  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    6.7.3 uel /il 'eri#e ')stem 4"

    6.8 *u!. /il ')stem 41

    6.8.1 *u!. /il filling Transfer and Drain s)stem 446.8.2 *u!. /il Purif)ing s)stem 44

    6.8.3 *u!. /il 'eri#e ')stem 4&

    6.0 ooling ater ')stem 46

    6.0.1 'ea ater ooling ater 48

    6.0.2 resh ater ooling ater 40

    6.1" ompressed $ir ')stem &"

    6.1".1 'tarting $ir ')stem &1

    6.1".2 'eri#e $ir ')stem &2

    6.1".3 ontrol and %nstrument $ir ')stem &2

    6.11 E,haust Gas ')stem &2

    6.11.1 E,haust Gas ')stem for Main Engine &3

    6.11.2 E,haust Gas ')stem for Diesel generator engine &3

    6.11.3 E,haust Gas ')stem for oiler and in#inerator &4

    6.12 'team ondensate and eed ater ')stem &4

    6.12.1 'aturated 'team ')stem &&

    6.12.2 ondensate and 'team Drain ')stem &&

    6.12.3 eed ater ')stem &6

    6.13 Distilled and Ma-e5p ater ')stem &6

    6.14 epair. Maintenan#e and leaning Euipment &7

    6.14.1 or-shop ma#hiner) &7

    6.14.2 *ifting Gears for Ma#hiner) &0

    6.14.3 %n#inerator 61

    6.14.4 ilge ater 'eparator 61

    6.14.& loor Gratings and *adders in Engine oom 62

    6.14.6 9entilation for Engine oom 64


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship



    6.1 Gene!"

    The #apa#it) of ma#hiner) and euipment in engine room shall !e designed!ased on the follo(ing tropi#al #onditions unless other(ise spe#ifi#all)des#ri!ed in the 'pe#ifi#ations:

    5 Total !arometri# pressure : 1""" m!ar 5 $m!ient air temperature : 4&deg 5 elatie humidit) of air : 6";5 'ea (ater temperature : 32deg

    $m!ient air temperature for ele#tri# euipment in EJR shall !e as follo(s:5 Ele#tri#al rotating ma#hiner) &" deg

    5 /ther ma#hiner) and euipment 4& deg

    The po(er and fuel #onsumption of engine shall !e determined in a##ordan#e(ith follo(ing standard referen#e #onditions spe#ified %'/ 3"465 Total !arometri# pressure 1""" in !ar

    5 $m!ient air temperature 2& deg 5 elatie humidit) of air 3";-

    harge air #oolant temperature 2&deg

    The ma#hiner) and euipment in engine room shall !e designed #onstru#tedinstalled or supplied a##ording to the manufa#turers and of the main engine as spe#ified on page652.

    'team generating plant shall #onsist of one =1> !oiler (ith separate oil firedarrangement and e,haust gas e#onomi@er.

    The e,haust gas side of !oiler shall utili@e the (aste heat from the main enginee,haust gas.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Ele#tri# po(er generating plant shall #onsist of three (3) diesel generators andone =1> emergen#) generator.

    E,haust gas emission from the main engine and diesel generator engines shall#ompl) (ith the %M/ Ao, limit and the Ao, emission from the main engine forthe first essel of the series shall !e measured at the manufa#turer?s shop

    /n !oard erifi#ation of Ao, emissions from the main engine and dieselgenerator engines shall !e #arried out !) means of engine parameter #he#-method if modifi#ation of the engine is made on !oard.

    The Proision =!lind flange> for future measuring of the Ao, emissions shall !efitted at ea#h e,haust gas pipe and the measuring euipment shall !e proided

    !) the /(ner if reuired.

    6.# D$e%e" en&$ne '( P()*"%$(n

    6.#.1 M!$n En&$ne

    6.#.1.1 P!+$*"!%

    T)pe 25stro-e single a#ting dire#t reersi!le #rosshead t)pe

    Model B &'6/M5 Mar- 7

    Aum!er /ne =1> set

    M 11.3"" - at 1"& PM

    A =0"; M> 1"17" - at 1"1.4 PM/ptimi@ed rating 113"" - at 1"& PM

    )linder !ore 6"" mm

    Piston stro-e 24"" mm

    Dire#tion of rotation lo#-(ise loo-ing from aft

    Guaranteed spe#ifi#fuel oil #onsumption

    1 7"." gm

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The #onstru#tion and materials of the main engine shall !e a##ording to theengine manufa#ture?s standards in #omplian#e (ith the reuirements of thelassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    Pipes ales gauges et#. fitted on the engine !) the engine manufa#turershall !e in a##ordan#e (ith engine manufa#ture?s standards.

    6.#.1./ Ae%%($e% !n- '$++$n&%

    5 E,haust gas tur!o#harger:T)pe : $5TP* (ith high effi#ien#) t)pe or M$A B T$ 66 as #on#urred !) the /EMAum!er : /ne =1> set*u!ri#ation : for#ed lu!ri#ation !) main *./ pump

    leaning : 'oft !last dr) #leaning and (ater (ashing at tur!ine sideand (ater (ashing at !lo(er side

    5 $ir #ooler:Aum!er : /ne =1> setT)pe : 'ingle stageleaning : hemi#al (ater #leaning in port

    Ma-er of the air #ooler shall !e main engine manufa#turer?s standard.

    5 T(o =2> au,iliar) !lo(ers (ith ele#tri# motor and starter.5 /ne =1> turning gear drien !) a single speed reersi!le ele#tri# motor (ith

    starter5 Thrust !earing.5 l)(heel =upper part to !e #oered !) steel plate and lo(er part to !e

    prote#ted (ith e,panded metal>.5 $lpha #)linder oil *u!ri#ator5 Ele#troni# goernor (ith ele#tri# a#tuator5 %nterlo#-ing apparatus for turning gear.5 $utomati# 9%T dei#e.5 Emergen#) lo#al #ontrol stand.5 $,ial i!ration damper.5 %ndi#ator ale and gear5 ran-#ase oil mist dete#tor5 Temperature monitoring for main !earings5 Manual lifting arrangement of fuel pump roller guide5 ire e,tinguishing steam pipe for s#aenge air spa#e.5 uel oil high pressure lea-age alarm5 $luminum plan-ing and a##ess ladders for #ran-#ase5 Tool panel5 'pe#ial tools as per the manufa#turer?s standards/thers a##ording to the engine manufa#turer?s standards.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    6.#.1.4 In%+!""!+$(n

    The !edplate of the main engine shall !e fastened !) h)drauli# holding do(n

    !olts at the engine foundation on the tan- top and resin #ho#-s shall !e fittedfor leeling the main engine foundation.

    The main engine shall !e installed a##ording to the engine manufa#turer?sre#ommendations in #omplian#e (ith the reuirements of the lassifi#ation'o#iet).

    6.#.1.5 S() +e%+% !n- $n%)e+$(n

    The main engine shall !e tested at the engine manufa#turer?s shop !) usingthe diesel oil or marine diesel oil in the presen#e of the sure)or of the

    lassifi#ation 'o#iet) the u)er?s epresentatie=s> and the uilder as follo(s

    =1> 'tarting and maneuering test at no load=2> $stern test at no load=3> *oad test

    *oad =; M> Duration2&; /ne hour +alf =&"> /ne hour Three uarters =7&> /ne hour

    'eri#e =0"> /ne hour ull =1""> /ne =1> hour

    /erload =11"> 3" minssu!Fe#t to /EM #on#urren#e=4> Goernor test=&> uel oil #onsumption measurement at M and A=6> 'afet) dei#e #onfirmation test=7> Minimum reolution test =appro,. & mm.>=8> /er speed test

    $fter the shop tests of main engine oerhaul inspe#tion shall !e #arried out ina##ordan#e (ith the engine manufa#turer?s standards. $t least one #)linder (ill!e stripped in#luding a Main and a ross head !earing.

    6.#.1.6 Oe!*" $n%)e+$(n !'+e +e +$!"%

    $fter the sea trials the main engine shall !e oerhauled and appearan#einspe#tion shall !e #arried out su!Fe#t to the mutual agreement !et(een the/(ner?s epresentatie the sure)or of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet) arid theuilder as des#ri!ed herein.

    /erhaul inspe#tion shall !e limited to one =1> parti#ular #)linder and the#)linder to !e oerhauled and

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    the /(ners epresentatie and

    6./ T!n%$%%$(n

    6./.1 P()e""e !n- %!'+$n&

    6./.1.1 Gene!"

    Propeller and shafting shall !e designed and manufa#tured in a##ordan#e (iththe reuirements of the %E5% Aotation of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet) and theegulator) odies as far as the) are #on#erned. 'pare Tail 'haft to !e fitted onone for eer) three essels.

    The thrust shaft and thrust !earing shall !e in#orporated in the main engine.

    The !arred speed shall not o##ur in the normal operating range from &" to

    1""; M load of main engine and the ui#- !)5pass arrangement shall !eproided at the !arred speed range.

    The tensional i!ration #al#ulation shall !e su!mitted to the lassifi#ation'o#iet) and the /(ner for approal.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    6./.1.# P()e""e

    The propeller shall !e of -e)less right5hand rotating fi,ed pit#h t)pe. The

    material of propeller shall !e ni#-el5aluminum5!ron@e.

    Propeller shall !e designed to a!sor! 1"17"- =A> (ith 3; of reolutionmargin !ased on the essel (ith #lean hull in #alm (ater at s#antling draft.

    The optimum num!er of !lades and diameter shall !e de#ided in ie( ofpropulsion #aitation and i!ration.The manufa#turing toleran#es shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith lass % of %'/ 484 intermediate shaft and one =1> propeller shall of solid t)pe shall !eproided and the material of shafts shall !e forged steel.

    The intermediate shaft shall !e proided (ith integral #oupling flanges at !othends. The propeller shaft shall !e proided (ith integral #oupling flange at foreend.

    The #one part of propeller shall !e ma#hined to hae a taper of 1 to 2" for-e)less fitting of propeller and the aft end shall !e threaded in left hand.

    The shaft diameter shall #ompl) (ith the reuirements of the lassifi#ation'o#iet) and shall !e finall) determined in #onsideration of the torsionali!ration. The final dimension (or-ed out is to !e in#reased !) 1" mm asdesired !) the !u)er.

    The diameter of intermediate shaft in (a) of the intermediate shaft !earingshall !e in#reased !) & mm oer the diameter of intermediate shaft.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The shaft #oupling flanges shall !efitted (ith reamer !olts of parallel !od).

    The diameter of #oupling !olt and the thi#-ness and fillet radius of #oupling

    flange shall #ompl) (ith the reuirements of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    $ shaft earthing dei#e of siler allo) !and t)pe shall !e proided for redu#tionof the oltage differen#e !et(een shaft and hull.

    The propeller shaft shall !e (ithdra(n in!oard !) remoing the intermediateshaft./ne =%> lifting %5!eam and trolle)s shall !e proided oer the intermediate shaftfor in!oard remoal of the propeller shaft.

    /ne spare propeller shaft shall !e proided for eer) three essels.

    6./.1.4 S+en T*2e !n- Be!$n&

    The stem tu!e shall !e of (elded #onstru#tion of steel plate and (elded to thestern frame !oss and #onstru#ted as a part of hull stru#ture.

    The stern tu!e !earing shall !e of #ast iron lined (ith lead !ase (hite metaland oil5lu!ri#ated.

    The length of aft stem tu!e !earing shall #ompl) (ith the reuirements of thelassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    The stem tu!e !earing shall !e installed !) means of push up for#e (ithappropriate interferen#e.

    or temperature sensor at aft stern tu!e !earing 'e#tion shall !ereferred to. $dditional spare holder for sensor to !e installed.

    6./.1.5 S+en T*2e %e!"

    The stem tu!e seals of lip t)pe =oil pollution free> shall !e proided at fore andaft ends of the stern tu!e to preent ingress of sea (ater and loss of lu!. oil.

    urther o!el#o (ith Aet #utter is also to !e installed.

    The aft seal shall hae four=4> seal rings and the for(ard seal hae t(o=2> sealrings. The material of for(ard seal and all seal shall !e as follo(s:

    or(ard seal $ft seal

    'eal ring 9iton 9iton

    asing ast iron rass or !ron@e

    *iner hrome steel hrome steel


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The aft seal shall hae !e designed to allo( the repla#ement of the seal rings(ithout remoing the shafting or propeller.

    $ (ear5do(n measuring gauge shall !e supplied to #he#- the #learan#e!et(een the aft stern tu!e !ush !earing and the propeller shaft.

    Proisions shall !e proided for measuring aft stern tu!e !earing and rudderpintles (ear do(n in (ater.

    $ rope guard of steel plate shall !e proided !et(een the stem frame !oss andthe propeller hu!.

    The rope guard shall !e (elded to the stem frame !oss and shall hae thehole for the (ear5do(n measuring gauge.

    6./.1.6 In+ee-$!+e S!'+ Be!$n&

    /ne =1> intermediate shaft !earing of self lu!ri#ating t)pe shall !e proided tosupport the intermediate shaft.

    The !earing shall !e of single oil dis# t)pe #onsisting of t(o =2> se#tions upperand lo(er se#tions and the lo(er se#tion shall !e lined (ith lead !ase (hitemetal.

    $n opening (ith a hinged #oer shall !e proided on the upper se#tion for

    inspe#tion and oil filling.

    The lo(er se#tion shall !e proided (ith an oil reseroir oil drain plug #ooling(ater #onne#tions and an oil leel #he#-ing dei#e. $dditional onethermometer to !e installed.

    6.4 B($"e

    6.4.1 P!+$*"!%

    5 T)pe $utomati# for#ed draft +ea) fuel/il !urning 9erti#al t)pe

    5Aum!er /ne=1> set5 apa#it) $!t. 1&"" -g5 uel oil +/ up to 6"" #'t at &" deg and MD/


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Design !ase of e,haust gas se#tion is on the !asis of M (ater leel gauges5 T(o =2> safet) ales5 /ne =1> !oiler (ater sample #ooler5 /ne =1> feed (ater #hemi#al dosing unit5 /ne =1> porta!le (ater (ashing dei#e

    /thers a##ording to the !oiler manufa#turer?s standards.

    6.4.4 In%+!""!+$(n

    The au,. !oiler shall !e installed in engine room and the anti5rolling sta)s shall!e fitted a##ording to the !oiler manufa#turer?s re#ommendations.

    The for#ed draft fan shall ta-e su#tion of #om!ustion air from the engine room.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    6.4.5 S() +e%+% !n- $n%)e+$(n

    The h)drauli# pressure test at the assem!led #ondition shall !e #arried out at

    the manufa#turer?s shop.

    6.5 E"e+$ )(3e Gene!+( P"!n+

    6.5.1 D$e%e" Gene!+( en&$ne%: 9essels (ith #ranes are to !e proided (ithlarger sets as de#ided !) the !uilder to ensure smooth operation of all #ranessimultaneousl). $n ele#tri# $nal)sis must !e proided for approal. P!+$*"!%

    5 T)pe : 45stro-e trun- piston in5line t)pe ='i, #)linder engine (ith 7&" at 72" PM>

    5 Aum!er : Three =3> sets5 ated output : $ppro,. 70" -at 72" PM5 $lternator output : $ppro,. 7&" (5 'tarting : ) #ompressed air or air motor a##ording to the engine

    manufa#turer?s standards5 *u!ri#ation : 'elf5#ontained lu!ri#ation (ith oil sump of (et t)pe

    The diesel generator engines shall !e operated on hea) fuel oil (ith is#osit)

    of 6"" #'t at &"deg.

    +o(eer marine diesel oil shall !e used in the emergen#) situations or long5term lo( load operation a##ording to the engine manufa#turer?sre#ommendation.

    uel oil #hangeoer !et(een hea) fuel oil and marine diesel oil shall !e#arried out manuall) at lo#al.

    The goernor shall #ontrol the engine speed ariation to !e (ithin thereuirements of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    or alternators 'e#tion 8.&.2 shall !e referred to.

    6.5.1.# C(n%+*+$(n !n- !+e$!"%

    The #onstru#tion and materials of the diesel generator engine shall !ea##ording to the engine manufa#turer?s standards in #omplian#e (ith thereuirements of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet).


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Tur!o#harger lu!ri#ation s)stem shall !e proided a##ording to the enginemanufa#turer?s standard.

    Pipes ales gauges et#. fitted on the engine !) the engine manufa#turershall !e in a##ordan#e (ith the engine manufa#ture?s standards.

    6.5.1./ Ae%%($e% !n- '$++$n&% )e e! en&$ne

    1 5 Tur!o#harger1 5 $ir #ooler1 5 a#-et #ooling fresh (ater pump engine drien1 5 *./. pump engine drien1 5 *./ priming pump el . Motor drien1 5 *./. #ooler (ith a thermostat ale

    1 5 Goernor1 5 Ta#hometer1 5 *./. filter manual duple, t)pe

    /thers a##ording to the engine manufa#turer are standard. In%+!""!+$(n

    The diesel generator engine shall !e dire#tl) #oupled (ith the alternator.

    The diesel generator engine and alternator shall !e mounted on a #ommon !ed

    plate and shall !e installed on !oard !) means of resilient supports. S() +e%+% !n- $n%)e+$(n

    The diesel generator engine shall !e tested at the engine manufa#turers shop!) using the diesel oil or marine diesel oil as follo(s

    =a> 'tarting test at no load:=!> *oad tests

    2&; load for 3"min.&"; load for 3" min7&;load for one hour.1""; load for 6" mm.1"; load for 1 hour ='u!Fe#t to /EM #on#urren#e>

    =#> Engine prote#ting dei#e test =automati# shut5do(n>=d> Goernor test=e> Parallel running test if allo(ed in ie( of the testing fa#ilities=1> *oad #hara#teristi# test=g> /er speed test


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The parallel running test shall also !e #arried out during on5!oard test.

    $fter the shop tests oerhaul inspe#tion shall !e #arried out in a##ordan#e (ith

    the engine manufa#ture?s standards and the s#ope of oerhaul inspe#tion shall!e one =1> #)linder unit for ea#h engine.

    6.5.# Ee&en Gene!+( En&$ne

    The main parti#ulars of emergen#) generator engine shall !e as follo(s:5 T)pe 45stro-e trun- piston in5line t)pe5 Aum!er : /ne=1> set5 ated output $s appli#a!le to generator #apa#it) at 18"" PM5 $lternator output : $!t. 12"-(

    5 ooling s)stem . #ooling (ith radiator 5 uel oil Marine Diesel /il5 *u!ri#ation 'elf5#ontained lu!ri#ation5 'tarting $utomati# !atter)=D249> starting and se#ondar)

    Manual starting dei#e a##. to the enginemanufa#turer? s standard

    onstru#tion materials a##essories and fittings shall !e proided a##ording tothe engine manufa#turer?s standard in #omplian#e (ith the reuirements of thelassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    The emergen#) generator engine shall !e #oupled (ith the alternator andmounted on a #ommon !ed plate.

    The emergen#) generator set shall !e installed in the emergen#) generatorroom outside engine room !) means of resilient supports.

    or alternator 'e#tion 8.&.2 shall !e referred to.

    6.6 S%+e '( M!$ne !n- M!$n C()(nen+%

    6.6.1 Gene!"

    Ma#hiner) s)stems and #omponents shall !e designed #onstru#ted installedand supplied a##ording to the manufa#turers and or the uilders standards in#omplian#e (ith the reuirements of the lassifi#ation 'o#iet) and egulator)odies as far as the) are #on#erned.

    The #onstru#tion material design spare parts and tools for the pumps heate,#hangers fans ele#tri# #omponents piping ales fittings and a##essories


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    !uilt5in or supplied together (ith main engine and other ma#hiner) oreuipment shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith the releant manufa#ture?s standards.

    The sto(age proisions for hea) tools and spare parts shall !e proided in theengine room.

    %n general spare parts shall !e pa#-ed in !o,es e,#ept for !ul-) or hea) partsor tools su#h as #)linder #oer #)linder liner piston e,haust ales for main

    engine et#. (hi#h shall !e mounted on suita!le !ra#-ets and fastened to theship?s stru#ture.

    Ma#hiner) and euipment su#h as pumps heat e,#hangers et#. shall !eproided (ith %solating ales to fa#ilitate repairs.

    The spe#ifi# grait) spe#ifi# heat and is#osit) of operating liuid shall !edefined for the #al#ulation and design of euipment and s)stems as follo(sunless other(ise spe#ified

    /perating 'pe#ifi# 'pe#ifi# heatliuid grait) =#al 9is#osit)+ea) fuel oil ".08 ".4& 6"" #'t at &"deg Diesel oil ".0" ".4& 13 #'t at4odeg *u!. oil ".0" ".4& 7" #'t at &" deg 'ea(ater 1."2& ".04 5

    resh (ater 1."" 1."" 5

    6.6.# P$)$n&

    6.6.#.1 Gene!"

    Piping shall !e designed to a!sor! the stress due to thermal e,pansion anddefle#tion of hull stru#ture. E,pansion shall !e #ompensated !) using adeuate!ends unless other(ise spe#ified.$ll piping up to 2"" mm !ore onl) (ill !e ofseamless #onstru#tion and all other pipes of !ore larger than 2"" mm (ill !efa!ri#ated t)pe.

    are shall !e ta-en to aoid po#-ets in pipe lines as far as pra#ti#a!le. herepo#-ets are unaoida!le the) shall !e fitted (ith !osses haing s#re(ed plugsor ales or other means for draining.

    $ir enting pipes shall !e fitted to all tan-s #offerdams tunnels and other#ompartments (hi#h are not fitted (ith alternatie entilation arrangement ina##ordan#e (ith the ule reuirement.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The pipes shall !e so arranged that euipment su#h as pumps heate,#hangers et#. #an !e oerhauled (ith the minimum remoal of the

    #onne#ted pipes.

    ending of steel pipes shall !e made !) means of #old !ending ma#hine and!ending radius shall !e appro,. three =3> times of the nominal diameter. ut in#ase that !ending radius ma-es piping arrangement diffi#ult or impossi!le dueto restri#ted spa#e and or #old !ending #annot !e applied due to the #apa#it)

    limit of the uilder?s fa#ilities the #ommer#ial !ends shall !e used as per theuilder?s pra#ti#e.

    The miter Foint !ends =segment !uilt5up !ends> shall !e aoided as far as

    pra#ti#a!le e,#ept for e,haust gas piping.

    le,i!le hoses shall !e of lassifi#ation so#iet)?s approed t)pe for theintended seri#e.

    The sight glass for oil line shall !e of fire

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The material of orifi#e shall !e '' 316 for sea(ater and mild steel for others)stem.

    %n general no piping shall !e arranged oer ele#tri#al euipment ho(eer(elded Foint shall !e used instead of flange Foint (here piping #arr)ing fluid isarranged oer ele#tri# euipment.

    6.6.#.# M!+e$!" !n- -$en%$(n% (' )$)e%

    Dimension of pipes shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith Ta!le 651.

    Material of ea#h piping s)stem shall !e applied as spe#ified hereinafter onTa!le652 !ut those not spe#ified in the 'pe#ifi#ations shall !e in a##ordan#e

    (ith the uilder?s pra#ti#e.

    Pipes and fittings mounted on the ma#hiner) I euipment shall !e ina##ordan#e (ith manufa#ture?s standard.

    $!!reiation shall !e as follo(s.


    ' orean %ndustrial 'tandard%' apanese %ndustrial 'tandard

    'TPG 38 ar!on steel pipes for pressure seri#e='TPG 37"> Mm. tensile strength 38 -g Mm. tensile strength 38 -g Mm. tensile strength 38 -g euialent to 'TPG 38 ='TPG 37"> material

    Min tensile strength 38 -g

    '' TP 'tainless steel pipe =%' G34&0>


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    '' TPJ $r# (elded large diameter stainless steel =%'G3468>

    '' E Ele#tri# ar# (elded spe#ial stainless steel euialent

    to '' TP material'M$ +ot rolled atmospheri# #orrosion resistant steel =%'G31 14>

    '#h. 4" '#hedule Ao.4" series in '%' pipe thi#-nessstandard.

    '#h. 8" '#hedule Ao.8" series in '%' pipe thi#-nessstandard

    Gal. Galani@ed$lum. $lumini@edE Ele#tri# esistan#e elded

    '$ 'u!merged $r# elded'M*' 'eamlessP9 Pol)in)l #hloride


    The flange rating of piping shall !e as follo(s:

    a> %' & 5 'team =!elo( 22"t>. oil air and gas (ith (or-ing pressure up to 6-g

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Ta!le 65 l Dimension of #opper pipe

    Aom. dia.=$>

    /ut. dia.=mm>

    Pipe (all thi#-ness =mm>


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Ta!le 652 Material spe#ifi#ation of piping s)stem in engine room

    ')stem Aominal Dia. Pipe material

    and thi#-ness


    od) Dis#

    'team 6 -gl#m2g&"mm and a!oe E5'PP ast steel 'tainless


    4"mm and !elo( ron@e !ron@e

    +eating #oil in %tan-s

    &"mm 'M*'5'#h.4"are tu!e

    5 5

    eed (ater pumpdis#harge

    32mm and a!oe'M*'5'#h.4"

    ast steelstainlesssteel

    2&mm and !elo( orgedsteel

    ondensate Bfeed (ater punip


    &"mm and a!oeE5'PP

    east iron!ron@e4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    oiler !lo( off32mm and a!oe

    'M*'5'#h.4"#ast steel


    2&mm and !elo( forgedsteel

    Distilled (ater BE. seri#e

    &"mm and a!oe E5'PPGal.

    #ast iron!ron@e

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    'e(age B gre)(ater dis#harge

    &"mm and a!oe E5'#h4/Gal.

    east iron!ron@e

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    +ot (ater1&mm and a!oe

    opper !ron@e !ron@e1"mm and !elo(

    E. #ooling

    &"mm and a!oe


    #ast iron !ron@e

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    'ea (ater #ross5oer sea (ater#ooling B seri#e

    &&"mm and a!oe E5'PP1"."mmP.E #oat inside

    #ast iron!ron@e

    12&mm to &""mm E5'PPP.E. #oat inside&"mm to 1""mm

    4"mm and !elo( E5'#h.8" Gal. !ron@e

    ire !ilge and!allast in E.

    2&"mm and a!oe E 5'#h .4"1"."mm Gal. #ast iron !ron@e

    &" to 2""mm E5'#h.4" Gal.

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    *u!ri#ating oil&"mm and a!oe E5'PP #ast iron !ron@e

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    uel oil #ir#ulating&"mm and a!oe 'M*'5'#h.4" #ast steel 'tainless


    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e !ron@e

    /ther fuel oile,#ept a!oe

    &"mm and a!oe E5'PP #ast ironron@e

    4"mm and !elo( !ron@e

    ompressed air 32mm and a!oe 'M*'5'#h.4" east steel stainless


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    of !rass material.

    langeless sleee Foint shall !e used as far as pra#ti#a!le on the lines of steam

    e,haust steam steam drain fuel B lu!. oil drain open ended lines su#h as airent oerflo( drainage and e,haust gas et#.

    ooling fresh (ater pipes for the main engine and gen. engines shall haephosphate treatment for anti5#orrosion #onsidering use of #orrosion inhi!itor !)the u)er after the delier) of the 9essel in a##ordan#e (ith the re#ommendationof the engine manufa#turer.

    6.6.#./ 8!"e% !n- '$++$n&%

    %n general the ales #o#-s and strainers et#. shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    5 uel oil seri#e line for ME. and G.E. Diesel oil5 ompressed air s)stem ompressed air !lo( off 5 'team suppl) 'team !lo( off

    5 +)drauli# oil piping for de#- ma#hiner) ')stem oil5 +)drauli# oil piping for remote #ontrol ale A2 gas !lo( off

    ME. and G.E. lu!. oil s)stem shall !e flushed (ith s)stem oil.

    The detail flushing pro#edure shall !e su!mitted to the u)er for approal.

    6.6.#.5 Se! Ce%+ !n- Se! Oe2(!- C(nne+$(n%

    'ea #hest shall !e fitted (ith stainless steel ='' 316> grid and the grid shall !eof hinged design (ith a #lear area of t(i#e the sea inlet pipe.

    Ea#h sea #hest shall !e fitted (ith a steam #onne#tion for (eed !lo(5off. le,i!lehose shall !e used for steam #onne#tion.

    +igh and lo( sea #hest shall hae air ent hole at upper area and drain hole atlo(er area.

    The num!er of sea oer!oard #onne#tions shall !e -ept to a minimum as far aspra#ti#a!le.

    'hip side ales shall !e proided at inlet and oer!oard dis#harge lines.

    ilge and se(age oer!oard #onne#tions shall !e arranged (ell aft of the sea#hests in engine room.

    'hip side ale (here remote operation is reuired !) the lassifi#ation 'o#iet)shall !e fitted (ith manual h)drauli# operating dei#e.

    6.6./ In%*"!+$(n !n- L!&&$n&

    6.6./.1 Gene!"

    The surfa#es of the ma#hiner) euipment tan-s and piping (ith temperature of

    6" deg and a!oe (here it is reuired to maintain the internal fluidtemperature and to prote#t the personnel from !urning shall !e insulated asdes#ri!ed herein unless other(ise spe#ified.

    The details of insulation (or- shall !e a##ording to the uilder?s standards.

    %nsulating materials shall !e fire5resistant.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    aste oil tan- for in#inerator shall !e insulated a##ording to the manufa#turer?sstandard and #oered (ith galani@ed steel sheet.

    /ther tan-s shall not !e insulated.

    6.6././ In%*"!+$(n '( )$)$n&

    The material and thi#-ness of insulation for piping e,#ept for e,haust gas s)stemshall !e as follo(s:

    Pipe =AD> Material Thi#-ness =mm>1"" and !elo( Glass (ool 2&12& and a!oe =Densit) of 6" -g 4"

    The e,ternal surfa#e of insulation shall !e #oered (ith glass #loth or #anas.

    'team tra#ing

    The follo(ing pipes in engine room shall !e proided (ith steam tra#ing andshall !e %nsulated:

    5 +../. transfer s)stem5 +../. purif)ing s)stem5 +../. seri#e s)stem for main engine diesel generator engine and au,. !oiler5 aste oil seri#e s)stem for in#inerator

    5 'ludge transfer s)stem5 M

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    E,haust gas piping

    The e,haust gas pipes after the tur!o#harger of main engine and diesel

    generator engines upta-e of au,iliar) !oiler and in#inerator shall !e insulated(ith ro#- (ool fastened !) galani@ed steel (ire and finished (ith galani@edsteel sheet.

    The e,haust gas pipes shall !e insulated up to the height of 2 m a!oe theengine #asing top.

    The material and thi#-ness of insulation for the e,haust gas pipes shall !e asfollo(s:

    $ppli#ation Material Thi#-ness =mm>

    Main engine o#- (ool 7&Diesel generator engine =densit) of 1"" -g &"

    $u,iliar) engine &"%n#inerator &"Emergen#) generator engine &"

    The silen#er of diesel generator engines shall !e insulated (ith the same methodas the e,haust gas pipes.

    The thi#-ness of galani@ed steel sheet shall !e ".& mm for e,haust gas pipes

    and ".7 mm for !ul-head tan-s and euipment.


    P*)% Gene!"

    The pumps in engine room shall !e drien !) ele#tri# motor unless other(isespe#ified.

    here dupli#ated )*)% are spe#ified for propulsie use one =1> pump shallhae the suffi#ient #apa#it) to sere the s)stem at M of main engine (hile theother shall !e resered as stand5!) unless other(ise spe#ified.

    +ori@ontal t)pe pump shall hae the #ommon !edplate (ith ele#tri# motor. igid#oupling shall !e applied for the erti#al t)pe #entrifugal pumps.

    Me#hani#al seals (ill !e used for all pumps and a##essories et#. e,#ept formonot)pe pumpand (ill !e in a##ordan#e (ith the manufa#turers standardsunless other(ise spe#ified.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Pump shall !e fitted (ith su#tion and dis#harge pressure gauges (ith a root#o#-.

    orre#t rotation indi#ations for all pumps shall !e mar-ed on the pump #asing orflo( dire#tion shall !e mar-ed on respe#tie pipe line.

    The #onstru#tion material sealing a##essories spare parts and tools et#. forthe pumps atta#hed to euipment or supplied !) the euipment manufa#turersu#h as for au,. !oiler au,. engine .. generator =distillate pump and eFe#torpump> air #ompressors !ilge (ater separator et#. shall !e in a##ordan#e (iththe releant manufa#turers standards.

    6.6.4.# Cen+$'*&!" )*)

    The #entrifugal pump shall hae the #onstantl) rising head ersus #apa#it)#hara#teristi#s from the rated #apa#it) to @ero #apa#it) and non5oerloadingpo(er #hara#teristi#s as far as pra#ti#a!le.

    The speed of #entrifugal pump shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith the pumpmanufa#turer?s standards unless other(ise spe#ified.

    The self5priming t)pe pump shall !e proided (ith the self5priming dei#e (hi#hhas the adeuate #apa#it) for the s)stem.

    The #entrifugal pump shall !e fitted (ith me#hani#al seal e,#ept for deep (ell

    pumps =main *./ pumps> (hi#h are fitted (ith sealing in a##ordan#e (ith thereleant pump manufa#turers standards.

    The #entrifugal pump shall !e fitted (ith the #asing ring in general.

    The erti#al t)pe #entrifugal pumps e,#ept deep (ell t)pe pump and fresh (aterh)drophore pumps shall !e fitted (ith the spa#er or erti#all) split #asing.

    The materials of #entrifugal pump shall !e as follo(s:

    'ea (ater pumpasing : ron@e%mpeller : Phosphor !ron@e%mpeller shaft : 'tainless steel

    'tainless steel impeller and s)ntheti# resin mouth ring shall !e applied for the#ontinuous #ooling '. pumps =main #ooling '. pumps and eFe#tor pump for. generator>

    The sa#rifi#ial anode shall !e proided for all '. pumps.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    resh (ater pump B $u,. !oiler feed (ater pumpasing : ast iron

    %mpeller : Phosphor !ron@e%mpeller shall : 'tainless steel

    Main *./. pump =deep (ell t)pe>asing : ast iron%mpeller : Phosphor !ron@e%mpeller shaft : ar!on steel

    The fittings and a##essories shall !e as follo(s:

    1 5 'haft #oupling

    1 5 oupling #oer for hori@ontal t)pe pump1 5 ater seal #onne#tion if ne#essar)1 5 $ir #o#-1 5 'u#tion #ompound gauge1 5 Dis#harge pressure gauge5 oot #o#- for ea#h pressure gauge

    6.6.4./ Ge! )*) !n- %e3 )*)

    The !earing for gear pumps shall !e internall) pla#ed in the pump #asing andshall !e lu!ri#ated !) the handling fluid.

    The pumps shall !e proided (ith !uilt5in safet) ale or !)5pass ale to prote#tthe pump and ele#tri# motor against the e,#essie pressure.

    The gear pumps and s#re( pumps e,#ept for mono pump =%5rotor t)pe> shall !efitted (ith me#hani#al seal a##ording to the pump manufa#turers standards.The speed of gear pump s#re( pump shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith the releantpump manufa#turer?s standards unless other(ise spe#ified.

    The pumps and ele#tri# motors shall !e designed !ased on follo(ing is#osit)#onditions =#'t>:

    $ppli#ation 9is#osit) for pump #apa#it) 9is#osit) for el. motor rating+../. transfer 2&.8 1"""D/. transfer 2&.8 1"""+../. seri#e 2&.8 26"D/. seri#e 2&.8 26"*./. handle 2&.8 26"

    The materials of gear and s#re( pumps shall !e as follo(s:


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Gear pumpasing : ast iron

    Gear and shaft : ar!on steel

    '#re( pumpasing : ast ironPo(er rotor : ar!on steel%dle rotor : ar!on steel or #ast iron

    '#re( pump =dou!le assem!l)>asing : ast ironPo(er rotor : ar!on steel

    %dle rotor : ar!on steel or #ast iron'trainer =element> : Mild steel

    Mono pump =15rotor t)pe> asing : ast iron

    otor : 'tainless steel or hard #hrome steel'tator : ')ntheti# ru!!er

    'ealing : Gland pa#-ing

    Piston pumpPiston #)linder : ast iron

    Piston #)linder liner: ron@e or stainlessPiston rod : 'tainless steel

    Du#tile #ast iron shall !e applied to the #asing material of +../ suppl) and #ir#.pumps and +../ purifier feed pumps.

    The fittings and a##essories shall !e as follo(s:

    1 5 'haft #oupling5 oupling #oer for hori@ontal t)pe pump =gear pump onl)>1 5 'u#tion #ompound gauge1 5 Dis#harge pressure gauge1 5 oot #o#- for ea#h pressure gauge1 5 elief ale

    The s#re( pumps of dou!le assem!l) t)pe shall !e fitted (ith !uild5in strainerand inlet stop ale outlet #he#- ale and outlet stop ale.

    6.6.5 He!+ E

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship

    31/65 Gene!"

    The heat e,#hangers shall !e designed (ith the fouling margin of 1&; for tu!ular

    t)pe and 1"; for plate t)pe unless other(ise spe#ified. Plate heat e,#hangers(ill !e of M

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    'hell : 'teel plate or steel pipeTu!e : $luminum !rass = thi#-ness : mm. 1.&mm>Tu!e sheet : Aaal !rass

    End #oer : 'teel plate or #ast iron (ith tar epo,) #oating

    1 5 Thermometers ea#h at inlet and outlet for !oth fluids1 5 $ir ent ale for !oth fluids1 5 Drain ale for !oth fluids1 5 Prote#tion @in# for sea (ater side1 5 hemi#al #leaning #onne#tion at sea (ater side1 5 'team !oiling #onne#tion for shell side

    Tu!ular t)pe heater'hell : 'teel pipe

    Tu!e : 'teel =thi#-ness: mm. 1.&mm>Tu!e sheet : Mild steelEnd #oer : 'teel plate

    1 5 Thermometers at inlet and outlet for !oth fluid1 5 $ir ent ale for !oth fluids1 5 Drain ale for !oth fluids1 5 elief ale on the heated fluid side

    Plate t)pe #ooler =M

    rame : Mild steelPlate : Titanium for ' #ooled and stainless steel for *. #ooledGas-et : Aitrile ru!!er

    1 5 Pressure gauge at inlet and outlet for !oth fluids1 5 Thermometers at inlet and outlet for !oth fluids15 $ir ent ale for !oth fluids1 5 Drain ale for !oth fluids

    6.6.6 T!n;%

    The tan- of large #apa#it) shall !e integrated into the hull #onstru#tion (hile thetan-s of small #apa#it) are independent from the hull stru#ture in a##ordan#e(ith the uilders standards.

    Tan-s in engine room shall !e of (elded #onstru#tion of steel plate and shall !estrengthened (ith stiffeners if ne#essar).

    The independent tan- shall !e fitted (ith e,ternal stiffeners for eas) #leaning.The #apa#it) of tan-s shall mean their internal gross olume. Dupli#ate s)stem is


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    to !e proided for +igh and *o( 'ulphur uel /il and also for different t)pe of)linder oils.

    Ea#h tan- shall !e proided (ith fittings depending on the intended purposeseri#e orlo#ation and !ased on this spe#ifi#ation.

    le,i!le hose shall !e used for the steaming #onne#tion.

    T(o=2> sets of fle,i!le hoses=length l" m dia. 1&mm> shall !e proided forsteaming out and general use.

    The si@e of air ent and oerflo( pipe shall #ompl) (ith the reuirements of thelassifi#ation 'o#iet).

    6.6.7 P!$n+$n& C("(*

    inish painting #olour of the ma#hiner) and euipment in engine room shall !e asfollo(s:

    %tem inish painting #olor

    Main engine diesel generator engines pumpsair #ompressors #oolers purifiers et#.

    lue green=Munsell notation 7.& 7

    Tur!o#hargers for M%E B G

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    uel oil s)stem for main engine diesel generator engines and au,iliar) !oilershall !e designed to !e #apa!le of !urning the hea) fuel oil (ith is#osit) of 6""#'t at &" deg

    Marine diesel oil of 13 #'t at 4"deg shall !e used for main engine dieselgenerator engines au,iliar) !oiler and in#inerator at #old starting and Gas oil (ill!e used for emergen#) generator.

    (2) Ma#hiner) and Euipment

    %tem Ao T)pe Ea#h #apa#it) emar-

    Pump m3 Ma#hiner) and Euipment =#ont?d>

    %tem Ao T)pe Ea#h #apa#it) emar-


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    =!> Diesel Purifier 1



    'elf #lean.$utomati#


    #'t at &"deg =ma,.spe#ifi# grait) of 1."1>

    Ao grait) dis# t)pe

    Ma-e K$lpha *aal

    2.3"" *

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    M%E is#osit)#ontroller ft

    1 $utomati#pneumati#

    $##. to G

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship



    /il) !ilge tan- 1 $!t. 1& "."& 'P T9=>

    aste oil tan- forin#inerator

    2$##. to manufa#turer?s standards


    D/. tan- foremergen#) generatorengine

    1 $!t. ".8 5 GG %nemergen#)generatorroom

    1. The design !ase of +../ !un-er tan- heating #oil shall !e as follo(s:5 $m!ient air temp. : 2"

    5 '. temp. : &" 5 eeping temp. for +../ !un-er tan- : 4/"

    2. D/. tan- for emergen#) generator engine shall !e fitted (ith a (ire operated

    ui#- #losing ale at outlet of suppl) line to engine.

    3. $s to the remote sounding s)stem 'e#tion 7.3.3 shall !e referred to.

    $!!reiations'P : 'ounding pipeGG : lat glass leel gauge*G : loat leel gauge


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    *G : Glass leel gaugeT9=> : Temperature #ontrol ale of (a, t)pe

    6.7.1 9*e" O$" 9$""$n&, T!n%'e !n- D!$n S%+e

    +../. transfer pump shall ta-e su#tion from +../. !un-er tan-s =PB'> ./.oerflo( tan- and dis#harge to +../. settling tan- and de#- manifold.

    D/. transfer pump shall ta-e su#tion from D/. storage tan- and dis#harge toD/. seri#e tan- D./ tan- for in#inerator and de#- manifold.

    D/. transfer pump shall !e arranged as stand5!) for +../. transfer pump. andi#e ersa.

    The stand5!) #onne#tion at su#tion and dis#harge sides of transfer pump shall !enormall) #losed !) a spe#ta#le flange.

    or fuel oil filling s)stem se#tion 7.1.1" shall !e referred to.

    /erflo( pipe of +../

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    lifting %5!eam one =1> entran#e door of gas5tight t)pe and an e,haust fan. Thepurifier (ill !e of ma-e $lfa *aal and no grait) dis# t)pe purifiers. $ shootingpanel and stopping s(it#h for fan and damper is to !e installed outside the

    purifier room.

    $ steel (or-!en#h (ith integrated (ash !asin and lo#-er =see 'e#tion 6.14.1>shall !e proided.

    The (or-!en#h shall !e installed dire#tl) under the lilting 15!eam that seri#esthe purifiers.

    uel oil in +../

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    or ele#tri# operation t)pe goerned !) is#osit) #ontroller.The is#osit) #ontroller for M%E shall !e #ontrolled from lo#al in the purifier roomand E.

    e #ir#ulating oil from main engine shall !e led to ./. return pipe.

    ./.return pipe shall !e fitted (ith an automati# de5aerating ale.

    $ir ent pipe from ./. return pipe shall !e led to +../. seri#e tan-.

    6.7./.# D$e%e" &ene!+( en&$ne '*e" ($" %%+e

    Pressuri@ed fuel oil s)stem shall !e proided for diesel generator engines.

    Theis#osit) #ontroller for EJE shall !e #ontrolled from the lo#al in the purifierroom.

    uel oil s)stem shall !e proided a##ording to the diesel generator enginemanufa#turers standards.

    6.7././ B($"e '*e" ($" %%+e

    +ea) fuel oil for !oiler shall !e supplied from +../. seri#e B settling tan-.

    Diesel oil for #omposite !oiler shall !e supplied from D./ seri#e tan- and D./

    tai for in#inerator.

    uel oil s)stem shall !e arranged a##ording to the !oiler manufa#ture?sstandards.

    6.7./.4 In$ne!+( '*e" ($" %%+e

    Diesel oil for D/. pilot !urner shall !e supplied from D/. seri#e tan- forin#inerator.

    /ne=1> separate D/ feed pump instead of the !uilt5in t)pe pump or one=1>separated D./ tan- for in#inerator shall !e proided if ne#essar) a##ording tothe ma#hiner) arrangement in engine room.

    aste oil !urning s)stem shall !e arranged a##ording to the in#ineratormanufa#ture?s standards.

    6.7./.5 Ee&en &ene!+( en&$ne '*e" ($" %%+e

    uel oil s)stem for emergen#) generator engine shall !e designed to !urn diesel


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    oil a##ording to the engine manufa#turers standards.

    6.= L*2. O$" S%+e

    1 Gene!"

    *u!. oil s)stem shall !e proided for main engine diesel generator engines stemtu!e and other ma#hiner) or euipment a##ording to the releant manufa#ture?sstandards and also this spe#ifi#ation.

    *u!. oil s)stem shall #omprise filling transfer purif)ing seri#e and drains)stem.

    =2> Ma#hiner) and Euipment

    %tem Ao. T)pe Ea#h #apa#it) emar-

    Pump m3

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    %tem Ao. T)pe Ea#h #apa#it) emar-

    M 'trainers and filters

    %tem Ao T)pe Element

    T)pe Mesh Material

    */. transfer pump


    1 'imple,


    ire gau@e 32 Mild steel N1


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Aote N1 The manual *./ strainer shall hae magneti# !ar.

    =&> Tan-s for *u!. /il

    %tem Ao Ea#h #apa#it)



    =m3< m3>



    M lo(

    D ''# : 'ounding #ap onl)

    6.=.1 L*2. O$" '$""$n&, T!n%'e !n- D!$n %%+e


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    ollo(ing independent lu!. oil filling line (ith isolating ale shall !e proided at!oth sides in front of a##ommodation:

    5 /ne =1> s)stem oil for ME and #)linder oil for ME

    illing #ap shall !e proided for ea#h general seri#e tan- in engine room=separate filling pipe shall not !e proided>.

    The oil shall !e led to respe#tie seri#e tan- or sump tan- from storage tan-.*./. transfer pump shall ta-e su#tion from the follo(ing tan-s:

    5 M

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    $nd dis#harge #lean oil to the follo(ing tan-s:5 ME *./ sump tan-5 M

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    manufa#turers standards.

    'tem tu!e lu!. oil sump tan- shall !e filled !) grait) from M%E s)stem oil storage

    tan- and grait) tan- shall !e filled up (ith stern tu!e *. transfer pump

    6.> C(("$n& W!+e S%+e

    1 Gene!"

    entral fresh (ater #ooling (ater s)stem (ith separate #ir#uits for lo(temperature and high temperature shall !e arranged for main engine dieselgenerator engines and other ma#hiner) in engine room as des#ri!ed herein.

    The #ooling fresh (ater outlet temperature of #entral E. #oolers =lo( temp... #oolers> shall !e 36t (ith #ooling '. inlet temperature of 32 deg.

    'ea (ater #ooling s)stem shall !e installed for:

    5 entral .. #oolers =lo( temperature .. #oolers>5 Dumping #ooler

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    pump =ea#h &";> (ater heat !alan#e Ao.1 'elf5priming

    EFe#tor pump for

    .. generator

    1 entrifugal $!t. 62 , 42m a##.

    to manufa#turer?sstandard 5


    N1: lo( rate shall !e !ased on the total '. of5 T(o =2> main #ooling ' pump5 /ne =1> . generator eFe#tor pump5 /ne =1> ilge ire B GJS pump

    =4> 'trainers

    'eri#e Ao. T)peElement

    T)pe Mesh Material


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    /utlet of su#tion sea#hest =high B lo(>



    u#-et &mmdia.

    'tainless steel


    The !od) of the '. strainer shall !e of steel plate and the inside shall !e lined(ith ru!!er.

    =&> Tan-s for ooling ater

    %tem Ao. Ea#h#apa#it)






    .. e,pansion tan-1 1.& 5 G*GM sea #hests one at ea#h side of engine room shall !e proided in engineroom one =%> in high position and one =1> in lo( position.

    %nlets shall !e #ross #onne#ted !) a main su#tion line.$ll sea (ater pumps shall ta-e su#tion from main #ross #onne#tion line !et(eenthe sea #hests.

    T(o =2> sea (ater strainers of simple, t)pe shall !e proided in engine room.

    /ne =1> marine gro(th preention s)stem =MGP'> of ioni@ing anode t)pe shall!e proided at ea#h main sea (ater strainer.

    The main #ooling sea (ater pumps shall operate to suppl) the #ooling sea (aterto t(o=2> #entral fresh (ater #ooler at normal sea going.

    $ll oer!oard #onne#tions shall !e arranged !elo( the light !allast (ater line.

    6.>.# 9e% W!+e C(("$n& W!+e


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    entral #oolers s)stem #onsists of three =3> lo( temperature #ooling fresh (aterpumps and t(o=2> #entral fresh (ater #oolers.

    entral #oolers s)stem shall !e proided (ith an automati# temperature #ontrolale of pneumati# or ele#tri# operation t)pe for regulation of #ooling fresh (atertemperature.

    Main engine and Diesel generator engine Fa#-et #ooling #ir#uit shall !ein#orporated to the lo( temp. #ooling fresh (ater s)stem through thetemperature #ontrol ale of dire#t a#ting t)pe a##ording to the enginemanufa#turer?s standards.

    /ne pre heater (ith steam and ele#tri# heating shall !e proided for main engine

    Fa#-et #ooling (ater. /ne= 1> preheating unit of a ele#tri# heater and a pumpshall !e proided for preheating diesel generator engine Fa#-et in stand5still if itis re#ommended !) the diesel generator engine manufa#turer.

    The air from air ent pipe for main engine diesel generator engine and lo( temp.fresh (ater #ooling s)stem shall !e led to the fresh (ater e,pansion tan-.

    resh (ater e,pansion tan- shall !e proided (ith filling #onne#tion from thefresh (ater h)drophore s)stem.

    $ drain #o#- shall !e fitted for draining of fresh (ater #ooling s)stem to !ilge.

    ooling (ater from the Fa#-et of main engine shall !e led to fresh (atergenerator for heating.

    /ne =1> #leaning (ater #ir#. pump and #hemi#al #leaning (ater tan- shall !eproided for #leaning of main engine air #ooler.

    'tern tu!e #ooling fresh (ater tan- shall !e fitted (ith a manhole a filling pipefrom the fresh (ater h)drophore s)stem and t(o=2> drain ales of self5#losingt)pe for leeling.

    6.10 C()e%%e- A$ S%+e

    1 Gene!"

    The total #apa#it) of main air reseroirs #harged !) main air #ompressors (ithinone=1> hour shall !e #apa!le of proiding 12 #onse#utie starts of main engine(ithout replenishment.The #onstru#tion materials and a##essories of air #ompressors and dieselgenerator engine starting air reseroir shall !e in a##ordan#e (ith the releant


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  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    T(o =2> main air #ompressors and one= %> emergen#) air #ompressor shall !einstalled in engine room for starting air s)stem.

    $ir #ompressors shall !e furnished (ith automati# starting and stoppingarrangement in order to maintain the suffi#ient and safe pressure in main airreseroirs.

    $utomati# drain of high pressure upon stopping and automati# unloading atstarting of main air #ompressors shall !e implemented.

    ompressed air from the main air #ompressors shall !e led to the main airreseroirs through an oil5(ater separator.

    ompressed air of 7 -g pressure redu#ing ale= % (or-ing and 1 stand!)> for general seri#e#ontrol and instrument.

    ompressed air from emergen#) air #ompressors shall !e led to diesel generatorengine starting air reseroir.

    'tarting air to main engine and diesel generator engines shall !e supplied fromthe respe#tie air reseroirs.

    /ne =%> drain #onne#tion (ith ale shall !e proided at the lo(est point of

    starting air suppl) line for main engine.

    /ne =1> line shall !e proided from main air reseroirs to diesel generator enginestarting air s)stem.

    Ea#h main air reseroir shall !e proided (ith:1 5 %nlet ale% 5 /utlet ale for M%E starting1 5 /utlet ale for diesel generator engine starting and other seri#es1 5 'afet) ale2 5 Drain ales in series1 5 oot ale for pressure gauge 1 5 Manhole

    The es#ape piping of safet) ales from the air reseroirs shall !e opened to thesafet) area.

    6.10.# Se$e A$ S%+e

    ompressed air from the seri#e air #ompressor shall !e led to the seri#e air


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    reseroir through an oil) (ater separator.

    'eri#e air of 7 -g sets of ru!!er hose (ith no@@le=length l/m dia. 1&mm> shall !e proidedfor general seri#e.

    6.10./ C(n+(" !n- In%+*en+ A$ S%+e

    ontrol and instrument air shall !e supplied from the main air reseroirs ia a

    pressure redu#ing ale and a #ontrol air dr)er.

    /ne= 1> #ontrol air dr)er shall !e proided for remoing the moisture in the#ontrol air s)stem.

    6.11 E

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    5 Main engine s#aenge !o, drain tan-

    $ir ent pipe from main engine #ran-#ase and main engine s#aenge !o, drain

    tan- shall !e separated from the other lines.

    Drain piping from the oil mist #ham!er shall !e led to the oil !ilge tan-.Es#ape piping of safet) ales from steam piping shall !e opened to theatmosphere a!oe the funnel top.

    9erti#al ladders and platforms shall !e proided inside the funnel for a##ess. /ne=1> a##ess door shall !e proided for funnel at engine #asing top.

    6.11.1 E

    6.11./ E

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    6.1# S+e!, C(n-en%!+e !n- 9ee- W!+e S%+e

    =1> General

    'team s)stem shall #omprise steam seri#e #ondensate drain and feed (aters)stem.

    eed (ater shall !e supplied from the feed (ater #as#ade tan-.The feed (ater #as#ade tan- shall !e fitted (ith a filter se#tion and steam drainfrom the oil tan-s and oil heaters shall !e led to the filter se#tion ia the#ondensate o!seration tan-.

    The #ondensate o!seration tan- shall !e !uilt5in together (ith feed (ater#as#ade tan-.

    (2) Ma#hiner) and Euipment

    %tem Ao. T)pe Ea#h #apa#it) emar-

    Pump m3

    eed (ater pump for!oiler

    2 +ori@. #ent. $!t.1&m3 Tan-

    %tem Ao. apa#it) *eel gauge emar-

    eed (ater #as#adetan- (ith #ondensateo!seration tan-

    1 1.& m3 G*G 'G ith a filteringelement of steam!lo(ing

    1. The #ondensate o!seration tan- shall !e fitted (ith an inspe#tion port andlight surfa#e drain test #onne#tion ent line and thermometer.2. $ temperature #ontrol ale (ith a steam !lo(ing no@@le to !e fitted for-eeping the temperature of feed (ater at appro,. 8" deg and si@ed for steam#onsumption at normal sea going #ondition.



  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    'P : 'ounding pipeG*G : Glass leel gaugeD*G : Dial leel gauge =lo#al pressure sensor t)pe>

    'G : 'ight glass

    6.1#.1 S!+*!+e- S+e! S%+e

    6 -g heated !) ele#tri#

    6.1#.# C(n-en%!+e !n- S+e! D!$n S%+e

    $ll steam drain shall !e led to the dumping #ondenser

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    #as#ade tan- through the #ondensate o!seration tan-.

    $ steam trap (ith a test #o#- and a stop #he#- ale shall !e proided in steam

    drain s)stem.

    6.1#./ 9ee- W!+e S%+e

    hen the #omposite !oiler is operating feed (ater shall !e led to the !oiler !)feed (ater pump for !oiler under automati# regulation of feed (ater !) feed(ater pump start !oiler (ater sample #ooler and #hemi#al dosing unit for feed (atertreatment shall !e proided and !oiler (ater test -it and #hemi#al #ompounds forfeed (ater treatment shall !e supplied !) the /(ner.

    oiler (ater sample #ooler shall !e #ooled !) lo( temperature fresh (ater#ooling s)stem.

    6.1/ D$%+$""e- !n- M!;eU) W!+e S%+e

    resh (ater generatorT)pe : 'ingle stage

    Aum!er : /ne =1> setapa#it) : 3" ton

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    5 /ther fittings a##. to the . generator ma-er?s standards

    '. eFe#tor pump for fresh (ater generator shall !e separatel) installed due to

    su#tion lift.

    Ao steam inFe#tor shall !e proided for use at har!our #ondition.eed (ater treatment of #hemi#al inFe#tion shall !e proided in order to preents#ale formation.

    The #apa#it) and installation of the #hemi#al inFe#tion tan- shall !e a##ording tothe manufa#ture?s standards.

    $ salinit) alarm shall !e proided on the fresh (ater generator and the distilled(ater of high salinit) shall !e automati#all) re #ir#ulated to the fresh (ater

    generator to preent #ontamination of pota!le (ater s)stem.

    The distilled (ater from the fresh (ater generator shall !e led to the fresh (atertan-s and $ft pea- tan- !) the distillate pump.

    6.14 Re)!$, M!$n+en!ne !n- C"e!n$n& E:*$)en+

    6.14.1 W(;%() !$ne Gene!"

    /ne =1> engineer?s (or-shop one =1> ele#tri# (or- shop arid one=1> store shall!e arranged in engine room.Ea#h (or-shop and store shall !e proided (ith an entran#e door and lo#-.

    /,)gen and a#et)lene !ottles shall !e arranged in the gas !ottle storage roomon the upper de#- (ith ne#essar) safet) dei#es in storage room and in engineroom and a#- lash arrestors.

    or-shop ma#hiner) shall !e supplied (ith a##essories in a##ordan#e (ith thereleant manufa#ture?s standards.

    6.14.1.# M!$ne !n- E:*$)en+

    %tem Ao. apa#it) T)pe emar-

    *athe 1 enter distan#e:1&""mm '(ing oer!ed : 4&" mm

    +ea) dut) 5

    Grinding ma#hine1 heel dia. :2&& mm +ea) dut) 5


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    9erti#al drillingma#hine

    Ma,. 3" mm =ast iron> 9ert. pillar(ith ta!lei#e =!elt



    %tem Ao. apa#it) T)pe emar-


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    Engine room store shall !e fitted (ith sheles for the sto(age of spare parts andtools.

    'heles shall !e made of fa!ri#ated steel and painted and framed in thefa!ri#ated angles.

    Gas !ottle store

    The follo(ing euipment shall !e fitted in the gas !ottle sto(age rooms:

    5 /,)gen !ottles5 $#et)lene !ottles5 Ae#essar) piping and fittings and flame !a#- arrestors

    Gas line of seamless steel pipe (ith (elded sleee Foint shall !e led from gas!ottles to the (elding outlet station in the engineer?s (or-shop.

    6.14.# L$'+$n& Ge!% '( M!$ne

    6.14.#.1 En&$ne (( !ne5 Aum!er : /ne=1> set5 apa#it) : '* 4." ton5 T)pe : /erhead traeling5 Traeling B Traersing : Ele#. Motor drien =single speed>

    5 +oisting : Ele#. Motor drien =T(o speed>

    /ne =1> engine room oerhead #rane shall !e proided for oerhauling of mainengine.

    The #rane shall !e arranged to plum! the storage area of the hea) spare parts(hi#h are freuentl) used as (ell as to sere the main engine.

    The #rane hoo- shall !e a!le to rea#h the floor plates ia a #lear route and thehoisting gear shall !e designed for in#hing.

    ollo(ing a##essories and fittings shall !e proided for the engine room #rane:

    5 Magneti# safet) !ra-e dei#e for hoisting5 *imit s(it#h for hoisting traeling and traersing5 lamp5 Ele#tri# (iring5 emote push !utton =#ontroller>

    Traeling and traersing shall !e !) ra#- and pinion drie.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The #rane shall !e proided (ith arrangement (hi#h preents the #rane fromrunning off the rails.

    The #ontrols and operation of the #rane shall !e #arried out from the upperplatform leel of the main engine.

    The remote #ontrol #a!le shall !e a!le to rea#h the floor leel.

    6.14.#.# Oe!*"$n& (' !*5 Diesel generator engine =1 ton plain trolle) oer ea#h diesel generatorengine>

    5 Engineers (or-shop =% ton plain trolle)> 5 Purifier room =1 ton plain trolle)> 5 allast and ' pumps =1 ton plain trolle)>

    The engine room oerhead #rane shall not #oer for oerhauling of main enginetur!o#hargers and a lifting %5!eam (ith a trolle)=2 ton plain trolle)> shall !eproided for oerhauling of main engine tur!o#harger.

    emoal of the intermediate shaft and propeller shall from the 9essel shall !e#arried out ia a temporar) opening #ut on the shell plating.

    ollo(ing #hain !lo#-s shall !e furnished and stored in the engineer?s (or-shop:5 1 ton , 6 'ets5 2 tons , 2 'ets5 & tonsx 2'ets

    E)e pads or lifting %5!eams shall !e arranged oer the ma#hiner) (ith handlinghea) parts of minimum dismantling (eight of 6" -g for maintenan#e. %nparti#ular e)e plates a!le to support the lifting of $lternator and the (hole toppart of $u,iliar) engine (ill !e proided under the de#- a!oe the generator flat.These e)e plates must !e mar-ed for safe lifting load.

    6.14./ In$ne!+(

    %n#ineratorAum!er : /ne =1> setT)pe : 'ludge

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    manufa#turer?s standards.

    The heating dei#e=steam or ele#tri# t)pe> shall !e fitted on the !ilge (ater

    separator.ilge (ater separator pump shall ta-e su#tion from !ilge (ater holding tan- anddis#harge to !ilge (ater separator.

    hen the oil #ontent e,#eeds 1& PPM alarm shall !e gien and dis#harge (atershall !e automati#all) re #ir#ulated to the !ilge (ater holding tan-.'eparated oil from !ilge (ater separator shall !e led to the (aste oil tan-.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The engine room floor shall !e fitted (ith porta!le se#tion or small hole (ith a#oer for a##ess to ales strainers and manholes.

    he#-ered plate shall !e used in the engine #asing and the funnel area su!Fe#tto suffi#ient opening area for entilation.

    6.14.5./ L!--e%

    T(o =2> main a##ess ladders one at ea#h side of engine room shall !e proidedat ea#h platform de#- in engine room and shall !e arranged in fore and aftdire#tion as far as pra#ti#a!le.

    The slope shall not e,#eed 6"deg and the (idth shall !e 6"" mm.

    Main a##ess ladder shall !e of steel #onstru#tion (ith non5slip steps and ahandrail supported !) stan#hions and shall !e fitted (ith !a#- plate =dust pan>(here reuired for prote#tion of euipment or personnel from dirts.

    9erti#al ladder shall hae steps of 22,22 mm suare !ars pla#ed edge(ise and(idth of 3&" mm.

    $ porta!le ladder of aluminum allo)=folding t)pe> to !e proided for maintenan#e(or- in engine room. H!n-!$"%

    +andrails shall !e proided for the platforms gratings and around the ma#hiner)(here the) are indispensa!le for the safet). ull (elding (ill !e done for rails andstan#hions.

    +andrails shall !e of the follo(ing #onstru#tionQ'tan#hion : lat !ar =6&,0t>Midrail : ound steel !ar =16 mm dia.>Toprail : 'teel pipe =AD 2">

    +andrails shall !e fitted (ith porta!le se#tions (here reuired for oerhauling thema#hiner) or transporting the hea) spare parts. Ee&en e%!)e (*+e

    /ne =1> emergen#) es#ape route (ith erti#al ladder in the trun- shall !earranged and an entran#e door shall !e proided at floor leel 2nd platform andl platform.


  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    The emergen#) es#ape trun- shall !e insulate=$56" #lass> and all doors shall !e$56" t)pe as per the lass reuirements.

    $ll doors shall !e of self5#losing t)pe and properl) sealed to preent smo-e fromflooding the es#ape trun-.

    The emergen#) es#ape trun- shall !e fitted (ith emergen#) lighting.

    6.14.6 8en+$"!+$(n '( En&$ne R((

    Engine room suppl) fan

    Aum!er : our =4> setsapa#it) ea#h : $##. to #al#ulation

    T)pe : $,ial flo( fan erti#al mounting

    Purifier room e,haust fan

    Aum!er : /ne=1> setapa#it) : $##. to #al#ulation

    =apa#it) to !e !ased on minimum 4& air #hangesper hour>

    T)pe : $,ial flo( fan erti#al mounting

    elding gas e,haust fan

    Aum!er : /ne =1> setapa#it) : 1"m3

  • 8/10/2019 Machinery Systems inside a Ship


    E,haust air from engine room shall !e led to the atmosphere through theopenings at the aft (all of funnel.

    9entilation du#t from the purifier room e,haust fan shall !e led to funnel.E,haust air opening shall !e fitted (ith emergen#) shut5off dei#e of remote#losing t)pe (hi#h is operated at the fire #ontrol station.

    elding gas from the (elding area in the engineer?s (or-shop shall !e e,tra#tedto the outside of the engineer?s (or-shop !) the (elding gas e,haust fan.

    The fan impeller and driing motor shall !e in#orporated in the fan #asingMaterials of fan shall !e as follo(s:

    asing : 'teel

    %mpeller : $luminum allo)

    8en+$"!+$(n -*+%

    9entilation du#t shall !e of (elded #onstru#tion of steel plate in re#tangular #rossse#tion and shall !e painted.

    or painting 'e#tion 2.1 B 2.2 shall !e referred to.

    9entilation du#ts shall !e fitted (ith drains at lo(er points.onne#tion of the entilation du#ts shall !e of flange or sleee (elding in

    a##ordan#e (ith the uilders standards.

    The thi#-ness of steel plate for entilation du#t shall !e as follo(s

    2.3 mm * 1"""mm3.2 mm * U 1"""mm=* V*ength of longer side of du#t #ross5se#tion>

    'piral du#t of galani@ed steel sheet ma) !e used for the !ran#h du#t as follo(s.

    &&"mm diameter and a!oe : 1.2mm thi#-ness&""mm diameter and !elo( : 1."mm thi#-ness

    $ separate +old ashing s)stem (ith an independent pump ta-ing su#tion


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