart that

he accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal Lord and Savior. Secondly, the person must

understand what baptism signifies. Baptism is not just something to be done with

haste. Christian baptism is a big step of complete obedience in Christ, and that the person

is publicly proclaiming his or her faith in Jesus Christ.

Is Christian Baptism Necessary?

Christians must understand that being baptized is not a guarantee trip to heaven. However,

salvation does, and it only comes through the Christ’s death and forgiveness. With this,

earning it should be a genuine conversion of the self. If there is no real conversion, then

baptism is just meaningless.

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If a Christian believes in Jesus then they should take part in baptism. Jesus Himself was

baptized, which only sends the message that the followers must follow the leading of Christ.

Moreover, in the last hour of Jesus, His words were to go into the world, teach all nations

and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.

The bible is clear about this, Christians must be baptized. It is not something in order to be

saved, but it is something a believer in Christ should do, because they know they are saved.

Remember that those who really accepted Jesus will obey and love Him.

Being Baptized in God’s Name

We are not God. Therefore, we cannot control who gets into heaven or stay out. It is God

who will judge us. More importantly, God knows our intentions, and what are inside our

hearts. Like the thief when Jesus was crucified. He was not baptized yet, Jesus assured him

on his place in heaven.

All are said, baptism is not a guarantee to heaven. It is a Holy practice as a believer of

Christ. Furthermore, it what God wants every believer in Him to do as it is an answer to good

conscience to God.

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