
MKGT 322-002

The 36th Chamber

Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals



Matthew Herman

Connor McLoughlin

Samantha Stahl

Ao Sophia Tan

Table of Contents

Abstracts .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Study I – Manager Interview ........................................................................................................ 5-9

A. Method.......................................................................................................................................

B. Results.......................................................................................................................................

C. Results.......................................................................................................................................

D. Recommendations.....................................................................................................................

Study II – Customer Interviews .................................................................................................. 9-14

A. Introduction...............................................................................................................................

B. Method.......................................................................................................................................

C. Results.......................................................................................................................................

D. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................

Suggested Advertisement and Conclusions .............................................................................. 14-16

Appendix ............................................................................................................................................

Exhibit A- Advertisements.............................................................................................................

Exhibit B – Signed Letter to Manager (attached)..........................................................................

Exhibit C – Customer Surveys.......................................................................................................

Exhibit D – Presentation Slides......................................................................................................



Initially attracted to the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(PSPCA) due to their commitment to the well-being and high quality care of animals, this paper

predominantly explores the strengths and weaknesses of the PSPCA's marketing plan and how

we took them into consideration while creating a new advertisement for their firm. Established in

1867 and offering a broad range of services such as adoption, spaying and neutering, wellness

and vaccine clinics, grooming and behavioral training, our ultimate goal was to successfully

promote these services in a manner in which reached the PSPCA's large client base. While their

reputation is quite substantial, unfortunately due to misperceptions of the organization, such as

the common belief that they are merely a branch under the ASPCA, has led to considerable

financial limitations within their marketing plan. Along with this significant lack of funding, we

were also informed that even though the PSCPA would ideally like to target the whole state of

Pennsylvania and surrounding areas to their services, the majority of their clientele is local.

Persuading potential customers outside of Philadelphia has been proven difficult due to various

local veterinary facilities that offer competitive pricing.

After speaking with Sara Eremus, the Marketing and Communications Manager at the

PSPCA headquarters, we found that the PSCPA's main sources of revenue are through their

spaying and neutering services along with the fees they receive through adoption. Following this

new-found knowledge, we proceeded to target and survey a variety of the PSPCA's customers to

see what services were responsible for drawing them into the facility. The results of these factors

then led to our creation of a new advertisement for the PSCPA in which highlighted these selling

points and attempted to reach a broader client base in an economically feasible manner.



The first study The 36th Chamber took participation in was interviewing Marketing and

Communications Manager, Sara Eremus, at the PSPCA. During this interview we set out to find

the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the PSCPA. While it was crucial to learn

about their areas of strength, we focused in upon their weaknesses in order to find some of the

major problems within the firm and come up with potential marketing communication strategies

to resolve these issues. During our interview with Eremus, we heavily analyzed their marketing

situation. This analysis was done in the form of many questions in which regarded their target

market, competition, financial situation, and the extent of their marketing communication

management. We were also informed upon their current budgets and various forms of

advertising, helping us to establish what Eremus found to be the most important selling points of

the PSCPA and areas in their current marketing communications in which she felt could use

some improvement. This then prepared us with the necessary tools to partake in our second study

which was interviewing customers and creating our own advertisement.

Our team took part in interviewing 43 clients at the PSPCA headquarters. We wanted to

take a random sampling of clients and therefore surveyed these customers as they were leaving

the facility. We asked multiple questions regarding what brought them to the PSCPA, along with

their perception of the PSPCA and its current advertisements. Unfortunately due to legal barriers

we were unable to disclose client information and were limited to asking general information

questions. Though we faced these restrictions, the information we received was enough to help

us create an advertisement in which catered to not only the key elements mentioned by Eremus

in our first study, but was also delivered in a fashion that had the most potential to reach this

broad client base that we interviewed.


Study I

On January 29, 2014, The 36th Chamber met with Ms. Sarah Eremus, the Marketing and

Communications Manager, at the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(PSPCA) headquarters. There were numerous purposes to this meeting such as analyzing the

PSPCA’s current advertising campaign, developing a SWOT analysis for the firm, as well as

identifying areas of improvement that Ms. Eremus felt were appropriate for our project. In

addition, our group received a tour of the PSPCA and gained valuable information about the

organization’s history; information we eventually incorporated in to our newly designed

advertising campaign.

Sarah Eremus is the sole operant of all marketing and communications efforts for the

PSPCA. She explained to us that it is a very challenging job because she is the only employee of

that field along with the fact of a minimal budget. She explained to us that the minimal budget

for ‘business matters’ is because the PSPCA is funded solely by donations from third party

clients. The PSPCA is a non-profit organization that receives zero dollars or support from any

governmental programs; local, state, of federal. Because the PSPCA needs to pay their staff of

expert veterinarians, nurses, and administration, the corporate aspect of the PSPCA, such as

marketing campaigns, is not the highest point on the priority list of the firm. We explained to

Ms. Eremus that because of the lack of funding, we were committed to helping her and the

PSPCA improve their marketing plan on the basis of with more knowledge of the firm, there is a

higher probability for more clients, thus generating more revenue for the PSPCA. Throughout

the interview, Ms. Eremus referred to the extensive history of the PSPCA, one of their key



Colonel M. Richards Muklé founded the PSPCA in 1867. The Colonel, a Philadelphia

businessman, was outraged by seeing the work horses of the city treated as expendable pieces of

machinery. After witnessing these horses being beaten and worked to death he decided to take

action to form the PSPCA, the first humane society of Pennsylvania, and the second humane

society in the United States. Working with the Pennsylvania railroad, the Society helped design a

new and humane livestock car that made travel easier for cattle, sheep, swine and poultry.

Securing the humane treatment of agricultural and pet animals became a natural part of the

Pennsylvania SPCA and was enforceable under its legal jurisdiction. As the Society gained

successes in helping horses it was able to further expand its attention to other areas, like

abandoned pets or offspring of pets that could not be properly cared for by the owner. Ms.

Eremus explained to us that throughout the 146 years of operation, one thing has remained in the

constant in the PSPCA: being an advocate for those that do not have a voice. She also explained

that the PSPCA will take in any animal, regardless of how exotic, to ensure their safety and to

initiate the process of finding that animal the proper home.

The interview with Sarah Eremus was a two-part process. First, the group walked

through the entire headquarters building, emphasizing time in the shelter area, and then moving

to a formal meeting room to discuss the purpose of our group, the goals we had, and what

ultimately we wanted to provide to the PSPCA. While walking through the shelter, Ms. Eremus

highlighted a few key points that we took into great consideration while making our new

advertisement. First, Ms. Eremus told us about the array of animals the PSPCA receives either

from their Law Enforcement division, or by former owners; the PSPCA is unbiased when it

comes to this matter. Next, she informed us about the population of animals in the shelter that

have been housed there for an extended period of time, some in excess of a year. We took these


points in to consideration because we believed that with a greater advertising campaign

highlighting the variety of animals available, and the life long battle the animals in the shelter in

finding a proper home, would strike an emotional connection to prospects and encourage them to

visit the shelter to get a first hand experience with the animals and the organization.

Once we moved to the meeting room, we began to discuss our group goals, the goals of

the PSPCA, the PSPCA’s current advertising strategy, and areas of improvement we felt that we

could assist in. We first began by constructing an informal SWOT analysis, highlighting two to

three main points of focus for each category. Next, we discussed the current advertisements and

the reactions that customers provided towards them. From there, we discussed how we as a

group could take the current advertisements and modify them to provide an even greater reaction

from the public. We ended the meeting with Ms. Eremus by finalizing the points of the SWOT

analysis and how we could tie in the opportunities and strengths to the new advertisement.

After returning from the PSPCA, The 36th Chamber met to create a detailed SWOT

analysis. We came to the conclusion that although the weaknesses and strengths are significant,

the strengths and opportunities are more advanced and can provide a beneficial foundation for a

successful advertisement.

The strengths of the PSPCA include, the PSPCA’s regarded and extensive history in

Pennsylvania, a highly trained staff, multiple animal care services at affordable costs, and

increasing efforts to make media appearances covering Pennsylvania. The extensive history of

the PSPCA and their renowned veterinary staff serve two purposes. It fosters a very loyal

customer base as well as creates a greater acceptance for prospects. Pet owners see their pets as

another family member; one would not simply trust any organization to provide health care for

their pet if they had a bad experience, or did not believe in the abilities of that organization.


The weaknesses of the PSPCA are financial capabilities because of the fluctuation of

funds delivered, non-beneficial timeslots for broadcastings, the confusion and assumed

correlation between the PSPCA and the ASPCA, and the single PSPCA office located in


The opportunities for the PSPCA are the amount of construction occurring in the city, the

PSPCA’s close proximity to center city enabling a great opportunity for out-of-home advertising,

the accessibility to the PSPCA, the brand name, and the high population of the area the PSPCA is

located in.

Unfortunately, the PSPCA’s single operating headquarters is their largest threat. Chain

corporations such as pet-co and pet-smart also provide adoption abilities with similar pets and

are also more accessible to the general population of Pennsylvania. The next threat is the use of

the Internet; this enables potential pet owners to locate all types of pets specific to their needs.

Finally, pet owners are more inclined to use the services of a veterinarian that is closer to their

place of employment or home; especially if they do not live close to the PSPCA.

In conclusion, The 36th Chamber designed a new print advertisement that could be used

universally in all facets of advertising. Based on the applicability of this ad, we recommend that

the PSPCA uses this ad as a flyer to post in densely populated areas. To achieve this, we

recommend that the PSPCA mails a stock of the flyers to police and fire departments who can

encounter animals that have been either harmed by their owner, or displaced due to an event. In

addition to posting these ads with public service agencies, we recommend the PSPCA to display

these flyers at schools and universities, starting in the Philadelphia area, and gradually expanding

to cover Pennsylvania. Because of the large majorities of students and families in this area, if a

child was to bring home an ad promoting the services for the PSPCA, it could lead to a plethora


of benefits to the organization as well as the customer. Finally, the ad is clear, concise, and

simple, which enables it to be constructed in to an advertisement on public transportation such as

a banner on a city bus, or a cap for the top of a taxi cab. This would expose the PSPCA to a mass

amount of people throughout the Philadelphia area because of the coverage of these vehicles.

This method of out-of-home advertising could be dually applied to billboards posted throughout

Pennsylvania. We recommend that the PSPCA uses their ‘donation-only-funding’ to their

advantage in seeking a sponsorship from a donating party or the donating party paying for a

billboard with the new advertisement on the billboard.


After meeting with Sarah Eremus, the Marketing and Communications Manager for the

PSPCA, The 36th Chamber compiled a list of the areas of highest focus in each category of

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). Based on these areas per category is

where our group developed the questions we used to interview clients. The purpose of having

interview with clients is to have better understanding how clients think about PSPCA and what

are the strengths and weaknesses that PSPCA is facing.

On February 8th and 10th, 2014, our group went to PSPCA headquarters to complete

face-to face interviews with 43 clients. We interviewed those clients at the reception center of

PSPCA after they finished their services. We want to target on clients who either have associated

with PSPCA before or had services with PSPCA. Therefore, we could ask more questions

regarding on the perceptions on PSPCA and its current advertisement strategies. We use a simple

random sampling method to sample the clients.


Due to legal barriers, we are unable to disclose information regarding the client’s name,

address, age, or gender. Instead, we set up some questions to ask their pets’ general information.

According to the survey, 6 out of 10 pets had services at PSPCA are puppy or kitten. Only 3 out

of 10 pets are adult and 1 out of 10 is senior pets. In addition, over 70% of pets had services at

PSPCA are dogs and over 60% are male. In the survey, we set up few questions to ask customers

what services they are interested and why they are interested in (Question 4 and 5). After the

survey, we find out over 70% of customers are interested in vaccine clinic and wellness clinic.

And the top three seasons why they choose PSPCA are low cost, close distance, and the previous

service experience, which are accounted for 58%, 37%, and 19% of total. Last but not least, we

set up a question to ask customers where/how they heard about PSPCA. We could notice that

customers knowing PSPCA are mainly from PSPCA website (37%), past service experience with

PSPCA (26%), and word of mouth (19%).

Based on the interviews with the clients, there is a strong correlation between the primary

areas of focus and concern with the SWOT analysis and the client’s perception of the firm. The

strengths of the PSPCA include, the PSPCA’s highly regarded and extensive history in

Pennsylvania, a highly trained staff, multiple animal care services at affordable costs, and

increasing efforts to make media appearances covering Pennsylvania. The Strengths of the

PSPCA intertwine with each other, resulting categories of the interview being used more than


With respect to the history of the PSPCA, 28 of the 43 interviewed clients answered that

they chose to use the PSPCA through knowledge of the firm by means of recommendation from

a third party, reputation of the organization, or based on prior use of the PSPCA’s services. This

is a significant statistic because it shows that the extensive and respected history of the PSPCA


being active in Pennsylvania has generated a larger client base. Pet owners see their pets as

another family member; one would not simply trust any organization to provide health care for

their pet if they had a bad experience, or did not believe in the abilities of that organization.

In addition to the correlation of the interview to the SWOT analysis, 33 out of 43 chose to

use the PSPCA based on prior services (8) while 25 chose to use the PSCPA based on the cost of

the appointment. Out of all of the strengths the PSPCA has to offer, the PSPCA keeps providing

the best animal care at an affordable cost, at the top of their list. These two factors combined

with 4 clients stating that the reason of choosing the PSPCA was because of the ease of

scheduling an appointment, continues to add a positive support to the Strengths of the PSPCA.

Finally, 16 out of 43 clients chose the PSPCA based on recommendation or witnessing a

TV/Radio broadcasting. 15 out of the 16 clients fell under the recommendation category, leaving

one 1 client in the TV/Radio broadcast category. This last statistic brings the analysis in to the

next part of the SWOT analysis: weaknesses.

One of the first weaknesses discussed in our interview was the ongoing struggle to

promote the PSPCA through the media. Although the PSPCA has had numerous Radio

broadcastings, the broadcastings have not been at the most optimal times for listeners to; they

have occurred before 6:30am and after 8:30pm. The PSPCA would like to communicate more

through television commercials and radio broadcastings, but the expenses associated with such

methods cause complications.

Another aspect of this weakness is the confusion between the SPCA, and the PSPCA,

potential clients hear the term ‘PSPCA’ and automatically connect it to the SPCA; these two

firms are not the same. A recommendation by The 36th Chamber is to budget more funds to


broadcasting to assist in clarifying the difference. However, like stated previously, finances are

the primary weakness for the PSPCA.

Financial capabilities are the greatest weaknesses for the PSPCA; the organization is a

non-government funded and a non-profit organization. The PSPCA receives zero funds from

local, state, or federal government; the primary source of funding is through pet adoptions,

leaving the majority of the burden to support the organization on client donations. However, as

stated in the Strengths, the organization has a strong client base, with a client base expanding as

shown by those who chose the PSPCA because of prior experience and recommendation. ‘Prior

services’ extends to all facets of the PSPCA, including pet adoption, the leading income

generator for the firm.

The final weakness of the PSPCA is their location. The PSCPA has one headquarter in

operation, located in North Philadelphia. This limits their reach, accompanied with the fact that

the physical location of the headquarters where all operations are held is not the easiest access

from main roads. This is represented by having only 16 of 43 clients choosing the PSPCA based

on proximity to the client’s place of employment or home. However, this threat in particular can

be turned in to a great opportunity.

An opportunity for the PSPCA, regarding their close proximity to Philadelphia, is the

amount of construction occurring in the city. The construction of new buildings leads to an

increase in population; out of the population of employees in the newly constructed buildings,

increases the probability of pet owners as well. The PSPCA can use this to as an opportunity to

increase their client base through broadcasting as well as their location to one of the heaviest

populated areas of Pennsylvania. Because there is an expansion of buildings, more people will be


commuting to work, this gives the PSPCA a greater opportunity to communicate via TV/ Radio

broadcasts during the primary commuting hours, to a greater audience.

The services the PSPCA provides coupled with their close proximity to center city need

to be included in the broadcasts. According to Google Maps, an average round trip from Center

City, to the PSPCA headquarters, and back, is 30 minutes. This provides clients working in the

densely populated area of Center City to bring their pets to a top-care, highly regarded clinic, at

an affordable cost, without having to go out of their way. To further this opportunity is the

accessibility of public transportation at any time to and from the PSPCA.

This opportunity affects every other attribute of the PSPCA, an increase of verbal

promotion is inevitable creating more recommendations, and these recommendations create an

opportunity for an increase in pet adoptions, generating greater income for the firm, making it

less reliable on client donations to operate.

Unfortunately, the PSPCA’s single operating headquarters is their largest threat.

Pennsylvania is 45, 310 square miles; the state is too large to have the PSPCA be the most used

organization for pet adoptions and health care. Chain corporations such as pet-co and pet-smart

also provide adoption abilities with similar pets and are also more accessible to the general

population of Pennsylvania. In addition to this, the expansion of the Internet enables potential pet

owners to locate all types of pets specific to their needs. Also, pet owners are more inclined to

use the services of a veterinarian that is closer to their place of employment or home; especially

if they do not live close to the PSPCA. The best solution to this is for the PSPCA to affiliate

themselves with the ‘pet corporations’ by donating pets to the businesses for adoptions, and in

return the PSPCA would receive a percentage of the profit from the sale of a pet.


In conclusion, our group recommends PSPCA still keeps showing their biggest strengths,

low cost and well-established firm, on their advertisements. In addition, PSPCA should focus

more on their print advertisements, which is an easier way to attract their targeting group.


As we began designing the advertisement, it proved to be a much more arduous task than

we had previously thought. Considering both the PSPCA’s motives and goals and the customers’

wants and needs, we sought to create a design that blended these often differing aspects together.

The PSPCA continues to contend with misperceptions about the firm, making it essential for this

advertisement to remain consistent to the company’s identity. As a result, the ad strays from the

PSPCA’s use of orange to focus on the blue used by the PSPCA, attempting to create a clear

separation between the two firms. With only two out of five people surveyed having consistent

television or Internet access, we chose to create a print ad. Recalling that only one out of forty-

three people chose the firm based on TV or radio advertisements, this print/flyer ad is

economically realistic for the firm and is capable of reaching its target market. Along with the

PSPCA’s commitment to educate, the firm stressed its family environment, leading us to blend

aspects of a human and an animal to suggest this relationship. Location presented both a threat

and an opportunity with only 16 of 43 clients choosing the firm based on proximity to the client’s

place of employment or home. With this mind, certain keywords, such as “all of Pennsylvania,”

and the logo became significant aspect of the ad to reinforce the notion that the firm serves much

more than just Philadelphia. The PSPCA’s reputation for effective and affordable animal care

played a significant role in how we approached this ad. With 33 out of 43 choosing to use the

PSPCA based on prior services and 25 based on the cost of the appointment, it was essential to


relay the firm’s low-cost and long history in animal care (“since 1867”). In hinting at adoption,

the ad alludes to the vast array of services that the firm provides. With that being said, our

advertisement intends to not only attract potential customers towards one of the PSPCA’s highest

sources of revenue but also to reflect the firm’s commitment to education. ��

Upon meeting with the PSPCA’s sole marketer, Sarah Eremus, we were able to analyze

the firm’s current advertising strategies to identify key areas that we could improve on during our

project. Despite a very limited budget, we were committed to realistically improving the firm’s

marketing plan, highlighting critical strengths, such as the PSPCA’s long history in animal care,

an extensive and highly trained staff, and an array of affordable services provided. Although the

PSPCA lacks the funds to market towards all of Pennsylvania, there are opportunities to create

out-of-home advertisements, taking advantage of its strong brand name and the Philadelphia’s

high population. To continue to gain a better understanding of how the PSPCA should advertise,

we met with 43 customers who had past experiences with the firm. With 28 of the 43 customers

choosing to use the PSPCA through knowledge of the firm by means of recommendation or the

established reputation of the organization, it is key for the firm to continue to make their logo

and its tagline (“since 1867”) an integral piece of the ad. Considering the ongoing struggle to

reach targeted markets through certain media platforms, such as radio and TV, print

advertisements are the most viable option for the firm. Being a non-government funded and a

non-profit organization, financial capabilities are the greatest weaknesses for the PSPCA. As a

result, it is necessary to present a strong identity in its advertising, emphasizing its location

(Pennsylvania) and its blue color to limit confusion between itself and the ASPCA to maximize

potential donations and revenue.



March 17th, 2014

Pennsylvania SPCA

Dear Ms. Eremus of the Pennsylvania SPCA,

First of all, we deeply appreciate your invaluable help through the interview early in the

----- quarter. As a class team project in “Advertising and Integrated Marketing

Communications (MKTG322)” provided by the Department of Marketing at the LeBow

College of Business, Drexel University, we have conducted an advertising research

project for your firm based on important issues that we identified via interview with you.

As a result, we gathered data from relevant customers and analyzed them through the

quarter. Attached is our brief summary of the research project. In the summary, we

identify some strengths and weakness of your firm in terms of your marketing

communication strategy. We also provide some recommendations based on opinions of

our respondents (your customers and/or prospects). Our research is preliminary in nature.

However, we hope that these findings are helpful for your future management.

Since this is one of several course assignments, we would like you to sign this letter and

return it to us.

Again, thank you very much for your great help.

Best regards,

Matthew Herman, Connor McLoughlin, Samantha Stahl and Ao Tan

The instructor of the class: Professor Hyokjin Kwak (215-895-6006)


Please print your name and sign on it.


Name of the manager (owner):_________________________


ZIP Code Is Your Pet A: Pet Gender Pet Age

Dog Unknown Wellness Clinic

19139 Dog Male Adult Vaccine Clinic

19135 Dog Female Adult Vaccine Clinic

19120 Cat Unknown Spay / Neuter

19462 Dog Male Adult Wellness Clinic

19120 Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

19128 Cat Male Vaccine Clinic

19149 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19120 Not Listed Male Vaccine Clinic

19134 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19140 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19149 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19152 Dog Male Vaccine Clinic

18974 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19120 Dog Male Vaccine Clinic

19122 Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

19124 Dog Female Adult Wellness Clinic

19135 Dog Male Vaccine Clinic

19130 Cat Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19134 Not Listed Male Vaccine Clinic

19454 Dog Unknown Spay / Neuter

19120 Dog Unknown Vaccine Clinic

19136 Dog Unknown

19140 Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

19149 Cat Unknown Spay / Neuter

19038 Unknown Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

19140 Male Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

19130 Cat Male Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

19130 Dog Female Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

19130 Dog Female Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

19123 Cat Unknown Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer Puppy / Kitten No Answer

Dog Female No answer

Dog No Answer No answer

Dog Female No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Grooming

Dog Male No answer Grooming

Dog Female No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Female Senior Wellness Clinic

No answer No Answer Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Female Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Cat Female Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Cat Male Senior Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Other Surgery

Cat No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer No Answer

Cat No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Adult Wellness Clinic

Cat Female No answer Wellness Clinic

What service are you hear for


Vaccine Clinic, Wellness Clinic

Not Listed but Kitten circledNot Listed but Puppy Circled

Spay / Neuter, Vaccine Clinic, GroomingWellness Clinic, Grooming


Radio/TV, Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

Used our services previously

Online Search

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website, Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth, HLE Officer

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Used our services previously

Animal Welfare Site, Online Search

Word of Mouth, Previously adopted

Used our services previously

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

Online Search

PSPCA Website

Previously adopted

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website


Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website, Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Word of Mouth

Online Search, Social Media, Billboard / Paper

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth, Familiar w/ PSPCA

Used our services previously

PSPCA Website, Word of Mouth, Used our services previously

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Female Adult

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Female No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female No answer Grooming

Dog Female Senior Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer

Dog Male Adult Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten

Dog Female Adult Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Female Senior No Answer

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer

Dog Male No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

No answer Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Male No answer Grooming

Cat Female No answer Vaccine Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat Female No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

No answer No Answer Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

No answer No Answer Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Dog Female No answer No Answer

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Adult Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male Adult Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

No answer No Answer Senior Spay / Neuter

Dog Male No answer Grooming

Dog Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Dog Female Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Dog Male Senior Wellness Clinic

Cat Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Female No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Cat Male No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Vaccine Clinic, Wellness Clinic

Spay / Neuter, Vaccine Clinic

Vaccine Clinic, Wellness Clinic

Vaccine Clinic, Wellness Clinic

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

Other Animal Welfare Org

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website, Used our services previously

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website

Used our services previously

Used our services previously

No Answer

Other Animal Welfare Org

PSPCA Website

Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth

Online Search

Word of Mouth

Used our services previously

Word of Mouth

No Answer

PSPCA Website, Online Search

Other Animal Welfare Org

Other Animal Welfare Org

Other Animal Welfare Org

PSPCA Website

PSPCA Website

Familiar w/ PSPCA

Walk In

Word of Mouth

PSPCA Website, Word of Mouth, Used our services previously

Used our services previously, Familiar w/ PSPCAPSPCA Website, Used our services previously, Other Animal Welfare Org, Familiar w/ PSPCA

PSPCA Website, Used our services previously, Familiar w/ PSPCA

Cat No Answer No answer No Answer

No answer Male Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male Adult Wellness Clinic

Cat Unknown No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat Male No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Female Puppy / Kitten Vaccine Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Female Puppy / Kitten Grooming

Dog Male No answer Grooming

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

No answer No Answer Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Dog Female Senior Wellness Clinic

Cat Male No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Cat Female No answer

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male Adult Wellness Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat Male Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Cat Male No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer No answer Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Male No answer Vaccine Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Dog No Answer No answer No Answer

Dog Male Adult Spay / Neuter

No answer Female No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female Adult No Answer

No answer Male No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Female No answer No Answer

No answer Male Puppy / Kitten Grooming

Cat Female No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat Male Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Dog Female Puppy / Kitten Spay / Neuter

Cat Unknown No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Cat No Answer No answer

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Dog Male Puppy / Kitten Wellness Clinic

Cat No Answer No answer Spay / Neuter

Spay / Neuter, Vaccine Clinic

Spay / Neuter, Vaccine Clinic

What made you choose us today? Date of Survey

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Used Services Before 2/1/2014


Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Reputation of PSPCA, Used Services Before, Thank You! 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Recommended by Friend/Other, Reputation of PSPCA 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Used Services Before, Hours 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Recommendation - other AWO, Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Reputation of PSPCA 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Reputation of PSPCA 2/1/2014

Used Services Before 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Recommendation - other AWO 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Recommended by Friend/Other 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business 2/1/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/1/2014

Close to Home/Business, No to used our services before 2/1/2014


Recommended by Friend/Other 2/7/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/7/2014

No Answer 2/7/2014


Cost / Pricing 2/6/2014

Cost / Pricing 2/6/2014

Cost / Pricing, Reputation of PSPCA 2/6/2014

Reputation of PSPCA 2/6/2014

Recommended by Friend/Other 2/6/2014

Recommendation - HLE 2/6/2014

Used Services Before 2/6/2014

Cost / Pricing, Reputation of PSPCA, Saw article/TV/Radio Segment 2/6/2014

Recommendation - other AWO 2/6/2014

see the doctor cat 2/6/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Used Services Before 2/1/2014

Recommended by Friend/Other 2/6/2014


Cost / Pricing, Recommended by Friend/Other 2/6/2014

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Ease of Getting Appt

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Ease of Getting Appt, Reputation of PSPCA, Used Services Before

Ease of Getting Appt

Cost / Pricing, Close to Home/Business, Recommended by Friend/Other, Used Services Before

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