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Conservation Biology, Pages 610–618Volume 14, No. 3, June 2000

Managing the Koala Problem: Interdisciplinary Perspectives


*School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia, email [email protected]†Urban and Environmental Research Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia‡New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1967, Hurstville, NSW 2220, Australia§Australian Academy for the Humanities, Garden Wing University House, Canberra, ACT 2906, Australia


There is a complex scientific, ethical, and cultural debate in Australia about how best to conservekoalas and their habitat. Despite the diverse array of management and research options promoted by scien-tists, wildlife agency staff, and koala advocates, there remains a gap in our acknowledgment of the social fac-tors influencing decision making about koala conservation. Koala management research has generatedvaluable scientific knowledge about koala biology and ecology but has been weak about organizational andpolicy processes and about the cultures within which we produce, disseminate, and legitimize this kind ofknowledge. We suggest that more effective koala conservation will result from making the political and cul-tural influences on decision making regarding the koala more explicit in research, management, and policy-making forums. Research must be conducted in the context of the cultural significance of the koala. Thekoala’s survival depends on preserving the valuable lands that these creatures (and many others) inhabit. Ul-timately, the koala symbolizes conflicting land-use values and illustrates the need for greater collaboration,cooperation, and trust among social and natural scientists in the conduct of koala conservation research,management, and policy.

Manejo del Problema del Koala: Perspectivas Interdisciplinarias


Existe un debate científico, ético y cultural en Australia sobre cómo conservar mejor a los koalasy sus hábitats. A pesar de las numerosas opciones de manejo e investigación promovidas por científicos, per-sonal de las agencias de vida silvestre y defensores de koalas, aún existe una brecha en nuestro recono-cimiento de los factores sociales que afectan la toma de decisiones sobre la conservación de koalas. La inves-tigación sobre el manejo de koalas ha generado conocimiento científico valioso sobre su biología y ecologíapero poca información sobre los procesos funcionales y políticos y sobre el entorno social en el que se pro-duce, disemina y legitima este tipo de conocimiento. Sugerimos que se lograría una conservación más efec-tiva del koala si se hicieran más explícitas las influencias políticas y culturales que afectan la toma de deci-siones respecto de los koalas. La investigación debe realizarse tomando en cuenta la trascendencia culturaldel koala. La supervivencia del koala depende de la conservación de tierras valiosas habitadas por estos ani-males (y muchos otros). A fin de cuentas, el koala simboliza valores conflictivos de uso del suelo, y como tal,ilustra la necesidad de una mayor colaboración, cooperación y confianza entre científicos sociales y natu-

rales en la investigación, el manejo y las políticas de conservación del koala.

Paper submitted August 23, 1999; revised manuscript accepted December 30, 1999.

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The koala is central to some significant and often heatedscientific, ethical, and cultural debates about conservationpolicy and research. Parties to these debates seek to clarifyhow the conservation of the koala and its habitats mightbest be achieved (Clark et al., this issue). We examined ele-ments of culture and policy in the conservation of the koalathrough an interdisciplinary perspective. We establishedhow the koala “problem” is represented and interpreted inpopular culture and scientific discourse. We also consid-ered how approaches to the koala have shifted over time,noting the transition from exploitation to current tensionsbetween regional parochialism and national cooperation.In light of this discussion, we also examined how koala pol-icy responses are manifest in different regions and at differ-ent levels of government in Australia. Finally, we devisedrecommendations for addressing this complex interdisci-plinary problem.

We use methodological strategies derived from quali-tative research in the social sciences (Eyles 1988; Patton1990). We analyzed documentary evidence from govern-ment reports, scholarly literature, and popular culture,deliberating on how each contributes to the construc-tion of the koala as a problem to be managed. We drewfrom the fields of cultural geography, policy research,wildlife ecology, and environmental philosophy. Thesediverse perspectives are important to the conduct ofqualitative research, particularly given the need for trian-gulation strategy (Denzin 1978): the use of multipledata, investigators, methods, and theoretical frameworksto corroborate and verify research findings. Our analysis,then, is both catholic and eclectic, and it is meant to beso. It is not a scientific treatise written by people trainedin scientific practice, but a meditation on a series of so-cial, cultural, and policy issues related to the conserva-tion biology of the koala.

Setting the Context

There are numerous Aboriginal myths and legends asso-ciated with koalas (Phillips 1990); here we confine ouranalyses to European cultural issues. Between Europeanconquest and current times the management of koalashas dramatically shifted in purpose (Strahan 1986). Thekoala has been a focus of scientific interest, popular cul-ture, and conservation since shortly after European con-quest. Lee and Martin (1988) note that in the nineteenthcentury naturalists began transferring names of alreadyfamiliar European animals to koalas, referring to them assloths, monkeys, bears, even monkey bears. Naturalistsexecuted many drawings of koalas, and there was an ef-fort to document the koala’s discovery, understand itsanatomy, and assign it to a taxonomic group. By the

early twentieth century, there was also growing interestin describing and analyzing koala physiology.

The koala was also an exploitable resource. Europeansused koala fur as a tradeable commodity, and hunting se-verely affected koala populations until the late 1920swhen the trade ceased. This shift in attitudes and prac-tices was likely linked to what Frawley (1994) views as agrowing appreciation of Australia’s unique natural heri-tage. It was not until much later, however, that scientistsbegan to consider the species’ distribution, which is im-portant because such knowledge requires some ideas ofpopulation status, a form of “benchmarking” that con-tributes to debates about the koala’s conservation status.

Little scientific literature was produced on koalas fromthe late 1930s to the early 1950s. From the mid-1950sthrough the 1960s, another wave of physiologicallybased research was undertaken, along with the firstwork on koala ecology. In the 1970s, there was amarked increase in koala research, initially focused onkoala diseases. Links were also made to conservationthrough discussions about relevant legislation, distribu-tion, and abundance, and the effects of urban develop-ment on koala populations. In the 1980s, scientific re-search continued to reflect interest in koala disease andbehavioral ecology, alongside a growing emphasis onfieldwork. A pronounced and ongoing debate about thekoala’s conservation status also emerged, as reflected inthe other papers in this section.

Overall, our historically exploitative approach to theenvironment and our generally poor track record in con-temporary wildlife conservation have been due partly toour cultural conditioning and social priorities. This situa-tion has been changing in recent years as more conserva-tion scientists and their colleagues in other fields use anapproach to solving biodiversity problems which in-cludes attention to species, threatening processes, andhabitats. The application of this approach to ecologicalproblems in bureaucratic and political settings may signalrecognition of the multiple, intricate, and interrelatedcomponents of environmental degradation (Dryzek 1987;Paehlke & Torgerson 1990; Doyle & Kellow 1995). Insome regions in particular, such change—in both scien-tific and political circles—has certain positive outcomesfor the koala and other Australian wildlife. Indeed, conser-vation biology is beginning to reflect a laudable changefrom traditional, discipline-bound strategies to more inter-disciplinary efforts, and new forms of knowledge andnew understanding of cultural relationships with nonhu-man nature are being generated in this and related fields.

Concerns for koalas, however, do reflect numerousand often disparate values. For instance, rescue and re-habilitation programs for individual animals primarilyconcern animal-welfare issues. Initiatives to conservekoalas on the basis of compassion are informed by a be-lief in the rights of nonhuman nature, including ecosys-tems, to exist free from human interference. Alterna-

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tively, certain koala management programs, such asthose recommending culling to “rebalance” koala popu-lations, reflect principles of sustainability.

Koalas are also only one of many species in Australiacurrently considered by some to be threatened with ex-tinction. Scientists who undertake research on koalasare often drawn into the wider conservation debatewhen they are asked to advise governments. The narrowissues of koala management include how to deal withover-browsing in Victoria and South Australia, with smallpopulations in wood-chipped forests of southeasternNew South Wales, and with the effects of bushfires orthe outbreak and spread of chlamydia. The broader is-sues of conservation in which the koala is implicated in-clude habitat protection and threatening processes.

The debate about listing the koala as nationally vulner-able exemplifies some of the difficulties in striking a bal-ance between specialist and contextual studies—be-tween the narrow and the broad. This debate couldemanate in part from a reliance on reductive approachesto wildlife management problems when actual variety iswarranted. As it stands, the koala has not met the na-tional requirements for listing as a threatened speciesbecause its distribution and regional conservation statusranges from introduced pest in certain places to securein some areas to vulnerable or extinct in others (Phillips1990; Australian and New Zealand Environment andConservation Council [ANZECC] 1998). In effect, at-tempts to standardize its status at a national level areconfounded by the variety of its conditions at regionallevels. State and territory frameworks and institutionsfor defining categories of threat, whether a species isvulnerable, rare, or endangered, may be too rigid andunable to accommodate local conditions. Only speciesthat are “almost extinct” are accommodated withinthese frameworks because they occupy so little of theland surface of Australia. In contrast, the koala occupiesconsiderable areas of land with major commercial po-tential.

The endangerment discourse raises another importantquestion: Is the function of designating a species as en-dangered to prevent its extinction in the next 10 yearsor in the next 100 years? The koala is not likely to disap-pear over its total range within the next century, so it isunlikely to be listed as nationally endangered. The cam-paign to list the koala as endangered has been promptedby a belief that the approaches of state and common-wealth governments to koala conservation fail to addresssuch thorny issues as restricting clearing on private landor curtailing highway developments and forestry.

The koala epitomizes the conflict of reconciling cur-rent land uses with the professed interest in saving wild-life. Its emotive appeal is substantial and provides manyadvantages for those attempting to raise community con-cern. Koalas can symbolize the need to retain remnantbush for the sake of native wildlife or the need to stem

habitat loss; they are powerful icons for conservation.Nevertheless, a focus on charismatic species and govern-mental regions rather than on less attractive species andbioregions is highly problematic (Craig & Stewart 1994;Recher 1994). What is it about popular and scientificcultures that tends to reductionism of one form or an-other, and what alternative traditions in science mightpoint a way forward? A cultural analysis of the koala con-servation problem may help answer this question.

Cultural Analysis of the Koala Conservation Problem

Defining the koala conservation problem is a challenge.Janet Weiss (1989:97) argues that “Problem definition isa package of ideas that includes, at least implicitly, an ac-count of the causes and consequences of undesirablecircumstances, and a theory about how to improvethem.” How problems are defined partly determineswhether they are present or absent from the publicagenda. Indeed, problem definition is a critical processin conservation policy. For instance, determining a spe-cies’s conservation status can influence how it is man-aged, and labels such as vulnerable, rare, or endangereddefine a set of conservation problems.

Are koalas endangered? Certainly disease, hunting,predation, and loss of habitat have threatened their long-term viability. In some regions, though, the koala is con-sidered a pest of plague proportions. Part of the di-lemma of defining a problem—in this case, whether thekoala requires particular and dramatic conservation as-sistance—stems from the fact that only certain defini-tions of the koala problem will prevail. This is becauseof the nature of political processes and other power rela-tions and because of regional variation in conservationissues and possible responses to them. Part of the di-lemma of problem definition also stems from the factthat participants in the discussion bring to the task dif-ferent historical perspectives, personal opinions, andworld-views.

Popular Culture

The koala has been a source of curiosity for naturalists, aneconomic boon for hunters, and a reservoir of inspirationfor both scientific research and community action. In addi-tion, the species has been popularized and commodified fordecades. Various koala characters exemplify this popularityand commercial appeal: Norman Lindsay’s storybook koala,Bunyip Bluegum (

The Magic Pudding

1965), the HannaBarbera cartoon the “Kwicky Koala Show,” Dorothy Wall’s

Blinky Bill

(1969), and Mem Fox’s

Koala Lou

(1988).Making these observations about the commodification

of the koala begs the question of why the species is such

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a potent icon of Australian natural heritage and culturalidentity. This power may go some way toward explain-ing why conservation and management of the species isfraught with political and social complexity. Therefore,it is important to consider the popular culture as part ofan interdisciplinary approach to koala policy and man-agement.

Bill Phillips’ (1990:2) populist monograph on the ko-ala summarizes how the creature has been perceived inthe psyche of Europeans in bygone eras and in more re-cent times. Based on the language Phillips uses (1990:2),it is arguable that he contributes to the continuing an-thropomorphism and commodification of the koala:

. . .what is it that makes koalas so popular, so adored? Isit their cheeky, unblinking stare, their childlike embraceor simply their cute and cuddly look? Whatever it is,there’s no disputing the special affinity that we all feelwith these remarkable animals. Gazing down from sway-ing eucalypts, chewing nonchalantly on tender youngleaves, koalas appear unaffected, even indifferent to theworld around.

As if to qualify the effect of this rhetoric, Phillips’s(1990:3) next observation is designed to bring us backto earth: “However, as civilisation slowly closes in ontheir forest domain koalas can no longer take theirpeaceful existence for granted.”

On South Australia’s Kangaroo Island, such a versionof disaster does not bear up under examination. There,koalas have been introduced into the forest domains ofother species, and their own survival is threatened byoverpopulation and tree defoliation. Even so, the pros-pect of koalas being culled on the island in 1996prompted a public outcry, captured in headlines such as“Jo Beth: Don’t Kill Our Koalas” (

The New Post

1996).The Australian Koala Foundation’s ambassador, Jo BethTaylor, is also a television celebrity and musician, wellknown among Australia’s commercial television audi-ences. Taylor argues that the problem with the manage-ment of koalas is not their excessive numbers but the de-creasing numbers of trees. Her solution to what she callsthe horrible and ridiculous proposal to cull koalas is toplant more trees. In general, this idea is laudable. Never-theless, there are at least four problems with this solu-tion. First, it is overly simplistic, taking no account ofthe ecological relationships involved. Second, it doesnot address the regional variance in koala numbers, dis-tributions, and conditions. Third, complex details are of-ten assumed by editorial staff to alienate the reader, so,as is characteristic of many popular magazines, detailand sophisticated argument are lacking. Finally, the re-port in

The New Post

is as much about Jo Beth Taylor asit is about the plight of the koala. The names of the pro-grams in which Taylor stars are noted; de facto advertis-ing is occurring. Moreover, the front cover shows aclose-up photograph of an appealing Taylor cuddling anequally appealing juvenile koala. This image is likely tosell more copies of the issue than would a picture of a

koala and reflects the commercial imperative to makesales and gain solid ratings.

Beyond texts that promote the koala, there are massesof koala toys, clothes and accessories, and internet sitesto boost the animal’s popularity and economic impor-tance. It is significant that David Wotton, then State Min-ister for Environment and Natural Resources, made astrong connection between his decision not to cull thekoala and the economic importance of the species. In1997, he said, “There have been few issues that have at-tracted so much emotion . . . world wildlife groups,school children, parents, community groups, tourism as-sociations and many, many others have continued tomake representations to my office on this issue . . . .”(Mayne 1997:28)

Wotton recognizes the commercial need to protect thekoala, but the discourse by which he is constrained—theneed for political expediency—is not always consistentwith the research findings of conservation scientists (forexample, the Koala Management Task Force 1996).

The Culture of Science

So how do these populist notions differ from scientificideas about the koala and its management? We conceiveof the term


in a broad sense as “systematizedknowledge,” and this definition embraces policy formu-lation, management, social research, and the basic andapplied disciplinary sciences. We explored the construc-tion of scientific knowledge in general, building a bridgefrom our understanding of traditional and popular per-ceptions of the koala to the kinds of knowledge pro-duced about its conservation and management and theparadigms and practices that inform them. We sought toflesh out the ways in which conflicting values and inter-ests (which are subjective and experiential, or cultural)are often reified in discourses on science (which can bedeployed in ways that go beyond objectivity to rigidity).

Clark (1993) proposes that scientists need to think be-yond their disciplinary boundaries to enhance the orga-nizational and policy outcomes of conservation efforts.This assertion is one that many conservation biologistsappear to agree with in principle, recognizing that eco-logical complexity demands interdisciplinarity coopera-tion. This collaboration is often difficult to achieve, how-ever, in part because of the manner in which knowledgeis produced, legitimized, and applied.

Since the mid-1950s, historians, philosophers, and cul-tural analysts of science have alerted us to the fact thatknowledge is not absolute. Rather, it is subject to varyingconditions and produces outcomes we cannot alwayspredict. We explored some of the implications of this sub-jectivity for koala conservation by using insights adaptedfrom Michel Foucault’s (1972) book

The Archaeology ofKnowledge

. In the appendix Foucault examines “the dis-course on knowledge.” He explains that knowledge is de-

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termined by the contexts in which it is produced. Theseinclude certain discursive rules about who can speak, forwhom, about what, and in what situations. This workharks back to Weiss’s (1989) observation about problemdefinition and the assertion that only certain definitionsand management tactics flowing from them will prevail inour institutional and cultural settings. They are, in effect,rules on the discourse of science. They might be appliedto koala conservation in several ways.

First, some arguments carry more influence than oth-ers do. Two ecological economists recently estimatedthat koalas contribute $1.1 billion to the Australian econ-omy through tourism (Hundloe & Hamilton 1997). Butin the differential power stakes between, for example,conservation and development interests, the latter tendto prevail because koalas are often represented in scien-tific discourses as somehow separate from their habitat,an object of analysis removed from its context. In wild-life parks, sequestered from their environments, koalascould continue to attract large sums of money. We couldthen “afford” to continue to disrupt and destroy habi-tat—and thus threaten the viability of ecosystems moregenerally—through, for example, urbanization and agri-cultural development. One dangerous message that ema-nates from this kind of false logic is that species conser-vation can be divorced from ecosystem preservation.

Second, other discourses are bestowed a certain privi-lege relating to two separate and distinct issues. Scien-tific discourses on koala conservation are often producedin privileged forums with specialist memberships. TheAustralian and New Zealand Environment and Conserva-tion Council’s National Koala Conservation Strategy (AN-ZECC 1998) was created by a relatively closed group thatproduces important policy. Furthermore, many koalasymposia have taken place in the last 20 years (Bergin1978; Lee et al. 1990; Lunney et al. 1990; Australian Ko-ala Foundation 1995, 1996, 1997


, 1997


; Cork et al.1995; Gordon 1996; Lunney & Matthews 1997; Melzeret al. 1997). Next, it is important to acknowledge thatthere are occasions when conflicting values and interestsregarding conservation in general and koala conservationin particular have meant that different interest groupsform. The conservation outcomes of research, or theneeds of species and ecosystems, are then consideredsecondary to proving which views are “correct” or moreimportant. Here, privilege can be abused and the welfareof the koala can be further jeopardized.

Third, when we name or define koala endangermentas a problem, we confer a peculiar type of privilege onkoalas. The decision to include the koala as vulnerable inNew South Wales in 1992 (Lunney et al. 1996) exempli-fies its elevated status. Koala conservation—as distinctfrom the conservation of habitats suitable for koalas andother species—can attract substantial funds, significantlevels of public exposure, and considerable politicalclout. Where this species-based approach is used in iso-

lation from policy and practices that account for threat-ening processes or ecosystems, individual koalas mightbe protected, but the plight of other species goes unad-dressed. Popularity and appeal matter.

Fourth, another significant concern is that which isleft unsaid or marginalized in debates about koala con-servation. Habitat loss, fragmentation, degradation, over-browsing, natural disasters, disease, roads, and predationare major factors in koala endangerment (ANZECC1998). Yet economic rationalism, urban planning, and at-tendant issues of property rights ( land speculation andprofiteering), the domination of transportation by privatevehicles, and the careless management of domestic petsunderlie habitat-based issues of koala endangerment.These cultural matters nevertheless appear too complexand too difficult to address and are usually sidelined inthe koala policy debate when they should be central.

Fifth, certain rules and fellowships exist in koala conser-vation. Conservation managers possess formal qualifica-tions, join various organizations, and understand and par-ticipate in the verbal and other rituals of these institutions.In effect, they are inside the discourse and can have a con-siderable effect on koala conservation and other conserva-tion management decisions. This position exists amongthose studying koala conservation and wildlife manage-ment more generally and can also be found in other con-servation discourses on forestry, mining, or aquaculture.Although we are not suggesting that formal training is in-appropriate, we know that local, community-based knowl-edge can be insightful and helpful in conservation, and it isused increasingly in conservation practices that take an in-terdisciplinary approach. Given that communities may notbe fully versed in the complexities of official conservationknowledge, however, they may be marginalized from deci-sion-making forums of professional institutions. Care mustbe taken to avoid these outcomes by including communi-ties in traditionally privileged discourse.

Labinger (1995) points out that the cultural study of sci-ence has lacked input from scientists. He proposes thatmembers of the scientific community should work moreoften with social scientists and cultural commentators onthe characteristics and outcomes of various scientificmethods and should make explicit the values that informscientific work. Like Clark (1993), Labinger argues thatscientific research should become more interdisciplinary.Interdisciplinary projects could enhance scientific man-agement and practice by highlighting the unexamined as-sumptions that inevitably underlie koala conservation, forexample. These biases also unwittingly narrow the rangeof outcomes of scientific work, perhaps by allowing con-sideration of too few options for the long-term preserva-tion of koalas and the habitats they occupy.

The idea that our knowledge is always partial and con-tested is not new, and it does not come exclusively fromoutside of science. Heisenberg’s Gifford lectures onquantum mechanics in 1957 (cited in Olson 1971) in-

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clude assertions that can be applied to the relationshipbetween the culture of science and koala conservation.

First, many scientific efforts strive for certainty. There isno certainty about the conservation status of koalas, eventhough those involved in the political process might wishthere were. This uncertainty is reflected in definitions of


, a term that changes from one piece of legisla-tion to another. For example, in New South Wales underthe Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act 1991, allscheduled fauna were called endangered in either part 1(threatened) or part 2 (vulnerable and rare). With its re-placement by the Threatened Species Conservation Act1995, the same schedules of fauna were collectively calledthreatened under the categories endangered or vulnera-ble. Thus, in New South Wales between 1992 and 1995 itwas correct to call the koala endangered, but it was incor-rect to call it threatened. In 1996 it became correct to callit threatened and incorrect to call it endangered (Lunneyet al. 1996). Although these descriptions of conservationstatus are becoming standard among conservation profes-sionals, they are used loosely in newspapers, politicallydriven conservation pamphlets, and other forums.

Second, all knowledge contains some degree of subjec-tivity. For example, our efforts in natural resource manage-ment are affected by personal and cultural understandingsof the significance of the land and of its faunal and floral di-versity. These conscious and subconscious perceptionsthen influence the way we conduct scientific and social in-vestigations or implement and evaluate policies. On Kanga-roo Island, for instance, Parks and Wildlife Service staff reg-ularly observe and document ecological indicators of koalawell-being: numbers, movements, distribution, breeding,morbidity and mortality, tree condition, and other environ-mental markers. The measurement itself may or may not besubjective, but the choice of


to measure is. The issueis that certain critical variables will not be measured.Hence, the emerging picture is not only biased but flawed.

Third, we spend much time and many resourcesstudying the koala rather than naming, classifying, andchanging the activities that we know endanger ecosys-tem integrity. So more science is not always equivalentto better science. In addition, producing managementand policy documents does not automatically effectdeep-seated linguistic and cultural change. How wethink, speak, and write about wildlife management is im-portant. Processes to develop and implement coherentconservation policies often falter because of the tacitand even unconscious values that conservation languagecontain. Furthermore, the defense that “we need toknow more about the koala to be helpful” is legitimate,but it does not tackle those cultural conditions that facil-itate the decline of the koala and its habitat. But know-ing more about this species holds many challenges, notleast of which are its regional variations, which charac-terize its status and the political and juridical contextswithin which decisions about that status are made.

Regional Policy and Management of the Koala

The diversity of interest groups promoting koala conser-vation reinforces the idea that the koala is culturally sig-nificant for both Australian and international communi-ties. Although most government wildlife agencies andnongovernmental koala preservation groups value koalaconservation, policy and its influence is far from uni-form. For the Northern Territory, Tasmania, and West-ern Australia, koala conservation is not an issue; the spe-cies occurs in these places only in wildlife parks andsimilar facilities. In the rest of Australia, there is signifi-cant variation in the conditions faced by koalas. Diver-gent values and strategies are also promoted by koala in-terest groups. Examining the distribution of koalas andthe status of legislation that directly and indirectly af-fects the conservation of koalas across Australia is use-ful. This information illustrates how knowledge aboutkoalas, their habitat, and their conservation is producedand translated into policy and management.

Victoria and South Australia

In Victoria and South Australia, koalas exist in similar condi-tions. In Victoria, koalas are widespread over much of thesouthern and eastern lowlands, and population densitiesare high in many areas. Koala densities tend to be lower indry forests and woodlands in northern Victoria, wheretheir habitat is less productive. Overall, koala habitat in Vic-toria is fragmented, isolating koala populations (Martin1989; Clark & Ahern 1995; ANZECC 1998). The VictorianDepartment of Natural Resources and Environment’s koalapolicy relies on a draft management plan (Martin 1989).Most recently its staff has been trying new sterilizationmethods and continuing with the department’s relocationprogram for koalas, although significant progress with thisprogram has been confounded by resource shortages.

Koalas in South Australia occur over a greater range thanwas the case before European settlement (Koala Manage-ment Task Force 1996). Several sites are now under pres-sure because of high population densities, resulting in sub-sequent defoliation and death of trees, such as onKangaroo Island (Koala Management Task Force 1996;ANZECC 1998). In South Australia, government policy haslargely followed the Koala Management Task Force Reportcommissioned by the South Australian Government in1996, when koala problems seized media headlines. TheSouth Australian Management Plan of 1996 prescribes (1)conserving wild koalas within their former known range,(2) conserving introduced populations of koalas at densi-ties consistent with the carrying capacity of ecosystemsthey inhabit, (3) involving government and nongovern-ment organizations in the design and implementation ofkoala policy, and (4) increasing community understandingof issues relevant to koala conservation (Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources 1996).

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The situation in South Australia and Victoria is para-doxical. In certain regions, the koala is disappearing inthe face of widespread habitat loss and degradation, yetselect populations are overbrowsing their limited foodsupply. Debates on koala management have been domi-nated by the question of how to address overpopulation,tree damage, and habitat loss leading to starvation. Nev-ertheless, koalas are a protected species in both states,and several comparable legislative mechanisms are, orcan be, used to conserve koalas and their habitats. Theextent to which these mechanisms are used to imple-ment koala conservation is unclear, but most strategieshave focused primarily on relocation (and more recentlyon fertility control) to relieve local density problems;culling remains unacceptable at this point.

New South Wales and Queensland

In New South Wales, the koala’s original range has beenreduced by 50–75%, and remaining populations occurprimarily on the north coast (Reed et al. 1990). Awayfrom the coast, koalas are uncommon or rare, except ina few cases such as Gunnedah, where populations haveincreased. In Queensland, koalas still occur across mostof their original range. Some of these populations arelarge and considered stable. In general, however, koalasare threatened by continued clearing and fragmenting ofwoodland and forest (ANZECC 1998).

The policy of the New South Wales government is tomanage koalas and their habitat on public and privateland according to principles of ecosystem managementand biodiversity conservation (ANZECC 1998). The cul-tural importance of the koala to the community in NewSouth Wales is illustrated partly by its official listing bythe state government as a vulnerable species and by therequirement to prepare a koala recovery plan (Lunney &Matthews 1997).

The recovery plan, now in preparation, will addresskoala conservation in conditions of conflict. Conflictarises as a result of decisions by government and privateland owners on preserving remnant bush, using land forlogging or farming, specifying the management of stateforestry, highway construction, and so forth. The ex-istence of these conflicts emphasizes the role of localgovernment in identifying and conserving koala habi-tat through planning procedures (Lunney & Matthews1997). This approach is also consistent with the com-monwealth government’s interest in using communityand local government as key participants in the processof conserving biodiversity (New South Wales NationalParks and Wildlife Service 1997).

Queensland’s koala management plans target the spe-cies in the wild and in captivity, provide funding andsupport for several intensive research programs to studykoala conservation and rehabilitation, and establish stan-

dards for the care of captive koalas. The Draft Manage-ment Plan for the Conservation of Koalas in Queenslandwas created in 1992. More recently, the 1995 State Plan-ning Policy: Conservation of Koalas for regions aroundthe Gold Coast was produced in a highly political con-text. Again in 1995, there was intense political debateover proposed clearing of remnant forest for a highwaybetween Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The debateflowed into the 1996 state elections, in which the koalawas appropriated as an icon of the bush and of speciesdepending on those habitats.

Policies on koala management in Queensland andNew South Wales reflect public perceptions of the koalaas a species under threat. This situation results from thepresence of highly active nongovernmental conserva-tion groups, international koala-oriented tourism, a size-able koala research community, and the media. In otherwords, the conservation of koalas is a high-profile issueinvolving many political stakes and many opinions abouthow such conservation might best be achieved.

Australian Capital Territory

The current status of the koala in the Australian CapitalTerritory is unknown. Anecdotal evidence suggests thatthere are relatively low population densities of koalas inthe territory (ANZECC 1998). The primary policy con-cern of the Australian Capital Territory government is tomanage captive populations of koalas.

Federal Arena

The federal government has responded to koala manage-ment by endorsing the need for a more coordinated ap-proach to conservation. In November 1996, the draft Na-tional Koala Conservation Strategy was released byANZECC amid controversy over the suggestions that theSouth Australian government would cull koalas on Kanga-roo Island. Work on the strategy had begun in 1995 and, by1998, a revised version was released which rejected cullingas a management option. The strategy’s primary aim is toconserve koalas by keeping viable populations in the wildthroughout their natural range. It highlights greater integra-tion of koala management among different levels of govern-ment as a key mechanism for realizing this aim.

The national strategy’s very existence is perhaps itsmost interesting feature. The koala is not listed as a na-tionally threatened species, although it was nominatedunder the Commonwealth’s Endangered Species Protec-tion Act 1992. In 1997 a committee of scientists rejectedthis proposal, but the koala is recognized as a species inthe “near threatened” category in the Marsupial ActionPlan (Maxwell et al. 1996).

Current koala policies are characterized by diverse pro-gram objectives. For example, the National Koala Conserva-

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tion Strategy (ANZECC 1998) recognizes that conflictingland uses threaten koalas while acknowledging the signifi-cant role that communities play in conserving them. Yet inthe strategy the lack of policy mechanisms for a nationalgovernment to enforce its aims is not addressed. Instead,the strategy relies on states’ responsibility for managingwildlife and on local government land-use planning and zon-ing schemes. Many related problems are identified nation-ally for the first time but remain unresolved. It is particularlyproblematic to define, map, and manage koala habitat andto manage accompanying threats such as bushfire, dog at-tacks, and death from cars.


These regional analyses raise policy and cultural ques-tions that are at least as great as the issue of conservingkoalas. Indeed, effective wildlife management is oftenconfounded by conceptual and structural factors and bypoliticized decision-making processes. Such conditionscall for flexible and diverse policy responses and man-agement plans from both public and private sectors.Government and nongovernmental approaches to con-servation make it difficult to implement the coordinatednational strategy for protecting species and habitats.Australia’s federalist system of government, and an em-phasis on states’ rights, limit better coordination amonggovernment agencies, particularly where conditions ineach state vary.

Members of the research community cite the need formore scientific knowledge of koala biology, anatomy, re-production, disease, distribution, abundance, and habitat.Although such information is essential, insufficient re-search is applied systematically to exploring cultures inwhich the problems of conservation are manifest. An ex-ample of this mismatch was the proposal to cull koalas onKangaroo Island in 1996. This suggestion put scientificcommon sense in direct conflict with political and eco-nomic rationalism. Although considered more humanethan leaving large numbers to eat out their habitats and tostarve, culling was unacceptable because of the anticipatedpolitical and economic fallout both in Australia and over-seas. What we are dealing with here are issues of culture—how we understand, give meaning to, represent, and rede-fine our relationship to species, habitats, and ourselves.


We suggest that the scientific project is less objectivethan it appears. We acknowledge that practicing scien-tists are aware of the political and cultural nature ofknowledge production and policy formulation, and weargue that this realization is crucial to the survival of sci-entific participation in the debate. Indeed, it should be

more vigorously embraced and made explicit in re-search, management, and policy.

Second, contemporary values and approaches to wildlifemanagement insist that conservation efforts be directed tothe protection of habitats rather than to individual species.This necessarily keeps the project of scientific research inthe complex realm of politics and power relations.

Third, there needs to be an appreciation that policiesformulated for the protection of koalas remain important,in part because of the iconic value of the species and inpart because specialist’s analyses of these animals remainvalid. The latter should not be conducted out of context.

Reliance on scientific knowledge reflects our desire for alevel of certainty in addressing problems such as koala con-servation. When an environmental dilemma is defined as bi-ological, conservation efforts can neglect critical nonbiologi-cal dimensions of conservation programs (Clark et al. 1994).Koala management research has generated valuable scien-tific knowledge about the species’s biology and ecology, butneeds to be clearer about organizational and policy pro-cesses and about the traditions and popular cultures withinwhich knowledge is produced, circulated, and legitimated.

Wildlife conservation is highly political ( Yaffee 1994),and decisions to allocate resources for saving certainspecies, and the institutional settings in which those de-cisions take place, reflect certain values. Koala manage-ment is a complex process in which many participantsformulate, implement, and enforce policies.

Two outcomes from these political processes arise.Since the late 1980s, following a national koala survey,the difficulties associated with declining populations ofkoalas and those threatened by overbrowsing have beenapparent. Yet, in general, official responses to koala con-servation issues have been slow and only partially effec-tive, tending to serve special interests and to furnish pol-iticians and policymakers with welcome opportunitiesto avoid possible political retribution, economic fallout,and public criticism. There is justification for muchgreater collaboration, cooperation, and trust among so-cial and natural scientists in the conduct of conservationresearch, management, and policy. Interdisciplinary col-laboration is critical.


We wish to acknowledge assistance from J. Kirkpatrick,S. Darley, T. Clark, S. Cork, and two referees whose com-ments forced us to revisit and rethink elements of this pa-per. N.M. also wishes to extend thanks to the MawsonGraduate Centre for Environmental Studies, The Univer-sity of Adelaide, for support during parts of this research.

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