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Marketing Project

Kent KeelerSeptember 24, 2012

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Cruises: a relatively new form of entertainment that continues to grow in popularity. Though they’re generally up there in price, an advertisement such as this one would probably strike interest in a rather large variety of people. Primarily, people that couldn’t afford such a trip prior to the discount the cruise line is providing. However, this price-cut is more than likely to attract more than just less-fortunate families. Anybody from senior citizens looking to get away, to a recently married couple looking to go on a honeymoon could take advantage of this offer.

The level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs this advertisement belongs in, is Self-Actualization. This level of “needs” is more of a “want” than a necessity. While cruises are packed with an insurmountable amount of fun, they can also be educational. While visiting other countries and getting a “taste” of the culture, you’re immersing yourself in it. Taking a cruise is using “visual learning.” Which is one of the most effective ways to learn, especially when the subject is culture.

New Hampshire Sunday News

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National Parks, one of the most relaxing forms of sightseeing there is! Nature has sparked the curiosity of humanity since the dawn of time. Many have wondered how the towering mountains were formed or how the rolling waters of the oceans came to be throughout history; and I guarantee the artistry of such wonders has astounded us all. Generally however, locations such as a National Park would more specifically appeal to an outdoorsman, hiker or photographer. A trip in nature is a good way to captivate the simplicity of life without electronics. It’s an energetic way to get “fresh air” and learn about survival should anything happen while out in an unfamiliar place.

A trip to the outdoors belongs in two levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. First off, I believe such a trip is part of Self-Actualization. In a way, it’s a personal challenge to one’s physical limits, especially if you plan to camp in the park for more than a day. On the other hand, there is always the option to take a guided tour of any location such as this, which is the reason a trip to a National Park is placed into the Safety level as well.

New Hampshire Sunday News

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An opportunity to connect with family members and close friends can always be revitalizing. For people who enjoy family holidays and vacations, an event such as this would be difficult to pass up. A people gathering or the reuniting of long-time friends would most likely enthrall individuals who feel the need to “belong” to something. More than likely, this group of people would be young or middle-aged and have good social skills.

A people gathering would undoubtedly be on the Belongingness level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Those who attend such events likely have similar interests such as conversing with others and meeting new people. There are also those who make such trips to learn about their family’s history, which is a shared interest among thousands. Many like to know where they came from, which is an intriguing subject, especially when you’re not sure what your roots are.

Boston Globe

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Autumn in New England is quite a sight to see. The Northeast of the United States is one of the only regions in the world that experiences fall foliage with such intensity. With that being said, the changing colors of leaves bring tourists from all over the nation. Generally, the mass of people this phenomenon attracts is referred to as “leaf peepers.” More specifically, the foliage attracts people who aren’t residents of this beautiful region.

Such a trip would belong to both the Physiological and Safety levels. Leaf peeping would be under the Physiological level of Hierarchy of Needs because it’s an event that’s regularly self-guided. However, it can be a guided event as well, placing it under the Safety level.

Boston Globe

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Mills: a very old and rather original method to construct materials or generate power. The majority of which have been replaced by electricity. A trip to an active mill of any kind is a rarity indeed. This location would generally attract people who enjoy high-quality craftsmanship. Anything from hand-blown glass to antiques and collectibles are displayed here. The mill may even appeal to a few historians or people who appreciate the history of New England.

A tour of a mill belongs in two levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. First, the Self-Actualization level because a trip through any kind of mill is historical and extremely educational. The second level a trip to a mill belongs in is the complete opposite level of Self-Actualization, Physiological. Overall, this would be a self-guided and self-planned trip with family or friends.

New Hampshire To Do Magazine

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1. Out of all of the five advertisements, I enjoyed only two. The Cruise and National Park ads did not take a considerable amount of effort to write about. It’s more than obvious whom a Cruise ship or National Park would lure and they’re both entertaining, in my opinion. As for the others, I experienced an extensive amount of writer’s block when trying to identify the target market.

2. The advertisement that was my least favorite was about the Leaf Peepers. Upon living in New England all of my life, it proved difficult to imagine who would be so fascinated to see the leaves change in color and why. The remaining two about the mill and people gathering were not far behind the Leaf Peepers. I didn’t particularly like the advertisement about the mill because New England history doesn’t spark my interest at all. Finally, the ad about the people gathering didn’t exactly arouse my interest either. While I enjoy meeting new people, a weekend get-away at a hotel, to me, is not an appealing method to do so.

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