Page 1: Magazine history by changez alam


Page 2: Magazine history by changez alam

Magazine History

• A magazine is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership. The first ever piece of writing which can be called a magazine, was the German Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen, released in the year 1663. The term magazine hadn’t appeared till 1731, until the Gentleman’s Magazine was published. The gentlemen s magazine was founded in London, by Edward Cave in January 1731. It was published monthly until 1907, and its distribution was very widely spread. The magazine covered a variety of topics in essays, biographies, articles, illustrations, poetry, reports, and historical passages. From 1731-1868 the magazine included listings of births, marriages, and deaths. Although the magazine was very popular and its success was great, it also had some problems. The costs of issuing one magazine were very high, printing was expensive, and the number of copies produced could not be over one hundred thousand due to it being impossible to squeeze that amount of paper through the ancient machines. Another huge problem was distributing the magazines due to their being very large quantities to transport and very far off distances to cover.

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How different magazines have changed

The cosmopolitan magazine cover pages in the 1930’s has women dressed very smartly and conservatively. They never used very bright and eye catching colors, nor had very good paper quality. But now in the 2000’s they have young beautiful women showing off their bodies. They also pose better, and show more skin. This which would make the magazine more eye catching.

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Time magazine

Time magazine 1925 Time magazine 2010

Time magazines haven't evolved such as other magazines like GQ and Seventeen have. They have done a good job branding its recognizable red border. They still have kept it simple. Time always features American celebrities and famous personalities on its covers.

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GQ magazine

1962 2015

We can see a huge change in the GQ magazines . The print quality has improved immensely, as well as the color schemes. They have overall become more attractive and refined.

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National Geographic

1896 2015

The National Geographic magazines use to be very simple, having a very dry look. The modern ones have become much better. They always have the yellow borders and are well known because of the yellow border.

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1955 2014

The seventeen magazine models at first use to wear dresses and clothes famous of that era. But now the models wear modern and more attractive clothes. They also use more eye catching colors which would attract young women.

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