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The weekly newsletter of St Mary’s School

Edition No. 30 24th May 2019


Monday 27th May

Assessments for Forms 3 - 5

Athletics Club – Forms 4 – 5


Tennis lessons 5/5

Tuesday 28th May

SMT Meeting 8:30am

Assessments for Forms 3 - 5,

Scottish Borders P7 Chess competition

Senior Choir – lunchtime

Last cycling activity 6pm

Science Clinic for Form 8, 6:00 – 6:45pm

Wednesday 29th May

Orchestra 8am

Assessments for Forms 3 – 5

Board of Governors Sub Group Meeting 10am

1st Cricket v Belhaven (H) 2:15pm

U11A Cricket v Belhaven (A) 2:15pm

Wednesday 29th May (cont’d)

U11B Kwik Cricket v Belhaven (A) 2:15pm

U9A Kwik Cricket v Belhaven (A) 2:15pm

1st Rounders v Belhaven (H) 2:30pm

2nd Rounders v Belhaven (H) 2:30pm

U11 Rounders v Belhaven (H) 2:30pm

U10 Rounders v Belhaven (A) 2:30pm

U9 Rounders v Belhaven (A) 2:30pm

U8 Rounders v Belhaven (A) 2:30pm

Thursday 30th May

Assessments for Forms 3 - 5

Whole School Photograph 11:00am

Swimming lessons

Tennis lessons have finished

Senior Chess Club 5.05pm

Friday 31st May

Reception Class Assembly 8:30am; parents welcome

Athletics Club Forms 6 – 8

Junior Choir – lunchtime


On Sunday evening I am sure, like many viewers, my attention was grabbed by BBC Sports Journalist

Dan Walker’s introduction to the documentary “A Royal Team Talk: Tackling Mental Health.

Throughout the accounts given by footballing celebrities such as Gareth Southgate, Peter Crouch,

Jermaine Jenas and Danny Rose, and the thought provoking contribution of the Duke of Cambridge, I

found myself thinking of how their experiences would and could relate, in particular to our senior


In Monday morning’s assembly, I recounted a couple of the stories told during the programme and

emphasised the main message coming from all involved in the documentary - ‘Don’t bottle things up,

talk about your fears and anxieties with non-judgemental people you trust.’

Jermaine Jenas referred to the negative, critical and abusive twitter comments he invariably receives

after his Match of the Day analysis on a Saturday evening. He highlighted how some weeks he feels

strong enough to let this vitriol go over his head, and he has even replied from time to time. However,

like all of us, there are days when he despairingly asks himself ‘what is wrong with these people?’

This led in to me being able to congratulate two St. Mary’s boys, whose names were not known by the

parent who notified me of a recent incident in a Borders play park. Two girls from another school had

been witnessed “confronting” the boys and the parent was shocked by the school related insults being

levelled at them. The St. Mary’s boys had offered “an extremely measured and mature response”

including “that they were proud of their education and wanted to be “smart”. The boys returned no

insults, were not critical of the girls, but had the strength of character to stand up for their school and

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the education they receive. I am sure Jermaine Jenas and the rest of the participants in the

documentary would be very proud of the boys. Nearly as proud as the boys’ Headmaster.

Then into the week we all flew. Form 4 visited the Countryside Day at Springwood Park with Mrs

Runciman, Mrs Redmond and Stefan. The exhibitors made the day fun, interesting and informative for

all concerned. Our pupils with farming connections impressed with their own extensive knowledge

and came across as just as enthusiastically as those unfamiliar to this type of environment. Thanks to

Mrs R, Mrs R and Stefan for taking the groups .

Mrs Stuart ran her science clinic for many of the senior boarders whilst several of the younger

boarders and some other took part in this week’s biking activity being run by students from Borders


Fixtures on Wednesday included some narrow wins, decisive victories, defeats and heavy defeats, but

each of the St. Mary’s sides made progress. Match reports available on the website provide much

more detail.

Miss McRae has proudly highlighted the 37 ABRSM music exams being sat by 31 pupils as I write.

This is a reflection of how popular playing at least on musical instrument is, here at St. Mary’s.

During a visit to Oundle School earlier in the week, as Headmaster’s gathered to recognise Registrar

Gary Phillips’ nineteen year tenure, and to wish him well in retirement, entertainment was put on by

the Oundle Jazz group. One particularly talented pupil who has won a place at Bristol Conservatoire,

played a splendid piece on the trumpet. The audience was aghast to hear this instrument was in fact

his second or third choice, as he is also an extremely accomplished violinist and guitarist. I would

have paid a lot of money to listen to him and the Jazz Band play. However, one of the benefits of

being a feeder prep school head meant I had the privilege of being an invited guest! On behalf of St.

Mary’s I wished Gary Phillips a splendid and restful retirement, and we look forward to working

closely with his replacement, Mr Antony Bounds

This morning, Form 7 delivered a very informative and entertaining assembly on Captain James Cook.

We learned that his father was born in Ednam, near Kelso, before marrying a Yorkshire woman and

moving to that part of the United Kingdom. Captain Cook’s story is fascinating, and we all left the

assembly hall far better informed thanks to the amusing and informative presentation.

I congratulated our UK Maths Challenge award winners, with particular mention of Mhairi and Eliza

who achieved this year’s Gold standard. Mhairi moves through to the next stage, known as the

‘Kangaroo’. I also distributed John Muir Awards to Form 5, who have been working through various

tasks, challenges and projects to gain them this most worthwhile recognition. As we departed from the

assembly hall, Form 2 headed off to Gunsgreen House in Eyemouth, as part of their studies on

smugglers and pirates. We look forward to hearing of their discoveries on their return.

The very full schedule throughout the week and for our boarders and boarding staff into each evening,

leads to rest and recuperation opportunities being increasingly valuable at this time of year. Whilst

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Form 8 may be indulging in light revision over the weekend, as Common Entrance appears on the

horizon, I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.



Learning their lines for End of Term Production!

Miss McRae

BOARDING NEWS Mountain biking, BBQ, tennis and washi tape crafts.....


Advance notice: These will take place on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June. Time slots will be

available in due course. There will no prep for Pre-Prep children on these days. Sign-up sheets are

now on display in the classrooms.

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We would like pictures of your children, in CLUB KIT/UNIFORM representing Clubs out with St.

Mary’s; these may be local, district or national. Please email DIRECTLY to Mrs Bell

[email protected] . Please ensure I know what club/team your child is part of.


Blowing bubbles in


Mrs L Berni


On Friday 7th June Form 7 will be holding their

annual French Café for Kith’n’Kin Day. Coffee,

tea and home baking will be served in the dining

room by the Form 7 French waiters and visitors

to the café will be entertained with a selection of

French chansons.

This year Form 7 pupils have chosen to support


local charity which provides financial assistance

for children in desperate situations. The charity

is run entirely by volunteers, and with minimal

overheads, 99% of all donations can be given

directly to the cause.

Please come and help to support our charity.


Madame Syme et classe 7


Please note that the PRE-PREP and

Kindergarten SPORTS DAY takes place on

Wednesday 3rd July after lunch and not on

Thursday 4th July .

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Exam information: Forms 6, 7 and 8

Please ensure that you arrive with the correct equipment for your exams. You will need to bring the

following items to every exam:

2 black pens, spare cartridges (if fountain pen is used), 2 pencils, a ruler, a rubber, a protractor, a

selection of coloured pencils, pencil sharpener, handkerchief/tissues

The above items can be held together with a rubber band. These are the only items that you should

take to your desk in the examination room.

Please do not bring pencil cases into the examination room.

Please do not bring lucky charms and good luck cards into the examination room. You will need

the space on your desk for your work.

Please remember to wear your school jumper for the exams. It is easy to take it off if you are too

warm, but you might feel cold when sitting still for a long time.

If you finish before the end of the exam, spend the remainder of the time checking through your

work. Read the questions again to make sure that you have covered everything.

You are allowed to bring a reading book which you may read once you have checked your paper

thoroughly. Remember that it is always best to spend as much time as possible checking your



Some sibling comfort – guess who had sat their music exam and who was about to sit it!


Summer Fair - Friday, 28th June

Time is racing by and our next big event is the ever popular Summer Fair. The Fair cannot run and be

a success without your support. We need your help....

Volunteers: Please volunteer to help. We need people to:

a) help with the set up (9am-1pm);

b) help supervise a stall during the fair (2-5pm); and

c) help with the clear up.

Please contact Frances on 07970 273614 if you are able to help on the day.

We would also appreciate help with the following before the day:

Tombola: prizes are needed for the tombola, which is always a popular stall!

Produce: Home baking (cakes, biscuits, cupcakes, tablet) jams, chutneys etc are needed for the

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produce stall. Please schedule some baking time in your diaries.

Jumble: Form 8 will again be running the Jumble Stall. Please donate all those outgrown or unloved

children’s clothes and accessories that are in your cupboards.

Baskets for all donations will be in the entrance to the Hamilton building.

Thank you



Alek’s school jumper; Bea E’s skort; Angus C’s PE top; Abigail’s shorts


Brand new 11-12 hoodie unnamed, Kukri sports top aged 7-8 unnamed, Kukri slightly thicker sports

top aged 7-8 unnamed.


Please ensure that you have settled your school shop bill. The annual pay out to parents will be made

in June.


In conjunction with the school’s drive to promote girls’ cricket, on Friday 31st May at Galashiels

Cricket Club are having a girls ‘come and try session’ from 6 – 7pm. There is more information on the

Gala Cricket Club FB page

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