Download - Mach-O Internals

  • 1. Mach-O Internals
    • Anthony Shoumikhin
  • 2.

3. Agenda

  • Program linking and loading on Mac OS X

4. Mach-O structure 5. Dynamic linking details 6. Run-time hooking 7. Compiling

  • Converting human-readable text file to Mach-O binary
  • Preprocessing

8. Generating assembler 9. Assembling to object file 10. Compiling

  • clang -c test.c
  • clang -E# Preprocess, but don't compile

11. clang -S# Compile, but don't assemble 12. clang -c# Asseble, but don't link Object file (Mach-O format) 13. Object file

  • Generated by ld
  • Header information

14. Object code 15. Relocation 16. Symbols 17. Debugging info 18. Symbols in object files

  • Calls in code
  • Defined functions

19. Undefined functions References to static data

  • Defined variables

20. Undefined variables 21. Linking

  • Process of resolving of undifined symbols

22. Linking

  • ld just converts Mach-O files of one type to another

23. Executables and dynamic-linked Mach-O have no undefined symbols 24. Dynamic-linked library

  • A complete Mach-O file without startup code

25. Used to be linked against like any other object file during linking by ld, but does not become a part of executable 26. Could be loaded on executable startup or manually in code at any moment 27. Loading

  • Transferring of Mach-O file into process memory

28. Process memory layout Arguments & environment Stack unused memory Heap Uninitialized data Initialized data Text 29. File mapping into memory

  • Code maps readonly

30. Data maps copy-on-write 31. Introducing Mach-O 32. File layout 33. otool CLI exploring

  • man otool

34. -v (verbose) rulez $ otool -h i386): Mach header magic cputype cpusubtypecapsfiletypencmds sizeofcmds flags 0xFEEDFACE 7 3 0x00219 23560x00000085 (architecture ppc): Mach header magic cputype cpusubtypecapsfiletypencmds sizeofcmds flags 0xFEEDFACE 18 0 0x00217 24120x00000085 35. Mach-O View GUI advantages 36. Header struct mach_header { uint32_t magic; cpu_type_t cputype; cpu_subtype_t cpusubtype; uint32_t filetype; uint32_t ncmds; uint32_t sizeofcmds; uint32_t flags; }; 37. Load Commands x32 x64 38. Example - LC_SYMTAB struct load_command { uint32_t cmd; uint32_t cmdsize; //custom fields }; 39. Introducing Fat Mach-O

  • Several Mach-O of different target architecture in one
  • struct fat_header

40. { 41. uint32_t magic;//0xCAFEBABE 42. uint32_t nfat_arch; 43. }; 44. struct fat_arch 45. { cpu_type_t cputype; 46. cpu_subtype_t cpusubtype; 47. uint32_t offset; 48. uint32_t size; 49. uint32_t align; 50. }; 51. Let's explore dynamic linking

  • Test bed
  • File test.c

52. void libtest();//from libtest.dylib int main() { libtest();//calls puts() from libSystem.B.dylib return 0; } 53. File libtest.c #include void libtest()//just a simple library function { puts("libtest: calls the original puts()"); } 54. Debugging external call

  • Here is a simple CALL

55. Debugging external call

  • Welcome to __TEXT, __symbol_stub1 - a set of JMP instructions for each imported function

56. Debugging external call

  • Each such instruction performs a jump to the address that is defined in the corresponding cell of the __DATA, __la_symbol_ptr table


  • Procedure Linkage Table
  • Welcome to __TEXT, __stub_helper - a PLT for Mach-O
  • remember which symbol requires the relocation

58. jump to __dyld_stub_binding_helper for actual linking 59. Dynamic linker - dyld

  • dyld changes the corresponding cell in __DATA, __la_symbol_ptr

60. Let's hook 61. Mach-O hook tool

  • void * mach_hook_init ( char const * library_filename , void const * library_address );

62. mach_substitutionmach_hook ( void const * handle , char const * function_name , mach_substitutionsubstitution ); 63. voidmach_hook_free (void * handle ); Just download it and run the test project! 64. Mach-O exploring (live demo)

  • $ arch -x86_64 ./test

65. libtest: calls the original puts() 66. ----------------------------- 67. libtest: calls the original puts() 68. HOOKED! 69. ----------------------------- 70. libtest: calls the original puts() 71. Questions

  • More at

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