Page 1: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade


Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as

dificuldades relacionadas ao Ensino de Diagramas

da UML

Williamson Silva1, Igor Steinmacher2, Tayana Uchôa Conte1

1 USES - Grupo de Pesquisa em Usabilidade e Engenharia de Software

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática

Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Manaus AM, 69077-000 {williamson.silva, tayana}

2 Departamento de Computação – Universidade Federal de Tecnologia do Paraná (UFTPR), Campo Mourão, PR

– Brasil [email protected]

USES Technical Report

TR-USES-2016-0019 November 2017

Institute of Computing (IComp)

Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)

Manaus, Amazonas 69077-000



Page 2: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades

relacionadas ao Ensino de Diagramas da UML

Williamson Silva1, Igor Steinmacher2, Tayana Conte1

1 Grupo de Pesquisa em Usabilidade e Engenharia de Software (USES) - Instituto de

Computação (IComp) – Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, AM – Brasil


2 Departamento de Computação – Universidade Federal de Tecnologia do Paraná (UFTPR),

Campo Mourão, PR – Brasil

[email protected]

Novembro 2017


1 INTRODUÇÃO .......................................................................................... 3

2 PROTOCOLO DO MAPEAMENTO ..................................................... 3

2.1 DEFINIÇÃO DO OBJETIVO E QUESTÕES DE PESQUISA ............................................................ 4


2.2.1 ESCOPO DA PESQUISA ................................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 IDIOMAS DOS ARTIGOS ................................................................................................. 5


(PALAVRAS-CHAVE)..................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 CRITÉRIOS DE SELEÇÃO DE ARTIGOS E PROCEDIMENTOS ..................................................... 7

2.3.1 CRITÉRIO DE INCLUSÃO ................................................................................................ 7

2.3.2 CRITÉRIO DE EXCLUSÃO ............................................................................................... 7

2.3.3 PROCESSO DE SELEÇÃO PRELIMINAR (1° FILTRO) ........................................................ 8

2.3.4 PROCESSO DE SELEÇÃO FINAL (2° FILTRO)................................................................... 8


2.4.1 LISTA DE ARTIGOS RETORNADOS A PARTIR DO 1° FILTRO NA SCOPUS ........................... 8


2.4.3 LISTA DE ARTIGOS DO 2° FILTRO NA SCOPUS .............................................................. 43

2.4.4 LISTA DE ARTIGOS DO 2° FILTRO NA ENGINEERING VILLAGE ..................................... 48


2.6 ESTRATÉGIA PARA EXTRAÇÃO DE DADOS ......................................................................... 53

2.7 LISTA DE ARTIGOS ENCONTRADOS ..................................................................................... 55

2.8 CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS ..................................................................................................... 57

3 REFERÊNCIAS ....................................................................................... 57

Page 3: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade


A UML oferece um catálogo de diferentes requisitos e artefatos de design que podem

ser usados para modelar os requisitos e projeto de um sistema sob diferentes pontos de vista e

perspectivas (El-Attar et al., 2015). Portanto, aprender UML se torna uma necessidade para

profissionais e estudantes de Engenharia de Software (Siau e Lu, 2006). Apesar de ser um

padrão para a modelagem orientada a objetos, a UML tem sido criticada por possuir uma série

de dificuldades de uso, como inconsistências semânticas, inadequação das notações e

ambiguidades dos diagramas e dos constructos (Siau e Lu, 2006). Essas questões são os

principais obstáculos ao utilizar os diagramas da UML. Por este motivo, foi decidido executar

um levantamento das principais dificuldades relacionadas ao uso destes diagramas. Por isso,

optou-se por realizar um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura.

Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura (MSL) é um tipo de Revisão Sistemática da

Literatuta (RSL) e, segundo Kitchenham e Chartes (2007), é utilizado para prover uma ampla

visão de uma área de pesquisa e estabelecer se existem evidências de pesquisas em um

determinado tópico. Ao contrário das revisões informais da literatura, onde o pesquisador não

segue um processo definido para sua condução, um Mapeamento Sistemático (a) é executado

de maneira formal obedecendo a um protocolo pré-estabelecido e (b) requer maior rigor na sua

realização. Em compensação, seus resultados tendem a ser mais confiáveis, visto que eles fazem

uso de uma metodologia rigorosa e passível de auditagem e repetição (Kitchenham e Chartes,


A pesquisa que será apresentada neste trabalho é um Estudo de Mapeamento

Sistemático (MSL) sobre as dificuldades relacionadas à UML e seus diagramas. Este capítulo

apresenta como foi realizado este estudo de Mapeamento Sistemático, ou seja, será apresentado

o objetivo deste mapeamento, as questões de pesquisa, a estratégia de busca realizada e a

extração de dados dos artigos selecionados.


Ao contrário das revisões informais da literatura, onde o pesquisador não segue um

processo definido para sua condução, o MSL é executado de maneira formal obedecendo a um

protocolo pré-estabelecido. Nas próximas seções, o protocolo para a condução do mapeamento

sistemático é apresentado, baseado das diretrizes para condução de revisões sistemáticas

proposto por Kitchenham e Charters (2007).

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O objetivo deste Mapeamento Sistemático segundo o paradigma GQM (Goal-Question-

Metric) (Basili e Rombach, 1988) está definido na Tabela 2.1.

Tabela 2.1: Objetivo do Mapeamento Sistemático segundo paradigma GQM.

Analisar publicações cientificas

Como propósito de caracterizar

Em relação a dificuldades relacionadas aos diagramas da UML

Do ponto de vista dos pesquisadores

No contexto de diagramas da UML utilizados no desenvolvimento de


Para este mapeamento foi utilizado a seguinte questão de pesquisa:

“Quais as dificuldades percebidas na literatura que podem influenciar no ensino dos

diagramas UML?”

A partir da Questão de Pesquisa apresentada acima, buscou-se identificar três aspectos

nas publicações selecionadas: Dificuldades dos diagramas da UML, Tecnologias e Estudo

Experimental. Baseados nestes três aspectos, foram definidas Sub-Questões de Pesquisa (SQP)

para cada aspecto visando responder questionamentos específicos, conforme pode ser visto na

Tabela 2.2:

Tabela 2.2: Sub-Questões de Pesquisa.

Aspecto Nº Sub-questões de pesquisa

Dificuldades SQ01 Quais são as dificuldades mencionadas no artigo?

SQ02 As dificuldades estão relacionadas a que diagramas UML?


SQ03 Há uma tecnologia1 que pode ser utilizada para apoiar na melhoria

das no ensino/aprendizado dos diagramas?

SQ04 A tecnologia é baseada em outra tecnologia existente?

SQ05 A tecnologia é para ser utilizada em grupo ou individualmente?


SQ06 O artigo apresenta um estudo experimental?

SQ07 Qual o tipo de estudo experimental realizado?

SQ08 Qual o perfil dos participantes do estudo?

SQ09 Qual o tipo de resultado do estudo experimental?

1 O termo “tecnologia” é utilizado como generalização para procedimentos, ferramentas, técnicas, metodologias

e outras propostas realizadas na área de Engenharia de Software (Santos et al., 2012).

Page 5: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Aspecto Nº Sub-questões de pesquisa

SQ10 O estudo experimental apresenta métrica (s) que visam a avaliar os



A estratégia para pesquisa deve tornar explícito o escopo da pesquisa e os termos a

serem utilizados na mesma. Os termos que compõem as sequências de palavras-chave utilizados

na string de busca (search strings).


Com o objetivo de definir o escopo deste mapeamento, alguns critérios de seleção foram

estabelecidos para garantir uma relação custo-benefício adequada e garantir uma boa

confiabilidade no mapeamento. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bibliotecas digitais Scopus e

Engineering Village. Estas bibliotecas foram selecionadas pelos seguintes motivos:

• Permitem o uso de expressões lógicas para as buscas ou mecanismo similar para

localizar as publicações através do título e resumo (abstract) das publicações;

• Possuem um bom funcionamento e abrangência de suas máquinas de busca,

evidenciadas em alguns trabalhos, como o de Santos (2008), Schots (2010) e Costa


• Contêm em suas bases, publicações de uma gama variada de áreas de


• As bibliotecas digitais pertencem à lista de bibliotecas do Portal de Periódicos

da CAPES2;

• Dyba et al. (2007) afirmam que os artigos retornados nas bibliotecas digitais

Kluwer Online, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder

também retornam na biblioteca digital Compendex Engineering village.


O idioma escolhido foi o Inglês, por este ser adotado pela grande maioria das

conferências e periódicos internacionais relacionados ao tema da pesquisa.


Page 6: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade



A string de busca aplicada nas bibliotecas digitais foi elaborada baseada em três termos

de busca principais que foram extraídos da questão de pesquisa geral deste mapeamento

sistemático, conforme Martins e Gorschek (2016) e Da Silva (2014) descrevem em seus

trabalhos. Os três termos de busca principais são: (1) dificuldades, (2) ensino e (3) diagramas

da UML (ver Figura 2.1, parte A). A string de busca foi elaborada por meio de diversas

interações e testes pilotos visando a assegurar que foram utilizados um conjunto compreensível

de sinônimos que permitiria uma alta cobertura de artigos retornados, ou seja, se grande parte

destes artigos estavam dentro do escopo deste mapeamento. Para isso, os pesquisadores

utilizaram um processo de refinamento (as interações), conforme sugerido por Zang et al.

(2010), para inclusão de novos termos identificados nos artigos previamente selecionados e

verificavam constantemente se os artigos de controle estavam retornando nas strings de busca

que estavam sendo testadas. Após as interações, os pesquisadores chegaram a um nível de

cobertura razoável de artigos com a string de busca nas bibliotecas digitais. A string de busca

final que foi utilizada neste mapeamento é apresentada na parte B da Figura 2.1.

Figura 2.1: String de busca com base na questão de pesquisa do mapeamento.

Page 7: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade


Um pesquisador formulou os critérios de inclusão e exclusão que foram revisados por

outro pesquisador mais experiente na área de ensino de modelos. Kitchenham e Chartes (2007)

dizem que devem ser seguidos critérios de inclusão e exclusão para os artigos que são

retornados pela string de busca.


Os critérios de Inclusão são:

• CI1. Devem ser selecionadas publicações que discutam dificuldades/

facilidades/ lições aprendidas sobre ensinar/aprender/utilizar diagramas da UML.

• CI2. Devem ser selecionadas publicações que apresentam estudos experimentais

que discutam sobre o ensino/aprendizagem/uso dos diagramas da UML.

• C13. Devem ser selecionadas publicações que discutam sobre métricas que

podem ser utilizadas para avaliar o ensino/aprendizado de diagramas da UML.

• CI4. Devem ser selecionadas publicações que apresentam tecnologias que

podem ser utilizadas para apoiar o ensino/aprendizagem de diagramas da UML.

• CI5. Devem ser selecionadas publicações que discutam aspectos relacionados

ao ensino de diagramas da UML.


Os critérios de Exclusão são:

• CE1. Não serão selecionadas publicações que não atendam os critérios de


• CE2. Não serão aceitas publicações duplicadas (por exemplo, uma publicação

com um estudo publicado em lugares diferentes ou em datas diferentes). Neste caso,

será considerada apenas a versão mais completa e mais recente.

• CE3. Não serão selecionadas publicações que apresentem a utilização dos

diagramas no desenvolvimento de softwares educacionais, sem mencionar as

dificuldades sobre o uso destes diagramas.

• CE4. Não serão aceitas publicações que não estejam escritas em


Page 8: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

• CE5. Não serão consideradas publicações revisadas por pares, porém não foram

publicadas em periódicos, conferências, workshops (por exemplo, livros, teses de

doutorado, dissertações de mestrado, patentes).

• CE6. Não serão consideradas publicações que não estejam disponíveis para



Serão selecionados artigos que apresentem informações no título e no abstract sobre

estudos que tratam sobre as dificuldades/ estudos experimentais relacionados ao ensino de

diagramas da UML. Para isto, serão utilizados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão descritos nas

subseções anteriores. Para cada estudo incluído ou excluído será adotado um ou mais critérios

(Inclusão ou Exclusão).


Como a leitura de duas informações (título e abstract) não é suficiente para identificar

se o estudo é realmente relevante para a pesquisa realizada, tornou-se necessário realizar a

leitura completa dos estudos que foram aprovados no 1° filtro. Dessa forma, esta fase do

mapeamento tem como objetivo realizar uma análise mais apurada dos estudos, identificando e

extraindo dados também de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão descritos

anteriormente. Novamente, para cada estudo incluído ou excluído será adotado um ou mais

critérios (Inclusão ou Exclusão).




Na biblioteca digital Scopus, houve um retorno de 524 artigos, utilizando a string de

busca apresentada na Seção 2, Subseção 2.2.3, os quais são listados abaixo na Tabela 2.3 com

os seus respectivos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Destes artigos retornados, somente 243

artigos foram selecionados no primeiro filtro.

Tabela 2.3: Lista de Artigos retornados na Scopus do 1º filtro.

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

SC0001 Yue, T.; Ali, S. 2016 Empirically evaluating OCL and Java for specifying constraints on

UML models CE1

SC0002 Herout, P.; Brada, P. 2016 UML-test application for automated validation of students' UML class diagram


SC0003 Kung, D.; Lei, J. 2016 An object-oriented analysis and design environment CI3

Page 9: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

SC0004 Yao, L.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.

2016 Hybrid MARTE CE1

SC0005 Karasneh, B.; Jolak, R.; Chaudron,

M.R.V. 2016

Using examples for teaching software design: An experiment

using a repository of UML class diagrams CI2

SC0006 Rago, A.; Marcos, C.; Diaz-Pace,

J.A. 2016

Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning

semantic actions CE1

SC0007 Gómez-Abajo, P.; Guerra, E.; De Lara, J.

2016 Wodel: A domain-specific language for model mutation CE1

SC0008 Azzeh, M.; Nassif, A.B.; Banitaan,

S. 2015

An application of classification and class decomposition to use

case point estimation method CE1

SC0009 Zheng, W. 2016 Art modular education research based on computer platform CE1

SC0010 Javed, S.; Oh, S.H.; Sobral, A.; Bouwmans, T.; Jung, S.K.

2016 Background Subtraction via Superpixel-Based Online Matrix Decomposition with Structured Foreground Constraints


SC0011 Zhong, D.; Wu, N.; Wang, Q.;

Sun, R. 2015

A multi-view extended software control structure modeling and

safety analysis method CE1

SC0012 Widya, I.; Volman, C.; Pokraev,

S.; De Diana, I.; Michiels, E. 2001 Enterprise modelling for an educational information infrastructure CE3


Santos, N.; Fernandes, J.M.; Sameiro Carvalho, M.; Silva, P.V.;

Fernandes, F.A.; Rebelo, M.P.;

Barbosa, D.; Maia, P.; Couto, M.; Machado, R.J.

2016 Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project


SC0014 Meller, Y.; Grumberg, O.; Yorav,

K. 2016

Learning-based compositional model checking of behavioral UML

systems CE1

SC0015 Herden, A.; Farias, P.P.M.;

Albuquerque, A.B. 2016

An agile approach to improve process-oriented software

development CI1

SC0016 Vachharajani, V.; Vasant, S.; Pareek, J.

2016 Feasibility study of proposed architecture for automatic assessment of Use-Case diagram


SC0017 Kerr, D. 2016 Visualizing Changes in Strategy Use across Attempts via State

Diagrams: A Case Study CE1

SC0018 Le, N.-T.; Huse, N. 2016 Evaluation of the formal models for the Socratic method CE1

SC0019 Huse, N.; Le, N.-T. 2016 The formal models for the socratic method CE1

SC0020 Sharma, R.; Gupta, S. 2016 A One-to-One communication model to facilitate conversation between Differently-Abled people by a portable and handy



SC0021 Ribeiro, A.; De Sousa, L.; Da Silva, A.R.

2016 Comparative analysis of workbenches to support DSMLs: Discussion with non-trivial model-driven development needs


SC0022 Saripalle, R.K. 2016 Need for a specialized metamodel for biomedical and health

informatics domain CE1

SC0023 Belghiat, A.; Kerkouche, E.;

Chaoui, A.; Beldjehem, M. 2016

Mobile agent-based software systems modeling approaches: A

comparative study CE1

SC0024 Liu, Z.; Chen, X. 2016 Model-driven design of object and component systems CE5

SC0025 Yang, J.; Lee, Y.; Hicks, D.;

Chang, K.H. 2015

Enhancing object-oriented programming education using static

and dynamic visualization CE1

SC0026 Sabitzer, B.; Pasterk, S. 2015 Modeling: A computer science concept for general education CI5


Aichernig, B.K.; Brandl, H.;

Jöbstl, E.; Krenn, W.; Schlick,

R.; Tiran, S.

2015 Killing strategies for model-based mutation testing CE1

SC0028 Zhu, Y. and Song, Y. and Li, X.

and Liu, Q. and Li, H. 2015

Research on networked video courseware system based on object-

oriented method CE1

SC0029 Hani, H.; Abu-Wandi, R. 2015 DISSERO mobile application for autistic children's CE1

SC0030 Balaban, M.; Maraee, A.; Sturm,

A.; Jelnov, P. 2015 A pattern-based approach for improving model quality CI4

SC0031 Stikkolorum, D.R.; Ho-Quang, T.;

Chaudron, M.R.V. 2015

Revealing Students' UML Class Diagram Modelling Strategies

with WebUML and LogViz CI4


Earle, C.B.; Fernandez-Soriano, A.M.; Fredlund, L.-A.; Gomez-

Martinez, E.

2015 Teaching Software Safety to Master Students CE1,

SC0033 Dranidis, D.; Stamatopoulou, I.; Ntika, M.

2015 Learning and practicing systems analysis and design with StudentUML


SC0034 Greenyer, J., Haase, M.,

Marhenke, J., Bellmer, R. 2015

Evaluating a formal scenario-based method for the requirements

analysis in automotive software engineering CI1

SC0035 Duschl, K.C., Gramß, D.,

Obermeier, M., Vogel-Heuser, B. 2015 Towards a taxonomy of errors in PLC programming CE1

SC0036 Zheng, G., Callan, J. 2015 Learning to reweight terms with distributed representations CE1


El-Attar, M.a and Luqman, H.a

and Karpati, P.b and Sindre, G.c and Opdahl, A.L.d

2015 Extending the UML Statecharts Notation to Model Security

Aspects CI1

SC0038 Ali, S.a and Iqbal, M.Z.b c and

Khalid, M.b and Arcuri, A.c d 2015

Improving the performance of OCL constraint solving with novel

heuristics for logical operations: a search-based approach CE1

Page 10: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

SC0039 Obermeier, M. and Braun, S. and Vogel-Heuser, B.

2015 A model-driven approach on object-oriented PLC programming for manufacturing systems with regard to usability


SC0040 Elaasar, M.a and Briand, L.C.b

and Labiche, Y.c 2015

VPML: an approach to detect design patterns of MOF-based

modeling languages CE1

SC0041 Li, K.a and Yao, X.a and Chen,

D.b and Yuan, L.b and Zhou, D.b 2015 HAZOP study on the CTCS-3 onboard system CE1

SC0042 Weerasinghe, A. and Evans, B. 2015 UML-IT: An ITS to teach multiple modelling tasks CI5


Rodrigues, E. and Bernardino, M.

and Costa, L. and Zorzo, A. and Oliveira, F.

2015 PLeTsPerf - A Model-Based Performance Testing Tool CE1

SC0044 Sengupta, S.a and Dasgupta, R.b 2015 Using Semiformal and Formal Methods in Software Design: An

Integrated Approach for Intelligent Learning Management System CE1

SC0045 Yue, T.a and Briand, L.C.b and

Labiche, Y.c 2015

aToucan: An automated framework to derive UML analysis

models from use case models CI4

SC0046 Okewu, E. 2015 Requirements engineering in an emerging market CE1

SC0047 Ajiboye, A.R.a and Arshah, R.A.b

and Qin, H.a 2015

A novel approach to efficient exploration and mining of students'

data CE1


Guermazi, S.a and Tatibouet, J.a

and Cuccuru, A.a and Dhouib, S.a

and Gérard, S.a and Seidewitz, E.b

2015 Executable Modeling with fUML and Alf in papyrus: Tooling and experiments


SC0049 Svee, E.-O. and Zdravkovic, J. 2015 IStar instruction in mixed student cohort environments CI1

SC0050 Magalhaães, A.P. and Maciel,

R.S.P. and Andrade, A. 2015

Towards a metamodel design methodology: Experiences from a

model transformation metamodel design CE1


Stikkolorum, D.R.a and Ho-Quang, T.b and Karashneh, B.a

and Chaudron, M.R.V.b

2015 Uncovering students' common dificulties and strategies during a

class diagram design process: An online experiment CI2

SC0052 Boussaha, K.a and Mokhati, F.b and Zakaria, C.b

2015 Architecture of a specific platform for training practical works: Integration of learners' assessment component


SC0053 Hajjej, F. and Hlaoui, Y.B. and

Ben Ayed, L.J. 2015 A model driven approach for design flexible e-Assessment CE1


Chen, X.a b and Jiang, P.a b and

Zhang, Y.-F.a b and Huang, C.a

b and Zhou, Y.a b

2015 Method of automatic test case generation for safety-critical scenarios in train control systems



Jiang, J.a and Jiang, L.a and

Kotsovinos, P.a and Zhang, J.a

and Usmani, A.a and McKenna, F.b and Li, G.-Q.c

2015 OpenSees software architecture for the analysis of structures in

fire CE1

SC0056 Telnov, V.P. 2015 Semantic web and search agents for Russian higher Education. A

pilot project. CE1

SC0057 Nahar, N. and Sakib, K. 2015 Automatic recommendation of software design patterns using anti-

patterns in the design phase: A case study on abstract factory CE1

SC0058 Vitolina, I. 2015 E-inclusion Modeling for Blended e-learning Course CE1

SC0059 Ponsard, C. and Deprez, J.-C. 2015 A UML KPI profile for energy aware design and monitoring of

cloud services CE1

SC0060 Tawosi, V. and Jalili, S. and

Hasheminejad, S.M.H. 2015

Automated software design using ant colony optimization with

semantic network support CE1

SC0061 Wang, J.a and Kissel, Z.A.b 2015 Introduction to Network Security: Theory and Practice CE1

SC0062 Bruel, J.-M.a and Maggi, B.b and Letavernier, C.b

2015 Papyrus for education CI4

SC0063 Al-Fedaghi, S.a b 2015 Heraclitean ontology for specifying systems CE1

SC0064 Bai, S. 2015 Study on entrepreneurship platform in the context of

informationization CE1

SC0065 Brambilla, M. and Fraternali, P. 2014 Interaction Flow Modeling Language: Model-Driven UI Engineering of Web and Mobile Apps with IFML


SC0066 Arya, K. and Coelho, B. and

Pandya, S. 2014

A model based design approach to system building using the e-

Yantra educational robot CE1

SC0067 Petre, M. 2014 No shit or Oh, shit!: responses to observations on the use of UML

in professional practice CI2

SC0068 Rago, A.a b and Marcos, C.a c and Diaz-Pace, J.A.a b

2014 Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning semantic actions


SC0069 Li, K. and Yao, X. and Chen, D.

and Yuan, L. and Zhou, D. 2014 HAZOP Study on the CTCS-3 Onboard System CE1

SC0070 Bensaber, D.A. 2014 Facilitating the specification of wsmo ontology using model-

driven development CE1

SC0071 Outair, A. and Lyhyaoui, A. and Tanana, M.

2014 Towards a semi automatic assessment of UML diagrams by graph transformation


SC0072 Yamazaki, S.a and Jiromaru, T.b 2014 Instructional design of exercise-centric teaching materials on

UML modeling CI4

SC0073 Fitsilis, P. and Gerogiannis, V.C.

and Anthopoulos, L. 2014

Role of unified modelling language in software development in

Greece - Results from an exploratory study CI1

SC0074 Mich, L. 2014 Teaching requirements analysis: A student project framework to bridge the gap between business analysis and software engineering


Page 11: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério


Silva-López, R.B. and Silva-López, M. and Méndez-Gurrola,

I.I. and Bravo, M.

2014 Onto design graphics (ODG): A graphical notation to standardize

ontology design CE1

SC0076 Ali, S.a and Iqbal, M.Z.b c and Arcuri, A.a

2014 Improved heuristics for solving OCL constraints using search algorithms



Luque, L.a and Veriscimo, E.S.a

and Pereira, G.C.a and Filgueiras, L.V.L.b

2014 Can we work together? on the inclusion of blind people in UML

model-based tasks CI4

SC0078 Yulianto, B. and Dewi, L.C. 2014 Beeboard: From wiimote to interactive whiteboard application for

classroom CE1

SC0079 Gallardo, J.a and Molina, A.I.b

and Bravo, C.b and Gallego, F.b 2014

A system for collaborative building of use case models:

Communication analysis and experiences: Experiences of use and

lessons learned from the use of the SPACE-DESIGN tool in the domain of use case diagrams


SC0080 Wan, R. and Huang, X. 2014 The design and realization of college teaching management

system based on UML and ASP.NET technology CE1

SC0081 Reggio, G. and Leotta, M. and

Ricca, F. and Clerissi, D. 2014 What are the used activity diagram constructs? A survey CI2

SC0082 Siregar, J.J. and Rubil 2014 The prototype design academic information for management of exams quiz university students based on SMS gateway



Remenska, D.a c and Willemse,

T.A.C.b and Templon, J.c and Verstoep, K.a and Bal, H.a

2014 Property specification made easy: Harnessing the power of model

checking in UML designs CE1


Kayama, M.a and Ogata, S.a and

Masymoto, K.b and Hashimoto, M.a and Otani, M.a


A practical conceptual modeling teaching method based on

quantitative error analyses for novices learning to create error-free simple class diagrams


SC0085 Scanniello, G. and Erra, U. 2014 Distributed modeling of use case diagrams with a method based

on think-pair-square: Results from two controlled experiments CI2

SC0086 Osman, M.H.a and Chaudron,

M.R.V.b and Van Der Putten, P.a 2014

Interactive scalable abstraction of reverse engineered UML class

diagrams CE1


Tanaka, T.a and Mori, K.b and Hashiura, H.c and Hazeyama, A.d

and Komiya, S.e

2014 Proposals of a method detectiong learners' difficult points in object

modeling exercises and a tool to support the method CI1


Thung, F.a and Lo, D.a and Osman, M.H.b and Chaudron,


2014 Condensing class diagrams by analyzing design and network

metrics using optimistic classification CE1

SC0089 Zhao, X.F. 2014 Research on teaching evaluation system modeling based on UML CI5

SC0090 Reggio, G. and Leotta, M. and

Ricca, F. 2014 Who knows/useswhat of the UML: A personal opinion survey CI2

SC0091 Meng, A. 2014 Multi-agent design and implementation for an online peer help

system CE1

SC0092 Rajashekharaiah, K.M.M. and

Patil, M.S. and Joshi, G.H. 2014

Impact of classification of lab assignments and problem solving

approach in object oriented programming lab course: A case study CI1

SC0093 Kruus, H. and Robal, T. and Jervan, G.

2014 Teaching modeling in SysML/UML and problems encountered CI1

SC0094 Von Franqué, A. and Telliogllu, H. 2014 UML Quiz: Automatic conversion of web-based e-learning

content in mobile applications CI4

SC0095 Ali, S.a and Yue, T.a and Briand,

L.C.a b 2014

Does aspect-oriented modeling help improve the readability of

UML state machines? CI2


Li, W.-J. and Zhao, K. and Zhang, L.-L. and Wei, C.-X. and Wang, J.

and Xu, S.-H.

2014 Software security concerns modeling method based on UML

extension CE1

SC0097 Shukla, N.a b and Keast, J.E.a and Ceglarek, D.a c

2014 Improved workflow modelling using role activity diagram-based modelling with application to a radiology service case study


SC0098 Gorschek, T.a and Tempero, E.b

and Angelis, L.c 2014

On the use of software design models in software development

practice: An empirical investigation CI2

SC0099 Santos, O.C. and Boticario, J.G.

and Manjarrés-Riesco, Á. 2014 An approach for an affective educational recommendation model CE1

SC0100 Mitra, S. 2014 Using UML modeling to facilitate three-tier architecture projects in software engineering courses


SC0101 Moussaoui, R. and Medroumi, H.

and Moutaouakkil, F. 2014

Design and modeling of SMA architecture using MaSE

methodologies CE1

SC0102 Ozkaya, M. and Kloukinas, C. 2014 Architectural specification and analysis with XCD: The aegis

combat system case study CE1


Bauersfeld, S.a and Vos, T.E.J.a and Condori-Fernandez, N.b and

Bagnato, A.c and Brosse, E.c

2014 Evaluating the TESTAR tool in an industrial case study CE1

SC0104 Daian, G.I. and Santa, M.M. and

Letia, T.S. 2014 Hierarchical railway traffic model for information systems CE1

SC0105 Ozkaya, M. and Kloukinas, C. 2014 Realizable, Connector-driven software architectures for practising

engineers CI5

SC0106 Stuurman, S. and Van Gastel, B.E.

and Passier, H.J.M. 2014 The design of mobile apps: What and how to teach? CE1

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SC0107 Chen, D. and Sun, Y. and Wei, K. and Qiao, Z. and Xin, C.

2014 Supporting online synchronous education for software engineering via web-based operation record and replay


SC0108 Lin, J.a b and Yu, H.c and Shen,

Z.c and Miao, C.c 2014 Using goal net to model user stories in agile software development CE1

SC0109 Stephan, M. 2014 Model clone detector evaluation using mutation analysis CE1

SC0110 Qiu, X. and Zhang, L. 2014 Specifying redundancy tactics as crosscutting concerns using aspect-oriented modeling



Pucsek, D.a and Baldwin, J.a and

MacLeod, L.a and Berg, C.a and Coady, Y.a and Salois, M.b

2013 ICE: Binary analysis that You Can See CE1

SC0112 Mayerhofer, T. and Langer, P. and

Wimmer, M. and Kappel, G. 2013 xMOF: Executable DSMLs based on fUML CE1


Shah, M.M. and Chrpa, L. and

Kitchin, D. and McCluskey, T.L.

and Vallati, M.

2013 Exploring knowledge engineering strategies in designing and modelling a road traffic accident management domain


SC0114 Roehm, T.a and Bruegge, B.a and Hesse, T.-M.b and Paech, B.b


Towards identification of software improvements and

specification updates by comparing monitored and specified end-

user behavior


SC0115 Hariharan, B. and Joy, N. and

Sreedevi, A.G. 2013 Multimedia: Video sharing for E-classroom CE1

SC0116 Hei, X.a and Zhao, K.a and Ma, W.a and Wang, L.a and Xie, G.b

2013 Study on describing problems of temporal interval centered synchronization within DRIS


SC0117 Alves, M.C.B.a and Leal, C.F.b 2013 Towards a formal software development in a concurrent

engineering environment: A space system case CE1

SC0118 Barros, J.P. 2013 From concrete to abstract: About teaching UML class diagrams to

novice programmers CI4


Ayachi-Ghanouchi, S.a and Cheniti-Belcadhi, L.b and Lewis,


2013 Analysis and modeling of tutor functions CE1

SC0120 Rozanc, I. 2013 Framework for web application domain knowledge extraction CE1


Akayama, S.a and Kuboaki, S.b and Hisazumi, K.c and Futagami,

T.d and Kitasuka, T.e

2013 Development of a modeling education program for novices using

model-driven development CI3

SC0122 Bernardi, S.a and Merseguer, J.b and Petriu, D.C.c

2013 Model-driven dependability assessment of software systems CE1

SC0123 Selic, B. and Gérard, S. 2013 Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with


SC0124 Bolanos, F.a and Rivera, F.b and

Aedo, J.E.b and Bagherzadeh, N.c 2013

From UML specifications to mapping and scheduling of tasks into

a NoC, with reliability considerations CE1

SC0125 Boberic-Krsticev, D. and Tešendic, D.

2013 Experience in teaching OOAD to various students CI1

SC0126 Sahraoui, A.-E.-K.a b 2013 The rationale paradigm in system development lifecycle CE1


Ciferri, C.a and Ciferri, R.a and

Gómez, L.b and Schneider, M.c

and Vaisman, A.d and Zimányi, E.d

2013 Cube algebra: A generic user-centric model and query language

for OLAP cubes CE1

SC0128 Jeong, H.a and Seo, J.a b and

Park, S.c 2013

A statistical learning method for identification of analysis classes

from requirements in korean CE1

SC0129 Syn, T.a and Batra, D.b 2013 Improving sequence diagram modeling performance: A technique

based on Chunking, Ordering, and Patterning CI4

SC0130 Karasneh, B.a and Chaudron, M.R.V.a b

2013 Online Img2UML repository: An online repository for UML models


SC0131 Chaudhri, V.K. and Dinesh, N. and

Inclezan, D. 2013

Three lessons in creating a knowledge base to enable reasoning,

explanation and dialog CE1

SC0132 Hajjej, F. and Hlaoui, Y.B.D. and

Ayed, L.J.B. 2013

A specification approach based on adapted workflow for

personalized e-assessment systems CE1


Fernández-Sáez, A.M.a and Chaudron, M.R.V.b and Genero,


2013 Exploring costs and benefits of using UML on maintenance:

Preliminary findings of a case study in a large IT department CI1

SC0134 Čerāns, K. and Ovčiņņikova, J. and Liepiņš, R. and Sproǵis, A.

2013 Advanced OWL 2.0 ontology visualization in OWLGrEd CE1

SC0135 Clark, T. and Barn, B.S. 2013 Domain engineering for software tools CE1

SC0136 Standl, B. 2013 Conceptual patterns for student-centered computer science

education at secondary school level CE1

SC0137 Rasnacs, O.a and Vitins, M.b 2013 Diagrams for making a decision on appropriate data processing

methods in the areas of health care and the social sciences CI5

SC0138 Gross, A.a and Jurkiewicz, J.b

and Doerr, J.a and Nawrocki, J.b 2012

Investigating the usefulness of notations in the context of

requirements engineering CI2

SC0139 Garbe, H. 2012 Intelligent assistance in a Problem Solving Environment for UML

Class Diagrams using a hybrid expert system CI4

SC0140 Bensaber, D.A. and Malki, M. 2012 Model driven approach for specifying WSMO ontology CE1

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Xie, G.a and Hei, X.a and Mochizuki, H.b and Takahashi,

S.b and Nakamura, H.b

2012 Model based specification validation for automatic train protection

and block system CE1

SC0142 Vaandrager, F. 2012 Active learning of extended finite state machines CE1

SC0143 Shen, V.R.L.a and Wang, Y.-Y.b

and Yang, C.-Y.c and Yeh, S.-T.d 2012

Verification of problem-based learning systems using modified

petri nets CE1

SC0144 Poklemba, T.a and Havlice, Z.b 2012 Knowledge based LMS CE1

SC0145 Wongsuphasawat, K.a and Gotz, D.b

2012 Exploring flow, factors, and outcomes of temporal event sequences with the outflow visualization


SC0146 Liu, Z.a and Liu, J.a and He, J.a

and Mallet, F.b and Zhang, M.c 2012 Formal specification of hybrid MARTE statecharts CE1

SC0147 Bogdan, C.M.a and Popovici,

D.M.a b 2012

Information system analysis of an e-learning system used for

dental restorations simulation CI1

SC0148 Quadri, M.A.R.a and Mannava, V.a and Ramesh, T.b

2012 Service composition design pattern for autonomic computing systems using association rule based learning



Chevaillier, P. and Trinh, T.-H.

and Barange, M. and De Loor, P. and Devillers, F. and Soler, J. and

Querrec, R.

2012 Semantic modeling of virtual environments using MASCARET CE1

SC0150 Churcher, C. 2012 Beginning database design: From novice to professional CE1

SC0151 Badreddin, O. and Lethbridge,

T.C. 2012

Combining experiments and grounded theory to evaluate a research prototype: Lessons from the umple model-oriented

programming technology


SC0152 Mayerhofer, T. 2012 Testing and debugging UML models based on fUML CE1

SC0153 Hao, S.a and Xu, J.b and Sun, B.a

and Wang, Z.c 2012

Modelization of laboratory teaching management system based on


SC0154 Gao, L. and Qiu, X. and Chen, X.

and Huang, H. and Lv, X. 2012

Development of three-dimensional visual and interactive system in

the CBTC simulation CE1

SC0155 Elaasar, M.a and Labiche, Y.b 2012 Model interchange testing: A process and a case study CE1

SC0156 Batista, V.A. and Peixoto, D.C.C.

and Pádua, W. and Pádua, C.I.P.S. 2012

Using UML stereotypes to support the requirement engineering: A

case study CI1

SC0157 Erradi, A. 2012 Applying and evaluating architectural patterns on a stock trading

case study CI4

SC0158 Khmelevsky, Y.a b and Hains, G.c and Li, C.d

2012 Automatic code generation within student's software engineering projects


SC0159 Bera, P. 2012 Analyzing the cognitive difficulties for developing and using

UML class diagrams for domain understanding CI2

SC0160 Holy, L. and Snajberk, J. and

Brada, P. 2012

Evaluating component architecture visualization tools: Criteria

and case study CE1


Konstantinidis, G.a and Anastassopoulos, G.C.b and

Karakos, A.S.c and Anagnostou,

E.d and Danielides, V.a


A user-centered, object-oriented methodology for developing

health information systems: A clinical information system (CIS) example


SC0162 Ogata, S. and Matsuura, S. 2012 Training of requirements analysis modeling with UML-based

prototype generation tool CI4

SC0163 Nowroozi, A.a and Shiri, M.E.a

and Aslanian, A.a and Lucas, C.b 2012

A general computational recognition primed decision model with

multi-agent rescue simulation benchmark CE1

SC0164 Boustedt, J. 2012 Students' different understandings of class diagrams CI1

SC0165 Bérard, C.a and Cloutier, L.M.b

and Cassivi, L.b 2012

Evaluating clinical trial management systems: A simulation

approach CE1


Sautter, J. and Kurowski, S. and

Roßnagel, H. and Engelbach, W.

and Zibuschka, J.

2012 Interoperability for information systems in public urban transport security: The SECUR-ED interoperability notation



Saada, H.a and Dolques, X.b and

Huchard, M.a and Nebut, C.a and

Sahraoui, H.c

2012 Learning model transformations from examples using FCA: One for all or all for one?


SC0168 Kantorowitz, E. 2011 Verbal use case specifications for informal requirements

elicitation CE1

SC0169 Kim, H.-K. 2011 SOCF: Service oriented common frameworks design pattern for mobile systems with UML


SC0170 Sien, V.Y. 2011

An investigation of difficulties experienced by students

developing unified modelling language (UML) class and sequence diagrams


SC0171 Briand, L.a and Labiche, Y.b and

Madrazo-Rivera, R.b 2011

An experimental evaluation of the impact of system sequence

diagrams and system operation contracts on the quality of the domain model


SC0172 Randak, A.a and MartÃnez, S.b

and Wimmer, M.a 2011

Extending ATL for native UML profile support: An experience

report CE1

SC0173 Silva, M.A.G. and Barbosa, E.F.

and Maldonado, J.C. 2011 Model-driven development of learning objects CE1

SC0174 Burden, H.a and Heldal, R.a and Siljamamki, T.b

2011 Executable and translatable UML - How difficult can it be? CI1

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Crelier, O. and Silva Filho, R.S. and Hasling, W.M. and Budnik,


2011 Design principles for integration of model-driven quality

assurance tools CE1

SC0176 Nair, G.T.R. and Selvarani, R. 2011 Software metrics and design quality in object oriented paradigm CI1

SC0177 Jafar, M. and Babb, J. 2011 Reasserting the fundamentals of systems analysis and design

through the rudiments of artifacts CI2


Mit, E.a and Shiang, C.W.a and

Khairuddin, M.A.b and Borhan,


2011 Integrate cultures and beliefs into genealogy software for remote communities in Borneo


SC0179 Behkami, N.A. 2011 Object recognition in the enterprise -Structural and behavioral

capabilities of patient-centered medical homes CE1

SC0180 Sikkel, K. and Daneva, M. 2011 Getting the client into the loop in information system modelling courses



Vogel-Heuser, B.; Braun, S.;

Obermeier, M.; Sommer, K.;

Seidel, T.; Johannes, C.

2011 Modeling order effects on errors in object oriented modeling for

machine and plant automation from an educational point of view CI2

SC0182 Du, D. and Xiong, X. 2011 Specifying communication behaviours between components with

real-time rCOS - A case study ATP CE1


Schoonewille, H.H.a and Heijstek,

W.a and Chaudron, M.R.V.a and

Kühne, T.b

2011 A cognitive perspective on developer comprehension of software design documentation



Ali, S.a b and Briand, L.C.a b

and Arcuri, A.a and Walawege,


2011 An industrial application of robustness testing using aspect-oriented modeling, UML/MARTE, and search algorithms


SC0185 Broy, M. and Cengarle, M.V. 2011 UML formal semantics: Lessons learned CI1


Wimmer, M.a and Schauerhuber, A.a and Kappel, G.a and

Retschitzegger, W.b and Schwinger, W.c and Kapsammer,


2011 A survey on UML-based aspect-oriented design modeling CE1


Contieri Jr., A.C.a and Correia, G.G.a and Colanzi, T.E.a and

Gimenes, I.M.S.a and Oliveira Jr.,

E.A.a and Ferrari, S.a and Masiero, P.C.b and Garcia, A.F.c

2011 Extending UML components to develop software product-line

architectures: Lessons learned CE1

SC0188 Iordan, A. and Panoiu, M. and

Muscalagiu, I. and Rob, R. 2011

Object Oriented development of an interactive software for

studying of circle using UML diagrams CE1

SC0189 Ivanova, G. and Ivanova, A. and

Ivanov, I. 2011

Schematic diagram editor and simulator on reliability and

diagnostics of computer systems CE1

SC0190 Zhang, L. 2011 QoS specification for cyber-physical systems CE1

SC0191 Shen, W.-H.a b and Hsueh, N.-

L.b and Chu, P.-H.b 2011 Measurement-based software process modeling CE1

SC0192 Hei, X.a and Chang, L.a and Ma,

W.a and Xie, G.b 2011

Using uml and petri nets for the design and verification of a

railway interlocking system CE1


Verstichel, S.a and Ongenae, F.a and Loeve, L.b and Vermeulen,

F.c and Dings, P.b and Dhoedt,

B.a and Dhaene, T.a and Turck, F.D.a

2011 Efficient data integration in the railway domain through an ontology-based methodology


SC0194 Cai, Y. and Iannuzzi, D. and

Wong, S. 2011 Leveraging design structure matrices in software design education CI2

SC0195 Holland, J.a and Baghaei, N.b and

Mathews, M.a and Mitrovic, A.a 2011

The effects of domain and caollaboration feedback on learning in

a collaborative intelligent tutoring system CI2

SC0196 Subburaj, V.H. and Urban, J. 2011 Intelligent agent software development using AUML and the descartes specification language


SC0197 Sien, V.Y. 2011 Implementation of the concept-driven approach in an object-

oriented analysis and design course CI2

SC0198 Brandsteidl, M. and Wieland, K.

and Huemer, C. 2011 Novel communication channels in software modeling education CI4

SC0199 Wang, S.-J. 2011 Improved contract net protocol for manufacturing tasks dynamic assignment


SC0200 Phalp, K. and Adlem, A. and Jeary,

S. and Vincent, J. and Kanyaru, J. 2011

The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for

use case descriptions CI4

SC0201 Liskin, O. and Singer, L. and

Schneider, K. 2011

Teaching old services new tricks: Adding HATEOAS support as

an afterthought CE1

SC0202 Warnars, H.L.H.S. 2011 Object-oriented modelling with unified modelling language 2.0 for simple software application based on agile methodology


SC0203 Zhang, Y.a and Patel, S.b 2011 Agile model-driven development in practice CI5

SC0204 Selic, B. 2011 The theory and practice of modeling language design for model-

based software engineering - A personal perspective CI5

SC0205 Bontchev, B. and Vassileva, D.

and Traicheva, V. 2011

Putting edutainment in practice: From courseware authoring to

logic games CE1

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SC0206 Riva, C.a and Selonen, P.a b and Systä, T.b and Xu, J.a

2011 A profile-based approach for maintaining software architecture: An industrial experience report


SC0207 Bogdan, C.M. 2011 Domain ontology of the VirDenT system CE1

SC0208 Zhou, C.-S. 2010 Research on UML State Diagram based component test system CI5

SC0209 Sikkel, K. and Daneva, M. 2010 Teaching consistency of UML specifications CI4

SC0210 Moisan, S.a and Rigault, J.-P.b 2010 Teaching object-oriented modeling and UML to various audiences CI1

SC0211 Perdos, A. and Stephanides, G. and

Chatzigeorgiou, A. 2010

A queuing theory and systems modeling course based on Unified

Modeling Language (UML) CI5


Kienzle, J.a and Al Abed, W.a

and Fleurey, F.b and Jézéquel, J.-

M.c and Klein, J.d

2010 Aspect-oriented design with reusable aspect models CI1


Andersson, H.a and Herzog, E.a

and Johansson, G.b and

Johansson, O.c

2010 Experience from introducing Unified Modeling Language/Systems Modeling Language at Saab Aerosystems



Salehi, P.a and Hamou-Lhadj, A.a

and Colombo, P.a and Khendek,

F.a and Toeroe, M.b

2010 A UML-based domain specific modeling language for the availability management framework


SC0215 Li, X. and Dang, S. and Hao, N.

and Li, K. 2010

An extension to contract net protocol for military agents

interactions CI5


Trinh, T.-H.a b and Querrec, R.a b and De Loor, P.a b and

Chevaillier, P.a b

2010 Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments

using UML/OCL CE1

SC0217 Gray, J.a and White, J.b and Gokhale, A.b

2010 Model-driven engineering: Raising the abstraction level through domain-specific modeling


SC0218 Martinho, R.a d and Varajão, J.b

and Domingos, D.c e 2010

Using the semantic web to define a language for modelling

controlled flexibility in software processes CE1

SC0219 Johnson, E.W.a and Moore, T.J.b 2010 Red light-green light: Using a Model-Eliciting Activity in a logic

design course CI2

SC0220 Tang, W. and Ning, B. and Xu, T. and Zhao, L.

2010 Scenario-based modeling and verification of system requirement specification for the European Train Control System


SC0221 Dreyer, J. and Müller, S. and

Grusie, B. and Zündorf, A. 2010 NT2OD online: Bringing natural text 2 object diagram to the web CE1

SC0222 Wang, M. 2010 Solving relational database problems with ORDBMS in an

advanced database course CE1

SC0223 Jafar, M.J. and Babb, J.S. 2010 Artifacts as interface: Reasserting the fundamentals of software systems analysis and design



Green, S.a and Batty, S.a and

Back, M.b and Jewell, J.a and Webber, M.b

2010 Critiquing business process models to facilitate the identification

and selection of optimal IT systems CE1

SC0225 Mendes, J.B. and Caponetto, G.H.

and Ramos, A.C.B. 2010 Software modelling for multipurpose computer based training CE1

SC0226 Zhao, H. and Zhang, G. 2010 Design and implementation for the examination system of

multimedia course practice CE1

SC0227 Kordon, F. and Thierry-Mieg, Y. 2010 Experiences in Model Driven verification of behavior with UML CI1

SC0228 Wang, H.a and Jia, B.b 2010 Research and realization on a modeling tool of field CI1

SC0229 Karpati, P.a and Sindre, G.a and

Opdahl, A.L.b 2010 Towards a hacker attack representation method CE1


Kerkouche, E.a and Chaoui, A.b

and Bourennane, E.B.c and

Labbani, O.c

2010 On the Use of graph transformation in the modeling and

verification of dynamic behavior in UML Models CI4

SC0231 Peng, W. and Jin, M. 2010 An e-learning based graduation project support system CE1

SC0232 Lv, W. and Ye, L. and Wang, Z. and Yang, Z. and Zhang, Y.

2010 Project-oriented laboratory with cross platform software programming for embedded system education


SC0233 Ali, M.F.M. and Younis, M.I. and

Zamli, K.Z. and Ismail, W. 2010

Development of Java based RFID application programmable

interface for heterogeneous RFID system CE1

SC0234 Allen, C.A.a b and Mugisa, E.K.a 2010 Improving learning object reuse through OOD: A theory of

learning objects CI5

SC0235 Xie, Y. and Tang, T. and Xu, T. and Zhao, L.

2010 Research on requirement management for complex systems CI5

SC0236 Reynoso, L.a and Manso, E.b and

Genero, M.c and Piattini, M.c 2010

Assessing the influence of import-coupling on OCL expression

maintainability: A cognitive theory-based perspective CE1


Bendraou, R.a and Jézéquel, J.-

M.b and Gervais, M.-P.c and

Blanc, X.a

2010 A comparison of six UML-based languages for software process modeling



Troncoso, N.a b and Von Brand,

H.H.b and Ibsen, J.c and Mora,

M.a b and Gonzalez, V.a and Chiozzi, G.c and Jeram, B.c and

Sommer, H.c and Zamora, G.b

and Tejeda, A.d

2010 A code generation framework for the ALMA common software CE1

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SC0239 Zhang, L. 2010 Applying case method approach to a Unified Modeling Language curriculum


SC0240 Yulia and Adipranata, R. 2010

Teaching object oriented programming course using cooperative

learning method based on game design and visual object oriented environment


SC0241 Jian-Gong, S. 2010 The design of online Database Experiment System CE1

SC0242 Tucker, D.C. and Simmonds, D.M. 2010 A case study in software reengineering CE1


Braga, J.R.G. and Mendes, J.B. and Júnior, L.A.B. and Ramos,


2010 Modeling of system software for computer based training CE1


Börstler, J.a and Dranidis, D.b and Ramollari, E.b and Trapp, S.c

and Heintz, M.c and Weber, S.c

2010 Sharing and discussing UML modeling exercises in a PLE CI4

SC0245 Fan, Z.a and Gao, H.b and Shen, J.a and Zhang, L.a

2010 A UML-based system integration modeling language for the application system design of shipborne combat system


SC0246 Xu, L. and Zhang, L. and Fan, Z. 2010 An approach of real-time workflow modeling based on UML CE1

SC0247 Sharif, B. and Maletic, J.I. 2010 The effects of layout on detecting the role of design patterns CI5

SC0248 Nugroho, A.a and Chaudron,

M.R.V.a and Arisholm, E.b 2010

Assessing UML design metrics for predicting fault-prone classes

in a Java system CI1

SC0249 Kun, M.a and Bo, Y.b 2010 A hybrid model transformation approach based on J2EE platform CE1

SC0250 Chen, L. and Wang, J. and Xu, M.

and Zeng, Z. 2010

Reengineering of Java legacy system based on aspect-oriented

programming CE1

SC0251 Geiger, L.a and Zündorf, A.b 2010 Fujaba case studies for GraBaTs 2008: Lessons learned CI3

SC0252 Lang, J. and Kakódy, J. 2010 Object-oriented analysis and design of educational content CE1

SC0253 De Sousa, T.C.a and Russo Jr., A.G.b

2010 Starting B specifications from use cases CI5

SC0254 Anastasakis, K.a and Bordbar, B.a

and Georg, G.b and Ray, I.b 2010 On challenges of model transformation from UML to Alloy CI1

SC0255 Figl, K.a and Mendling, J.b and

Strembeck, M.a and Recker, J.c 2010

On the cognitive effectiveness of routing symbols in process

modeling languages CI2

SC0256 Stephens, M. and Rosenberg, D. 2010 Design driven testing: Test smarter, not harder CE1

SC0257 Motal, T. and Zapletal, M. and

Werthner, H. 2009

The business choreography language (BCL) - A domain-specific

language for global choreographies CE1


Jabri, S.a and El Kouris, E.M.a

and Lemaire, E.a and

Bourdeaud'huy, T.b

2009 A generation method of test scenarios based on models: Application to the ERTMS/ETCS system


SC0259 Abid, M.R. and Amyot, D. and

Somé, S.S. and Mussbacher, G. 2009 A UML profile for goal-oriented modeling CE1

SC0260 Zhang, R. and Wang, S.-W. 2009 The development of civil engineering virtual experimental platform


SC0261 Choi, N. and Song, I.-Y. and An,

Y. 2009

The MP (Materialization Pattern) model for representing math

educational standards CE1

SC0262 Castilho-Weinert, L.V. and Lopes,

H.S. 2009

Computers in physical therapy education: Interactive multimedia

learning with MuStreT [Kompiuteriai fizinÄ—s psichoterapijos

ugdyme: interaktyvus multimedinis mokymasis naudojant "MuStreT" programa{ogonek}]



McCarthy, J.L.a and Warzel, D.b

and Kendall, E.c and Bargmeyer,

B.a and Solbrig, H.d and Keck,

K.a and Gey, F.e

2009 Data modeling and harmonization with OWL: Opportunities and

lessons learned CE1

SC0264 Woo, H.G. 2009 Finding reusable business process models based on structural matching


SC0265 Wrycza, S. 2009 The UML 2 academic teaching challenge: An integrated approach CI4

SC0266 Figl, K.a and Mendling, J.b and

Strembeck, M.a 2009 Towards a usability assessment of process modeling languages CI2

SC0267 Hoole, S.R.H.a and Arudchelvam,

T.a b 2009

Reverse engineering as a means of improving and adapting legacy

finite element code CE1

SC0268 Kita, Y. and Tokunaga, T. and Katayama, T. and Tomita, S.

2009 Extension and evaluation of an automatic visualization tool "Avis" for programming education


SC0269 Zimmermann, A.a and

Trowitzsch, J.b 2009

Reliability evaluation of distributed embedded systems with uml

state charts and rare event simulation CE1

SC0270 Yang, Q.-W. and Dong, F. and Li,

H.-X. and Yan, Y. 2009

Design and realization of rocket battalion's communication

network simulation based on UML CE1


Shuib, S.a and Suhardi, H.a and Hanizan, H.S.b and Din, R.c and

Jusoff, K.d

2009 The modelling and designing of E-supervised (E-SUV) for

distance learning centre CE1

SC0272 Madsen, S.a and Vidgen, R.b 2009 A pragmatic approach to IS development and socio-technical evaluation


SC0273 Mulay, P. 2009 Incremental learning using semi-supervised and incremental

clustering CE1

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SC0274 Ferreira, J.C. and Filipe, P. 2009 Academic ontology to support the bologna mobility process CE1

SC0275 Hamou-Lhadj, A.a and Gherbi,

A.a and Nandigam, J.b 2009

The impact of the model-driven approach to software engineering

on software engineering education CE1

SC0276 Simons, C.L. and Parmee, I.C. 2009 An empirical investigation of search-based computational support

for conceptual software engineering design CI2


Cortés, H.a and García, M.a and Hernández, J.a and Hernandez,

M.a and Pérez-Cordoba, E.a and

Ramos, E.a b

2009 Development of a distributed system applied to teaching and

learning CE1

SC0278 Tilley, S. 2009 Documenting software systems with views VI: Lessons learned

from 15 years of research and practice CI1

SC0279 Liping, L.a and Qian, Z.b and Tao, H.c

2009 Test purpose-based test generation for web applications CE1

SC0280 Zucker, R.a and Ritzhaupt, A.b 2009 Evolutionary, not revolutionary, programming exercises using

design patterns in an OO data structures course CI4

SC0281 Yan, L. 2009 Toward automatic artifact matching for tool evaluation CE1

SC0282 Jung, T. and Roßmann, J. and Schluse, M.

2009 Introducing intuitive and versatile multi modal graphical programming means to enhance virtual environments



Jaspan, C.a and Keeling, M.a and

Maccherone, L.a and Zenarosa, G.L.a and Shaw, M.b

2009 Software mythbusters explore formal methods CE1

SC0284 Guo, J. and Yin, X. 2009 Modeling method of operation process in workflow based on Petri

Net and UML CE1

SC0285 Zhao, B. and Liao, Y.-L. and Lu,

Y.-D. 2009 On semantic propagation mechanism in aggregate relationship CE1

SC0286 Liu, J. and Yang, Z. 2009 Test Generation from StateChart and B method for flight control software of unmanned aerial vehicle


SC0287 Lano, K. 2009 UML 2 Semantics and Applications CE1

SC0288 Jiang, H.a and Cui, Z.b 2009 Research on the method and its improvement of MAS for tourism

E-commerce system CE1

SC0289 Zhang, J.a and Chen, Y.b and

Liu, G.b 2009 Modeling aspect-oriented programming with UML profile CE1

SC0290 Yang, X.-M. and Gu, P. and Dai, H.

2009 Mapping approach for model transformation of MDA based on XMI/XML platform



Ishii, N.a and Nagao, Y.b and

Suzuki, Y.b c and Fujiyoshi, H.b c and Fujii, T.b

2009 Designing a programming course to foster creativity using uml

modeling template CI4

SC0292 Labiche, Y. 2009 The UML is more than boxes and lines CI1

SC0293 Demuth, B. and Weigel, D. 2009 Web based software modeling exercises in large-scale software

engineering courses CI4

SC0294 Hai, L. 2009 The role of collaboration diagrams in OO software engineering student projects



Tahara, Y.a and Yoshioka, N.b

and Taguchi, K.b and Aoki, T.c and Honiden, S.d

2009 Evolution of a course on model checking for practical applications CE1

SC0296 Gemino, A. and Parker, D. 2009 Use case diagrams in support of use case modeling: Deriving

understanding from the picture CI1

SC0297 VanderMeer, D. and Dutta, K. 2009 Applying learner-centered design principles to UML sequence

diagrams CI4


Xie, S.a and Kraemer, E.a and Stirewalt, R.E.K.b and Dillon,

L.K.b and Fleming, S.D.b

2009 Design and evaluation of extensions to UML sequence diagrams

for modeling multithreaded interactions CI2

SC0299 Mills, B. 2009 Practical formal software engineering: Wanting the software you get



Perez-Gonzalez, H.G.a and Nava-Muáoz, S.a and Nuñez-Varela,

A.a and Kaiita, J.b

2008 GOOAL automatic design tool: A role posets based tool to

produce object models from problem descriptions CI5

SC0301 Song, I.-Y. and Khare, R. and An, Y. and Hilsbos, M.

2008 A multi-level methodology for developing UML sequence diagrams


SC0302 Hall, M.P. and Bergandy, J. 2008 Work in progress - Improving K-12 students' problem-solving

skills via innovative teacher training CE1

SC0303 Saylor, K.J.a and Malatesta,

W.A.b and Abbott, B.A.a 2008 TENA in a telemetry network system CE1

SC0304 Lin, C.-C. and Chen, S.-C. and Lin, C.-C.

2008 Design of individualizing learning framework with fuzzy expert system and variable learning route model: A case study of UML


SC0305 Parvez, S.M. and Blank, G.D. 2008 Individualizing tutoring with learning style based feedback CI4

SC0306 Lin, H.a and Liu, C.a and Lin, P.b 2008 A method of elicitation teaching for Object-oriented analysis and

design curriculum CI4

SC0307 Adamopoulos, D.X. 2008 Structuring design activities in open programmable networks CE1

SC0308 Yordanova, K. 2008 Integrated solution for Learning Content Management Systems

development CE1

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SC0309 Grimm, F.a b and Phalp, K.a and

Vincent, J.a and Beier, G.b 2008

Enabling multi-stakeholder cooperative modelling in automotive software development and implications for model driven software



SC0310 Lin, L. and Poore, J.H. 2008 Pushing requirements changes through to changes in specifications CE1


Xie, S.a and Kraemer, E.a and

Stirewalt, R.E.K.b and Dillon, L.K.b and Fleming, S.D.b

2008 Assessing the benefits of synchronization-adorned sequence

diagrams: Two controlled experiments CI2

SC0312 Kannan, K. and Srivastava, B. 2008 Design diagrams as ontological sources: Ontology extraction and

utilization for software asset reuse CE1

SC0313 Malnati, G. and Cuva, C.M. and

Barberis, C. 2008

JThreadSpy: a Tool for improving the effectiveness of concurrent

system teaching and learning CE1


Adomavicius, G.a and Bockstedt, J.C.b and Gupta, A.a and

Kauffman, R.J.c

2008 Making sense of technology trends in the information technology

landscape: A design science approach CE1

SC0315 Roßmann, J. and Schluse, M.

and Jung, T. 2008

Introducing intuitive and versatile multi modal graphical

programming means to enhance virtual environments CI5

SC0316 Rigas, D. and Aiseid, M. 2008 Multi-modal aided presentation of learning information: A

usability comparative study CI4

SC0317 Cataldi, Z.a b and Calvo, P.a b and Lage, F.J.a b


Intelligent tutoring system with agent technology: The choice of

teaching method [Sistema tutor inteligente con tecnologÃa de

agentes: La elección del método de Enseñanza]


SC0318 Paterson, J.H.a and Cheng, K.F.a

and Haddow, J.b 2008

PatternCoder: A programming support tool for learning binary

class associations and design patterns CE1

SC0319 Liang, H.a and Diskin, Z.b c and Dingel, J.a and Posse, E.a

2008 A general approach for scenario integration CE1

SC0320 Shen, H. and Liu, S. and Xia, S.

and Sun, C. 2008

Distributed constraints maintenance in collaborative UML

modeling environments CE15

SC0321 Shigemitsu, M. and Shinkawa, Y. 2008 Extracting class structure based on fishbone diagrams CI2

SC0322 Lv, H.a and Xu, M.b and Xu, G.a

and Fang, J.-C.a 2008 Construction and realization of a new class M-sequence CE1

SC0323 Poulin, D.a and Tillich, J.-P.b and Ollivier, H.c

2008 Quantum serial turbo-codes CE1

SC0324 Tourtoglou, K. and Virvou, M. 2008

User stereotypes concerning cognitive, personality and

performance issues in a collaborative learning environment for UML


SC0325 Alonso, M. and Py, D. and

Lemeunier, T. 2008

A learning environment for object-oriented modeling, supporting

metacognitive regulations CI2

SC0326 Auxepaules, L. and Py, D. and

Lemeunier, T. 2008

A diagnosis method that matches class diagrams in a learning

environment for object-oriented modeling CI4

SC0327 Bao, C.-B.a b c and Wang, B.-L.b

2008 A open source based general framework for Virtual Surgery Simulation


SC0328 Ratanotayanon, S. and Sim, S.E. 2008 Inventive tool use to comprehend big code CE1

SC0329 Debuse, J.C.W. and Stiller, T. 2008 Technologies and strategies for integrating object-oriented

analysis and design education with programming CI2

SC0330 Ueno, A. and Taguchi, H. and Takada, H. and Shimakawa, H.

2008 Graphical tutoring of message passing to promote understanding of Java framework


SC0331 Czejdo, B.D.a and Biguenet, J.b

and Biguenet, J.c 2008 Metaphor modeling on the Semantic Web CE1,

SC0332 Roddick, J.F. and Ceglar, A. and

De Vries, D. and La-Ongsri, S. 2008

Postponing schema definition: Low Instance-to-Entity Ratio

(LItER) modelling CE

SC0333 Boulanger, J.-L. and Van Dao, Q. 2008 Experiences from a model-based methodology for embedded electronic software in automobile


SC0334 Tourtoglou, K. and Virvou, M. 2008 User modelling in a collaborative learning environment for UML CI4

SC0335 Schönwälder , J. 2008 Protocol-independent data modeling: Lessons learned from the

SMIng project CE1

SC0336 Olderog, E.-R. 2008 Automatic Verification of Combined Specifications: An Overview CE1

SC0337 van der Aalst, W.M.P.a b and Bisgaard Lassen, K.b

2008 Translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL: Theory and implementation


SC0338 Acharya, S. and Burke, D. 2008 Incorporating gaming in software engineering projects: Case of

RMU monopoly CI1

SC0339 Alseid, M. and Rigas, D. 2008 Efficiency of multimodal metaphors in the presentation of learning

information CE1

SC0340 Tourtoglou, K. and Virvou, M. 2008 User stereotypes for student modelling in collaborative learning: Adaptive advice to trainers


SC0341 Nakatani, T. 2008 Requirements engineering education for professional engineers CI2

SC0342 Dumbrava, S. 2007 The development of an ERP application within a computer

integrated manufacturing laboratory CE1

SC0343 Baghaei, N. and Mitrovic, A. 2007 From modelling domain knowledge to metacognitive skills: Extending a constraint-based tutoring system to support



SC0344 Whittle, J. 2007 Precise specification of use case scenarios CE1

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SC0345 Iwata, H.a and Shirogane, J.b and Fukazawa, Y.a

2007 Automatic generation of tutorial systems from development information and evaluation


SC0346 Maffezzini, I. 2007 Towards extreme requirements? CE1


Alvarado, K.a and Rabelo, L.a

and Moraga, R.b and Quijada, S.a

and Gruber, F.a and Sepulveda, J.a

2007 Application of SCOR to e-government: A case study CE1

SC0348 Sin, T. 2007 Improving usability of analysis sequence diagram in transaction-

oriented applications CI1

SC0349 Nodenot, T. 2007 From UML to CPM: A few lessons learnt about CPM language usability


SC0350 Razali, R. and Snook, C.F. and

Poppleton, M.R. 2007

Comprehensibility of UML-based formal model - A series of

controlled experiments CI1

SC0351 Siau, K. and Nah, F.F.-H. and

Eschenbrenner, B. and Guru, A. 2007

An augmented approach to support collaborative distance learning

of unified modeling language CI2

SC0352 Starrett, C. 2007 Teaching UML modeling before programming at the high school

level CE1


Zhang, D.a and Song, C.b and

Liu, H.a and Gao, L.a and Chen, K.a

2007 Design and implementation of a college evaluation system for

undergraduate education based on UML CE3

SC0354 Rhem, A.J. 2007 Knowledge modeling with UML CI5

SC0355 Thierry, N. 2007 Questioning usability of visual instructional design languages: The

case of CPM CE1

SC0356 Timm, J.T.E.a and Gannod, G.C.b 2007 Specifying semantic web service compositions using UML and OCL


SC0357 Milentijevic, I. and Ciric, V. 2007 Project-based learning environment for special purpose DSP

architectures CE1

SC0358 Szmurło, R. and Smiałek, M. 2007 Teaching software modeling in a simulated project environment CI4

SC0359 Wei, H. and He, W. and Chen, Y. 2007 UML-based representational re-description of concept

development CE1

SC0360 Chen, Y.a and Kutar, M.b and Hamilton, A.a

2007 Modelling and matching: A methodology for ePlanning system development to address the requirements of multiple user groups


SC0361 Kuriyama, K.a and Sakai, K.b 2007

An agent oriented environment for collaborative learning -

Lessons learned through vocational training on software design with UML


SC0362 Lang, U. and Schreiner, R. 2007 Simplifying security management of cross-organisation

collaborative decision making CE1

SC0363 Passin, T.B. 2007 Easy RDF for real-life system modeling CE1


De Cesare, S.a and Holland, G.b and Holtmann, C.c and Lycett,


2007 Semantic-based systems development CE1

SC0365 Hu, J.a and Ross, P.a and Feijs, L.a and Qian, Y.b

2007 UML in action: Integrating formal methods in industrial design education


SC0366 Mohamed, T.a b and Abdallah,

K.a b and Louis, F.a b 2007 Cognitive modelling of a financial software advisor: Cofina CE1

SC0367 Brajnik, G. 2007 Modeling content and expression of learning objects in

multimodal learning management systems CE1

SC0368 Briand, L.C. 2007 Empirical evaluation in software engineering: Role, strategy, and limitations


SC0369 Xie, S.a and Kraemer, E.a and

Stirewalt, R.E.K.b 2007

Empirical evaluation of a UML sequence diagram with

adornments to support understanding of thread interactions CI5

SC0370 Oussena, S. and Dunckley, L. 2007 Adopting student-centred approach to advanced database teaching CE1

SC0371 Ozkaya, I. 2007 Representing requirement relationships CI5


Gayler, D.a and Klappholz, D.b and Harvey, V.J.c and Pérez-

Quiñones, M.A.d

2007 UML tools: What is their role in undergraduate computer science

courses? CI4

SC0373 Kessler, R. and Dykman, N. 2007 Integrating traditional and agile processes in the classroom CI5

SC0374 Yap, K.-H. and Wu, K. 2007 A pseudo-labeling framework for content-based image retrieval CE1

SC0375 Malnati, G. and Cuva, C.M. and

Barberis, C. 2007

JThreadSpy: Teaching multithreading programming by analyzing

execution traces CE1

SC0376 Baghaei, N. and Mitrovic, A. and

Irwin, W. 2007

Supporting collaborative learning and problem-solving in a

constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams CI4

SC0377 Paige, R.F.a d and Brooke, P.J.b e and Ostroff, J.S.c f

2007 Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency checking


SC0378 Thomas, D.a b c d e 2007 SOA and the clash of technocultures classes versus infosets versus

business process CE1

SC0379 Hadar, I.a and Hadar, E.b 2007 An iterative methodology for teaching object oriented concepts CI1

SC0380 Lee, J. 2007 Advances in Business Transformation Technologies CE1

SC0381 Reznik, J.a and Ritter, T.a and

Schreiner, R.b and Lang, U.b 2007 Model Driven Development of Security Aspects CE1

SC0382 Gruhn, V. and Laue, R. 2007 What business process modelers can learn from programmers CE1

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SC0383 Luo, Y. and Tina Lee, Y. 2007 The interface development for machine shop simulation CE1

SC0384 Lu, Y.a and Li, Z.b 2006 Integrated design for electronic experimental system over internet CE1

SC0385 Perdos, A. and Chatzigeorgiou, A.

and Stephanides, G. 2006

Evaluation of a queuing theory and systems modeling course

based on UML CI4

SC0386 Fan, Z. and Detlef, M. and Andreasen, M.M. and Hein, L.

2006 Teaching system integration of mechatronic systems CE1

SC0387 Nodenot, T.a and Laforcade, P.b 2006 CPM: A UML profile to design cooperative PBL situations at

didactical level CI4

SC0388 Hussein, M. and Zulkernine, M. 2006 UMLintr: A UML profile for specifying intrusions CE1

SC0389 Wrycza, S. and Marcinkowski, B. 2006 UML 2 academic course - Methodological background and survey benchmarking


SC0390 Rachel, F.M. and Cugnasca, P.S. 2006 Using UML diagrams for system safety and security environment

analysis CE1

SC0391 Dumbrava, S. 2006 Manufacturing Control Laboratory with an embedded ERP

application for educational purposes CE1

SC0392 Didrich, K.a and Herbst, S.a and

Vieira, M.b 2006 Applying model-based testing to a train control system CE1

SC0393 Genser, R.a b 2006 Critical Infrastructure CE1

SC0394 Russell, J. and Russell, B. 2006

A survey analysis of the perceptions of IS educators and IS

professionals appertaining to the course content of an undergraduate information systems capstone course


SC0395 Dumbrava, S. 2006 Integrated enterprise architecture for educational purposes CE1

SC0396 Berenbach, B. and Borotto, G. 2006 Metrics for model driven requirements development CE1

SC0397 Gomes, L. and Costa, A. 2006 Emphasizing graphical modeling formalisms within digital systems design course


SC0398 Ashlock, W.a and Ashlock, D.b 2006 Changes in prisoner's Dilemma strategies over evolutionary time

with different population sizes CE1

SC0399 Bolloju, N. 2006 Exploring quality dependencies among UML artifacts developed

by novice systems analysts CI2

SC0400 Huang, Y.-N. and Du, X. and Tang, T.

2006 Research and realization of real-time three-dimension visual in trains operation simulation system of urban railway transportation


SC0401 Steinbach-Nordmann, S. 2006 Applying blended learning in an industrial context - An experience report


SC0402 Shuib, S.a and Hanizan, H.S.a

and Din, R.b 2006

The modeling of E-supervised (E-SUV) for distance learning

centre CE1

SC0403 Helps, C.R.G. 2006 Instructional design theory provides insights into evolving

information technology technical curricula CI5

SC0404 Caspersen, M.E. and Kölling, M. 2006 A novice's process of object-oriented programming CE1

SC0405 Furukawa, Y.a and Kawamura,

S.b 2006 Automotive electronics system, software, and local area network CE1

SC0406 Czarnecki, K. 2006 Tutorial on generative software development CE1

SC0407 Walls, C. 2006 Embedded Software CE1

SC0408 King, S.F.a and Johnson, O.A.b 2006 VBP: An approach to modelling process variety and best practice CE1

SC0409 Dobing, B.a and Parsons, J.b c 2006 How UML is used CI1

SC0410 Iwata, H.a and Shirogane, J.b and

Fukazawa, Y.a 2006

Automatic generation of tutorial systems from development

specification CE1

SC0411 Kuzniarz, L. and Staron, M. 2006 Best practices for teaching UML based software development CI1

SC0412 Dzidek, W.J.b and Briand, L.C.a

b b and Labiche, Y.a 2006

Lessons learned from developing a dynamic OCL constraint

enforcement tool for java CE1

SC0413 Giese, H.a and Roques, P.b and

Lethbridge, T.C.c 2006 Summary of the Educator's Symposium CI1

SC0414 Snook, C.a b and Butler, M.a b 2006 UML-B: Formal modeling and design aided by UML CE1

SC0415 Siau, K. and Loo, P.-P. 2006 Identifying difficulties in learning UML CI1


Lázaro Carrascosa, C. Velázquez

Iturbide, Á, Hijón Neira, R., Losada, I.H.

2006 TextOO: An object-oriented learning tool based on enunciates CI4


Lange, C.F.J.a and DuBois, B.b

and Chaudron, M.R.V.a and Demeyer, S.b

2006 An experimental investigation of UML modeling conventions CI2

SC0418 Gaspar, A. and Stanaback, J. and

Godwin, C. 2006

SOFTICE: Facilitating both adoption of linux undergraduate

operating systems laboratories and students' Immersion in kernel code


SC0419 Biella, D. and Luther, W. 2006 A synthesis model for the replication of historical experiments in

virtual environments CE1

SC0420 Leal, L.N.a and Pires, P.F.b and

Campos, M.L.M., Delicato, F.C.b 2006

Natural MDA: Controlled natural language for action

specifications on model driven development CE1

SC0421 Révészová, L.; Šiškovičová¡, D. 2006 Creating and using information systems in education of "non-professionals" in informatics


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SC0422 Jeong, H.-Y. 2006 Learner's tailoring e-Learning system on the item revision difficulty using PetriNet


SC0423 Lassen, K.B.a and Van Der Aalst,

W.M.P.a b 2006

WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS: A tool for translating unstructured

workflow processes to readable BPEL CE1

SC0424 Marich, M.J. and Krikorian, H.F. 2005

Invited presentation I: Lessons learned, new directions, and

migration plans for model-driven development of large scale

software based systems


SC0425 Dobing, B. and Parsons, J. 2005 Teaching the Unified Modeling Language: A practitioners'

perspective CI1

SC0426 Liqing, F. and Kumar, S.A. 2005 XML-based representation in a CBR system for fixture design CE1

SC0427 Stumpf, R.V. and Teague, L.C. 2005 Teaching object-oriented systems analysis and design with UML CI1

SC0428 Pavlov, V.L.a and Yatsenko, A.b 2005 Using pantomime in teaching OOA&OOD with UML CI4

SC0429 Cheng, B.H.C.a and Stephenson, R.a and Berenbach, B.b

2005 Lessons learned from automated analysis of industrial UML class models (an experience report)


SC0430 Hong, S.a and Han, S.b and Song, K.c

2005 The extended PARLAY X for an adaptive context-aware personalized service in a ubiquitous computing environment


SC0431 Håkansson, A. 2005 Transferring problem solving strategies from the expert to the end

users supporting understanding CE1

SC0432 Helwig, J. 2005 Using a "Real" systems development project to enrich a systems

analysis and design course CI4

SC0433 Baghaei, N. and Mitrovic, A. 2005 COLLECT-UML: Supporting individual and collaborative learning of UML class diagrams in a constraint-based intelligent

tutoring system


SC0434 Wrycza, S. and Marcinkowski, B. 2005 UML 2 teaching at postgraduate studies - Prerequisites and practice


SC0435 Ciancarini, P. 2005 On the education of future software engineers CI4

SC0436 Harel, D. and Kugler, H. and

Pnueli, A. 2005

Synthesis revisited: Generating statechart models from scenario-

based requirements CI2

SC0437 Hallinan, S.a and Paul Gibson, J.b 2005 A graduate's role in technology transfer: From requirements to design with UML



Bunse, C. and Grützner, I. and

Ochs, M. and Peper, C. and

Steinbach-Nordmann, S.

2005 Applying a blended learning strategy for software engineering

education CI4

SC0439 Bajaj, A. 2005 Advances in data modeling research CI5

SC0440 Kinjo, T. and Yama, A.H. 2005 An object-oriented modeling learning support system with

inspection comments CI2

SC0441 Roussev, B. 2005 MDA design space and project planning CE5

SC0442 Kliček, B. and Gerić, S. and Begičević, N.

2005 Models of intelligent organizations functioning CE1


Dickerson, M.a and Eppstein, D.b

and Goodrich, M.T.b and Meng, J.Y.b

2005 Confluent drawings: Visualizing non-planar diagrams in a planar

way CE1


Briand, L.C.a and Labiche, Y.a

and Di Penta, M.b and Yan-Bondoc, H.c

2005 An experimental investigation of formality in UML-based

development CE1

SC0445 Cho, J.a and Baik, S.a and Bala,

J.b 2005 Implementation of a distributed data mining system CE1

SC0446 Pettit IV, R.G. and Street, J.A. 2005 Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical

software CI1

SC0447 Choe, H.a c and Kim, T.b d 2005 An enhanced LTSA model providing contextual knowledge for intelligent e-learning systems


SC0448 Bubel, R.a and Hähnle, R.b 2005 Integration of informal and formal development of object-oriented

safety-critical software CE1

SC0449 Jayaramaraja, S. 2005 An object-oriented design and reference implementation for web-

based instructional software CE1

SC0450 Bézivin, J. 2005 On the unification power of models CE1

SC0451 Grossman, M.a and Aronson,

J.E.b and McCarthy, R.V.c 2005

Does UML make the grade? Insights from the software

development community CI2

SC0452 Batra, D. 2005 Conceptual data modeling patterns: Representation and validation CE1

SC0453 Ali, N.H. and Abdul Jalil, M.M.

and Deris, M.M. 2005 The design of algorithm translation package using UML CE1


Da Cunha, A.M.a and Martins, O.A.a and Ferreira, A.S.a and

Dos Anjos, L.S.a and Dos Santos,


2005 A strategy for teaching real time embedded systems at the

Brazilian Aeronautical Institute of Technology - ITA CE1

SC0455 von Konsky, B.R. and Ivins, J. and

Robey, M. 2005

Using psp to evaluate student effort in achieving learning

outcomes in a software engineering assignment CI1

SC0456 Warren, I. 2005 Teaching Patterns and Software Design CI1

SC0457 Irani, P. 2004 Notations for software engineering class structures CI2

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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

SC0458 Arabestani, S.a and Bitsch, F.b

and Gayen, J.-T.a 2004

Precise definition of the single-track level crossing in radio-based operation in UML notation and specification of safety



SC0459 Muller, P.-A. and Bresch, D. and Studer, P.

2004 Model-Driven Architecture for Automatic-Control: An Experience Report


SC0460 Bédard, Y. and Larrivée, S. and

Proulx, M.-J. and Nadeau, M. 2004

Modeling geospatial databases with plug-ins for visual languages:

A pragmatic approach and the impacts of 16 years of research and experimentations on perceptory


SC0461 Hilsbos, M. and Song, I.-Y. 2004 Use of tabular analysis method to construct uml sequence

diagrams CI4

SC0462 Keschenau, M. 2004 Reverse engineering of UML specifications from java programs CE1


Salim, F.D.a and Price, R.b and Indrawan, M.a and

Krishnaswamy, S.a

2004 Graphical representation of XML schema CE1

SC0464 Lardeur, E.a b and Longueville,

B.a b 2004

Mutual enhancement of systems engineering and decision-making

through process modeling: Toward an integrated framework CI5


Dickerson, M.a and Eppstein, D.b

and Goodrich, M.T.b and Meng, J.Y.b

2004 Confluent Drawings: Visualizing Non-planar Diagrams in a Planar

Way CE1

SC0466 Guizzardi, R.S.S.a and Aroyo, L.a

b and Wagner, G.c 2004

Agent-oriented knowledge management in learning environments:

A peer-to-peer helpdesk case study CI4

SC0467 Loser, A. and Schubert, K. and

Zimmer, F. 2004 Taxonomy-based routing overlays in P2P networks CE1

SC0468 Irani, P.a and Ware, C.b 2004 The effect of a perceptual syntax on the learnability of novel concepts


SC0469 Purchase, H.C.a and Welland, R.a

and McGill, M.b and Colpoys, L.b 2004

Comprehension of diagram syntax: An empirical study of entity

relationship notations CE1

SC0470 Provenzano, P.a and Ferlisi, S.b

and Musso, A.a 2004

Interpretation of a model footing response through an adaptive

neural fuzzy inference system CE1

SC0471 Song, M.a and Song, I.-Y.a and Chen, P.P.b

2004 Design and development of a cross search engine for multiple heterogeneous databases using UML and design patterns


SC0472 Thomas, L. and Ratcliffe, M. and

Thomasson, B. 2004

Scaffolding with object diagrams in first year programming

classes: Some unexpected results CI4

SC0473 Papasalouros, A.a and Retalis, S.b

and Papaspyrou, N.a 2004 Automating standards-based courseware development using UML CE1

SC0474 Di Lucca, G.A.a and Fasolino, A.R.b and Tramontana, P.b

2004 Reverse engineering Web applications: The WARE approach CE1


Kung, D.C. and Bhambhani, H.

and Nwokoro, S. and Okasha, W. and Kambalakatta, R. and

Sankuratri, P.

2003 Lessons Learned from Software Engineering Multi-Agent Systems CE1

SC0476 Avgeriou, P.a and Retalis, S.b

and Skordalakis, M.a 2003

Building quality into learning management systems - An

architecture-centric approach CE1


Harris Jr., F.C. and Ha, Y.W. and Yumul, D.M. and Estes, J.S. and

Miles, C.E.

2003 Software Specification of a Mining Truck Simulator and Trainer CE1

SC0478 Auer, M. and Tschurtschenthaler, T. and Biffl, S.

2003 A flyweight UML modelling tool for software development in heterogeneous environments


SC0479 Alphonce, C. and Ventura, P. 2003 QuickUML: A tool to support iterative design and code

development CI4

SC0480 Shankar, S. and Xu, X. 2003 Automating Object-Oriented Software Refactoring CE1


Dascalu, S.a and Saru, D.b and Simpson, R.a and Bradley, J.a

and Sarwar, E.a and Oh, J.a

2003 Specification of the Verity Learning Companion and Self-

Assessment Tool CE1

SC0482 DÃaz, M. and Garrido, D. 2003 SGI-SAT trillo: A full scope simulator for nuclear power plants CE1

SC0483 Van Elsuwe, H. and Schmedding,

D. 2003 Metrics for UML models [Metriken für UML-Modelle] CE4

SC0484 Bubel, R.a and Hähnle, R.b 2003 Integration of informal and formal development of object-oriented

safety-critical software: A case study with the KeY system CE1

SC0485 Weis, T. and Ulbrich, A. and Geihs, K.

2003 Quality of service engineering with UML, .NET, and CORBA CE1

SC0486 Jorgensen, J.B. and Bossen, C. 2003 Requirements engineering for a pervasive health care system CE1

SC0487 Canals, A., Cassaing, Y., Jammes,

A., Pomiés, L., Roblet, E. 2003 How you could use NEPTUNE in the modelling process CI4

SC0488 Pooley, R. and Wilcox, P. 2003 Applying UML: Advanced Applications CE1

SC0489 Blake, M.B.a and Cabri, G.b 2003 Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration - What can agents learn from human collaboration?


SC0490 Rosiene, J., Liu, X., Sawyer, D. 2003

Aspects of the modification of the self-medication behavior of

patients by presentation of educational material at time of product selection via an information appliance


SC0491 Laforcade, P. and Barbier, F. and

Sallaberry, C. and Nodenot, T. 2003 Profiling cooperative problem-based learning situations CE1

Page 23: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

SC0492 Carrington, D. and Kim, S.-K. 2003 Teaching software design with open source software CI5

SC0493 Hansen, K.M., Ratzer, A.V. 2002 Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-

oriented modeling CI4

SC0494 Barros, J.P. 2002 Specific proposals for the use of Petri nets in a concurrent

programming course CE1

SC0495 Alphonce, C. and Ventura, P. 2002 Object orientation in CS1-CS2 by design CI5

SC0496 Kapauan, P.T.Z., Fernandez, E. 2002 Knowledge representation: A classification with applications in

telecommunications and the web CE1

SC0497 Arndt, T., Chang, S.K., Guercio,

A., Maresca, P. 2002

An XML-based approach to multimedia software engineering for

distance learning

SC0498 Manjarrés, Á, Pickin, S., Mira, J. 2002 Knowledge model reuse: Therapy decision through specialisation of a generic decision model


SC0499 Koskinen, J., Mäkinen, E., Systä,

T. 2002

Implemeting a component-based tool for interactive synthesis of

UML statechart diagrams CI4

SC0500 Dinsoreanu, M. and Salomie, I.

and Pusztai, K. 2002 On the design of agent-based systems using UML and extensions CE1

SC0501 Dohmen, L.A.J., Somers, L.J. 2002 Experiences and lessons learned using UML-RT to develop embedded printer software


SC0502 Fantechi, A.a and Gnesi, S.b and

Lami, G.b and Maccari, A.c 2002 Application of linguistic techniques for Use Case analysis CE1

SC0503 Mäkinen, E. and Systä, T. 2002 Minimally adequate teacher synthesizes statechart diagrams CE1


Petrie, H., Schlieder, C.,

Blenkhorn, P., Evans, G., King, A.,

O’Neill, A.-M., Ioannidis, G.T., Gallagher, B., Crombie, D., Mager,

R., Alafaci, M.

2002 TeDUB: A system for presenting and exploring technical

drawings for blind people CI4

SC0505 De Oliveira, T.C. and Filho, I.M. and De Lucena, C.J.P.

2002 Frameworks - A high level instantiation approach CE1

SC0506 Isoda, S. 2001 Object-oriented real-world modeling revisited CI4

SC0507 Wang, M. 2001 Implementation of object-relational DBMSs in a relational

database course CE1

SC0508 Mäkinen, E., Systä, T. 2001 MAS - an interactive synthesizer to support behavioral modeling

in UML CE1

SC0509 Wang, S., Rosenfeld, R., Zhao, Y. 2001 Latent maximum entropy principle for statistical language

modeling CE1

SC0510 Damm, W. 2001 Understanding UML - pains and rewards CI1

SC0511 Savigni, A., Cunsolo, F., Tisato, F. 2000 ESCORT: Lessons from an integration project CI1

SC0512 Schmitt, D. 2000 Analysis, design and implementation of an object-oriented framework in ada95


SC0513 Gibson, J.P. 2000 Formal requirements engineering: Learning from the students CI5

SC0514 Counsell, S., Newson, P., Mendes,

E. 2000

Architectural level hypothesis testing through reverse engineering

of object-oriented software CE1

SC0515 Phalp, K., Counsell, S. 2000 The application of metrics to industrial prototyping processes: An empirical study


SC0516 Thurbon, J. 2000 Executing diagram sequences CI5

SC0517 Raner, Mirko 2000 Teaching object-orientation with the Object Visualization and

Annotation Language (OVAL) CE1


Paula, M., Gomes, S.F., Barrett,

A.R.W., Timoney, A.G., Davies,


1999 A computer-assisted training/monitoring system for turp structure

and design CE1

SC0519 Viller, S. and Sommerville, I. 1999 Coherence: An approach to representing ethnographic analyses in systems design


SC0520 Suzuki, J. and Yamamoto, Y. 1999 Extending UML for modeling reflective software components CE1

SC0521 Nada, N., Tuwaim, S., Al-Homod,

S., Topaloglu, N.Y. 1998 Issues in reuse based software development CE1

SC0522 Pronk, C., Schönhacker, M. 1998 Constructing formal language definitions, can we manage? What

can we learn from Modula-2 standardization? CE1

SC0523 Gérard, S. Lanusse, A.b; Terrier, F. 1998 A train control modeling with the real-time object paradigm CE1

SC0524 Jacob, R.J.K. 1986 A Specification Language for Direct-Manipulation User Interfaces CE1


Na biblioteca digital Engineering Village, houve um retorno de 607 artigos, utilizando

a string de busca apresentada na Seção 2, Subseção 2.2.3, os quais são listados abaixo na Tabela

Page 24: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

2.4, com os seus respectivos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Destes artigos retornados, somente

58 artigos foram selecionados no primeiro filtro.

Tabela 2.4: Lista de artigos retornados na Engineering Village do 1º filtro.

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0001 Ivanova, Galina and Ivanova,

Aneliya and Ivanov, Ivailo

2011 Schematic diagram editor and simulator on reliability and

diagnostics of computer systems


EV0002 Tian, Chun Yan and Guo, Dong


2014 Research on the construction of education network platform in

universities based on the WEB services


EV0003 Cui, Wei and Zhao, Bao-Gang and Liu, Yang and Qian, Si-Yu and Ye,

Jia and Yang, Hai-Feng and Li,


2011 A research of CIM model in education fields CE3

EV0004 Mulay, Preeti 2009 Incremental learning using semi-supervised and incremental



EV0005 Yang, Xiao-Mei and Gu, Ping and Dai, Heng

2009 Mapping approach for model transformation of MDA based on XMI/XML platform


EV0006 Harel, David and Kugler, Hillel

and Pnueli, Amir

2005 Synthesis revisited: Generating statechart models from scenario-

based requirements


EV0007 Figl, Kathrin and Mendling, Jan

and Strembeck, Mark

2009 Towards a usability assessment of process modeling languages CE2

EV0008 Brandsteidl, Marion and Wieland, Konrad and Huemer, Christian

2011 Novel communication channels in software modeling education CE2

EV0009 Ciancarini, Paolo 2005 On the education of future software engineers CE2

EV0010 Woo, Han G. 2009 Finding reusable business process models based on structural



EV0011 Mendes, Joice B. and Caponetto,

Guilherme H. and Ramos,

Alexandre C. B.

2010 Software modelling for multipurpose computer based training CE2

EV0012 Ciancarini, Paolo 2005 On the education of future software engineers CE2

EV0013 Zucker, Ron and Ritzhaupt, Albert 2009 Evolutionary, not revolutionary, programming exercises using design patterns in an OO data structures course


EV0014 Braga, Jose R. G. and Mendes,

Joice B. and Junior, Laercio A. B. and Ramos, Alexandre C. B.

2010 Modeling of system software for computer based training CE2

EV0015 Figl, Kathrin and Mendling, Jan

and Strembeck, Mark and Recker, Jan

2010 On the cognitive effectiveness of routing symbols in process

modeling languages


EV0016 Braga, Jose R. G. and Mendes,

Joice B. and Caponetto, Guilherme H. and Ramos, Alexandre C. B.

2010 Software model for a computer based training for an HVDC

control desk simulator


EV0017 Mrozek, Zbigniew 2006 Bridging the gap between computer science and technology CE3

EV0018 Lincke, Susan J. 2005 Work in progress - Motivating students for software engineering CI5

EV0019 Cai, Yuanfang and Iannuzzi,

Daniel and Wong, Sunny

2011 Leveraging design structure matrices in software design education CE2

EV0020 Yulia and Adipranata, Rudy 2010 Teaching object oriented programming course using cooperative

learning method based on game design and visual object oriented



EV0021 Wang, M. 2001 Implementation of object-relational DBMSs in a relational database course


EV0022 Moritz, Sally H. and Wei, Fang

and Parvez, Shahida M. and Blank, Glenn D.

2005 From objects-first to design-first with multimedia and intelligent



EV0023 Tourtoglou, Kalliopi and Virvou,


2008 User stereotypes for student modelling in collaborative learning:

Adaptive advice to trainers


EV0024 Petrie, Helen and Schlieder,

Christoph and Blenkhorn, Paul and

Evans, Gareth and King, Alasdair and ONeill, Anne-Marie and

Ioannidis, George T. and

Gallagher, Blaithin and Crombie, David and Mager, Rolf and

Alafaci, Maurizio

2002 TeDUB: A system for presenting and exploring technical

drawings for blind people


EV0025 Zheng, Lihua and Zhao, Dongmei

and Zhou, Nan and Qiu, Xiaobing

and Xu, Li and Wang, Shicong and

Qiao, Zhong

2011 The development of remote labor training system for rural small

towns based on MVC model


EV0026 Irani, Pourang and Ware, Colin 2004 The effect of a perceptual syntax on the learnability of novel



Page 25: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0027 Oussena, Samia and Dunckley, Lynne

2007 Adopting student-centred approach to advanced database teaching CE2

EV0028 Daoud, Fawzi 2003 Knowledge-based repository for constructivist learning



EV0029 Win, Thida and Aung, Hninn Mar

and Thein, Ni Lar

2005 An MDA based approach for facilitating representation of

semantic web service technology


EV0030 Yao, Lulu and Liu, Jing and Zhang, Yan and Wang, Yuejun

2016 Hybrid MARTE CE2

EV0031 Hill, Jonathan 2010 Schematic capture and technical drawing software for computer



EV0032 Olderog, Ernst-Rudiger 2008 Automatic Verification of Combined Specifications: An Overview CE2

EV0033 Vaandrager, Frits 2012 Active learning of extended finite state machines CE2

EV0034 Johnson, Eric W. and Moore,

Tamara J.

2010 Red light-green light: Using a Model-Eliciting Activity in a logic

design course


EV0035 Peterson, Brian and Clark, Anne 2010 Prism: A simple simulation for introduction of assembly language

and computer architecture


EV0036 Peirson, Bui and Bishop, Keith and Church, Tony and Williams, Rob

2005 Incorporation of ecological factors within estuarine infrastructure design and assessment


EV0037 Parvez, Shahida M. and Blank,

Glenn D.

2008 Individualizing tutoring with learning style based feedback CE2

EV0038 Guermazi, Sahar and Tatibouet,

Jeremie and Cuccuru, Arnaud and

Dhouib, Saadia and Gerard, Sebastien and Seidewitz, Ed

2015 Executable Modeling with fUML and Alf in papyrus: Tooling and



EV0039 Herden, Adriana and Farias, Pedro

Porfirio Muniz and Albuquerque, Adriano Bessa

2016 An agile approach to improve process-oriented software



EV0040 Magalhaaes, A.P. and Maciel, R.S.P. and Andrade, A.

2015 Towards a metamodel design methodology: Experiences from a model transformation metamodel design


EV0041 Svee, Eric-Oluf and Zdravkovic,


2015 IStar instruction in mixed student cohort environments CE2

EV0042 Paige, Richard F. and Brooke,

Phillip J. and Ostroff, Jonathan S.

2007 Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency



EV0043 Mayerhofer, Tanja and Langer, Philip and Wimmer, Manuel and

Kappel, Gerti

2013 xMOF: Executable DSMLs based on fUML CE2

EV0044 Adawi, Tom and Burden, Hakan and Olsson, Dennis and

Mattiasson, Rickard

2016 Characterizing Software Engineering Students' Discussions during Peer Instruction: Opportunities for Learning and Implications for



EV0045 Solheim, H.G. and Tangen, K. and Oy, S.

2003 Knowledge management repositories and services CE1

EV0046 Bedard, Yvan and Larrivee, Suzie

and Proulx, Marie-Josee and Nadeau, Martin

2004 Modeling geospatial databases with plug-ins for visual languages:

A pragmatic approach and the impacts of 16 years of research and experimentations on perceptory


EV0047 Stuurman, Sylvia and Van Gastel,

Bernard E. and Passier, Harrie J. M.

2014 The design of mobile apps: What and how to teach? CE2

EV0048 Liu, Chun Hua and Wang, Kai Yan 2013 Design of a web-based supporting system for home-centered

infant early intervention program


EV0049 Alves, Miriam C. Bergue and Leal,

Cynthia Feitosa

2013 Towards a formal software development in a concurrent

engineering environment: A space system case


EV0050 Akayama, Seiko and Kuboaki, Shin and Hisazumi, Kenji and

Futagami, Takao and Kitasuka,


2013 Development of a modeling education program for novices using model-driven development


EV0051 Kruus, Helena and Robal, Tarmo

and Jervan, Gert

2014 SysML in systems engineering course CI1

EV0052 Al-Samarraie, Hosam and Abbas, Merza

2012 Interpreter service development for new learners of the network simulation-2 (NS2) based on J2EE


EV0053 Kerr, Deirdre 2016 Visualizing Changes in Strategy Use across Attempts via State

Diagrams: A Case Study


EV0054 Mohammadpour, Atefeh and

Anumba, Chimay J. and Bulbul,

Tanyel and Messner, John and Singh, Gurdev and Singh, Ranjit

2016 Impact Analysis of Facility Failures on Healthcare Delivery

Process: Use Case-Driven Approach


EV0055 Sun, Bo and Zhang, Shuling 2011 Research on internet-based teaching process modeling CI4

CE4 EV0056 Mit, Edwin and Shiang, Cheah

Wai and Khairuddin, Muhammad

Asyraf and Borhan, Noor Hazlini

2011 Integrate cultures and beliefs into genealogy software for remote

communities in Borneo


EV0057 Zhao, Haiyan and Zhang, Gang 2010 Design and implementation for the examination system of

multimedia course practice


Page 26: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0058 Abdelrahman, Salah Eldin and Badawy, Mohammed

2011 Hasoc for developing a software system CE3

EV0059 Khmelevsky, Youry and Hains,

Gaetan and Li, Chong

2012 Automatic code generation within student's software engineering



EV0060 Reynoso, Luis and Manso,

Esperanza and Genero, Marcela

and Piattini, Mario

2010 Assessing the influence of import-coupling on OCL expression

maintainability: A cognitive theory-based perspective


EV0061 Shah, Mohammad M. and Chrpa,

Luka and Kitchin, Diane and

McCluskey, Thomas L. and Vallati, Mauro

2013 Exploring knowledge engineering strategies in designing and

modelling a road traffic accident management domain


EV0062 Carrington, David and Kim, Soon-


2003 Teaching software design with open source software CE2

EV0063 Bunse, Christian and Grutzner,

Ines and Ochs, Michael and Peper,

Christian and Steinbach-

Nordmann, Silke

2005 Applying a blended learning strategy for software engineering



EV0064 Schupp, Sibylle and Zalewski,

Marcin and Ross, Kyle

2004 Rapid performance prediction for library components CE1

EV0065 Warren, Ian 2005 Teaching Patterns and Software Design CE2

EV0066 Dascalu, Sergiu and Saru, Daniela and Simpson, Ryan and Bradley,

Justin and Sarwar, Eva and Oh,


2003 Specification of the Verity Learning Companion and Self-Assessment Tool


EV0067 Lardeur, E. and Longueville, B. 2004 Mutual enhancement of systems engineering and decision-making

through process modeling: Toward an integrated framework


EV0068 Gehringer, Edward F. and Chinn, Donald D. and Ardis, Mark A. and

Perez-Quinones, Manuel A.

2005 Panel: Using peer review in teaching computing CE1

EV0069 Horvath, Gabor and Jaros, Gyorgy 2005 The mathematico-symbolic formulation of teleonic principles CE1

EV0070 Stuurman, Sylvia and Florijn, Gert 2004 Experiences with teaching design patterns CE1

EV0071 Kollmann, Ralf 2004 Experiences with an industrial long-term reengineering project CE1

EV0072 Bennedsen, Jens and Caspersen,

Michael E.

2005 Revealing the programming process CE1

EV0073 Loser, Alexander and Schubert, Kai and Zimmer, Frederik

2004 Taxonomy-based routing overlays in P2P networks CE2

EV0074 Bubel, Richard and Hahnle, Reiner 2003 Integration of informal and formal development of object-oriented

safety-critical software: A case study with the KeY system


EV0075 Bunse, Christian and Grutzner,

Ines and Ochs, Michael and Peper,

Christian and Steinbach-Nordmann, Silke

2005 Applying a blended learning strategy for software engineering



EV0076 Dillon-Merrill, Robin L. and Bier,

Vicki and Borener, Sherry S. and Robinson, Mindy J. and Mitchell,

Kandi K. and Balakrishna,

Poornima and Hepler, Amanda and Best, Aleta

2014 Quantifying risk in commercial aviation with fault trees and event

sequence diagrams


EV0077 Gerard, Sebastien and Lanusse,

Agnes and Terrier, Francois

1998 A train control modeling with the real-time object paradigm CE2

EV0078 Kaplan, Kathleen M. and Kaplan,

John J.

2004 The switching circuits of biology CE1

EV0079 Dickerson, Matthew and Eppstein, David and Goodrich, Michael T.

and Yu Meng, Jeremy

2004 Confluent drawings: Visualizing non-planar diagrams in a planar way


EV0080 He, Feng and Xu, Qi and Le, Jiajin 2006 Integration of web services and agents for e-learning system



EV0081 Grimm, Frank and Phalp, Keith and Vincent, Jonathan and Beier,


2008 Enabling multi-stakeholder cooperative modelling in automotive software development and implications for model driven software



EV0082 Gomes, M.Paula S.F. and Barrett, Adrian R.W. and Timoney,

Anthony G. and Davies, Brian L.

1999 Computer-assisted training/monitoring system for TURP structure and design


EV0083 Kerbs, Robert 2007 Student teamwork: A capstone course in game programming CE1

EV0084 Lang, Ulrich and Schreiner, Rudolf 2007 Simplifying security management of cross-organisation

collaborative decision making


EV0085 De Cesare, Sergio and Holland,

Grant and Holtmann, Carsten and

Lycett, Mark

2007 Semantic-based systems development CE2

EV0086 Barthel, Roland and Nickel, Darla

and Meleg, Alejandro and

2005 Linking the physical and the socio-economic compartments of an

integrated water and land use management model on a river basin

scale using an object-oriented water supply model


Page 27: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

Trifkovic, Aleksandar and Braun,

Juergen EV0087 Helwig, Janet 2005 Using a "Real" systems development project to enrich a systems

analysis and design course


EV0088 Li, Kaicheng and Yao, Xiaofei and Chen, Dewang and Yuan, Lei and

Zhou, Datian

2015 HAZOP study on the CTCS-3 onboard system CE2

EV0089 Chaudhri, Vinay K. and Dinesh, Nikhil and Inclezan, Daniela

2013 Three lessons in creating a knowledge base to enable reasoning, explanation and dialog


EV0090 Cherniahovskaya, Lilia and

Nougayeva, Kamila

2006 Decision support in strategic control on the base of knowledge



EV0091 Nowroozi, Alireza and Shiri,

Mohammad E. and Aslanian,

Angeh and Lucas, Caro

2012 A general computational recognition primed decision model with

multi-agent rescue simulation benchmark


EV0092 Hankley, William 2003 On teaching software architecture and design CI5

EV0093 Dumbrava, Stefan 2006 Manufacturing Control Laboratory with an embedded ERP

application for educational purposes


EV0094 Martinho, R. and Varajao, J. and Domingos, D.

2010 Using the semantic web to define a language for modelling controlled flexibility in software processes


EV0095 Van Thanh, Do and Sivertsen,

Eivind and Moe, Jon-Finngard and Jorstad, Ivar

2005 Email access via mobile phone CE1

EV0096 Jorgensen, J.B. and Bossen, C. 2003 Requirements engineering for a pervasive health care system CE2

EV0097 Avgeriou, Paris and Retalis, Simos

and Skordalakis, Manolis

2003 Building quality into learning management systems - An

architecture-centric approach


EV0098 Kanakaraddi, Suvarna G. and Naragund, Jayalaxmi G. and

Chikaraddi, Ashok K.

2013 Active learning methods for teaching OOAD course CI4

EV0099 Hansen, Klaus Marius and Ratzer, Anne Vinter

2002 Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-oriented modeling


EV0100 Peng, Wuliang and Jin, Minli 2010 An e-learning based graduation project support system CE2

EV0101 Gray, Jeff and White, Jules and

Gokhale, Aniruddha

2010 Model-driven engineering: Raising the abstraction level through

domain-specific modeling


EV0102 Caleb, Akanbi and Rotimi, Adagunodo

2011 An intelligent mediating model for collaborative e-learning management systems


EV0103 Yusof, Mohd Fairuz Mohd and

Ramly, Rafisha and Ng, Kai-Li and Yeoh, Eng-Thiam and Salim,

Robin and Elandy, Kasturi Muthu

2005 Object-oriented approach in developing knowledge base for a

multimedia E-learning system


EV0104 Bao, Chun-Bo and Wang, Bo-Liang

2008 A open source based general framework for Virtual Surgery Simulation


EV0105 Hong, Sungjune and Han, Sunyoung and Song, Kwanho

2005 The extended PARLAY X for an adaptive context-aware personalized service in a ubiquitous computing environment


EV0106 Mazzini, Silvia and Puri, Stefano

and Vardanega, Tullio

2009 An MDE methodology for the development of high-integrity real-

time systems


EV0107 Xiao, Shou-Bai 2014 The exploration and implementation of the interactive multimedia

network autonomous learning platform


EV0108 Baghaei, Nilufar and Mitrovic, Antonija

2007 From modelling domain knowledge to metacognitive skills: Extending a constraint-based tutoring system to support



EV0109 Wang, Bin and Jin, Fucai 2011 Collaborative platform for the preparation of dispatch daily and shift plans based on blackboard model


EV0110 Vachharajani, Vinay and Pareek,

Jyoti and Gulabani, Sunil

2012 Effective label matching for automatic evaluation of use - Case



EV0111 Jaspan, Ciera and Keeling, Michael

and Maccherone, Larry and

Zenarosa, Gabriel L. and Shaw, Mary

2009 Software mythbusters explore formal methods CE2

EV0112 Gallant, Reuven 2016 Thinking Fast: Patterns of Cognitive Error in Software

Engineering Education and Practice


EV0113 Javed, Sajid and Oh, Seon Ho and

Sobral, Andrews and Bouwmans,

Thierry and Jung, Soon Ki

2016 Background Subtraction via Superpixel-Based Online Matrix

Decomposition with Structured Foreground Constraints


EV0114 Blake, M.B. and Cabri, G. 2003 Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration - What can

agents learn from human collaboration?


EV0115 Zheng, Guoqing and Callan, Jamie 2015 Learning to reweight terms with distributed representations CE2

EV0116 Xu, Hui and Wang, Chunzhi and

Chen, Hongwei

2015 Learning concept hierarchy from YANG for management of

software-defined networking based on theory of concept lattices


EV0117 Zhao, Haiyan and Zhao, Zhigang

and Sun, Yanjun and Zhang, Nan

and Wang, Ning and Lv, Xiangfeng and Wang, Hongyou

and Guo, Weiguang

2014 Architecture modeling and design for university freshmen data

acquisition system


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EV0118 Zhu, Tong Tong and Xu, Gang and Ma, Ming Cong and Liu, Xing Ye

2013 Design and development of refueling training simulation system for multi-types aeroplane


EV0119 Saylor, Kase J. and Malatesta,

William A. and Abbott, Ben A.

2008 TENA in a telemetry network system CE2

EV0120 Thierry, Nodenot 2007 Questioning usability of visual instructional design languages: The

case of CPM


EV0121 Rosiene, J. and Liu, X. and Sawyer, D.

2003 Aspects of the modification of the self-medication behavior of patients by presentation of educational material at time of product

selection via an information appliance


EV0122 Zhu, Qinwei and Goncalves, M.A. and Fox, E.A.

2003 5SGraph demo: A graphical modeling tool for digital libraries CE1

EV0123 Wang, Shaojun and Rosenfeld, R.

and Zhao, Yunxin

2001 Latent maximum entropy principle for statistical language



EV0124 Jimenez, Patricio and Galan,

Sergio and Gariia, David

2006 Spanish HLA abstraction layer: Towards a higher interoperability

model for national simulators


EV0125 Yap, Kim-Hui and Wu, Kui 2007 A pseudo-labeling framework for content-based image retrieval CE2

EV0126 Batra, Dinesh 2005 Conceptual data modeling patterns: Representation and validation CE2

EV0127 Russell, Jack and Russell, Barbara 2006 A survey analysis of the perceptions of IS educators and IS

professionals appertaining to the course content of an

undergraduate information systems capstone course


EV0128 Ratanotayanon, Sukanya and Sim,

Susan Elliott

2008 Inventive tool use to comprehend big code CE2

EV0129 Kessler, Robert and Dykman, Nathan

2007 Integrating traditional and agile processes in the classroom CE2

EV0130 Muller, Pierre-Alain and Bresch,

Didier and Studer, Philippe

2004 Model-driven architecture for automatic-control: An experience



EV0131 Gibson, J.P. 2000 Formal requirements engineering: Learning from the students CE2

EV0132 Aichernig, Bernhard K. and

Brandl, Harald and Jobstl,

Elisabeth and Krenn, Willibald and Schlick, Rupert and Tiran, Stefan

2015 Killing strategies for model-based mutation testing CE2

EV0133 Choi, Namyoun and Song, Il-Yeol

and An, Yuan

2009 The MP (Materialization Pattern) model for representing math

educational standards


EV0134 Kun, Ma and Bo, Yang 2010 A hybrid model transformation approach based on J2EE platform CE2

EV0135 Savigni, Andrea and Cunsolo, Filippo and Tisato, Francesco

2000 ESCORT: Lessons from an integration project CE2

EV0136 Riva, Claudio and Selonen, Petri

and Systa, Tarja and Xu, Jianli

2011 A profile-based approach for maintaining software architecture:

An industrial experience report


EV0137 Schonbock, Johannes and Raab,

Markus and Altmann, Josef and

Kapsammer, Elisabeth and Kusel, Angelika and Proll, Birgit and

Retschitzegger, Werner and

Schwinger, Wieland

2016 A survey on volunteer management systems CE1

EV0138 Selic, Bran 2011 The theory and practice of modeling language design for model-

based software engineering - A personal perspective


EV0139 Passin, Thomas B. 2007 Easy RDF for real-life system modeling CE2

EV0140 Elaasar, Maged and Labiche, Yvan 2012 Model interchange testing: A process and a case study CE2

EV0141 Wong-Bushby, I. and Egan, R. and

Isaacson, C.

2006 A case study in SOA and re-architecture at company ABC CE1

EV0142 Di Lucca, Giuseppe Antonio and

Fasolino, Anna Rita and

Tramontana, Porfirio

2004 Reverse engineering Web applications: The WARE approach CE2

EV0143 Hai, Lili 2009 The role of collaboration diagrams in OO software engineering

student projects


EV0144 Alphonce, Carl and Ventura, Phil 2003 QuickUML: A tool to support iterative design and code development


EV0145 Chen, Xin and Jiang, Peng and

Zhang, Yi-Fan and Huang, Chao and Zhou, Yan

2015 Method of automatic test case generation for safety-critical

scenarios in train control systems


EV0146 Hajjej, Fahima and Hlaoui, Yousra

Bendaly and Ben Ayed, Leila Jemni

2015 A model driven approach for design flexible e-Assessment CE2

EV0147 Demuth, Birgit and Weigel, Daniel 2009 Web based software modeling exercises in large-scale software

engineering courses


EV0148 Hajjej, Fahima and Hlaoui, Yousra

Ben Daly and Ayed, Leila Jemni


2013 A specification approach based on adapted workflow for

personalized e-assessment systems


EV0149 Wang, Ming 2010 Solving relational database problems with ORDBMS in an

advanced database course


EV0150 Zhang, Yuefeng and Patel, Shailesh

2011 Agile model-driven development in practice CE2

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EV0151 Crelier, Othon and Silva Filho, Roberto S. and Hasling, William

M. and Budnik, Christof J.

2011 Design principles for integration of model-driven quality assurance tools


EV0152 Maffezzini, Ivan 2007 Towards extreme requirements? CE2

EV0153 Badreddin, Omar and Lethbridge,

Timothy C.

2012 Combining experiments and grounded theory to evaluate a

research prototype: Lessons from the umple model-oriented programming technology


EV0154 Berenbach, Brian and Borotto, Gail 2006 Metrics for model driven requirements development CE2

EV0155 Viller, Stephen and Sommerville,


1999 Coherence: An approach to representing ethnographic analyses in

systems design


EV0156 Sikkel, Klaas and Daneva, Maya 2011 Getting the client into the loop in information system modelling courses


EV0157 Liping, Li and Qian, Zhongsheng

and Tao, He

2009 Test purpose-based test generation for web applications CE2

EV0158 Motal, Thomas and Zapletal,

Marco and Werthner, Hannes

2009 The business choreography language (BCL) - A domain-specific

language for global choreographies


EV0159 Saripalle, Rishi Kanth 2016 Need for a specialized metamodel for biomedical and health informatics domain


EV0160 Xie, Shaohua and Kraemer, Eileen

and Stirewalt, R.E.K. and Dillon, Laura K. and Fleming, Scott D.

2008 Assessing the benefits of synchronization-adorned sequence

diagrams: Two controlled experiments


EV0161 Bunse, Christian and Grutzner,

Ines and Peper, Christian and Steinbach-Nordmann, Silke and

Vollmers, Garsten

2006 Coaching professional software developers an experience report CI4

EV0162 Roh, Sunghwan and Kim, Kyungrae and Jeon, Taewoong

2004 Architecture modeling language based on UML2.0 CI1

EV0163 Kung, David and Lei, Jeff 2016 An object-oriented analysis and design environment CE2

EV0164 Cerans, Karlis and Ovcinnikova,

Julija and Liepin, Renars and Sprogis, Arturs

2013 Advanced OWL 2.0 ontology visualization in OWLGrEd CE2

EV0165 Pels, Henk Jan and Goossenaerts,


2007 A conceptual modeling technique for discrete event simulation of

operational processes


EV0166 Liu, Ziwei and Liu, Jing and He,

Jifeng and Mallet, Frederic and

Zhang, Miaomiao

2012 Formal specification of hybrid MARTE statecharts CE2

EV0167 Madsen, Sabine and Vidgen,


2009 A pragmatic approach to IS development and socio-technical



EV0168 Hei, Xinhong and Zhao, Kai and Ma, Weigang and Wang, Lei and

Xie, Guo

2013 Study on describing problems of temporal interval centered synchronization within DRIS


EV0169 Tang, W. and Ning, B. and Xu, T. and Zhao, L.

2010 Scenario-based modeling and verification of system requirement specification for the European Train Control System


EV0170 Jung, Thomas and Rotcmann,

Jurgen and Schluse, Michael

2009 Introducing intuitive and versatile multi modal graphical

programming means to enhance virtual environments


EV0171 Sharif, Bonita and Maletic,

Jonathan I.

2010 The effects of layout on detecting the role of design patterns CE2

EV0172 Lv, Wenjing and Ye, Lili and Wang, Zhewen and Yang,

Zhengguo and Zhang, Yikui

2010 Project-oriented laboratory with cross platform software programming for embedded system education


EV0173 Zhao, Bo and Liao, Yan-Ling and Lu, Yu-Dan

2009 On semantic propagation mechanism in aggregate relationship CE2

EV0174 Iordan, A.E. and Panoiu, M. 2014 A new approach in the design of an interactive environment for

teaching Hamiltonian digraphs


EV0175 Perez-Gonzalez, Hector G. and

Nava-Munoz, Sandra and Nunez-

Varela, Alberto and Kaiita, Jugal

2008 GOOAL automatic design tool: A role posets based tool to

produce object models from problem descriptions


EV0176 Erradi, Abdelkarim 2012 Applying and evaluating architectural patterns on a stock trading

case study


EV0177 Rocmann, Jurgen and Schluse, Michael and Jung, Thomas

2008 Introducing intuitive and versatile multi modal graphical programming means to enhance virtual environments


EV0178 Tahara, Yasuyuki and Yoshioka,

Nobukazu and Taguchi, Kenji and Aoki, Toshiaki and Honiden,


2009 Evolution of a course on model checking for practical applications CE2

EV0179 Holland, Jay and Baghaei, Nilufar and Mathews, Moffat and

Mitrovic, Antonija

2011 The effects of domain and collaboration feedback on learning in a collaborative intelligent tutoring system


EV0180 Harris Jr., Frederick C. and Ha,

Yan W. and Yumul, Dianne M.

and Estes, Joshua S. and Miles, Christopher E.

2003 Software Specification of a Mining Truck Simulator and Trainer CE2

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EV0181 Milentijevic, Ivan and Ciric, Vladimir

2007 Project-based learning environment for special purpose DSP architectures


EV0182 Ford, Reginald and Shockley, John

and Kobryn, Cris

2007 A proposed Distributed After Action Review (DAAR) standard

based on the Joint Training Experimentation Program (JTEP) DAAR


EV0183 Wang, Li Feng 2013 Function research on network teaching system for college english CE1

EV0184 Cho, Ju and Baik, Sung and Bala,


2005 Implementation of a distributed data mining system CE2

EV0185 Gross, Anne and Jurkiewicz, Jakub and Doerr, Joerg and Nawrocki,


2012 Investigating the usefulness of notations in the context of requirements engineering


EV0186 Dori, Dov and Wengrowicz, Niva and Dori, Yehudit Judy

2014 A comparative study of languages for model-based systems-of-systems engineering (MBSSE)


EV0187 Clements, Paul C. 2005 Software architecture documentation in practice session report CI1

EV0188 Rago, Alejandro and Marcos,

Claudia and Diaz-Pace, J. Andres

2016 Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning

semantic actions


EV0189 Alonso, Mathilde and Py, Dominique and Lemeunier,


2008 A learning environment for object-oriented modeling, supporting metacognitive regulations


EV0190 Pavlov, Vladimir L. and Boyko, Nikita and Babich, Alexander and

Kuchaiev, Oleksii and Busygin,


2007 Applying pantomime and reverse engineering techniques in software engineering education


EV0191 Peng, Wenhui and Yang, Zongkai

and Zhao, Chengling

2005 Work in progress - Research on process model for distant virtual



EV0192 Fantechi, A. and Gnesi, S. and Lami, G. and Maccari, A.

2002 Application of linguistic techniques for Use Case analysis CE2

EV0193 Rozanc, I. 2013 Framework for web application domain knowledge extraction CE2

EV0194 Chen, Yun and Kutar, Maria and

Hamilton, Andy

2007 Modelling and matching: A methodology for ePlanning system

development to address the requirements of multiple user groups


EV0195 Debuse, Justin C. W. and Stiller,


2008 Technologies and strategies for integrating object-oriented

analysis and design education with programming


EV0196 Reiner, Jacek and Koch, Jan 2003 Cooperation problems at the interdisciplinary teams of providers and users in manufacturing automation


EV0197 Szmurlo, Robert and Smialek,


2007 Teaching software modeling in a simulated project environment CE2

EV0198 Reznik, Julia and Ritter, Tom and

Schreiner, Rudolf and Lang, Ulrich

2007 Model Driven Development of Security Aspects CE2

EV0199 Counsell, S. and Newson, P. and Mendes, E.

2000 Architectural level hypothesis testing through reverse engineering of object-oriented software


EV0200 Zhu, Yuanfang and Song, Ye and

Li, Xiaoping and Liu, Qiongxin and Li, Hui

2015 Research on networked video courseware system based on object-

oriented method


EV0201 Silva-Lopez, Rafaela Blanca and

Silva-Lopez, Monica and Mendez-Gurrola, Iris Iddaly and Bravo,


2014 Onto design graphics (ODG): A graphical notation to standardize

ontology design


EV0202 Silva-Lopez, Rafaela Blanca and Silva-Lopez, Monica and Mendez-

Gurrola, Iris Iddaly and Bravo,


2014 Onto design graphics (ODG): A graphical notation to standardize ontology design


EV0203 Jayaramaraja, Shrimalini 2005 An object-oriented design and reference implementation for web-

based instructional software


EV0204 Zhang, Rui and Wang, Sheng-Wu 2009 The development of civil engineering virtual experimental platform


EV0205 Owen, Charles B. and Coburn,

Sarah and Castor, Jordyn

2014 Teaching modern object-oriented programming to the blind: An

instructor and student experience


EV0206 Vogel-Heuser, Birgit and Braun,

Steven and Obermeier, Martin and

Jobst, Fabian and Schweizer, Karin

2012 Usability evaluation on teaching and applying model-driven object

oriented approaches for PLC software


EV0207 Lang, Jan and Kakody, Juraj 2010 Object-oriented analysis and design of educational content CE2

EV0208 'Uyun, Shofwatul and Riadi, Imam 2011 A fuzzy Topsis multiple-attribute decision making for scholarship



EV0209 Zulkernine, Mohammad and Graves, Mathews and Khan,

Muhammad Umair Ahmed

2007 Integrating software specifications into intrusion detection CE1

EV0210 Berard, Celine and Cloutier, L.

Martin and Cassivi, Luc

2012 Evaluating clinical trial management systems: A simulation



EV0211 Hall, Maureen P. and Bergandy,


2008 Work in progress - Improving K-12 students' problem-solving

skills via innovative teacher training


EV0212 Ouyang, Yang and Chen, Yu-Feng

and Chen, Xi-Yuan and Zhu,


2009 Ontology modeling of domain knowledge in semantic learning



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EV0213 Lee, Nam-Ju and Bakken, Suzanne 2007 Development of a prototype personal digital assistant-decision support system for the management of adult obesity


EV0214 Fan, Z. and Detlef, M. and

Andreasen, M.M. and Hein, L.

2006 Teaching system integration of mechatronic systems CE2

EV0215 Briand, Lionel C. 2007 Empirical evaluation in software engineering: Role, strategy, and



EV0216 Shen, Wen-Hsiang and Hsueh, Nien-Lin and Chu, Peng-Hua

2011 Measurement-based software process modeling CE2

EV0217 Tilley, Scott and Bellomo,


2009 7th international workshop on graphical documentation:

Documenting SOA-based systems


EV0218 Exposito, Ernesto 2010 yPBL methodology: A problem-based learning method applied to

software engineering


EV0219 Schweiker, Marcus and Moore, Daniel J. and Voltmer, David R.

2002 The design of an enhanced curricular evaluation + portfolio (ECE+P) software system


EV0220 Okewu, Emmanuel 2015 Requirements engineering in an emerging market CE2

EV0221 Wollenberg, Bruce and Britton, Jay

and Dobrowolski, Ed and

Podmore, Robin and Resek, Jim and Scheidt, John and Russell,

Jerry and Saxton, Terry and

Ivanov, Chavdar

2016 A Brief History: The Common Information Model [In My View] CE1

EV0222 Acharya, Sushil and Burke, David 2008 Incorporating gaming in software engineering projects: Case of

RMU monopoly


EV0223 Behkami, Nima A. 2011 Object recognition in the enterprise -Structural and behavioral capabilities of patient-centered medical homes


EV0224 Dreyer, Jorn and Muller, Sascha

and Grusie, Bernhard and Zundorf, Albert

2010 NT2OD online: Bringing natural text 2 object diagram to the web CE2

EV0225 Welch, Lonnie R. and Gradin,

Sherrie and Sandell, Karin

2002 Enhancing engineering education with writing-to-learn and

cooperative learning: Experiences from a software engineering course


EV0226 Barros, Joao Paulo 2002 Specific proposals for the use of petri nets in a concurrent

programming course


EV0227 Dixon, Mark 2004 A single CASE environment for teaching and learning CI4

EV0228 Yordanova, Korneliya 2008 Integrated solution for Learning Content Management Systems



EV0229 Hughes, Janet and Parkes, Steve 2004 Does requiring students to produce alternative solutions promote a high quality of software design?


EV0230 Hadjerrouit, Said 2005 Learner-centered web-based instruction in software engineering CE1

EV0231 Nada, Nader and Tuwaim, Saad

and Al-Homod, Samy and

Topaloglu, N.Yasemin

1998 Issues in reuse based software development CE2

EV0232 Ayachi-Ghanouchi, Sonia and

Cheniti-Belcadhi, Lilia and Lewis,


2013 Analysis and modeling of tutor functions CE2

EV0233 Sengupta, Souvik and Dasgupta,


2015 Using Semiformal and Formal Methods in Software Design: An

Integrated Approach for Intelligent Learning Management System


EV0234 Didrich, Klaus and Herbst, Stefan and Vieira, Marlon

2006 Applying model-based testing to a train control system CE2

EV0235 Shen, Victor R.L. and Wang, Yu-

Ying and Yang, Cheng-Ying and Yeh, Szu-Tso

2012 Verification of problem-based learning systems using modified

petri nets


EV0236 Alvarado, Karla and Rabelo, Luis

and Moraga, Reinaldo and Quijada, Sergio and Gruber, Fred

and Sepulveda, Jose

2007 Application of SCOR to e-government: A case study CE2

EV0237 Osman, Mohd Hafeez and Chaudron, Michel R.V. and Van

Der Putten, Peter

2014 Interactive scalable abstraction of reverse engineered UML class diagrams


EV0238 Petre, Marian 2014 No shit or Oh, shit!: responses to observations on the use of UML in professional practice


EV0239 Ponsard, Christophe and Deprez,


2015 A UML KPI profile for energy aware design and monitoring of

cloud services


EV0240 Greiner, Sandra and Buchmann,

Thomas and Westfechtel, Bernhard

2016 Bidirectional transformations with QVT-R: A case study in round-

trip engineering UML class models and Java source code


EV0241 Von Franque, Alexander and Telliolu, Hilda

2014 UML Quiz: Automatic conversion of web-based e-learning content in mobile applications


EV0242 Karasneh, Bilal and Jolak, Rodi and Chaudron, Michel R.V.

2016 Using examples for teaching software design: An experiment using a repository of UML class diagrams


EV0243 Wrycza, Stanislaw and

Marcinkowski, Bartosz

2005 UML 2 teaching at postgraduate studies - Prerequisites and



EV0244 Fan, Zhiqiang and Gao, Hui and

Shen, Jufang and Zhang, Li

2010 A UML-based system integration modeling language for the

application system design of shipborne combat system


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EV0245 Kordon, Fabrice and Thierry-Mieg, Yann

2010 Experiences in Model Driven verification of behavior with UML CE2

EV0246 Zhao, Xue Feng 2014 Research on teaching evaluation system modeling based on UML CE2

EV0247 Elaasar, Maged and Briand, Lionel

C. and Labiche, Yvan

2015 VPML: an approach to detect design patterns of MOF-based

modeling languages


EV0248 Baghaei, Nilufar and Mitrovic, Antonija

2005 COLLECT-UML: Supporting individual and collaborative learning of UML class diagrams in a constraint-based intelligent

tutoring system


EV0249 Lange, Christian F. J. and DuBois, Bart and Chaudron, Michel R. V.

and Demeyer, Serge

2006 An experimental investigation of UML modeling conventions CE2

EV0250 Xie, Yufei and Tang, Tao and Xu, Tianhua and Zhao, Lin

2010 Research on requirement management for complex systems CE2

EV0251 Moisan, Sabine and Rigault, Jean-


2010 Teaching object-oriented modeling and UML to various audiences CE2

EV0252 Yang, Qing-Wen and Dong, Fei

and Li, Hui-Xiang and Yan, Yan

2009 Design and realization of rocket battalion's communication

network simulation based on UML


EV0253 Boulanger, Jean-Louis and Van Dao, Quang

2008 Experiences from a model-based methodology for embedded electronic software in automobile


EV0254 Laforcade, Pierre 2005 Towards a UML-based educational modeling language CE1

EV0255 Troncoso, Nicolas and Von Brand,

Horst H. and Ibsen, Jorge and

Mora, Matias and Gonzalez, Victor and Chiozzi, Gianluca and Jeram,

Bogdan and Sommer, Heiko and

Zamora, Gabriel and Tejeda, Alexis

2010 A code generation framework for the ALMA common software CE2

EV0256 Hallinan, Stephen and Paul Gibson, J.

2005 A graduate's role in technology transfer: From requirements to design with UML


EV0257 Silva, Marco Aurelio Graciotto and

Barbosa, Ellen Francine and Maldonado, Jose Carlos

2011 Model-driven development of learning objects CE2

EV0258 Shigemitsu, Makoto and

Shinkawa, Yoshiyuki

2008 Extracting class structure based on fishbone diagrams CE2

EV0259 Peugeot, Thomas and De Champs,


2005 HLA and MDA at EADS SDC simulation. Assessment of current

and future practice


EV0260 Adamopoulos, Dionisis X. 2008 Structuring design activities in open programmable networks CE2

EV0261 Chen, Shin-Bo and Hsu, Chien-


2011 The TCR cancer registry repository for annotating cancer data CE1

EV0262 Roddick, John F. and Ceglar,

Aaron and De Vries, Denise and

La-Ongsri, Somluck

2008 Postponing schema definition: Low Instance-to-Entity Ratio

(LItER) modelling


EV0263 Hao, Su Li and Bai, Ge 2014 The established of language training service standard system

based on system engineering


EV0264 Li, Jin-Biao and Li, Tong and Liu, Lin

2011 Chinese requirements analysis based on class diagram semantics CI4

EV0265 Jiang, Keyuan and Maniotes, John

and Kamali, Reza

2004 A different approach of teaching introductory visual basic course CE1

EV0266 Lu, Yichan and Li, Zheying 2006 Integrated design for electronic experimental system over internet CE2

EV0267 Ozkaya, Ipek 2007 Representing requirement relationships CE2

EV0268 Rodrigues, Elder and Bernardino, Maicon and Costa, Leandro and

Zorzo, Avelino and Oliveira,


2015 PLeTsPerf - A Model-Based Performance Testing Tool CE2

EV0269 Hu, Jun and Ross, Philip and Feijs,

Loe and Qian, Yuechen

2007 UML in action: Integrating formal methods in industrial design



EV0270 Lin, Huiqiang and Liu, Caixing and Lin, Piyuan

2008 A method of elicitation teaching for Object-oriented analysis and design curriculum


EV0271 Ali, Shaukat and Iqbal,

Muhammad Zohaib and Khalid, Maham and Arcuri, Andrea

2015 Improving the performance of OCL constraint solving with novel

heuristics for logical operations: a search-based approach


EV0272 Wallace, Daniel F. and Winters,

John J. and Lackie, John H.

2000 An improved operational sequence diagram methodology for use

in system development


EV0273 Widya, Ing and Volman, Cees and

Pokraev, Stanislav and De Diana,

Italo and Michiels, Eddie

2001 Enterprise modelling for an educational information infrastructure CE2

EV0274 Yang, Yu 2015 Discussion on the construction of original music system platform

in colleges or universities


EV0275 Yang, Jeong and Lee, Young and Hicks, David and Chang, Kai H.

2014 Enhancing object-oriented programming education using static and dynamic visualization


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EV0276 Malnati, Giovanni and Cuva, Caterina Maria and Barberis,


2007 JThreadSpy: Teaching multithreading programming by analyzing execution traces


EV0277 Sewchurran, Kosheek and Petkov, Doncho

2007 A systemic framework for business process modeling combining soft systems methodology and UML


EV0278 Dzidek, Wojciech J. and Briand,

Lionel C. and Labiche, Yvan

2006 Lessons learned from developing a dynamic OCL constraint

enforcement tool for java


EV0279 Yue, Tao and Ali, Shaukat 2016 Empirically evaluating OCL and Java for specifying constraints on

UML models


EV0280 Duschl, Kerstin and Obermeier, Martin and Vogel-Heuser, Birgit

2014 An experimental study on UML Modeling errors and their causes in the education of model driven PLC programming


EV0281 Auer, M. and Tschurtschenthaler,

T. and Biffl, S.

2003 A flyweight UML modelling tool for software development in

heterogeneous environments


EV0282 Frezza, Stephen and Andersen,


2006 Interactive exercises to support effective learning of UML

structural modeling


EV0283 Tourtoglou, Kalliopi and Virvou,


2008 User modelling in a collaborative learning environment for UML CE2

EV0284 Makinen, E. and Systa, T. 2001 MAS - an interactive synthesizer to support behavioral modeling

in UML


EV0285 Gayler, Dick and Klappholz, David

and Harvey, Valerie J. and Perez-

Quiones, Manuel A.

2007 UML tools: What is their role in undergraduate computer science



EV0286 Vogel-Heuser, Birgit and

Obermeier, Martin and Braun,

Steven and Sommer, Kerstin and Jobst, Fabian and Schweizer, Karin

2013 Evaluation of a UML-based versus an IEC 61131-3-based

software engineering approach for teaching PLC programming


EV0287 Weis, Torben and Ulbrich,

Andreas and Geihs, Kurt

2003 Quality of service engineering with UML, .NET, and CORBA CE2

EV0288 Syn, Thant and Batra, Dinesh 2013 Improving sequence diagram modeling performance: A technique

based on Chunking, Ordering, and Patterning


EV0289 Chen, Jingjie and Li, Huiru 2013 A method based on hierarchical analysis and UML state machine for disassembly and assembly process simulation


EV0290 McCarthy, John L.; Warzel,

Denise; Kendall, Elisa; Bargmeyer, Bruce; Solbrig, Harold ; Keck,

Kevin; Gey, Fred

2009 Data modeling and harmonization with OWL: Opportunities and

lessons learned


EV0291 Nodenot, Thierry 2007 From UML to CPM: A few lessons learnt about CPM language usability


EV0292 Sautter, Johannes and Kurowski,

Sebastian and Rocnagel, Heiko and Engelbach, Wolf and Zibuschka,


2012 Interoperability for information systems in public urban transport

security: The SECUR-ED interoperability notation


EV0293 McKeever, Stephen and Grimsley, James and Jacob, Jamey

2012 Statewide efforts supporting UAS NAS integration: Lessons learned


EV0294 Koskinen, Johannes and Makinen,

Erkki and Systa, Tarja

2002 Implemeting a component-based tool for interactive synthesis of

UML statechart diagrams


EV0295 Koskinen, Johannes and Makinen,

Erkki and Systa, Tarja

2002 Implemeting a component-based tool for interactive synthesis of

UML statechart diagrams


EV0296 Hussein, Mohammed and Zulkernine, Mohammad

2006 UMLintr: A UML profile for specifying intrusions CE2

EV0297 Schmitt, Detlef 2000 Analysis, design and implementation of an object-oriented

framework in ada95


EV0298 Jurjens, Jan and Shabalin, Pasha 2004 A foundation for tool-supported critical systems development with



EV0299 Randak, Andrea and Martinez,

Salvador and Wimmer, Manuel

2011 Extending ATL for native UML profile support: An experience



EV0300 Scholtz, Brenda and Wesson, Janet 2008 How 'learnable' are CASE tools in diverse user communities? CI4

EV0301 Salehi, P. and Hamou-Lhadj, A.

and Colombo, P. and Khendek, F. and Toeroe, M.

2010 A UML-based domain specific modeling language for the

availability management framework


EV0302 Jurjens, Jan 2004 Developing high-assurance secure systems with UML: A

smartcard-based purchase protocol


EV0303 Tabrizi, M.H.N. and Collins, C.

and Ozan, E. and Li, K.

2004 Implementation of object-orientation using UML in entry level

software development courses


EV0304 Bera, Palash 2012 Analyzing the cognitive difficulties for developing and using UML class diagrams for domain understanding


EV0305 Liang, Hongzhi and Diskin,

Zinovy and Dingel, Juergen and

Posse, Ernesto

2008 A general approach for scenario integration CE2

EV0306 Reggio, Gianna and Leotta,

Maurizio and Ricca, Filippo and Clerissi, Diego

2014 What are the used activity diagram constructs? A survey CE2

EV0307 Wimmer, Manuel and

Schauerhuber, Andrea and Kappel,

2011 A survey on UML-based aspect-oriented design modeling CE2

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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

Gerti and Retschitzegger, Werner

and Schwinger, Wieland and Kapsammer, Elisabeth

EV0308 Morales Grosskopf, H. and

Bommel, P. and Tourrand, J.F.

2005 Modeling livestock farmers' strategies in the Uruguayan Pampa CE3

EV0309 Pronk, C. and Schonhacker, M. 1998 Constructing formal language definitions, can we manage? What

can we learn from Modula-2 standardization?


EV0310 Bogdan, Crenguta M. and Popovici, Dorin M.

2012 Information system analysis of an e-learning system used for dental restorations simulation


EV0311 Bolanos, F. and Rivera, F. and

Aedo, J.E. and Bagherzadeh, N.

2013 From UML specifications to mapping and scheduling of tasks into

a NoC, with reliability considerations


EV0312 Czejdo, Bogdan D. and Biguenet,

Jonathan and Biguenet, John

2008 Metaphor modeling on the Semantic Web CE2

EV0313 Wrycza, Stanislaw and Marcinkowski, Bartosz

2006 UML 2 academic course - Methodological background and survey benchmarking


EV0314 Hansen, Klaus Marius and Ratzer,

Anne Vinter

2002 Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-

oriented modeling


EV0315 Liu, Xianhong 2013 The research on teaching methods of object-oriented approach in

management information systems curriculum


EV0316 Park, Hyeoun-Ae and Cho, InSook and Byeun, NamSoo

2007 Modeling a terminology-based electronic nursing record system: An object-oriented approach


EV0317 Briand, Lionel and Labiche, Yvan

and Madrazo-Rivera, Reymes

2011 An experimental evaluation of the impact of system sequence

diagrams and system operation contracts on the quality of the domain model



2005 UML Modeling Languages and Applications - UML 2004 Satellite Activities


EV0319 Da Cunha, Adilson M. and

Martins, Osvandre A. and Ferreira, Alysson S. and Dos Anjos, Laercio

Sambuc and Dos Santos, Walter A.

2005 A strategy for teaching real time embedded systems at the

Brazilian Aeronautical Institute of Technology - ITA


EV0320 Ali, Shaukat and Briand, Lionel C. and Arcuri, Andrea and Walawege,


2011 An industrial application of robustness testing using aspect-oriented modeling, UML/MARTE, and search algorithms


EV0321 Subburaj, Vinitha Hannah and Urban, Joseph

2011 Intelligent agent software development using AUML and the descartes specification language


EV0322 Chevaillier, Pierre and Trinh,

Thanh-Hai and Barange, Mukesh and De Loor, Pierre and Devillers,

Frederic and Soler, Julien and

Querrec, Ronan

2012 Semantic modeling of virtual environments using MASCARET CE2

EV0323 Santos, Nuno and Fernandes, Joao

M. and Sameiro Carvalho, M. and

Silva, Pedro V. and Fernandes, Fabio A. and Rebelo, Marcio P.

and Barbosa, Diogo and Maia,

Paulo and Couto, Marco and Machado, Ricardo J.

2016 Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative

university-industry RD software project


EV0324 Hilsbos, Margaret and Song, Il-


2004 Use of tabular analysis method to construct uml sequence



EV0325 Duschl, Kerstin C. and Gramc,

Denise and Obermeier, Martin and

Vogel-Heuser, Birgit

2015 Towards a taxonomy of errors in PLC programming CE2

EV0326 Xie, Shaohua and Kraemer, Eileen

and Stirewalt, R.E.K. and Dillon,

Laura K and Fleming, Scott D

2009 Design and evaluation of extensions to UML sequence diagrams

for modeling multithreaded interactions


EV0327 Barros, Joao Paulo 2013 From concrete to abstract: About teaching UML class diagrams to

novice programmers


EV0328 Remenska, Daniela and Willemse, Tim A. C. and Templon, Jeff and

Verstoep, Kees and Bal, Henri

2014 Property specification made easy: Harnessing the power of model checking in UML designs


EV0329 Keschenau, Martin 2004 Reverse engineering of UML specifications from java programs CE2

EV0330 Guo, Jiayang and Yin, Xu 2009 Modeling method of operation process in workflow based on Petri

Net and UML


EV0331 King, Stephen F. and Johnson,

Owen A.

2006 VBP: An approach to modelling process variety and best practice CE2

EV0332 Stikkolorum, Dave R. and Ho-

Quang, Truong and Karashneh,

Bilal and Chaudron, Michel R.V.

2015 Uncovering students' common dificulties and strategies during a

class diagram design process: An online experiment


EV0333 Exposito, Ernesto 2014 yPBL: An active, collaborative and project-based learning

methodology in the domain of software engineering


EV0334 Wang, Zhiqiang and Xu, Jikang 2015 UML Modeling and Development of an Urban Rail Transit Network Passenger Travel Process


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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0335 Babineau, William and Berglie, Stephen and Hougland, Erik and

Haselby, Susan

2006 Automated Interoperability Testing: Process and toolkit CE1

EV0336 Gemino, Andrew and Parker, Drew 2009 Use case diagrams in support of use case modeling: Deriving understanding from the picture


EV0337 von Konsky, Brian R. and Ivins,

Jim and Robey, Mike

2005 Using psp to evaluate student effort in achieving learning

outcomes in a software engineering assignment


EV0338 Wang, Shi-Jin 2011 Improved contract net protocol for manufacturing tasks dynamic



EV0339 Vogel-Heuser, Birgit and Braun, Steven and Obermeier, Martin and

Sommer, Kerstin and Seidel, Tina

and Johannes, Christine

2011 Modeling order effects on errors in object oriented modeling for machine and plant automation from an educational point of view


EV0340 Fernandez-Saez, Ana M. and

Chaudron, Michel R.V. and

Genero, Marcela

2013 Exploring costs and benefits of using UML on maintenance:

Preliminary findings of a case study in a large IT department


EV0341 Reggio, Gianna and Leotta,

Maurizio and Ricca, Filippo

2014 Who knows/useswhat of the UML: A personal opinion survey CE2

EV0342 Snook, Colin and Butler, Michael 2006 UML-B: Formal modeling and design aided by UML CE2

EV0343 Ali, Shaukat and Yue, Tao and

Briand, Lionel C.

2014 Does aspect-oriented modeling help improve the readability of

UML state machines?


EV0344 Zhang, Fu and Ma, Z.M. and

Cheng, Jingwei and Meng,


2009 Fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy UML model CE1

EV0345 Bendraou, Reda and Jezequel,

Jean-Marc and Gervais, Marie-

Pierre and Blanc, Xavier

2010 A comparison of six UML-based languages for software process



EV0346 Li, Wen-Juan and Zhao, Kai and

Zhang, Lin-Lin and Wei, Chun-Xia

and Wang, Jie and Xu, She-Hui

2014 Software security concerns modeling method based on UML



EV0347 Sien, Ven Yu. 2011 Implementation of the concept-driven approach in an object-

oriented analysis and design course


EV0348 Pan, Jian 2014 Requirement analysis on sports equipment information system

based on UML


EV0349 Nugroho, Ariadi and Chaudron,

Michel R. V. and Arisholm, Erik

2010 Assessing UML design metrics for predicting fault-prone classes

in a Java system


EV0350 Zimmermann, Armin and

Trowitzsch, Jan

2009 Reliability evaluation of distributed embedded systems with uml

state charts and rare event simulation


EV0351 Garbe, Hilke 2012 Intelligent assistance in a Problem Solving Environment for UML Class Diagrams using a hybrid expert system


EV0352 Bolloju, Narasimha 2006 Exploring quality dependencies among UML artifacts developed by novice systems analysts


EV0353 Hao, Shangfu and Xu, Jingya and

Sun, Baili and Wang, Zhihui

2012 Modelization of laboratory teaching management system based on



EV0354 Kruus, Helena and Robal, Tarmo

and Jervan, Gert

2014 Teaching modeling in SysML/UML and problems encountered CE2

EV0355 Xu, Liang and Zhang, Li and Fan, Zhiqiang

2010 An approach of real-time workflow modeling based on UML CE2

EV0356 Iordan, Anca and Panoiu, Manuela

and Muscalagiu, Ionel and Rob, Raluca

2011 Object Oriented development of an interactive software for

studying of circle using UML diagrams


EV0357 Cheng, Yun Li and Zhang, Yan


2014 Design and implementation of teacher-student interactive

platforms in the campus network based on UML


EV0358 Sikkel, Klaas and Daneva, Maya 2010 Teaching consistency of UML specifications CE2

EV0359 Borstler, Jurgen and Dranidis, Dimitris and Ramollari, Ervin and

Trapp, Sonja and Heintz, Matthias

and Weber, Sebastian

2010 Sharing and discussing UML modeling exercises in a PLE CE2

EV0360 Hasker, Robert W. and Rowe,


2011 UMLint: Identifying defects in UML diagrams CI4

EV0361 Albar, Adnan and Abu Hashish, Faris

2011 Using of object oriented approach design models learning in information software engineering


EV0362 Palluat, Nicolas and Racoceanu,

Daniel and Zerhouni, Noureddine

2005 An UML modelling of a neuro-fuzzy monitoring system CE3

EV0363 Hammouda, Imed and Koskinen,

Johannes and Pussinen, Mika and

Katara, Mika and Mikkonen, Tommi

2004 Adaptable concern-based framework specialization in UML CE1

EV0364 Hakansson, Anne 2005 Transferring problem solving strategies from the expert to the end

users supporting understanding


EV0365 Sabitzer, Barbara and Pasterk,


2014 Modeling: A computer science concept for general education CE2

EV0366 Irani, Pourang 2004 Notations for software engineering class structures CE2

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EV0367 Alphonce, Carl and Ventura, Phil 2002 Object orientation in CS1-CS2 by design CE2

EV0368 Li, Xiong and Dang, Sheng and

Hao, Na and Li, Kunju

2010 An extension to contract net protocol for military agents



EV0369 Damm, Werner 2001 Understanding UML pains and rewards CE2

EV0370 Nodenot, Thierry and Laforcade, Pierre

2006 CPM: A UML profile to design cooperative PBL situations at didactical level


EV0371 Suzuki, Junichi and Yamamoto,


1999 Extending UML for modeling reflective software components CE2

EV0372 Ali, Shaukat and Iqbal,

Muhammad Zohaib and Arcuri,


2014 Improved heuristics for solving OCL constraints using search



EV0373 Obermeier, Martin and Braun,

Steven and Vogel-Heuser, Birgit

2015 A model-driven approach on object-oriented PLC programming

for manufacturing systems with regard to usability


EV0374 Yue, Tao and Briand, Lionel C. and Labiche, Yvan

2015 aToucan: An automated framework to derive UML analysis models from use case models


EV0375 Zhou, Chuan-Sheng 2010 Research on UML State Diagram based component test system CE2

EV0376 VanderMeer, Debra and Dutta,


2009 Applying learner-centered design principles to UML sequence



EV0377 Dohmen, L.A.J. and Somers, L.J. 2002 Experiences and lessons learned using UML-RT to develop

embedded printer software


EV0378 Outair, Anas and Lyhyaoui, Abdelouahid and Tanana, Mariam

2014 Towards a semi automatic assessment of UML diagrams by graph transformation


EV0379 Outair, Anas and Lyhyaoui,

Abdelouahid and Tanana, Mariam

2014 Towards a semi automatic assessment of UML diagrams by graph



EV0380 El-Attar, Mohamed and Luqman,

Hamza and Karpati, Peter and

Sindre, Guttorm and Opdahl, Andreas L.

2015 Extending the UML Statecharts Notation to Model Security



EV0381 Ishii, Norio and Nagao, Yuki and

Suzuki, Yuri and Fujiyoshi, Hironobu and Fujii, Takashi

2009 Designing a programming course to foster creativity using uml

modeling template


EV0382 Grossman, Martin and Aronson,

Jay E. and McCarthy, Richard V.

2005 Does UML make the grade? Insights from the software

development community


EV0383 Briand, Lionel C. and Labiche,

Yvan and Di Penta, Massimiliano

and Yan-Bondoc, Han

2005 An experimental investigation of formality in UML-based



EV0384 Wrycza, Stanislaw and

Marcinkowski, Bartosz

2006 Unified modeling language teaching approach: Survey and



EV0385 Labiche, Yvan 2009 The UML is more than boxes and lines CE2

EV0386 Anastasakis, Kyriakos and

Bordbar, Behzad and Georg, Geri and Ray, Indrakshi

2010 On challenges of model transformation from UML to Alloy CE2

EV0387 Meller, Yael and Grumberg, Orna

and Yorav, Karen

2016 Learning-based compositional model checking of behavioral UML



EV0388 Pavlo, Vladimir L. and Yatsenko,


2005 Using pantomime in teaching OOAOOD with UML CE2

EV0389 Briand, L.C. and Labiche, Y. and Yan, H.-D. and Di Penta, M.

2004 A controlled experiment on the impact of the object constraint language in UML-based maintenance


EV0390 Pavlov, Vladimir L. and Yatsenko,


2005 The babel experiment: An advanced pantomime-based training in



EV0391 Kuriyama, Ken and Sakai, Kazuo 2007 An agent oriented environment for collaborative learning -

Lessons learned through vocational training on software design

with UML


EV0392 Hei, Xinhong and Chang, Lining

and Ma, Weigang and Xie, Guo

2011 Using uml and petri nets for the design and verification of a

railway interlocking system


EV0393 Abid, Muhammad R. and Amyot,

Daniel and Some, Stephane S. and

Mussbacher, Gunter

2009 A UML profile for goal-oriented modeling CE2

EV0394 Fernandez, Eduardo B. and Petrie,

Maria M. Larrondo

2005 Using UML and security patterns to teach secure systems design CI1

EV0395 Zhang, Jingjun and Chen, Yuejuan and Liu, Guangyuan

2009 Modeling aspect-oriented programming with UML profile CE2

EV0396 Lin, Che-Chern and Chen, Shen-

Chien and Lin, Chin-Chih

2008 Design of individualizing learning framework with fuzzy expert

system and variable learning route model: A case study of UML


EV0397 Kim, Haeng-Kon 2011 SOCF: Service oriented common frameworks design pattern for

mobile systems with UML


EV0398 Perdos, Athanasios and

Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander and

Stephanides, George

2004 Teaching queuing systems modeling using UML CE1

EV0399 Beheshti, R. and Dado, E. 2005 Simplified UML techniques for system development in an educational setting


EV0400 Vachharajani, Vinay and Vasant,

Sandeep and Pareek, Jyoti

2016 Feasibility study of proposed architecture for automatic

assessment of Use-Case diagram


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EV0401 Xie, Shaohua and Kraemer, Eileen and Stirewalt, R.E.K.

2007 Empirical evaluation of a UML sequence diagram with adornments to support understanding of thread interactions


EV0402 Herout, Pavel and Brada, Premek 2016 UML-test application for automated validation of students' UML

class diagram


EV0403 Stikkolorum, D.R. and Ho-Quang,

Truong and Chaudron, M.R.V.

2015 Revealing Students' UML Class Diagram Modelling Strategies

with WebUML and LogViz


EV0404 Timm, John T. E. and Gannod, Gerald C.

2007 Specifying semantic web service compositions using UML and OCL


EV0405 Hammouda, Imed and Guidogan,

Olcay and Koskimies, Kai and Systa, Tarja

2004 Tool-supported customization of UML class diagrams for learning

complex system models


EV0406 Mayerhofer, Tanja 2012 Testing and debugging UML models based on fUML CE2

EV0407 Pavlov, Vladimir L. and Yatsenko,


2005 Using pantomime in teaching OOAOOD with UML CE2

EV0408 Razali, Rozilawati and Snook,

Colin F. and Poppleton, Michael R.

2007 Comprehensibility of UML-based formal model - A series of

controlled experiments


EV0409 Tilley, Scott 2009 Documenting software systems with views VI: Lessons learned

from 15 years of research and practice


EV0410 Stumpf, Robert V. and Teague,

Lavette C.

2005 Teaching object-oriented systems analysis and design with UML CE2

EV0411 Verstichel, Stijn ; Ongenae, Femke; Loeve, Leanneke;

Vermeulen, Frederik; Dings,

Pieter; Dhoedt, Bart; Dhaene, Tom; Turck, Filip De

2011 Efficient data integration in the railway domain through an ontology-based methodology


EV0412 Perdos, Athanasios and

Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander and Stephanides, George

2006 Evaluation of a queuing theory and systems modeling course

based on UML


EV0413 Bontchev, Boyan and Vassileva,

Dessislava and Traicheva, Vania

2011 Putting edutainment in practice: From courseware authoring to

logic games


EV0414 Rhem, Anthony J. 2007 Knowledge modeling with UML CE2

EV0415 Rachel, F.M. and Cugnasca, P.S. 2006 Using UML diagrams for system safety and security environment



EV0416 Jabri, Sana and El Koursi, El Miloudi and Bourdeaud'huy,

Thomas and Lemaire, Etienne

2010 European railway traffic management system validation using UML/Petri nets modelling strategy


EV0417 Schonwalder, Jurgen 2008 Protocol-independent data modeling: Lessons learned from the SMIng project


EV0418 Karasneh, Bilal and Chaudron,

Michel R. V.

2013 Online Img2UML repository: An online repository for UML



EV0419 Ogata, Shinpei and Matsuura,


2012 Training of requirements analysis modeling with UML-based

prototype generation tool


EV0420 Song, Il-Yeol and Khare, Ritu and An, Yuan and Hilsbos, Margaret

2008 A multi-level methodology for developing UML sequence diagrams


EV0421 Pernul, Gunther and Rossi, Matti 2010 6th International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML

(FP-UML 2010)


EV0422 Canals, Agusti and Cassaing,

Yannick and Jammes, Antoine and

Pomies, Laurent and Roblet, Etienne

2001 How you could use NEPTUNE technology in the modelling



EV0423 Sun, Hong-Mei and Jia, Rui-Sheng 2012 Research on the analysis and design of general test database

management system


EV0424 Mich, Luisa 2014 Teaching requirements analysis: A student project framework to

bridge the gap between business analysis and software engineering


EV0425 Liqing, Fan and Kumar, Senthil A. 2005 XML-based representation in a CBR system for fixture design CE2

EV0426 Papasalouros, Andreas and Retalis,

Symeon and Papaspyrou, Nikolaos

2004 Automating standards-based courseware development using UML CE2

EV0427 Kerkouche, Elhillali and Chaoui,

Allaoua and Bourennane, El Bay

and Labbani, Ouassila

2010 On the Use of graph transformation in the modeling and

verification of dynamic behavior in UML Models


EV0428 Zhang, Dexiang and Song,

Chengxiang and Liu, Hong and

Gao, Lili and Chen, Ke

2007 Design and implementation of a college evaluation system for

undergraduate education based on UML


EV0429 Burden, Hakan and Heldal,

Rogardt and Siljamaki, Toni

2011 Executable and translatable UML - How difficult can it be? CE2

EV0430 Starrett, Cortland 2007 Teaching UML modeling before programming at the high school level


EV0431 Shen, Haifeng and Liu, Siyuan and Xia, Steven and Sun, Chengzheng

2008 Distributed constraints maintenance in collaborative UML modeling environments


EV0432 Friedrich, D. and Vogel-Heuser, B. 2007 Benefit of system modeling in automation and control education CI1

EV0433 Sin, Thant 2007 Improving usability of analysis sequence diagram in transaction-

oriented applications


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EV0434 Hasker, Robert W. and Shi, Yan 2014 Teaching basic class diagram notation with UMLGrader CI4

EV0435 Dong, Ying and Li, Mingshu and

Wang, Qing

2002 A UML extension of distributed system CE1

EV0436 Iwata, Hajime and Shirogane,

Junko and Fukazawa, Yoshiaki

2004 Generating tutorial system from sequence diagrams in UML CE1

EV0437 Wan, Rongze and Huang, Xin 2014 The design and realization of college teaching management system based on UML and ASP.NET technology


EV0438 Yamazaki, Susumu and Jiromaru,


2014 Instructional design of exercise-centric teaching materials on

UML modeling


EV0439 Dinsoreanu, Mihaela and Salomie,

Ioan and Pusztai, Kalman

2002 On the design of agent-based systems using UML and extensions CE2

EV0440 Dagdeviren, Huseyin and Juric, Radmila and Lees, Patrick

2004 Experiences of teaching UML within the information systems curriculum


EV0441 Hathaway, Matthew and Hansen,

Stephen and Salter, Graeme

2004 The importance of using a unified model to define adaptive

learning environments


EV0442 Tilley, Scott and Murphy, Steve

and Huang, Shihong

2005 5th international workshop on graphical documentation:

Determining the barriers to adoption of UML diagrams


EV0443 Batista, Vitor A. and Peixoto, Daniela C. C. and Padua, Wilson

and Padua, Clarindo Isaias P. S.

2012 Using UML stereotypes to support the requirement engineering: A case study


EV0444 Trinh, Thanh-Hai and Querrec, Ronan and De Loor, Pierre and

Chevaillier, Pierre

2010 Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL


EV0445 Luque, L. and Veriscimo, E.S. and Pereira, G.C. and Filgueiras,


2014 Can we work together? on the inclusion of blind people in UML model-based tasks


EV0446 Perdos, Athanasios and Stephanides, George and

Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander

2010 A queuing theory and systems modeling course based on Unified Modeling Language (UML)


EV0447 Pettit IV, Robert G. 2004 Lessons learned applying UML in embedded software systems designs


EV0448 Lickes, Marcus 2006 Entwicklungs-kit fur UML und echtzeit-linux. Zukunftssicher



EV0449 Warnars, H.L.H.S. 2011 Object-oriented modelling with unified modelling language 2.0 for

simple software application based on agile methodology


EV0450 Otterson, Paul and Rai, Malwinder and Middleton, John

2007 Knowledge management: An applied unified modelling language approach


EV0451 Broy, Manfred and Cengarle,

Maria Victoria

2011 UML formal semantics: Lessons learned CE2

EV0452 Pettit IV, Robert G. and Street,

Julie A.

2005 Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical



EV0453 Hong-Mei, Sun and Rui-Sheng, Jia 2012 Web engineering process and its application CE3

EV0454 Zhang, Rui and Zhao, Zhe 2010 Design for Virtual Engineering Structural Experimental System based on UML


EV0455 Al Khoshman, Manal Mahmoud 2015 Unified Modeling Language and Enhanced Entity Relationship:

An empirical study


EV0456 Reder, Leonard J. and Booth,

Andrew and Hsieh, Jonathan and

Summers, Kellee

2004 Development of a state machine sequencer for the Keck

Interferometer: Evolution, development lessons learned using a

CASE tool approach


EV0457 Dobing, Brian and Parsons, Jeffrey 2005 Teaching the Unified Modeling Language: A practitioners'



EV0458 Dobing, Brian and Parsons, Jeffrey 2006 How UML is used CE2

EV0459 Andersson, Henric and Herzog,

Erik and Johansson, Gert and Johansson, Olof

2010 Experience from introducing Unified Modeling Language/Systems

Modeling Language at Saab Aerosystems


EV0460 Street, Julie A. and Pettit IV,

Robert G.

2006 Lessons learned applying performance modeling and analysis



EV0461 Kung, David C. and Bhambhani,

Hitesh and Nwokoro, Sheila and

Okasha, Wesam and Kambalakatta, Ravindra and

Sankuratri, Praveen

2003 Lessons Learned from Software Engineering Multi-Agent Systems CE2

EV0462 Fitsilis, Panos and Gerogiannis, Vassilis C. and Anthopoulos,


2014 Role of unified modelling language in software development in Greece - Results from an exploratory study


EV0463 Kuzniarz, Ludwik and Staron, Miroslaw

2006 Best practices for teaching UML based software development CE2

EV0464 Wang, Yu and Su, Rina and Li, Guojun

2013 Research on PBL and LBL double track teaching model in unified modeling language teaching based on outstanding engineers


EV0465 Siau, Keng and Nah, Fiona Fui-

Hoon and Eschenbrenner, Brenda and Guru, Ashu

2007 An augmented approach to support collaborative distance learning

of unified modeling language


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EV0466 Marich, Michael J. and Krikorian, Haig F.

2005 Invited presentation I: Lessons learned, new directions, and migration plans for model-driven development of large scale

software based systems


EV0467 Zhang, Lin 2010 Applying case method approach to a Unified Modeling Language curriculum


EV0468 Contieri Jr., Antonio C. and

Correia, Guilherme G. and Colanzi, Thelma E. and Gimenes,

Itana M. S. and Oliveira Jr., Edson

A. and Ferrari, Sandra and Masiero, Paulo C. and Garcia,

Alessandro F.

2011 Extending UML components to develop software product-line

architectures: Lessons learned


EV0469 Stav, Erlend and Walderhaug, Stale and Mikalsen, Marius and

Hanke, Sten and Benc, Ivan

2013 Development and evaluation of SOA-based AAL services in real-life environments: A case study and lessons learned


EV0470 Cheng, Betty H. C. and

Stephenson, Ryan and Berenbach,


2005 Lessons learned from automated analysis of industrial UML class

models (an experience report)


EV0471 Ali, Noraida Haji and Abdul Jalil, Masita Masila and Deris, Mustafa


2005 The design of algorithm translation package using UML CE2

EV0472 Weerasinghe, Amali and Evans, Bernard

2015 UML-IT: An ITS to teach multiple modelling tasks CE2

EV0473 Cloutier, Robert J. and Verma,


2007 Applying the concept of patterns to systems architecture CE1

EV0474 Liskin, Olga and Singer, Leif and

Schneider, Kurt

2011 Teaching old services new tricks: Adding HATEOAS support as

an afterthought


EV0475 Ashlock, Wendy and Ashlock, Daniel

2006 Changes in prisoner's Dilemma strategies over evolutionary time with different population sizes


EV0476 Alseid, Marwan and Rigas,


2008 Efficiency of multimodal metaphors in the presentation of learning



EV0477 Kinjo, Tatsuya and Yama, Atsuo


2005 An object-oriented modeling learning support system with

inspection comments


EV0478 Hu, Xiao-Hui and Zhou, Xing-She and Dang, Jian-Wu

2006 A designing method of simulation software for Chinese train control system based on hybrid software agent model


EV0479 Ueno, Atsuko and Taguchi,

Hiroshi and Takada, Hideyuki and Shimakawa, Hiromitsu

2008 Graphical tutoring of message passing to promote understanding

of Java framework


EV0480 Jeong, Hwa-Young 2006 Learner's tailoring e-Learning system on the item revision

difficulty using PetriNet


EV0481 Rigas, Dimitris and Aiseid,


2008 Multi-modal aided presentation of learning information: A

usability comparative study


EV0482 Raner, Mirko 2000 Teaching object-orientation with the Object Visualization and Annotation Language (OVAL)


EV0483 Wautelet, Yves and Kolp, Manuel 2012 E-SPM: An online software project management game CI1

EV0484 Bustos, Pablo and Navon, Jaime 2004 A simple platform-independent web application development



EV0485 Duffy, John and Barrington, Linda

and West, Cheryl and Heredia,

Manuel and Barry, Carol

2010 Service-learning integrated throughout a college of engineering



EV0486 Cataldi, Zulma and Calvo, Patricia

and Lage, Fernando J.

2008 Sistema tutor inteligente con tecnologia de agentes: La eleccion

del metodo de Ensenanza


EV0487 De Oliveira, Toacy C. and Filho, Ivan Mathias and De Lucena,

Carlos J. P.

2002 Frameworks - A high level instantiation approach CE2

EV0488 Brajnik, Giorgio 2007 Modeling content and expression of learning objects in multimodal learning management systems


EV0489 Shuib, Salehuddin and Hanizan,

H.S. and Din, Roshidi

2006 The modeling of E-supervised (E-SUV) for distance learning



EV0490 Klicek, Bozidar and Geric, Sandro

and Begicevic, Nina

2005 Models of intelligent organizations functioning CE2

EV0491 Choe, Hyunjong and Kim, Taeyoung

2005 An enhanced LTSA model providing contextual knowledge for intelligent e-learning systems


EV0492 Avitabile, Peter 2007 An integrated undergraduate dynamic systems teaching approach

using Response Under Basic Excitation (RUBE)


EV0493 Avitabile, Peter 2007 An integrated undergraduate dynamic systems teaching

methodology utilizing analytical and experimental approaches


EV0494 Hoole, S. Ratnajeevan H. and

Arudchelvam, T.

2009 Reverse engineering as a means of improving and adapting legacy

finite element code


EV0495 Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and Van

Der Aalst, Wil M. P.

2006 WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS: A tool for translating unstructured

workflow processes to readable BPEL


EV0496 van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and

Bisgaard Lassen, Kristian

2008 Translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL:

Theory and implementation


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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0497 Merida, David and Fabregat, Ramon and Arteaga, Carlos and

Cannataro, Mario

2004 MAS-SHAAD: A multiagent system proposal for an adaptive hypermedia system


EV0498 Ambrosio, Ana Maria and Martins, Eliane and Vijaykumar,

Nandamudi L. and De Carvalho,

Solon V.

2005 Systematic generation of test and fault cases for space application validation


EV0499 Poulin, David and Tillich, Jean-

Pierre and Ollivier, Harold

2008 Quantum serial turbo-codes CE2

EV0500 Czarnecki, Krzysztof 2006 Tutorial on generative software development CE2




EV0502 Furukawa, Yoshimi and

Kawamura, Seiji

2006 Automotive electronics system, software, and local area network CE2

EV0503 Manjarres, Angeles and Pickin,

Simon and Mira, Jose

2002 Knowledge model reuse: Therapy decision through specialisation

of a generic decision model


EV0504 Adomavicius, Gediminas and

Bockstedt, Jesse C. and Gupta, Alok and Kauffman, Robert J.

2008 Making sense of technology trends in the information technology

landscape: A design science approach


EV0505 Hadjilogiou, John and Rywalt,


2006 A system design integration approach (SDIA) integrated into the

freshman year


EV0506 Holy, Lukas and Snajberk, Jaroslav

and Brada, Premek

2012 Evaluating component architecture visualization tools: Criteria

and case study


EV0507 Bauersfeld, Sebastian and Vos, Tanja E.J. and Condori-Fernandez,

Nelly and Bagnato, Alessandra and

Brosse, Etienne

2014 Evaluating the TESTAR tool in an industrial case study CE2

EV0508 Schoonewille, Hugo H. and

Heijstek, Werner and Chaudron,

Michel R.V. and Kuhne, Thomas

2011 A cognitive perspective on developer comprehension of software

design documentation


EV0509 De Sousa, Thiago C. and Russo Jr.,

Aryldo G.

2010 Starting B specifications from use cases CE2

EV0510 Kelly, Steven 2007 Domain-Specific Modeling: The Killer App for Method



EV0511 Bajaj, Akhilesh 2005 Advances in data modeling research CE2

EV0512 Stephan, Matthew 2014 Model clone detector evaluation using mutation analysis CE2

EV0513 Steinbach-Nordmann, Silke 2006 Applying blended learning in an industrial context - An experience



EV0514 Jiang, Hua and Cui, Zhenxing 2009 Research on the method and its improvement of MAS for tourism E-commerce system


EV0515 Diaz, Manuel and Garrido, Daniel 2003 SGI-SAT trillo: A full scope simulator for nuclear power plants CE2

EV0516 Hariharan, Balaji and Joy, Neethu

and Sreedevi, A.G.

2013 Multimedia: Video sharing for E-classroom CE2

EV0517 Xie, Guo and Hei, Xinhong and Mochizuki, Hiroshi and Takahashi,

Sei and Nakamura, Hideo

2012 Model based specification validation for automatic train protection and block system


EV0518 Lewis, Tracy L. and Perez-Quinones, Manuel A. and Rosson,

Mary Beth

2004 A comprehensive analysis of object-oriented design: Towards a measure of assessing design ability


EV0519 Kayama, Mizue and Ogata, Shinpei and Masymoto, Kento and

Hashimoto, Masami and Otani,


2014 A practical conceptual modeling teaching method based on quantitative error analyses for novices learning to create error-free

simple class diagrams


EV0520 Gaspar, Alessio and Stanaback, Joe

and Godwin, Clark

2006 SOFTICE: Facilitating both adoption of linux undergraduate

operating systems laboratories and students' Immersion in kernel code


EV0521 Shankar, Subash and Xu, Xiaowei 2003 Automating Object-Oriented Software Refactoring CE2

EV0522 Rajashekharaiah, K.M.M. and

Patil, Mahesh S. and Joshi, G.H.

2014 Impact of classification of lab assignments and problem solving

approach in object oriented programming lab course: A case study


EV0523 Jian-Gong, Song 2010 The design of online Database Experiment System CE2

EV0524 Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and

Gherbi, Abdelouahed and Nandigam, Jagadeesh

2009 The impact of the model-driven approach to software engineering

on software engineering education


EV0525 Chen, Dejian and Sun, Yanchun

and Wei, Kui and Qiao, Zijian and Xin, Chao

2014 Supporting online synchronous education for software engineering

via web-based operation record and replay


EV0526 Barry, Carol M. F. and Isaacs,

Jacqueline A. and Mead, Joey L. and McGruer, Nicol E. and Miller,

Glen P. and Busnaina, Ahmed A.

2005 Undergraduate and graduate education plan for the nanoscale

science and engineering center for high-rate nanomanufacturing


EV0527 Huang, You-Neng and Du, Xiao and Tang, Tao

2006 Research and realization of real-time three-dimension visual in trains operation simulation system of urban railway transportation


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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0528 Wen, Lipeng and Qian, Fudong and Qiu, Feiyue

2011 A VLE system based on Semantic Web and Ontology: Model and implementation


EV0529 Laforcade, P. and Barbier, F. and

Sallaberry, C. and Nodenot, T.

2003 Profiling cooperative problem-based learning situations CE2

EV0530 Poklemba, Toma and Havlice,


2012 Knowledge based LMS CE2

EV0531 Sallaberry, Christian and Nodenot, Thierry and Laforcade, Pierre and

Marquesuzaa, Christophe

2005 Model driven development of cooperative problem-based learning situations: Implementing tools for teachers and learners from

pedagogical models


EV0532 Simons, Christopher L. and Parmee, Ian C.

2009 An empirical investigation of search-based computational support for conceptual software engineering design


EV0533 Seyler, Frederick and Aniorte,


2004 Model based middleware integration CE1

EV0534 Han, Ke and Yang, Junpeng 2015 The learning framework of reusing domain knowledge using

learning design object


EV0535 Arndt, T. and Chang, S.K. and

Guercio, A. and Maresca, P.

2002 An XML-based approach to multimedia software engineering for

distance learning


EV0536 Doerschuk, Peggy 2004 Incorporating team software development and quality assurance in

software engineering education


EV0537 Whittle, Jon 2007 Precise specification of use case scenarios CE2

EV0538 Shuib, Salehuddin and Suhardi, Hamid and Hanizan, H.S. and Din,

Roshidi and Jusoff, Kamaruzaman

2009 The modelling and designing of E-supervised (E-SUV) for distance learning centre


EV0539 Tanaka, Takafumi and Mori, Kazuki and Hashiura, Hiroaki and

Hazeyama, Atsuo and Komiya,


2014 Proposals of a method detectiong learners' difficult points in object modeling exercises and a tool to support the method


EV0540 Jorgensen, Caroline and Grastveit,

Ragnhild and Garzon-Roca, Julio

and Paya-Zaforteza, Ignacio and Adam, Jose M.

2013 Bearing capacity of steel-caged RC columns under combined

bending and axial loads: Estimation based on Artificial Neural



EV0541 Leal, Luciana N. and Pires, Paulo

F. and Campos, Maria Luiza M.

and Delicato, Flavia C.

2006 Natural MDA: Controlled natural language for action

specifications on model driven development


EV0542 Guizzardi, Renata S. S. and Aroyo,

Lora and Wagner, Gerd

2004 Agent-oriented knowledge management in learning environments:

A peer-to-peer helpdesk case study


EV0543 Karpati, Peter and Sindre, Guttorm

and Opdahl, Andreas L.

2010 Towards a hacker attack representation method CE2

EV0544 Barbier, Franck and Laforcade, Pierre

2005 Concepts, techniques and tools for an Educational Modeling language


EV0545 Guizzardi, Renata S. S. and Aroyo, Lora and Wagner, Gerd

2004 Agent-oriented knowledge management in learning environments: A peer-to-peer helpdesk case study


EV0546 Biella, Daniel and Luther,


2006 A synthesis model for the replication of historical experiments in

virtual environments


EV0547 Yoshizaki, Akiko and Shimizu,


2012 Development of educational material for real-time operating



EV0548 Ebrahimpour, Afshin and Rahman, Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd and

Ean Ch'ng, Diana Hooi and Basri,

Mahiran and Salleh, Abu Bakar

2008 A modeling study by response surface methodology and artificial neural network on culture parameters optimization for

thermostable lipase production from a newly isolated thermophilic

Geobacillus sp. strain ARM


EV0549 Khalife, Joseph T. 2005 A simple computer model based on visualization, analogy and



EV0550 Isoda, S. 2001 Object-oriented real-world modeling revisited CE2

EV0551 Reveszova, Libua and ikovicova,


2006 Creating and using information systems in education of "non-

professionals" in informatics


EV0552 Jang, Sung Soon and Kwak, Sung-

Woo and Yoo, Hosik and Kim,

Jung-Soo and Yoon, Wan Ki

2008 The tile-map based vulnerability assessment code of a physical

protection system: SAPE (Systematic analysis of protection



EV0553 Balaban, Mira and Maraee, Azzam

and Sturm, Arnon and Jelnov,


2015 A pattern-based approach for improving model quality CE2

EV0554 Dumbrava, Stefan 2006 Integrated enterprise architecture for educational purposes CE2

EV0555 Dumbrava, Stefan 2007 The development of an ERP application within a computer integrated manufacturing laboratory


EV0556 Ludwig, R. and Mauser, W. and

Niemeyer, S. and Colgan, A. and Stolz, R. and Escher-Vetter, H. and

Kuhn, M. and Reichstein, M. and Tenhunen, J. and Kraus, A. and

Ludwig, M. and Barth, M. and

Hennicker, R.

2003 Web-based modelling of energy, water and matter fluxes to

support decision making in mesoscale catchments-the integrative perspective of GLOWA-Danube


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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0557 Choudhary, A.K. and Harding, J.A. and Lin, H.K. and Tiwari, M.K.

and Shankar, R.

2011 Knowledge discOvery and daTa minINg inteGrated (KOATING) Moderators for collaborative projects


EV0558 Chen, Liangyu and Wang, Jianlin and Xu, Ming and Zeng, Zhenbing

2010 Reengineering of Java legacy system based on aspect-oriented programming


EV0559 Milentijevic, Ivan and Ciric,

Vladimir and Vojinovic, Oliver

2008 Version control in project-based learning CE1

EV0560 Buck, Duane 2011 GUIGraph - Editing live object diagrams for GUI generation

enables new pedagogy in CS1/2


EV0561 Zuo, Wenjie and Li, Xiang and Guo, Guikai

2014 EFESTS: Educational finite element software for truss structure. Part II: Linear static analysis


EV0562 Malnati, Giovanni and Cuva,

Caterina Maria and Barberis, Claudia

2008 JThreadSpy: a Tool for improving the effectiveness of concurrent

system teaching and learning


EV0563 Giordano, Daniela and Maiorana,


2013 Object Oriented Design through game development in XNA CI4

EV0564 Li, Kaicheng and Yao, Xiaofei and

Chen, Dewang and Yuan, Lei and

Zhou, Datian

2014 HAZOP Study on the CTCS-3 Onboard System CE2

EV0565 Azzeh, Mohammad and Nassif, Ali

Bou and Banitaan, Shadi

2015 An application of classification and class decomposition to use

case point estimation method


EV0566 Isiaka, R.M. and Omidiora, E.O. and Olabiyisi, S.O. and Okediran,


2016 An enhanced learning technology system architecture for web-based instructional design


EV0567 Quadri, Mohammed A. R. and Mannava, Vishnuvardhan and

Ramesh, T.

2012 Service composition design pattern for autonomic computing systems using association rule based learning


EV0568 Sharma, Rajat and Gupta, Swarnima

2016 A One-to-One communication model to facilitate conversation between Differently-Abled people by a portable and handy



EV0569 Roehm, Tobias and Bruegge, Bernd and Hesse, Tom-Michael

and Paech, Barbara

2013 Towards identification of software improvements and specification updates by comparing monitored and specified end-

user behavior


EV0570 Dranidis, Dimitris and Stamatopoulou, Ioanna and Ntika,


2015 Learning and practicing systems analysis and design with StudentUML


EV0571 Gorschek, Tony and Tempero, Ewan and Angelis, Lefteris

2014 On the use of software design models in software development practice: An empirical investigation


EV0572 Ribeiro, Andre and De Sousa, Luis

and Da Silva, Alberto Rodrigues

2016 Comparative analysis of workbenches to support DSMLs:

Discussion with non-trivial model-driven development needs


EV0573 Bruel, Jean-Michel and Maggi,

Benot and Letavernier, Camille

2015 Papyrus for education CE2

EV0574 Thung, Ferdian and Lo, David and Osman, Mohd Hafeez and

Chaudron, Michel R.V.

2014 Condensing class diagrams by analyzing design and network metrics using optimistic classification


EV0575 Ozkaya, Mert and Kloukinas, Christos

2014 Realizable, Connector-driven software architectures for practising engineers


EV0576 Zheng, Wang 2016 Art modular education research based on computer platform CE2

EV0577 Baar, Thomas 2012 Improving software engineering education by modeling real-world



EV0578 Liu, Jiufu and Yang, Zhenxing 2009 Test Generation from StateChart and B method for flight control

software of unmanned aerial vehicle


EV0579 Burack, Cathy and Duffy, John and Melchior, Alan and Morgan, Eric

2008 Engineering faculty attitudes toward service-learning CE1

EV0580 Duffy, John and Barry, Carol and

Barrington, Linda and Kazmer, David and Moeller, William and

West, Cheryl

2008 Service-learning projects in 35 core undergraduate engineering



EV0581 Jansen, David N. and Hermanns, Holger

2004 Dependability checking with StoCharts: Is train radio reliable enough for trains?


EV0582 Zhong, Deming and Wu, Nan and

Wang, Qianpeng and Sun, Rui

2015 A multi-view extended software control structure modeling and

safety analysis method


EV0583 Holldobler, Katrin and Rumpe,

Bernhard and Weisemoller, Ingo

2015 Systematically deriving domain-specific transformation languages CE1

EV0584 Lin, Jun and Yu, Han and Shen, Zhiqi and Miao, Chunyan

2014 Using goal net to model user stories in agile software development CE2

EV0585 Demuth, Birgit 2012 How should teaching modeling and programming intertwine? CI4

EV0586 Ozkaya, Mert and Kloukinas,


2014 Architectural specification and analysis with XCD: The aegis

combat system case study


EV0587 Bensaber, Djamel Amar 2014 Facilitating the specification of wsmo ontology using model-driven development


EV0588 Bai, Shan 2015 Study on entrepreneurship platform in the context of



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Código Autores Ano Título do Artigo Critério

EV0589 Ciferri, Cristina and Ciferri, Ricardo and Gomez, Leticia and

Schneider, Markus and Vaisman,

Alejandro and Zimanyi, Esteban

2013 Cube algebra: A generic user-centric model and query language for OLAP cubes


EV0590 Bougoudis, Ilias and Iliadis,

Lazaros and Spartalis, Stefanos

2014 Comparison of self organizing maps clustering with supervised

classification for air pollution data sets


EV0591 Zhang, Lichen 2011 QoS specification for cyber-physical systems CE2

EV0592 Khedri Liraviasl, K. and El

Maraghy, H. and Hanafy, M. and Samy, S.N.

2015 A framework for modelling reconfigurable manufacturing systems

using hybridized Discrete-Event and Agent-based simulation


EV0593 Andharini Dwi, C. and Basuki, Ari

and Eka Mala Sari, R. and Kustiyahningsih, Yeni

2015 Design an adaptive e-learning application architecture based on

IEEE LTSA reference model


EV0594 Lv, Xin Xin 2014 Database design on warehouse information system of college

music equipment


EV0595 Bensaber, Djamel Amar and

Malki, Mimoun

2012 Model driven approach for specifying WSMO ontology CE2

EV0596 Giese, Holger and Roques, Pascal and Lethbridge, Timothy C.

2006 Summary of the Educator's Symposium CE2

EV0597 Gruhn, Volker and Laue, Ralf 2007 What business process modelers can learn from programmers CE2

EV0598 Daian, G.I. and Santa, M.M. and

Letia, T.S.

2014 Hierarchical railway traffic model for information systems CE2

EV0599 Tawosi, Vali and Jalili, Saeed and Hasheminejad, Seyed Mohammad


2015 Automated software design using ant colony optimization with semantic network support


EV0600 Wang, HaiTao and Jia, BaoXian 2010 Research and realization on a modeling tool of field CE2

EV0601 Jackman, John and Gilbert, Stephen B. and Starns, Gloria and

Hagge, Mathew and Faidley,

LeAnn E.

2013 Problem framing behavior in statics and thermodynamics CE1

EV0602 Kelly, Steven 2005 Implementing domain-specific modeling languages and generators CE5

EV0603 Telnov, Victor P. 2015 Semantic web and search agents for Russian higher Education. A

pilot project.


EV0604 Standl, Bernhard 2013 Conceptual patterns for student-centered computer science

education at secondary school level


EV0605 Purchase, Helen C. and Welland,

Ray and McGill, Matthew and

Colpoys, Linda

2004 Comprehension of diagram syntax: An empirical study of entity

relationship notations


EV0606 Liu, Zhiming and Chen, Xiaohong 2016 Model-driven design of object and component systems CE2

EV0607 Gao, Luyao and Qiu, Xinxi and Chen, Xiangxian and Huang, Hai

and Lv, Xudong

2012 Development of three-dimensional visual and interactive system in the CBTC simulation



A partir dos artigos selecionados no primeiro filtro na biblioteca digital Scopus,

realizazou-se o segundo filtro (leitura completa do artigo). Na Tabela 2.5 são listados os artigos

selecionados a partir do 1º filtro com com os seus respectivos critérios de inclusão e exclusão.

Tabela 2.5: Lista de artigos da Scopus do 2º Filtro.

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério


Vitor A. Batista, Daniela C. C. Peixoto, Wilson Pádua, Clarindo Isaías P. S. Pádua


Using UML Stereotypes to Support the Requirement Engineering: a Case Study


SC0002 Phalp, K., Counsell, S. (2000) The application of metrics to industrial prototyping processes:

An empirical study CE1

SC0003 Savigni, A., Cunsolo, F., Tisato, F. (200) ESCORT: Lessons from an integration project CE1

SC0004 Damm, W. (2001) Understanding UML - pains and rewards CE1


Petrie, H., Schlieder, C., Blenkhorn, P.,

Evans, G., King, A., O’Neill, A.-M.,

Ioannidis, G.T., Gallagher, B., Crombie, D., Mager, R., Alafaci, M. (2002)

TeDUB: A system for presenting and exploring technical

drawings for blind people


SC0006 Alphonce, C., Ventura, P. (2002) Object orientation in CS1-CS2 by design CI5

SC0007 Hansen, K.M., Ratzer, A.V. (2002) Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-

oriented modeling CI4

SC0008 Carrington, D., Kim, S.-K. (2003) Teaching software design with open source software CE1

Page 44: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

SC0009 Bajaj, A. (2005) Advances in data modeling research CE1

SC0010 Wrycza, S., Marcinkowski, B. (2005) UML 2 teaching at postgraduate studies - Prerequisites and



SC0011 Thomas, L., Ratcliffe, M., Thomasson, B.


Scaffolding with object diagrams in first year programming

classes: Some unexpected results


SC0012 Pettit IV, R.G., Street, J.A. (2005) Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical

software CI1

SC0013 Bogdan, C.M., Popovici, D.M. (2012) Information system analysis of an e-learning system used for

dental restorations simulation


SC0014 Hao, S., Xu, J., Sun, B., Wang, Z. (2012) Modelization of laboratory teaching management system based

on UML


SC0015 Zhou, C.-S. (2010) Research on UML State Diagram based component test system CE1

SC0016 Lv, W., Ye, L., Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Zhang,

Y. (2011)

Project-oriented laboratory with cross platform software

programming for embedded system education


SC0017 Allen, C. A., Mugisa, E. K. (2010) Improving learning object reuse through OOD: A theory of

learning objects



Yulia, Adipranata, R. (2010) Teaching object oriented programming course using cooperative learning method based on game design and visual object oriented



SC0019 Zucker, R., Ritzhaupt, A. (2009) Evolutionary, not revolutionary, programming exercises using

design patterns in an OO data structures course CE1

SC0020 Rigas, D., Aiseid, M. (2008) Multi-modal aided presentation of learning information: A

usability comparative study


SC0021 Rhem, A.J. (2007) Knowledge modeling with UML CE5

SC0022 Giese, H., Roques, P., Lethbridge, T.C.


Summary of the Educator's Symposium CI1,


SC0023 Carrascosa, C. A. L., Iturbide, J. Á, V., Neira,

R. H., Losada, I. H. (2006)

TextOO: An object-oriented learning tool based on enunciates CI4

SC0024 Kung, D., Lei, J. (2016) An object-oriented analysis and design environment CI3,



Santos, N., Fernandes, J.M., Sameiro

Carvalho, M., Silva, P.V., Fernandes, F.A., Rebelo, M.P., Barbosa, D., Maia, P., Couto,

M., Machado, R.J.

Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative

university-industry R&D software project


SC0026 Herden, A., Farias, P.P.M., Albuquerque, A.B. (2016)

An agile approach to improve process-oriented software development


SC0027 Sabitzer, B. and Pasterk, S. (2015) Modeling: A computer science concept for general education CE1

SC0028 Dranidis, D., Stamatopoulou, I., Ntika, M. (2015)

Learning and practicing systems analysis and design with StudentUML



SC0029 Greenyer, J., Haase, M., Marhenke, J.,

Bellmer, R. (2015)

Evaluating a formal scenario-based method for the requirements

analysis in automotive software engineering


SC0030 El-Attar, M., Luqman, H., Karpati, P.,

Sindre, G., Opdahl, A.L. (2015)

Extending the UML Statecharts Notation to Model Security



SC0031 Weerasinghe, A., Evans, B. (20154) UML-IT: An ITS to teach multiple modelling tasks CI5 SC0032 Svee, E.-O., Zdravkovic, J. (2015) IStar instruction in mixed student cohort environments CE1

SC0033 Bruel, J.-M., Maggi, B., Letavernier, C.,


Papyrus for education CI5

SC0034 Outair, A., Lyhyaoui, A., Tanana, M. (2014) Towards a semiautomatic assessment of UML diagrams by

graph transformation


SC0035 Yamazaki, S., Jiromaru, T. (2014) Instructional design of exercise-centric teaching materials on

UML modeling CI5

SC0036 Luque, L., Veriscimo, E.S., Pereira, G.C.,

Filgueiras, L.V.L. (2014)

Can we work together? on the inclusion of blind people in UML

model-based tasks



Gallardo, J., Molina, A.I., Bravo, C., Gallego,

F. (2014)

A system for collaborative building of use case models:

Communication analysis and experiences: Experiences of use

and lessons learned from the use of the SPACE-DESIGN tool in the domain of use case diagrams



Rajashekharaiah, K.M.M., Patil, M.S., Joshi,

G.H. (2014)

Impact of classification of lab assignments and problem solving

approach in object oriented programming lab course: A case study


SC0039 Von Franqué, A., Telliogllu, H. (2014) UML Quiz: Automatic conversion of web-based e-learning

content in mobile applications


SC0040 Barros, J.P. (2013) From concrete to abstract: About teaching UML class diagrams

to novice programmers


SC0041 Karasneh, B., Chaudron, M.R.V. (2013) Online Img2UML repository: An online repository for UML



SC0042 Fernández-Sáez, A.M., Chaudron, M.R.V., Genero, M. (2013)

Exploring costs and benefits of using UML on maintenance: Preliminary findings of a case study in a large IT department


SC0043 Garbe, H. (2012) Intelligent assistance in a Problem Solving Environment for

UML Class Diagrams using a hybrid expert system



Badreddin, O., Lethbridge, T.C. Combining experiments and grounded theory to evaluate a

research prototype: Lessons from the umple model-oriented

programming technology


SC0045 Erradi, A. (2012) Applying and evaluating architectural patterns on a stock trading

case study


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Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

SC0046 Saada, H., Dolques, X., Huchard, M., Nebut,

C., Sahraoui, H. (2012)

Learning model transformations from examples using FCA: One

for all or all for one?


SC0047 Sikkel, K., Daneva, M. (2012) Getting the client into the loop in information system modelling

courses CI5

SC0048 Vogel-Heuser, B. Braun, S., Obermeier, M.,

Sommer, K., Seidel, T., Johannes, C. (2011)

Modeling order effects on errors in object oriented modeling for

machine and plant automation from an educational point of view


SC0049 Fernández-Sáez, A.M., Chaudron, M.R.V.,

Genero, M. (2013)

Exploring costs and benefits of using UML on maintenance:

Preliminary findings of a case study in a large IT department


SC0050 Ogata, S., Matsuura, S. (2012) Training of requirements analysis modeling with UML-based

prototype generation tool CI4

SC0051 Holland, J., Baghaei, N., Mathews, M., Mitrovic, A. (2011)

The effects of domain and caollaboration feedback on learning in a collaborative intelligent tutoring system


SC0052 Sikkel, K. and Daneva, M. (2010) Teaching consistency of UML specifications CI4

SC0053 Perdos, A., Stephanides, G., Chatzigeorgiou, A. (2010)

A queuing theory and systems modeling course based on Unified Modeling Language (UML)


SC0054 Johnson, E.W., Moore, T.J. (2010) Red light-green light: Using a Model-Eliciting Activity in a logic

design course


SC0055 Xie, Y., Tang, T., Xu, T., Zhao, L. (2010) Research on requirement management for complex systems CE1

SC0056 Zhang, L. (2010) Applying case method approach to a Unified Modeling

Language curriculum


SC0057 Börstler, J., Dranidis, D., Ramollari, E.

Trapp, S., Heintz, M., Weber, S.c (2010)

Sharing and discussing UML modeling exercises in a PLE CI4

SC0058 Tilley, S. (2009) Documenting software systems with views VI: Lessons learned

from 15 years of research and practice CE1

SC0059 Sharif, B., Maletic, J.I. (2010) The effects of layout on detecting the role of design patterns CI2

SC0060 Hamou-Lhadj, A., Gherbi, A.. Nandigam, J. (2009)

The impact of the model-driven approach to software engineering on software engineering education


SC0061 Simons, C.L., Parmee, I.C. (2009) An empirical investigation of search-based computational

support for conceptual software engineering design


SC0062 Ishii, N., Nagao, Y., Suzuki, Y., Fujiyoshi,

H., Fujii, T. (2009)

Designing a programming course to foster creativity using uml

modeling template


SC0063 Demuth, B., Weigel, D. (2009) Web based software modeling exercises in large-scale software

engineering courses CI4

SC0064 Thurbon, J. (2000) Executing diagram sequences CE1

SC0065 Gibson, J.P. (2000) Formal requirements engineering: Learning from the students CE1

SC0066 Canals, A., Cassaing, Y., Jammes, A.,

Pomiès, L., Roblet, E. (2003)

How you could use NEPTUNE in the modelling process CE1

SC0067 Auer, M., Tschurtschenthaler, T., Biffl, S. (2003)

A flyweight UML modelling tool for software development in heterogeneous environments


SC0068 Irani, P.a and Ware, C.b (2004) The effect of a perceptual syntax on the learnability of novel



SC0069 Guizzardi, R.S.S., Aroyo, L., Wagner, G.


Agent-oriented knowledge management in learning

environments: A peer-to-peer helpdesk case study



Lardeur, E., Longueville, B., (2004) Mutual enhancement of systems engineering and decision-making through process modeling: Toward an integrated



SC0071 Muller, P.-A., Bresch, D., Studer, P.(2004) Model-Driven Architecture for Automatic-Control: An

Experience Report CE1

SC0072 Hilsbos, M., Song, I.-Y. (2004) Use of tabular analysis method to construct uml sequence



SC0073 von Konsky, B.R., Ivins, J., Robey, M. (2005) Using psp to evaluate student effort in achieving learning

outcomes in a software engineering assignment


SC0074 Bunse, C., Grutzner, I., Ochs, M., Peper, C., Steinbach-Nordmann, S. (2005)

Applying a blended learning strategy for software engineering education


SC0075 Hallinan, S., Paul Gibson, J. (2005) A graduate's role in technology transfer: From requirements to

design with UML



SC0076 Harel, D., Kugler, H., Pnueli, A. (2005) Synthesis revisited: Generating statechart models from scenario-

based requirements



Baghaei, N., Mitrovic, A. (2005) COLLECT-UML: Supporting individual and collaborative learning of UML class diagrams in a constraint-based intelligent

tutoring system


SC0078 Helwig, J. (2005) Using a "Real" systems development project to enrich a systems

analysis and design course CE1

SC0079 Pavlov, V. L., Yatsenko, A. (2005) Using pantomime in teaching OOA&OOD with UML CI4


Marich, M.J., Krikorian, H.F. (2005) Invited presentation I: Lessons learned, new directions, and

migration plans for model-driven development of large scale

software based systems


SC0081 Paterson, J. H., Cheng, K. F., Haddow, J.


PatternCoder: A programming support tool for learning binary

class associations and design patterns


SC0082 Liang, H., Diskin, Z., Dingel, J., Posse, E. (2008)

A general approach for scenario integration CE1


Tourtoglou, K. and Virvou, M. (2008) User stereotypes concerning cognitive, personality and

performance issues in a collaborative learning environment for UML


Page 46: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

SC0084 Alonso, M., Py, D., Lemeunier, T. (2008) A learning environment for object-oriented modeling,

supporting metacognitive regulations



SC0085 Auxepaules, L., Py,D., Lemeunier, T. (2008)

A diagnosis method that matches class diagrams in a learning environment for object-oriented modeling


SC0086 Debuse, J. C. W., Stiller, T. (2008) Technologies and strategies for integrating object-oriented

analysis and design education with programming




Kayama, M. Ogata, S., Masymoto, K.,

Hashimoto, M., Otani, M., (2014)

A practical conceptual modeling teaching method based on

quantitative error analyses for novices learning to create error-

free simple class diagrams


SC0088 Scanniello, G., Erra, U. (2014) Distributed modeling of use case diagrams with a method based

on think-pair-square: Results from two controlled experiments



SC0089 Reggio, G., Leotta, M., Ricca, F. (2014) Who knows/useswhat of the UML: A personal opinion survey CI2

SC0090 Ali, S., Yue, T. Briand,L.C. (2014) Does aspect-oriented modeling help improve the readability of

UML state machines?


SC0091 Gorschek, T., Tempero, E.. Angelis, L.


On the use of software design models in software development

practice: An empirical investigation


SC0092 Lin, H., Liu, C., Lin, P. (2008) A method of elicitation teaching for Object-oriented analysis and

design curriculum CI4

SC0093 Parvez, S.M., Blank, G.D. (2008) Individualizing tutoring with learning style based feedback CI4


Grimm, F., Phalp, K., Vincent, J., Beier, G. (2008)

Enabling multi-stakeholder cooperative modelling in automotive software development and implications for model

driven software development


SC0095 Ueno, A., Taguchi, H., Takada, H., Shimakawa, H. (2008)

Graphical tutoring of message passing to promote understanding of Java framework


SC0096 Czejdo, B.D., Biguenet, J., Biguenet, J.


Metaphor modeling on the Semantic Web CE1

SC0097 Tourtoglou, K., Virvou, M. (2008) User modelling in a collaborative learning environment for



SC0098 Acharya, S., Burke, D. (2008) Incorporating gaming in software engineering projects: Case of

RMU monopoly CE1


Baghaei, N., Mitrovic, A. (2007) From modelling domain knowledge to metacognitive skills:

Extending a constraint-based tutoring system to support collaboration


SC0100 Whittle, J. (2007) Precise specification of use case scenarios CE1

SC0101 Maffezzini, I. (2007) Towards extreme requirements? () CE1

SC0102 Sin, T. (2007) Improving usability of analysis sequence diagram in transaction-

oriented applications CI1,


SC0103 Razali, R., Snook, C.F., Poppleton, M.R.


Comprehensibility of UML-based formal model - A series of

controlled experiments


SC0104 Siau, K., Nah, F.F.-H., Eschenbrenner, B.,

Guru, A. (2007)

An augmented approach to support collaborative distance

learning of unified modeling language


SC0105 Starrett, C. (2007) Teaching UML modeling before programming at the high school

level CE1

SC0106 Ozkaya, I. (2007) Representing requirement relationships CE1

SC0107 Gayler, D., Klappholz, D., Harvey, V.J.,

Pérez-Quiñones, M.A. (2007)

UML tools: What is their role in undergraduate computer science



SC0108 Kessler, R., Dykman, N. (2007) Integrating traditional and agile processes in the classroom CE1

SC0109 Perdos, A., Chatzigeorgiou, A., Stephanides,

G. (2006)

Evaluation of a queuing theory and systems modeling course

based on UML


SC0110 Nodenot, T., Laforcade, P., (2006) CPM: A UML profile to design cooperative PBL situations at

didactical level


SC0111 Wrycza, S., Marcinkowski, B. (2006) UML 2 academic course - Methodological background and

survey benchmarking CI2

SC0112 Koskinen, J., Mäkinen, E., Systä, T. (2002) Implemeting a component-based tool for interactive synthesis of

UML statechart diagrams


SC0113 Ciancarini, P. (2005) On the education of future software engineers CI2,



Cheng, B.H.C., Stephenson, R., Berenbach, B. (2005)

Lessons learned from automated analysis of industrial UML class models (an experience report)


SC0115 Stumpf, R.V., Teague, L.C. (2005) Teaching object-oriented systems analysis and design with UML CE1

SC0116 Lange, C. F. J., DuBois, B., Chaudron, M. R. V., Demeyer, S. (2006)

An experimental investigation of UML modeling conventions CI2

SC0117 Kuzniarz, L., Staron, M. (2006) Best practices for teaching UML based software development CI1

SC0118 Helps, C.R.G. (2006) Instructional design theory provides insights into evolving

information technology technical curricula CE1

SC0119 Dobing, B., Parsons, J. (2006) How UML is used CI2

SC0120 Broy, M., Cengarle, M.V. UML formal semantics: Lessons learned CI1

SC0121 Kienzle, J., Al Abed, W., Fleurey, F.,

Jézéquel, J.-M., Klein, J. (2010)

Aspect-oriented design with reusable aspect models CE1

Page 47: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

SC0122 Tang, W., Ning, B., Xu, T., Zhao, L. (2010) Scenario-based modeling and verification of system requirement

specification for the European Train Control System


SC0123 Jafar, M.J., Babb, J.S. (2010) Artifacts as interface: Reasserting the fundamentals of software

systems analysis and design CE1

SC0124 Jonas Boustedt (2012) Students' different understandings of class



SC0125 Balaban, M., Maraee, A., Sturm, A., Jelnov,

P. (2015)

A pattern-based approach for improving model quality CI4

SC0126 Yue, T., Briand, L.C. Labiche, Y. (2015) aToucan: An automated framework to derive UML analysis

models from use case models CE1

SC0127 Petre, M. (2014) “No shit” or “Oh, shit!”: responses to observations on the use of

UML in professional practice CI2,


SC0128 Mitra, S. (2014) Using UML modeling to facilitate three-tier architecture projects

in software engineering courses



SC0129 Boberic-Krsticev, D, Tesendic (2013) Experience in Teaching OOAD to Various Students CI2,


SC0130 Nugroho, A. Chaudron, M. R. V.,Arisholm, E. (2010)

Assessing UML design metrics for predicting fault-prone classes in a Java system


SC0131 Geiger, L., Z ündorf, A (2010) Fujaba case studies for GraBaTs 2008: Lessons learned CE3

SC0132 Anastasakis, K., Bordbar, B., Georg, G., Ray, I. (2010)

On challenges of model transformation from UML to Alloy CE1

SC0133 Figl, K., Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. M

Recker, J. (2010)

On the cognitive effectiveness of routing symbols in process

modeling languages


SC0134 Figl, K., Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. (2009) Towards a usability assessment of process modeling languages CI2

SC0135 Labiche, Y. (2009) The UML is more than boxes and lines CI1

SC0136 Hai, L. (2009) The role of collaboration diagrams in OO software engineering

student projects CI1

SC0137 Xie, S., Kraemer, E., Stirewalt, R.E.K.,

Dillon, L.K., Fleming, S.D. (2009)

Design and evaluation of extensions to UML sequence diagrams

for modeling multithreaded interactions


SC0138 VanderMeer, D., Dutta, K. (2009) Applying learner-centered design principles to UML sequence



SC0139 Hall, M.P., Bergandy, J. (2008) Work in progress - Improving K-12 students' problem-solving

skills via innovative teacher training CE1

SC0140 Xie, S., Kraemer, E., Stirewalt, R.E.K.,

Dillon, L.K., Fleming, S.D. (2008)

Assessing the benefits of synchronization-adorned sequence

diagrams: Two controlled experiments


SC0141 Xie, S., Kraemer, E., Stirewalt, R.E.K. (2007) Empirical evaluation of a UML sequence diagram with

adornments to support understanding of thread interactions


SC0142 Song, I.-Y., Khare, R. An, Y., Hilsbos, M. (2008)

A multi-level methodology for developing UML sequence diagrams


SC0143 Baghaei, N., Mitrovic, A., Irwin, W. (2007) Supporting collaborative learning and problem-solving in a

constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams


SC0144 Hadar, I., Hadar, E.b (2007) An iterative methodology for teaching object oriented concepts CE1


Russell, J., Russell, B. (2006) A survey analysis of the perceptions of IS educators and IS

professionals appertaining to the course content of an undergraduate information systems capstone course


SC0146 Gomes, L., Costa, A. (2006) Emphasizing graphical modeling formalisms within digital

systems design course


SC0147 Bolloju, N. (2006) Exploring quality dependencies among UML artifacts developed

by novice systems analysts


SC0148 Steinbach-Nordmann, S. (2006) Applying blended learning in an industrial context - An

experience report CE1

SC0149 Warren, I. (2005) Teaching Patterns and Software Design CE1

SC0150 Jafar, M., Babb, J. (2011) Reasserting the fundamentals of systems analysis and design

through the rudiments of artifacts CE1

SC0151 Cai, Y., Iannuzzi, D., Wong, S. (2011) Leveraging design structure matrices in software design



SC0152 Zhang, Y., Patel, S. (2011) Agile model-driven development in practice CE1

SC0153 Kordon, F., Thierry-Mieg, Y. (2010) Experiences in Model Driven verification of behavior with UML CE1

SC0154 Kerkouche, E., Chaoui, A., Bourennane, E.B., Labbani, O. (2010)

On the Use of graph transformation in the modeling and verification of dynamic behavior in UML Models


SC0155 Riva, C., Selonen, P., Systã, T., Xu, J. (2004) A profile-based approach for maintaining software architecture:

An industrial experience report


SC0156 Wang, H., Jia, B. (2010) Research and realization on a modeling tool of field CE1


Briand, L., Labiche, Y., Madrazo-Rivera, R. (2011)

An experimental evaluation of the impact of system sequence diagrams and system operation contracts on the quality of the

domain model


SC0158 Burden, H., Heldal, R., Siljamai, T. (2011) Executable and translatable UML - How difficult can it be? CE1

SC0159 Phalp, K., Adlem, A., Jeary, S., Vincent, J.,

Kanyaru, J. (2011)

The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for

use case descriptions


SC0160 Warnars, H.L.H.S. (2011) Object-oriented modelling with unified modelling language 2.0

for simple software application based on agile methodology CE3

SC0161 Selic, B. (2011) The theory and practice of modeling language design for model-

based software engineering - A personal perspective


SC0162 Bendraou, R., Jézéquel, J.-M., Gervais, M.-

P., Blanc, X. (2010)

A comparison of six UML-based languages for software process



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Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

SC0163 Kinjo, T., Yama, A.H. (2005) An object-oriented modeling learning support system with

inspection comments



SC0164 Grossman, M., Aronson, J.E., McCarthy, R.V. (2004)

Does UML make the grade? Insights from the software development community


SC0165 Isoda, S. (2001) Object-oriented real-world modeling revisited CI2


A partir dos artigos selecionados no primeiro filtro na biblioteca digital Scopus,

realizazou-se o segundo filtro (leitura completa do artigo). Na Tabela 2.6 são listados os artigos

selecionados a partir do 1º filtro com com os seus respectivos critérios de inclusão e exclusão.

Tabela 2.6: Lista de artigos da Engineering Village do 2º Filtro.

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

EV0001 Cui, Wei and Zhao, Bao-Gang and Liu, Yang and Qian, Si-Yu and Ye, Jia and Yang, Hai-

Feng and Li, Ya-Jun (2011)

A research of CIM model in education fields CE1

EV0002 Lincke, Susan J. (2005) Work in progress - Motivating students for software engineering CE1 EV0003 Moritz, Sally H. and Wei, Fang and Parvez,

Shahida M. and Blank, Glenn D. (2005)

From objects-first to design-first with multimedia and intelligent



EV0004 Kruus, Helena and Robal, Tarmo and Jervan, Gert (2014)

SysML in systems engineering course CI1

EV0005 Hankley, William (2003) On teaching software architecture and design CI5

EV0006 Kanakaraddi, Suvarna G. and Naragund, Jayalaxmi G. and Chikaraddi, Ashok K.


Active learning methods for teaching OOAD course CI4

EV0007 Yusof, Mohd Fairuz Mohd and Ramly,

Rafisha and Ng, Kai-Li and Yeoh, Eng-

Thiam and Salim, Robin and Elandy, Kasturi

Muthu (2005)

Object-oriented approach in developing knowledge base for a

multimedia E-learning system


EV0008 Vachharajani, Vinay and Pareek, Jyoti and

Gulabani, Sunil (2012)

Effective label matching for automatic evaluation of use - Case



EV0009 Gallant, Reuven (2016) Thinking Fast: Patterns of Cognitive Error in Software Engineering Education and Practice



EV0010 Bunse, Christian and Grutzner, Ines and

Peper, Christian and Steinbach-Nordmann, Silke and Vollmers, Garsten (2006)

Coaching professional software developers an experience report CI4

EV0011 Roh, Sunghwan and Kim, Kyungrae and

Jeon, Taewoong (2004)

Architecture modeling language based on UML2.0 CE1

EV0012 Dori, Dov and Wengrowicz, Niva and Dori,

Yehudit Judy (2014)

A comparative study of languages for model-based systems-of-

systems engineering (MBSSE)


EV0013 Pavlov, Vladimir L. and Boyko, Nikita and Babich, Alexander and Kuchaiev, Oleksii and

Busygin, Stanislav (2007)

Applying pantomime and reverse engineering techniques in software engineering education


EV0014 Exposito, Ernesto (2010) yPBL methodology: A problem-based learning method applied

to software engineering


EV0015 Welch, Lonnie R. and Gradin, Sherrie and

Sandell, Karin (2002)

Enhancing engineering education with writing-to-learn and

cooperative learning: Experiences from a software engineering course


EV0016 Dixon, Mark (2004) A single CASE environment for teaching and learning CI4 EV0017 Duschl, Kerstin and Obermeier, Martin and

Vogel-Heuser, Birgit (2014)

An experimental study on UML Modeling errors and their

causes in the education of model driven PLC programming



EV0018 Frezza, Stephen and Andersen, Wayne (2006) Interactive exercises to support effective learning of UML structural modeling


EV0019 Vogel-Heuser, Birgit and Obermeier, Martin

and Braun, Steven and Sommer, Kerstin and Jobst, Fabian and Schweizer, Karin (2013)

Evaluation of a UML-based versus an IEC 61131-3-based

software engineering approach for teaching PLC programming


EV0020 Scholtz, Brenda and Wesson, Janet (2008) How 'learnable' are CASE tools in diverse user communities? CI4

EV0021 Tabrizi, M.H.N. and Collins, C. and Ozan, E. and Li, K. (2004)

Implementation of object-orientation using UML in entry level software development courses


EV0022 Liu, Xianhong (2013) The research on teaching methods of object-oriented approach

in management information systems curriculum



EV0023 Exposito, Ernesto (2010) yPBL: An active, collaborative and project-based learning

methodology in the domain of software engineering


EV0024 Cheng, Yun Li and Zhang, Yan Hong (2014) Design and implementation of teacher-student interactive platforms in the campus network based on UML


EV0025 Hasker, Robert W. and Rowe, Mike (2011) UMLint: Identifying defects in UML diagrams CI4

Page 49: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Código Autor(es), Ano Título Critério

EV0026 Albar, Adnan and Abu Hashish, Faris (2011) Using of object oriented approach design models learning in

information software engineering


EV0027 Pavlov, Vladimir L. and Yatsenko, Anton (2005)

The babel experiment: An advanced pantomime-based training in OOAOOD with UML



EV0028 Fernandez, Eduardo B. and Petrie, Maria M.

Larrondo (2005)

Using UML and security patterns to teach secure systems design CE3

EV0029 Beheshti, R. and Dado, E. (2005) Simplified UML techniques for system development in an

educational setting


EV0030 Canals, Agusti and Cassaing, Yannick and Jammes, Antoine and Pomies, Laurent and

Roblet, Etienne (2003)

How you could use NEPTUNE technology in the modelling process


EV0031 Friedrich, D. and Vogel-Heuser, B. (2007) Benefit of system modeling in automation and control education CE1

EV0032 Hasker, Robert W. and Shi, Yan (2014) Teaching basic class diagram notation with UMLGrader CI4

EV0033 Dagdeviren, Huseyin and Juric, Radmila and Lees, Patrick (2004)

Experiences of teaching UML within the information systems curriculum


EV0034 Pettit IV, Robert G. (2004) Lessons learned applying UML in embedded software systems



EV0035 Hong-Mei, Sun and Rui-Sheng, Jia (2012) Web engineering process and its application CE3

EV0036 Al Khoshman, Manal Mahmoud (2015) Unified Modeling Language and Enhanced Entity Relationship:

An empirical study


EV0037 Reder, Leonard J. and Booth, Andrew and

Hsieh, Jonathan and Summers, Kellee (2004)

Development of a state machine sequencer for the Keck

Interferometer: Evolution, development lessons learned using a

CASE tool approach


EV0038 Street, Julie A. and Pettit IV, Robert G.


Lessons learned applying performance modeling and analysis



EV0039 Wang, Yu and Su, Rina and Li, Guojun (2013)

Research on PBL and LBL double track teaching model in unified modeling language teaching based on outstanding



EV0040 Wautelet, Yves and Kolp, Manuel (2012) E-SPM: An online software project management game CE3 EV0041 Duffy, John and Barrington, Linda and West,

Cheryl and Heredia, Manuel and Barry, Carol


Service-learning integrated throughout a college of engineering



EV0042 Kelly, Steven (2007) Domain-Specific Modeling: The Killer App for Method



EV0043 Lewis, Tracy L. and Perez-Quinones, Manuel A. and Rosson, Mary Beth (2004)

A comprehensive analysis of object-oriented design: Towards a measure of assessing design ability



EV0044 Sallaberry, Christian and Nodenot, Thierry

and Laforcade, Pierre and Marquesuzaa, Christophe (2005)

Model driven development of cooperative problem-based

learning situations: Implementing tools for teachers and learners from pedagogical models


EV0045 Doerschuk, Peggy (2004) Incorporating team software development and quality assurance

in software engineering education


EV0046 Buck, Duane (2011) GUIGraph - Editing live object diagrams for GUI generation

enables new pedagogy in CS1/2


EV0047 Giordano, Daniela and Maiorana, Francesco (2013)

Object Oriented Design through game development in XNA CI5

EV0048 Baar, Thomas (2012) Improving software engineering education by modeling real-

world implementations


EV0049 Demuth, Birgit (2012) How should teaching modeling and programming intertwine? CI4



Dos 243 artigos que passaram no 1° filtro da Scopus, apenas 91 artigos passaram no 2°

filtro após a leitura completa. Dos 58 artigos que passaram no 1° filtro da Engineering Village,

apenas 30 artigos passaram no 2° filtro após a leitura completa. Os artigos apresentados abaixo

formam a lista de artigos que foram extraídos para compor os resultados deste MSL.

Tabela 2.7:Lista de Artigos selecionados para a análise do MSL.

ID Autores e Ano de Publicação Título do Artigo Critério

S001 Kung, D.; Lei, J. (2016) An object-oriented analysis and design environment CI3, CI4

S002 Karasneh, B.; Jolak, R.; Chaudron, M.R.V. (2016)

Using examples for teaching software design: An experiment using a repository of UML class diagrams


S003 Gallant, R. (2016) Thinking Fast: Patterns of Cognitive Error in Software

Engineering Education and Practice CI4, CI5

Page 50: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

S004 Balaban, M.; Maraee, A.; Sturm, A.; Jelnov, P. (2015)

A pattern-based approach for improving model quality CI4

S005 Stikkolorum, D.R.; Ho-Quang, T.; Chaudron,

M.R.V. (2015)

Revealing Students' UML Class Diagram Modelling Strategies

with WebUML and LogViz CI4

S006 Dranidis, D.; Stamatopoulou, I. Ntika, M.


Learning and practicing systems analysis and design with

StudentUML CI2, CI4

S007 Weerasinghe, A.; Evans, B. (2015) UML-IT: An ITS to teach multiple modelling tasks CI5

S008 Stikkolorum, D.R.; Ho-Quang, T.; Karashneh, B.; Chaudron, M.R.V. (2015)

Uncovering students' common dificulties and strategies during a class diagram design process: An online experiment


S009 Bruel, J.-M.; Maggi, B.; Letavernier, C.

(2015) Papyrus for education CI5

S010 Al Khoshman, M. M. (2015) Unified Modeling Language and Enhanced Entity Relationship:

An empirical study CI2

S011 Petre, M. (2014) “No shit” or “Oh, shit!”: responses to observations on the use of

UML in professional practice CI2, CI6

S012 Yamazaki, S.; Jiromaru, T. (2014) Instructional design of exercise-centric teaching materials on

UML modeling CI5

S013 Fitsilis, P.; Gerogiannis, V.C.; Anthopoulos,

L. (2014)

Role of unified modelling language in software development in

Greece - Results from an exploratory study CI1

S014 Mich, L. (2014)

Teaching requirements analysis: A student project framework to

bridge the gap between business analysis and software



S015 Gallardo, J.; Molina, A.I.; Bravo, C.; Gallego,

F. (2014)

A system for collaborative building of use case models:

Communication analysis and experiences: Experiences of use

and lessons learned from the use of the SPACE-DESIGN tool in the domain of use case diagrams


S016 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.; Clerissi, D.

(2014) What are the used activity diagram constructs? A survey CI2

S017 Kayama, M.; Ogata, S.; Masymoto, K.; Hashimoto, M.; Otani, M. (2014)

A practical conceptual modeling teaching method based on

quantitative error analyses for novices learning to create error-

free simple class diagrams


S018 Scanniello, G.; Erra, U. (2014) Distributed modeling of use case diagrams with a method based

on think-pair-square: Results from two controlled experiments CI4, CI2

S019 Tanaka, T.; Mori, K.; Hashiura, H.;

Hazeyama, A.; Komiya, S. (2014)

Proposals of a method detectiong learners' difficult points in

object modeling exercises and a tool to support the method CI1

S020 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F. (2014) Who knows/useswhat of the UML: A personal opinion survey CI2

S021 Kruus, H.; Robal, T.; Jervan, G. (2014) Teaching modeling in SysML/UML and problems encountered CI1

S022 Gorschek, T.; Tempero, E.; Angelis, L.


On the use of software design models in software development

practice: An empirical investigation CI2

S023 Mitra, S. (2014) Using UML modeling to facilitate three-tier architecture projects

in software engineering courses CI2, CI4

S024 Kruus, H; Robal, T; Jervan, G. (2014) SysML in systems engineering course CI1

S025 Dori, D.; Wengrowicz, N.; Dori, Y. J. (2014) A comparative study of languages for model-based systems-of-systems engineering (MBSSE)


S026 Duschl, K.; Obermeier, M.; Vogel-Heuser, B.


An experimental study on UML Modeling errors and their

causes in the education of model driven PLC programming CI1, CI2

S027 Hasker, R.W.; Shi, Y. (2014) Teaching basic class diagram notation with UMLGrader CI4

S028 Barros, J.P. (2013) From concrete to abstract: About teaching UML class diagrams

to novice programmers CI5

S029 Akayama, S.; Kuboaki, S.; Hisazumi, K.; Futagami, T.; Kitasuka, T. (2013)

Development of a modeling education program for novices using model-driven development


S030 Boberic-Krsticev, D. and Tesendic, D. Experience in teaching OOAD to various students CI2, CI1

S031 Karasneh, B.; Chaudron, M.R.V. (2013) Online Img2UML repository: An online repository for UML

models CI5

S032 Fernández-Sáez, A.M.; Chaudron, M.R.V.;

Genero, M. (2013)

Exploring costs and benefits of using UML on maintenance:

Preliminary findings of a case study in a large IT department CI2

S033 Kanakaraddi, S. G.; Naragund, J. G.; Chikaraddi, A. K. (2013)

Active learning methods for teaching OOAD course CI4

S034 Vogel-Heuser, B.; Obermeier, M.; Braun, S.;

Sommer, K.; Jobst, F.; Schweizer, K. (2013)

Evaluation of a UML-based versus an IEC 61131-3-based

software engineering approach for teaching PLC programming CI2

S035 Liu, X. (2013) The research on teaching methods of object-oriented approach

in management information systems curriculum CI4, CI5

S036 Wang, Y.; Su, R.; Li, G. (2013) Research on PBL and LBL double track teaching model in unified modeling language teaching based on outstanding



S037 Giordano, D.; Maiorana, F. (2013) Object Oriented Design through game development in XNA CI5

S038 Gross, A.; Jurkiewicz, J.; Doerr, J.; Nawrocki, J. (2012)

Investigating the usefulness of notations in the context of requirements engineering


S039 Garbe, H. (2012) Intelligent assistance in a Problem Solving Environment for

UML Class Diagrams using a hybrid expert system CI5

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S040 Ogata, S.; Matsuura, S. (2012) Training of requirements analysis modeling with UML-based prototype generation tool


S041 Boustedt, J. (2012) Students' different understandings of class diagrams CI1

S042 Vachharajani, V.; Pareek, J.; Gulabani, S.


Effective label matching for automatic evaluation of use - Case

diagrams CI4

S043 Baar, T. (2012) Improving software engineering education by modeling real-

world implementations CI5

S044 Demuth, B. (2012) How should teaching modeling and programming intertwine? CI4

S045 Sien, V.Y. (2011) An investigation of difficulties experienced by students developing unified modelling language (UML) class and

sequence diagrams


S046 Briand, L.; Labiche, Y.; Madrazo-Rivera, R.


An experimental evaluation of the impact of system sequence diagrams and system operation contracts on the quality of the

domain model


S047 Sikkel, K.; Daneva, M. (2011) Getting the client into the loop in information system modelling

courses CI5

S048 Vogel-Heuser, B.; Braun, S.; Obermeier, M.; Sommer, K.; Seidel, T.; Johannes, C. (2011)

Modeling order effects on errors in object oriented modeling for machine and plant automation from an educational point of view


S049 Broy, M.; Cengarle, M.V. (2011) UML formal semantics: Lessons learned CI1

S050 Holland, J.; Baghaei, N.; Mathews, M.;

Mitrovic, A. (2011)

The effects of domain and caollaboration feedback on learning

in a collaborative intelligent tutoring system CI4

S051 Sien, V.Y. (2011) Implementation of the concept-driven approach in an object-

oriented analysis and design course CI2

S052 Phalp, K.; Adlem, A.; Jeary, S.; Vincent, J.; Kanyaru, J. (2011)

The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for use case descriptions


S053 Hasker, R. W.; Rowe, M. (2011) UMLint: Identifying defects in UML diagrams CI4

S054 Albar, A.; Abu Hashish, F. (2011) Using of object oriented approach design models learning in

information software engineering CI5

S055 Sikkel, K.; Daneva, M. (2010) Teaching consistency of UML specifications CI4

S056 Moisan, S.; Rigault, J.-P. (2010) Teaching object-oriented modeling and UML to various

audiences CI1

S057 Andersson, H.; Herzog, E.; Johansson, G.; Johansson, O. (2010)

Experience from introducing Unified Modeling Language/Systems Modeling Language at Saab Aerosystems


S058 Tang, W.; Ning, B.; Xu, T.; Zhao, L. (2010) Scenario-based modeling and verification of system requirement

specification for the European Train Control System CI4

S059 Zhang, L. (2010) Applying case method approach to a Unified Modeling

Language curriculum CI4

S060 Börstler, J.; Dranidis, D.; Ramollari, E.; Trapp, S.; Heintz, M.; Weber, S. (2010)

Sharing and discussing UML modeling exercises in a PLE CI4

S061 Sharif, B. and Maletic, J.I. (2010) The effects of layout on detecting the role of design patterns CI2

S062 Figl, K.; Mendling, J.; Strembeck, M.;

Recker, J. (2010)

On the cognitive effectiveness of routing symbols in process

modeling languages CI2

S063 Figl, K.; Mendling, J.; Strembeck, M. (2009) Towards a usability assessment of process modeling languages CI2

S064 Ishii, N.; Nagao, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Fujiyoshi,

H.; Fujii, T. (2009)

Designing a programming course to foster creativity using uml

modeling template CI4

S065 Labiche, Y. (2009) The UML is more than boxes and lines CI1

S066 Demuth, B.; Weigel, D. (2009) Web based software modeling exercises in large-scale software

engineering courses CI4

S067 Hai, L. (2009) The role of collaboration diagrams in OO software engineering

student projects CI1

S068 VanderMeer, D.; Dutta, K. (2009) Applying learner-centered design principles to UML sequence

diagrams CI4

S069 Song, I.-Y.; Khare, R.; An, Y.; Hilsbos, M. (2008)

A multi-level methodology for developing UML sequence diagrams


S070 Lin, H.; Liu, C.; Lin, P. (2008) A method of elicitation teaching for Object-oriented analysis and

design curriculum CI4

S071 Paterson, J.H.; Cheng, K.F.; Haddow, J.


PatternCoder: A programming support tool for learning binary

class associations and design patterns CI4

S072 Tourtoglou, K.; Virvou, M. (2008) User stereotypes concerning cognitive, personality and performance issues in a collaborative learning environment for



S073 Alonso, M.; Py, D.; Lemeunier, T. (2008) A learning environment for object-oriented modeling, supporting metacognitive regulations

CI4, CI2

S074 Auxepaules, L.; Py, D.; Lemeunier, T. (2008) A diagnosis method that matches class diagrams in a learning

environment for object-oriented modeling CI4

S075 Debuse, J.C.W.; Stiller, T. (2008) Technologies and strategies for integrating object-oriented

analysis and design education with programming CI4, CI6

S076 Tourtoglou, K.; Virvou, M. (2008) User modelling in a collaborative learning environment for UML


S077 Scholtz, B.; Wesson, J. (2008) How 'learnable' are CASE tools in diverse user communities? CI4

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S078 Baghaei, N.; Mitrovic, A. (2007) From modelling domain knowledge to metacognitive skills: Extending a constraint-based tutoring system to support



S079 Sin, T. (2007) Improving usability of analysis sequence diagram in transaction-oriented applications

CI1, CI2

S080 Siau, K.; Nah, F.F.-H.; Eschenbrenner, B.;

Guru, A. (2007)

An augmented approach to support collaborative distance

learning of unified modeling language CI2

S081 Szmurło‚o, R.; Śmiałek , M. (2007) Teaching software modeling in a simulated project environment CI4

S082 Baghaei, N.; Mitrovic, A.; Irwin, W. (2007) Supporting collaborative learning and problem-solving in a

constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams CI4

S083 Pavlov, V. L.; Boyko, N.; Babich, A.; Kuchaiev, O.; Busygin, S. (2007)

Applying pantomime and reverse engineering techniques in software engineering education


S084 Wrycza, S.; Marcinkowski, B. (2006) UML 2 academic course - Methodological background and survey benchmarking


S085 Bolloju, N. (2006) Exploring quality dependencies among UML artifacts developed

by novice systems analysts CI2

S086 Dobing, B.; Parsons, J. (2006) How UML is used CI2

S087 Kuzniarz, L.; Staron, M. (2006) Best practices for teaching UML based software development CI1

S088 Giese, H.; Roques, P.; Lethbridge, T.C.(2006) Summary of the Educator's Symposium CI1, CI5

S089 Siau, K. and Loo, P.-P. (2006) Identifying difficulties in learning UML CI1

S090 Carrascosa, C.A.L.; Velázquez Iturbide, Á;

Neira, R.H.; Losada, I.H. (2006) TextOO: An object-oriented learning tool based on enunciates CI4

S091 Lange, C.F.J.; DuBois, B.; Chaudron, M.R.V.; Demeyer, S. (2006)

An experimental investigation of UML modeling conventions CI2

S092 Bunse, C.; Grutzner, I.; Peper, C.; Steinbach-

Nordmann, S.; Vollmers, G. (2006) Coaching professional software developers an experience report CI4

S093 Frezza, S.; Andersen, W. (2006) Interactive exercises to support effective learning of UML

structural modeling CI4

S094 Pavlov, V.L.; Yatsenko, A. (2005) Using pantomime in teaching OOA&OOD with UML CI4

S095 Cheng, B.H.C.; Stephenson, R.; Berenbach, B. (2005)

Lessons learned from automated analysis of industrial UML class models (an experience report)


S096 Baghaei, N.; Mitrovic, A. (2005) COLLECT-UML: Supporting individual and collaborative learning of UML class diagrams in a constraint-based intelligent tutoring system


S097 Wrycza, S.; Marcinkowski, B. (2005) UML 2 teaching at postgraduate studies - Prerequisites and practice


S098 Ciancarini, P. (2005) On the education of future software engineers CI2, CI6

S099 Hallinan, S.; Paul Gibson, J. (2005) A graduate's role in technology transfer: From requirements to

design with UML CI1, CI6

S100 Bunse, C.; Grützner, I.; Ochs, M.; Peper, C.;

Steinbach-Nordmann, S. (2005)

Applying a blended learning strategy for software engineering

education CI4

S101 Kinjo, T.; Yama, A.H. (2005) An object-oriented modeling learning support system with inspection comments

CI4, CI2

S102 Pettit IV, R.G.; Street, J.A. (2005) Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical

software CI1

S103 Grossman, M.; Aronson, J.E.; McCarthy,

R.V. (2005)

Does UML make the grade? Insights from the software

development community CI2

S104 Moritz, S. H.; Wei, F.; Parvez, Shahida M.;

Blank, G. D. (2005)

From objects-first to design-first with multimedia and intelligent

tutoring CI4

S105 Pavlov, V. L.; Yatsenko, A. (2005) The babel experiment: An advanced pantomime-based training in OOAOOD with UML

CI4, CI5

S106 Beheshti, R.; Dado, E. (2005) Simplified UML techniques for system development in an

educational setting CI3

S107 Irani, P. (2004) Notations for software engineering class structures CI2

S108 Hilsbos, M.; Song, I.-Y. (2004) Use of tabular analysis method to construct uml sequence

diagrams CI4

S109 Dixon, M. (2004) A single CASE environment for teaching and learning CI4

S110 Dagdeviren, H.; Juric, R.; Lees, P. (2004) Experiences of teaching UML within the information systems curriculum


S111 Pettit IV, R. G. (2004) Lessons learned applying UML in embedded software systems

designs CI1

S112 Tabrizi, M.H.N.; Collins, C.; Ozan, E.; Li, K.


Implementation of object-orientation using UML in entry level

software development courses CI5

S113 Lewis, T. L.; Perez-Quinones, Manuel A.; Rosson, M. B. (2004)

A comprehensive analysis of object-oriented design: Towards a measure of assessing design ability

CI2, CI4

S114 Doerschuk, P. (2004) Incorporating team software development and quality assurance

in software engineering education CI5

S115 Auer, M.; Tschurtschenthaler, T.; Biffl, S.


A flyweight UML modelling tool for software development in

heterogeneous environments CI4

S116 Alphonce, C.; Ventura, P. (2003) QuickUML: A tool to support iterative design and code development


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S117 Hankley, W, (2003) On teaching software architecture and design CI5

S118 Hansen, K.M.; Ratzer, A.V. (2002) Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-oriented modeling


S119 Alphonce, C.; Ventura, P. (2002) Object orientation in CS1-CS2 by design CI5


Petrie, H.; Schlieder, C.; Blenkhorn, P.;

Evans, G.; King, A.; O’Neill, A.-M.; Ioannidis, G.T.; Gallagher, B.; Crombie, D.;

Mager, R.; Alafaci, M.g (2002)

TeDUB: A system for presenting and exploring technical drawings for blind people


S121 Isoda, S. (2001) Object-oriented real-world modeling revisited CI2


Os artigos selecionados no segundo filtro foram submetidos ao processo de extração de

dados. Para que a extração fosse realizada de forma sistemática, um formulário de extração foi

definido para registrar as informações necessárias relativas a cada artigo, reduzindo a

oportunidade de inclusão de viés do pesquisador. O formulário de extração deve permitir o

registro de todas as informações necessárias para responder às questões de pesquisa.

Baseado nisso, para a extração adotou-se a estratégia de fornecer um conjunto de

possíveis respostas. Fernandez et al. (2011) afirmam que esta estratégia garante a aplicação dos

mesmos critérios de extração de dados para todos os trabalhos selecionados, além de facilitar a

classificação. Neste sentido, o formulário de extração deste mapeamento sistemático foi

definido conforme descrito na Tabela 2.8.

Tabela 2.8: Tabela para extração de dados


Nome do Artigo Nome completo do artigo.

Autor (es) Nome dos autores do artigo.

Ano Ano em que o artigo/periódico foi publicado.

Local de Publicação Descrever o nome do local de publicação em que o

artigo/periódico foi publicado.

Dificuldade (s) identificada(s)/

discutida(s) no artigo

Descrever neste campo as dificuldades relacionadas ao

ensino/aprendizagem dos diagramas da UML

Diagramas(s) relacionado(s) a(s)


Citar quais os diagramas citados no artigo: Diagrama de Caso de

Uso, Especificação de Caso de Uso, Diagrama de Atividades,

Diagrama de Classes, Diagrama de Máquina de Estados,

Diagrama de Objetos, Diagrama de Interação, Diagrama de

Sequência, Diagrama de Comunicação e Diagrama de Pacotes.

O artigo apresenta uma

tecnologia que auxilie na

melhoria do ensino dos


Informar se o artigo apresenta alguma tecnologia que visa a

auxiliar no processo de ensino de diagramas. Se sim, qual(is)?

Page 54: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade


Descrição da tecnologia Descrever neste campo as seguintes informações: nome da

tecnologia e um breve resumo de como a tecnologia apoia no

processo de ensino de diagramas UML.

Qual o tipo de tecnologia

proposta no artigo?

Descrever o tipo de tecnologia identificada no artigo (Peterson

et al. (2008): Método, Técnica, Ferramenta, Modelo, Guidelines,

Framework ou Abordagem.

A tecnologia é baseada em outra? Informar se a tecnologia proposta foi baseada em outra. Se sim,


A tecnologia foi proposta para ser

utilizada em grupo ou


Informar se a tecnologia foi proposta para ensinar de forma

colaborativa ou não.

Quais as lições aprendidas/

custos/ benefícios/ desafios/

fatores de sucesso/ motivações

identificadas nos artigos, de

acordo com a percepção dos

autores sobre o ensino de


Descrever qual a percepção dos autores sobre o processo de

ensino, de acordo com os resultados dos estudos. Além disso,

se houver, devem ser descritas as vantagens e

desvantagens/motivações/ fatores de sucesso (e outros) do

ensino de diagramas UML.

Qual o tipo de pesquisa descrita

no artigo?

Informar o tipo de pesquisa que o artigo apresenta: empírica,

conceitual ou ambas.


Descreva o estudo apresentado

no artigo

Descrever, de forma sucinta, como o estudo experimental foi


Qual o método de pesquisa

experimental foi realizado?

Informar o método de pesquisa utilizado (Unterkalmsteiner et

al., 2012): Estudo de caso, Relato de Experiência, Experimento

Controlado, Survey (Pesquisa de Opinião), Action Research

(pesquisa-ação), Métodos Mistos, Design Science, Estudo

secundário (Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, Mapeamento

Sistemático da Literatura/ Meta-Analise), Estudo Terciário

(Revisão Terciária) ou não especificado.

Qual o tipo de participante do


Informar o tipo de participante do estudo: professores, alunos,

profissionais inexperientes ou profissionais experientes? Se for

profissional com experiência, descrever qual o nível de


Foram utilizadas métricas para

avaliar os diagramas?

Informar se foram utilizadas métricas para avaliar os diagramas?

Caso houver métricas, especificar a métrica utilizada no artigo.

Qual o tipo de resultado do

estudo realizado experimental?

Informar se a análise do resultado da pesquisa foi do tipo

qualitativa, quantitativa ou ambas.

Qual o resultado do estudo


Descrever de forma sucinta os resultados identificados pelos


Page 55: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade


A Figura 2.2 apresenta a quantidade de artigos retornados por cada máquina de busca

das bibliotecas digitais selecionadas, o total de artigos que foram selecionados no 1° Filtro e o

total de artigos selecionados após o 2º Filtro.

Figura 2.2: Total de artigos retornados, selecionados no 1° filtro e selecionados após o 2º filtro.

Durante a execução da busca, foram retornados 1.131 artigos na busca automática nas

bibliotecas digitais selecionadas. Deste total, 526 artigos foram obtidos da Scopus e outros 606

foram obtidos da Engineering Village.

Com o intuito de garantir a confiabilidade do processo de seleção, uma amostra de 35

artigos foi utilizada para analisar o grau de concordância entre os pesquisadores durante a

seleção dos artigos no primeiro filtro. Para quantificar a intensidade da concordância entre dois

ou mais pesquisadores, ou entre dois métodos de classificação, foi empregada a medida Kappa

(Landis e Koch, 1977) que é baseada no número de respostas concordantes, ou seja, no número

de casos cujo resultado é o mesmo entre os pesquisadores. O Kappa é uma medida de

concordância interobservador e mede o grau de concordância além do que seria esperado tão

somente pelo acaso. Esta medida de concordância tem como valor máximo o 1, onde este valor

1 representa total concordância e os valores próximos e até abaixo de 0, indicam nenhuma

concordância, ou a concordância foi exatamente a esperada pelo acaso. Para avaliar se a

concordância é razoável, realiza-se um teste estatístico para avaliar a significância do Kappa.

A Tabela 2.9 apresenta a interpretação para os resultados do Kappa sugerido por Landis & Koch


Page 56: Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre as dificuldades · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Universidade

Tabela 2.9: Interpretação dos resultados do Kappa segundo Landis e Koch (1977).

Valores de Kappa Interpretação

<0 Sem concordância (no agreement)

0 – 0,19 Concordância fraca (poor agreement)

0,20 – 0,39 Concordância razoável (fair agreement)

0,40 – 0,59 Concordância moderada (moderate agreement)

0,60 – 0,79 Concordância significativa (substantial agreement)

0,80 – 1 Concordância quase perfeita (almost perfect agreement)

A amostra de 35 artigos foi utilizada para análise do coeficiente de Kappa. A amostra

selecionada foi um conjunto alternado (selecionava-se um artigo a cada 10) dos primeiros 35

artigos retornados pela biblioteca Scopus. Cada pesquisador analisou os artigos individualmente

e atribuiu um critério de seleção. Então, os resultados dos pesquisadores foram comparados

através do teste de Kappa.

Para realizar o teste de Kappa, foi utilizada a ferramenta SPSS. Os dados foram

tabulados da seguinte forma: para critérios de inclusão foi atribuído o valor 1 e para critérios de

exclusão foi atribuído o valor 2. Desta forma, foi analisada a concordância dos pesquisadores

na inclusão ou exclusão dos artigos e não no critério específico de inclusão ou exclusão

atribuído. O resultado obtido foi um nível de concordância igual a 0,755, indicando uma

concordância significativa entre os pesquisadores. As discordâncias restantes na seleção dos

artigos foram resolvidas entre os pesquisadores para obter um consenso em relação ao critério

de seleção de todos os artigos da amostra. Após esta análise, cada pesquisador continuou o

primeiro filtro individualmente. Como resultado do primeiro filtro, foram selecionados 301

artigos. Ao final do segundo filtro, foram selecionados 121 artigos (Figura 2.2).

Um ponto importante que precisa ser destacado é que a biblioteca Scopus retornou um

alto número de artigos sem acesso gratuito ao seu conteúdo através do portal de periódicos

CAPES, impossibilitando assim a leitura dos mesmos. Outro ponto relevante é que houve

artigos duplicados nas bibliotecas. Porém, estes artigos foram contabilizados apenas uma vez e

de acordo com a ordem de busca realizada, que foi a seguinte: Scopus e Engineering Village.

Todas as informações mostradas neste capítulo podem ser encontradas em maior detalhe

no Relatório Técnico criado por Silva et al. (2017). Neste relatório são apresentadas as

informações relacionadas ao planejamento, execução e análise dos dados encontrados a partir

do mapeamento sistemático executado. Também está disponível a tabelas com os dados de

extração dos artigos selecionados neste mapeamento.

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Este relatório técnico descreveu os resultados de um Mapeamento Sistemático da

Literatura. Este estudo apresentou as evidências existentes sobre as dificuldades relacionados

ao uso dos diagramas da UML. A partir de um conjunto inicial de 1.131 artigos, um total de

121 trabalhos de pesquisa foram selecionados neste mapeamento, após o 1° e o 2° filtro. A

partir dos resultados percebeu-se que foram identificadas dificuldades a quase todos os

diagramas da UML. No entanto, os estudantes percebem mais dificuldades ao realizar a

modelagem dos diagramas de classes e de sequência. Percebeu-se também que há uma grande

quantidade de tecnologias que estão sendo propostas visando auxiliar o ensino destes

diagramas, além disso grande parte das tecnologias que estão sendo propostas são validadas

experimentalmente. Os estudos realizados são, em sua maioria, realizados com estudantes de

graduação e pós-graduação. No entanto, identificou-se apenas um estudo realizado com

professores. Isto mostra que o foco dos estudos é do ponto de vista do aluno.


Basili. V.; Caldiera, G.; Rombach, H.: Goal Question Metric paradigm. In:

Encyclopédia of Software Engineering. V. 2, pp. 527 –532, 1994.

Costa, G. S.: Apoio à Seleção de Portfólio de Projetos de Software Baseado na Moderna

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Da Silva, F. Q.; Suassuna, M.; França, A. C. C.; Grubb, A. M.; Gouveia, T. B.; Monteiro,

C. V.; Dos Santos, I. E.: Replication of empirical studies in software engineering research: a

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Dyba, T., Dingsoyr, T., Hanssen, G.K.: Applying systematic reviews to diverse study

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Kitchenham, B., Brereton, O. P., Budgen, D., Turner, M., Bailey, J., & Linkman, S.:

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Santos, G. S.: Ambientes de Engenharia de Software Orientados a Corporação. Tese de

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Santos, G.; Rocha, A. R.; Conte, T.: Barcellos, M. P.; Prikladnicki, R.: Strategic

Alignment between Academy and Industry: A Virtuous Cycle to Promote Innovation in

Technology. In: 2012 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), v. 1, p. 196-

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Schots, N.C.L.: Uma Abordagem para Identificação de Causas de Problemas Utilizando

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