Page 1: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*

Absolutely; Pure,

IMP A RTIK G VIGOR u» iIM> MudUtir u n a l l««r , TUvy a r e udup led to old or )oHn>.

S O L O L V L U V W H K J I K . Vtyz


C 1 u a u » c * | he Nasal I'aftiayo* ' Allays Pain «ud lullamma l i o n llcals the More*. R o » 1 o r e « tb<! Seu*e» of Ta*t< and Sinoll.


T | I K a run .of. li.-fui tnro 11-udlworJt. Kdi l ln i br-lU»rr. Ari.Ww-ll.w bold Inpifli of •LoiiM mti i rildri.i It. o r w

Tho i , f i l York. , i

j \Mb will acquire uew zeal, and { fbeerfulneta return, if you will impel (your liver aujJ kido.ys io li e pf*-j formanre of their Junction*. Dt. J> I l i . Mt-I JCBOV Liver au<l K i d n e y 15*It? '

will ifiiuulate tbein to the healthful j , act*oil. I I 00 per botlU.

H O I » { J i i i .

M . W J A / I N E

m. I Cf'4'ol-work, Kin »;», • »<! other bou«*. h«'a-lU ». Kv < IT In »» J'ritxj f(V. a Ad.

• JH »|1 l'l;i<«, »

A | »r« clH- aj>j»|lrd it e*rt) <uiialr|l «i*| !• •*rceiblff. Trxr b't cciita 4 by* •nail. f*cut<s^Aii)ci«. KI.Y BROfBKM, I t W«frrn HinnjXtw Yet*.

• ! r ' GANGER

D. fl. BALDWIN &Co VVIiolcsuIc mid KOIHII Dcnlere

Firat claaa Pianoa and organa »l aeoood c)a«a pricea. Sold on ^tn'tal terma

Good;8«a>p<l H i n d Pianoa tJirougblj repaired, from III) u p ; <jn son lb l j

payow&H fioui >6 .up.

"*•»•! W. T. MILLUB, MiiuagerJ 230 Mnlii Street, u j -j ikntpfyi Teiot

MEMf l i lB, i ibBYWHIlttACUU-tW, «M>TII.



ling House el ttc wtli.

SEEBAPTrST, I83ST-JHE BAPTIST BLEAKER, W9^COHSOUOATnM.r 1. a f e m to-, ili P ^ y h l o h a r e t » » good w a y a, e m j f w a f r t haUla . a n d * .

ol. II. X®.*!

* " • W ^ W j M K * o U N t e l o f l JBijn T. 'I. ivuTy, i , Uunjaa'puta I«: •{All* MtJ<*fcreiU« quan t / . "

One tluog k oertala. W f a M f J * lack ihe/a la. i t ' in not U God, nor i* Otriai, i o r iu t in Ho)y Spirit, nor io (ha word erpriMtiae. j wo atrailened in any.of lb<M. • T u . am i i aM i i< ui OUIMITIM. Our iaith it liektog. We oftlu cry, " 0 , Uial 1 had mora po««r , ' ' "mora ol 111* Ufa of Ood io mr aoul," "mora boUoeaa f I r hu uuM ,* "more aulira oonaooraUou W h u HT»ica," «JI t U while u u d 10 "look to gur failh.1'. If «« are to IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia In lure ui let uaaaarch and a*e wherein it lacka; •oiue of ila d* liciaucfli are b i t too aiidenl, ulhera oced Karchiog out. s

ever gO'lagether) which moved btrnlo OlikAienl<-| ing for (he CVloeaian laiuil. Col. I. 4 Bo • in' writing to the church of the Theaaaloi^iaiia ho Mja he knew their election by their faith. Xhnt the ; liad receifed the word in much ailliclioai with jo / of the Holy Ghoat marked them a« the "beloved of God." I Theaa. i. 6. Moreover, that (hey ware "euaauiplea to the other u iu ta " lay in the fact that iu "cverr place" thtir "faith to God-ward ITU spread abroad." 1 Thcsa. i. G 0. Mark, it waa laith "God-ward." J Thi* ia lha ' lolrtn of God'a elect iu all ago*. Abraham believed G«KI, aod it waa . muled to him for rl^bioouuiaa'- Kooi. IV. 3. "Hear uie, O Judah, aud ye iuhabitania of Jeruialepi," cried Juhoabopbat. "Iteliove iu the Lord yoar God, ao aball ye be eatabliaheii, believe hia propheta aud ao lhall ye proa|*r " 2 C'bron. x*. 20. " I believa God," aaid l'aul, aiuid the roaring wind aud wave, " I believe God that it •ball be, even aa it waa told uie." Act x?vil. t'l. "Have U'ilb iu (Sod," ia iho word ol Chriat to bia all agea Mark l i . 22, The band ol tbilday of ouraia, that io our plaua and projecta "man" ia uritten large, ani) tbc gieat Gyd email. Vet mau can lie, God caonot. "Cufaod I# the man," with the prophet, " Ibat iruaUl|> iu tnuu, and maketh Utah bia arm, and wboae heart de-parteth from the Lord ; but bleaaed ia the man that truateth in the Ltird, and whoaa tope the Lord ia." Jer. xvii. 7.

" 1 feel'now," aaya one, "aa if i bad r^any u»ue with everthiug but God—aa though weakneaa and •treuglb, light and darknead, life and death »eie uow no longer objeeta of thought or iulAreal, and that the ooa thing to do ia love it in the Lord and

HOW AUK l i i r n ' e LACKUti * U « 1>1M.UVKH£D IO HE a u r e u s ? ' j '

1. by a mora devout aud diligent atudy of the Word ot God, "Fa i th comeU by:hearing, and hearing by the word of Oe<V Koij. *. 17. " I t la wrilten" ia faltb'a aole warrant. What ia ' grounded on augbt alae may be oallfci faith, butia really praanmplion. It w u to theiwritte# Wurd that the great Prince and Faifacter i>f faith hlm-aalf appealed in hia ooDtti«! with aba Bail One. Moreover, It waa by Uvlnj on "av j rv word tliat proceeded out of tba moalb of Gc^l" that he o»n-liuiied hiaall-oonqueriiiROouteeto ijieend, Tbua . only, can we overcome. 4 ' l b " i - ° ' 4 ' with bia diaciplaa. "Tbla.U |b» victory Uut ovfr-coinath avea our faith," IjJofc* v. 4, U faith ia a to grow it mual b* nouria4ed.' But i thk a t i ooly « be by fe»4ing»t »>• WIUUB word. ;

Jaaua himaelf linked di»iaai with the writ- . ten word. "Y* do err," * i d i » t o MM badd»i»a.. • "not knowing the SoripWlea my ike [owjr ot- J, God." Slatt, *»U. 28, .OfBlephanUl» aO<i,-"h» »

! "God" !• wrltun al»nt ibIrty-a "Uofil" twaat-lva In tbt Oral tplille «l k a m u M

lura t u t t w i c in tb« Old Trata-d 11 ah. U. I.J

Page 2: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*


aided me la liqaldatiag tka 4ebtdoe Mr*. Buntia, mj Koble boarding main*, m Ik* baud of my Brother ud myaelf, ) . j

Wkee the imlm ctond fajw J u t , wej w n <wo k*r HUty-eCVCS dollar* Bad levectyfive MM, aadehe kindly waited witji in far it. Boon after aland upon oar vaoalion'a fork, he, BIT brother, fell neleep In death aad left qte alone to bar the kudau which bad ae*m»d too k « j tor both of aa. Yoa, through jour ownuneollotad klndnaae, reduced the amount to fitly fivedollare and eeventy-ITS OMU. Thia kindnaa* I can never r»pay, bat **a only pray Qud'a blearing to raat apod 70a, and tkat jou may aarar ban jo regret it. }

Tka good peopl* oi Ik* «taptla< chureb of tkia pUc», of which I am now paator, tendered ma tbalr paalorala, by tka aidol which, logitkar with otkar arraagemaala which I bar* made, I have been enabled loaaad lo kin. B. the balance of lha aeoount.

Returning my aiaoara tkaaka and appreciation lo you and ail who 'ken picioualy aedited ma, aad aaking aa mtaraat id your deyotiou for the auooaaa of Qod'a oaoae initialled lo my haada at tkia place, 1 am youn fraternally, j

A. J. Hi BIO*. Balcaville, Ark., Dec. 31, 888.


BKO. Gli A VEtiS ince writing yoa about the fine revival mealing thia church bad in No-

vember lut, we bare had knottier meeting oi aome thirteen daya, etili more glorioua thaa the firet one.

Oar peator, Kid. D. \h. Mania, whoireaidea in Clailxrriie eonaty, haiag detained at hoap with a aick child, tka fir* three daya of tka; mewing,

a Hoaahata 'tnm Cental Pujat church, aa Mill aa •enealafofr owa member*, did good worij dar-ing Ik* meeting

Tke ' brethren repieoiahed Breth. Maajband NnelY pocketbocki .ken they took tkeirJaave of aa. All who attaaded tka meeting were jreatly revived, aad feel to thank God for all hie rnvcna. f 5 Fraternally, Jko. P. Bowjor.

Bowaa PJO.,Taai., Jan. T,'1888. ' !| ; ' - ( ,j \ i ; j j •

BOWLING GEEKN, KY. | p»EAK BAPTIST ;—Wa olcaad a meeting at U Bethlehem, All«a Co., Ky., aomatwoiireek* aiaoa, Beptiaing twelve oonverta, at which t^se I reatgned a y charge, hating aervad tkem lorijyfiv* or aix yeera. Biaca wktck time I have raaaitad oalla from Drakea-oreek aad Rocky Spring oh arcbaa in Warraa county, Ky., aaar my treeideaoejj aad atay perkap* aooapt oaa or both call*. Yo»ra in lore, , \ M. F. Hill.

Jaa. 7,1889.

CLEVELAND, TENN. i D*il B*PTi - iDo all you can to hold tip the

hande of Eld. J. A. MoMurray. Ho ia a airong man, tound in dootrina, and will acoompluh a great work for the Beptiata in thia State if they will let him. He railed oyer fifty dollaia at our Filth Sunday Meeting with the church at poll*-web, laa| week. AU oter fifteen doUara wai tor miniatariai education. ' ' C. G. 8mma. .


AN organisation kat been effected in llliooii known at "The Sabbath Aieocialion of Uii-

noit," wkich baa prepared petition! to the United Statu Senate and lloua* of KepreMntatiroe, Ike pretideata of railroade, of talegraph compamea, and proprietora and editon ol oawapapara, oeliiag their'atlaatkm to the enormity and extent ft the

Tan CHOBCB. moaaiag Nad ereoiog «*«y mwk lwger thaa «enal. Xka paalor at Ihaereaiai aawiaa preached oai Ike f> i i . ga»g, wkich NbjecC ha_will comply fi wmA, ZS. Xkaa* Boaday aigkt i n d oaf lire eil^cu an drawing ta* paopia lo Ike F h t iakarak ia largo W K Haaday^wl <o«qfii*d-i Tka iant-Ihaaiaa* fa* Ika yaar'a work. oo^meadkhia.

CansAl. CUDIICII. Docidad i*creaaal in aUacd-anta. The paator ia praocking te the glraiiBoaliun ofkii kaaa,aaatia*oiaenmaiok dealt aad tke raeurractioo. \i , j ,

BOWAX ManoaxAL Cauacf. iPaaloi preached both moraiag aad aaeaiag to good aoagregaiiaM, BacdAT-aakool Una,

W« notice with f l u i n the aa*y azpraaatoat of •yaipalhy aaal to Dr, Grarea andifamUy, aad oo» tUnt inquirlea aato laeooadilioaof tk^tickolaa. Out Ian iafanaalioa, aa we go to ptaM, la, that all are improriag. i

Kid. W, L. Aatkoay of Dujhamvi! 1 , hai jual raturaad from a plaaaaat Tint 19] Blue 'Moonlain, Mi«„ where ke preached moraing and a ruing oi tka fifth Sabbath Ua la artaoliag Id more hie family ta that edacaliaaal oaatar. ?

Th* following krelkrea hara Mht lo llkia office their; ooatribatioa for tke G*tadHomo: H. W. Briiobe, Ban Aaloaio, X**., on* dollir; Joarph Towdaand, Ciaoinnatl, Ohio,! fin dolfaia: The Rowan Memorial Saaday-eckopl tUi eo n lake op a collection for thia worthy cania. Fkrhapa Cw other tchoola of tka oily will do Ukawiaf.

Bio. Outar of, LoajariU*, kaa keealn tke «Ky during tk» Ian Week- By jiaillatioi be Will preach for oar okurck la Dyeaehurg, tojaorrow

Eid. E. B. IJoNeal will g i n k lf of pkit timn to

[ I Peuri. 7. Tkia it waa wkksh aada Abnkaa'i I M h aa oonipicuoaa. h, mm watt 'triad. "By • Wb Afcrakya, wkaa ka waa irialj dhred ap

aayi, "Wa lore gnat joja be-« • » wiare jafraid of aflmtkm.- The okoioeet 4lpU mk oftia tka nraat aafienn. Or him who cfjld mf "1 <o ilwayi i loa thiagi which pltaae hlip- (Uipouibla tkia arae for Ika CUat of God I^lhouijuihl itii rery eaaaiea aaid I'ka Iraatad ll God."j Ai]lha Priaoa of BeiieviJ* ha leaned oUdiaa*. quelled hlmaalf uparimeatally lo be o|w BaAr aol paltan "by Ika thinga which ka iMbred,)* Itiia aot aaflaring wkidk wa need to d ^ d afjmuob kat l^t we foiat "whan we are r hnked j of l|i»."\ "Strike, Lord, bat do not lek»»," Xatker ,would cry when lha cbailaBliig kiad of .the Lird waa Qpoa him. "1 am afraid of G^.'aajd AuguaUna, "therefore I n a Into hia Aflija*" 'I | " H

By. Anothfu way ia whieh to fill np forth'a da-ficianaieiria to'keep aa outward look to Jeeoa. "Dp yoBjaik me. belorad," aaid Mr. Harriagtoo Enna to!a yopag Ckrialuc, "what It it tkat chjijUy atrengtkeni faithf It ia having much to d« iwilkj Joaiia." "If," he adda, "in aaaking, waiting <bpew|anca I kang a poo Chriat all my waa tneak then jl Am ayoog. Wilkout tkia I link, I can do pothujg. I am not to lira on my worki n<a|my ^ordi, imy lean nor my fbara, my repan-lafoe noijmy f>itb, upon what I waa aor what I am, but} upoq Jraur, — on Jaeoa for pardoa, ra|(htooa|nee»,: aanctilcalioc, faith, all thinga. Tig ia aa|e, bu|nb!e, i»lr, happy lirio#."

Qbe witnem more aod I cloae. "Once I waa •eaajble jf mjr lamanaea*aaid Barrldge in hiaI qualot w)jy, "but did not know Chrial waa lo be m/jrboliK atreqgth aa well aa rightaorlaaeaa. At laogili Oiid ahoarad ma that John Barrage could iMl arltejthe X)erUy>< <>f WameUr, but thai jieoa Ottflat (Ueaiodiba «la name 1) moat fay lo the legion 'ojkae ot)l,' I lee that faith alone oaa pu-rilV the heart «a wall aa pacify Ilia oontcienoe, an# jUiat thrjt u worthy to be my all ia ererr-

fiflieYi^, myi but ward lo you ii belie re, beliere, b-li«vi', be 1 i«Te. j

tATBlr FROM CUBA-LErrEB FROM f ; 2 $EV. J. DIAZ. ! j ||kv. ij*. I. IT. TicrlaaoB:— - j

\«Y DRAR BROTHERI did not write you I'l; before bacauie I waa awaiting, by erery •learner, hne from yoa! „

We hare een praying to the Lbyd for yonr health aince you left af. Our people bar* remam-bor you Ojften and deeite lo hare yoa bare. 1 hue tnea* to ^ire yoa now. I congregated cor

ay lpboole of Havana in tha-theafor we wiib y, ikd It |raa full to ila ulraoat capacity. lat'A beautiful picture i have bad: before me d the Obriatmai tree! There were 2,814 ith school cbildrep, 100 teacher!, and 686

vuji on—-DO boby alaa could gat la. ; j ' How ijappy11 wail What a beaulffoi Chriat-

mfe 1 h u I When I came lo Cu a [from hia az-ila in NfW Yolk], leran yeari ago, I did not find ar r; Chriiliani,oa the treet I waa myieif alone cm. [the llaland, Bible, without influenoe

I and witwul money, j Bui with the oontinaed pija enoe'iof the Holy Bpii|i, how many aod what wdnderfa thinga my «yaa have had tbia privilege r

We Md Uf yaaf J.448 Sunday-tojioola, god i^ tka praeaat year wa ^tve 2,814. TUak oKthat-rl,<66 foor* children in the Sunday-4ool tlikn laaf year. : | nur ctalacUqn on thia day wai I I« . If wa do

uM aectae Ukia. thenar, ia wkich to ooUact the

about aiflotm. In Ikair general circular Ue •oaualVo* fayei—. J

"It la our wiak lo praaant tkeee petitfona to every congregation ia the United Statee for a eig-nature, and to aeoure tke vuioe of tke wkole church of Jeeua Chriat againat the luat for gain,- which ia robbing the poor man of hia only day of real, and bringing upon ua'the judgment! of God. . We have reaion to believe that ueirly or quite five hundred tboutand men in the United Sutta are uow compelled 10 labor eeven daya iu the keek."

Thank Ood the good work hai at but begun— may it go on, and ;b« peraialentlj peraevetcd in until the great object aimed at ia attained, and the divine command—"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep il holy," aball be inviolably obeerved aad obeyed by all the people tbrougho«t thia hitherto heaven favored land.

Page 3: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*


- — 7(w. j " " . . — . tbe word ol Godabldeth i s 70a."

"I have aril ten onto ypo, young own, bMMM If H 14. . r • i • 1

la wbomaoever the word of God .bide. we have g u competent 10 judge ofjtbe purity and pow?r of thai word. "If any meniwilldo hia-will ho ahall know of the dootrina whither it bo of God or whether I .peak of myielf," (John rll. 17 )

lit whensoever dwell. ;OOt the wordof God we bate one that u ignorant t»f God'e doctrine. In hi« ignorance be ebould keep faia peec*. "For the ward of God U quick and powerful, and thirper than My two edged <wqrd. piercing oven to the dividing Husder of aoul end Ipirit u d of the joiuU nod marrow,and u » dUcerner of the thonghu and intent. of the heart" H»b. iv. 12.

Wonderful word thU! peuettating to depth. by mortal. uufatbomed! niwovering relatione ibat ban «l«pt under the aearching wudom of centu-riee! "In the beginning wa. the Word, and the Word wai with God, and the Wold waj God." John i 1. i

The Word ol God Uan expiweion of the will of God. "And the Word wa. niadetleeh, and dwelt among u«, full of grace and truth." John i. 14.

Jetua Chrut wa. the ex predion of the will; of God in the flub. God willed to be merciful to man a. none'other than God could be. He willed to lore man a. God aione could lore. He willed a neb an exhibition of truth a« God alone could give. Thew willi found ample expreulon ill Jeeu. CnrUt. If » man therefore believee in God'n word he believe. in Jrtup ChrieC (rte i* the Word.J If 8*10811 believee iu any wurd'he hae that word in himeelf. That word becime. hi. mind and till. Then be who believee in God'e word hae Gpd'e

" word in bimielf. That word u hu mind and will. Thai word being maaiteeied In the -fleet In i'fmi

' Chriit ibe believer in it ha. Ohriit in liimeelf. H ba. the miad 01 Chriil: he hae the will ol Chile' Hence he doe. the dtede ol Chrut.

Therefore we conclude— I. God'e Word, Jeeu« Uhriet, i« man'e emanci

pa tor from the bondage of ein. Hie emancipation then muat be complete. He

muet eland belore nien and nngele forgiven of every otfenM. cleaned of every Uint of original lin. "Ifthe-riou therefore ihall make you tree ye ab>ll be free iudeed." John viii. 26. If th« Bon of Clod make. a mm free he ehail be loo free to walk with the clog, of ein aa a willing burden, l ie ahatl be too free to be bound by the withe. of the Devil. He will anap l|iem aa did Bamaon. He .hall be too free to ever be aubjugated by a(l ibfc powera of B.ian. For ifjGod'a will be in a mai. and God', will 1" in him if made free from lis by Jeeua Chrial, how can he be under the power of tint Faul wrote .imply common aenae wlmn hu laid to tUe Roman. "Now then it U no more:! that do it but ein that dwelleth in me." A aatat dominated by eiul Bhall we etyle him an anomoly

. He ia a mouatroeiiy. How can the wiU of Go I lead one in the waya of the Devil? ; ;

The man liberated from lin bjr Je«u» Obrwt. hi, liberator aa hia ever-preaent guard. Jetti. Christ U in him, hia hope of ultimate and evtr-luting glory. That hope la during aa the |Kcee*0« la the liberator able to protect fda charge? He blmaelf alone i . greater than fhe « e from whom he baa captured hi. charge. H«rely> i, .hie to follow up the victory he hae won! Wjll be protect hi. charge? He came lo deetroy the work* of the Devil, l" •">' c • P , i v • , o u U •*'illbef9'-

II The young Chriatian man la th«ref«re Opf .

• M f v SO, OK h b!« young geaiua P i v n » | W

• w before. "In »tf banning" • formleea and void Mfrth whew* •» created man. He m^de blm 1">-

it man eet God J»i<Ui » d , , «.,rnal death. He had jtaen brought fit* thel earth (from beyond t ie redm "of

whicti do appear." Now haliaa tbouaud oraelthan Wthieg. With !«*K»tiee for

he I ia throating himaelfvdown to_hJK

i o eti

for the aeaociaUona of the „ he deliberately oboo«< the Oompany le runa from God, and take, not pleat-

hie waya. In thie condition, in tbie heart, God reaohee out afur him

itohleee love, and by hi» Spirit wipee jvee and hopea and expiration., hi. old Ivee hia new lovee and bopee »nd ae-iee hist a new heart; aad we have » ,t. He Mays in hU Father1, hoiue,

IU afd grow, nntil we have » young new Chart. ' f l e moet forcibly illuatraUe the divinity of

„ de and the Chriatian religion. Tbe Bible '^tbo^ily I^lallibleUxv-book on that religion. It 1a

w a o d i M by tbiealaaoa/hay. Though eder other immediate Ufloeeeea than by' BeptUte be waa inSoenucl, when Baptiw, by lbepop#larixl»g element

„ While be beoaeae a Bap iet he the character they maintained for ex-

• Yet he wa. wedded to divine truth. He ga«e it to the world with ao energy' aad vigor hitherto unknown "in the memory of ;tbe oldeM. He *ee«tedlto revel in tbe doctrine, ot ferece. H i . God W0 one of grace; hia Bavior wai a full re-

«4U» Ueemer) iand the very retfriction. he threw around hit liberal view, abowed tbe conflict raging bt-ween hieIw* " - •

• l U O U J U J - f

M lb me of all iu d»vition* and iuWivuio tibia L>im» to be divioejk^JJ Scripture i . /.» OAil " It reveala God in

twees hkleye for truth en 1 the biaa of bi. earl; trainiat, While he eongbt no f.voraof the world, etrnok out boldly into • world of iaiqaity, eccloai-aatical and otherwiae, with God'e Uara'al tinth tie man o/bia eouneel, hi baa never been trii d for bereeyt' but he baa ever been maligned and perae-cated for hi. orthodoxy. Yet he p— »'ood, the etronf "*^ in Chriit, the peer of any toldier of tbe crow, ithe dafenae of God in bla generation. When. he baa preached the prea. baa echoed jbU aermco. around the fMrtb.

How Stymy have come to the eetate of young Diriniar manhood? Eaoci) Wisua.

iviaiona Tbe ,1^., • i . give..

iaai>irati«n ol G4d." It reveal. God in a dear take, "The cam J mind i. enmity .gunrt , Qod of tbe Bible. Than thi. nothing U Ahain itaay., "Therefore being juMified

ih .we iave peace with God through our Lord Cbrifi.*. Feace ia neoceearily the reault of

ai{h in God, ' , ialoke," t h i . accord, witb-the experience

" 1 know God. No othera of courae have Eht l4 teetify regarding him. 4R*'D B i b l e

"If kny man be in Chri«i.h» ia a new 0«Itbl««K «r. p u - d .Kwb», bjioW are hew." 3 Cor. v, IT. Mow the you ian man ia ih ChriM. He plalma to be

i«w lr. at$0." Ail who knew aim wl.on ho wtf Chriit and jvho know him now loatify tbi^t

"n uiw creaio're." HU b.'urin£ b.foro II,l. ia licit of n new man. No man would mil-

' ir an »ld man nor lor anything eUju

jlio ;»orJ ;Ukc 1 thunk .trontr, vigorou. young man in Chrut JeauJ. Tbaftbe Bible iatfound to be in .ccor.l will. i|» claim, divine. Apd if the Bible be divinu Ibe re. lijiop'of t(ic Bible muat be divine.

Tie joling ciriatian man ataLda befoie the w,»<d » product of ibo divine wprfi and of tlie ie-liglon ol lliat wold Tl.ia Jolm aaw when he wrote to ybung men. While he would Have the fail.Wi lo iQu.trate tl.e linowledgu of God and the little chiljlren io illuitrate the pure unu powerful love u««k. neJ by Gad'a free forgiveneM be would ba»e III! joung men ip Uieir mighty young manhood to illuitrale'lhe divine word and work,

!; Goj'a wo il in tbe Joung'Cbi h|a migbjieet defenae of himaell on earth.

mighty freeman. . . . . J Shall we call him a renovation of natuie a JOB:

#»BT NO. tibaU oe va l bit# « lmpioTeiumi

tbe young Chriatian man ia J himaell on earth. It;i»

cioil a. Ml own defenae. God ceuld awear by jno greater tUn himaelf. Hence by.hlmaell be aware.

1 en cl»alleng«»l by devila and inidelity he could l i i no-greater than himaelf. Menoefce abowed l.lpaelf. Whe bi. word, hia holy name, hi. holy re gioaiand redeemed aouli wire aaaailed ;by deyil. clutlied garment, of li^it, beaven'e livery at len, be could interpoae 60 Wronger de/enae t|ian b4n»lf; Hanoe himaelf, in the peraon of ;tha yjung Chri.tia 1 man, be Interpoaed. With *>n-i, ou» «ide to lim be pointed by the pen of John, lu ling »U the 1 orld to behold the divine in ibe h man. j | ; : Tbl. truth aptly illuatratfd in C. H. Spur-g on, tbe cleri al giant of the nineteenth century. 1 iougH great and good h» wa. bonuo. In a par-I mlar • ' - * - - - - - - 1

HOW JO DEAL WITH "THE DOG." The:following facta will perhape do lo

for future nae.- ' One of the rpeakeri at tbe late Baptiat Cungreu, Rev. A. G. Lawain, D.D., of Boeton, i. laid lo have illuatraled the;liquor quia-lion by a (dmpariaon ol tbe ealoon to ] a mad dog. There are Ave way. ol deling with t^e dog. - O. e U to let bio run IOOM, and bite wljomaoever 1 a pleaaef. That i. free wbiakey. Another i. 10 t'e bim up with a long chain, and lax b|a owner <50. That U low liceoM. Another ie tb shorten li e

a, and charge a good round uim. That i. hlal Vll.lT Jknothwr U u>ai.v* l>6>> sotoruwa into u 8 > t lown._ That i. local-option. But

Ototire way ia to cut hi*! lail off doae u o M - . - e . r a . That i. priAlbltloH. Thiaatrike. ueonUiawhole ae a fair alatemant of ibe caae. Total auppreaiun ia the only real remedy. Tbe only (afe and aiue way i. lo kill the jog."—Exami-ner.

j j | ANOIUXB 8 'JBJtur . !

Joaaphua, in writing about John baptii'ng and why ha did. My. (Ant. 18, 5, 2), "John, who wa. aurnamed Baptiat, . . . a good man, and one who bad. thf Jew. in the exerciae of virtue and I he practice !of toward one and piety toward God, to come to baptiam; for Ibat «o would Ibe baptiam al.0 appear acceptable unto blm, il they i»ed it not for ti.o forgiveneaaof cer-tain nia but for the purificalion of the body, it being .uppoeed tl.e nul also had previously been cleanaed by rigbteouaneaa."

It appear, altogether reasonable to auppoae that Joeepliua, a man who lived very mjar Ibe time ol John Biptut'. miniatry, would knpw full a. much about lib preaching u tbe Campbflliu preacher of to^l.y, »nd that it come, in very poor grace from tli«D fo .land up and allirm tint John', baptiam wa. to aecure the remiMion ol aina, while Joaepbua in tflbct aaya it wa. not to Mcure tcmiaaion of aina but becauae their ajula bad beeiipMvioualy cleanaed by rigljlaouanea..

Tertnilian: "We uk niot waaljed tliat we may oeaM to aia but becaujt we have ceaaed, aince we

greai auo guw W N - K-> — .«»Fp"*--

ttmoep|ure he grew »pj » d hia religion. iBHy-four y.aii,

v i » il

hav* already been bathed ia hArt." May all of the people be kept f(om tbe blighting

influence of Oampbelllam. ; G. L. ELUS.

I ' y .' ~T Mr.. Hattie U Ardia, wife ff 0 . H. Ardi. ol

BhravHorl,CI|..> died January liral, 1889, aged

r> i >

tut TtiMttM q i


Bav.o. UUAiiav. *• « U - .

VawtwaaU fwawi &£sr xiHs io i

» I « I *

i l , t|taSiuid if

•.A± laalol 'maaBwa.

n . i l l am-fddreaMd to

all meaey to


<iaaaon. Itav. J. U. kM

muntoalloa* alio atSiatvllle, 1 W. M. Woodoi-.,

BlalaHlaaloaaloU" . , »aalo**a.

B.V U. A. * febd all noixy i*;

latonaatiea mar u *^ffS«MO*. .

X * » • u i N I R t B i l 4 ' IDUCATW t.

FuMtalor ,0U»8 ^lo^u^ ^ S ^ ' K a a ! ' ' - » K- A , U W -

Morrlttoo Teno. i | - r ± = = = =

Thrw^nontha of t)ie ponvenliowije« "ill aoon be gone. What i« ba.nj[ dona far " " ' " " ' J tboSand dollar, fron, T e n n ^ j «,me time to get into running ordep, we mu« run the harder nhen wa do get agoing.,

Tbe fifth Sunday W«ting U ^ T e n n e ^ e A^ aociaaion w u fairly S a t i n y

or the minUtry » i £ I

kiadoa jfowBavV)..

. •*£•. TJtm&SSh ^ o o t tie apirit of thia covaaaal, aad t | e pri»« pile of God'e wonl. • I

| DEATH o r DR. J . P. a o v c * - ' I

The i a t t t of aU the BapUMa w«« a«da ^ t ° of tb. d«th of thi. truly great mw. Wtan

aoau ducreat brother AfU- wriu hi. Wograpbyy] we AaB kaow how truly g«»t » « • » " haa given 01 the beat t h j l o g W - m ' ^ T world.1 Hia u » yoka-Wlow. Dr. 0 . j* tie man to wriu taia important life, and all] the undent, will look eagerly for it* fouataBie,] Ma, be who guided Dr. Boyca *0 „ d put forward theJoekua fUr.thl. *<*» alw,(!

T o ' f a . B i n u r for Bart Tenneene Depart-

T b e g a n my perioral «rvioe. wilh tkf Hill Baptitt church on the fourth Batn#»y> ^»T vember, 1888, and oontlnued tbe wrvl^e for ai^-wen day., which r e « l ^ In twwty ^diuon. to the church, aeventaen by b a p t - m t b r e . 1» letter. Twenty prof.ieed faiu ut &>¥• l w ° e n .tind approved tor baptiam. Thia.«bur«b ha. a m^Ur'b ip n o . of one hundrrf «d;tw«ty^»J. and with the proper training will beyme oaa tbe foremort churchu to tha Clinton ^ - o ^ e oo.

Reap 7 Vour», J - •• 1

I Clinton, T«nn. ^ _ Kj o w l la kftM tkW liow • aT


W b t e e t > « * d » Thai tweatyfive mlaut-. B leeaaa, exaept total

ahd obligatiooa. Tha aj bave the eama, bat volaal lainulea. A Uttta.bell gi>

| iag,a™l thaarathWy ru Owing to delayed train

I in time to hearth* aubjo k Fur year (pronoanoad 1 College, read a W a r on State educate?" Bav. Ph '• Common ra. l'arochial t Walter Bauchanbiuh, of

ItBOaof aectimeut


ahould provide elamentarv cominaunaal ecbpol. anif

idio achooU, a. beipg a nai Baptut idea o f entire a State. For <0 tench K wrong the Catholic., and to wrong th. Baplirt. an

• Txicri I Kev. Wyland Hoyt,

cated bigb lioenm tbe eafaty of the eaid that it protectad peiate daMe. and

i and ooamitment fifty > quire, an indoreement

intended aad reepot goodatond ohaMnta.' aad guaraateeiag bla I

In enawer totbaol kwp|w».w8Et

portant topto to

A, 8r{ the beat apewbofhia lite onchn i if good doae not reault from It, i * in tbeee diKuMioq. at all. . J_

,old have beea or ol .the Stat* List Convention. , made, perbape. h covenant* and n there ie no tue

H WbateaUmaM oven ant. T How Kneaking of church oovenanl

do our church* P ^ ^ ^ ' h ^ d * "or Teen many of their mWnkjj ,, M have a Covenant ^ l ? v I l ? W F ^ S y t m . wonl?like to re, . «py .

VM * -W ou' C0"nMl , l

vior; and on the proleMW f F a t h U i ,od of been bapuxed in the ^ j 0 now, in i S l ^ ^ o t t ^ t h U iwnnbly, moat Wl-^ r d i o y f d U y e o ^ O o v e n , ven.n't with one

knowledge; proaperity

cbeerlully yje au'pjort'rf'the mln-I ^ h a a p r o e p j " 4 ™ ^ X B f S e r i H r f < r f ^ latry, t h e e * p ^ allnatlona. poor, and ii>re»a qi b l r *»d moni

We alao «ogW iJOWtoW • J fc,WMB. v, devotion; }• J f ^ S d and e<xueletaa

exemplary '" * back'biuoS' the tale and u» age, and to

ilk clicutn.pao'ly 'njthe worW i » » » W

to* !^U:nTto^X&"f


u v X . * r T b a « S practical queatlilna. w b n U

rua aarTUT cosotsm At n | What il queer aebealton to aa ovdfi

gad' hlmadf a member of ooagreeel • S n S S T o f himwlf and thlng.3 "ce^ra a new * 1 Well. I wppow that mo» go to congfaee than do. if d u l » 0 . , ^ pend upon the .nBrage. of the "dear P^P1*

.littleahead of our national body, iney ju»i read and ulk.- Ia that tbey exoel. lor it u ; al -way. quiet and orderly, and no dWreemng y (W-eonSd diKomioni me Indulged in. Tbe ~ 1 «kV" ZZ of the mating U properly forth.'» fini at ride of lU "plan of ori an nation. S r t 2 t . t . g r T i . to promote a ^ aentiment among Bapti.U through «nd ®W-t«u i di»u«ion. of current qotetioiia by .uilable

''jbe^harecter of the diacumion. ®ay b * i n f J " d

toptc under dieoumion may be M. b3 ^ cMraan." ThU aeonree abeoluU * d e ' a#d itjr, and o « « the broadeet freedo^ of dUcuyjoa-

r i - ^ 4 m « t o oompare upon «.rert - * ~ - Bepmentative men ara cbo-

pepw. on then ,#MOOB.^ When

I I * ! If *

waa aa able ine tMUpa licenae theory. j ;

Bev. H. AC Delanol« advocated problbiUonJei objection, quite aucceeetc received eeamid to la^O" wilh bim. In an.wer « cenae wa. in the nalur^o not be ao regarded, be«at and oollected before tbji

onger by aay pna-egtfdj for aU nUa. oled tpaaken may ' •peaitra o « j -tw

three aunulee wara-.very one down. l oot (each tbacitr i edaoatioa. Prol. ee er)I of Biehwoad

•'How tar dtould the iinHairAn, of Bortoa,, i U - " i Bpeator, B « . Naw Ypik. The brt-

, be ik»t the Htata cular 'education, -da- . iniveriitiee Complete. intt t ia Bible,J caj^llary from the

,pa<ation jof cbarch and ' t J.mea' venioo 11 to

i^lulipM Vulgate ia Brouuiala. I f JlCt " •

Melpbia, advoca-the practlbUity aad

of hk city; :a»d alao a id more intern-

tha^auae. for arrart bent., and i l alao re-bond two wholly die; a partita, laauring the 4 apptkent for Uem* ubeer v Mice of the law. iU that to Uoeaae la to I aad jo aooeft *ka i j j f P . .

-ddafaM. f . Souti Noraialk, € * » . , ! weri>9 mortof the MRl-J | y , a # t h e applaoea ha a that the coogreea aided

Ibe argument ibat a 11-Ca fine) be - I d U oonJd tae the! fine waa. impoaed ijfenM ira. committed, and j


i pjfH mm iii i m • i M

m:;: i M' ft m -p: fe •

•' :

1 w i S'i :i! / r

l i

therefore g r « M the i p ^ v r t j f t b . 8 u t e . o l b e j|| commiaeion of what I t p f ^ M a W ^ . . . it wa. in th. nalnra of «Jbng Indulgence., whx* , U j

unue againat probibitpry; law. ** « " » * ? ^ j j

and th.y V® J P * W . |j| It. printed Untaomrrm- ill

BBasim ro Tiwssnast.—W.

ch., for Africa, by i villa cb.. by 0 . L. -villa ch.. by: 0 . Wife, Long 8 a v « Eagl.ville, lor l u dian Creek ohurdi, E. HI", a

Hra. Llule Ndapn,. Oaborne. ®? "'_ nooga, (or Z. C. 1 Port Lavaoca,for .

Tbe Bouthirn L' Lopbivlll* ha. one

ip UUNOXh ] | j

d, «S 10; :ue

f 3 H i i . H. tiM,' . Total. MT«. I: |

Total thta year, j | t;

i is!

Brminary ia !j •d a|>d forty fouretwleata.


Page 4: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*


Bar. A. J. Barton writer ur1 thai he bu fully totalled the board bill of himnlf ud lata brotbtt at Jackton, Tenu., and we therefore diacontinut oar plea lor help.

* * j

When we wrbta our lata notice of tha purohtae of the Beflector we had onlj heard that It wa« purchaaed by Mr. Folk, eon of Judge Folk, but no Intimation which one, or wbother lie publica-tion would be continued at Chattanooga, or moved to Maahville or KnoxTiUe. ».» .

Do not fail to nad thia weak Bro. Diai etrong plea for a meetisg-houae that will accommodate fin thouiand. Bead what Dr. Tichenor aay», and if you have a hundred dollarr, tit; dollare, fire dbllare, or one dollar to gin, gin It sow, and eeeure the Havana theater.

We dielike to refer to it—tha number of letlari that pome to tu aakiog information about Uu«, that and numeroue other thiagalkai do sot coa-!

earn u Of thia paper, bat the print* intonate of tke writan, and not a poilaji itamf to pay for tha answer. Our roadert ekoold know Ike! Ike yearly eum we pay the pootoCoe lelaqtar Ikaa the Mt la-come of many a good farmer ia Toaaeeeeo. Wa, again ny, if you wlek aaewrr by ewU, nad a tump. If yoa wiek.yoar m e a w M n pob~ jljhed, put yotir same to it, lot on iafcroalioa. We aan withhold it if wa eeo fit.


THE BAPTIST. jj 1 •>••*«»A»WM».

saaa»««« i-f 'lt {••'. i II a BapUn aetalaaor eeeepte eals-

gaeotlw W8. vttellua la proeok with a :*ei**in 1 i ' : i, : alaitler la a regular. Il4b°d|a4 ei-

ten, eaa'he not at Ue eloeo o< the wetlaf. lepilie tar Ikea villi ihe tome coaaMaaeyt C. 0»DO.

MlM- j ' j" '• J ' j, Wa aea not how ha eould more thoroughly ea-

dorae Mttkodlet aoelallae ae ehnrahaa, aad Matb-odlet preaohert ae true niaistsn of Chriat thou Id Qaptlet ehorohaa reoogalxe each gnachen ae BapUM mlnlatera?

i u ika aid AaabenUata .Mot lU «aaaUaa 8ft . dooulae e( pui««lo.jI I nouUi

heard a MaUodiai mialcbtr eay ae. Hlekmev, Kj. T. A. WiUooaa*. Merer, bat moat etrenuoaely oppoaed It Do-

naad that Methodet minlater'e authority, aad we wtUpnbUah It ?' j| j Caa jou Inform ae wtatlttxe object Qtteotlea MS. of Ue Blair BUI. la It 4 Catlollc

meaeure togetooatrol la anj WBJ cI our public echooU or the eu»ool fend!

Cft t. W. S u m . Mot la tha leait, bot an antl-Catholle "more,"

L a., to iducata the children. The object 1« to ap-propriate a million or two for oommoa echool purpooee to remove Ihe raet Illiteracy from the lanj. It purpoeee to divide It aaiong the Statu pro rata, their eereral neede—amount of UHtera-Ml ( | •, • I

What akouM a ohuret to wllh a Question 884. memter who joined another oiuron

all montha ajo, aad aot yet ha»lt( ealiadfere letter ol dUmleatoaf C.U.COLVW.

Osloavllle, La. Xxcluio him for contempt of the church. It

will do' him no good,but It #111 taaofe otharea leaeon. Until our charohee reapect tkaauolree, they cannot expect thttr mombare or ike world

) return at w early dayjto Texae, aad AeUnr "Tha Fire (Jbair Talki" to ihe church lalQaaea dty.

I How eoon tkle will be "will depend M> the health of oar lataily. While lh« eyBptoeeeUf Li Ilia are more faioratle, oar efcter, Mre. Mar^, iell in bar room and broke bar th|gh, nod oar eefood daughter it down with malarial fever. Oar boot* it BO* a hoepita] indeed.—i—Tha aewe of tke death of Dr. J. P. Boyce will «dden every keart

1 Truly, a great man aad a prinoo hmoag at bat 1 fallen.—Sieter R. J. Hamilton, Mberty Hill, Tax.: It lit. J. F. Orubba, OampbfUiU preacher

! or any other men, aSrtai that ke kae tke admia-noo of area one BepUft echolar or etaadard Bap-tiat mioister, mack mfre a half a dopes, that Aota ii. 88, correctly tianelated, teeohee : the doctrine that beptiam ia tke law of pardon, |w etalee what

| be knowa to be untrae or kaowt not to be K, which iawolree him in the eeme guilt That pro-feaeora belonging to thorcbee (?) that teach the doctrine of beptumalj regeneration 'and ealvatioa do wrcet the pawage tc tuatain thia doctriae, aa Ihey do Acta iii, 6, la fraaly admitted, bat there ie no thedow of beptiimal talvation fn either pur-age. Bro, J. M. Boden:' We are truly glad the brethren will help o« in yoar efuru to obtain a good education. Qd to Mew Market thia year and then to Jackeon next year end the year ailer-warda, and Qod will rtiae up friend to help ysu through and oontinueito do all the good yoa can.

Dr. R. B. Morthtad, Kentucky, euggeala, with aome urgency, ; that whan the number ol our aniwere to queetiow reach one thouatnd or tweire hundred, "that they be collected aad printed in a book," Ibat "aucb a book wooJd be of great practical ralbe to ill oar okurckee ia the •fltlement of difflcnltl queetion, and would ban authority aa the dloiiiope ofouMepnme coa ta

117HEN 0|e church ooaveMd on Uja lourth Bab-V bath ia Jaaoaiy aad a dflightfal half boar i^d been qm* la worahip; tli* leader reminded tke bntbrwi that thia >aa the day iappelniad by tke church for him to give iia peao^a for deciding tke motion to invite all beetluvfc of eater churckee to partake of tke Docd'eeupperj with; thia <Aarck, oft of ordefi beoeaee odcoaaklutlohal, were the kntkrea reedy to bear btot Bri Soell aroeo ahd remarked, "that at be had majj> the rtqueet of the moderator to gin hlereiadna for hie rolingv, la whtoh re«aeM tha churck hid oonpurted, he now mored that the deacoae 6ra( mkke tkelr report on a, place of worabip, wbea be would inake inotker •otion touching lbs order qf (he dfty.* The ra-port.waa then called for, ekieb waa jread by Bro. Uicke, which wea in brief: [T»t afttr onneifleirehle eanvaaring tbey bad foacd I'o plane that coold ke bad oa very reaeonakle' tern . The large Firemen's Hall on 'Spruce and Six h etnate, aad Ball'e Academy on oomer of Main a d Bin Mnete. The former waa on the aeotui etoiy, which waa objectionable, bat the rent wa meillr nomioal, o n dtdlar per month. The Acadjuny jwaa fir nor* central, and the chapel waa on the Brat floor, aad the bouM waa poeeed by twt iqein abeet oar linee. Main and Elm. The chapel fae ajnioa room u d Mated for one ihundred and fijty, and there waa roon for Bfty obalra. Too relit of thia chapel wea j$6 pet. month'tor Bundaye nad one night; ia the weak. Tbia rest iadttdad tke. a*toa> kin, far

ban not Ike tlina to eban Irom eenrar work, a eompltatloa of "QoaitlOBe end Aa*ware" aeey be made by thoee who follow oa. Bee *nr Kxpooltloa ol the parablee of tbe Houre, and eay If you ere "a ten hour hand*" BfoJ M. A whole page full of be inhered by pnvata letter from one in Texaa, who U dot a tubecriber, and forgeta to eenil) stamp I We! work for th(ee who apprd-ate it—our aubacribert.- We e«nt on the firet day of January aeveniy-piue dollare and eeventy-fin ceota to Our tloye at Jackeon to pey up board-ing account for Ibe ol< year, aad we now appeal for help to carry thtm up to tentk of June prox.

Geo. W. Garlg: The young Shepherd got here on the twenty^etenlb, all right, aad boy da-lighted. K. M. ,Mpr(aa, Hayward. Mo.: Yoa are right in poatponing the meeting and dedication until the third Sebbai la May, prox. God will-ing, we will be with yfu, but do yoa remind nt |of thia promiee a week i)r two before the third Bab. bath, A nameleee friand'at Murionary Land-ing, La .eenda ue tw«ty di'llare aa a Sew Year'a gift for our young uinlatera, the/ Be(l Helper*. The Berior knowa Ihe glver If we o sot, aad will rewerd. If the conlrlbotiooe to the young minla-tera contlnuee through tbia month |o be liberal, we will be able to eay;to another poor young nia-ieter, Ccme to Jtckaon.—;— Eld. T. J. Powell, of Hickory BUUon, Ark., wiabee to thank Bro. J. M. Pendleton for the gilt of a oopy of kle "Notee of Bermont." W at will a young miaieter'e board coet kim in Jac^on per monihT It be joint the Self Helpereonlr fin dnllare. ! If he boardt lo town twelve dolUre and fifty cenie. We ban the report of our "l«ir Self Helpera" fur fbur monthi, and it la eixtl-^ight dollara, fifty-two awl a half cenlt We on ypeed one k indred dollan to i>ey their board oplH next Ji or, the don of tbia nation. Who » ll be one ol ne hundred Id

Sve one dollar? We agree to pay enry dollar at u not contribute!. J

Page 5: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*


— . . i.. Spg-• neat number at <*+. that by tta

i J . H H I , ttataeaaaanmea.—a»!B»i»». m*»i»«,

liatmiBMd M M 'e topper aerrioe ta-apMeotlon wt ty UM chunk, and whjv tta roemben

ptlonof dlr|an ordiaaaoe, lret from it, M a dot/, when

munion men taw tan

yggjgMatat&surbjtttjifff. ; 11 i I 1 ' ! tare

' GLEANINGS A&D NOTES. It b fciaed.itta fi The Fifth Soaday maetlag el Boaad Lick, * u gulll

aaeceaee. OaSataidaraad hpitj UM large tan: k m w O W . Brtii. Eaetee, Grime, Oa ROMII, noma, Biegta*i and folk, w f n >

; the netting mlabten.- After uaauml llduaadeUpe aad ton*, wa « n oomfor

' domiciled at 908 Suatmer etreet, near Union. Our alga, Bra nob Offiot of "pis Birrtar, b quila qon-aslcuoai to Co* 00 Ita lookout. It ta» a blue task ground «ltk while letteae. Tta number b 808, and «ra want all wbo read thb to call on IU wbaa tta/ a n la tta city. W! go to Sou threat Georgia, on tta fifth, to ipead two weeka. We go on nrgwt^laTitatloa "to art in Joider tta tkiega .(..i m wanting." We hope MOB to gat ddwn to* our deek for a whIU. j Thb thing of aditon !»• Ing jn the field b hard aa both then aad he paper. Tta neoeetlly laid oa ttam to do thb a btuolag ihama oa tta Baptbt minbtry. All other preechen heip their papan, to ttair aditon can •lay ai bom*. tfake up, brethren, and ruih: to

' tta reeoue of jronr wora-out aditon. A large atuatar art owing ut on the old "Gleaaar," and,for eollectiuna aad booki. Many of ttaaa a n preach-er*, all of w|>om are agalaat ua, bapatua wa wait (0 patiently aad ao loag. Wa will tend oat notioee again' anon. Monty la pUntiioTao w, and wa hfpe for good returna. Pay up. brethren, and yon will fokl tatter towaida aa. I bought Ita olalma, but tare not reoeired enough topay interacton the

u d l L t t T e n a a M Satautappyl 'deer taath-. nm, with your timely ntatktnea.—-—That

twenty thooaead dollartfor mianfca bom Tn^m-aae meal com*. Boon* Lick taring .pent drer fire hundred dollan oh tarhonee, and taring Jib-erally reapondad to aereral calli, tat "topped to "•pit on tar tandi" aad draw a long breath, and then ita will make one of her eharaotarletlc effort* toward! thU noble aim. On ttaataglving (lay •be railed tan dollan anA twenty-fire cent! for the young minUtere at Jeakion, and the next

duty! icieajiouily denial pi " court ijpr Ootj I (eoila it—- , built- iy tbep, and fur ttam, worth; thoutaodi <d pouni v tart, thi« 4bominabU ooune, been t r a » ferret from (Baptlrt. who praotioe iHVine fellowiklp

Kwltt ittatjif it pouol the rpindi mindepf theyoui

tta young minlttan • meeting ordered a fifty dollar library for tar mem-tare. UoJBoand lJck le getting eqnan with all. tbeee elaima. We want to ntaka tar Front Xiick,: aad when u the Baok Link of our new AeeooiationT. Wheref

p*Tn» BAMier. FKBE MEMBERSHIP WITHOUT BAPTIHM/ IN Tu* BAPIUI of Korember tanth, I wat r»j 1 qaeeted to tell 1U naderi what I know o f e e c t called, "Tta Free OhrUtlan Baptleta of Canada and Eogland," 1» COM*!"*1* of the Inquiry ojf Mr. W. J. Celine, of. pieaaanton, Te»., wtathef tta Baptlata of Aaarloa can oonalatenUy reoeirl them. I mppoee that by "Fne" be rnaana l h » commonly called FreKommunion Beptletii for tbeae a n tta only BepUeU to whom the woA "Free" b oommoaly »pUWl tan. Under tta term Freeoommualoa, It hidden tta tenUm»nt <f Fret chnroh mamtanUp for all belleren, wjthoot obedieaoe to tta oomaiaad to be lmmereed.! Per-a o u who hold t h i e n U l - a t , I f ta te that.r otfrnmami Chrlatlajt « l y , b antUtabtlan body. If, ttanfore, t i e j are men if pArfpU, itar "»* wi'b aw* bodlee. B « i , » • '"" P

tta; taw taw to do ao. JU i


pieoe of fc^poorby; ttay; ttay foal jt-|W taaaacndj

member* for refuting oon-tta Lord'l papper, while

nortd dnty to rwalte to ttat who refon immened.

aad hypooriudal plea, tta ol>-e bean excluded, and ,'otapeb

l follow* tradition of wan. If one of alowahiji BaAH^aki to be noelred i [churclt It b eunly tta ;duty of that | tell him that with hb'eentimenU he |t without aancUoning wkat he dadaree jatlcal ^nd alafnl, and; ttat if .lie ecu

Uy with to j o b

to th| f wh thud fwt-f toaflaptbi cburt { to oann; join to be. ehbi | , . .... ... ., from princifle, be fannot coop It. ^ i e char oh tap alto, at a duly, .'to prorlde for iU o« itaftiy, audi to pretent ita hlmoet certain neultt I that! if It iec^

mindapf the youns and willwatob for a lunltji to altar ite'jwaetice, to exalade 1 mtimi in, to eeiie iU property, and j to

Urtjhfirem withdrawn


•ivee each ptreoce, ttay wUll iUmemben, etpeoialiy the!

" an oppar-l de lit faithlul |

w i t fori the (i< rpoee of riolating ita will of Obrbt. I

Mil. an-4o»)IC f»D TUB DOWWOBiBB CO*- | j I JTBOTBUT, I

of whether to Ijave a creed oil no-tsead' at all. which b to be a |

i Uk » , kM the U » d M l "The to^atd!party ta« obrl of Tote*. IP Booeeqnenoe of I

ail tan op to the * preeent time; J from It. The greater part of I

be j^an who hare come from Mr. I Bpufjjeon'ejoollege. The newspaper, a n continue allrt ring; eome n»w infidel nUerascei of Downil SnM "•» Sono'-

i UHEIHTIAN OIVIHQ. o i f w o x r a n or oema^Mio*. ; j |

" i i i tboir ownttltM uolo tte Mrfl." S Cor.l rill.t, f A iOHRlfiTIANiii one who hae gl*en himeelftol

A tLe 1/ird Jeeui. We all remember when the t reet tenae of;pardoned eine filled our eoule I with Jieace anil joy, how we exclaimed !—

; f'lHre, ti>rd, I tl»« njMlf <*•» •TU all (lit I can Jo/'

Vtfhat do you gtre to Jeeuat Your heart. Yee, and that' don thU imply T Dote it not mew

' will] your effectlone, youi influence, jourj >e, your money» A womat girea her heaft naniwho loTtetar. la'tta topUnt with thla

: Don ate not go to kit tame aa hb wife, ijereelf idthall bla InteneU, count It a joy aim andlnjoloe to tndoW him with all fetal the can tntraM; him with tar-l labt withhold her eerriMt or her mone| f j aot aing from your heart :— ! if tr» lb# fbolt IX&IB of U»tur» mint, ftn ww pnwtml t%r too tntll i . j j

^Hmandttny aoul, my llfjay aUr nothing teemed toomuoh to do for

him an 1 Mated*

into It.

Ba lor Wbo lote yon and gate |That,we nerd b to renew ou

blmeelf for you. ' eonatcratlon from

ti t to Ime. f t a cane of tkia life and drily et Uct ilth the world chill the atdor of oar tot !c i. J lenoe oi r Maeter ordain^ that th« f-i^d'e


par I • obter red from time, tbat Chrbt may

ta naatadtd rf oM , to glra oaat l fw to hlta i

bae«knaawwttay«td< ttam aad racoweatratfd

renewed ttair oCMio I thing ttay might arge ppon them,

loyal aplHl ttay made their oon. It etraagetbat It wat a'iltaralonar

_ , b really in earnett »bont! any eater-wVlaottadtBte to pat tome4f hb moaay I ( b tta natural expreeeion of hb later:

• a, men will take ttock In aa eater-prue they tfbk topuah; ia poUtict, ofea: will coa. tribute for tta caute ttay with to tucked | fa toi-anoe mpt will apead ttair money in pxperimenta and infMkatioae. It religion aa axofptloa T Mo. Devotion If lac oauee of Chriet will find erpree-aion iii liberality. Whtrt Chriatiapa withhold their afteu*, ttay girt at |utt n u o n t to auapect their oenaafration. O, for more of tha Macedo-nian apirltl Then our beaevoient! enUrprbtt would hot jMgubfa for want of top^ort.—B. H. Q. la BelHloue Htrald. j

THE b lVINE OBIU1N OF BDM)Uf LOVE. "We Iof«, b<i(e*u»« lit flrrt lotid «•,"—! Jobo (f. 18, B. V.

W« love, Lectiu to flU tho irorlil ^lib love Tb# Belief c*mt I

We lote, fer tied li our«. end (lod U Jovo-N'»ture end aemel

We lore, beceute tor love D'.vloe end- pure ! ' S Oar epirttetkreti

Weloire, bececte wltb everlMUo* lf»ve He loved u>flr«ll

we low.Uceuie II le ererleeltog lore No llmli/kjiowil

We tot a, beeaoae for MWbeeoe»er will" The river flow*!

We lote. beoenee tbe Comforter IHWno

•4-1——™rHvr;nv •' lo draw wtt» leader. (Mile Wra,

UeerU ieennward. We le»al i", "»•» Uta l«U«^love.o We le»el Oh, oeyUUIeeble lo'eof ;un

8UII, Mill tDcreaae. •tui le Ula home ot love, wbo loved oa (Irat,

It ne'er jabell oeawl ; —K.(i. Hiuoa*!..


CiDfBABTINB YOUB Hou»B.—You miut quann-tine agaiaet Immoral literatun. T i b ib a deadly poieon. | t oomtt m varloui and attnetire db-gulect. Sxelodt it at you would the germt of a peetilenoa. To effectually protect; your homet from1 iU baleful infiaanoe, tupply them with healthy literatun. It la aa eaay to cultUate a good at adeprared literary taaU In childnn. Ttay will faad eomething, and what thejr read will ex-

I art an luporUat infioenoe on ttair character. Let joe» moat earaeet effort ta eferted to keep out of t i j boon tta eeneational »o^el, [the .Wood-ourdjlngftalee of rloe, the obecene plcturea, the

" - ' • of wioked, degrading, cfime-producing tatihreatWaa. Put in reach of yonr

pepen, ttagblaee aad hooka. Bait a chaate ttory, and keepihem enpplied

ileeome knowledge. A tad book may oar ton for tta oeU ol a felon. A aorel

tta whole life of yopr dtoghter.— Adrocale.

_ tal of BuatU, St. Pttcnburg, fouadad the Great, la a decaying; tfty. la Ik* i yean ite populatloo tat ijiminithed folly Tta <dd moaarch mutt ioo| down «1U> pon hb deecendenU.—Ex. !l

i tie. Ita tta b held idctack, not'by a , bat by a batch of auia. |K

A l l OCR Iato the Haade

I'r . : Ummi

Oaa ttay Baftly U » -\\ the Amarioaa

WILLIS11 TO POT 'ttair ChlU n a 8. B.

T t a e h F a n fine?

( Sunday* aool Helpe of Pabtaaatioa

To tek ttaee q ttaa with all trae . of maay of oar Bapti* ataay paatoca aad dtfoaaa made by ( take tkit method of era Haptbt paaton, to Ita untound

Aad let tta aileaoe .je, tta sdifiereace of

jiteadeatt, aad tta ataloat ,'aeemto demaad ttat we

tta atteatioa of Boath-indeata aad panata

» T . of tta Baadayaataol taiptef Ita America^ Jeptbt Pohltoatloa Society. Within tta paetyearjttay bare taagkt dootrinee which ao Baptbt thquid allow to ^oma lato hb Baafcy-tetaol or hb (uant, or to be' taught to hb children. Wa oan oil^ brbfif detonate tome of tta mora prominent f tbeee folae dfctrinee, tiki ng our Bnadty-tokool w^rken to InTeejigaU for ttam-ttlfta, aad to baabbj^otn Italr fjhoob all each pwaloioat UtenMn. | i

1. I t a l tare taught what not oaly come of oar SoBttarn fnpOTi' tart denounced aa "C*mpbeU-bm" bat tta Indian^ Baptbt and; Tux BarnaT call "bald Campbellbm," and whic^ tta Kew York Examiner ably and ^rnettly proteeU egalnet aa being "to much mofe like Alexander Campbell*! notion of tta ranbtloa qmOitiet qf baptiam ttaa anything beUered ln'by regular BfiplbU ttat we mural at aeeiag:lt in 4 periodical of tta PabUca-tloa Bode^r." J 1.1 i - < ' p H M R P I H

Bat BOW for the proof tbat they tare been igseaafeftk.*

n t d y coftrery to ttai^ moet generally siewe 00 ibe tabjeot. ( t b exaoUy th. of tta Djaoiplta. No latelligent DboipW.fcai erer

1 goaa farther^^la apeeklag of what b ano«»pilatad kitaplbw i*i

Ttarataaa been tetecal lngenloue atfoapte to expfoia *way ttaae UMhiagL Tta expoWtorlita-telf, Dr. Btlffler of Owabr Seminary, haft tried to ahow ttat ttay do aot mean what ttay jay. Dr. J. M. Peadleton baa tried to explain, tat admlu that thl4 declaration that baptiam "leerat the old • a s la Ita pool of immankm whence tbe new man taurget on tta other tide," "takes la tie Uland. real eea*e, eoataina a ptrOoot foltthood," and fat-geaioatly argute that It muatta taken flgaratirely.'

1 Bat ttaitaote remain that neither Dr. Peadleton aor Dr, SUffier oaa ta preaent with tbo Sunday

1 tchool data to explala -that thb b figaqtUre laa-! ^ _ ! l l k . . M . •«. ga%ge, many of our teacher! will not ta able to

detect jt, many reoeiie without qneetloa what

_ 'iato* nawthlag. " A ^ tejtppllam'Wla^a mta 'Into" all that tta Diriae a a u U Imply."

(b) l a Ita October Adraaoed Quarterly, page 103, wa tare following; "Beplbm learn tta -old men'in the pool df hii Immenion whence tta new maa* emerge! >a the other tS^e."

'for Jaauery]l889 [ u origl-of which wen n o t out

•md a copy ff which ia be-the whole

I £ M M 4 • ibpaeeege g'exegeeb The baptiam

eomeefromaobighatouroe; aad no papfn to ioota lu ttalrlttatemenU ought to be allowed to ooma late our SundaT-eohocJa.

2. Ttaee 8anday*hooi "Helpe" tare Uught AmlnitaiiP ia itt wont form.

(a) The April, 1888, Teacher, peg^l84,oom. mtrl'Tg oa the parable of tta lea Tifgini, eaye, "Wea< forth to meet t ie bridegroom. Thb b ooarcrtion." II thb exegeib ta correal ttaa the doctrine of foUing from graoe b true, and the te-; canty Of tta belieter, for which Bapt i* tare erer oooUnded, i« a myib, u fife of theeo tlrgioi *ert •hat'oit from tbe m^rrage. , (b) Tta December. 1888, Teacta*, page 553, daolafot "To break Qod't law b dangereut, but te bnak tbe onloa between tta eoal and h m b folaLT Thb It rank Amlnlaabm, and utterly [oppoeed tf

adl men;" aad the Watchman, tta akb organ of Mew England BaptbU, pronouncee thtt Unl renal-b a , and ablr proletU againet aending tucb Ueoh-ing to'our Sunday-eoboeb.

4. They bare taoght' untound rlewa of med-iation.

iiftjaartaw^Wian How maay more ot tta ta a dilifta t toarch wa a n . ' We hate gWaatabore tta

f t ta« "Helpe," and we I' J l l verify oar qnotatloae, •derwtatter thofo Baaday-toboolt. ! , ,

But it ta» taea giroa out that tta Society tcpad' -promltee that they rial! * r a p l y - r

•1, We tare ttaa no 11 doty. D t Btlffler, tite Itme debate In the A! 1 ear oi prirala eteuraacn

-ra. But par contra, t ta . TtacUer, T»r. Heneon, la| tta ^ umber, tnecn at tta " pepeta,"andoraca Dr. mfl that "tta ctaagee iteration on a tingle eeate ao Ice," clalma tbat tha TV ibtic lB ita dellroiBBon," lag Is a tend oa ita ncordj aad {day and rfghteont jad * girea abort tome of Ua It tta lair play which " • lb 1 ia the ayat^m'of «u» rate^ a^c

(c) l a tta Tei aally printed aqd to editon aad fort at at we "rite, 00,000 copbe WM 1 called |o thb, aad 1 there b tta folio wi: rembtioa of line. ible form in which yet ttay wen K npuated." If tb last thief aad tta! whole tapaltealy loat aad J«dae b at' , Tta Dbdpbt' iptpen gei qnoting tta fint utteranoee of glrea ahore, aad hare exuT-

BaptbU tare ooma, to ttair of baptbci. Tta

oMof ttaaUeat la eom man ting on

"Xothlag itron, be foaad 1B the w; A writer la tbf out, ta Bight be adulterated Cert extract gireo tta writer la the W< Jta eraogelwal li

writer! >) tta part ol oae of talr nllgiout

tta edition oi atteatioa wat

printed orer], 'For (unto) tta

oaly tta rb-lltdf^aad

oould aot ta ttaa tta peal-

world a n

tart I Baptiat Ttactar claimed that the

oa tta dttlga of ClBciaiuti,

naqnettioaaWy Dieciplei, my»,

of ttaaght Campbell.

(Baftbt) erlet raak aad un-

' by Ita fK i n i i

urprbiag that Itaeklsg ta

l i b dl-

Ca) July Ttachtr, pagt 800. rente ^ and 19, inaltU ttat Iht tlden on the mounUia taw the form of God," and atyt, "to know Ihe form of God b nothing, to kaow hb ohancter b erary-thiBg." Thb notwiltatandiag tta word of God taectae that no man hath nen "the form of God,'' ttat "God ia a epirit." ,

(b) July, 1888, Teacher, page 804, aaye, "To be eon Moeee and Joahua may bare chbeled the word* on the elonee," when the word <jf God poaL tirtly atnrU ttat ttay "wen written with the lager of God. ; ; |

5. They tare taught tb«.Andover theology of probation between death aad the final judgment.

(a) The May, 18S8, Teacher, pege 208, aot plainly tat by atrong Implication teaoheo thi! per-aicioee error by aaylng "Thla tepantjon [between the theep aad tbo goau] beloage to no other time

In the uooembir Trtrtawrjiat^l with might aad mala t h e faith OBOO

Eras, at tta rltk of tain our owa latereett ia thb mktter it teem! to oi that our edilfn, •obool tuptrlntendenU gtaajraliy , tha oaly tafo oobrae for.SeatbernjBaptbt Sunday tcboob b to uaa their otn Sunday-ichool helpe which tta Southern Bajptiat Ooartatioa ordered to be publbhed, and which b ao chmplafoly within ttair oontrol ttat If we: etaald ouhlbk fitlee doc-trine and the Home ! M^elon '.Board did aot promptly correct it th^ next Coaraatlon would

BBBt WORM, remore Ita Board.

AUaata, Ga.t Deo. 4, We taroi with all ttatif,

aoed the Camntalibm

ttaa that ia wbiclj Jctua ooinea. The; place among Uia ihoep or among tbe goal! b net; aeaignod by dcatlj bqt by tbo coming of tbo Lord/ 'So D1T>« aad ^aiarua were loft ia d«abt at de^th to which place ttay beloagod, aad aot oaly "Heathen wbo hare Barer beard of Chrbt* tat all ejaqon tar|> a

' 1 hetweea death aad tta coming ol QhrbL . April, 1888, Teacher, page 1|6, aayt, " f t rtre tbe loat will repent and gny," whlci iljee that there b penitence (aot (vmonc) and

pnjor la hell. * ; The atate are tpeciment of tbo folae dootrinia teaght by tbeto Sunday tchool Iteaoat during; thf)

repeatedly aiaaadulten TUB BAfinn.

MINISTERIAL niLr t oarua I <us

Four youag miniaUn lag aad taueo- keeping' 10 their board bllb thb ttat laalaad of carry tham through oae hundred aad tweily help tbeee noble aelfhel.

A frlead, Triaeraati' »i^:r°° !]

' i-is

i ^ a t e d . To thb

by.theBo-Ae -m W

, •• car tain qaar-! the Baptbt

mtar, 1888, , >w ftouttam itrougett tarma,

'1 eadlece re-r j g o a c o i a h b P'ioan4lj Bap- ,

hat "Uiawill-• aiki for lair Vail, wa tara

i wa aooord to -•jtaTe

mtthodi to which t taytare retorted] tojdriwj at o«t of oar owa territory, aad to d^prlre ue of tha tupport which the Soattara BaMbt Contention pledged ua when wa coBtiaoted td p.itblbh Mlad Worda. »

2. Tta Society coutinnee Dr. S^fflar in bbpod-tion aa aipoittor. of tta bnena; tad wo bavo no aeturanoe whautor that ta pi ay aot ba guilty of pablbking thanmeor ottaf fobej teaching! ia tha

ffotaro. ;

• :|

. 1 1 I f

'It! fflli mm

1. - y

m •i-ii

coatrary iatat auaattta yean

oonteadiiag tot .br-

at ttakiag will iay what

aad Sunday I le tay, ttat

1 L is . i !l




atoarooBBuad, U alluded to

Sanaa Euroa j


their own oool|< __ tta expeaee o l ' UnkertUy, to

dollan to oaly aead Who will

in .<»rsa 1*Til taniaeilktc

Page 6: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*

BP Young Soath i f c ' " " • ! it- — M M . BOHA S K A VJM HAIUIT, S a n a a ,

— H aaaailhlldlloti (ee; Writ l i H ' I ' t • iiHtmri. Kaoxvflle, h i ,

POST-OFFICE. »KKU CUILDHEN! — It m u U » 1 auil bid O n n l l to my Bible elaee, W1U «hm ,| hit* bad euoh dollght-

tal alodial weeh aflar week rot the put four or l i e yean. At Irat w# pnulad our.braUa wiU aU kUUd of Bible no-i l maa. Then we reeled our beute aod haw la oa a Waal plUow.texlB drewD from prcclouplavlUUoea aid prom-laaa of G *1. Nazi wa took Imaginary Ttalta to a Bible

• pteture gallery, Bad atudlad tka ponralu olall Ua pria-' olple Bible obaraolere wa bad aotftai raad about. Aod

laat ; t u wa logitber look aa imaginary Jiurney Urongk fatoattna, learnUg aU wa eonld about tka prloipal clu«a, •wmalalaa aad labia of tka lloiy Lead. But ail tbia while children war* growing Iota young maa aad WOMB, aad tatdnalx to be made to (eel the neooMlly of prepar-1 Jag t#eaeelree to naal aad boar iibe Burner dotlaa aad I burdeae ol lib. Olrle aad boja of Iwalrt and'Ulrteea who Joined ay olaaa when wa befaa, aad hare ao taltk-fully workod wllk me aU ibaaa yeara,a,o now elxieen aad BeTenteeB yaera old. (llow bard ll'la far aa to reel-In 111) »nne are talking of geilg Into bualaaaa wblla otktreare preperlag logo off Ueihool. Biad tkalr lat-tara balow, acd nee bow ua; art beginning to look at Ufa aad lie dullee. Ibare gliaa our poet«aoe tkla week to air Bible olaaa, wltk tka aioaplloa or two Cbrlaaaa pra» ania which J did aot wlak to delay aokaowladglag; aad 1 only wlak 1 bad Blotter (mm all oftkaai l>la waak.aa Ibla la to ba our mutual farewell. Aa a par tlag gift yon

. aaa J kara made Ibem a Chrlalaao preelat of mj pioture, hoping tku tkir a i l than arar kelp la alad our Bible atudlao, aod not forget to wrluoeqe la a wklla at'laaat to Aunt Jlora, aad tall oa of Uemeeltee and their work aod eurroundloga; for wa akal! trar loia aod foel'lBUr-

tkalr wolUare, akall wa ml, oklldraa aad f lander Aad now, dear oklldreo. J hope to gradually gather

aboat ma aaothar Bible olaaa. Who of jou want u J>la Il> I akall not bare Una 1 know ta (Ira aiuoh work to li

eie whoofyou are ready to work wllb me,do»otyour Laei I aaiad/oa • » quaatleaajaa tare! IMogo" la Ihe

*Ud.l aadao J Mlara I akall Joel/.keep oa wlu -drat lilage," add aaa he* many wa oaa' dad la Ua Bible. J •hall follow right aloag tkr oogh Ute Bible, eo It will aot

hard fer you to lad me tkougk yon are a little boy ar girl.. Aod then If J eball be able m krtp up my quaetlooe lb* ,rar through. and 1 akall dad a boy or girl at tbeoloee j of thf year who bat anawertd all uiy quoetlooe I expect 1

• akall aeod klm or her a Chrlataua preeenU Who knowa I ] •Wall. J i»t try me, ohlllrea, and eoe, J '

I aekrd you Ua queetlona laat week, and ao here are tea more queelloBa..

Woo waelha drat ehepkerd mentioned la the Bible r i Wko waa the Irat pereoo who died aner the oreatloar I Who told the drat raoordad huoiaa Uor (

' Who waa'Ue drat oaleaal aad ragaboadf i Who built the drat oily! , Who waa the drat blgamlat raoordedl • What la the drat name of the womaa meatloaad after I

I ia ! , Who waa tka Irat dwallar la UaUF Woo made Ua drat ooaleoelob of murder I ITko waa the drat artlloar la braae aad Iroat

I^'laglr, avax aoaa. J u o u cuaiamaa l aaaajira.

Daia Kaa, B a i u r : -Inoloeed you will led oae del- 1

lar for Ua Jtexloaa mUaloa. ApproprtaU It aiiou Ulak 1

, beat, rieaee aeod ma a receipt tor It, ao Uat I will koow ] tkat you reoalred It. Tour elaur, 1

OUkey, Ark. naa l. a roeraa. ' J wonld Ilka to eay to oar frlende Uat I print u ;lr let-

Ure la the Touag Soulb ae a vooalpl; but ir tkey do aot ' take or get to aaa tka papar aad will ao aula I will okeer- 1

.. lully eead Ibom a raoalat. »«otc tutaooii. 1

AU»T Koaai—laoloaed dod oae dollar lor Ua aha pel. ! I wlUad graelly to eend my other three hut oould aot at tkla time. Ualoee the burdaa la too haary Cor you I think 1

ue Touag SouU would loae kail luUlareet la gl.lag up J the precl'ue alaaloa work. Bay Ood blaae yon, aad 1

•how you thajtght way. To ure truly, Jlore, oregoa. nw.nauuHU.aoT. , AvmSoai i - We wlah you oould hare beea beie yee- ,

larday wkaa papaoaaee from tkao«oeaad>110,"X latter . tar Hal aod Lela Cram KaozrUla/' Tou akould kara 1 aeaa how we jaaped lir IL aad kow eager wa won to 1 ojaalt,andok kow glad to l id your ptewrel There Ware aareral ladiea apiadihg u . day wlu aa, aad w a j Wab ooyjd you kata kaard alllhay aald about It, ao II i

° | 3 1 t S w

i •

church, •temtktnUofUMfa MdrUioUoa whaurar, aad than kaewladp a m i Cbnatiaaa of c WOOHJOU »airthaj tkat churek oomaai

udar ujr ia. mj « n i i m

iM baooaM f»Oly tatiaAad B i* BeriptinL Omni

karahpokaa to m« tha paat waak abMt tkU qada-« » , kariag kaard tkht it waa (olag'to ba oooaid-arad by our ohnrob, aad upnaoad a with to «t-Uod if tka maMlng would ba hald U a publio kail at ekapal, u d ao aamaat dadia to kau tka diaoao-iio«, adding that tka]- bad narar baao altofatkar MtWad with aitha tka ppaa or oload commojuoo, aod U thaj oould be ooorinoad that <0OM ooaimu-aioa waa Ckrltfa raquiruoant, tkay would ba ooa-p i l W to ba Baptiiu, &> tka; oould sot aaa aitkar •friakltmt or Infant btptiam is tka Haw TeaU-BMBt, thajr oould daa imoeraiou of baliaTaia erarj wkara tka aot of baptism wu reoordad. I aaand tbaa tkat tka diacuaaioG would doubMaaa ba poat-poaad an til tka ahuroh oould aacura luck a plaoa aod tkat a s anaoooMmeot would ba mada. Bratkrao, I do faal thai Bro. Bioa ia fully abU to daarlj aluodtu tkla lopy raxed quoation bj tka word of Ood, that gnat good will rwjult front tkla diaoaiaioB; tkat s o n tkao baa erriag, doubtiog, perplexed brother aqd riatar will b mlititi ia Biad aad mada kappj ^ kearl aad more oaeful ia life bj tk* propoeed diKpeaioa. We: will br tka fcutk Sabbath ia March kara become settled ia oar sew plaoa aod the public will )uro learned when oar ohapel ia located, aad I would aot be lurpriaed at all if tko deaooaa would :aot kara to Ure fifty ckaira oa thai ooataion." Tka queetloa to poepoto tke diacneeioB uutil tko lourtk tiabbalk iaktuck waa failedft^jjt^wa* rm^UI/agreed to.

bnlfcrea tkat he aad kia i fkaul/ had keea maaj MMMpaUfcraU;tke|( iable Ike meatiaga hai oooaaioood.

He tkea opeaed the dpora of the ckBreh for the laat time in the periore. lhe brolhaieu aiagiag—

"Am I a eoldier ol tke croea." A long, oil/'hairrd geajlemaa, of poliahed ala-

gey maaaera, came forward with Ifia wife aad haaded the moderator a joiot letter of diamiaeion from tke firat church in tke city of (jj , Teaa., •tatiag tkat tke bearer of: tkie letter, Rer". Mr. Windmill, aad kia wife, were membfra ia good Heading in tbdt ckurck and for tke pfet year ke kad toned it ad paator with marked aucceee, and ai their own requeat wer» dlimlaeed, etc., etc.

Mr. Wiadaillaroae iq a' pompom man oar aad tkat " t a tad come to tkla youag aad growing

city 'to e u r / and tkat until a more prpfiuble field oi work waa offered to kim ke tad opened a eckool of aloeutioa ia tke lower part of ttar pity, oorner of Mala aad Sijteenth atreeu, aad m ;aooa aa ke •aw lo tke publio pnala that a Baptiat church wor-•Wped at tkia plaoe ta (jeaie to it, a* it wad kit rule to lire and work wllk ^ia brethren."

It w u noticeable that while the letter wae being lead aad while the bearer waa introducing himaelf, (ta brethren Wu looking omiaoualy Into each alfctn fcoea, and tkea kaaging their head* aa if repealing in their mlada their peraoail reaponai-bflity in thii g n r e matter,!for all tad kaard of tbb Mr. Windmill aad t i e diaaetroua jliriaion ta kfd oaneed ia the ckjirek ia' tke city of 0 , on •SMont of kia unaarory character. -

After Mr. W. tad intiudaced himeelf, tkere w u b r a few momeou, wkleh deemed mla«Ue, a pain h | aUeaee, which w^d prefodadiag to him a f t U ehareli at 0— dlrldad rfllietlcg or relaioiyg you to your queetioaable marria B f d yoa aot deeerted aad

9 by the ted qoeetl

Iroroed a wta la aow l l r ia | with yi^r childraa ia a'aorttarn


moderator Hi " W u

r roht oo the qoeetlon u lU paftor, owing * relation*, Mr. W»

Idgal wife,

_L-_kjttE BAPTIftT. ]] i ' ' I t M'

• M l , fed maitied thia woman before aa, l b , Wiadai l ir Mr. W. — . . r e d , -that wa* tke «ae, bat after tka maloooteau withdrew tka ahur«h had pea«e aad auooeea. It i i alio true l (at I talaed a legal diroroe, far what taa court decided a I let ceuee, before I married my pteeaal wifa"

iMayjl ddk you, for tta information- of ttade brethren, for wkoee Ckrietiao aad charok Ulowahlp yoa apply, If y 0 n put away tta wife of your chO-drea for ttnfaithfulneaa to the marriaLi bond, Tie., adultery r Aad. "I beUered tar to ta'a rirtuoud and Chriatlaa woman.D

"Ttaa for what cauae did you apply tojtke oourt for a d i m m e r "Becauae of tar exceaain wicked jealouay, which mada my Ufe uubearablaj It tad eoma to anok a pua tkat I ooeld acvoaly dpdak to a good-looking ilatar of my ekurok or Congrega-tion, or one wko perchance came into t ta oomma-nity, without her rezlag aad tormenting me by day and night with tar euapioiona and- my iadie-cretiooa," etc., etc. "I oould not think <ft apead ing my whole life ia auch a turmoil."

"Mr. W . " continued the moderator, "{late you not left aereral charged, elnce you put away your wife, under a cloud of auapicion of too great famil-iarity with a haudaome dialer of your church or oorn'muattyr "Tkere hare been, it id jrue, eua-dry rumora and reportd of tbia aort oiroalated ia aereral plaopa to my detrimeat, but I truat you will beliere me, when I a n o n yoa tkey warejpnerally groundldea. I oonfeea myaalf extremely: fond of tta uciety of kandaome women, but——T "That will do. j Allow me to ak you, Mr. Wladialll, do yoa believe that a dirorce granted by any oourt ia

without ein ta can marry kiewlfo liTtagy And. do. I I

wkiU t h «

marriage ia a ciril ioatitution, and that tke power tkat can hinil can unbind. My marAage|relationa hare erer been legal."

Turning to the brethren the moderator laid: "The caae ia aow fairly before you, and V wait to hear your pleuure." ' - Bro. Bnell eroae and eaid: "I more that tta application of the partiea for the fellowehiji of thid church be declined." Thia. waa promptly aecon-ded. "With your permiaaion, Bro. Moderator, I will briefly gire tta partiea aad the,brethren my reaaone. According to our dirine Constitution, the New Tea lament, the bearer of thia applicatioa it a groaa adulterer, for Chridt our Supremet aad only Lawgirer aayi, 'Whoeoerer akall pot away hid wifd, exoept for adultery, aad : married aaother, oommituth adultery,' Matt. xix. 9. Theee parbee are manifeatly apd unqueationabiy liriag u adultery, and our Conatitation aajaadul-terete etaD not inherit the kindom of keardn. Gal T. It ia a eufflcicient refutation of Mr. W'a poei-tioa, tkat Cknitian men aad women are under the law ta Ckfiet their Serior and Kiag, and to kia they owe euperior allegiance and aupreme obedl. enoe. Cedar cannot rightfully enact a law m oon-trareotioa to tta law of Chridt, u the o)ril law touching dirorce aad matriage of thia State meni. feetly id; but when ta dpod, CkrUt'a law kpldt tta klgkeit claim. Were tkla not, there aerir aeed to kata been a martyr. Toaohiag tkie queatinn of dirorce, I am tkanktol in being able to lay tkat all Baptiat ckurotae a n agreed tkat oply oae ceate, adultery, can diawtre the marriage bood, and for oajy tkla oae oaa a maa put away ||ia wife aad marry again without incurring the fearful pen-alty of ald«lUren,'tta lata of fife,which le tke me-oad deetk.'" Ber. Tke qoeatioo waa tare called fur, aad tta epplicant unaaimoualy refused (aU lowaklp. Tta fBoderator returaed tta letlar and tta partiee departed.

The church tpee aad Joiaed ia ita«la|,—j.'

I t W l

-D«la ,„wt tht t»h l* te«U»i i , M U«'E u tereed nptotkr wor£ ; ^

All thai baa beea amteel rgl re, : | ' Aad let Iky ward wihti u Hi*" and ttaa adjciraed to aaeet iaBaU'i Aaadaiar tka aeat Babtath at eldrea o'alool) a. ' '

. A FIRESIDE OHAlj. "Mary, lha timed are going lo ta pretty hard

with aa thia winter, aad I reokon wh'd better give op thie paper j I don't c a y mach fof it anyway." ; .'"Well, John, of oourea jpou Jujowiwhat yoa can aflSwd to do; aad ae mut; be gorernoJ 1^ that, bat thia U a good paper, and, In fact I def't get t |a^ to read anything alec built. & tae the Sun-day school leeaon, aad tta opdre* alwayi read that, aad alio the Home Department, with mash ifitmU" . I i

"But, wife, we hare home paperajthat we aaat take, and, of eouree, I want t ta Wicttltural and brm jonrnald and the poUtfaal pewa pf the day."

"Yel, father, that U true, tfit dd we net need the religioudpaper, too, much da aayf Our childrea are growing up. a^d Itay fiual tare t ta right kind of reading, and Whi|i ttafe ie uewa and ottar auch mater ini tta raligieud pfiper, it ia all oarefuliy called out and cleaned an, ao u : to ta pure and healthful for tbq family." i

"Tea, wife, I tajre iom«tia|ci thought tkat a good deal that oomeeia ao^ia !of thue other pa-pera ie not fit for a; mpeatabl^ btajy tu read. 111 admit laata'i k u j l e h a l i j

acresgttaaed aad refteetad erdlry time I take ttaa paper, b li like food for t t a a u L * ; t

"I didn't think before, aiy dear, Out it waa 10 talpfall" | "And, John, Hike to tea b^w tta women art

working in middioai and otta^wiia. • It teeme to me tkat thia id the age of aalir* Chriatlaa women. Yoa men are ao buy that you eaat find time to do ltall,or talfofit." H "Yee, you women will ran o f wi|k the wkole church, If we let yoa alooe." j| j

"Indeed ire will, j o ta . And think it tta temperance atand of our paper.! j I wknt our hoyi to grow np itrang in temperaan piiadplee, aad the »Wd, too, for Uey may ma^j. f don't want any of them to go to deetructiot Ureegk drink."

"Ood prdeerte uaftcm tkat, ^ y dear. Ood pre-U n a aa from tbat." !

"Tkea, John, one thing mora,: y w aerer can know what a help thia paper hi* beta to me la bringing up the children- t t lpa gifen me mon ideae, and more dympathy and alreagvk than I oaa talL The bulk of tta work; la training them foUe Upon me, aad I caa'tdo it wlthoat eome relig-ioua'help and tacking like thia. | Whir, John, or . ery week I get eermoae, and greoo tad domfort ftom reading that paper. It it; juet Uta a deat Mead."

"WeU, Iguem well tafel elee, if orope are abort andV

"Ttat'e j u t like you, i tMeg. But indeed, tta kindly de without the paper.; t k u aaythiag ilea about the j Joha.ldo'tittimelopay f u

yea pay apaod retaw i Ooatisent.

"A little toy tlx yean old, ami fi* tta fint ttme^ oa i£i returi I "Who taught the flnt aaa hli

• -Mld>

lutweek vm,

Page 7: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*


»«•****!* 1*5 right y«M«. Hariag triad * auntaj of ramediM *iwtma -without obtaining any TOolvtd never to take ; » y othe' patent mtdicum, when a M u d ad-need ma to try B / » Ci^am Mm.; I did ao with neat reluctance, but c u no* taetify with oljauure lhat i l t tr onBg it for i lz .>Mb I balte*a myeelfcured. It.If 4 ="»« agraatbla «medy-r*n in»aUabta Palnj.-j Jowpb Stewart, 62< Clrand AT., Brookl/u. : ' ' ' • !i

Utetftaa' Tjssri »j9gR2r o.m.nm*r»eo..oa»*M.—*. WIJ JRUT1EK MUG M W

irfti f^lioa of «->uO lonJi'lon Of in •«*«* MrttfuMv •pernl and »o»uri"ir TLB etui KQMBIW w»o«u. iu« wtttimk •;tbcrvt l«*tmthfttUnaJtaiait Uie wiudofi

04bC liiTUOIlUt Villi Uw »*«•• k-uw So/iMcSit.S KU. u u uj .» *>» bane* numtivn. WJU jpor fa»l, bn«< In ' gvciiy qaftn t»/ or oar SIJW MCftKC BOOKS* |!

Tb«M new tooki are **ary dajr mtro la f* var: :; j > U u i l f a l l l u l i l , l'Uno C l t u l M i B M

: 1-u.uo-VANOUZEN « TirT, CI..I.M«.0. sari

faftvogrr A$tOt, Kflfc Mtmcblt. Twan. BELLS


be llr. IVrkla'l •eJkal C w » « I i Hktmonl. Ta. M A6 6 Njfc HAML!M'

A beautiful women molt be healthy and to tamaln healthy and beaullfnl ahe ehpuld take M H McLean'e Strengthening Cordial and Blood Fn rifier. It imparta tone and flueb l", the akin, etnngtb, *ig6r and, par* blood, ie equally adapted for all agee from the babe to the aged and either

t j U H M I

l U t ' i i U — I tu '

*,<**. U*(M. racmeioaco. 'take unto themaalree •ring* and «y aw*yeald the teacher. ••What kind of rlchee la meant!" And I U MHti bad boy at tha foot of the alaaa a id ha "raokouad thaynuetbe aa1rtr*tT /Wiry Tmr*. ' -»<*bU—"Ohl Offat BooU. Tre teaa aad pot tha wrong end of agr oigar In my month." MaggU—-Hal Hal lt'e not Croat Soft , hot another poet yoo pwt ma In mtod of. Bobble.. "Who!" "Why, Bobbie Bu^aaT-

^ - 4 h f w w a t maa* op to data b BaUUna. He aold Jonwa a hall later-eat la a cow, and then ntuiad to dV ride the milk, maintaining that Jonee owned the front half. The oow hooked |nWn». and oow 8^fWn« U tola*

it lc Vehicle Brake 4 0Mk,l ln«etlen (B.Uepted

r) t>T* which the eeilot .111 l5*or ^nlook eajxklet. , 'etfeIjr.T-flV •""f- ! -1- •

T DABWiWfl tttiopv. i Daraia'i theory i f Ihf foni ta l of

the fttleet k «i»pll ttaft the weakly die white tha robuet en4 hud J Wri?e aad lira. How tr»a H «*»• of «a«d growth, and h«w neeeMiry toww only that which ia luiltd byjnalure to Ufa u d deielop. I i

D M F e r r y * po. the great aeed,, growere aad eeed daaltn of Detroit | Michigan, euppiy only the beet and pureet, raking their own eeede by th« muet improTed metliixM aad with tha graateet care, brioglag jo jthair bori.., sex the intaluabla aid. of more thai | thirty yean" axperienot- 'Their i » ; aanaal for 1889 ia'a real help to U | gardaar, and eh mid ha in the haaJ of all who deelra to pu(chM' Pu™ anil true eeedi. 8-nd your name to lh] firm'a addrtaa at Detroit, Michigan and they will forward JOB a o >py. [

—Under the lawe of Canada If jouari renting a houee and tt hurn* down you ere holden to tho owner for lie fol value. Hi It la blown "town by to wind or carrlod away bj a frtahol h muet pay you loll dam+goa.

—Aelngufc* oolnoldonce occurred 11 Bangor the other Sunday. Bar. O. W Field and B«T. c » u " «ch»n*® 1

put pita. Neither know what waa t > ha tho (object of tbe other e MMTBOI . yet lingular enough, both took tha umetext ,

—Judge Stacy, who died reoently Tocunueh. wea ono of the beet knowp Uwyere In Southern Michigan. It M a peculiarity of tho »>aoy family that many of Ite male metabere arc hoW with only throe dngwf on each nanp, u d the dead Juri.1 w * ep marked, j

HaU'e CaUrrh Of re ie taken later-oally and aoU directly opon tbe blood aod muoua lOBacM of the eye-tem. Bend for taellmoniala. Irw

F J. CUE.NEY & CO..Toledo, O. aS.S.'ld by all Druggiau, 75 cen'e

ILLINOIS GOTUL KAILHOAK, Tke iireat Fabte Sjstea

to THE t


Preferred aad Favorite Route FiUau faltec ialel Sleeping ad

lay Ctttkei «i a Tniu. In looking for oomfort, tafety, «peed

and aU thc conrenlencee a«i'Ured bj modern appilanoM a»k for

tlckeU o»er tb« IlUnoU Central Ballroad.

TickeU m Ut ill NUi. Per ratee and lafenaatlea apply H»

year aeanal raOread ageat

Page 8: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*

tHi pi

It will p*ri>4p. persona to learn a thing of thewi saa* bed-quiiu t ia lite of *«Win,

• . M w . , . 1 w r -Pew doasastlo remedies are of greater

Talne than cemmon mustard."As. •» , Hadliaaat and agreeable stimulant *o la Cou4d|ipoa

almoat every table. Used iattya form - It will somatlmee relieve obstinate hlo-

eoogh. The unbroken aced Of the while mustard U of aome value u a suutlve Whan taken U tahlespoonful • mm- ]

Of BMtrflmpartanoe la the pee of Bustard aa an emetic. A 'tablaapoon-falof ordinary ground mustard taken b a oopfnl oI warn water will produoe •oploue vomiting la from two to five anlnutca OB thla account, and becauae It la almost always at hand, li Is aa-poclally valuable la etnergeooie*. ID ease* of poisoning by opium or other aarootlea.Jt la without aa equal aa a iomaatln amotto. • But by far the raoat Importytt uaa 01 mustard la aa a oounter-irritait. A •oatard paste la aooond to nothing but Opium In ita powar to relieve Internal' pain, whether arlalng from oongeetiou. Inflammation or spasm. Indeed, It la auperlor to opium, in that, whUa opium relieves pain by benumbing •enslbUlty. muatard does It by ream-ing the condition upon which It de-pends, It aots by atlmulatlng oartaln nerra libera which prcalda orar the capillary blood-vsaaels, dilating the vessels thcmaolves, and thua lnqreas-lng the flow of blood to the aurfaca and .relieving oongeation of internal organs. "The gaacrtl lav la that, wheel doep-sealed parta are affected, the counter-Irritant ahould be placed directly over, the puinful part Iacoae of euperflolal neuralglaa, it la d u r a -ble to apply It over the roota of the nervea supplying the part. * H i s mcdo of making the paate. la a matter of aome, consequenoe. Tho muatard flour ahould be fresh. It ahotrid be wot up with oold or warm Wertr. never with hot water or ,vt»e. • sr . . o ~ ~ . i i , .reeking, u u ietwv • to mix It with an equal or ovon great-er quantity of rye meal or whoat floun, It ahould bo railed to the oon •latency of thin dough, apraad upon a thick cloth, and covered with muslin or other thin cloth. It ahould rarely bo kept on over twonty minute* or ; hall, an hour, and never long enough to produce blistering.

Uaod In thla way. In the flrat atagea of an attack of colic, Inflammation of the bowela, pleurlay, bronchllla. pnou-tqpnla. or other almllar affoctlon, the pain may be almoat alwva relUped. and In a large proportion of caaqa the dlacaae broken up without further treatment. The method la aafe, elm-pie. and will m.Nst the approval of Dearly every phyaldnn.— Ihrnuvi/t.

It Ihflitoraay* quilt la'. : ThiJeglon of In-Ihavi jbeenahealm octet » and,Invalid Jgui 1 in j church

• mad oouo* M i0 | jro&qi back.

aweet meoorlse, gad el ig with their "log oaMa" petadeyaoei tho alabas-ter vaeea aad oone.baaka of our child-hood. wUl aood be numbered With the aeml>antique; ahe#wlll«t» relocated to tho garret (with,the n krotqa table

"lambrequin, the tidy an jthe worsted motto and oouptleat oth r quqatlon* bte Indioatlona-of alporve led fcanlalne «•*«» ! -« rr j

The intantlcna of thai Investor ol thla affair were gtyod; I i herjboaom bloeaomod the powtr of oonot»y and thrlfti atray bits of Hpillc— (tray bile of thread—etray hits Of, tlm —the {whole a faaclnatlng dlagnam, a onument to memory, a memorial saprad to tha past-to gowns aaU deal once long alnoe laid poa^cfuiy' Inmost in tha aahoe of the patt.

When, lol FW' ten wli ed a»Follr, who graaped it j in ljor MU and flew, aowlng U broadfmat;'i .

What la the r*au'.lj Nothing too aacrefl to I aacrlflccd

at the ahrino of the Jyaay . ullu Tapcatrlea, fUrnltare li trice, altar

olotha; aye, • honor,-jtruUfi prlflolple, cravata, all hnra goia the rayctf thli fell deetroyerof .miui|julins aomfortand human happlneaa. ''

Tablo iprcada, tifflc#, fearfa. . ban-ner*. pin ouahloha. >(jfa p! Iowa, chair «aU, shopping (mg< all I mrfully and wonderfully doflgn^d- ana exeoutod; lerror-atrlkera to Vie i n cultivated laate of the unapprecJaUvi have been flaunted In the f*ce flf raa^regardleaa.

But now the allk ocunteigla no-.loog-

m^h2*u!tet^TUl5|*ptull6ck off hit cravata and hit hai-llnli#. a Womfc plnea/or aomeihlng >hat Al l produce headache and ayata^la wjlh greater apeod than the lovod drary jatoh-^rork.

In country falm they itllf hold good; ralaalonarles and CM^baIa.'|aru receiv-ing them in foreign Linda; And oa tha booka of the Recording Aujjol th^y are registered:

"To the memory of womijn who aold their aoula for iblU -pf *.1(1 r:; women who upended tho >4at p i n y l i thi domcatlc treeaury tw atorka In ap-plique; womon who midu fafaey atlichei the atuly of a Ufe-tiplo; who begged, bought, atole, of ottifrwlft aurfeptl-tloualy acquired allka to jfaut up and aew together again; to 'iambrfllder, hand-paint, applique; anif othofwlM deface In thoaerfieo^f Uie^tuy guilt; nervoa. bralna, healih, hn^iliiwa— all offered at the ahrlneof thia horrible and malignant affair." |T

May a kindly tete iqomlgi it to' that bourne whenoe Crazy qullu never re-turn. j- ,j T

0 euMlitu Intan(«.' BtbuluaU fa Vak'- 7ar&


for OttdtUKb. pxMliX*f LAtrx or PABK. KB4 for our VALUABU I ' m OATALOOUI

m ITOIM t UMMflCO., Mwrib, Uk* C , •.





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•he waa a very little Boaton girl attly ail yean old and had been oat to tamall party. It waa quite late ant aha waa very tired, mad ongoing to k*it tfw almoet forgot to aay her pray-

"Why, Mary," aald her wamtna. a j ^ r a forgotten aomalhlag, havaat

"What la It, maaanar .] "Tour prayata, my dear." •Oh! wiaaama, I'm ao tired. Toa

• p a i a n i and TO a witch o a r - D » -I M A N A W .

, HOBSFOEOT A.CJD PHO#-phale taliavaa iad%aatiao, dytpapala, He,, tic,


Dry Goods Carpets sod Upholstery.

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aoadaaaad form aad t T ? m o d m i e ^ K R T rolumae U nowa Ire ana aow read, f » c h ,

U b n i y . A ^ r o H * B a U £ T ^ t "

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who haa many apeacbee to make wiih little lima foramdy, aadleea money lo iparc for n-w booka Wa hare here a collection of aim* of ibe bcal apaachraofmaayofthe meal platform apeaken ofcnrtlaer.


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MT: SBBlton Noras —Complete. By C. H. jeon. Poor rolnmea In a box, eotaprtali erla to Prorerbe, BodaMaatee to Malic Acta, Botaane to Barelatloa. Tha coc H 00. Tba rolnmea are aold eeparataly at II OOptrrolBme. - »

TWO o n i a "aw aroaaaoa VOLUMBB. TUB GOLDS* ALrtuarr.—A datoUontl e

nentary on Psalm cxiuc. By C. H. Spurgtoa. t l

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I of t^e klaBia the

• only I commentary a'{ a ucdarate

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_ that thia spoa the whole Bible pot) prlee. It 1% therefore, with, white ao coajmaatary public minded or ao wall adapted I* er or lha prtacher, wbaa a cat aad aplrltnal work Is da

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Acta of the Apoailoa. by H. B, HitckeUl D. D. 8ro. |B 318. I j J, J J 0 0

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Mark, by W N. Clark D D. > I^one rpL8vo Lokr, by Oao. K. Bile-, O O t pp.C5i, ;Price Commentary on the Ooepel o f j o i i a by Alrab

Bony , D D , I L D. ' I T i .

us ITS

l t i

Oaaol Taoaan. — After thli year* of trial tha . . .jja work the « o e

and popular ever ha^td f r f a a Baptiat public verdict haa pronounced laetructlve and popular ever eon roe la Amerloa. i Soma I ooplee bare been leaned, aad It It Vae tlve hundred pagaa basld a l a e steel angTarljg of the o f 'Ava l Puny . S o n * W o naaraaca th* following waa au' York Xtammtr: " Bar* you g a oopy of Grace Tram an t ' abated, It has found Us tha anion.—hit PKMd I 4 M n l l « and Bormth. Ooi ( aad dbtlngutehad ministers In aatlou aays: 'Porattory of '

ty-djra thouaaad slUlila demaad. « * " P W

lteap-a Haw

iafE Slate la

aa aaaaawerabl* argument aa U ia caUad, road Grace Poller of Ballloiore.

baptlam and of Ballloiore; wbo

•work oa baptian anq commBnu " H a d Ores*Truman th* noat can pot latotb* hands of tboa< anbtect of raatricud lommurlo

«ST» Be vised edition, with haaae to write One* Trui Bapttat Bttk nwp,


imunlon, Blohaid

w|0ta an able" a, wivte lit U H : naaful work Chat I

troubled M tha of raetrlctad floounnr I04 It l<doUqj^*at


1. as Tl M

i l Ml

f i '! it 11 i fe

IP 1 Hi •

If m

: a i f i

Page 9: m ili - · IAMI 01 do giaat Ihioga for Uud, in the joar that ia ... atay perkap*

TH» C*TTL» ' IWPUyilV. M r s t u a a nmu n* .•* m* • ••••«•« »r .• c-.""' »1»

Whan * bnsl&et* it dtpreesod, take ( tap . Seldom baa tho prospoot for pi-f'-y^T ln.ottwont in cattle bsea M h r . Prloe* e» low; qornend other eartt of Xsal generally a n reasonable I* prloe. For boot buy yoertlogt and • w y j * - t U m f a r mark*,; If M j pMaat condition will warrant, at M W l k i to W months O l m II TOO feat understand getting tham to mar-b i l l > profit by to month* or S •oaths ofage. don't try to handlo beef aattla whan land 1* worth mbre thai P H " » Only men oa rery cheap turn land, or oc the i-anche*, CM sJEord to keep cattle. until Ihoy are 40 montha or (our year* of M t This •artier In age atccr. are *lajught«ired (as good b»Q, the emaller the boat • a m y - Xbe quality, too. better, Thtl.100 pound, yearling, If; told, re-duces the quantity of beef poulble to his gtowth as a 48-montht, anlma},-/ttlly d0 per oent. The yearling at twe-year-old beef la always produced at let* coat, too, the conditions and method* of feeding being t ie sain a. Plenty oI gTaln 1» needed |o put • ye l l ing Into market at 1.100 pounds, er'lJNI) pound* woight. UTiero ons ha* an abundance of pasture and hay, h*u the ration of grain used to pro-duoe yearling beef, or even tots than half .may be utod quite aa profitably on the steer until he.I* thirty months or M month! old. On cheap land, hay, and pasture alone, with favoK-lo ul-' mate or •halter, may often be thi ox-cluslie feed for tho stoers after eight' monrtii old until ovon four y jart old.1

when they will go Into a profitable market.

f o r dairy purpose*, a! oour-e the


- Nothing is more oomrnoB than M make t*»e tdrfaj. root! upfco appl* orthado treeenear the home or bara, or ereri upon the^.hod or ^byn^ro^j

slovenly practiee. and open tin several objection*. She rooetlngof Che yooag bird, upon .mall Umbo la liable to to. jura the breaet bonee of the ohiek*

adult blrd« w e muoh tore -liable If get frozen ipon a small Hjnb.tha* upon a atout pole, broad epo>*h 14 balance the -Urd without olaaplng. The tee* are m e n oompletely oorere* with fee them and protected from the frost Tho rootling pf birds, upon the roof* ol balliLag* 1* a fllthr practloa that no thrifty farmor should talented

ffihypanuro I* npceeaarily wasted. A properly-oonaWncted and located » o t t guard* againjrti theeo OTIIS, nod make* an important addition to th* manure heap.' Tho wild ' .rkey. of oourae, lodge* In tree* during the winter, but they hare the oholco of location, a a | seek the shulier of thick wood*, whlob modlllee the temperature. 1 . 1

One of our' beat- poultry tnen, whf raises some two hundred turkey* yeeij iy. has 1 oca tod hi* roost* at the soot* caul of his ho fee barn, where there if partial shelter Irom the northeast and norlhwoat wind* In winter.: Forkej poet* form tho lupport of the scaBola-ing—two front post* about; elghtoea feet highland two rear -poft* about fourteen foot high. Tho front and rear post* at each end of the scaftolj aro connected by a «tout hfavy pole lour or UTO inoho* In diameter, kept |n place by the fork* at the fop of the post*. Upon theee »lde pole*, which slope Ulce the roof of a shed, smaller pole., three or four looked to dlaotetaf,

'are splkod to eiyjh end. forming the as eddur, Biifl kr» Tory dumb to, with jt ftrcmg odor, wblob l» Mdd to bo m uhb guard •gai6«t ln»eoU. ijha wMii cedar pt tbo.»warap«, or ^bo arbor Tii». pr anjr of tho rfwiocm* wood# luttwcr tho lomo purpoeee^iflMrfoa# Poultru JturnaL

u>« »*la. K*lp. fia4 * tuaenra. U»« «JB •

g s m j ataWs, and *U slsctue* stoasd

; Meod or low eonditlai of the nratea :? "tw«» setmlyaBlXed wCkM fcr ew» a y*ar had two n w so aect 1 took five boui«* eC Bocd' nils, sad consider mj*eU eaUra ;C. t- IOT*JOT, Lowell, Ma* 11 "BMUt Ssrsstuuu did M a* iaaaentflCgood. Mj wbote qstee • >°at up and menniwmd, aiy dli yrend. and my head nhrnd • tnj. 1 eeestdcr U the beat isedie •rer toed, and should Mt|«C> ytthout 1L" K i n L. l'aaia.8*

< Hood's 8ar*ap« •eld by all drnoWs. | t{ sllfiw only by 0. Z. HOOD & CO,Low«U 100 D o m One 0

KSdnrf PalDOaod Wet* :or*«l;l»y Cuficurt Anu only fcw-IiUhnfpiuu*


difforent rauits'ln the details of their outdomo. The beof produiwr must bo roe tent, on the start, to in»e*t. and vworti and wait" for rosuit*,;from six months to two or thn-o year*. He must be patient and far-jightcd. The dairyman oftep soe* his rotunw from the start. For dulng either of1 tho two

•I" wOLD tjn'twWBS-Qffloe, M K a m i '1 j* — — ; — n — r


C l e a n l e t t h > H j K i J U 0 4 Nssal F a m | e i , M F ^ U M Allays Palo a n i l l B u m W [nllammatloa.MK7 W3 Heals the Sorat .B^ / W u o s t o r e s i h . M S , J Ponies of T a s t e ^ ^ B ^ ^ g J K ] afid Smell.


rk pen dslOppUM 10 weh o o ^ t Sfreesbls. rrtce'W cent* s* D**s«l •s*lt, IVClMcrtd.'tojets. ILT »HOTB| Wants Kutet, Ksw Tor*. ! 5 - » j l » « s - ! \

MKB* SO MISTAKE.—If y o n h » n made up your mind to bt y Hood's Sortsperllla do not be iudtuid to take any oiler. Hood's 8era*p«riUa Is * peculiar medicine, possessing bj ril-tue of its i«culiar combination, pro poriionsnd prepe ration curatire power soperior to any other artiole of the kind before the people. For afl af-f otiona arising from impuri blood {*. low slate of the system it (i sntqnaled Be sore to get Hood's.

SORGHUM A tirtui bookjtb»t«i«y WDitruaxht tobava i lh* "Hf«Bu4» H*«d Book" for l.vo, ur b4d Ink. bf Tle luytoitr ion Worta CVJ.. W <lMiniuf| O. Mrabuu f# « ery v«l«obl« crop M* •ftittiiutlink. .il l fclJ'f. anJ thtolniuaMk-l B1«"» B.forui«tlriu tout lb« diffHfctlJ «*cU«. fei rooiw of CVlJO-•UOQ,*tc. HcrJa •a2ketII2x1 rv«d lu ]| .

different types of men are a* ntveesary «J dUtlnct breeds of cattle; yet there "am exceptional men with Kbundnnt breadth of thought and purpose to carry oo boef production and dairying yitrj «ucce»afuliy. Tho conservative course is to make one or the other In-cidental to the other. Each branch of 'the industry hi* both U« advantage# and dUadvantagcc, which the one ca-gkglag in them roust conoider. Thoughtful care and attention to de-tail* trill add largely to the peroenfe age o1 profits. But an occasional lost khofcld not diacouru-i* one.—Orangi

First class pianos and organ* at second class .prlcts. Sold on

Good Second H r h l Pianotf biouglilj ^yaind, from| |10Jt)Ji;;" cn: monthly

pajmpi.t* fi9in;i5|ur. i f wS* •


U l n M r i the O f i of » y rack; • • him «U1 t to*t; mt M«b t0fe*»«d mi refuge.", (« Ml MIL * 3 . ) " f o e who taOod. sa.sjthe Lotd.J and srhO la a rock, tart oar GodT I*. 8 1 ) "ttaj L « d S*Mks Utsesd be my rock; aa'd exhaalt-e l ta the U o d l a l the rack of ( v m t o the laspired eppl, Use 1(01* . of M! b u N n W e rock f ?IUa». Was •aria: "Oa»« thee «U1 I cry, Oj hmd m»

Is asjr reck aad my TaUpa; te 1*; jay dehspe,'

M bin ( W Uf.tO , Of .k. ttwbaIf*


Uoe."a«MUan <*.*•***• twnmthe Radti

S i ptlmot h*S shall Mt

I M «a M k M

keys td the

propVecy, la t k e U e k deer eoaMetloa: tht Lord la (rta*Me. ! a living stoat, iiaslto choaen of Ood, s*4 r stonss, w M i r n i Wbe«el»re. hleo, it Is •

be oonfeaaded • Th» uy in Zlnti fee aifcavA this foaadellna MMMk

•e '% i l s ^ t j r , woalA a ^ p^Uslrly bawnpHato *1 or riafrl the l&M the text wss spoken, for iassodiately after

. »•» oferi . i W w o r d , , "Upoa thU rock I w i biHd my «d ortrthrow church,' Here attend, the Lir.t eduduitlerei to - • • W k ideas* Petar U t mofitrt rituke, "Got thee Jwhind sos, 9. is (he (gore Maun; tkou art 4* oOaass unto mrj for thou; wad, .as m o t MTouest sot thq tUags that Be good, but those, tea may ke be ol mcB.-. Oa« it be Uoeght t>at to such •e. Surely it. a'&afl ssortal was applied the Bgure wijch belonged M a n Bgertsi to d a Eternal throne alone—the ifi^u re » f ; « 0 «»«gunU»a; chaagdes^ evetbstleg rookt ' •! I >ieh God b«; Le4 me also remark that the Urm nstd ekt,«4

: that it did not apply to Peter. Tht Ironl P«ldrJ k. When we in Greek, is Pet^os, had meant "stoMi" Bat

;'i B e n a r e thefaasgys^ifa rook, aSs bolU apoe U, the gat* the hoetlW

A sea l forth lie armies; to besiege 5 . l i e n i s th . imagery of kaj . -end admit to treaeuria,laod ban, of mea oa whom basdea* v , aamels la tka- dsaMt "btah b loosed aod the banlaacd oae go meet be iisea at a gl^a^a that all l of speeob, to ba laterpjelad b / axesean of tfc» oof « l i a a « , ' J : - t .„ ' •T Wa kao? what a nad of Ibe " J - d o ^ . y d - W o r . M MtkathteMtiM K f iSy*

«k%fc«s-na*. laii poopla a n baUt ap a tke.suaaiMftpal 1

ok, I -i l l builjt •>

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