
深圳报业集团主管、主办 深圳报业集团主管、主办 • • 深圳日报社出版 深圳日报社出版 • • Thursday March 8, 2018 • • Vol. 22 • • No. 4668 • • • • Price: 1 yuan

P3 Trump’s top economic adviser to resignGary Cohn will leave the White House in the wake of his disagreement withthe president’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports

Thu: 13-18℃ Sat: 12-20 Weather for other ci! es P13


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1,280 couriers suspended for a weekThey will be suspended from delivery work for a week starting next Monday after being caught committing traffi c violations by police


New weather radar system put into use

A new-generation weather monitoring Doppler radar system, which can provide forecasters with more accurate weather information, was put into use on Fenghuang Mountain in Bao’an District yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - China remains proactive fiscal policy: minister

The proactive direction of China’s fi scal policy remains the same for 2018 despite a lower defi cit-to-GDP ratio target, Chinese fi nance minister said yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Goulart nets 4in GZ win

Fabio Cannavaro’s Guangzhou Evergrande roared back from two goals down Tuesday with four second-half goals from Ricardo Goulart completing a sensational 5-3 AFC Champions League victory over Jeju United

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Qualcomm in talks to settle dispute with Huawei: WSJ

Chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. is in talks to settle a patent dispute with Huawei Technologies Co. and could reach an agreement in the coming weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Palace Museum project to give visitors VR ride

Museum visitors will be able to take a virtual boat ride along the “river” to get immersed in the prosperous scene of Bianliang, which is displayed in the fi ne art masterpiece “Along the River During the Qingming Festival,” thanks to digital technology







A sightseer poses for a photo in the newly opened Shenzhen Talent Park in Nanshan District yesterday. Local urban management authorities invited journalists to tour major parks and scenic landscape roads such as Nanhai and Shennan boulevards yesterday. Shenzhen has vowed to build a world-level city of fl owers in three years. The city boasts 942 parks at present and is scheduled to have over 30 boulevards with fl ower landscapes and over 20 parks featuring fl owers. Chen Wen

PRESIDENT Xi Jinping said yesterday that economic development is the central task, innovation is the most important driving force behind development and talent is the most important resource for innovation, as he joined a panel discussion with deputies from Guangdong at the fi rst session of the 13th National People’s Congress.

He stressed that China must rely on innovation to replace old growth drivers with new ones in order to build a strong country, and talent policies and innovation mechanisms will be the focus of the next step of reform.

After hearing a speech by Yuan Yuyu, a deputy who returned from overseas to

start a business in Guangdong, Xi said he was relieved to see overseas-educated returnees like Yuan have achieved healthy development on the homeland. He urged local governments to attach equal importance to local talents and overseas returnees to ensure they fulfi ll their dreams while serving the motherland.

Xi said compulsory education of migrant children is a univer-sal problem, which was men-tioned by deputy Mi Xuemei, a migrant worker who shared a speech about the sweet and bitter of her life over the past two decades in Guangdong.

China is now pushing for-ward urbanization so that rural migrant workers can build a stable life in cities and take their children with them to the

cities instead of leaving them behind, Xi said. He hoped the rural elderly could benefi t from the country’s rural vitalization strategy.

He said policymakers should put themselves in the shoes of migrant workers in order to take care of their most imminent needs when making policies and work hard to make people feel happy and satisfi ed.

He required that Guangdong, as a province with a large migrant population, continue to explore and accumulate experi-ence in improving and innovat-ing social governance as well as make new contributions to the development and perfection of the country’s socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi said while continuing to



accelerate urbanization, the province should also push forward counter-urbanization to avoid shrinking villages, encouraging people to exert their talent in villages and rural entrepreneurs to take root in and give a boost to the countryside.

The president stressed the importance of strengthening the Party building work in private enterprises, adding that enterprises will get a boost from implementing the new development concept of the Central Committee of the CPC. He said the govern-ment and businesses should achieve a close and clean rela-tionship.

(Mu Zi)

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