Page 1: May 31, 2020 31 de Mayo, 2020 OLPH St. Mary’s

May 31, 2020 31 de Mayo, 2020 OLPH St. Mary’s

Prayer Corner

Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers. If you would like to add the name of someone to the Prayer Corner, please call the office.

For those who are ill or homebound: For all those struggling with illnesses, upcoming surgeries or cancer.

We remember our family members and friends who are serving in the military, and we pray for peace throughout the world.

For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed.

Page 2: May 31, 2020 31 de Mayo, 2020 OLPH St. Mary’s

Father Leonard Omolo is appointed to return to his Religious Community in Africa

Beloved Community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, As spiritual shepherds of God’s people, we priests need always to be open to obey the commit-ments we are encouraged to do by our superiors, and to go where the Church asks us to go in order to serve God, and minister to His people. Since this is the season of transitions for some priests to move to new appointments, our parish has received a formal communication from the Archdiocese of Portland which announces that father Leonard Omolo, the priest vicar of this parish community has been appointed to return to serve his Religious Community in Tanzania. According to father Leonard, his Religious community works in several areas of the U.S. There is a possibility he can come back in the future and work in a parish here in the states. For now, he will return to his home country and arrange his immigration documents. Following the words of the Apostle Peter who says “Each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Father Leonard has offered many spiritual gifts to our parish community and has made people love him due to his kindness, humility and his strong priestly commitment. Likewise, knowing that priests are called to be missionaries anywhere, father Leonard has been a perfect example of being a missionary in the Church of the U.S. Father Leonard has remained in the U.S for almost six years, and five of those six years, he has been serving as the vicar of this parish community. It has been a real blessing to have father Leonard among us as a missionary priest. As a parish community, we will feel sorrow for father Leonard’s departure, yet we rejoice with him in anticipation of his new phase and commitment as a priest of Christ. We know father Leonard will add much to the lives of those who will be his new church family, as he has added to the lives of this community. Regularly following legal policies of the Archdiocese, priests are asked to begin their new commit-ments by July1st; however, due to the Crisis caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, international airports could remain closed, which would impede father Leonard’s ability to travel before July 1st. Therefore, father Leonard could possibly spend extra time with us on campus until international airports are open. Finally, due to the lack of gatherings of big groups, it will be complicated to do a farewell ceremony and appreciation event for Father. However, while father Leonard is still with us, I invite all parish-ioners to offer your messages, contributions or any sign of appreciation to him in a more personal way. I know he will appreciate it. We will pray for father Leonard as we appreciate everything he has offered as a priest to the people of God. In Christ, Father Edwin L. Sanchez Romero Priest Administrator Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary’s Albany

Page 3: May 31, 2020 31 de Mayo, 2020 OLPH St. Mary’s

EL padre Leonard Omolo se le ha asignado regresar a su comunidad religiosa en Africa.

Querida comunidad parroquial de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, Como pastores espirituales del pueblo de Dios, los sacerdotes debemos estar abiertos a obedecer todos los compromisos que se nos piden hacer por parte de nuestros superiores. Así mismo estamos llamados a ir a donde la Iglesia nos pida ir, para servir y administrar los sacramentos. Ya que este es el tiempo en que muchos sacerdotes son enviados a nuevas parroquias, nuestra parroquia ha recibido un comunicado por parte de la Arquidiócesis de Portland y el cual anuncia que el Padre Leonard Omolo ha sido asignado para regresar a su comunidad religiosa en Tanzania, Africa. Siguiendo las palabras del apóstol Pedro quien dice que “Cada uno de nosotros debe usar los dones que hemos recibido para con los demás como fieles servidores de la gracias de Dios” el padre Leonard ha ofrecido muchos de sus dones espirituales para con nosotros a través de su cariño, bondad y especialmente de su compromiso sacerdotal. Así mismo, sabiendo que nosotros los sacerdotes somos llamados a ser misioneros, puedo afirmar que el padre Leonard ha sido aun excelente ejemplo de ser un misionero aquí en Los Estados Unidos. El padre Leonard ha permanecido por casi seis años en este país, y cinco de ellos sirviendo en nuestra parroquia de Santa Maria. Estos años han sido llenos de bendiciones al tener al padre Leonard con nosotros como un verdadero misionero. Como comunidad parroquial, extrañaremos al padre Leonard por su partida, pero a la vez nos sentimos felices por los nuevos compromisos obtendrá como sacerdote en otro lugar. Sabemos que el padre Leonard dará mucho de sí mismo a su nueva comunidad, así como ha dado lo mejor de si mismo a esta comunidad. Según nuestra Arquidiócesis, los sacerdotes deberán iniciar en sus nuevos lugares y asignaciones para Julio 1del 2020; sin embargo, debido a la crisis causada por la pandemia del COVID-19, varios aeropuertos internacionales se encuentran cerrados, lo cual impediría que el padre Leonard viajara para esta fecha. Así que, es posible que el padre Leonard permanezca por algunos días más en nuestra comunidad, hasta que los aeropuertos internacionales re-abran sus vuelos. Así mismo debido a la restricción de no realizar eventos en grupo, se nos hará difícil realizar una fiesta de despedida para el padre. Sin embargo esto no impedirá que ustedes cómo buenos parroquianos le expresen el cariño y el agradecimiento al padre atreves de llamadas, mensajes o contribuciones económicas, de una manera muy personal. De seguro el padre Leonard se los agradecerá de corazón. Unamonos en oración por el padre Leonard y por esta nueva etapa que va a iniciar en su vida acerdotal. En Cristo, Padre Edwin L. Sanchez Parroco Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Albany, Oregon

Page 4: May 31, 2020 31 de Mayo, 2020 OLPH St. Mary’s

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