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March 2016

Ogden Presbyterian Church

2400 S. Union Street

Spencerport, NY 14559

(585) 352-6802

Oracle Volume XIX - Issue III

Thoughts during the Journey of Lent

As I sit here on this beautiful snow-covered day while most of my friends are tucked in their warm houses

until the storm dwindles, I remember that just 48 hours ago I was heading home from 75 degree weather in

sunny Florida. It was a good vacation, and we had a wonderful time visiting with friends, but it is the trip

home that is stuck in my mind. I was calmly reminiscing in the car while we were driving up through Georgia

when a billboard caught my eye. It simply said in large letters:

Reject Religion. Follow Jesus!

Ok, I imagine my reaction was the same as yours — “What in the world was that!?” So I thought about what

that might mean, and am still thinking about it. What exactly is my religion? And how can I follow Jesus and

be more like him if I reject religion? As we enter into our Lenten season preparing for Easter, what is it that

Jesus asks of us?

So of course, I googled the billboard words this morning, and the first thing that came up was: “I like your

Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” ~Gandhi. Okay; that cleared things up…


Does our religion define what we do and who we are? Or does our willingness to follow the principles we

learn from Jesus, especially in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chs. 5, 6, & 7) define what our religion is?

I don’t have the answers for myself yet, and certainly none for you, but it did provoke quite a lot of deep

thinking from just four words. Must we reject what religion tells us in order to follow Jesus, or can we learn to

just follow the example of Jesus and not judge our fellow Christians when they do their best to follow in their

own way to be like Jesus?

Be nice, and enjoy the journey!

Pat Everett

More thought provoking reading:

1) 9 Things that Worked in the Church a Decade Ago That Don’t Today

2) Why Many Welcoming Churches are Dying Churches

3) “God is not a Christian; God is not a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist. All of those are systems

which human beings have created to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honor my tradition, I walk

through my tradition, but I don’t think my tradition defines God; I think it only points me to God.”

~John Shelby Spong

4) 4 Things Jesus Didn’t Die For

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The April 2016 Oracle Deadline is Monday, March 14th.


All of March - John Goehle

April 3 - Rev. Encie Stevens

April 10 - Rev. Tedd Pullano

April 17 - Rev. Bob Kaiser

April 24 - Rev. David Seaburn


It was a real pleasure playing flute with the choir on February 28th. I also want to thank you for the flowers, on

behalf of my family, as we mourn the passing of my uncle. As was shared, that particular anthem the choir

sang has very special meaning to me, as my congregation commissioned it to honor our choir director (Bob

Dean)’s more than 50 years of musical service to both our Parma Baptist choir, and to the Spencerport

Community Chorus. Did you know that Bob was actually the one who started the chorus? There was a minister

at Parma that wanted to do a production of Handel’s Messiah, and he contacted the local church choirs to help

out. It was the start of many years of collaborative music making that has enriched our community.

I also wanted to follow up a little bit on Rev. Kaiser’s sermon from that morning. Rev. Kaiser spoke on love,

using Scripture from 1 John and also the very popular “love chapter”,

1 Corinthians 13. He noted that there are several words in the Greek language for love:

1) philia (filia) FEE lee uh - this is a “brotherly” type of love; a love between friends. The city of

Philadelphia is known as the “City of Brotherly Love”… appropriately translated.

2) eros (eroV) AIR ose - this is the carnal, lustful type of love. Out of the different words for love, this

is the one in Greek that is not used in the Bible.

3) storge (storgh) STORE jay - this one is often overlooked, but it is the type of love that a mother

has for her own children; a nurturing love.

4) agape (agaph) uh GAH pay - this is the Godly form of love; the purest form or all-knowing, self-

sacrificial type of love.

When Paul is writing to the Corinthians, he is not using a form of love as in a physical or emotional attraction

toward someone; he is using the word agape. One of the more thought-provoking sermons I have heard on this

particular passage is to replace the word “love” with “God”… thus you start “God is patient. God is kind. [He]

is not envious or boastful…” As you see, the passage takes on an entirely different context. But when viewed

in this light, we recognize that God is at the center of a healthy relationship, whether it’s just as friends, or as a

significant other.

We need to have the agapic form of love be more prevalent in our lives. We need to tear down the walls of

hate, oppression, and injustice around us, whatever they be, and work to spread God’s love throughout our

world. It starts with our relationships with one another. Let the agape form of love shine through you.



Current needs: Toothpaste, Jams and Jellies, Peanut

Butter, Cleaning Supplies, Hamburger Helper and

Rice. Cash and/or gift cards are always

welcome. There are 120 families on the active list

that benefit from your donations. See Jean Schult or

Andy Resch if you wish to donate cash.

Thank you for your generosity!

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February Prayers of Concern

The Palmers’ great-grandson, Abraham, had a

head injury needing stitches at daycare. Prayers

as his family searches for another daycare

center, and that it will be safer.

Prayers for Sue and her family and employees after

the fire at Yianni’s restaurant

A Prayer of Joy as we celebrate Julia Ryhal’s

birthday (2/21)

Praises for Susan Azzolina’s birthday (also 2/21)

Prayers for John Caloritis’ mother, Cynthia, who

will be undergoing medical tests to diagnose

the cause of her trouble breathing

Prayers for Marlene Dyer’s sister-in-law, Donna,

who has bone cancer

Praises that Joyce Wheeler is now back at home

and that her son is living with her.

Prayers for safe travels for Elizabeth Osborn, who

leaves for Paris on business

Praises that Mary Saurini is doing well and will be

able to attend her daughter’s graduation in New

Orleans this March!

Sherry Tucker’s niece, Heather, had her surgery

and is cancer free, and will not need to go

through radiation!

Eileen Smith’s friend and co-worker, Kathy, is

battling Stage 4 cancer for the 2nd time. She

recently had surgery to replace a bone in her

neck that had been destroyed.

Jason Tucker’s father-in-law, Jim, was having his

thyroid out, and was being checked for cancer

Dan Halstead is so thankful for all the support,

cards, and prayers over the past year. He had

his prostate removed in January, which went

well, but his PSA number is climbing again.

Dan’s brother, Paul, continues battling cancer, and

the prognosis is not good. The family made the

hard decision to continue care but not to treat


Each Sunday in our PowerPoint announcement, we

announce the birthdays of members of our church for that

coming week. Sometimes we have the birthday correct,

sometimes we don’t, and sometimes it’s missing all

together. Help us fix this! We want to celebrate with you!

Please take a minute to either email or call the church

office with the birthdays and anniversaries, as well as the

correct spellings of the names of members in your


Email: [email protected] or

Phone: 585-352-6802.

You do not need to give us the year, but by

having the dates, we can be sure to include

you in the birthday list. Thanks!


The Men’s Bible Group needs your help.

Throughout the year, we will be collecting donations

on the “Veterans’ Wish List”. The complete list is

posted on the Mission Bulletin Board and on the

special box on the Mission Table. Extra copies of the

list will be on the table for you to take home. If you

have any questions, contact any member of the Bible

Group. Your help is greatly appreciated.

One trustee is assigned per month to take care of any

building issues that may arise. Work Order Request forms

can be found on the office window ledge. Please call the

designated Trustee if you have something that needs to be

addressed or drop off a Work Order Request in the office.

Trustee of the Month:

March — Eileen Smith — (585) 734-6505


Once again, the Missions Committee will be

collecting loose change for the Spencerport

Human Needs Fund.

The coin jar will be on the Mission table.

Thank you for your help!


The Men’s Bible study meets the 2nd and 4th

Mondays of each month, at Noon (bring

your lunch with you). New members are al-

ways welcome. Any questions, see Dick Malloy.

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On Monday, February 22nd, 2016, Session voted to

search for an Interim Minister who will join OPC on a

75% basis. We hope to have a Pastor in place this

summer. There will be an informational meeting after

worship on March 6th to review the 75% decision, and

for open dialogue with Session about our path going

forward. Rev. Bob Kaiser will moderate this meeting.

Please plan to attend if able.

Blessings, OPC Session 2016


The Death and Resurrection of the Messiah by Ray Vander Laan

is the basis of this year’s Lenten study series. Mr. Vander Laan’s

acclaimed study guide is accompanied by real world video shot

in the Holy Land. These materials come highly recommended by

several members of OPC’s Women’s Bible Study who have used

them previously and who are excited to see them again.

Our study continues on Thursday, March 3 at 7pm at the

Matulls’ home. March 10th will be at the Wallaces’ home.

March 17th will be at Alice Brendel’s home, and March

24th will be at Lee Rueping’s home.

Please join your friends in the OPC family to celebrate this

holy season as we grow in our knowledge and faith.


On Saturday, March 5, 2016, the Men’s Bible Study group will

host a pasta dinner here at OPC. This will be a fundraising event.

We are expecting that we will serve between 4:30 and 6:30. During

February we will be asking OPC members to contribute funds to

offset the expenses. We hope we can make this event a profitable

venture and it will be fun as well. Dessert items like cookies,

brownies, and bar type cookies will be needed as well. AND we

would like OPC members to attend!

Please watch the bulletin for more emerging details.


On January 24th, the Cub Scouts assisted in the worship service.

On February 7th, the Boy Scouts assisted in the worship service.

Many thanks to our congregation for making the Scouts and their

families feel so welcome those two mornings! Thank you, too, for

supporting their Popcorn Sale after the worship services.

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Deacon News

* Board of Deacons attended the annual Presbytery training in January.

* We have a Deacon and Session member who can now serve communion to anyone who wants it.

* Deacons are providing special bulletins for Easter Sunday.

* Easter flowers can be ordered beginning 2/28, and before 3/13 (see Cindy Caloritis).

* Anyone wishing to do so can provide flowers for special services. Contact the Deacons.

* Don’t forget to donate clothing to the Deacon closet in the front of the church.

* Please keep us informed of joys and concerns. We cannot put things through the prayer chain or alert the

congregation unless it comes directly from that person. Thank you for your understanding. We thank you

for being the eyes, ears, and caring hearts for those in need in our congregation, and for letting us know.

* FIND YOUR DEACON: To know who your Deacon is, go to the Bulletin Board by the Kitchen door.

Look through the Deacons Zone Pages, and you should see your name listed. Your Deacon will also be

sending out a letter to you confirming that you are in their zone.

Where love and caring are, there is God.


From the DEACONS…

Our Shut-ins

Jane Snell at Kirkhaven — Deacon/Dawn Sheffet

Judy Pagel at St. Mary’s/Unity — Deacon/Michelle Rosipayla

Gene Brendel at The Hamlet @ Unity Villages — Deacon/Ruth Gaskill

Those in care facilities/shut-ins to be remembered

with prayers, cards, and visits!

Addresses/phone numbers for any of the above, or

best times to visit, may be obtained from the Deacons.

The Deacons would like to

acknowledge those familiar to our church

family who are currently serving in the

United States Military. We encourage the

congregation to remember and pray for

them in honor of their service to our


Gary J. Mulford

7063A Han Circle

Ft Stewart, GA 31315

The work of the board of the Deacons is supported by your contributions to the Deacon offering, which is

taken on Communion Sunday. Offering envelopes are available in the pews for this collection. Thank you!

Be a lamp, a lifeboat, or a ladder







Our Deacons for 2016

Dawn Sheffet — Moderator

Harry Pittman — Charity

Dennise Webster — Co-Moderator/Cards

Cindy Caloritis — Flowers

Diane Dupree — Membership

Sim Mulford—Communion Setup

Ruth Gaskill — Communion Servers

Michelle Rosipayla — Secretary

Ron Tucker — Treasurer

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Sunday, March 6th


Bring a Friend!

Don’t Miss It!!!


The Christian Education Committee and the families of our youth planning on going to the Triennium

Youth Conference this coming summer want to thank the congregation for all of their financial support

of the fundraisers: the Pancake Breakfast with Santa, the Rochester coupon books, the chili luncheon,

the Superbowl Sub sale, and the Valentine’s Day baked food sale! We appreciate your support so very

much! We also want to extend our gratitude to the Presbyterian Women, the Mission Committee, and

the Board of Deacons for their generous donations.


The Mission Committee would like to thank everyone who

baked, bought, and donated Valentine goodies for OPC

shut-ins. Eight dessert trays were delivered to OPC shut-ins,

a large tray was delivered to the veterans at the Eagle Star

House in Spencerport, and another large tray was delivered

to the Open Door Mission. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Many people were able to feel the extra love you helped

provide this Valentines Day.



Help buy animals for communities that need them!

Don’t forget to bring your offering each week!

The Mission Committee is once again filling backpacks for Fostering Hope. We’ll

be collecting in March and April. Some of the items are school supplies, journals,

toiletries, and small toys. Please take an Easter egg or two from our tree, then

purchase the items and put them in the special box on the Mission Table.

Complete copies of the list are on the Mission Table. Thank you!


One Great Hour of Sharing is one of four special

offerings taken yearly to promote Presbyterian

Mission and was started in 1949. We partner with

communities around the world to ensure that

children suffering from disease get treatment,

correct sanitation problems, provide tools and

training to provide income for themselves thereby

improving their world.

This year’s offering will be taken on Easter

Sunday, March 27th.


There are four liturgical colors: white, purple,

red, and green. Do you know what they mean?

White is reserved for the two big Christian days:

Easter and Christmas. Purple is used to

symbolize penitence and preparation, and is

used during the seasons of Lent and Advent.

Red is used for Pentecost, which is the church’s

(as a whole) birthday. Finally, Green is used for

all other times of the year.

The Cross is draped in Purple for Lent, Black for

Good Friday, and White for Easter. Hopefully

this explains why there are changes to the

Parament colors throughout the year.

~Carol Quinn

Worship & Music Committee

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What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? How can we effectively disciple others?

Christian bookstores are full of how-to manuals that try to answer these questions. The early

church had a discipling manual, too—the Gospel of Matthew.

Plan to join us on Tuesday, March 8th at 9:30 in the Oak Room as we begin our study of

this exciting and challenging gospel. Journey with us from the visit of the Magi in the

beginning of Matthew to the words of the Great Commission at its conclusion. Get ready for an

adventure! All OPC women and their friends are invited.


Orders are due in to

Cindy Caloritis (with

payment) by

Sunday, March 13th.

Order forms can be

found in the weekly


Any questions, call

Cindy at 455-5814.


Copies of “Feeding the

Flock” are still


225 Recipes!

Professionally bound!


See Judy Rynne to

purchase or with

any questions.

Thank you!

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Worship and Fellowship Assistants

GREETERS: March 6 Dawn, Alyssa, & Madison Hoadley

13 Ron Tucker

20 Nancy Holley

27 Jean Schult


March 6 Dennis Dupree & Al Webster

13 Bonnie Bush & Jean Schult

20 Jim & Sandy Frieday

27 Bob Hutchison & Evelyn Bentley


March 6 Sandy Frieday

13 Bill Everett

20 Elizabeth Osborn

27 John Caloritis


March 6 Cheri Hill

13 Suzie Ewell

20 Sandy & Jim Frieday

27 TBD


March 6 Sim Mulford & Pam Gonnoud

13 Scott Gaskill & Chelsea Metherell

20 Scott Gaskill & Chelsea Metherell



March 6 TBD

13 TBD

20 TBD

27 TBD


March 6 Bill & Pat Everett, Anne & Bob Wallace


Name Day

Andrew Resch 3 / 2

Paul Glor 3 / 3

Linda Shelley 3 / 3

Jonathan Hinett 3 / 4

Ryan Gruendike 3 / 5

Elizabeth Gonnoud 3 / 12

Tracy Webster 3 / 13

Agnes McBride 3 / 13

Alan Webster 3 / 14

Gary Metz 3 / 18

Dawn Sheffet 3 / 19

Mary Jane Dyer 3 / 23

Jackson Hinett 3 / 27

Eric Webster 3 / 28

Brian Weigand 3 / 30



“Springing Forth with Sound”

Directed by: Darla Bair

Sat., March 12 @ 7pm

Sun., March 13 @ 3pm

Concerts are FREE and at OPC!

For more information, visit:

Come and hear what is sure to be a

wonderful program of music!

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Newsletter Deadline: Articles for the April 2016 issue of The Oracle are due in the Church Office no later than Monday, March 14th by 10:00 a.m. All contributions are subject to editing with regard to the subject matter and space requirements.

The Oracle is the newsletter of the Ogden Presbyterian Church of Spencerport, New York, a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The newsletter is sent to members and friends of the congregation to keep them informed of events, activities, and people in the life of the congregation. Sunday worship is at 10:00a.m. Church school is offered for all ages. Coffee Fellowship immediately follows worship. All guests are welcome!

Ogden Presbyterian Church

2400 S. Union Street

Spencerport, NY 14559

Telephone: (585) 352-6802

Office email: [email protected]

Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.


March 2016


OPC Mission Statement: Our purpose is to equip ourselves and others to be Disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.

March 2016

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