


    : ,






    MADHYA PRADESH G-2 stage)

    : / / Toposheet No /

    : - / Field Season: 201 -1

    : / / / / / / FSP code: 06 /ME/CR/MP/201 /0



    Shraddha Kumari, Geologist Biswabara Panda, Geologist

    /Geophysical Survey by

    , Dr. R. K. Gedam, Senior Geophysicist

    , /Smt. T.R. Marada, Assistant Geophysicist

    , /Shri C. B. Tiwari, Assistant Geophysicist

    : / Place: Bhopal

    - / November

    , ,


    No part of this report to be quoted or reproduced in any form, what so ever without prior written permission of the

    Director General Geological Survey of India, Kolkata-70001

    Limited Circulation

  • 1

    मध्य प्रदेश के छिन्दवाडा जिले के िंगलदेहरी क्षेत्र में आधार धातु खछििीकरण के गवेषण पर अछंतम प्रतीवेदि ररपोर्ट (िी-2)

    मद क्रमांक: ०६४/एमई/सीआर/एमपी/२०१६/०५४ श्रद्धा कुमारी, भूवैज्ञाछिक बिश्विारा पण्डा,भूवैज्ञाछिक


    भारतीय भूवैज्ञानिक सवेक्षण, पररचालि मध्य प्रदेश भपपाल कश र्थिकक भूिवज्ञाि प्रभाग कश कायकक्रम २०१६-१७ कश मदे क्रमाांक ०६४/एमई/सीरर/एमपी/२०१६/०५४ कश अिुसरण में निन्देवाडा जिलश कश िांगलदेशहरी ब्लाक में रधार धातुओ कश ललयश भशदेि द्वारा िवस्ततृ अन्वशषण ककया गया |िांगलदेशहरी ब्लाक िपकक टपपप ीट सांख्या 55K/05 कश कुि हहस्सों में ालमल है जिसमश िी-२ चरण का कायकक्रम ककया गया जिसमश निकट देरुी भशदेि और गहरश प्रनतच्िशदेि ालमल है| कायक सत्र २०१६-१७ का क्षशत्र कायक ०१ अप्रैल २०१६ कप ुरु ककया गया और ३१ माचक २०१७ तक िरी रहा | ब्लाक में भशदेि कायक ०६ िूि २०१६ सश सुरु हुर और १३ ििुअरी २०१७ कप सम्पि हुर |

    अन्वशषण कश देौराि कुल ४००मीटर कश क्षशत्र कप िी-२ स्तर कश प्रनतच्िशदेि अन्वशषण कश ललयश ललया गया है जिसमश ६० मीटर और ९० मीटर पर खानिजिकृत िपि कप ऊध्वाकधर गहराई पर कटा गया है इसकश अलावा अांतराल कप भी ५०मीटर घटाया गया | कुल ६ भशदेि निद्र गए जिसमश ३ भशदेि निद्र देसूरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र पहलश स्तर (सत्र २००८-०९) कश भशदेि निद्र कश पीिश ककयश गए, देसूरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र की लम्बाई १३०मीटर सश लशकर १८० मीटर तक है | देसूरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र (६०मीटर), पहलश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र (MPCJD 01,MPCJD 02 और MPCJD 05) में पाए िािश वालश खनिि की गहराई और देसूरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र MPCJD 06(सत्र २००८-०९) का क्षशत्र निरांतरता िाांचिश कश ललयश ककया गया | इसकश अलावा तीि अन्य तीसरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र, पहलश स्तर और देसूरश स्तर कश भशदेि निद्र कश बीच में ककयश गए िप ९०मीटर पर खानिजिकृत िपि कप ऊध्वाकधर गहराई पर कटािश कश ललयश ककया गया, तीसरश भशदेि निद्रप की गहराई १७१.१० मीटर सश लशकर २००.४० मीटर तक है |

    अन्वशिषत क्षशत्र ENE-WSW हदे ा में िवस्ततृ बशतुल पट्टी का एक भाग है | जिसमश िवलभन्ि प्रकार कश ज्वालामुखी, कायाांतररत तथिा अवसादेी ैल है | इिमश पररवनतकत रायपलाइट, टुफ, एवां अन्य प्रकार की रायपलाइट अिावतृ है | पररवनतकत रायपलाइट एवां टुफ जििमश गािेट, माइका तथिा गहिाइट खनिि पाए िातश है, रधार धातुओ की अ्धथिशय चट्टािें है | गािेट- माइका- गहिाइट युक्त ैल एक ४२५ मीटर लम्बी पहाड़ी का निमाकण करता है |

  • 2

    इसका िवस्तार N600E- S600W हदे ाओ में है तथिा यश ैल देक्षक्षण हदे ा की ओर 400 सश 700 तक का िनतमाि दे ाकतश है | क्षशत्र में कई ENW-WSW हदे ाओ में खखचााँ हुर काट्ि और लसलीसीकफकश ि द्वारा निलमकत ल यर िपि दे ाकतश है |

    अन्वशषण कायक क्षशत्र कश बीच वालश हहस्सश में ENE-WSW हदे ा वाली पहाड़ी कश देक्षक्षणी भाग में ककया गया, िपकक काट्ि-मास्कपवाइट-बायपटाइट-क्लपराइट+/-गािेट+/-गहिाइट ैल सश बिी है और यही हपस्ट चट्टाि है | पहाड़ी का रयाम ५००x५० मीटर है | अन्वशषण कश देौराि ६ भशदेि निद्रप में कुल १०२५.६० मीटर का भशदेि कायक ककया ग (इिमें10% िमूिश िाांच िवश्लशषण कश ललयश ालमल है ) एवां ४५८ ड्रिलकपर िमूिश एकत्र ककयश गए | इिकश अनतररक्त २० िमूिश पशट्रपलाजिकल कश अध्यि कश ललयश, १५ िमूिश पशट्रपरसाइनिक कश अध्यि कश ललयश, १० सरफ़र रइसपटपप कश अध्यि कश ललयश, ५ िमूिश EPMA तथिा १० SEM-EDX अध्यि कश ललयश एकत्र ककयश गए तथिा ६० िमूिश चट्टािप कश भूरासानिक िव लशषण कश ललयश भी ललयश गए|

    अन्वशषण कायक क्षशत्र में ६०.०० घि मीटर गड्ढा ऐवम ्खाई खपदेिश का काम ककया गया थिा। खनिि क्षशत्र में कपर िमूिाकरण .५० मीटर िमूिा लम्बाई पर ककया गया है| इसकश अलावा सभी देसुरश एवां तीसरश भशदेि निद्रप कश खनिि क्षशत्र कश रधश कटश हुए भाग में सश रधश भाग कप जिसका विि लगभग २५० ककलप ग्राम है कप रई.बी.एम, ओडी.लैब, िागपुर कप भशि हदेया गया तथिा एक सांपूणक भशदेि निद्र कप देरूस्थि सशलसांग प्रयपग ाला, भारतीय भूवैज्ञानिक सवेक्षण, िागपुर कप वणकक्रमीय अध्यि(एच.वाई लौगर) कश ललयश भशिा गया |

    िांगलदेशहरी क्षशत्र में भूभौनतकीय ्चत्रण कश ललए चुांबकीय, एस पी, रई पी और प्रनतरपधक तरीकों सश एकीकृत भूभौनतकीय सवेक्षण क्षशत्र में रधार धातु कश खनिि कश ्चत्रण कश ललयश ककया गया । सतह भूभौनतकी सवेक्षण कश अलावा, लगभग प्रत्यशक बशध निद्र कश भूभौनतकी सांलशखि कश माध्यम सश उपसतह भभूौनतकी सवेक्षण भी ककया गया थिा, जिसकश ललयश रत्म सांभाव्य, लसांगल प्वाइांट प्रनतरपध, तापमाि, प्राकृनतक गामा और प्रनतरपधकता तरीकों का प्रयपग ककया गया हैं। िी-२ चरण का एक भाग कश रूप में िांगलदेशहरी ब्लाक में अिैव प्राचल (पैरामीटर) का निधाकरण ककया गया | इसमें ५ उपसतह कश पािी कश िमूिों का सांग्रह ालमल है | सभी िमूिों कप कश लमकल लैब, भपपाल भशिा गया ताकक क्षशत्र कश िवलभन्ि तत्वों कश ललयश रधारभूत पयाकवरण डाटा तैयार ककया िा सकश | इि पािी कश िमूिों का औसत तापमाि 23.90C है | इि िामुमप का PH थिपडा अम्लीय (6.31) तथिा थिपडा क्षारीय (7.47) है इिका औसत 6.8 है| इलशजक्ट्रक चालकता (ईसी) 3 9 4 μS / cm और 674 μS / cm कश बीच है और इसका औसत 507 μS / cm है | ६ भशदेि निद्रप कश िमूिों कश िवश्लशषणात्मक पररणाम कश अिुसार िांगलदेशहरी क्षशत्र कश खानिजिकृत िपि का स्वभाव उन्ितपदेर तथिा चपता है | इसका मखु्य अयस्क खनिि

  • 3

    स्पाल्हशराइट है िप गािटे-गहिाइट ल स्ट और गािेहटफश रस-क्वाट्कि-मीका-ल स्ट में फैला हुर,लकीर तथिा पट्टीयों कश रूप में लमलता है | सभी ४५८ कपर िमूिों, १५ पशट्रपरसाइनिक िमूिों, ५ पािी कश िमूिों का िवश्लशषणात्मक पररणाम र चकूा है | िांगलदेशहरी ब्लॉक कश सल्फर रइसपटपप िवश्लशषण सश पता चला है कक अलग –अलग सल्फर रइसपटपप δ34S VSDT (‰) का मूल्य सल्फाइड खनििों कश ललए अलग-अलग है| सल्फाइड खनििों कश मूल्य +5 .01 पलमकल सश लशकर में +10.50 पलमकल तक है जिसका औसत +8.5 है, िप की यश दे ाकता है कक िपराइट, स्पललशराइट और चालकपपीराइट खनििों का निमाकण एक ही चरण कश िलतापीय द्रव कश उत्पादेि कश देौराि हुर है| सभी 60 खाई कश िमूिों कश रासायनिक िवश्लशषण कश अिुसार प्राप्त उच्चतम Zn माि खाई MPBBJ / टीरर -1 (1.52%Zn) में है शष सभी खाई कश िमूिों का Zn मा 1% सश कम हैं। िवश्लशषणात्मक रांकड़ों कश अिुसार िांगलधारश ब्लॉक कश बपरहपल एमपीबीबीिश -02 (एफएस 2016-17) में सबसश अ्धक खनिि क्षशत्र है। बाकी सभी भशदेि निद्रप कश िमूिों का िवश्लशषणात्मक पररणाम 0.5% सश 1% Zn है। इसललए 1%Zn कटऑफ ग्रशड पर, बबिा स्टॉिपांग िवड्थि कप ध्याि मश रखतश हुए, प्रथिम, द्वीतीय व ततृीय स्तर कश बपहोल्स कश क्रॉस-सशक् ि िव्ध द्वारा ररिवक की गणिा की गयी है जिसकश अिुसार कुल ररिवक 1568557.50 टि , 1.14% Zn कश साथि लगभग 400मीटर की लांबाई मश राँका गया | िब 2 मीटर की स्टॉिपांग िवड्थि कप भी ध्याि मश रखा गया तप 1% Zn कट ऑफ पर कुल ररिवक 913310.25 टि,1.33% Zn कश साथि लगभग 400मीटर की लांबाई मश राँका गया है। रईबीएम कश अयस्क िशलसांग लैब, िागपुर द्वारा िााँच सश प्राप्त पररणामप कश अिुसार िमूिों में 105 पीपीएम घि, 150 पीपीएम पीबी, 0.46% िशएि, 69.05% सीओ 2, 12.45% अल 2 ओ 3, 4.60% फीट), 0.85% कैओ, 2.45% एमिीओ, 1.00 % एस है| स्पललशराइट कश रूप उपजस्थित िस्ता बहुत कम मात्रा में है। हालाांकक िमूिों में Zn (0.46%) की कम मात्रा है, पर इसश 49.27% तक बढाया िा सकता है। फॉण्ट प्लपटश ि कश बादे अांनतम िस्ता का सांकें द्रण 49.27% Zn, 2.59% SiO2, 1.23% Al2O3, 1.110% Cu, 1.560% Pb, 9.62% Fe(T), 29.79% S है, जिसका िस्ता वसूली 89.5%(विि% उपि 0.85)है और यह धातु कश उपयपग कश ललए उपयुक्त हप सकता है। MEMC नियमों कश अिुसार, िांगलदेहरी ब्लॉक मश अपधातु गवशषण िी- 2 स्तर कश अांतगकत ककया गया व ररसपसक कप UNFC 332 वगक मश निरूिपत ककया गया |

  • 4



    (Item code:064/ME/CR/MP/2016/054)

    Shraddha Kumari,Geologist

    Biswabara Panda,Geologist



    In pursuance of the item code 064/ME/CR/MP/2016/054 of Project: Economic

    Geology, Geological Survey of India, SU: MP, Bhopal, an exploration programme for base

    metal mineralization was undertaken in Jangaldehri Block in Chhindwara district, M. P. A

    G-2 stage prospecting program involving close spaced drilling with deeper intersection of

    mineral body, was carried out in Jangaldehri Block covering parts of toposheet no. 55K/5.

    The fieldwork was commenced on 1st April 2016 and continued up to 31

    st March 2017.

    Drilling in the block commenced from 06th

    June 16, and concluded on 13th

    January 2017. During the investigation a total of 400.0 m strike length was taken up for G2 level

    exploration to intersect the ore body at 60.0 m & 90.0 m vertical depth, besides reducing the

    inter borehole spacing to 50.0 m. A total of 06 boreholes including 03 boreholes of the 2nd

    level behind the first level boreholes were drilled. The individual length of borehole varied

    from 130.0 m to 180.0 m, to check the depth persistence of mineralisation intersected in BH

    nos. MPCJD-1, MPCJD-2 & MPCJD-5 (previously drilled borehole in FS 2008-09) at 60.0 m

    vertical depth and simultaneously checking the strike continuity of the mineralisation

    intersected in BH No. MPCJD-6 (FS 2008-09). Besides these, 03 other boreholes (3rd level)

    were also planned in a staggered pattern located in between the 1st and 2nd level of boreholes

    to check the depth persistence of mineralisation at 90.0 m vertical depth besides reducing the

    spacing of boreholes to 50.0 m. The individual length of 3rd level of boreholes is varying

    from 171.10m to 200.40 m.

    Geologically, the explored area forms a part of the ENE – WSW trending Betul Belt

    that consists of a volcanosedimentary sequence exposing bi-modal volcanics and associated

    sediments. The bi-modal volcanic component is dominant in the eastern part of the belt. The

    area consists of massive rhyolites, hornblende-rich grey rhyolites, pyritiferous rhyolites, sills

    of amphibolite, tuffs, and hydrothermally altered and metamorphosed rhyolites. The latter

    form host rock for basemetal mineralization and comprise quartz-sericite schist, quartz –

    muscovite – biotite ± chlorite ± garnet ± gahnite schist, and anthophyllite – tremolite –

    actinolite schist. The rock formations strike N60°E – S60°W and dip towards the south-east

    at angles varying between 45° and 70°. A number of ENE – WSW trending shear zones

    marked by stretched quartz and silicification are seen in the area.

    Exploration was carried out in the central part of the area on the southern flanks of the

    ENE – WSW trending ridge formed by quartz – muscovite – biotite ± chlorite ± garnet ±

    gahnite schist, which forms the host rock. The ridge has a dimension of about 500 m × 50 m

    and forms an elevation difference of about 25 to 30 m with the adjacent gently rolling plains.

  • 5

    The exploratory work included 1025.60 m of drilling in six boreholes and collection of 458

    core samples(including 10 % Check analysis) for analysis of base metals, 20 samples for

    petrological studies, 15 samples for petrochemical studies,10 for sulfur isotopes studies,5 for

    EPMA studies,10 for SEM-EDX studies and 60 samples from trenches for geochemical


    Pitting & trenching of 60 cu.m was also carried out for better surface and sub surface

    correlation. Core sampling in the mineralised zone was carried out at 0.50 m sample length.

    Besides, all borehole samples half of the half core split samples of the mineralized zone of the


    and 3rd

    level boreholes were bulked to around 250 kg were submitted to IBM, OD Lab,

    Nagpur for multimineral recovery.A spectral data (HY logger) of one borehole was also sent

    to the Remote sensing laboratory, Geological Survey of India, Nagpur for the study of

    alteration mineralogy down the depth.

    The detailed geophysical surveys employing SP, magnetic (VF and TF) , IP (Time

    Domain) Resistivity methods have been carried out in Jangaldehri block, Betul Belt

    Chhindwara district, MP with the aim to detect and delineate of base metal mineralization

    occurrences, to decipher the depth continuity of causative source and to provide an estimate

    of size, shape, structure and nature of mineralization.

    Apart from the ground geophysics, geophysical borehole logging was also carried out

    in almost all boreholes employing self potential, single point resistance, temperature, and

    natural gamma and resistivity methods.

    As a part of G 2 stage investigation, abiotic parameter determination was also carried

    out in Jangaldehri block. This includes collection of 5 sub surface water samples. The water

    samples were analyzed at GSI, Chemical Lab, Bhopal for analysis of different elements for

    creating a baseline geo environmental data of the area. The average water temperature

    recorded at the time of collection of samples was 23.9⁰C. The PH of the water of these dug

    wells varies from slightly acidic (6.31) and slightly alkaline (7.47) with an average of 6.8.

    Electric conductivity (EC) varies between 394 μS/cm and 674 μS/cm with an average of 507


    The ore body in the Jangaldheri Block, as suggested by the analytical result of the

    core samples from the 6 boreholes displays a pinching and swelling nature . The main ore

    mineral is sphalerite occuring as (i) disseminated grains, (ii) bands, (iii)veins,streaks,

    stringers in garnet-gahnite schist & garnetiferous- quartz-mica- schist.

    The analytical results of 458 out of 458core samples, 5 water samples & 15 petro-

    chemical samples are received. The Sulphur isotope analysis revealed that Sulphur isotope


    S VSDT (‰) values for different sulphide minerals from Jangaldheri block are in the range

    of +5.01 permil to +10.20 permil with averaging to +8.5 permil which depicts pyrite,

    sphalerite and chalcopyrite minerals are formed by a single stage hydrothermal fluid. The

    Sulphur source and sulphide producing reactions must have been similar during the single

    stage hydrothermal mineralization & hence, syngenetic by nature. Among 60 trench samples,

    the highest Zn values obtained by chemical analysis is in trench MPBBJ/TR-1 i.e. 1.52%Zn.

    Remaining Zn values are less than 1%.

  • 6

    The thickest mineralised zone is noticed in borehole MPBBJ-02 (FS 2016-17). The

    mineralisation observed in Jangaldheri Block is poor in tenor (0.5% to 1% Zn). Therefore

    considering only 1% Zn cut off grade, without considering 2m stopping width, the total

    reserve calculated by cross-section method for 1st, 2

    nd & 3

    rd level boreholes is 1568557.50

    tones with average 1.14% Zn over a strike length of 400m. Second estimation of ore reserve

    calculated by taking 1% Zn & 2m stopping width in to consideration is 913310.25 tonnes

    with average grade of 1.33% Zn over a strike length of 400m.

    The sample for ore beneficiation at Ore Dressing Lab, IBM, , Nagpur assayed 105

    ppm Cu, 150 ppm Pb, 0.46% Zn, 69.05% SiO2, 12.45% Al2O3, 4.60% Fe(T), 0.85% CaO,

    2.45% MgO and 1.00% S. The zinc in the form of sphalerite present is very low quantity.

    Though the sample contains low quantity of Zn (0.46%) it could be upgraded upto 49.27%

    Zn. The final zinc concentrate after froth flotation assayed 49.27% Zn, 2.59% SiO2, 1.23%

    Al2O3, 1.110% Cu, 1.560% Pb, 9.62% Fe(T), 29.79% S with 89.5% Zinc recovery

    (Weight% yield being 0.85) and may be find suitable for metallurgical use.

    As per the MEMC rules, the basemetal exploration in the Jangaldheri Block is

    covered by G-2 stage and the resources are categorised at UNFC stage (332).

  • 7


    2. Introducion

    2.1 Scope and purpose of the present work

    In pursuance of item no. 064/ME/CR/MP/2016/054 of field season (2016-17) of GSI,

    CR, SU:MP Bhopal, general exploration for basemetal in Jangaldehri Block, Betul belt,

    Chhindwara district,M.P (G2 stage) was carried out in parts of Survey of India T.S No. 55K/5,

    with an objective to assess basemetal mineralization in Jangaldehri Block at a greater depth

    and to assess the strike continuity of mineralization established under G-3 stage of work during

    FS 2008-09. During FS 2007-08, detailed geological mapping on 1:2000 scale of an area of

    0.75 sq km and geochemical soil sampling had been carried out in Jangaldehri block,which

    established presence of a sizable geochemical anomaly (600m x 250m) for Zn with maximum

    Zn value of 6000ppm(M.N.Mishra,2010). Subsequently, exploration by drilling had been

    carried out during FS 2008-09 by M.N.Mishra involving 754 m drilling in 6 boreholes (5 first

    level boreholes with vertical depth ranging from 20m- 46m and 1 second level borehole with

    vertical depth 60m) at 100 m strike interval to establish the presence of sulphide mineralization

    at depth and also to check the extension of the mineralized zone along the strike of the rock

    formations. Atotal of analysed 326 core samples were analysed from 6 boreholes and indicated

    presence of ore bodies showing irregular distribution with pinch and swell characters over a

    strike length of 400m. The total ore resource by cross section method was estimated 989521

    tonnes with average 1.10% Zn.

    During present G-2 stage of exploration in Jangaldehri block, the total 400 m strike

    length is taken into consideration for drilling to intersect the orebody at 60m and 90m vertical

    depth besides reducing the spacing of the borehole to 50m. A total of 06 nos. of boreholes have

    been drilled involving 1025.60m of drilling. Three boreholes are drilled as 2nd

    level boreholes

    behind previously drilled 1st level boreholes to check the depth persistence of mineralization at

    60m vertical depth and simultaneously checking the strike continuity of the mineralization

    intersected in previously drilled 2nd

    level borehole. Three more boreholes are drilled as 3rd

    level boreholes in staggered pattern located in between 2nd

    level boreholes to check the depth

    persistence of mineralization at 90m vertical depth, besides reducing the spacing of boreholes

    to 50 m. A total of 458 nos. of core samples (including 10% check analysis) are analyzed for

    basemetal, gold and silver. In addition, geophysical survey in 5 L km and geophysical logging

    of all boreholes have also been carried out in Jangaldehri block.

    A total of 20 petrological, 15 PCS, 10 sulphur isoptope studies, 10 SEM-EDX studies

    and 5 EPMA studies samples were processed and analysed. EPMA studies have been carried

    out at EPMA lab, Faridabad and SEM-EDX studies at Paleontology lab, GSI, Nagpur. The

    sulphur isotope analysis samples are submitted to the NCEGR lab, GSI, Bangalore. The results

    are awaited. The core samples of 01 borehole is submitted for hyper spectral study at Remote

    Sensing lab, GSI, CR, Nagpur. About 250 kg of core samples from mineralized zone is

    processed, prepared and submitted for ore beneficiation and determination of bulk density at

    IBM, Nagpur. Results are awaited.

    Skeletonisation of all boreholes has been done and cores are ready for submission to

    the core library at GSI, CR, Nagpur. Borehole MPBBJ-04 has been preserved in –toto. The

    block boundary is marked with the help of DGPS Survey.

  • 8

    Table-2.1: The Nature and quantum of work done

    Nature of work Target assigned for the F.S. 2016-17



    a) Surface Exploration

    (i) PT 50.0 cu.m 60.00 cu.m

    (ii) PTS 50 nos. 60 nos.

    Sub Surface Exploration

    (i) Drilling 1000 m 1025.60m

    (ii) Core Samples (10% of Check

    analysis) 350 nos. 458nos.

    (iii)Bulk sampling for Beneficiation

    study 1no(250kg of sample

    from all the mineralized zones of 1/4th of borehole cores)


    (iv) Sampling for Bulk Density Study As Necessary 3nos.

    Geophysical Survey

    (a)GP:Survey (IP,SP,Resistivity)

    5 L km 5 L km

    (b)GP:BHLOG All BH′ s 6nos. (1004.4.m)

    Petrographic/ Mineralogical studies

    (i) PS 20 Nos 20nos.

    (ii) PCS 15 Nos 15nos.

    (iii) Sulphur isotope studies 10Nos 10nos

    (iv) SEM-EDX 10 Nos 10nos.

    (v) EPMA 5 Nos 5nos.

    (vi) Spectral Studies(HY Logger) 01BH Result awaited

    Abiotic Parameters determination

    Ground water samples 5 Nos 5nos.

    Chemical Analysis (a) Core Samples (Cu, Pb, Zn, Bi, Cd, Au,


    458 Nos. 458 nos.

    (b) PTS 60 Nos 60

    (c) PCS 15 Nos 15 nos.

    (d) Ore Beneficiation study 01 No 1 no.

  • 9

    The total number of field days by the officers is given in table 2.2 below

    Table-2.2 Field stays of the officer′ s

    Name of the officer Designation No. of Field


    Field Officers Shraddha Kumari Geologist 144 days

    Biswabara Panda Geologist 135 days



    LMS Maura Director (G) 09 days

    The drilling operation has been conducted under the supervision of Shri K.Ramar ,

    Area Incharge , unit No. 505,GSI,CR,Nagpur.

    2.2. Acknowledgements

    The authors are extremely grateful to Shri N. Kutumba Rao, ADG & HOD, GSI,

    Central Region, Nagpur, as well as Shri V. P. Sabale, the then DDG, GSI, SU:MP,Bhopal

    and Shri M. Sridhar,the then DDG & RMH-II for the technical, administrative supports

    provided by them for fruitful accomplishment of the project. The authors sincerely

    acknowledge the encouragement and cooperation rendered by Shri L.M.S. Maura, Director ,

    Project: Economic Geology SU: MP, Bhopal for his guidance and supervision during the

    field and supervision during course of report writing. The authors are also thankful to

    chemical division and lab support system for their cooperation in carrying out the field work

    for the water sample collection.They would also like to convey sincere thanks to all the senior

    colleagues for their constant support, encouragement and overall guidance.

    Besides, authors are thankful to all their colleagues and friends who were directly or

    indirectly associated during the entire investigation

  • 10


    Property Description

    3.1 Title of ownership of the mapped area/block:

    3.2 Details of the area/ block:

    3.2 Details of the area

    i) Village Village- Jangaldehri

    ii) District District- Chhindwara

    iii) State Madhya Pradesh

    iv) Survey of India Toposheet No. 55K/05

    v) Geo Coordinates of the area of all

    corner points

    The geo coordinates of the area of all the

    corner points have been enclosed as

    Annexure-I (A). Besides the corner points all

    the BH′ s and corner points of the geophysical

    map boundary have also been surveyed by

    DGPS. The same have been enclosed as

    Annexure-I (A) & I (B)

    vi) Cadastral details of the area with land


    To be done by the state DGM, Govt. of MP

    vii) Freehold / Leasehold Freehold

    i) Name The Director General, Geological Survey of

    India, Central Headquarters, 27 J N Road,


    ii) Address of the prospector Geological Survey of India, SU: Madhya

    Pradesh, E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal-462016.

    iii) E-mail ID of HOD, CR [email protected] ; [email protected]

    iv) Telephone no. of prospector 0755-2424349, 0755-2428368

    v) Period of prospecting/Mineral right if



    April-2016 to 31st



    vi) Details of exploration agency Geological Survey of India, SU: MP, Bhopal

    vii) Qualification, experience of associated

    technical person engaged in


    1) Prospecting Geologist (M.Sc. Geology)

    2) Prospecting Supervisor (M.Sc. Geology)

    3) Prospecting Geophysicist (M.Sc. Geology / M.Sc. Geophysics.)

    4) Surveyor (Diploma) 5) Drilling staff– Team of drilling

    technician & Subordinate staff.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 11

    3.3 Location and accessibility

    Jangaldehri village is located in Jamai Tehsil of Chhindwara district in

    Madhya Pradesh, India. It is situated 50 km away from sub-district headquarter Jamai and

    100 km away from district headquarter Chhindwara. Satgwari is the gram panchayat of

    Jangaldehri village.

    Jangaldehri block comes under administrative jurisdiction of Chhindwara district of

    Madhya Pradesh. It is bounded by coordinates 21° 58′ 41.95533″ N: 78° 26′ 21.96832″ E;

    21° 58′ 54.73147″ N: 78° 27′ 05.68758″ E; 21° 58′ 21.83577″ N: 78° 26′ 29.67186″ E;

    and 21° 58′ 35.24937″ N: 78° 27′ 12.82534″ E on WGS 84 Datum and falls in Survey of

    India topographical sheet no. 55K/5 Grid C1.

    Bordehi is an important village in the area from where Jangaldehri can be reached

    through metalled road. The Bordehi railway station lies on the Amla-Parasia branch line of

    Central Railway which is connected at Amla with Delhi-Madras Trunk line and situated 18

    km away from Jangaldheri.The national highway No. 69 connecting Bhopal to Nagpur passes

    through Multai which is situated about 40 km from Jangaldehri and connected by a metalled


    Fig 1.1 Location map of the Jangaldehri Block in Toposheet no. 55K/5 with respect

    to Madhya Pradesh and India.

  • 12

    3.4 Climate

    The area experiences subtropical climatic condition with fairly cold winter and hot

    Summer (43°C). Rainfall in the area varies from moderate to fairly high with July and August

    being the wettest months. The least amount of rainfall occurs in April with an average of

    11mm and the most precipitation occurs in the month of August with an average of

    316mm.The variation in the precipitation between the driest and wettest month is 305mm.

    The area also receives occasionally winter rains.

    During the year the temperature varies from 2⁰C minimum to 40⁰C maximum. The

    winter season last from November to February. During winter the temperature varies from

    2⁰C to 20⁰C. The summer season last from April to June. The temperature varies from 28⁰C

    to 40⁰C being May and June as hottest months.

    3.5 Flora and Fauna

    The major part of the area near Jangaldehri Block is covered by cultivated land . The

    main crops of the area are wheat, groundnuts, gram and mustard yielding agriculture

    produces like wheat, sugarcane, rice etc. The plains of the prospecting area exhibits luxuriant

    growth of tress like Imli (Tamariundus indica), Babul (Acacia nilotica), Ber (Ziziphus

    maurintiana) and Jamun(Engenia). The central and southern part of the area is thickly

    forested comprising mostly of, Sal (Teminata tomantoca) & Mahua (Madhuka latifolia).

    Most of the hill slopes are covered by Teak (Tectona grandis) plantation. Bamboo (Dendro

    calamus) plantation is taken up by State Forest Department in the area. In Jangaldehri Block,

    the forest is not that much thick and plants are sparsely distributed.

    Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Leopard (Panthera pardus), wild boar (sus scrofa), Hyena

    (Crocuta crocuta), Monkey (Macaca fassicularis), Peacock (Pavo cristatus) constitute the

    main fauna of the area

  • 13

    3.6 Infrastructure & Environment:

    i) Local Infrstructure The block is located 18 km south east of

    Bordehi village, connecting Amla- Parasia

    branch line of Central Railway, which is

    connected at Delhi- Amla-Madras Trunk line.

    Nearest railhead is the Bordehi railway

    station. Nearest airport is Nagpur, which is

    about 130 kms from Bordehi town.

    ii) Host Population (As per census 2011) The population as per census 2011 in respect

    of the total Bordehi and villages around the

    prospect is as follows. (source:

    Panchyat/Village Total populations No. of Male No. of Females

    Bordehi 2,821 1,458 1,368

    Bindrai 1,160 587 573

    Shatgwari 941 480 461

    Nimoti 619 298 321

    Jangaldehri 686 360 326

    iii) Historical Sites No historical sites are present in the

    prospected area. However Nagdev Mandir in

    Nimoti village located at a distance of nearly

    8 km from the prospecting area is the place

    of interest of the local people.

    iv) Forests Nearly 40% of the prospected area falls

    under the Jangaldehri Reserve/ Protected


    v) Sanctuaries No Sanctuaries are present in the prospecting


    vi) National park No National park is present in the

    prospecting area.

    vii) Environmental settings of the area The environmental setting of the area is

    given in the Chapter-3 under the subheading

    climate & flora and fauna (3.4 & 3.5)

  • 14

    CHAPTER- 4

    Previous Exploration Work

    The Jangaldehri Block lies in the central part of Betul Belt which encompasses

    several Zn-Pb-Cu prospects/deposits of volcanic flow hosted massive sulphides (VHMS)

    types. Several workers have carried out geological mapping, geochemical prospecting,

    mineral investigation and exploration works in central part of Betul belt.

    4.1 Details of previous exploration / investigation carried out by other agencies /part:

    Bhattacharya (1939-40) mapped the area to the north of Kherli Bazar and described

    the presence of Archaean gneisses and younger DeccanTrap rocks. Pascoe (1965) correlated

    the schists and the gneisses of Betul belt with the Dharwar rocks and described the rocks

    along the Bel River as metamorphosed igneous rocks of granitic character showing intense


    Dutta (1983-85) and Dutta (1985-86) carried out detailed geochemical

    prospecting around Bhawra Tekra and Dutta (1984-85) carried out regional geochamical

    survey in the area. Dutta (op.cit) reported the occurrence of deformed, fine-grained meta-

    arenite and argillic sediments in the area and meta-pyroxenite – gabbro association along

    with granitic rocks.

    Thambi and Chakravarty (1983-84) carried out geological mapping of a part of the

    minerailised belt near Bhawra Tekra. They described the presence of massive and pillowed

    metabasalts, amphibolites, gabbroic rocks, quartzite, quartz-mica schist, granitic gneisses,

    intra-trappeans, and Deccan Traps from Kherli area.

    Tiwari and Sanyal (1981) mapped part of toposheet nos. 55F/16 and 55G/13 in Betul

    district and reported a sequence of Archaean gneisses, derived as the end product of

    widespread anatexis and migmatisation and patches of Proterozoic metasediments and

    younger Precambrian gneisses. They correlated the rocks with the Mahakoshal and the

    Bijawar Groups.

    Systematic geological mapping was carried out by Shrivastava and Dawande (1990)

    and Jaggi and Pimprikar (1990) in toposheet nos. 55J/4, 8, 12, 15 and 55F/12 and 16. They

    grouped the granite gneisses, migmatites and granites in the Archaean and BHQ, metabasalt,

    phyllite, marble, and quartz- mica schist in the Mahakoshal Group.

    Raut and Mehrotra (1991) and Parihar and Chellani (1991), while carrying out second

    generation mapping in toposheet nos. 55G/9 and 55G/13 reported granitic gneisses,

    porphyroblastic gneiss, pink grey granite, pegmatoid gneiss, metasediments, tremolite-

    actinolite-quartz schist, marble bands, calc-silicates, hornfels, graphite schist, and skarn rocks

    intruded by aplite veins, quartzofeldspathic veins, and basic dykes. They also reported the

    presence of Gondwana and the Deccan Traps from the area. Ramachandra and Pal (1992)

    coined the term ″Kherli Group″ for the rocks of this area which included impersistent bands

    of meta-sediments, meta-ultramafics, metabasics, and metamorphosed granitic rocks of

  • 15

    tonalitic, trondjhemitic, granodioritic, granitic and quartz-monzonitic composition without

    any evidences of migmatisation.

    Mahakud (1993), Mahakud and Raut (1999), and Mahakud et al., (1995-96 to 1998-

    99) carried out detailed exploration, large scale(1:12,500) and detailed mapping in Bhawra

    Tekra, Bargaon – Tarora, Kehalpur, and Banskhapa – Pipariya blocks. During FS 2005-06,

    Mishra et al. carried out large scale mapping (1:12,500) in Biskhan – Khari, Pastalaimal –

    Diyamau – Semariya, Jangaldehri, and Khirki Kaneri – Borkhap areas.

    More recently, Chore S. A. (2002-03), Chakraborty and Praveen (2004), Shrivastava

    et al., (2008); Praveen et al., (2008); Senthilkumaran et al., (2008), Vishwakarma and

    Nambiar (2009) and Hemraj and Nambiar (2009) have carried out mineral investigation in

    Koparpani, Dehalwara, Bhuyari, Biskhan and Khari Blocks in Central part of Betul belt.

    Vishwakarma and Nambiar (2009) during FS 2006-07, collected systematic soil samples and

    Mishra (2010) carried out detailed geological mapping on 1:2000 scale in Jangaldehri Block

    during 2007-08 and subsequently carried out exploration for base metal mineralization in

    Jangaldehri Block in Chhindwara district, M. P during F 2008-09

    The detail geological mapping and geochemical soil sampling established presence of

    a sizable geochemical anomaly (600m x 250m) for Zn with maximum Zn value of 6000 ppm.

    Subsequently exploration during FS 2008-09 by M.N.Mishra established a 400m strike length

    mineralised zone showing irregular distribution with pinch and swell characters. The total ore

    resources was estimated about 989521 tonnes with average 1.10% Zn by cross section


    4. 2 Details of aero-geophysical and geophysical mapping:

    No such data of previous aero-geophysical and geophysical mapping carried out by

    other agencies / parties are available.

  • 16


    Geoscience investigation 5A. Regional Geology:

    5A.I. Brief regional geology:

    The Jangaldehri Block in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh is situated in the

    central part of the Betul Belt. The Betul Belt forms a part of Central Indian Tectonic Zone

    (CITZ), and represents a Proterozoic mobile belt (Roy and Prasad, 2001).The Betul belt is of

    Late Archean to Neoproterozoic age which is bounded by two large scale fault / ductile shear

    zones-the Son-Narmada South Fault (SNSF) in the north and Goviligarh-Tan shear zone in

    the south. The ENE-WSW trending Betul supracrustal belt forms a conspicuous litho-tectonic

    unit lying between Mahakoshal belt in the north and Sausar supracrustal belt in the south,

    (Fig-5.1). This belt extends for a length of about 135 km with an average width of 15 km

    from Chhindwara town in the east to Chicholi village in Betul district in the west and is

    composed of volcano-sedimentary rocks, intruded by mafic-ultramafic and granitic suite of

    rocks in that order (Srivastava and Chellani, 1995). Lithologically the belt is more similar to

    the Mahakoshal supracrustals in having large volume of volcanic rocks than to the volcanic

    free Sausar belt. The Betul belt is surrounded by younger Gondwana sediments and Deccan

    Trap from three directions and through a narrow NW-SE trending corridor along Kanhan.

    The gneissic complex of Betul belt shows tectonic contact with the gneisses of Sausar Belt of

    Chhindwara district.Roy et al 2001 described three distinct suites of rocks; 1). Supracrustals,

    which include quartzites, metapelite, bimodal volcanics (basalt-rhyolite) metaexalhites, calc-

    silicates and BIF which show evidence for shallow water sedimentation on a sialic crust, 2)

    Ultramafic-mafic suite, represented by pyroxenite – hornblende, pyroxenite – gabbro –

    diorite - quartz diorite association and 3) Syntectonic porphyritic to homophanous granites.

    The gneissic complex hosting supracrustals considered to be the basement. Due to

    shearing and copious granite magmatism the supracrustal rocks are disposed as disturbed

    sequence. The Betul belt presents a unique lithopackage in CITZ containing bimodal

    volcanics in general and abundant felsic volcanics in particular. The belt is traversed by a

    number of ENE-WSW ductile shear zones having sub vertical to steep dips towards north

    which were developed during deformation and show low to medium grade metamorphism.

    The metasedimentary / supracrustal litho association dominate the western and north

    western part of the belt around Sonaghati and Chicholi areas, whereas the volcano

    sedimentary sequence dominates the eastern and central parts. The mafic-ultramafic complex

    crops out mainly in the western and north western part of the belt around Padhar and in the

    eastern part of the belt around Mordongri where it occurs in association with bimodal

    volcanics. Apart from these mafic-ultramafic complexes, there are several other mapable

    units of gabbro, pyroxenite and hornblendite which also occur in association with bimodal

    volcanics. Granitoids show both intrusive and tectonic contact relationship with the

    supracrustals and mafic-ultramafics. Several ENE-WSW trending ductile shear zones have

    often served as avenues for emplacement of granitic rocks.

    The Palaeoproterozoic older metasediments/supracrustals comprising graphite schist,

    marble, calc- silicates, tremolite- actinolite schist and quartzites are seen only in the western

    and north- western part of the belt around Sonaghati and Chicholi forming high ridges. These

    rocks are very well foliated and occur as enclaves within older granite gneisses. Older

  • 17

    metasediments show intense shearing and mesoscopic fold closures with axial planes

    trending ENE-WSW.

    Granite gneisses are seen around west of Betul, Amla and Morkha. Morkha granite

    gneiss has been dated as 1550 ± 50 Ma by Rb- Sr method (Barganje, AMD, Nagpur-

    personnel communication quoted by Mahakhud et al., 2001a).

    ENE- WSW trending bimodal volcano- sedimentary sequence is very well exposed in

    the central and eastern part of the belt stretching from Kherli Bazar in the WSW to east of

    Bhuyari in the ENE. In the bimodal suite of volcanics, the felsic volcanics are proportionately

    much more abundant than their basic counterpart. Impersistent bands of metasediments

    interlayered with siliceous and lithic tuff occur within these felsic volcanics. Basic volcanics

    in the area are represented by pillowed and non -pillowed, vesicular and amygdular


    Younger metasediments comprising phyllites, quartz- mica schist, ferruginous quartzite

    and banded haematite quartzite are confined in the northwestern part of the belt around

    Bhopali, Ranipur, Ghodadongri etc.

    Mafic and ultramafic suite of rocks of possible Neoproterozoic age occurs in the

    western part of Betul Belt around Padhar which comprises gabbro, pyroxenite, dunite,

    peridotite, serpentinite etc.

    The Lower to Middle Proterozoic metasediments have developed on a sparse scale in

    the area and are represented by quartzites and schist. The metasedimentaries include

    quartzites, calcareous quartzites, quartz mica schist, graphite schist, carbon phyllite and

    marble. These metasedimentaries occur as enclaves within the granite gneisses and are

    continuous litho units in the northern and western part of the Sonaghati ridge.

  • 18

    Fig-5.1. Geological map showing different components of CITZ. Bundelkhand and

    Bastar Craton and geological setup within and near CITZ, Data from various published

    geological maps, after Roy et al. 2002.

  • 19

    PLATE -I

  • 20

    5A.II. Regional Stratigraphy

    Past workers like Parihar and Chellani (1991), Raut and Mehrotra (1992), Ramteke

    and Patel (1993), Srivastava and Patel (1994), Ramteke and Jadia (1994) and Srivastava and

    Chellani (1995), Mahakhud (1993) and Mahakhud,(2000) have brought out different

    characteristic features of the Betul belt. Mahakhud (1993) provided a generalized

    stratigraphic succession of the belt which is given below.

    Table 5A.1: Stratigraphic succession of Betul belt (after Mahakud et al., 1993)

    Formation Lithology

    Cretaceous Deccan Trap

    Basaltic flows with basalt dykes of post

    Deccan Trap phase

    Late Proterozoic Basic intrusive/Ultrabasic Hornblendite/gabbro/pyroxenite

    Acid intrusives Granites/aplite/pegmatite/quartz vein

    Middle Proterozoic

    Younger meta sediments Phyllites/quartz-mica schist,ferruginous


    Volcano sedimentary sequence

    Acid volcanics, meta rhyolite, tuff with

    intercalation of meta sediments like

    anthophyllite schist, calc silicate etc.

    Basic volcanics, pillowed and non

    pillowed meta basalt

    Early Proterozoic

    Granitoid complex Granite gneiss, porphyritic gneiss,

    pillowed meta basalt

    Older meta sediments Graphite schist, marble, calc silicate,

    tremolite-actinolite schist and quartzite.

    Basement not seen

    The older metasedimentaries are confined to the western part of the belt around Betul

    town. The granite gneiss are exposed to the west of Betul town around Amla and

    Morkha.The volcanosedimentary sequence comprising bimodal volcanics and intercalations

    of impersistant metasediments are mainly found in Kherli Bazar-Bargaon-Banskhapa areas in

    central and eastern parts of the Betul Belt. Younger metasediments are found near

    Ghoradongri. Mafic and acid intrusives comprising gabbro/pyroxinite and granites are found

    throughout the belt. The Deccan Traps are exposed towards the south and east, while

    Godwanas towards west and north. Later on the basis of the litho assembleges, Chaturvedi

    (2001) has proposed a tectno-lithostratigraphic succession of Betul belt. It is s follows:-

  • 21

    According to Chakraborthy, the basement of Betul belt is occupied by

    banded migmatitic gneisses and is termed as Amla gneiss. These extend from east of Betul

    through Kosmi and Bhadus towards further west, along Betul-Ranipur road and south of

    Sonaghati ridge.

    Chakraborthy & Chore S. A. (2009) provides a tectono stratigraphic succession of

    Betul belt and is as follows.

    Table 5A .2 Tectano-litho stratigraphy of Betul belt (after Chaturvedi 2001)

    DECCAN TRAPS Basaltic lava flows and dolerite dykes



    Mainly sandstone, shale and conglomerates with

    coal seams in some areas.(Intrusive phase of

    Gabbro & dolerite dykes of post Gondwana age)

    Tectonic /Unconformable


    Quartz veins, quartzofeldspathic veins,

    Pegmatite veins, aplitic veins pink and grey


    PADHAR MAFIC COMPLEX Pyroxinite, gabbro and metabasics


    Dolomitic limestone,


    Frruginous quartzite

    INTRUSIVES Crudely foliated granite

    Porphyroblastic/augen gneiss



    Pillowed lava, basalt/aplitic/Komatite

    Chert rhyolite and associated volcano-clastics


    Kosmi Formation-quartz mica schist, actinolite-

    tremolite-chlorite schist, garnetiferrous mica

    schist and linear bands of graphite schist

    Temni Formation-Lenses of calcsilicate, marble

    and carbonates

    Sonaghati Formation- quartz calcarious quartzite,

    micaceous quartizites

    BETUL GNEISSIC COMPLEX Amla gneiss with interbands of schists and

    amphibolites representing basement

  • 22

    Table-5A.3: Tectonostratigraphic succession of Betul belt (modified after

    Chakraborty et al., 2009):

    The bimodal volcanic suite comprising basic and acid volcanic rocks with minor

    intercalations of meta-tuff and meta-pelites are termed as Bargaon Formation. The

    lithoassemblage of bimodal volcanosedimentary sequence comprises meta rhyolite and meta

    basalt. The lithoassemblage of Bargaon Formation is not directly in contact with the

    lithounits of Ranipur and Sonaghati Formation but is separated from each other by syn to post

    kinematic intrusive granites along prominent ductile shear zones. Metamorphic minerals like

    garnet, staurolite, andalusite and sillimanite have developed in metafelsic tuff. Basic

    volcanics in the area are represented by pillowed and non -pillowed, vesicular and amygdular

    metabasalt and the acid volcanic rocks are represented by metarhyolite and felsic metatuff. In

    DECCAN TRAPS Basaltic lava flows and dolerite

    dykes/basalt Intrusive contact / Disconformity



    Conglomerate, sandstones, and


    Unconformable / Tectonic Contact



    Basic dykes, pegmatites, quartz

    veins Homophanous Amphibole-

    Mica Granite, Porphyritic Granite

    Intrusive / Tectonic contact



    Diorite, Epidiorite, Gabbro, Norite,

    Pyroxinite, hornblendite,

    Websterite, Harzburgite,

    Anorthosite, Diorite, talc –

    serpentinite rock, quartz – epidote

    rock Intrusive / Tectonic contact



    Intercalated sequence of quartzite

    and quartz-mica schist

    Conformable / Tectonic contact



    Meta-sediments (mica schists)

    Metarhyolite and felsic metatuff

    Metabasalt and Amphibole –

    Chlorite schist Conformable / Tectonic contact



    Phyllite, Banded Hematite /

    Magnetite quartzite, BIF Granulite,

    Meta-basalt, amphibolites

    Carbonaceous phyllites Calcareous

    quartzite, calc-silicates, marble

    Un-conformable / Tectonic contact


    Banded migmatite gneiss,

    quartzofeldspathic mica schist


  • 23

    addition, metasediments are also associated with the Bargaon Formation. Metabasalt occurs

    as elliptical outcrops, often standing out as ridges with the long axis of the ellipse parallel to

    the direction of dominant foliation of the area. The metabasalt shows well developed pillow

    structure at several locations but best developed in the hill near Tarora. The Pillows have

    semicircular to elliptical cross section and are stacked one above the other. Megascopically,

    the acid volcanic rocks are medium grained, intensly deformed and metamorphosed. The

    dominant constituent minerals are quartz, feldspar, muscovite and occasionally garnet. The

    rock is generally massive but with the increase of muscovite, it becomes schistose at places.

    Pyroclastic material of varying sizes is often noticed in the acid volcanics. The bimodal

    volcano- sedimentary sequence is traversed by intrusives viz, quartz- vein, gabbro and

    amphibolite dykes.

    5A.III: Tectonic setting

    The timing and tectonic setting of deposition of the Betul supracrustal rocks is not yet

    certain. Available geochemical data indicate that the mafic volcanic rocks of the bimodal

    suite are low-K theolites and contain geochemical signatures of arc magmatism. Copious

    granitic magmatism around the belt, which is common to many arc settings, also corroborates

    the above contention. Further, the syn- to post-tectonic mafic- ultramafic rocks are interpreted

    to have been generated from an enriched mantle source, which is different from the source

    mantle for low-K tholeiites. Such a variable mantle source characters are also common to arc

    environment, where in subduction-related fluids enrich the source mantle (Wilson, 1989).

    Based on the above, an arc setting is inferred for the Betul belt. This, coupled with the

    presence of clastic quartzite in the sequence which would require a sialic crust, indicates a

    continental margin arc setting. In addition to major prominent shear zones, there are several

    shear zones along the margins of Betul, Sausar and Bilaspur supracrustal belts, which have

    channelled volumes of syn-tectonic granitic magmatism. The timing of the basin initiation is

    not known. Since, this basin was situated in an arc environment, it may be considered as

    coeval with the Mahakoshal basin of the back-arc. The basin closed at ca. 1.5 Ga, as recorded

    by the syn- tectonic granitic rocks. This event was also accompanied by large scale mantle

    melting, which resulted in copious hydrous ultramafic-mafic magmatism (Chaturvedi, R.K,


    .IV: Metamorphism and structural fabric in the area:

    Polyphase deformation in the Betul supracrustal rocks has been accompanied by

    corresponding metamorphism in order to make adjustment of mineral assemblages with

    changed temperature and pressure conditions. Metasedimentary rocks of the area exposed in

    the western part of the Betul inlier, are highly deformed and regionally metamorphosed. The

    area exhibits complex history of metamorphism. Metamorphism of the area is related to the

    various episodes of deformations, it is syn-deformational to the first phase of deformation

    which is the strongest. Presence of various mineral assemblages suggests that the rocks have

    experienced regional metamorphism which is syntectonic to D1 deformation and is confined

    to upper green schist facies except in marginal areas, where calcareous metasediments close

    to granitoid /shear zones are thermally metamorphosed to calc silicate hornfelses. Widespread

    occurrence of Quartz + Orthoclase + Microcline + Muscovite + Biotite + Plagioclase +

    Perthite + Apatite + Zircon in the basement banded migmatite gneisses, Quartz + Plagioclase

  • 24

    +Muscovite+Sericite+Chlorite+Feldspar+Calcite + Diopside + Epidote + Garnet + Sphene +

    Apatite Tremolite +Wollastonite + Opaques and Carbonate in the metasedimetaries of the

    Ranipur Formation and Quartz + Muscovite + Sericite + Opaques + Feldspar + Garnet+

    Calcite+ Graphite in the metasedimentaries of the Sonaghati Formations is an indicative of a

    regional metamorphism of upper green schist facies to amphibolite facies. The rocks of the

    Padhar Mafic – Ultramafic Suite are virtually unmetamorphosed. Various volcano-

    sedimentary lithounits along with tuffaceous lithounits of Betul Group exhibits low grade

    mineral assemblages of green schist facies to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism.

    5A.V: Mineralisation:

    The Betul belt is a known geological milieu for volcanic hosted massive sulphides, to

    the geological community since long. The area has a very good potential, structure

    mineralization related to acid magmatism in the western part, tungsten mineralization and

    anomalous values of molybdenum, niobium and tantalum. The northern part Padhar mafic-

    ultramfic complex and the eastern part Mordongri ultramafic complex are potential for PGE,

    Ni, Co, Cr and Cu mineralization occurrences. The volcano sedimentary sequence in the

    eastern part of this belt forms the most important group of rocks as because, all the base metal

    occurences so far proved are located in this group of rocks. Base metal mineralisation in

    Betul belt is intimately associated with alteration zones comprising a variety of mineral

    assemblages, which are produced by regional dynamic metamorphic overprinting of syn-

    volcanic, hydrothermaly altered rhyolites (Praveen et al. 2005). These metamorphosed

    alteration zones are used as guides for locating new prospects. Explorations for base metals

    have been carried out by GSI in various areas like Bhawra-Tekra, Bargaon-Tarora, Kehalpur,

    Chopna-Munrai, Banskhapa-Pipariya, Ghisi, Muariya, Koparpani, Dehalwara and Bhuyari.

    Intensified search for localities with potential for base metal deposits during the years

    between 2001 and 2004 has resulted in the identification of a number of new prospects viz.

    Dehelwara, Bhuyari, Jangledehri, Pastalai Mal, Biskan-Khari, Khirki-Kaneri, Belkheri,

    Pipariya, Jiyadehi and Kohat. Prospecting and exploration for basemetals carried out in

    various parts of Betul belt by different workers have revealed the presence of massive

    sulphide mineralisation including Zn, Pb & Cu. Mineralisation has been recognized as

    belonging to Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) type and having similarities with

    volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits in other parts of the world (Praveen et al. 2005)).

    Based on metal ratios, VHMS mineralization in Betul belt can be classified into Zn- Cu and

    Zn-Pb-Cu types (Praveen et al. 2007). Most prospects contain stratabound, moderate to

    steeply dipping, multiple, sub-parallel sulphide lenses. Sulphide lenses consist of

    disseminated, semi massive (25-50 vol % sulphide minerals) and massive sulphides (>50 vol

    % sulphide minerals). Sulphide mineralogy consists of sphalerite, pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite

    and pyrrhotite.

    Significant Graphite mineralization has been proved in recent past in Chiklar-

    Gauthana - Tikari area, Betul district, M.P. by Lenka B., (FS 2013-14).

  • 25

    5B. Detailed Geological Exploration:

    5B.I. Geology of the area

    With the objective to determine the potential for basemetals detailed geological mapping on

    1:2000 scale and geochemical evaluation of the terrain by systematic soil sampling was

    carried out in Jangaldehri area of Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh by Mishra (2010) in

    pursuance of the field season program for FS 2007-08 (Item code

    072/MIP/CR/MPCG/2007/022) of Project Economic Geology of Geological Survey of India,

    CR,OP MP & CG, Bhopal.

    Geologically, the Jangaldehri Block is located in the central part of the Betul Belt and

    detailed geological mapping on 1:2000 scale reveals presence of metarhyolites of different

    types, tuff, and altered rhyolite forming host rock for base metal mineralization (Plate – II).

    The rhyolites and tuffs have been intruded by three extensive ENE – WSW trending

    amphibolite bodies in the form of sills along the regional foliation. Altered meta-rhyolite

    represented by garnet – mica schist and garnet – gahnite schist constitutes a prominent 425 m

    long ENE – WSW trending ridge in the central part of the mapped area ( Mishra, 2010)

    5B .II. Description of the litho unit


    The acid volcanics in the mapped area are represented by an intercalated sequence of

    rhyolite flows and associated tuffs. The massive variety of rhyolite is characterized by the

    presence of well-developed mosaic of quartz and grey or pink feldspars with biotite,

    muscovite, sericite, sphene, hornblende, and magnetite constituting the accessory minerals.

    The massive rhyolites also display, at places, excellent flow banding expressed by layers of

    contrasting mineralogical composition and texture. The individual layers vary in thickness

    from 1 mm to 10 mm (fig.5.2) .Near the contact of basic intrusive or mafic volcanic flows,

    the content of hornblende in rhyolite increases appreciably. In such hybrid rocks, presence of

    laths of hornblende, up to 15 mm long, is common. Preferred orientation of hornblende

    crystals, defining foliation of the rock, may be observed at places. Elsewhere, laths of

    hornblende may not show preferred orientation. The zone of formation of such hybrid rocks

    varies in width from 1 m to as much as 20 m.

    Massive rhyolites are grey and sometimes pink in colour depending upon the presence

    or absence of pink feldspar in them (Fig.5.2). In the northern part of the area, pink massive

    rhyolite is more common than in the southern part where grey rhyolites predominate


    Highly silicic rhyolite (Fig.5.4) is hard and massive, milky white in colour on the

    fresh surface, and are characterized by exfoliation weathering. It is rich in pyrite which, upon

    oxidation on the exposed surface, gives reddish hue to the rock.

    In the strongly foliated variety of rhyolite, the foliation plane is defined by stretched

    quartz phenocrysts and tabular or augen-shaped feldspar porphyroblasts along with oriented

    laths of muscovite, biotite, chlorite, and hornblende. At places, rhyolites contain specks and

    stringers of chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and bornite.

  • 26

    Fig 5.2. Field photograph of Grey

    massive rhyolite showing flow banding

    (Long 78⁰26'55.9":Lat 26


    Fig. 5.3. Field photograph of Orthoclase

    bearing pink massive rhyolite

    (Long 78⁰26'46.2": Lat 26


    Fig. 5.4. Field photograph of

    Pyrite bearing oxidized silicic rhyolite

    (Long 78⁰26'44.03":Lat 26


  • 27


    Tuff is characterized by the presence of small sized particles of volcanic ash,


  • 28


    The length of three major and a few small amphibolite bodies each of these bodies in

    the study area is about 600 m while their width varies between 25 m and 70 m. These bodies

    trend ENE – WSW and are emplaced in the country rocks along the regional schisosity. The

    rock is generally medium to coarse-grained, greenish to greenish black in colour, and

    contains plagioclase, amphiboles (mainly hornblende and actinolite), biotite, phlogopite, and

    pyrite. Near the contact with the rhyolite, chilled effect is seen; the rock becomes very fine

    grained (observed in drill core of borehole MPBBJ-3).

    5B.III.1. Petrography:

    During the course of investigation, 24 sections (including both thin and polished

    sections) were prepared from the representative rock samples of all the litho units which were

    intersected in different bore holes. The details of samples prepared for thin/ polished section

    study is given in Table No.5B-1. The objective of petrographic study was to establish 1)

    Nature of the different mineral constituents 2) the mineral assemblages, overall composition

    and its texture and structure.

    Table 5B-1: Details of samples for petrographic study:



    Sample No. BH No. Depth Rock Type Type of section

    01 MPBBJ-1/1 MPBBJ-1 169.2m Massive rhyolite with

    magnetite & chlorite Thin and polished


    02 MPBBJ-3/2 MPBBJ-3 100.95m Contact of massive

    rhyolite & amphibolite

    Thin and polished


    03 MPBBJ-1/3 MPBBJ-1 116.4m Garnet-gahnite schist Thin and polished

    section 04 MPBBJ-2/4 MPBBJ-2 119.2 m Amphibolite Thin and polished

    section 05 MPBBJ-1/5 MPBBJ-1 113.35 m Sphalerite in Garnet-

    gahnite schist

    Thin and polished


    06 MPBBJ-1/6 MPBBJ-1 173.2 m Massive rhyolite Thin and polished

    section 07 MPBBJ-4/7 MPBBJ-4 167.95 m Garnet-Quartz- mica


    Thin and polished


    08 MPBBJ-4/8 MPBBJ-4 191.65 m Chalcopyrite bearing

    garnet-gahnite schist

    Thin and polished


    09 MPBBJ-4/9 MPBBJ-4 192.75 m Chalcopyrite & pyrrhotite

    bearing garnet-gahnite


    Thin and polished


    10 MPBBJ-5/10 MPBBJ-5 49.75m Anthophyllite Thin and polished

    section 11 MPBBJ-5/11 MPBBJ-5 91.05m Chalcopyrite bearing

    Garnet-Quartz- mica


    Thin and polished


    12 MPBBJ-5/12 MPBBJ-5 192.2 m Massive rhyolite with

    garnet, calcite & chlorite

    Thin and polished


    13 MPBBJ-5/13 MPBBJ-5 160.60m Garnet-gahnite schist with Thin and polished

  • 29

    2 phases of garnets section

    14 MPBBJ-5/14 MPBBJ-5 140.8 m Garnet-gahnite schist Thin and polished

    section 15 MPBBJ-5/15 MPBBJ-5 160.45 m Sphalerite in Garnet-

    gahnite schist

    Thin and polished


    16 MPBBJ-5/16 MPBBJ-5 119.4m Quartz mica schist with


    Thin and polished


    17 MPBBJ-6/17 MPBBJ-6 133.75 m Altered rhyolite Thin and polished

    section 18 MPBBJ-6/18 MPBBJ-6 118.6 m Pyrite bearing


    Thin and polished


    19 MPBBJ-1/19 MPBBJ-1 172.6 m Rhyolite with amphibole


    Thin and polished


    20 MPBBJ-1/20 MPBBJ-1 174.31m Pink massive rhyolite Thin and polished

    section 21 MPBBJ-2/21 MPBBJ-2 76.75m Quartz mica schist with

    pyrite & chalcopyrite

    Thin and polished


    22 MPBBJ-5/22 MPBBJ-5 161.2m Sphalerite in Garnet-

    gahnite schist

    Thin and polished


    23 MPBBJ-3/23 MPBBJ-3 34.60m Quartz mica schist with


    Thin and polished


    24 MPBBJ-4/24 MPBBJ-4 160.45m Sphalerite in Garnet-

    gahnite schist

    Thin and polished


    1) Massive rhyolite: Under the microscope, rhyolite generally shows equigranular texture

    with the presence of plagioclase, k-feldspar, biotite, muscovite and hornblende (fig.5.9).

    Hornblende is mostly green in colour at places brown variety is also seen. Hornblende shows

    pleochroism from light yellow to dark green. Phenocrysts of quartz show effects of

    corrosion. The groundmass is glassy with the development of minute crystals of quartz,

    feldspar, biotite etc. Minor minerals seen in the rhyolite consist of magnetite and few

    opaques. Pyrite cubes visible in thin section are opaque. The rhyolites generally show strong

    foliation developed due to preferred orientation of muscovite, biotite, and hornblende &

    anthophyllite crystals (fig.5.10). Clusters of K-feldspars are also seen.

    2) Quartz mica schist: This is the most dominant lithounit of the area. It is medium to fine

    grained rock with subhedral to anhedral, inequigranular and exhibits allotriomorphic texture.

    The dominant mineral phases are muscovite, quartz and opaques fig.5.12 (pyrite/

    chalcopyrite/ galena/ magnetite) whereas chlorite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende

    and pyroxenes (fig.5.11) occur in minor phases with varying proportion from one place to

    another. Muscovite occurs as tabular elongated grains and defines the schistocity. Quartz

    occurs as subhedral grains with interlocking granoblastic texture. It shows undulose

    extinction and at places stretched quartz grains exhibits schistosity. Chlorite occurs as tabular

    subhedral grains and also defines the schistosity. Opaques also occur as anhedral grains with

    anastomosing boundaries. Hornblende is also present as tabular grains showing yellowish

    green to brown colour pleochroism.

  • 30

    Fig.5.10. Photomicrograph showing qtz+

    felds+musc+bt in rhyolite+ anthophyllite in sample

    no. MPBBJ3/2

    Fig.5.11. Photomicrograph showing

    musc+bt+hbl+qtz+ chl in quartz-mica schist in sample no. MPBBJ-3/23

    Fig.5.12. Photomicrograph showing

    musc+bt+qtz+opaque in quartz-mica schist in sample no. MPBBJ-5/16














    Fig.5.9. Photomicrograph showing qtz+ K-

    felds+musc+bt in rhyolite in sample no. MPBBJ3/2

  • 31

    3) Garnet- gahnite schist:

    Garnet-gahnite is formed due to alteration of rhyolite.Under the microscope, these

    rocks comprise biotite, quartz,muscovite & hornblende etc. Biotite shows pleochroism from

    light brown to dark brown while hornblende is from light yellow to green. Quartz shows

    either triple point junction (fig.5.13) or sometimes has embayed margins and showing

    undulose extinction. Strained quartz is also present in some sections. Garnet occurs as large

    porphyroblasts shows its characteristic cracks and is isotropic under crossed nicol (fig.5.14).

    Gahnite (ZnAl2O4) is a rare mineral belonging to the spinel group. It formed as an alteration

    product of sphalerite in altered massive sulphide deposits in Betual belt.It shows dark green,

    bluish green, yellow to brown colour & striations.Under microscope it is translucent to

    nearly opaque & isotropic in crossed nicol (fig.5.14.) .







    Fig.5.13. photomicrograph showing

    musc+bt+qtz+opaque in garnet-gahnite schist in

    sample no.-MPBBJ-1/3

    Fig.5.14. photomicrograph showing

    musc+bt+qtz+plag in garnet-gahnite schist & triple

    junction of qtz grains in sample no.-MPBBJ-1/3

    Fig.5.15. photomicrograph showing

    gah+bt+garnet in garnet-gahnite schist in sample no.-MPBBJ-5/15



    Fig.5.16. photomicrograph showing

    gah+qtz in garnet-gahnite schist in sample no.-MPBBJ-4/24






  • 32

    4) Amphibolite:

    Under the microscope, amphibolite displays equigranular texture and preferred

    orientation essentially contains amphiboles and less plagioclases, mainly represented by

    hornblende. Biotite, quartz and chlorite laths are also seen (fig.5.17) . The rock displays

    tabular laths of hornblende, actinolite, and tremolite which define the schistosity (fig.5.18).

    Hornblende shows pleochroism from yellow to pale green or dark green and shows indistinct

    two set cleavages, relief high. Plagioclase is represented by laths.

    5B.III.2. Petrochemistry:

    Whole rock, trace element, and REE analysis (Appendices – I, II, & III) of the core

    samples of boreholes were done by XRF and ICP-MS for identification of different rock

    types during FS 2008-09 by Shri M. N. Mishra.In that analysis silica percentage in the acid

    volcanics varies from 70.45 to 78.44% suggesting their overall rhyolitic composition. The

    mafic rocks encountered in the boreholes occur as amphibolite in the area and contain 52.45

    to 53.02 % of silica. Geochemical classification of the various rock types encountered in the

    boreholes was represented by TAS diagram (Fig.5.19) on the basis of whole rock

    geochemical data presented in Appendix – I.

    TAS Diagram:

    In the total alkali (TA = Na2O + K2O) – silica (S= SiO2) diagram after Le Bas et al.,

    (1986), majority of the samples fall in the acidic field of rhyolite. Two samples collected

    from amphibolite sills fall in the intermediate to basic field of basaltic andesites.






    Fig.5.17. photomicrograph showing

    hbl+chl+plag+qtz in amphibolite in sample no.-MPBBJ-2/4

    Fig.5.18. photomicrograph showing

    hbl+chl+plag+qtz+act+trem+bt in

    amphibolite in sample no.-MPBBJ-2/4








  • 33

    In FS 2016-17, with an objective to determine the alteration phase, fifteen rock

    samples (PCS-1 to PCS-15) from Jangaldheri block were submitted for analysis of major

    elements, trace elements and REE at Chemical Laboratory, GSI,CR, Bhopal. The details of

    samples analyzed are given in table 5B-2 and the analytical result of major oxides & trace

    element analysed by XRF method is given in Annexure-II(b). In that analysis silica

    percentage in the acid volcanics varies from 70.76 to 74.49% suggesting their overall

    rhyolitic composition. The mafic rocks encountered in the boreholes occur as amphibolite in

    the area and contain 46.90 to 47.95 % of silica. Geochemical classification of the various

    rock types encountered in the boreholes was represented by TAS diagram (Fig.5.20) on the

    basis of whole rock geochemical data presented in Appendix – II(b).

    In the total alkali (TA = Na2O + K2O) – silica (S= SiO2) diagram after Le Bas et al.,

    (1986), majority of the samples fall in the acidic field of rhyolite. Four samples collected

    from amphibolite fall in the basic field of basalt.

    Fig.5.19: Total alkali – Silica diagram showing classification of

    volcanic rocks


  • 34

    Table:5B-2: List of samples of whole rock analysis

    Sl. No Sample No. Rock Type Borehole No.

    01 MPBBJ/PCS-01 Garnetiferous –quartz-



    02 MPBBJ/PCS-02 Garnetiferous –quartz-



    03 MPBBJ /PCS-03 Garnetiferous –quartz-



    04 MPBBJ /PCS-04 Garnet- gahnite schist MPBBJ-4

    05 MPBBJ /PCS-05 Garnet- gahnite schist MPBBJ-5

    06 MPBBJ /PCS-06 Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-2

    07 MPBBJ /PCS-07 Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-1

    08 MPBBJ /PCS-08 Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-4

    09 MPBBJ /PCS-09 Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-5

    10 MPBBJ /PCS-10 Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-6

    11 MPBBJ /PCS-11 Amphibolite MPBBJ-1

    12 MPBBJ /PCS-12 Amphibolite MPBBJ-2

    13 MPBBJ /PCS-13 Amphibolite MPBBJ-5

    14 MPBBJ /PCS-14 Amphibolite MPBBJ-6

    15 MPBBJ /PCS-15 Massive rhyolite with



















    Fig.5.20: Total alkali – Silica diagram showing classification of volcanic rocks

  • 35

    5B.III.3. EPMA Analysis:

    The EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analysis) studies have been carried out for various

    lithology of area including altered rhyolite, Amphibolite, Garnet-gahnite -schist of the study

    area. Sample No. MPBBJ 4/9 and MPBBJ 1/3 of Garnet-gahnite -schist and MPBBJ 2/4 of

    Amphibolite have been studied through EPMA. The EPMA analysis was carried out at

    EPMA Laboratory, Geological Survey of India, NCEGR, Faridabad by CEMECA Sx100

    EPMA. The instrument was operated at 15 KV acceleration voltage, 1-2 micron diameter and

    12 nA current for analyzing silicates. The elements were analyzed using natural standards,

    except for Mn and Ti for which synthetic standards were used.Major oxide chemistry of

    minerals such as amphibole, plagioclase, chlorite, and biotite from altered rhyolite/quartz

    mica schist were determined.

    5B.III.4. SEM-EDS analysis:










    plag amph


    sphene amph

    Fig 5B.1 Back scattered electron image of sample

    No. MPBBJ 2/4 Fig 5B.2 Back scattered electron image of sample

    No. MPBBJ 1/3

    Fig 5B.3 Back scattered electron image of sample

    No. MPBBJ 4/9


    sphene ch








    Fig 5B.4 Back scattered electron image of sample

    No. MPBBJ 3/2



    h apat


  • 36

    5B.III.4. SEM-EDS Analysis:

    SEM-EDS studies were carried out by Carl Ziess make EVO-40 instrument with INCA X-

    sight, Oxford EDS detector at SEM Lab, GSI, CR, Nagpur to identify and essentially

    sulphide minerals which are difficult to make out from petrography only. The SEM

    instrument was operated at 20 KV acceleration voltage and 80 μA beam current.In the

    present study ore petrography, SEM-EDS and EPMA studies were carried out followed by

    chemical analysis for the selected samples in order to confirm and characterize the sulphide

    minerals if any. In SEM-EDS sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and galena were

    identified in the selected samples of sulphide rich garnet-quartz-mica schist, garnet-gahnite

    schist and amphibolites from Jangaldheri area. Few grains of ilmenite, monazite and minerals

    of LREE have been identified in those lithounits which photographs are given below( SEM-

    EDS analysis).

    BSE images acquired in SEM-EDS analysis:

  • 37

    5B.III.5. Sulphur Isotope Analysis:

    During FS 2016-17, in order to study the origin of sulphides in orebody and the

    temperature of formation of sulphur bearing minerals, 10 samples collected from cores were

    submitted for analysis at National Centre of Excellence in Geosciences Research ( NCEGR),

    PPOD laboratory, GSI, Bangalore. The details of samples analyzed are given in table 5B.3.

    Table:5B-3 (i): List of samples of Sulphur isotope analysis

    Sl. No Sample No. Rock Type Borehole






    01 MPBBJ-1/ISS-SP Garnet- gahnite


    MPBBJ-1 112.96 Sphalerite

    02 MPBBJ-2/ISS-SP Grey Massive

    rhyolite with garnet

    MPBBJ-2 97.1 Sphalerite

    03 MPBBJ-3/ISS-SP Garnetiferous –


    MPBBJ-3 87.75 Sphalerite

    04 MPBBJ-4/ISS-SP Garnet- gahnite


    MPBBJ-4 142.83 Sphalerite

    05 MPBBJ-5/ISS-SP Garnet- gahnite


    MPBBJ-5 160.1 Sphalerite

    06 MPBBJ-6/ISS-PY Garnetiferous –


    MPBBJ-6 87.27 Pyrite

    07 MPBBJ-2/ISS-PY Garnetiferous –


    MPBBJ-2 76.75 Pyrite

    08 MPBBJ-3/ISS-


    Massive rhyolite

    with garnet

    MPBBJ-3 34.70 Chalcopyrite

    09 MPBBJ-2/ISS-PY Massive rhyolite MPBBJ-2 81.75 Pyrite

    10 MPBBJ-3/ISS-PY Garnet- gahnite


    MPBBJ-3 41.2 Pyrite

  • 38

    Sample Selection & procedure:

    The microscopic study reveals that altered rhyolite (quartz-mica+/- garnetschist) serves as

    host rock for sulphide mineralization in Jangaldheri Block. Pyrite, sphalerite and occasional

    chalcopyrite are the dominating sulphide minerals noticed in the area. The sulphide minerals

    occur mainly as disseminated grains besides fracture filled material & micro veinlets along

    the foliation. At some places, massive type is observed.

    A total of 10 fresh ore samples were selected from different boreholes drille in the

    area of present investigation for Sulphur isotope analysis. The samples were selected based

    on identified sulphide minerals and their relation with the host lithology. The samples were

    processed using conventional mineral separation techniques that included hand picking of the

    sulphide rich aggregates and subsequently reducing to the required grain size by crushing &

    sieving. The pure sulphide phases of different minerals such as pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite

    were then handpicked & submitted for Sulphur isotope analysis.

    The separated pure fractions were analysed for Sulphur isotopes in continuous flow

    mode using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Make: SerCon Model: Geo 20-20) with the

    ANCAGSL (automated Nitrogen and Carbon Analyser for Gas, Solids & Liquids) peripheral

    system. Each sample was analyse thrice along with international reference standard (NBS-

    123) in a batch. Measurements of all sulphide bearing samples are expressed on the VCDT

    scale (Zhang etal., 1989). The data generate ( δ34

    S) for diffirent sulphide samples are as


    Table:5B-3 (ii): Result of Sulphur isotope analysis:

    Sl. No. Sample δ34

    S STDEV Sulfide Mineral

    1 MPBBJ_01_SPH 8.66 0.30 Sphalerite

    2 MPBBJ_05_SPH 9.86 0.11 Sphalerite

    3 MPBBJ_03_SPH 8.99 0.11 Sphalerite

    4 MPBBJ_03_CHPY 9.15 0.14 Chalcopyrite

    5 MPBBJ_02_SPH 10.20 0.17 Sphalerite

    6 MPBBJ04 8.19 0.06 Sphalerite

    7 MPBBJ06 5.01 0.69 Pyrite

    8 MPBBJ02_VII 8.30 0.23 Pyrite

    9 MPBBJ02_IX 8.13 0.11 Pyrite

    10 MPBBJ_03_Py No Signal - .

    . NBS 123 17.58 0.32 International standard

    ( The samples are analysed by Shri Subhasish Ghosh, Director (G), Dr Manish M. John , Sr.

    Geologist & Dr. Smitha R. S, Sr. Geologist, NCERG, GSI, Bangalore)

    Interpreatation of Sulphur Isotope analysis:

    The Sulphur isotope study can provide valuable information about formation (Ohmoto &

    Rye, 1979). In volcanogenic massive sulphide typical of felsic igneous rocks in general

    (Ishihara & Sasaki, 1989). A significant number of deposites have sulphide δ34

    S value range

  • 39

    extending from 10‰. Such data interpreted to indicate a dominantly igneous origin

    for sulphide of narrow , near 0 %0 δ34

    S range (e.g. Tayl

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