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Primary Data Collection:


Prof. Rushen Chahal

Prof. Rushen Chahal

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The systematic process of recording patterns of 

occurrences or behaviors without normally

communicating with the people involved.

The needed information must be either observable or inferable;

The behavior should be repetitive, frequent, or in some manner predictable;

The behavior must be relatively short in duration.


Nature of Observation Research

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Natural vs. Contrived:

Is the setting made up by the researcher or are you observing a

naturally occurring event?

Open vs. Disguised: Does the subject know the purpose of the research?

Structured vs. Unstructured:

Is the researcher taking detailed notes or is the researcher 

making more general observations?

G arbologist - ³Forensic Observation´:

Going through people¶s ³garbage´ to analyze consumption

 patterns. Sometimes used as generic term for forensic

observation ± the clues people leave behind.

Nature of Observation Research

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Eye movement recorders ± Pulpilometer;

Voice pitch analysis;

People monitors in TV;

Traffic counters;

Audits ± Qualitative & Quantitative

People Reader / Meter;

Physiological measurement;

devices ± ³lie detectors´

Galvanic skin responses;


Rapid Analysis Measurement System (RAMS);

Scanners - such as the grocery ³BehaviorScan´.


The study of human behavior in its natural context,

involving observation of behavior and physical setting.


Resources Inc.


Resources Inc.

Nature of Observation Research

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You see what people actually do - rather than what they say they do;

Firsthand information is less prone to biases;

The observational data can be executed quickly and relatively accurately;

Electronic collection such as scanners is more efficient than manual counts; Clients can also observe their customers along with the researcher.

Only physical or behavior can be measured;

Can¶t measure attitudes, beliefs, intentions, or feelings; Not always a good representation of the general population;

Interpretation is somewhat subjective depending on observation type;

Data analysis is generally more qualitative than quantitative;

It can be expensive and time consuming if subjects not readily available;

Data can be time sensitive making predictive analysis tricky.

Nature of Observation Research

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 P eople who pose as customers and shop at 

a company¶s own stores or those of its

competitors to collect data about 

customer-employee interactions and to

 gather observational data; they might also

compare prices, displays, and the like.

Mystery Shopping

Click for More Information

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The mystery shopper calls/contacts the business with a

script with questions and notes the experience.

The mystery shopper visits the business and makes a quick  purchase with little or no customer-employee interaction.

Mystery Shopping Levels

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The mystery shopper visits the business for a more involved experience to include a

scripted scenario to gauge the customer-employee interaction. Level III usually does

not involve a major purchase - although detailed discussion about the product or 

services will likely occur.

The mystery shopper visits the business with great knowledge about the products.

This knowledge can be used to test the employees. A purchase - and/or issues relatedto the purchases - might likely be involved.

Mystery Shopping Levels

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Measuring employee training;

Preparing for or monitoring new competition ;

Comparison shopping;

Recognizing good employees;

To build a profile of the shoppers¶ patters of behavior.


Examination and verification of product sales;


Practice of watching behaviors and activities from behind a


ESOMAR  - formerly the E uropean Society for Opinion Research

offers mystery shopping guidelines.

Click for Information

ConductingMystery Shopping





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Predictive Consumer Intelligence: Web site should mirror the customers¶ buying process;

Click sequence / patterns should enhance predictive capability.

Conversation Trackers: Used to develop a cohesive message from thousands of 

conversation threads in newsgroups, chatrooms, listservs,

message boards, etc.

Observation Research on the Internet

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Primary Data Collection:


Prof. Rushen Chahal

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An Experiment:

A research approach in which one variable is manipulated and the effect on

another variable is observed.

Key Variables:

I ndependent : variables you control directly such as price, packaging,distribution, product features, etc.;

Dependent: variables you do not directly control such as sales or 

customer satisfaction - (might control them by manipulating the

independent variable);

Treatment: the independent variable manipulated during and

experiment to measure its effect on the dependent variable;

Extraneous: Factors you do not control but have to live with such as the weather.

What is an Experiment?

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Research designed to determine whether a change in one

variable likely caused an observed change in another.

 A causal relationshi  p s must demonstrate three things:

Concomitant Variation;

Appropriate Time Order of Occurrence; Elimination of Other Possible Causal Factors.

 A causal relationshi  p s must demonstrate three things:

Concomitant Variation;

Appropriate Time Order of Occurrence; Elimination of Other Possible Causal Factors.


Demonstrating Causation

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A statistical relationship between variables;

Change in an independent variable occurred before

an observed change in the dependent variable;

No other independent variables are causing the change³  I  f you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the

truth.´ Sherlock Holmes


1 . Concomitant Variation:

2.Appropriate Time

Order of Occurrence:

3. Elimination of Other

Possible Causal Factors:

Demonstrating CausationMustMeet Three Criteria

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Experiments conducted in a controlled setting.

Tests conducted outside the laboratory in an actual

environment, such as a marketplace.

Experimental Setting

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X´ = Independent Variable:

Indicates the exposure of an individual or a group to an experimental treatment.

This variable is something the researcher can change and manipulate. It is hoped

that the change in the independent variable will cause a change in the dependent


³O´ = Dependent Variable:

Indicates a variable the researcher cannot change directly. It is hoped that changing

the independent variable will cause changes in the dependent variable. Thus thedependent variable is ³ dependent´ on what the researcher does with the independent


Experimental Notation

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Intervention, between the beginning and end of an experiment, of 

outside variables that might change the dependent variable.


Changes in subjects occurring during the experiment that are notrelated to the experiment but which might affect subjects¶ response to

the treatment factor.

Instrument Variation:

Changes in measurement instruments (e.g., interviews or observers)

that might affect measurements.

Selections Bias:

Systematic differences between the test group and the control group

due to a biased selection process.

Extraneous Variables

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Loss of test units or subjects during the course of an experiment, which

might result in a nonrepresentativeness.

Testing Effect:

An effect that is a by-product of the research process itself.

Regression to theMean:

Tendency of subjects with extreme behavior to move toward the average

for that behavior during the course of the experiment.

Extraneous Variables

T hings like the weather, government regulations, com petitors¶ actions

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The random assignment of subjects to treatment conditions to ensure equal

representation of subject characteristics.

Holding constant the value or level of extraneous variables throughout the

course of an experiment.

Use of experimental design to control extraneous causal factors.

Adjusting for the effects of extraneous variables by statistically adjusting the

value or the dependant variable for each treatment condition.


Physical Control:

Design Control:

Statistical Control:

Controlling Extraneous Variables

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A test in which the researcher has control over and manipulates one or 

more independent variables.

The independent variable that is manipulated in an experiment.

The effect of the treatment variable on the dependent variable.

Experimental Design, Treatment, and Effects

Experimental Design:

Treatment Variable:

Experimental Effect:

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High Cost: Is the research affordable?

Will the research be beneficial & help solve problems?

Has a cost & benefit analysis been done?

Security Issues: Particularly critical with field experiments.

The competition might be ³tipped-off.´

Are the data and findings secure?

Process Contamination: People who unwittingly get caught into the survey.

Outside factors unnaturally affecting the experiment.

Participants who intentionally try to skew the results.

High Cost: Is the research affordable?

Will the research be beneficial & help solve problems?

Has a cost & benefit analysis been done?

Security Issues: Particularly critical with field experiments.

The competition might be ³tipped-off.´

Are the data and findings secure?

Process Contamination: People who unwittingly get caught into the survey.

Outside factors unnaturally affecting the experiment.

Participants who intentionally try to skew the results.

Experimental Design, Treatment, and Effects

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Selected Experimental Designs

Pre-Experimental Design:

Designs that offer little or no control over e xtraneous factors.

One-Shot Case StudyOne-Group Pretest-Posttest

Static-Group Comparison

One-Shot Case StudyOne-Group Pretest-Posttest

Static-Group Comparison

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

X O1

One Shot Case Study

Change the independent variable, then measure the change in the

dependent variable to see if there was in fact a change in thedependent variable that the researcher might conclude resulted

from the change in the independent variable.

X O1

One Shot Case Study

Change the independent variable, then measure the change in the

dependent variable to see if there was in fact a change in thedependent variable that the researcher might conclude resulted

from the change in the independent variable.

Selected Experimental Designs

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O X O21One-Group Pretest-Posttest

Same as ³One-Shot´ except measure the dependent variable

 before the change in the independent variables. The researcher isestablishing a benchmark from which to gauge the change.

O X O21One-Group Pretest-Posttest

Same as ³One-Shot´ except measure the dependent variable

 before the change in the independent variables. The researcher isestablishing a benchmark from which to gauge the change.

Selected Experimental Designs

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

Static-Group Comparison

It uses an experimental and a control, but subjects or test unitsare not randomly assigned to the two groups and no pre-

measurements are taken.

X O 1

O 2

Static-Group Comparison

It uses an experimental and a control, but subjects or test unitsare not randomly assigned to the two groups and no pre-

measurements are taken.

X O 1

O 2

Selected Experimental Designs

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True Experimental Designs

Before and After With Control Group

Solomon Four Group Design

After Only With Control Group

Before and After With Control Group

Solomon Four Group Design

After Only With Control Group

True Experimental Design:

Research using an e x perimental group and a control group, to which test 

units are randomly assigned.

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

True experimental design that involves random assignmentof subjects or test units to experimental and control groups

and pre- and post -measurements of both groups.

Before and After With

Control GroupO X O21

O O43

True experimental design that involves random assignmentof subjects or test units to experimental and control groups

and pre- and post -measurements of both groups.

Before and After With

Control GroupO X O21

O O43

Selected Experimental Designs

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

Solomon Four-Group Design Ex perimental Group 1

Control Group 1

O X O21

O O3 4

 Ex perimental Group 2

Control Group 2

X O5


Research in which two experimental

groups and two control groups are used

to control for all extraneous variables.

Solomon Four-Group Design Ex perimental Group 1

Control Group 1

O X O21

O O3 4

 Ex perimental Group 2

Control Group 2

X O5


Research in which two experimental

groups and two control groups are used

to control for all extraneous variables.

Selected Experimental Designs

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O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

O = The Measurement of the Dependent Variable

X = The Manipulation/Change of Independent Variable

E = Experimental Effect - Change in Dependent Variable due to Change in the Independent Variable

After Only With Control Group X O 1 Ex perimental Group

Control Group 2OSubjects in the experiment are

randomly assigned to experiment and

control groups respectively. No premeasurements of the dependent

variable are taken.

After Only With Control Group X O 1 Ex perimental Group

Control Group 2OSubjects in the experiment are

randomly assigned to experiment and

control groups respectively. No premeasurements of the dependent

variable are taken.

Selected Experimental Designs

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Studies in which the researcher lacks

complete control over the scheduling of treatments or must assign respondents to

treatments in a nonrandom manner.

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Research in which repeated measurement of an

effect ³interrupts´ previous data patterns.

Interrupted time-series design with a control group.

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Testing of new product/service, or some element of the marketing mix, using an

experimental or quasi experimental design.

Advertising expenses;

Point-of-purchase materials;

Coupons and sampling;

Travel and set-up expenses;

Need for customized research;

Possible diversion of sales from your other products;

Potentially bad press / public reaction if experiment fails;

Letting competitors know what your company is doing;

Falsely thinking the sample results are always representative of the population.


Cities as Test Markets

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1. Define the Objective:

What do you hope to learn?

What are the characteristics of the people/products of interest?

2. Select a BasicApproach:

Simulated, controlled, or standard test?

3. Develop Detailed Test Procedures:

How will you execute the study?

Who will be involved? How long will it take and how much can you spend?

Six Steps in a Test Market Study

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4. Select the TestMarket:

Market should not be over tested;

Should have little media spillover;

Demographics should be similar to your target population;

Market should be large enough to provide useful results; Distribution and other patterns should be similar to the nation.

5. Execute The Plan:

How long should the test run?

Who should execute it?

6.Analyze the results:

Use qualitative and quantitative techniques when possible.

Six Steps in a Test Market Study

Prof. Rushen Chahal

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