
Do you have a negative or positive outlook?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your

destiny.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Mindset is defined as “the established set of attitudes held

by someone”. Your mindset has the ability to affect all aspects of your life from work, relationships and your self confidence. I know first hand how such negative thoughts can impact all of these things. It is not a fun way to live. I missed out on so many amazing opportunities or I didn’t enjoy life the way I should have because of my negative attitude to EVERYTHING. I do have to admit I am on a bit of a personal mission to help change peoples mindset so they can reach their goals, their dreams and begin to live the life they deserve.

Over the last few years my mindset has become more positive and now those positive thoughts, actions and habits are turning into values and my destiny.

Let’s get started on how you too can give yourself a positive way of life.


1. Fixed Mindset V Growth MindsetMost people believe they are born with a certain amount of intelligence, skill, talent and ability. However, Carol Dweck, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, has studied behaviour for many years and about 20 years ago she coined the two different mindsets she discovered; fixed and growth.A fixed mindset is the belief you are born with a certain amount of intelligence, skill and ability. Whereas a growth mindset challenges those beliefs and helps to create a new idea about what a person is really capable of.The mind is a powerful thing and has the ability to adapt and change continually. Whether you believe you cannot face a certain challenge, you give up easily, think your efforts are futile or feel threatened by others success; these thoughts and beliefs are not set in stone. They can be changed.Developing a growth mindset and believing in your ability to change your thoughts can lead to success in all areas of your life. Over the next 4 weeks I will endeavour to help you challenge those fixed beliefs about yourself and what your are capable of and turn them into something positive where you feel good about yourself and what is happening in your life.Coming into Christmas there is a lot of stress, worry, franticness (not sure if this is a real word. Haha.) and people in our lives who love to create drama and make us feel bad about ourselves. No body needs that!I would really love for you to start believing in yourself some more and know you have it within you to change into who ever you want to be.As adults we carry around those thoughts like a bowling ball in our mind which can prevent us from moving forward, believing in ourselves, facing new challenges and achieving them, getting through the day in a positive way and creating a life which is in alignment with who we really are. There are goals to be achieved and dreams to be fulfilled. No matter how big or small. They are yours and no one can take them away from you. Not even YOU!So, let’s get started.I’m excited! Are you?


2. Change your inner dialogueThis is the voice inside your head which talks to you non stop throughout the day telling you to eat this or that, putting you down, calling you names, helping you to convince yourself you don’t need to exercise today, complimenting you on a job well done, noticing how great you feel; or any number of stories, ideas and thoughts you have floating around in your mind. A fixed mindset.ACTION: Growth Mindset. When a negative thought pops into your head use one of many ways to stop that thought in its tracks and change it to a positive one. E.g: “Look at this belly. It’s disgusting. Why did I eat so much junk food?”. Change this to “My body is strong. I feel energised and empowered. I am capable of achieving any goal I set for myself ”. By using positive language on yourself, you begin to believe those words and eventually you become them.

Other positive words you can use on yourself are:

I can I’m awesome I am strong I am fearless I friggen rock I am happy I am grateful I am smart I am beautiful I am capable

There are so many positive words and sayings you can repeat to yourself when you need to hear something valuable. You really do deserve to hear these words and believe them. If you don’t say them to other people then why are you saying them to yourself?


3. Behaviour & LanguageOur behaviour and language play a pivotal role in the way we continue to live our lives. We don’t always think about how how words and actions could be harming others, or ourself. We are the way we are and accept that is how it will always be. But what if I told you it doesn’t have to be that way. That you have the power within you to change how you behave and the language you use in your everyday life. As children we are impressionable, are taught how to behave and how to talk and, depending on your family situation and environment, given a negative outlook on life or a positive one. I was definitely given a negative outlook which shaped how I behaved and the language I used on myself and others my entire life. It wasn’t until a few years ago I really began to challenge who I was and understand that I have the power within me to change that. As adults we have that power. We have the right and ability to discard whatever teachings we like to teach ourselves a new way to behave and talk. Growth mindset!ACTION: Over the next week really listen and watch yourself to see how much of yourself is easily negative and how much of you is positive about what is happening to you.Do you automatically respond with negative words and behaviour or do you react with a positive outlook?Challenge those words, pull back on your negative behaviour and introduce positive words into your vocabulary.

“I’m not good at this” - “I am good at this”“I can’t” - “I can”“I don’t have time to exercise” - “I feel amazing after I exercise. I will workout for an hour after work”“I don’t deserve this promotion” - “I deserve this promotion. I worked really hard for it”“I really hate myself for eating that biscuit” - “I had one biscuit. I had a really nutritious lunch which was yum”

A friend doesn’t respond to your text. Do you immediately think the worst? Or do you react and think maybe she is having bad day and can’t respond right now? Challenge how you react and behave in situations which may not be the truth. We tend to make stuff up in our heads which aren’t true. Look at the situation through a new pair of eyes. Ask yourself if you are reacting negatively or if this really is the truth?


4. Positive MantrasDaily positive mantras or affirmations can really help develop a different mindset for yourself. They are small sentences which are repeated a few times in the morning and then throughout the day as needed to give yourself a positive boost, then eventually you believe those words and they become your truth. We, no doubt, all have negative mantras we say to ourselves continually through the day without ever thinking about them. Much like our inner dialogue. They are hurtful words and need to stop.ACTION: Whether you just want to get through Christmas with family, friends or co-workers who may bring out the worst in you or you are ready to change your behaviour once and for all; here are some positive mantras you can say to yourself every morning as you are getting ready for the day or throughout the day as a situation arises where you need to lift yourself up and feel good about who you are.

“I believe in myself ” “I love who I am” “I am capable of anything” “I will not let <insert person here> get to me. I am stronger than that” “I will walk away and hold my tongue if <insert person here> is awful to me” “I don’t sweat the small stuff” “I am in charge of how I feel. I will not let others make me feel anything I don’t want to” “I refuse to give up” “I will not compare myself to <insert person here>” “I am enough”

There are plenty of mantras or affirmations that you can choose from. Whatever you need it for find one that works for you. If you find yourself saying the same negative mantra over and over, challenge it and turn it into a positive mantra. You deserve to feel good about yourself and believe in these positive mantras.


5. Celebrate each positive changeYAY!!! You do it. You got through the first week. How did you go?

ACTION: for this last little mindset change this week I want you to CELEBRATE! You deserve it. Celebrate every little change you made this week. Celebrate those times you thought positive. Celebrate each moment you believed in yourself. And definitely celebrate how those changes are going to affect your life in a positive way when you continue to challenge your negativity for as long as it takes to become that positive person you deserve to be. You are worth every bit of effort you put into yourself.

Congratulations. I am so proud of you.

Look out week 2!!!

Next week we will focus on gratitude on how this can further produce a positive outlook for your life.

See you then.

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