  • p low I’ a»^Mt,LS^ ,5

    ' i l o l u t e i y l ' t o d > b y '

    o^!BiZ4'.t;ei^ W hen vD>ue J B M k i S h o w . . ■ «

    i iiB t a e z w l iw pnuijK/iljr and , «tiilillJto.«rtlŵIn;f»llr;f™ct , h. .lB U IeaM :.l»r tke T M anr^for .

    .; tJie ( In tH a lf o r lli«'J8SI la iM , tb o i, n l U '. 'A r ^^vbieb '.M V t.nsw

    III bBti«l'JHU e:»Y ei'jl7j U x t-rR ir 11 M ' l t e l t ' i n w '8 9 jn e r e e « t w m .lW I H «»N * 8 'p e r

    . «« •..•:.• , , T il* , s e t tu i ( i i u r u show a pro-

    IM mW o ■ loworlii* In lho rea l e»Uito «»' u x e » .le v ie d . In 1981 iJio real m> (h< U l ,l«yy WM ;»U83.70< bf wliich kIk

    , f V a ita i^ .A iu t^ li, lin'd

    ; ;y ier« . l«U .JiU t i i l |i i l .o f a r o S ^ liiU o n ' ” *• f w t h o lioMl.''I«iB.>wfcO;Waii #9 y ta r* «

    old, w a r Vfldely. know n in ra ilroad h ' j clrcle*; inW ughoui the country. a

    • . ANe^ti&tioiu for .J

    .Station Approach t at. Boise Halted "i

    RO lSn. Ja n . 24—Ni-naKailne wlOi ow nera of lanil nei-afUotb*r lo ro

    braved plUieaa publicity today when « Mlaa F ra see e Lodr. 23. KnoxTlllc. -

    T enn.. h e lre u ; s ta rted a c o u rt balile to reR«lB poaacaaloB o f h e r ,~love g lld - J bom t t r e r y e a g , a*o ' ,'ln a

    Led tor Slate Senator- 0 . L . Col)Ia- ter, her a U o r e v . Mlaa a tten p U cd to taka the child (rom. U r«. Pearl Hawk*.. o ( A U aata. near here.

    A lthotub not a p p fc r la i In court '

    M n. Haarr A1 up In the nprluR under -auch condl- 1 tto n i. * 'TJ>eae can bo killed dtirlnR I plantlnR, The' valub of ' a ROOd i m ulch wan m'rossed. Tlie discuaslon I by Ooorxe T h o m o tc Included tho in* c nuo of bandplcklnK noadln o rder to ;i Rot' corr'ea^ welRbt p a r- oCT.fc' Tbo ^ Ronorai opinion waa ih a t ''o i^ ln a r lly 1 th ia waa n o t n b o em ry -l.alnca only -i a feiv a p li l b e a ^ w i l l - ^ ^ ^ o u n d - U -< p roperly, cleaned. C orru iatln ir '.a a 1 aR alnat' f la t plaaUnR. a a ' cohtraaled 1 b y ccrruRatlnR, tr e a u d by Don. S taf- ■ fonT and mpthod* of cultlTOtloB 'b y I

    4 . iCn


    MANY WOMEN'}.W ASniN aTO N , D. a . Jan . 24.— tl

    n isn iitrr wlll nurelK bo tlio penalty If tho world tuiln to ilevlsu methods (if iirin-entiuR 'w iir, I’resldoni' Cool- t liiRo toiluy decluri'd in ou uildr'ess i to a num ber of women's orRonlta* f, tlons. m wliich h e renewed, bia ad- •• vocfcy o f tho w orld court.

    *'If th e Ivason o t , thin lant and m Rreatent w ar sha ll bo tonl. then, In- tl deed., will th is osperlenfco liaVo l>eon Ji a lm ost tn vnln" tb o 'president nnld.

    " I t ' in fo r tbo Ronontion which tland aurvtyed lo devlae moai* ir

    n rea o f preTcnllon.- f l we' laU Ift y, tbia we a h a ll. doaerTft-ail Ihe dla- cl a s u r w hich wlll -adroly visited o;

    B E T E S T H i N G P E R I O E

    u i i i i E ;! ML,:r M easure M d » to Powers of

    S ta te O ^ij^ tor of In su ^ “arice,' .jh( r on L

    g ChargM -of D iscrimination B etW em J^inpanies.

    BOISE!, Idabe j Jan . S 4 -T h o litalin , nLiiato U ilshnonlnR .panned; .16 tu G, ni'iiaip bill pum Pcr 13. addlRR to tlti> {;' power* of lb e « & io dtrcctor of liinur- unce In paaain# on charRcn o t dln> c rim ination .'b 'itieoo ' M ies Af tire lu- atiranco eomp'inlen.' g,|

    Sendtbr Y9anian, 6 t Bonne- (vllie counly,* v iio iw a ly opponetl Uio del MU au BlronittooiinR ti>e nionopoibUu mo bold on InauhUifcft bualnrss in Idaho nlc of tbo old :lin*ii4onipanlcH.. A rautuul his c o m p an y in - tb r , upper Snake volley, thi ho aald, bad r«tu-* of »1.B2 p e r »l.0oo w j aa com pared wlQi tlin otd Ilno rute u f b v 18.40. . , 'Y • a.

    aenfttor/C oftlB of Frem ont coim ty aald tho blU sift nlt-ensiliened tlit^ .1

    ' preHcni act. b aU c v o fl^ bo lu the In- m.- terent o f rate 'p iy iT n . tl is n o t ttf b e Ial conaldercd aa b ^ ln c nny effuct op th e ern r a l ln r bure ort(^3st of cdniinlltce w ilh ^ '! r .rtfct^m ^iV ttU aM for paanoRe. Tlio 'II , f c o ran ttto irA ^ H u ca tK m al 'In tlitutloniis 'i«t>bhe er IE, by 1! P e a a . '- a o O f tU H ru d m i t p e r , Dan- .,- n o c K iM > im U » S ifa en te tlm T bU b lit J . r la d e a l n a d ! ^ t ^ k « v a : f ta i r fledged |||)^

    iL ..' . ; ; : i c o a i » ' » i ' i i t n ' i ) ■ • ■■ - i ■ *■ . . . . - n y a s

    m t t i^ T 'C H iiriT o w ^ . ^ i SAN J'acsciaoor w . « h »

    F'ranctsco's^ClilBitow B, U la tb e J * / " n ld si o t- ee1*bratlai^>tenB«)^^9Mr; M p f which o m d a lly a rrived a t f a . m . ' * * ^ loday. .-O uac Hay,-FW ,Toy“~ - « s p . ^

    lad Uilaga occidental a t* f o r « e t ^ I t a- ia ld Uie M aalas d lsp la r -.eT e riea- le y a ial cca tm ae i a a tb e s tre e ts w ham Ibe 1 Jm A a e r l a i t t f l u U . Is ta rtv la e d S f

    ■ t t . '« C Q U T .- C U p B ,- '- S Sb B0I8Sv«M rit 5> d p

    Setdlx. tto tbersoC M n . B r a Ow B u l* * a a d ( w a *C Bol**. M sa U a n m n t p e o n jr« ( ta ad

    IMESl i p s e I s S e i > S c i e n t i f i ^ y e s o n P h tPrecise Timings p

    of Totality Are ^ Takeii by Experts ^

    HolrniiKiii lodaj. for lho f irs t ^llmo III liliiuiry. iiioU pii-olno liin- IriKN lit III.- Hiiullly iviioluil lit Uio . loailliii; iitiKi'i'Viitlnii iiIuIUiiik. T lir ' r i l IlMir UN rdinpiil'oil u'lili Mu' furo-

    . i-aiitH nr iiit> iiiiiiiiii.'H III III.' (Iir-fiToiil iioliiln iii'v IIH fnlliuv;*: ^

    ■ Al lJilffnl!(^iu;r‘>sn lho face

    '",1, .r III wliDiM it mcnni nothing In a aclen- ’ tiflo wtiy ROI o th rin o t a llfo tim o as ihi-y woicbed ihe flaming phenomo-

    O iii in Ihe farm country, doan how led dism ally ns darknesn descended.Fowl weui hack tq roost and Jibraea ' • and cattle In pasturen ahowed te rro r, cttvoriluK abOut. '

    On Pa rk Row and In City H all pa rk . . -j low er .M anhattan,'bundreda of ba rd - - . Iwlleil newa buatlera and , .“toiiRb ■ ,/.v Ruya" of a tl descrlpttoni thronged tb* '4 open spaces to view thb ecllpee;.'’ ''.-J

    T bu ir m a n n er.w as decidedly ik e p - ;ii; tIcal: Beta w ere ezcbanged*aa to .

    forced, laugh ter and b e i r t x 7 ^clottkcd th e fcclUiR of •vagOB.'appr^- , hennlon th a t c rep t over tb e •crtjwd.. Suddenly, like -the fall o f a ' c u rU ln , . ‘ ulnoni sw ept, down Ihe canyons oC low er Now York, At tho Innlant, I b e , - , lilalant nolsen with .which tbo h a ra - . 1 UolU-il Rintr>’ had 'souch t lo h ld o tb e ir ' i-miinrniHnmenl a t Uie heavenly ffllr-_ aclcs. eoa.ied. The touaheat jniys la .< llu- world wero mopped—to r j^H lce, (3corcn of n.rn«ion, iinnhavon. , w ea - . ihirilH'alen faeen were tum od up to j llu. murky nky In awe and w onder. • rhen a m u rm u r-m n th rough tb e . ; -rovrd. a low voiced mutierlnR, Ilk*,11-oplo w h lsp e rln s 'ln cborua. ' < '

    Suddenly ono voice rauR o u t ovor, he rrn i—lln accenta almost Indignant, • , ;

    “F o r the love of crlpes, Jack-^look It tbem sla m over tbo T ribune bu ild - ■ J ng. A in 't Uiat Ibe dam ndest t b la s ' rub ever, aaw in y e r life? ' l,-., X

    In the eaa tem p a rt o f th e c o n a tiy • nany ac lcn tlau w ere carried a l ^ ln ilrplanon to view and photograpli' w * , > c llpse . T w enty plane* w ettt up f r6 « '. --j lltcb e ll Field, one with**. lp * c l» am ora w eighing ISO pounds, a lx foot. r»'HmgUi.‘»rlib p l c t tw , w ew ^le lghu between 16,000 an* W.090 l » * t . / : . a-From (hase a ^ r p b i A ^ p b a . as^ '

    ronotaera.hope to .o b u in Inform atloa :,6 t 'a v a l l lM e 'H i Uho d e n ie r aUBoar b e re c lo ser to tb e 'c a r th .* . ^

    a rU W .lbo .caat. H arv aiy D n lte tiU y .. - i,. rhere th e eellpae w aa M p e r’e aa tIt., r c j ^ e d ...'j

    U lly being oa ly a f e v ,Ind schedule. • > -Tbo s ira ag * s h a d o w -b a a d ^ U t tt

    icod acro ss tb o e a r tb t r o a . r t i h t .to . .

    l l l f i i a l K i : ' J

    a t r c a t o r a j vi l a S r t iy sa lp lfeg ^ V g M

    « o a V Mitfk

  • f ' ' X . ' - ,T W O

    " s o cC a ll M r s . H .

    I.r Mrii. .Ii>i''1jiiii;1iUii 'IVI.niary U . T li.' li..;ii.'na K .rvnl •;(-l1p

    • otily ,to Ui» w om en tnpmliurn of t hlEh aehool nnil Jitnlur m-liOtrT) tli u ltlo i. Tlioro a ro lo bo tw o iu'hhIo

    . cach week. TuoM lay' unil T hum d uvenlag. .Tho c ln u hoa bucii rill

    ■ - to'^ibo* allow oil niunbor am i inui oothuiliiom U 'm nniroK i. .

    M ln Jo iep h tn o Stealc lir uIihv from b e r c l a i m on a ccount uf r >¥»»•

    *— BT----•Twentieth Century

    Club NotesT h e a rt.i li 'p a ru n p n t' o r Um Two:

    Ilelh C e a tu rr clnb. nii.-t K r id n /n r tn noon w ith Mm. .M. J . 8 w»H-lvy. Tl incn tlns vraa c a llH to ni;(ly .Mr

    ̂ Sw odvy and opcniHl w ith lho mIiikIi of ••Amorlca." Mrn. Kennedy I’ik-I ord had been choRcn to proHldc ovi th |i m tP tln s w hich woh ilcvmt-d lo il Mudy of A u x irlca n 'a rl InHpircd l.y ll Jtevoluilonor}' period. OwIiir lo ll ni-aa Mra. Packard wan uiinbli' lo 1

    . u rcicn t and Mra. Mary Y. Norimi i>r . aided In Uer place. Mrn. Norton u i

    alao dioaca lo d d lv r r a pi-r«oniil tiu- aoBU of aynipolhy und rcj:n-l m Mi i*acUard. .Mra. 1*. \V. .McUnI.i riH •• tended a lico riy wolnmu- lo ll DauRhtvrH of tlu - A n ic rln in Itrvoli Hon. who wt-ro Ktu-nln o f tin- drim r Iiicnt. Mm.- M. K. Ctittililc mmkc i

    ) . w hat th f U. A. 11. aK- dolni: ntul cn ' ,r IV brief oulllno of tlio A inerlriiiilziitit t problnm and w hnt th e 1). A. It. iii

    dnUik' to help. .Mra. I. H. Mnni.i • aanK ••Ilon H olt." "Sw eet C!i-iievlevi'

    and "CoinlnK ThroifKli llie Iiye." .Mr iJi nlon of K lmbcrfy. .Mm. T . i:. Mirf.t o f P ilrr and .Mra. lln rd ln of Kliiibcrl

    W o r lA u t o


    ------- --------^ H u d s i

    Note These- T h * y o r e M o w a l l «

    H U D So n the fa m o a t S t

    C O A C H ...8 E D A N 0 LS E D A N

    • ____ • _ PARTS I

    S E S y i C E , M l d *

    ' ‘A O O E S S b E I E S

    S e e o a d 'A v e . N .. T w in

    m r La . £ . D c i E S , P h o n o 9 2 3 .

    l,i „ i ||, -T. ii i-'riilay nlu-rn'

    tw n. nl hiT .............. . .mxih avi'n iie enstIt - llu- whiii t liiiKlHi'NM iKiHiiliiii wn« follin

    Jiy II Hocial hiiiir niirl dali'iiy lefrv iiu-riln M-rve'd lato ill th r arieriin

    -M lhii .Mill. Italtili l.i'lK hiun 'o f th .' Ki li» the t'li.- le ailcj Mt». ICoM wr ro cnr^mn.

    , I i;ni:h i:avr n iduirl talk . Mrn. Ileiii L 1 HchiirKcr tnvc n roudliiK, ‘•i’aiil I

    — I- verc’a llldii." Tho iiroKrom d n w ith tho alnelnis n f .v ju n n lia " t

    . '* '7" "Aiild l.nn« Hync" led by Mr«. M ' ‘ " t^rH. Till- riiitialiidor of ihn nfi.-nu *• w'iih devilled to the miiily of tho ri

    i-olk-cilun of raiiun'iH imlntlnuri wh I fuc- on . oxhlliltlon.

    BEAN MEETING ■ LARGEST EVENI «’lo- - ^ . ______< niMj (Crintlniicd trom imi;u i)

    ,-oiii- K.‘ J . Colbert britiiKhl o iil vnrlt ' o|i|nliin».

    W. J. Trjit'liliiod H|)ok(> on Irrll mkIu-.s ilini. Tho Keiu-rul ojiliilon wiin ll d a ihli. Hlimild In. dnni> u werU lie'fi iipen iihiiitliit: und Ihnl no niuri. would

    f Uio Iierdiirl un ill hloomInK (Imo. iifi J f iie - whfch It Hhould. Ix! dono on ofl .Hloliri i,H ronillilonn inlitht rcijulro. ik-pi't: mday Ini; on- Uio M'nnon. CuttlnK a rilled hiiiii'hlnK by Juirk W iilt und thw i tnucli inR by Uonrne It. Johnson dovc-loti

    the Idi-n nf ihu ni’ccHBlty ro r havl liKunt tho henna dry. At thla pa lm dinn f III- waa ncrvcd.-

    \V lth Koiid Hced thuro uro oth • ulirllint»B w hIrh nro imnontlal fnr

    Y inaxlinuin jirodiirtlnn and fliu belt kntitvIedRii' or ihpxo fac io m .w o hn Ihr a u rr r wo nro of aiillMfaciory r niilia. Wo ahnuld know i h n t , i bavr Ihn m o « duxlrablv typo of . I

    iffnr- vnrleiy whulcvt-r It way l«i.T ho M'e Kbiinld kniiw thn t th e nnil cn Mm. dllloiin a ro well adaplcd lo thu be

    iKliic di'velrijiineiit of tho pinnl. or In ntli ■ack- wiirrl-i, k iiW th a l wo hiivu rorll ovi'i' noil and llin>” it In In th r lim t po«i

    ilK' l>)e erindltlimn o t o t llllh Hint f >• Hll' ( ‘in Ki't It.I 111- Cllinatli; condlHimH iiiiisi lie rn o ll" (ir.ililo tr) the licNl Kruwlb of tl |in-- criip. Wo nbinitrr be niirc- Hiiit i u a s ih i iv r u sn fflc ln il k-UKtli o t ririi'

    rn«-i'-| Iiik Mi-ii»(in lo w arran t llm maxlniu M il '.>Kro'vlli and |i/-rterl m nturlly.

    ( i-x- .“m-H hiiiiriii('nii It we nieiit. Tho Uvorptxil bny«-ra

    Htuto Him lho r|uiilliy of the proil il'nium I'* many inxiaiicea lu non-lnnpc

    Nlilpmeutn han n wide ranKo uud illnir piirchnHiTH by nainplux uf auch r Uy of iiK'ntM nro iilw^yx aulijecl Io n iropcr cnniit on nccoiTut o f the elcnien „ nncL-rialrity. ThI-t la n very Im funda I’olnt ln,.vU'W of Hie receni[ Ilf,,, foriM to dovolniH* oiir foreign i 1 Hicp lo'ta ii> till' point wluTo thi-y :iK lie- ut Icnxt n b rR e po'rtlorId al- HurplUH prnrlucHun it(,rriiliii

    r n llie/ InriiiJ prodij/lx. ) ^

    c i l 'T i r *‘ Air-th(! newa nil t'ao t im e 'In . and Tlmea.

    e a t e s t e B u y

    es Prove It

    B e c a u s ea s . g r e a t e s t v a l u e f o r t h e ' j r . I t u n d e r s e l l s a l l r i v a l s i s e t h e w o r l d ' s l a r g e s t v o l - ; i f s i x - c y l i n d e r c l o s e d g r e a t e r c o s t a d v a n t a g e s .

    jtor is the famous Super- 'hich Hudson patented cclusively holds. . , -

    l a r i s o n f u r t h e r s h o w s e v e r y b o d y s a y s w d w h a t ‘ ) r o v e . ^

    h e W o i l d 's ̂> e a t e s t B t i y

    C D VC j £ \ X SERVICE

    ACCESSOBIES Ffaooft S26

    T W IN F A ixS 'D 'A Ilaptod to 0 c c tl iOObOQOO O Q 0 0 0

    k e e pin g WEU,p S l„ S : |- MEASLESUK theao X DR. rniCDERtCK R. onnicM ntaRp of 5 W IIM «f *in«Ai.T«~Ilf licnn y . . . . . . .can belie prml- niTKAHMC.S la one of Ihe coiutiidr ext liver. i V i cldidn-n’a CUi-aai-a. It la vhlch wo by luuny mothem aa cotupiiHer KCL hnririloaa. Hami" fiwllah tnoih, [ knowlnitly expoae Ihi-lr clilldren In Uie rc- »« ‘I'cy "” '® ■'“*« *

    Improve- over wilh.”vxuiii|il(i la uieualn n tnlno'r nnd.ham il

    with Hie d1*i-M(t? - . hrouKbt Tlif four i:rcntrit dlfnatcm to cl nboijl S llfo of the iuHt I’O weru thi- 1

    i-roKo of nn>. In wiik-li C^ilvi-a were luue boeta ,i,e 0 (mhtuI Slocum aleHUiboat H

    'vlilch coal O.'.? llV « : ,lh n Kuittl iiii"h l fi“ In "'hlth 812 pi’ople wI haa rc-̂ drowned; and the Knlckcriiocker I

    of Irn- collapse, w hen 118 penplo w rapidity, killed.

    In lypuH The to ta l loM uf life In ull four •o ndnpt- iIiFie catoatropli'eii wax a,rM. iKli per- Mcaaloa killed 8.7(10 • clilldrfn 1 ropenlea , ^ 0^ un ited Htatca jiloiif.-toera of „ cnu ie -o f dealh muon* chlldr

    I , ineaaieB itanda aetoDd wily to dl| th i'riu. • •

    noni do- N »'"> '•■>’•''1 '

    line (iDipa of nidlM ure whicli rorui Runiiended In tho nlr. A well ch

    I vlctlni brealheii In Iheao (Jruplela. Ihe gen dliuaxi]. ttrnw In Iho throat nnd no ir , u

    i'vll.,HiiV jiuutfilea rfBUlla. ot Icniiir In from nlno lo eleven daya ati tin lii'un pxpoaurc, the child lina u fevur u J'"rir ‘V! Kviiiploma.of B."couiiiion c(di rom Al- uppeara threo' o r fnur ditch a'erl-uiictlnn. The feve r cnntlnui’a. tiie eyei are I r pcHtn Hiiiiifd nnd xeniillve. tu light, t he xinio cldld’a brvnH'iluK ta Inburud. Hrn Ion nnd vhltia and pneiimonta may deveiu|i. ion hud . cnmpllciitlona nre moru da

    tteruUH tbun Ihe «rlclnul Infection. «i hliKh'L’ ' “*« " f '* «'L“ ‘lulta I f D on't knowingly expoae your chind lliu In tnunak>a o r uDy oU ier. Infectlod aec.i" Keep it awny from Intccicd clilldri

    If your child la u p m i’d, put It to 'b eight doya a fte r cxpoiure. before i:

    clobtlUc aymptoma 'appeiir. aDi] kMp)r Ueun w hether Ihe dl

    Ihn develop. T hli- wao nml >t from drafla and ch illi aiHorvlcu w ill,p robably-m ake lbs a tlack. J f

    iiu rketa doea develop, mucb fiUlder and* le»n p'ro- daogerou*. . ' .jlly in . Ie. !*>«. mw*»«ptr uouh.)'nlcfl of -----------1________

    UPPER HOUSE ■ >>“>

    ed pliolocrapblnK oUiervoUona fro * Hio Kronnd. "Aatmnoirilcai acl(uii

    arlvanced a ihouatnd jrcara'lhla m on

    Tlm oi W ant Aoa Oet R eta lla .

    P e rS i le o t T^minsr O eors

    _________ SEE STEP______

    I Wanted!' P O T A T O E S

    J. H. SEAVER ‘ Phone 335 or 648

    Exide B a ttm uOomplaU Lina BulioBILL HELM’SM O T O K s z u v j r x

    — P h o n e BO—-

    MLY TIM ES .I " ' , "

    ~ | O ^ O ^ S W C? . Vou w on 't hovo 'to conaull the I

    CM S word may be fotind lo a btgb achi

    J r f Jitii(in«»t i T ^ T j l T T B B ^iwpuru- • . iT "nuihera , . - ■

    it lind .

    iruiIoM _ ̂ I I I B B I

    0 child » r - ' P

    W .llO niZ O N T JU . , -, . 1. Spori rcqu lrlD i ponlca.

    ^ 6. Wlrelcna. .‘ S'*-'" 8. A atop. . . .1 none. j2. Mualcal drama.

    nnl 14. O oH m ca.--------- -rviuHin IS. nodent.

    rhild 10. Moru a n g trr .germa 1». Plpo Joint,

    • und 20. H ebrew Dolly. ,• ,21. P a r t o f leg. . ! ■, . 22. O rcona of bearlnir.' 24.. U und 25.' Healed,cold.' 27. Sully,

    r dityi 29. W ayitdo b o le l. '32. Klgbt. •

    ore In- 31. A drunkard .'( tlie SB. N um ber,iin ia . 37. D epended. - •

    4U. O ne e lom eal o f a product.’'“I'- 42. You.a dun- ^3. Poruae.m. ea- 4(. v ilo .child. 46. Accompliabcd. *

    child -(O' T ardily .>ctlon ^ Ib re i o f th'o body. ,

    w 04. Occan. re the 55,. w n y .— . .KP It 5«. Claw, le die- 68_ P l B pen..■' will 00. Tow ard.:i and 01. Bang.

    If , t 63. Choir.]• leaa Atop.‘ 67. Sphere.

    (?9. -Prophet*.70. Owed.71. Inicndod.

    ' 73. CouplvH.76. T bcrcfore.

    , 70. Thjnka.

    I C E ____________

    [•chni- ,cjjm-



    IF you drive a through yea; -I ic is made cspc

    ----- - ' w o great Ford

    f F i r S l ; B y l u• upkei

    cure• ■ omy (

    S e c o n e / : S y « i

    8 r rcha!---- ation

    Many so -^ e d n i ine F btiilds up a It keeps cfae barn

    , doea away with a

    P c^ n e F, the p .Have yout crank

    a deliver all the jm

    THE C(

    . '• - ______________ O T

    O R P Mu z z l ehe B!>.borJsonlala lo aolve thia puxjlc. Cve: ichool d ic tio n a ry .'

    [d . t i j ? | . ~ M F ~ p ~ ~ p c ~ p ~

    H L-

    VKllTICAI-1. Mlntitfl opcniuK.2. Jew el of'dcllcaiC colorn (pl.).3 .- Allow.4. Conjunction.G. Place of public cnnicxt’ Ipl.).7. PuriKmo.

    - B. >'uHicr.y. Skill.

    10. Pure.

    ii:14. Sin.17. Clflvprneiw. ' '18. Devour.21. FIlKhiii of ntcp ii..2H. Trueni., •2C. Tool. • - . ' . .:IK. Klectrlcol cli'incui.30. Clear profit.31. A ppolniincnt.33. lloliii o r film.3G. I-'urllio pIoc(-n In dcnort.3C. Oot up.38. .Snaku-like flMi.3U. Timo of earth tii rn ln ifo i ice or

    ^ The ■Talk of'thfe


    T u ln KnIU 2W Xnlif ^o rlll . _ .

    ^ FOR FORDS ^

    ovRea’c a Ford, Polarinc F is your oil. I f l frears o f experiments in laboratories a ipcdaliy for Ford cats and trucks ar )rd needs—

    lubricating th e engine'perfect keep and trouble coata and em re higher gaaoHne mileage am ly overy way.

    effefttively.-iu b rica tin g th e t sven ta 'the ‘^g ra tb ing ’* of ba hatter'* andjassures amooth» q on.

    1 non-chatter ofls at best offer only tern p and maintains a snble film on the >ands soft and pliable aod lo good woi i) all troubles dtw to sludge.

    e perfifa Ford lubricant, is offered at r ank-case refilled Viih Polarine F and jmwet and satisfaction it is built to gi'

    CONTINENTAL (DIL CC(A Coloo3o Coq»otKioo)*

    M iritth t « nmpltu'lk* t f hi/^grtJi W r « « fruImO, in CiUrsi*. iTnmhi, Nrv 4Main, U ui, tddh» ̂ Mtmsad

    XTHKTlAt. W OTAnT 2i, M25.'

    ' oxIa.-

    E 40. V«jutiioting mofblnc.41. Lyric poctn. ' '4 " Dlrd of Iho niiibl.

    w ---------------------^-1-

    E MOTOR CO.'• Bone •

    Olh and ibuiDiKk '

    It'Ius been pcrfcftcd., es and tc$ts on roads, s and fiiliy meets the

    ectly i t cuta down enable* you to ae> and g reater econ-

    e transm iaaion i t ^banda , atopa th e

    i» q u ie t Ford oper*

    temporaxy relief. PolaS the transmission drum.'- working condition and,

    < ”at no increase in price. md let your good Ford ) give you.

    COMPANY - ‘


  • S A T T fR D A p JA X U A U Y 2-1, lfl25.

    NE WS 6,i E » i ;

    m m m t.............. : ' ' Slono'

    I N im G lE sVisitors Show. R em arkable D

    Bmiid o f B iik eibali and B• : Take .Victory; .^ it jid o k a -------

    ' Cqiinty Q uintet Superior liup in Ever;^ Departm ent.

    .Twii“ itupfiit ' will -Mlioorn bniiVct- »'I'‘ bntl' learn oTcCivlirliiicj Uie Tw|u lonniK

    ,riUI» T rW tir "corp i.- n tg W fJ w Tfw itp r t< .•ImoKt .Kolcly Ijj" Uj© , Tlim TJnlftw’

    'lith a t onu would w alk .mllco to aoo, (lonr t way jiUky i^o two team a. . Op; Knila'. Ii'imod by . a - marvoIouRly otrcntlvo no ..................’.......... ................. TInim

    ■ 'O unrd . ■ 'ubattttilea—Twill F n lla: n ir ih fo r i; BTori Cole for K elly: UorK' fo r /tn . n u p tr i—N'oiio. ‘i"loforcc-CBm pboIl.

    _ , '! 7 T ! r * 7 r - ~ ~ * ' ^ Klyim

    B M t r S H O T S 'II :- Invin;;

    . ____ . iHK Vin p r r l waa Jiinl aboui ibo laa l word aiylo. finlab nud offlclcncy.

    'w iu Fnlla i:av« n nnnio oxhlhlilon iipblH fiBbllnB., Coach I>lnmlno-a L , niK n w c r (jnll. .no.nmiUT w bal lUc. .ii.uior

    •|in.iKli only n r'. '‘l.crH ahow llioui T w lti epH bi la '.Hi)9rl»iiinti'ali1|i In niKiik-ntlon- truna.‘ A flur Ibal IbltiKH wt-rc aori-no'» f - / ______ ■

    nchl'-rilnlly ll In nn l nportam.inaUlii iniirkn ob rcr when I'libr-r loam 'iiilxnra n mid u kut. Twin Falla la by no mninii viintnn only off .^ _ .____ ___ » ■'

    tiiim I'o lo sol Into tin- Kiiuu’ tn- . L J '■I J J L J nya hco|>ular idnycr ua wellII Koocl mip._________

    (ASKETBALL SCORES• , . . . h rro I

    Inlac Silt K inmelt :!•*■ j thu ni;'nyuUe 1»{ I’n n n a IS .' ' uusnti:Inmiin S I] CntdwHI 111. lo u iin lu llon ir, -McrUlbiu 1C. NKV

    ..I • fi-nlbuenny DepoaiU Mount High- CDobltora in tiro \o r k ib lc o .Penny 7, 7, l£ Vn' Bosland b n ro .lo th e tr m iU t Ooo,o’, •8 tb n n .n hundred million do lln r^ ' jnc-klo o rofw ^to tho nn tem cn t t s m ic d ^ , nntch: tiy .; T ho nnmo o f llio hank lelT* nro nl purposih-tliat;.'of cjMUnB pcai'lc to Scotty 0 Ihelr pennic*. *

    Q advorttscincat worth, iooklns • Ja never o v o r lo o k ed - to tlila j,,„V y apapor. ---------

    L A l I l A l E I S ^ :1‘ORTIiAM) >VIIK,\T. .

    n ilT L A M ). Ore.. Jun . 2 4 .- l ln rd IP »L’.10; anfi w hlto, *1.!I2; weat- . -

    whllo. |l .W iJ r a r r t w intor. JI.O::horn aprlns , 11.02: w ca tc ra .rc d J. . : .

    in Falls Triwt . •

    IK N i>, V '

    ) T p R C p . . , #‘ 'U o h *

    ■ am .a n d D aauork

    on om yb a s e d p f i i n a i - r ■

    S o t h e f i r s t ,

    a y o u r s e l f — y d o

    d o r a t h e r ' t h a n

    ■ S t a r t s a v i n g -

    > a n d s t a r t H ' '

    p e r i t y . .

    a n d n o t a p a y

    • t e s t o f c h y -

    r e i t S a v e r e g - -

    ■ - i - ’ ■ ' ;

    ALLSiB A N K

    . T W I N F A l

    J P Q R F W


    jbS I ™, , V

    T. W.' F lyuu now Imu ibc T «lnilla A lhluilc i-lub well .....h r J

    Ua Idciitlon undur thu Tw lu l''.nli!{ ink niul T n is t bulldhie tit Um < i>rn-

    ot.Mfihi and Shoalione airoolH. .Mr. Illyiiu Ik nii'.ozpclilnccd m an. In thin ia niU! of wok and foela tha t thu Hiiiu In Ii» lone licon rlp.o for nncb u thini; 11.iro. Tbo clly hua ‘ n o to r enjiiypif willlyihhiK of thla 'nn tu ro uud H|«irt- TwIiviUR twoiilo will wclcotno lla coin* miitK Wltb moru Ih'an pnaaUiR* IntiT- lam:I. . . Aay Coni|ileic‘ pi|ul|itnont hna been tu- iilhid III Ibo v lub.'- Thrt rooiiH nrojnmiMlIouM iiufl flltr.ifU vo îwtl jif- Tlrd ■ oiiportiin liy lo ' exurclai* uniliT Vouio |ic r condltlona ntiil animrvlHii.n. "KMulor;l)to watcbfnl oyc of .Mr. F*>nn. yoin I 'j i u n la alwiiya mnk'u rapid iiroR-aaj und 'M lii rD bual'bcn tlh r I’liynt- fnrh1 if liud ip tjja Ihu moat . Inipoimill dukiInfT 'In ' nn : for tvlthont a wnll nlla■dy moni -of thu rood thin;;* uro "l>nriBHPd. A a n t llila ta tlio liolJ'-f >•'"''1

    Mr. Flynn and ll la. (o o noli'o '" rriHiap nf ltii|irovlnK iho hl'alih of IfiPv In '1 ''a il» • nnd v ic in ity Hint, the « 'uu!ilolli: club biiH liv'jn .a ln riod . ' '^'j'|d m any-nro uxiicoU'd tu tuku a>l- r,„n,nlnRu of Ihu b|i|>orlnnliy. . nol

    . --------- . K lvS’WW V nilK .-T .-x l)U;kurT"■ 1 rKooapon hantntii, won u ten- *>roo mid di'clahiu froi(i Johnny Cnrtln. racy Cliy^_________ / J ______________

    W 1 L L Y S . O V E R


    ' V t-

    Id ^ o i



    V € i E L D \ ^ l

    SlM W EH O LD ^ BOXING EOUTS i i i i

    IN FEBRUARY g ;• • ■ F;ii.t

    I'linnu* lllllh in l .s.dinllllnl (o Mri'l ,V, “ Klil** (•om•lllNlr(.•^r 111 ^'o\ Ibriiln-K olin in ry 11< . iniih i'

    m i iu j . Ida., .l;in. JI--M .‘ .I. II,Illy ' ‘'KUora nrrniiKluK n l^ovlnu hum to h r h. MnKvd iiii'l in.-iiiy fuuii (nnn did norivlu Fnlta nnd ili.‘ vant m il of iho ti'owoVi■oiinty an - o x iu d c l ttr hIU'iuI. .\r- i ninijiuanMiiifnii* im vr nor hcon cfntnli'ii'd nm rSiila yoi biit^ll In tho iindi'rnl.mcllii:; ihn: inily h'wo cobil iirulliiiliiailoii .w ill in- ui- Moinliianeod. lii'Hhh'ft Uio iniiln ovon*. Huhl \

    T hr ninln hDiii will l>o hoM .f.ii iho ho:'onntf U llllnid' or CiiKili'forM und T ho .Kill" ('»;iijil>nri:i'i- of Iluhl. I’.oih Um- U'olr v'onuRaHnr tip , iiir ii(wti'i »i ulioui ilui Kior>.. nnd Ihhl bmii wilt ho fuui uu't f Iho youn. I'xorn 'from Twin Kalla l:i . xiirclo'; „ i.'h o iiinldii'il « lih iti.ino om- of id: .•olKhl.frnin tho wc.iLMid, Thla-.will Unioai ■0 nu oluhl ronml ;u).

    The OHIO.T prc ilm lnaiy 'i\ n a h “ ’ oiiiid hnni nud iho |ii liioliilon hiivi ol y.'l hocn uiruiiiiod h u l, will |j. oiilint Niut< rial. " ’"''■m,

    Lenient T u rrlth Potlecmen. ^iiV'ii iTiirliM i .................. niuko ii.> iiin-iiiii| „,y„ - ,

    1 snriirlw! ovi|.li..'i'-, but .il.llulualy '|,« r t»Ivo .u'lirnltiR III ih i'lr u|i|iri>iiiU by mk Uurlkliii; Ihu |>avj'in ’•hiini-tiiiiilly lu Turk- 'h Unit nil wnM'wcIl uvcry. tlm o Ihoy r,|i(,|]|n iinmlod im iKq idluialoum ilatlcc liio'nluhl iiollccincn, tnoal ;ot .anf whom nro vorp old inrli. conlPtii ;nala. lemaolvoa w llb linmuiorlnc tho jmyc- Klinl;pont. Thu tu r ls i-h iK.pnbiUou ob jw t' ' ‘'ff-'n** J,*>U*imly.^i».,bflVliia tbo hujntflurltiKi l««oullniird, na It la m .p|ios.h1 to l»-10 Hilly nieana of piinrunloolnc tlinl muijot.IO iii.lki-mou will iminil Uielr hcula.— jm iinxdilyti &iRlo. tiinrtot

    _ _ —---------------- .rim ot W a n t ' .*0a .'Q el |tosu ll^. igoro ih

    R L A N , ; .D F I N E M O . o

    B l I '

    riaiwestF P|0 R. is

    , A i ' w ^ p o in Detit}It.»h««e i o ^ t i ^ . ^ u d W 7 E nnk ly t] O v e r U o d U n« w aa th e M n a tt i A u to a o b O e S h e w , th e p n t v O v a f k o d n o d e b ̂ th ia 4 -

    -T hat • hiD 5 l* t« e n s io .S e d « a » , 4M l^ 3H itb .feu> d d o tf . c a a ba

    siitiw lw e l tb a MitomobUfl tsd o i

    y^‘-i '* S t t ^ ' a c B . u R i d i ' • p r i c i ws

    - o i t f o l i g ' , ’utiallff-A lU K rf

    Atilo^Sc Suppl^^^

    ........ " V V


    ______ .. Iho finpliiy 111

    (Sjioi'liil to Tho TInioa.) « i„ i «•(lUHL. .Jan, 2 4 .-S llo r hich ioil ont linhl n t hiinkulball huro :iii 2■trtw oonioKiod. unO nm nntll lay ; fru tho locnhi ahlu lo nnin ii unlla- ^ klory lend. * |Kimberly lod dnrluK tho flml , Iiri^ r by throu polnia. but » t Iho i lKO of Uio ha ir Iho conut aioial '. .pto .K In I'Irten'a fuvor. UVIbln n fuw nitndion nflor Uip T:. wina uk or hutps us. ItutU'rfa

    iBlUn. '

    / t w in I ’a l l s i;;;!":'"''MARKETS li:;,r'oio

    — . ‘ Alfnifn. SKI.M.VC PKK'C S AI»lko 1

    ir . cano ........ ............. .............. JX.“fi Itrann

    Joc-K S a y s :Aro yoti nl Ibo nlpha or Uk- . oiik' c.:! i

    W hatr

    . - F IN A L SH C W IN O : Tl

    J .M .B A R R lE s ‘ P ^ J g ; R f

    ^ < ^ m m o u n i< jh

    '■■■ a h C R B E R T B R E N O N * * O B u e - r *»«i»TiB r« mpv yowwov

    N E W S , .0 0 M B Q 7 , FR O L O O U E , DTJ] p lJ tcrtjiH th o I tvH t f o i ' i h c I d a h

    A. Loan That ( Out of D

    F or a borrow er wlioao ' Income la dm •ont«_ n r wjiRoa, wo rcooiumond onr Inntui ho iirlni'lpnl la Kradual]y Tuduood. It la. icconnl 111 which you nro rcRUlnrly nddl

    Tbe rnlu la low er than you bnvo Imx Vou il{ay pro-| u t* ^ i t t e .n o t j : ^ , f l

    o KEEi ̂ vjrouR,i‘;! ,nil;;5 5̂aou if i ''td .'b e iV v .^ a y(iu>

    .••..XV -y(k‘

    o y ^

  • '' T o v n '■ ■ ■ w "ew .i a-=s== = gii-' '-; ‘ = ;

    t w i n f a l l sFubllshod S vory ^vuDlnR Kxcopt

    ■ * ' Cotnpauy, Twli

    E uierm l a t U o T w la l^ D sD allr Publlcm lut

    ID A H O NEEDS A N E W B l

    The follow ing editorial to this paper after the %vritc prominent business man of "I

    ' torial which appeared a f^w tive to the Mutual Building mend these suggestions to o worth, blit wc agree with the tained therein.

    I u'.'is very much intercsi nesday the. 21st, regarding t m ent and especially referriiv

    , ing and Loan, o f Twin Falls, say that I would Uke to see

    'succeed, as anything that stic ' the growth'and developmeni• ’benefit t>nc benefits all. ., ' * ...The building arid loan

    States added to tjieir assets ll now. brings'the aggregate re 000,000,000'mark. In the las

    ' loan movernent has more, tha are in the United States todt

    . associations, with a total me assets aggregating $3,942,88C

    • ' -ship fq r ja st year.w as 838,730cent^ while, the increase in â little less than eighteen per ci

    There has been a eontin the problem which has conf

    • . been how to''secmij sufficient , r d erat'd-for loans. Building j

    : ;,c^out-mdre. last year, for the i• , h om es/than ever before in tr

    '.Basedup,on figures obta which compiled the amount y ̂ building an

    . : . ajggrera.ted $l,260,00(f,000.' 1 erageloan made was about^S loan associatiohs financed 360

    ■ “The American home is liberty.” ' *

    W hat other institution h building today as the buildinp

    It has been tnith'fully saic . > .fihevik is ever interested in ow

    It naturally follows that the r tcrested in owning or biiildinj w e w ill have.of this undesirab

    The great work and aim ( sociations is to unselfishly tone o w n their own homes, and that for the acconipJishing o f tliis

    • generally recognized. The in' who are actually intere.sted in fully t ŝC their popularity and

    The State o f Pennsylvani ‘ . this improvement. There nvo

    total membership of 1 , 1 0 0 ,00(1 000,000. On the w ste m 'c o a s

    . lead salloth ei'statfi^vith 52 as: bership o f ,118,449 and toU l a: there must be a re.'ison for thr-si proportion \yith the rest o f the i f you examine the laws o

    ! soon arrive at the reason for thj the State o f Pennsylvania and l;^ve passed lUwsgovei-ning the tionss within their state, such tl

    . invest, has increased the confi savmR innney so Uiat ho Mas pi: loan. These* laws iK)t only sec also contrni the loaninp: o f the t any {issociation to htan tjvor fi)i the property, thoy compel the j the state all their sm irities, an(i misrepresenUition' :is to the ami chai’ging o f fees that will (leci’o: raenL

    Idaho has sufferetl for thi by.the sale of wortlile.-vs security ago w c passed the “Blue Sky wonderful lot o f gttod, but il is the entire situation l^nd a preai the building and loan a.«isociali( a special law passed for that ] tw» years tliere has been a nuii

    • associations sprinpinp up in oi ' have flooded Idaho with prnfessalesm en and “vast sums have 1 siOD or fees on the saje o f stoc]

    i | ' . The Talk of the Tw

    J M K L• ' ■ ' i w - i ' S « > I f B «Jon> -S


    5 D A IL Y T IM E Sopt .SunJar hr tl>o TliH«s TuUtlithlDB 'w in I'nil*, lilalio.

    Jtlfrriro ni> Set-onj Chut Miillcr Juj B. Uun, Aiirlt 11, 1U18.


    ial comments were contributed itei", w’ho is a siiliscijiber ancl:i f Twin Falls, had retid the e ^ - |W tJay.s.ago in The Tjine.s reJa- g and Loan society. \Ve com* our readei*s for whnt they are

    he majority (if th'e thought con-


  • S X T T E C A T , J I S t t W Y 2?; ,M 2ii

    Bnnnm Director• ' . A ito m e y s

    PORTER—WITHAM, Law yer!. Over , ■ g iM Book Btore,

    0 . C. HALL—p Yo r Cloa Booic fltora.

    J o m e T n . Bolhwon — O rr Chapman < BOTHWBLL. f t CIlAl’MAh

    Woodn Btdg. ltoom» S. g. 7. 8. B, 10

    aW EBLEY ' & 8 WBBLBY—A ltornoyi F l r t t NnUoaal Bnnlc Building

    S h o e R e p a i r i n g '

    ROYAL BHOB R E PA U lIN a. F. Myera, P ro p . . 130 2nd S t. E u U

    • Wo aUo c a rry paw ■how.

    SLIM'S BliOf: RSPAUllNO. Utirto- - dnto abb p r-F o rm e rly Petora Bros.

    m ^ l a K ' ^ n d > ^ a e i

    BROWNIE'S T R A N SraR . Ph. 1303.

    C noZ IB R TRANfiVBR COMPANY— •pbono 3 C., WYATT ̂ i-C hirbprnctor i

    181 3rd Ava. 'Mo. O ffice,.Phono 4S7 -

    “ 1 DR.'JBUIiA 0 . SA lm tBR • . t Oatoopatbic Pbyaielao

    StilU 1 and 3. a e n Bunldlnjc ,>?hona lB 40-y , ' . ne«. 1640^ *,v ..... 1

    COL. HUNYO” ̂ • , T ile r .Twin P alla :

    • Pbono 6 3 ________ f b o n e 983 ■

    COLONEL L. W. C0 T A N T -2C yearn’ I experlenco and good rcforeneca. Phono 87._________ . __________

    P a i n t s & R o o f i n g [

    ' r iD T B B ST o r Salft^-^PaloIa, Dlla, U iirea«v

    K alaoo lna 1» b u lk : Bea SuppUea. B erry ba tea , A aio V lBdabialda. P la ta a a d Window OUaa and WaU Paper. Koon»a 8h o » ______________-

    M i t c e l l u e o u t . ,

    EYB SPECIALIST—Dr. Wm. D. I tf^ . '■•nolda, aucceaaor’ lo D avla Optical i

    Co. 309 M ala E aaC N ext door to - Qoidsn R ule.' ' -

    V FO B BILUAIUSS—T ry ” M aca^oya.. P r tiaa weekly. ■

    'T W IN VALL8 JUNK B O n S B -lC e t; . . ^ la , BB^1̂ a^ 'B ^ a^ ,fe^ > ^ # l^ d y^l^«. _

    ;} rM I ,u d :U Z ^ . ? ee ,u tf ba to^e .aa ll- r• la * eraam .,ipoullry . o r e tc a .’ n

    w a coma o u t a fle r you r pouliry: |u^ Chaa. O ndyw ood. > .t. ■ t : / , r

    i P i a n o T u n b g ' S

    . 8 . 0 . HULL . SO yeara ' ExpeHenee. ■ P

    - Pttone 817J. P . O. Box 803. •• "

    For Sale-Mi^'ellaneous S' FO R 8A I £ ~ W « ^ v a a nom ber o t - aw ond band aawlBC n acb tn ea a t Tery ^ raa ao n a b le .9Meaa whUe they laa t. t B tag tr Bewtag U aebiae Co:.' U l U a is & a c vy X ; ’' FO R S A L E -S w fr t e r a d t(4 b a tte r — de lirered a t you r home e re ry Friday.

    . M. E . CalilcoUe. rb o n a K io h e r lr co 37J3. St

    F l^ f ^ j E S AND HIS J

    uow; K MPMS6MCS MS ^ P iN »ra»M >l6A M 1

    -« N rm A m E « iM A « X U K SIbH SA ft

    •. ■ • i . .



    E o r S a l ^ M isce llan eo u s’•.f'O R BALI-:—A few hundred feet

    J ni>w Jtl-incU. rcjw ood pipe a t nlioiit iia lf iirt-VBlllng prlcca. Swim & Co.

    -■ 8TATION1211Y—11.00 for 200 ulioola., r K lz c ^ 7 . 100. pQvoIopvi. a ll Hammer*

    n illllBonri,.w |ih name, adilrcnti'neatly _ Drlnted. pontiialrt. Romit wlUi order.. SampliiH free. Yc OrcKOn rreno, Dopl._I A. Baker, OroKon.

    KOR S A L B ^ m ^ fo l ww)., " l^ a i r KO«>)io plllown, fine turkey, 2 year

    Z 8 . M. Iiurkim llcr, Kimberly.

    ™ . FOR SAI.E—n a tle ry nn.I repair ahtop caiilpnii'Ut—Kood-tocailnn, r'ea-

    ” aonablc ren t. G. C. Dean, Filer. Ida.

    ^ F d f l .SAI.i'>-;co ton* of hay. S mi p aouth of Buhl. Call 639J, Twin FallH.

    U -^FO R -SA i^R—L arge caat-lron heal- Inc move. wIth’salvanlzodVJackot.'jiuIt'

    - at)lo for Mloru bultdlne o r W l , Would ^ moke fine plpelean fitrnaco. '" l l io n u »• 96S. M u tu n im as . & i.oan Aaiiir.’

    e. I-'OR 8A i.I-;-U air avrncbc*!, NaHon- ai bob, com ot braid. I’hooc 60S.

    - FOR S A L B -23 model a io y ro le t in A-1 condition, good niblior. 1 new

    _ SIntKT BejvloB machine, 1 nciw /w m -3. eh in tcr pum p Kim. 13 ua. Mrs. IX C.. Collltw. 152 S idney, atreet, Soulh- Pa rk . Clly. _______________

    FOR S A m —Kmpty barrola. Pbonet- IMS. _____________ ■

    ^ FOR SALB—All fum lturo of. a G-- room bouflo. No. 644 Srd avenue norii).

    ® FO R S A L B -U aed beaa aaeka.Seavera* worebouae.

    ■ FO R .SA L B —Rocic ereex Kravci. C,0. Mdrkie-a Blackamilb nhop. 142 4th

    ~ avenue w eat. Phono 2StW.

    F o r R e n tFO R RENT—Space m well equip

    ts pcd office— C enija l location. 8 wim> “ * T f t ■ , ^ .- i - u i i .Modern houno.' aix

    rtMma includlnR alecplns porch. Swim ft Co.

    I POR R K N T -U r s o room. Tho 8 uu- ‘ flow er. ' __________ ]

    PO R REN T C H H A P-Sm all well- ■ I bu ilt houao two blocka-north oCWaiitt- ,1 JM U > a .uhM ri..|» rU y .fum iabad^ Call I

    D.- Patrick . ftd}oln!nc-orl820-IU i ave-- (

    PO R 'R R N T —FiirHlabed room , 311 '3rd north . Vh. :072. ^

    no aercii fo> rent. II. C. O elteri, 114 I»■ No. Main. Ph, 223.______________

    FOR RnN T>-Room .for 2 Rcntlomen i - w ith board, t io ic in. 31S 2nd avenuo :

    no rtb , ________ _________

    I, Furn labcd hou/iekeepinjr apart* 1 1. menta. Ju siam eru Inn, In i and 4tl> 1• avenuo no rih . I'bone 450. j

    ■ FOR R C N T -C aruxe. Call 439 4tli ’ . avenue w eat. 4

    • FO R R B N T -R obm and board 'cloae ' j In. 916 SecoDd neyth. ’ <

    ‘ F um lahed bouaekooplng apart* , m e n u . Oaala Home. 403 U aln Ave. „

    . WeaL Phone 971. , -

    . ■ a: FO R R C N T ^ le e p In g rooma. 323 ~ I 6Ui a re a o e ea jL , .

    • FOB '.BRNT—B o tu k e e p ta f , ap«rt> .> tD a ta , ooopl« ta ly tum lahed for lU b t b> bouaekeeptas, one ,, tw o 'u d - ' t b r « a 8 , rooBM oloae tn . a ad low ta tea . by “

    ■ s s t o »•

    ' E ig h t room house —Hoga. aom ^good feed* era. 1 block i u t of r o c k ^ u M ie r. E .

    - D. P u c k e tt ■____________

    “J POR S A tB -W h lto liealm rn cocks , and cockerel*, aomo "world record"

    a t r a ^ O r o n t Angell. Route l.J FO R S A L E -R e ctstered b n roe aow,

    c r to p u t ou t cn a b y ea . Phone S»3W.

    ^ .W a n te d -M is c e l la n e o u sZ ^V 'A N T K D -C ana l Co. stock, wil'i t buy 10 to 40 aharea o f priced right.s 8 w |m ft Co.________________.[ W A N TED -To bear from parties . bavloR cood used Ford aedan for

    ■ J - O f" of Times. ■** %VANTED—Transportation eaat wilh

    aheep tSr apuda. P . 0 . Box SC3.

    > _JYANI^TO_BENX.-rA .so o d -40. acre trac t. - Crop rent. Hox 38. Times.

    W A^TED—200 lbs. a lfa lfa seed.• Phone 2110. ■

    » WANTEi C s' b horaea to winter.• P rlcca right. W. .B. H oac.__________

    WANTED—T o hear from ow ner ef f a rm .fo r aale fo r spring delivery. O.

    - K . H W jey . Baldwin. Wla. \1 FOR 8A L & -A li-fum 'llu re of a five-

    room henae. N a 84^ 8rd a v tnne portb.

    A s C le a r a

    w m M

    B ;

    7 I W F A l X S i ) A J U L y . . , T l M l ! i t :


    v o u SAY- M l S ^ c O b a r k e r i s A£

    i ® T H l 1 1 1 [•To'XHKCW A PI

    KCf>/e AWAV F f ^ M THE-A K IM ^ ALor4—A toraiaU^ roam. IWJte . P . 0 . Box 947. _________ JJ:

    IS L o s t.a n d F o u n d i— l.O.ST—P aper liox eontnlnlni; lailj-'a , ' IgO brown ilt-eaa n n d -o th e r wi'ui'Iur up- a t- parcl. Ki'ward. lx;avij a t Tlmea.

    io S T —IvJk'fooflj cute tniiiftn. I .II ;- )”— °ral row nn l^M aen iiley Itron. . ^

    ^ L08T-."Kle*I1iIe FJyer" cOBallnc cialed on Sho«hono a treet. anmuwhcre itibetween Heed Apia, nnd FirHl Nall, el Bank bulldlnir. Sunday, Dec. 28. Kind- 1"

    ^ e r pleaan leavo n t 221.Sboahone flireet f<aouth. Reward. jl

    ^ LOST—U ith o r Itaaa la i: conlala- l i__ Ing advertisen i'en la .'near W orherit's —lia warobouao, Saturday. Pbono 744J.

    ‘‘*** L 09T ~.Idabo D epartm ent pf AgrJ- ___ cu ltu re rocelpt book!. F inder pleaae .>w, noUty L. O. Bawley. P e rrin e H otel. O:W. " ------------------- -—^ H e lp W a n te d ,i~ Make blir money In your sp a re Ilme III aelllng patrn ted a rtie ic every woni- >t. an w anta. Experience not neceaxary. _

    W rite Brand Rubber 716 W. Mad^M **°°» C hlcaao/ ^ faOf . *300.00 a m o n ib to'*ntiilrlbute every- ^

    day bouaehold necesnlty, ru ra l and ,, sm all lown dlstric ta . No ifibney n*od-

    ed. Mfliton dollars firm behind It._ W rite fo r pa ritcu lars . alatir te rrito ry TO dealred. . V. N.. Johnson, l io t North

    tm io n -X T irri’ortlaiid.-OTr.-----------------

    y WANTED—Woman to do house- ■ work. Call 324W.

    jn :N WANTED for D «eetl»« work. E xperience unneceeaary. W rite J .

    — O anor. fbrm er O ort. D ctecUre. 328. pf S t. Louis. Mo. .____________ ^ _

    W A N T E D -R ellahle p a rty fo r gea-— eral booaework. M ust be able lo maa'>»- age. F a a U y ' o t th ree . A m erlcaa b. Beauty Parlo r, Buhl.

    • a s ^ u d ! r" ■

    r/»VAM5»*SADSKS W > u .e i« w T W ^ T O P U rO M D C ‘- \T B U .O S M T Q fA « P iw rm « S A M U * » p

    WN —

    f̂ O-NÔ HCf̂ .*1. ABOtn-J ^ V ^ H E MAKES UP ! “

    A R l ? / / j f ^ /H » S M I N i i J o / ' p , -------— POA' THWCS' • ■ m

    I ^

    ■ 6

    3 Help WantedJ MANUFACrrURER w ania capable .a m an to open Dfflce and nianace sales*, men fo r high clans specia lty , costa ...

    * 84,*0, reta ils I 12.B0. E very m erchant j P u liroHpecl. eaves m crchanta thou-

    aaiula yearly, aetla on iilKhi. 111k mon- . ey m aking pnsallillliles fo r rlitht

    party. W nnt >iluie d lairlbiilor. $300 . will finance rxetuHlvi' iiKviiey. W rite

    lT.-HUlent, 070 I. W. H cllinan Bill.-:.. 4 l/)w A nt;elca._______________________

    * S A L E S M A N -ex c ep t;.^ ! opportunity . B ua tle ra ’ eamlnKa hlg. W rite . McCloery Calendai; Faclory . W aah- *

    . I Ingtoa. Ia . ______________________A O i:.vr WANTi:i> 10 hcU Chlckn. <

    1 Mako money nelllns o u r S tale "Ae- - credlti'il" HAljy CtilrkH In tbe pHiillry- c men o t you r cniiiitiiMiliy. Tbu fliunt , ehlcka liatcheltom pricea. J8 yearn repuintlon I for falr.deallng. 100 p e r cent live de-

    llw rj- KuaraiiKKKi. W rlio fo r ou r aell* 1* InK price, plan and valalog. Queen i’ H atchery. U 30 1s t Avc^ afatO e. . j ^

    S itu a tio n W a n te d ,> . WANTI-:D WORK, ijy W oT hn'iir. ôi

    Oxford Rooms. No. 2. 'i, , N(

    'W A NTED -W ork by the hour. CaU ir'i 74 3W. _---------------------------------------------------------1

    M oney to L o a n . . -Six P e r c e n t - I f Tou havo a good* 40i

    fa rm and w an t to Iw rrow on it. w rite sK mo. Box 62. T w la Falto ; Idaho. .

    • th e ta lk o f the T*

    X>AK t.8m It Before'

    NORVILLE M(T u la FalU

    . J I B X a la .Sertb - . i

    a » « T '. 'io u 8 S r7 i5 ^.U5«MUSBSVOO B r 'VUBU.,OUft)UX \ )P ^ « j ( p 6 eT: j ^ . JSCM n>16 ^TBEE M A N S viea j t ' a 9 o o s B T s j iE w e s t i e

    i ' i S . A KrTUtXW BBB^

    .i,-w ‘r ; -■


    ClU^'ACll, 21.—W benl ' >inO ' ” 1 ryi' huiil'.i-wiir lil):b rceoril-iin It kii'oiik riiilHli on th e boliril iif •irjiil.. irHiiiy, , 1

    Ni>. 2 rta—No. 3 While, 50% O57U c;

    Nu, 4- w hile atondiirda,52'/j(ft-f.3c. . . . ' .• '

    C orn-.N o. 2 yellow. |1.22?401.30:No, 3 yellow, •ll.2 2 )i« lJJ3 ^4 : No.. 4 yellow, l l . iT ,6 «i'1.2u% : So: yeSN low |l,i:H 4 4 » l-1 0 ^ : .'Jo. 0 yellow , . ll.U X il.lU ; No, 4 mixed, 11.150I .lu ; No, fl mixed. |M 2 » I .1 2 U ; No.,0 mlxi-.h- | 1.o a « l , l l : No. 4 V h lle ,II.ITiti-l.tH: .No. S ' whlln, 11.120 l,ir .; Nil. 0 w hlti-ll.09«fl.ll.

    Hurley—7t« 'JC e.TIumlliy—|5.7C(|)ll,>;0..U y i'-N o ; no iiuoinllon.C /o»er-«C ® 33 , ,' .

    ClUCAtJO H'UODUCE..CillCAQO. Ja n . 2«.»lButler — Ite- .

    : colpta. 7772; cream ery,. 37c; stand'- ju ro a . 37H c; f irs ts 3 4U e3S H c: aec*

    onda 32033HC.Eggs — RecelpU, 31fi»; o rdinariea

    5 0 « 6 lc : flrals, 540B6HC. . 'Chifwe-^Twloa, 23Jfcc; , A m eric tt,

    20c. , ■ . ’Poultry—Recelpta 2 c ara ; ' fow li, .

    1892Cc: ducks. 2 |c ; geeae, . 32c: ap rlng i 27c; turkeys, 23c; rooatera lOC' / , , , ;• .... . <

    POTATOES. ‘ ' . ■; CHICAGO, Jun . 24.—Recelpta. - 179

    en ra ; WlHcuosIn round w hilea. 11.06 ' ©1.20,

    OMAHA LU'EBTOCK. . . j■ O.MAHA. Jan . 24.—CalUe — JtO - • coiiiis. 300; m arket nominally even: yourllnga, I0&10.75; steera I8 -380 ‘10.75: cows and bo lftrs. >2X008.76; Hiockcra nnd readers, 1408.40; ealvea I3.SOV10; bulla and aUga. 83.7604. .- irag i — Recofpis, l ! . m : markeC . moKily lUc hiRlier: bulk o t sales. |10

    top 110.76. '> Sheep — .R eceipts. 1600; m arke t nominal, yearlings, 111.76014,60: weibeni 110012: lambs. |18 .76018: . e>»'o» y.50O10.C0. .

    n ilC A G O i.ivESTOCK. rUJCAOO. Job . 34.—H o»s - R e- . j

    ceipia, 6000: m orkei Active; bntcb* ers. generally 10016c up ; Ugbt 'j llK hu . and pigs, 16026o u p ; t o p . ' 'III .05 : bu lk 110.20011; heavywalcbta* ' < I10.G5O11.05: medium welghta. $10.16 . O i l ; l ig h t w elghu 80.80O10.6S:.llRhl lights.' 88.26010.38: befcvr (, acking amooih 810.30010.80; peek*.-ing sows, smooth, fO 88O 10J0:-IdU * -/-i i n r pigs, I7.80O8-K, ^

    C a tilo -R o ee lp u ,. 500; , ',T O ir t t* t compared last w eek; F M iteara-i(B d yearlinga generally M 078o o f f ; l M - : trem e to p yearlings. ,i.»12J 0 : ,w ^ t- - .^ . .*3 handywolght steera; < 4 .86^ '» W e a -.i-iri 111.38; rela tive ly f«w- .a a l i i tMMv* . . ‘,■‘1 IKL60: be u er t r a d e a . t U t o o i n i ^ ^ , haavy* belfera SSO; • Jr n d e sbo-stock e a n n a n . 'c u t ta W a s d • ' , g

    ib u m , s lM dy; r e a l c a l m «ooA'*to .

    m M d r t id e ra “ t e w S ; ta i l w I4 .U C 8 : beef belfar* 8 6 ^ 7 4 8 : vaat catvaa, llO .86e u .T 6 ;.to ,pM )>-

    o w p a P K j ' ' i a « ^ * 2 t; * l u ^al«ad r 26c u p ; Cat a b e a to a u it tF /S V ''.

    ^ ^ s s a v . ; , |week's top tU .86:^, «loa lB C 'jtM I IU O ; ta ll clipped-' la a b a ..^ A « 0 - l « « ) : yearlb ga . t llO U : '.‘ t60» ^ m ; . ' ^ wathars S U 0 1 U « : fat «waa U ff L U : ,')9 t ^ l U r faa d ias U i^ ta : ' | 1I L ^ U ;

  • W i ¥r Fife'MR

    inM II yA u to D e a le r s M e e t a n d D r a f t

    S t a t ^ e & t o a d P e t i t i o n . Xo

    lo g U lf t tn r o t o . R a is e .M o re

    U o n e jr \ j y D o u b le CD iarges .on

    G as ; A ll O w n e rs W lio F a v o r

    F l a n t o J o in i h M o v e m en t.

    . rrapoKlniT a flnt Uccnnc fco of 910 fbr.QU ftiuon. iJmt a four ccn t lax liC placoO OR ydnollno a n d tb a t fifty par c m l o t Ihu a u to t j u MO to I'lther tho

    i ■ Jili(hirBLy « n « r |c t o r e o iin ty 'w h fre in ' i t U cnIlM ted. B num ber of.Blito

    rr* utider Ibo c liftihnannhlp of W. T . S u l m at. todftjr Bt lho.atfico>7ir A ttorney Aiihcr S . .WilHon onA {ilaci-il tho ir ( lo slro s'in tlio fon it o f a formni nlAlomont a n d pi-tltlon lo bo ticsi lo o u r Io«Ulalora. A ll ow iicni o t nuton an woll,OR d o o lc fi trho fnvor Ihc plon A/o r i^ u e a te d .to cbU lit> Mr. Bonl nn

    (him a t 3S0 &laln' avrn'iio n o rtli to boi . . iha ib o .p « m o n . “ • '

    • 8 t« t f « r n t 6f Ca*r. ivvi.»Tho'.foIIovJiik autom obile dcalrrK (

    P a ll» -c o av c n cd a t eleven „ ^ V c lokk iT n . f e r aUcniiB th e mlvl»-

    . ^abtlffT 'vr a ^ av itlon of tlii) Biii»mnl>l|e i, llconie la w a n d jnuiolinc ta x .o r ilic Slato,qC. Id ah o : F,^Macr!l. n p r i - »cD(Ini^;‘&lbver*Av(oniobll(i .rompuiiy,

    '• d lstrtbo torii^or DodJ:6 D ro tb cm >arH; c C. C . Ltnd. ropreienUDR‘Unm ontlBK B a r ro it Auto com-• w o r . d lit r jb u to ra o fS tudo lm kpr c are:. E d Q utlory, d ia tr ib u lo r o f WudHon an e n c k 'F r id a y ofili> Tlil^ priiaram w ill'h e In churRc < m- .Mr. \V. ZmiBB Smllh. • •

    Pnrt J.I'* CommtiMliy.nlnKliiK under d irccilo 111- **■ Alcxnndi,*-. At Ihu plum

    Aim. O. P . UtivBll. .Tho piihllc nro r \ pected to iflki- p a rt In ihn Klnxlhc.

    Ml J 'n rl n .c t (O Q liarlolle—Selecieil.Im .Mrn. O. 1’. Dnvnll. Mrn; \V. Zonns „n .Smith. :\ir. OoiiKlnn Salmon. .Mr. Ill .N'elxon Hayward. 'riH (2) "Gypny ,Mnldcn"......... ....BlnBhaii

    .Mrn. W . Zonna Smith, Coiitmlto.Ci) "Rcceaalannl” ...... ........DeKov.-i

    .Mr. DouKinn Salmon. Tenor, to « ) , ••Ucrceiinif’ (l.iillaby) ....Ooddnn

    ■ .Mm. 0 . P; .Uuvnll, Snpnipn, Cello o W lp lo , Jlr. W. Siniih.

    .,11 .'Juterml^iHlon.-• Short addi-cau—Commiinlly piny, h;

    ^ .Mayor S. U. Honet iintod by you) ,.Jn reR*""'! foad o. luwa nnd compantiileney of drirlng ll. un aulo (fr'truck.

    Pniialiy fnr falllnR lo comply with niiRli lo w n ,'o r llf a driver bu tho ■ cniiHu n( an nccldcnt. iila or her II- '

    r- cenno mny be revoked for ten doya ' - or a fine of vlnli.

    nai Mlaa Hdna Bi'aiicbamp lutl F.rlday to for Portland.

    .by .Manoaer I . 'I . . nreclienrldco of the eld Twin Falla MI1I» ia In D enver on o Ihc bUKlBca trip.< d. .Manager Jomeii Scilley o f ihe Amal- Ihu som aled waa In Hurley yenlrrdny;

    i)lntrlct Superimendont K. \Vhll' Bbeptle to Uo'oater of tit-m Stale hy

    - >Vhat Afar. Kaw al Ibu -itationBl Dairy 8 how i Ifeanlla o f V lilt lettcr' a tjjm ila te d --w H h -O u r '

    community.-; •. . .

    nnl -p!iAYKB'ANSWKaBDife.:t.sourtt

    e-Twii ĵEaJl,l^WiW

    to r o '.Y o a

    Dm o t o r g o .'nolao'.'''".-

    . . M b ' . ^ .BaiiBOtk '

    B a th w .S ta r a ^

    UlyouaWllard^tt '̂^’̂ ;.,c a^ n e to a nylag Mart aon i- ,

    cm't'baVB to ffet l t feehirietf an ther. If yout dectrical l y i ^ la on

    ta r ta ta fc e le * » o u to r a t ia t t« 7 . ' . , • j

    a tV R o d lo . D ^ « nRVICEj'STATIONiV A H tilC B iA r V

    MBpHRHjiM ,

    ' • ''i.-'T-I ̂ l l ^ _ , , . V

    IDI •'

    vanting theil-/ri^rhts^ f

    >rs-:-gi,ve,us, a chancy.

    I thelbest coal you can ~

    Fire Salee tire a f t e r w e u r d * .

    ry 2 6ve feel able-to reduce :

    1 0 . 0 0

    I I . 0 0

    10 .0 0 ■8 . 0 0 , ^

    isn’t nut, just because ; -’ I . . •

    lleng'e any dealer in ' on, let’s go. ' > '

    al Go- ig .K n t l L > y ia g .M » tf iJ T ---------- - ,-------

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