Page 1: Magazine cover analyse

Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Jack Rogers

Page 2: Magazine cover analyse

As part of m Magazine From Cover Analysis I looked at different front covers from well known magazines such as Rolling Stone, Whirl and F.By looking at the covers on the right I can see that why all have one thing in common, one large image in the centre, this I eye-catching and on some of them here is rule of thirds. Also Balancing elements , this means that you should balance everything together in your photo for example balance the weight to fill the whole surface.

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On the Right you can see The American Magazine cover Whirl, this magazine cover has a similar target audience to my own Magazine cover that I will make, my target audience age range is 16-25, it as masculine colours with the dark and the contrast of the orange.

Whirl Magazine Cover

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By looking at the Music Magazine I can start to analyze the different effects used the Magazine, for example I cab start to look at the different photography rules, by looking direct at the Magazine I can see that straight away we can see a picture of the well known Rap Hip/Hop Artist Wiz Khalifa also his body is leaning in from the right straight through o the center of the page almost as of he is making an entrance to the magazine. Not only is a picture a key feature of a magazine but the text e font and the layout are key features of a successful magazine.

The text is clear, bold easy o read and draws attention to the page straight away.

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Masthead & Selling Line

The Logo Whirl is big bold and stands out on the page the image is behind it so the title stands out, it fills the whole top of the page. The Title is the first thing hat you see on any Magazine. The Leading line in this Magazine cover is Wiz Khalifa + mac miller naming other artists in the magazine selling there names making you reed on to find out more. How does the appearance and style of lettering suit the intended target audience.

Also another key feature of represent my Target Age is the Spring Fashion icon this represent it because my Target age of 16- 25 they like to focus on fashion going out and music.

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Main Image

The image of every Magazine cover has to be big old sand eye-catching and appealing to the right target audience. In tis Magazine Cover the picture is of a well known Rap Hip/Hop artist Wiz Khalifa who is a popular target for my target audience when I create own magazine cover.

Underneath the Tile Whirl he last letter the L the Date ad the year of the published Magazine is on the page the Year and the Month of this March 2011 as most companies are not bothered about the date and the year on there Magazine cover they write it small so that they can see the Image and he Text First.

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Cover Lines & Main SellsThe cover lines I any Magazine cover has to belike the image it has to be bi bold and appealing to the correct target audience. The Magazine Header Band is the title Whirl, the selling line for the magazine is the txt about the other artists such as Mac Miller. The Cover Line are usually the last thing that you see from the title and the image. The Language used in the cover lines are used so that the reader opens he Magazine ad continues reading the Magazine. The Cover Line in this cover suggest that it is for my Target audiences It describes more artists.

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I can see by this magazine cover that this has a different Target Audience to the other Magazine covers that I have been analyzing as you can see by the cover it has strap lies an text such as Lady ga ga Queen of pop ? Making you red on the Magazine my target audience is about the genre of Rap Hip Hop and not pop and girl.

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In tis Magazine Cover it is different to the other one because of the layout the picture is in the middle and the contrast isn't as well balanced as the other Magazine cover.

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Ideas for my own magazine

The images next o his are some practicing that I have doe to create my own logo I used this in illustrator. From looking at different images and text throughout the different magazines I can now start o look at what I can use as part of my own magazine I can now star o loom at the different types of main images to use the different headlines an cover lines and main sells and the different mast heads to use.

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