  1. 1. THE MOST IMPORTANT LOVE SPELL: If you are not open to love, no love spell can work. You may want to do this spell as preparation for any other love spell you do. In fact, this spell to make yourself open to love might be the only love spell you will ever need. Look inside yourself: is there something in you that blocks love? For instance, do you feel you dont deserve love? Or perhaps you think that no one could ever love YOU? Or maybe you think you are too fat, or too thin? Maybe you are afraid to ask someone out on a date? Whatever the negative belief, fear or other internal block is, get in touch with it, then use soap and water to wash it away. Actually put your hands in water and wash them as a way to get rid of your block to love! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: THE PATH OF LOVE. If you feel the need to do more than the above spell get five red roses. Go about a block from your house and drop one rose. Drop three more on the way back home. Drip the fifth at your door. While you do all this chant out loud or silently, This is a path of love. My true love will find me. You have given your true love a path by which to find you! PROUD AS A PEACOCK. Maybe this is more your style. Wear a peacock feather or some emblem of the peacock. For instance, cut off the decorative end of a peacock feather and pin it to your lapel instead of a rose, or wear earrings shaped like peacocks. Look in the mirror and repeat as many times as you want, I am spreading my tail feathers. Leave the house and see what happens. This is NOT a spell to make anyone see you the way you want them to see you. This is like a peacock spreading his tail to court, but on a psychic level. YOUR TRUE LOVE. Many poeple want to have a relationship with the person who is just right for them. I was once asked How can I make my mate the ideal mate for me? ARGH!!!!!! Why do poeple feel that once they have mated, their job is to change the beloved? However, if you are not sure whether you and your mate are meant for each other, and you are willing to forfeit the relationship should this not be the case, do this love spell. Take two silver dollars. Two pennies will also do. Toss them into the air reciting, May we each go to our own true love. I repeat, do not do this spell unless you only want to be with a true love and so are willing to forfeit your present relationship should it not represent your true love. Sometimes a relationship isnt THE ONE but it is sacred for its own sake and worth keeping. Also, a true love isn't neccessarily a mate for love while the person you are with now just might be. Should the coins land far apart, do not take this as a sign that you will separate. This is not meant as a divination spell contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Imagine a love spell that could bring back your Ex, return a lost lover, or fix a broken
  2. 2. relationship. The love spells were created to restore the romance and strength of deep love while erasing the heartache and pain of the past. By restoring these emotions with a clean foundation, my witchcraft rituals offer hope to those who fear resentmen contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Love spells are very crucial in making many people have a prosperous love life and boosting the couples feelings, enjoyments and mostly their romantic responses towards each other. It is in reality that you find a big number of relations at some point requires being boost or needs a helping hand in order to stay intact. You cannot deny that anytime a happy couple can split up without any hope of making up leaving one party hurt for the rest of his/ her life. In such situations, love spells steps up to be a game changer making your partners feelings, minds and soul focus on only you. This brings back the feeling or increase a level of love between two people to the extent that no one can leave with each other. Powerful love spells are basically based on the magic rituals which are made by a spell caster with the aim of making impact to the targeted individual. When these rituals are perfectly performed, spells can gain the momentum to get the aimed course as a result; you get to be in position of controlling anyone of your need. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: These powerful love spells can be very special thing you need in order to improve your love life because they have been such an important tool for many troubled and broken up relationships and families bringing them back together and restart their love lives as happy as possible. They work for everyone, men and women even though not everyone that can succeed while using magic spells, it takes more time to perfect the art of casting magic spells unless when you contact a specialist in this field. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Love Spells That Really Work Fast Love spells that really work fast by anwar sadat are extra ordinary powerful and very fast. These spells basically helps those who are having problems in their love life and they make sure that they solve each and every negativity which could put any relation in danger. Thousands of people all over are trying to lay their hands on these magic spells because getting
  3. 3. a caster who can deliver results is not all that easy unless a chosen few like anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: The powerful love spells that really work fast requires super natural powers to help them overcome any kind of resistance they can counter in the process this brings down to the style of anwar sadat where by he communicate with the gods to give strength to the spells in casting. This is a major reason as why spells cast by him are very fast to reach their targeted goals. With this magic he has been able to do many things which other spell casters cannot do. He helps with his love spells that really work fast in many ways but these are some problems which many who come for his help inquires for. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Do you want to find your soul mate? Have you been heart by your partner? Is he/she cheating on you and want that to stop? Do you think that your marriage is getting finished and you would like to do anything save it? Are you not happy in your relationship? Did you breakup with your partner? Have you tried other spell casters spent a lot of money but failed to get the results? contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: anwar sadat's magic has works very well forcing his love spells effective in various ways which is very instrumental in the field of magic casting. Casting a spell with the aim of getting the best results has not only solved the problems but has given very many individuals hope to leave their desired lives with the people they love by their sides. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Love Spells That Really Work. Love spells that really work fast are the only solution to the problems which makes many peoples relations to fail. Because some of the problems occurs at a very high speed which makes it hard to solve them if they are not attended too in the same way, this gives a different
  4. 4. between the fast working love spells and slow working love spells. This is the reason why spells cast by anwar sadat wow his clients because it is his trade mark to cast the very fast and effective magic spells each time he comes into play. It is not doubt that scammers are making it hard for genuine spell casters to earn a well deserved respect from the clients that is why anwar sadat is willing to make a difference by winning that respect after casting his powerful love spells that really work fast. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Posted in: love spell, Love Spell That Real Work, Love Spells TAGS: love spell that real work,powerful love spells OTHER POWERFUL SPELLS Powerful Candle Magic Love Spells Powerful Candle Magic Love Spells This is one the fewest powerful candle magic love spells which can easily attract ... Love Spells China/ anwar sadat Love spell China It is no question that anwar sadat Love is one thing that makes many of us to stay with hope and leave the best life as we can and that means that love is a driving force to live a better life. When those one that you love turn their back on you, that can change almost everything. Love spells that really work there comes in to give you a hand so that you get hold on those people whom you care for and make them stay with you with great love and harmony. Love spells are used just to promote love and remove negative energy that could bring misunderstandings between two people, this is a trick that has been in use for decades now even though some other people tend to misuse it and others don't even have a any idea on how they work. With love spells, you have got every chance to keep your love safe and also helps to improve it day to day. Among the benefits of
  5. 5. love spells is that you can stand a very big chance getting re-united with your lost lover and not only be re-united but also to make him/ her to stay with you as long as you desires. This art is of great importance to many people since keeping those whom they love close to them is one of the first priority and which is achievable with love spells. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Lost Love Spell or Spells are used or performed, if you have lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love spell will help to bring your love back to you. Also if your love is with someone else then by this spell, you'll be helped to break his or her relationship. Lost love spells Have you lost the love of your life, are you looking for a spell to bring back a lost lover. I have powerful magical lost love spells to bring back a lost lover back to you. Lost love spells are an effective way to bring back a lost lover that will produce results in a few days. If you love some one and your love has left you or your love is with some one else, then you may immediately go for the lost love spell or bring back lost love spell. Lost love spells to bind you and your lover together using lost love spells for men & lost love spells for women making lost love spells more effective and customized to the specific needs of women and men. My lost love spells for women can bring back a ex-boy friend or ex-husband binding you to your boyfriend or husband. When they come back my lost love spells will prevent them from leaving you again so that you stay together and love each other. If you feel a void in your life and you have even tried other lovers but you still want your ex-wife or ex-husband, get in touch Reuniting love spells As with life not everything works out as planned, a happily ever after can turn sour and people can breakup or divorce. It then takes a powerful return lost love spells to help people see beyond their differences & problems so that they can be reunited in love.
  6. 6. Some of you want to get that love flame going again that you once had in your relationship or maybe bring back a lover you once had but is no longer in your arms. This return lost love spells is all you need to return the magic back with your past lover Single life can make an ex seem pretty good. Winning your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back isnt really the hard part. The hard part is keeping them. After all, they left you once, what is to stop them from leaving you again? What is the point of getting your ex back if you cant keep them PERMANENTLY? Get return lost love spells to permanently get your ex-lover back in your love life. Bring back lost love spells Bring back lost love spells to help you reconcile with your ex-lover. Bring back your lost lover with more love, passion & commitment. Reconnect with an old lover using bring back lost love spells by anwar sadat There are many reasons people breakup or divorce. If you miss your past relationship or marriage and you want your lover back in your life, get bring back lost love spells by anwar sadat to heal any misunderstandings. My powerful bring back lost lover spells will pull your ex-lover in your direction. Regain the trust of your ex-lover with my powerful bring back lost lover spells that have worked for thousands of people, they will certainly work for you. Join hands in love with your ex-lover no matter how much time has passed or why you broke up. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Dr. anwar sadat is one of those spell casters that you can trust on due to the fact that his spells work just fine and they can produce very good results immediately. Immediate spells are spells that have got the capability of delivering the results at least in a period of 24 hrs. Not that all spells should do the same but there are those spells that are supposed to work immediately and there are spells that should work anytime depending on the client and the sell caster. Lets take a look at some spells that can work for you immediately and those that cannot automatically do that. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Love spells by Dr. anwar sadat are one of the best love spells you my ever get in the whole world. Love spells results should always produce results faster due to the fact that some people decide to come for spells when their situations have gone from bad to worse. For instant if your lost lover and the lover got into a relationship with the other person and soon you find out that
  7. 7. they are planning to get married. Check how many issues are there but with powerful love spells all of that can be taken care off. The marriage can be stopped immediately, the relationship shall be broken up and the lost lover shall be brought back with immediate effect. But with other different spell casters you may find some problems and that is the reason why you should cast spells while there is still time. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: The love spell to stop a divorce is one of the trickiest spells that should be as fast as possible. Why is that like that? If you have been the wrong one in your marriage for a long time and you now expect to make thongs right, it might not be easy but the truth is this spell can help. But when you are planning to stop the divorce you need to be fast therefore such spells should be as fast as possible and my powerful stop a divorce love spell can do that for you immediately. Spells like the break up love spell whereby you break up your relationship due to different reasons. But if you are breaking up your relationship due to violence reasons, you definitely need the spell to work for you immediately. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: There are other spells that should be immediate like the spell to banish your past lover, stop a cheater love spell, divorce court case spell, family unity spells, forgiveness spells and others. Top best spiritual healer based in South Africa Top best spiritual healer in Africa you can't miss to help you.His miracle healing powerful ancestral spirits with herbal medicine heals everyone.He Cast magic spells,solves demonic attack and misfortune related difficulties.Contact Tel:+27739970300 anwar sadat Experienced in Ancestral healing and spell casting, Astrologers, Doctors, African Medicines, Ritualism, Herbalist healers, Spiritual healers, Native healer, Philosophy, Traditional healers, Herbal remedies, holistic healing,Call 24hrs the most great healer for all failed problems and sicknesses through his great ancetral powers and mirracle jinns is here to help you if you want to be successful with your riches or wealthy life giving your kids
  8. 8. the life they deserve to enjoy in and entire family. You rather do invest in something that will bring one time amount of money enough for your dreams. This you could archive it by pretending that you are taking a risk of something for the first time as you are not yet sure or known of what it is exactly. powerful native herbalist doctor divined to help heal people.Please visit his Temple and have a blessing to see his Thrine The only african powerful Spiritual Herbalist Healer(Dr anwar sadat) heals and solve all the problems & ailments which are failed to be healed by other doctors. Are you tired of misery and darkness in your daily life? This may be your chance to break through? Ancestral consulting, fortune checking, tarot reading, palm reading. and solve many different problems Quickly. stop suffering today just try anwar sadat online Prepare yourself for a spectacular transformation. If you are ready to open your heart and mind to me in the ancient art of black Magic, then write down your one, most important request Born with mystical powers, he is rated as one of the best spiritual and alternative therapists in the world. He can read and tell your problems before you even mention any of them. Remember that problem and ailments does not need to know you first to come to you, human beings are the houses of problems to hide in. Solves most problems with sicknesses failed by other doctors/healers Since you have searched and reached to this website ,you will not regret contacting this noble healer who has helped millions of people to become prosperous and happier in their lives. Spiritual herbal healing doctor with spells casting tactics in South Africa and serving worldwide. We never fail to heal any problem or even we never fail solve any problem We do Spiritual cleansing,Herbal remedies mixtures and
  9. 9. Casting spells. Even if your are far away don't worry .Our Ancestral Spirits can reach you. ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE GREATEST SPIRITUAL HERBALIST HEALER EXPERIENCED AND SPECIALISED IN ALL ASPECTS OF TRADITIONAL HEALING,CASTING SPELLS, ASTROLOGY,DOCTORS,AFRICAN MEDICINES,RITUALISM,HERBALIST HEALERS,SPIRITUAL HEALERS,NATIVE HEALERS,PHILOSOPHY,TRADITIONAL HEALERS,HERBAL REMEDIES,HOLISTIC HEALING,DREAM INTERPRETATIONS AND MANY MORE. OFFERS HELP IN 24 HOURS AND 7 DAYS A WEEK! TREATMENT IS 100% GUARANTEED! Get the successive life you deserve and put shame on the faces of those who say you will never make it. Dr anwar sadat is not only a famous witch; he is The Best One Of The most Famous Witch in history, Africa. But you can ask anwar sadat directly When You Contact Him Through +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: THIS IS THE FAMOUS SPIRITUAL ENERGY PSYCHIC DOCTOR WITH MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN SOLVING MANY KINDS OF PROBLEMS AND DISEASES. Best spiritual energy healer in Africa and major marriage counselor to entire continent. Please listen to your soul with a spiritual engel which has made you see this website of the most powerful miracle spiritual healer. The only best in Africa. who communicates directly to the 97 leading engels and 95 Jinn( Gene) spiritual powers.Blessed are those who visit his shrine daily from all over the world to solve their problems and sicknesses. If you let him help you, you will
  10. 10. never regret or mind about those other healers who have already disappointed you with no results. Just trust me, he never fails to heal,cure and solve any problem. Are you the one who has been desperate looking for a quick solutions to your problems? wow! i guess so! Difficulties are meant to happen and to be removed. If the following words seem to be coming from your mouth, then this may be the service you've been looking for: " I need to improve my financial situation, I need to get back my lover back now. I need to get rich instantly, I can't sleep because of his/her absence. Am tired of debt and i want to be free of enemies. I need to bring my lover back immidiately. I miss him/her. I am working but no enough payslip. Am tired working i need to retire but my package won't be enough, I need to buy a nice car/ house but have no money now. I need to break this deal now/today. I need to secure my position of a job completely. I don't want to work anymore but i need to have huge amount of money. I need and I need to do it immediately. Not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow. Today!" Here is what this remarkable spell caster acknowledged to bring you all your answers and dreams to reality.. You don't have to first become illuminated by devilish cult group to become rich/wealthy or to archive your goals. The choice is always yours to make of reaching your dreams through any means.Even if you're required to pay alittle required amount for the process,think about the big gain later. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  11. 11. Ancestor are holy spirits, they are the souls of your grand parents, they are true, they are ready to guide you to the full treasure of wealth and enlightens your destiny,that is the reason Dr.anwar sadat is here to connect you with them. USE THE FORM BELOW TO CONTACT DR. ANWAR SADAT FOR ALL YOUR SPELLS. REAL LOVE SPELLS THAT WORK FAST This is a powerful spell that will change your miserable LOVE/ FAMILY life to a happy one forever: it makes your partner what you command him/her to be, it helps in binding lovers together FOR GOOD, FOR WORSE, it solves out all kinds of misunderstandings among lovers, it makes your partner to be faithful, honest, caring, dedicated to YOU ALONE in all situations of your life time: it attracts back your x-lover, helps in love and marriage proposals, it stops cheating among lovers, make your lover give you whatever you need from him or her with out hesitation, it also help those who want TOUCH &FOLLOW to people they can not talk to about Love affairs. yet they want them: among others love situation: contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: WEEKLY LOVE NOTES TO VISITORS AND CLIENTS. BINDING LOVE SPELLS FOR MARRIAGE Many people the world over were brought up in a religious setting (background) most of us were brought up and taught in school that spell casters and magicians were people who belonged in hell and it is best if we avoid them at all costs. Since we were brought up with this belief many of us find it difficult to result to alternative means other than counseling ad prayer if we are trying to stop our husbands and boyfriends from leaving us. However, more and more people are coming to realize that love spells are actually not the devils plan to get us all into the fires of mount doom, but a perfect way to keep your relationship intact. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  12. 12. What are Binding Love Spells? Binding love spells are a category of love spells cast by people who do not desire for their lovers to wake up and leave them one day for another lover. The spells have been designed to help you deal with all your love life complications. As it is the norm with many men, when a little trouble is stirred in the home, they usually end up hoping onto the next thing. However, if you desire to keep your man intact, its time you cast Zulu love spells to make him love you and only you. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: So how effective are love spells in Durban KwaZulu-Natal? If you are a resident of Durban KwaZulu-Natal or a visitor, and you are having trouble with your man one whom you have lived with sacrificed for or even bore him children and he doesnt want to go a step further make you his wife, there are love spells that will make him marry you. Blinding love spells are cast on individuals that you want to have eyes set on you and you alone. The spell is easy to cast and will not cause any harm on your beloved. The spell only works to block your man from looking at other women and considering them as his wives. A blinding spell is perfect for the lady that is deeply in love with a man who loves her back but is somewhat hesitant of marrying her. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Make Him Never Leave You Blinding spells are cast by utilizing paraphernalia and a few chants that will make your lover just think of you whenever he looks at another woman, wherever he might be. Contrary to popular belief, the love spell doesnt require the forces of evil; neither will you be asked for his blood or his piece of garment to make him love you back. The spell only requires a few chants, your faith in him and through the chants you shall bring back your lover and only share your love between the two of you eliminating the element of cheating. Love spells also ensure that the two of you will connect together on a higher level where your love will blossom and the picture of someone else will fade from your memory completely. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  13. 13. gay and lesbian love spells call anwar sadat +27739970300 By requesting this spell, of your life could be back on their way to you now. This spell is a mixture of the most lost love strongest herbs and traditional or spiritual medicine act faster than you expect and ensures that it brings back your lost partner back to you as long as you have strong believe and faith in it. It is made strong cause it helps to rest your life could be back on their way to you now. You had genuine love between the two but for some unforeseen circumstance, you are now apart. This spell can bring back honesty, trust, love and mutual respect for one another. This spell will lead to an irresistible pull back of your lover towards you. This spell will open up opportunities for you to communicate to each other and eventually lead to your reunion. Remember that all the spells that I give to people only work for those who have faith and believe in them. And a money back guarantee will be offered to those who are not satisfied with my spells within a period of 3 working +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: gay and lesbian love spells call anwar sadat +27739970300 Do desire a certain man or do you have a certain type of man you want to be in a relationship with? This can be achieved with the Gay Attraction Magic Spell. This sex magic love spell is designed to attract the perfect man or men into your life. If you're a gay man and want to attract the perfect lover, this spell will do just that for you. It will bring a special man into your life for friendship, relationships, love and amazing sex. The great thing about this magic spell is that it will attract the perfect guy to with the same interests and likes so there's no wasting time on the wrong person. It will attract dates with men you want to be with, sexual encounters and romance into your life. When people pass by you they will feel sexual energies that you're putting out into the universe and you'll be absolutely irresistible to whomever you choose. This is the great thing about this magic spell. You can choose who you want to be with, instead of being alone OR settling for someone you're not interested in or attracted to. This is a perfect spell to use if you have someone in mind that's not same sex oriented that you're interested in. It will open up his mind to a same sex relationship as well so you can begin dating or whatever your intentions may be. The Gay Attraction Magic Spell will work on anyone you meet that you find interest in as well as a specific man or men that you have in mind. This magic spell is
  14. 14. designed to bring only men that YOU find attractive, meaning men that are your specific type so there's no worries about the spell bringing anyone to you that you will not want to date or have anything to do with in any way. Our Gay Attraction Spell is very powerful and effective as well as a very popular spell casting request! We cast hundreds of these magic spells for people just like you who want to connect with someone who wants and desires you - GUARANTEED or your money back Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: How does the Gay Attraction Magic Spell Work? Everyone has a unique situation but the common goal is the same: To attract a woman or women to yourself that you're interested in. Once you Contact Us we will ask you for some information so we can cast your spell. Some of the questions we'll ask you are: 1. What type of woman you're attracted to. 2. Do you have a specific person in mind for the spell. From that point, together we'll decide on what the best spell casting power level will be for the complexity of your love problem. This is the perfect magic spell if you want to get the attention of anyone for any reason and to make yourself completely desirable. We will NEVER JUDGE you or your situation; and we don't care what gender you are or if you're in a same-sex relationship. We CAN help you be completely desirable to anyone you wish - GUARANTEED or your money back! Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Gay Attraction Magic Spell - This sex magic love spell is designed to attract the perfect man or men into your life. If you're a gay man and want to attract the perfect lover, this spell will do just that for you. It will bring a special man into your life for friendship, relationships, love and amazing sex. The great thing about this spell is that it will attract the perfect guy to with the same interests and likes so there's no wasting time on the wrong person. It will attract dates with men you want to be with, sexual encounters and romance into your life. When people pass by you they will feel sexual energies that you're putting out into the universe and you'll be absolutely irresistible to whomever you choose. This is the great thing about this spell. You can choose who you want to be with, instead of being alone OR settling for someone you're not interested in or attracted to. This spell is fast, safe and effective. Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: We offer 3 Spell Energy Levels to provide the quickest results. The higher the spell energy level, the stronger the spell energies are released during the casting. This sex magic love spell is ideal for same sex relationships. If you have any questions about this spell, please Contact Us.Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  15. 15. Gay love spells Don't you deserve love too? We warmly welcome you to our site filled with love spells, money spells and luck spells. No matter if you new to magic or not, you will benefit from our services. We have together over 58 years of experience working with hard situations. Both with spells and without spells. Our spells are cast with a very high accuracy and when you order a love spell, or any other spell for that matter, you can feel relaxed knowing we have many happy clients who had their problems solved with our help. Did you come here out of curiosity? or do you actually want a change in your life? Take action! Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Lesbian Are you a gay female who's seeking the perfect woman to spend the rest of your life with? The lesbian attraction love spell is perfect for anyone wanting to find the perfect woman. If you're a lesbian seeking another female (gay or not) this spell will bring the right woman to you. It'll increase develop and enhance your sexual relationship with her as well once the universe delivers her to you through this magic love spell casting. Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: This magic spell casting will also work if you're a woman who wants another woman who may or may not be gay. The magic spell casting will open up her mind and heart to you so you both can begin a loving and romantic journey together. The spell will not 'brainwash' anyone who's straight, it'll just open up her mind to a same sex relationship. The spells effects will also encourage dating and sexual encounters, of course with both parties consent. If you have any questions regarding this sex magic spell casting or any of our other magic spells please Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Lesbian Attraction Love & Sex Magic Spell If you're tired of wasting time dating the wrong women we can help you attract the RIGHT
  16. 16. woman with the lesbian attraction magic spell. This spell will bring the perfect women to you so you can date have fun and check out your options. The spell will bring compatible women to you so there's no need wasting time dating the wrong person who may or may not be your type. It'll deliver women who have similar interests as you and will bring sexual compatibility so you can start up a great well rounded relationship. The spell will also work on a woman who may not be gay. It will open her mind up to a same sex relationship and will not have any kind of 'brainwashing' effect what's so ever. If in the future you decide that you want to have the spell reversed for any reason please Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: We offer 3 Power Levels for any situation. Depending on the complexity of your case will determine the power level that should be used. All levels are very powerful however the higher level spell castings will produce faster and more direct spell energy to your situation. This in return brings the fastest results to resolve your problem. If you have any questions about this spell, please Contact Us. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Once you place your order for your magic spell casting please Email anwar sadat with the following information as soon as possible so he can cast your spells: Your full name, date of birth, city you live in. Name of person and/or people you wish to include in your magic spell casting. Any photos you want us to use in your magic spell casting. What FREE SPELL you want of equal value. Please email this information to contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: We cast your spell and include all the materials used in your spell casting. We use only the purest magick and most potent combination of ingredients such as crystals, candles and potions to ensure your magick spell casting is 100% successful.Email anwar sadat contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Lost Love Spells Dr anwar sadat is a powerful spell caster has helped many people around the world with marriage, relationships, divorce, More information Life is full of hopes and ambitions but the circumstances might not always be favorable. One feels completely helpless when deal with situations that are impervious to ones dearest wishes and heart-felt wishes. Should you give up all hopes and surrender to the forces that you deduce
  17. 17. are beyond your control? Or is there any other way like love spells successful Well, you are in the right place! Here you will find the secret behind the worlds most famous and long standing Return A Lost Love Spell!! No one else has been able to work out the magic secret behind this powerful spell!! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: If you feel that it is time to stand up to fate and say, No! then you definitely have come o the right place as the love spells that Dr anwar sadat has collated together in addition to his own are outstanding! All of them have had amazing success, so much so that there are even some very famous people out there that can call Dr anwar sadat their savior!! A Return Love Spell is perfect for those of you that believe that your relationship was cut short when you believed it would last a lifetime! Only you will know who that person is and sometimes it is better to fight for that love than to let it leave your life! Love is a very complicated thing and a complicated emotion so before you jump right in you need to understand exactly what it is you are going to do when you cast the spell. Yes your lost love will come back but there is a chance in the future you may feel that the relationship has run its course. In these cases the person who has had the spell cast upon them cannot let go! This is a very undesirable issue so you have to think really hard about what you want and if you really want this person in your life for the remainder of it! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Love spell heal relationships, marriages problems Dr anwar sadat is a spell caster helped many people around the world with marriage, relationships, divorce, & love complications. Consult Dr anwar sadat If you have problems with your relationship or marriage with genuine Africa's most powerful spell caster. Dr anwar sadat s spells will help you keep your love on track, dispel all negative love energies with love spells by Dr anwar sadat . Love are used or performed, if you have lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. will bring your love back to you unconditionally in 24 hours only. Also if your love is with someone else then by the power of this spell will break his or her relation and he or she will be with you forever and she or he will never let you down again. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: True powerful Spells Are you with someone but not sure if they are the one, true spells can help you know if the person you want is your true soul mate
  18. 18. true love spells are very powerful and will give results in less than 24 hours for any Protect your relationship To get rid of any hexes, jinx, or curses that may interfere with your love life. many times a person will not realize why he or she has such bad luck with love. chances are someone or some entity has placed a hex on you. there are evil spirits and entities out there that do this to innocent people. rid yourself of any blockage and finally have the love life you deserve. Description: love spells Life is full of hopes and ambitions but the circumstances might not always be favorable. One feels completely helpless when deal with situations that are impervious to ones dearest wishes and heart-felt wishes. Should you give up all hopes and surrender to the forces that you deduce are beyond your control? Or is there any other way like BLACK MAGIC SPELLS You might be wondering exactly what love are and do these really work? spells are ironically very natural; they are made up from psychic energy which every living thing contains. Love magic or Spells is the attempt to bind the passions of another, or to capture them as a love through magical means rather than through direct activity. It can be implemented in a variety of ways, such as written spells, dolls, charms, amulets, love potions, or different +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Can a Love Spell Bring True Happiness and completeness in Life? This spells are the most effective among magical rituals. There are spells to attract others, bind a lover and make them faithful and devoted, converting a love affair into a love marriage and lead a happy married life, keep lovers from straying etc. Love spells have for ever attracted the lovers all over the world and enchanted them down the ages. For the broken hearts, it can do wonders in helping them bring back their lost love. is one of the most romantic and easy way to get your love back. If you are not in a happy, Committed and fulfilling relationship or not in a relationship at all or You have lost your love and want to get back your Ex. or your are looking for financial stability, honesty, sincerity and so forth with your mate then you should consider having a Spell cast in your behalf by an internationally famous psychic and astrology contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Consultant Love Dr anwar sadat . Dr anwar sadat . is specialist in casting all type of Love Spells, Vedic and Tantra - Mantra astrology, Horoscope Interpretation and especially deals in Love, Relationships and Marriage problems. He is a well known astrologist and consultant for Love, Relationships and Marriage problems and helps to solve all type of problems in married contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  19. 19. life and love marriage The most powerful human emotion is Love. Who so are in love, for them love is Good and driving force to life. Love has the power to achieve The Unachievable. Love is so tricky that it does not always work-out how we would like it to and also causes disappointments, heartbreak and uncertainty in our personal lives. But now you can shape your relationships with the help of Love Sali "Dr anwar sadat love spells. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: You do not need to attend a school of magic to know how to win your Love back. The love spell you need to get him back is right within you with the help and guidance of Sali "Dr anwar sadat ". Men have been able to change the way they behave, think and even become better persons as a result of the right application of right words. Love spells to get your Ex back are at your fingertips when you take help from Sali "Dr anwar sadat ". Love Spells are very effective and will deliver the miracle to you desire; that your Love will feel to come back to you and you can convert a love affair into a love marriage and lead a happy married life. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Casting a love spell is most advantageous to someone who is looking for a new life-mate; it can help you to find your soul mate as per your desire. Love is not a simple thing, nor should it be. But with a love spell, you can attract true love to you, perhaps in a way you dont expect. You may not have noticed it, but there is someone in your life who already loves you. They might be too scared to tell you this, but there are people who want to get to know you, to hold you, and to love you. With love spells, you will begin to attract this person to you and then you can let nature take its +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: This spells is used to control a love relationship and often it seen as manipulative. It can be carried out with positive energy. Love spells used with positive energy are likely to improve the relationship, resolve the misunderstanding and problems in the relations and strengthen the relation. If youve just broken up with your boyfriend / girlfriend or husband/wife and are at the end of your rope trying to get him back you might be at the point where you would consider anything. If youre asking the question: Do I need love spells to get him back? then you really need to Contact Love Dr anwar sadat " The World Famous love marriage Specialist Astrologist and Consultant. If You Want Change in Your Love Life Then a Magic Love Spell Is the Perfect Way to create never Lasting Love and True Romance In Your Life. You can invoke the power of love spells in numerous unfavorable situations related to the matters of the heart, such as: contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  20. 20. Native Spell Healer The Native Spell Healer uses astrology, tarot reading, psychic healing & spells of magic for healing with love spells, psychic divination, fortune telling, traditional healing, psychic spells & astrology spells. The Chief uses alternative healing methods, supernatural forces, energy healing & psychic divination to provide holistic healing to all his clients. Schooled in the ancient art of spiritual and psychic healing the Native Healer comes from a lineage of healers with a rich history of successfully helping clients from all the world +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: People come to the Native Spell Healer with various issues from business, lost love, bad debt, curses, love, marriage, relationships, chronic disease, luck, winning in gambling, finding your destiny, cleansing your premises and ancestral appeasement. The Native Spell Healer can help you with any problem you are facing in life with powerful spells & rituals he performs to connect to spiritual dimensions of life, love & success contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: For healing of mind, body & spirit to place them in balance with the universe channelling spiritual energy. Spiritual healing has been used for millions of years, The Native Healer acts as a channel of healing energy from the universe. The Native Spell Healer will be your spiritual guide to success, I will pave the way to success in love, money, physical healing and contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: From a distance the Native Healer is able to heal you using his spiritual energy. There is a connection between your spirituality, health (physical, financial & social). Get your financial life, social life & social life fixed using the powerful native healing of the Native Spell Healer. Begin the spiritual journey to abundant health, wealth & peace in your life. The use of astrology, psychic divination & spells of magic to help people reinforces the power & effectiveness of his healing. The Native Spell Healer is able to reach to the spiritual roots of your problems achieving inner & outer healing. Spiritual & psychic healing is non denominational. In spiritual & native healing we achieve spiritual therapy of your life areas that are troubling you.
  21. 21. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Native healing & spiritual divination for on any situation, consult with the Native Spell Healer a black magi spells Frequently Asked Questions menu line Time Frame and results as a general rule results can be seen anytime after the spellwork is cast to several months time, with three to six months for results being normal, but there are no guarantees that you will get results in that time frame, results happen when they happen in the occult. any place stating that you can get results guaranteed in 30, 60, or 90 days is just after your money. I had other spells cast by other casters and none worked? you can't have spells cast by one caster then another for the same thing, the spells will conflict and cancel each other out and none will work. the old spells must be removed prior to any new spells being cast from anwar sadat black magic spells. Why haven't any of my spells ever worked from anyplace that i had them cast? it could be several thing's ineffective casters. scammers, or you could be immune to magic about 8% of the population is totally immune to any effects, or any spells cast for, or against them. If i am immune to any magic can you fix it? No it can't be fixed.
  22. 22. What makes anwar sadat magic spells different from other spell casters? A. anwar sadat black magic spells gives you a 100% lifetime guarantee on all spellwork, not 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or a year. B. All spell work comes with cleansing and protection spells cast before and after the main spell is cast. C. anwar sadat magic spells will not tell you that at any given time that I will need more money to cast the spell for you or for any bogus travel arrangements, or any other expenses. The quoted price listed online, or via the initial e-mail is all you pay period. If by some chance that more work is needed to complete your spell casting it is provided to you absolutely free of charge. F. All spellwork and any inquiries made about any spellwork from anwar sadat black magic spells are confidential. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Do you give refunds? There will be absolutely no refunds, or any return on any custom spells, all sales are final on any and all spellwork from anwar sadat black magic spells. that is because of several reason's, the herb's, ingredients and other items that i use in casting the spells are expensive for me to purchase and take time to prepare properly, and they can not be used for another client, after they have been prepared for a customized spell for you and some items may be destroyed during a specific ritual or spell that you purchased. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: When will I see results from my spell? Some people see results almost minutes after prayer they order their spells. There is no set time frame in the occult nor is there any way at all to tell when you will see any results for any spells cast. Some spells may take up to 3 months to work, or even 6 months Generally spells take effect very quickly sometimes within hours or a few days some people may experience set backs or do something to cause the spells to slow down like rushing or pushing things to see faster results. The spells will work, and you should allow them to work once they are in motion. It is not wise to stop a spell before they work, If you feel you cannot give the spells the necessary time to work efficiently then do not purchase any spells. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  23. 23. Do you suffer from problems such as having bad luck in your life where nothing seems to go right? You may be suffering from a curse such as the evil eye. Do you have problems that seem to have no know source or solution? You may be under the effects of black magic, such as a curse, hex, illness demon or other such manifestations. Do you have obstacles in your life you need help getting past? If there's anything you'd like to change in your life such as more money, a better job, a true love check out our spells for them we can help you achieve what you want in life and change your life for the better. Do you have an illness, or sickness that has no diagnosis? You may be under the effects of black magic, such as demons, see the exorcisms page, for specific symptoms, and the healing spells, for cures. What is your success rate on spells? Here at anwar sadat magic spells, the success rate is very high about 95%, please feel free to see actual testimonials that you will find throughout my web site. Each testimonial is real and is used only with my clients permission. Can spells be cast long distance? Yes here at anwar sadat black magic spells. spells are cast all over the world, no matter where you are located. Will i be told when my spell is cast?
  24. 24. Here at anwar sadat black magic spells, any spells are cast as ordered by the client and an e- mail is sent, with information about your spellspells, along with detailed instruction's and any other instructions that are necessary. Can i change a spell after i have ordered it? Only if the spell has not been cast yet, if a spell has started being cast, you can not change it. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS part 2 1. Is this really safe? Of course. It would not be professional to harm a believer with my work. No back-fires nor bad karmas. 2. Do you cast revenge spells though? Yes, indeed. I master revenge spells as well as potent love and money spells. 3. Will the spells give fast and everlasting results? Yes, they will! 4. Do I need to do something after you done the cast? Yes, a simple ceremony is needed to accellerate the spells effect. You can do it anywhere you want. 5. Is it true that black magic is the strongest? Yes, it sure is! I see it as a last resort when other magic have failed you. 6. Should I be 100% sure of what I want before you cast the spell? Yes, you must! Once it is cast, the results will not be reversible.
  25. 25. 7. Can I pay with credit cards, Paypal and money transfer? Yes, of course. I can offer whatever fits your needs properly. 8. How long do your client's normally see results and when has the spell manifested? It is normal to have results in 3-9 weeks. Most client have full results in 5 weeks but I can not promise you that. Every case and every client is unique. 9. Will you stay in contact with me AFTER the spell? Yes, of course I will. But remember that I am very busy so please do not send me emails unless it is very important for the case! 10. What do you need for the cast? Your full name, birth day (photo, if you can supply via email), any lovers full name and birth day (and photo if you can supply). If you are missing some info, don't worry. All can be solved! 11. Do you offer a money back guarantee? Yes, I do. I do not think it's a normal thing to do but I do it out of utter respect to you, the client. I wanna prove myself to you by offering this guarantee. Read in the bottom of the page for details. 12. Do I need to be over 18 to order a spell? Yes, that is correct. 13. How much does the spell service cost? Depends on the complexity of the situation between 100 and 700 American Dollars. No hidden or extra fees will be asked. 14.How do I contact you? eMail me at once for a 100% free contsultation. What can you get from black magic spells? Black Magic is the absolute magic. In terms of power, there is no comparison you can possibly make with black magic, which is definitely the best magic ever. My success rate is extremely high and I have results in over 99% of the spells I have cast. I normally have very fast results too.
  26. 26. I get reports all the time about results appear within the first week. I can not promise you that but it is an excellent sign that I can help anyone with anything. I am so certain that you will be happy that I offer a full refund if not* (See terms below). contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: "I always thought black magic meant just to harm somebody. Gee I was wrong! I never thought I could have my boyfriend back with a black magic spell. Who would have imagine that? Thank you anwar sadat, for making my life happy once again..." (Nerida Lancida Puertas, Puerto Rico) I agree with you! No need a black magic spell if its only to have small effects. I GUARANTEE a FULL SUCCESS in 1 months!!! If no positive results, I will recast your spell for free. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Contact Me Now ONLY IF You Want Me To Cast A Black Magic Spell I only answer serious requests from serious persons who want me to cast a black magic spell I am so confident that you will be happy with my services that I offer, a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results after 30 days. black magic Have you ever tried black magic? If you need something really powerful, then you should consider this option. We lately received quite a few positive comments about the services offered on this website, Moonspells. We are not in presence of one caster here. The order that owns this website is composed of 30 spell casters. At their head is anwar sadat. For those who knows about Black Magic's history, this name should ring a bell as it was one very famous witch in the medieval United Kingdom. Is this caster a heir of the anwar sadat? We don't know, but it was a first positive sign that this person knows what he's talking about. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Another reason we got interested in this website is the number of casters. Indeed the same caster can cast a wide range of spells, from love spells to revenge spells. But we have always
  27. 27. believed that specializing in one specific area would give the caster more powers to cast magic spells. As a matter of a fact, Moonspells' casters tend to prove it, as the reviews we received about them were extremely satisfying for very different kinds of spells. Love and revenge we said, but also money, luck and protection spells have no secrets for these casters. Unlesss your case is extremely difficult, there is a solid probability that you spells is going to work. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: How fast can a spell work? That's the next question you should ask yourself. And if what you are looking for is something fast, then Black Magic is what you need. Like everyboy knows, this is one of the strongest form of magic, alongside with Voodoo. Does it backfire? It does if you don't really know how to master the powerful spirits unleashed by such spells. Hey! Open your eyes... The problem is not exclusive to Black Magic. It's exactly the same with White Magic, Wicca, and every other magic. What really counts is not the type of magic you are using, but if the caster is able masterize his art and crafts, and control the powers summoned during the rituals. As we have not received any complaints about Moonspells' spells backfiring, we deducted these casters know what they are doing, and they are good at it! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Now let's see a few testimonials we've received about their service: "I was disappointed by other casters who werent able to help me out. At first I was afraid of black magic but decided to give it a try after contacting anwar sadat, he was very kind and reassured me about the procedure of their spells and the fact they always do a free recast if the first attempt fails. It is what happened in my case, and even if i wait almost 3 months for it to happen, I am now very satisfied with the results of the spell. I would like then to recommend them to you." "Its the least I can say that i was skeptical about spells. That said, having no other alternative I gave it a try. The spell is a success now and after only 2 weeks. Its hard to believe but I must recognize something: magic works!" contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  28. 28. Why Black Magic? Black Magic is a very renowned form of magic and need less to say that a very bad reputation surrounds black magic spells, sometimes with reason, but there are still many false ideas to correct. First of all, black magic can be very useful to cast magic love spells. Some persons believe that black magic can be used only to cast revenge spells. Secondly, its often said that black magic spells backfire. Concerning this matter, black magic is not different than other magical arts: it depends how the spell is cast. A professional spell caster always takes care that there is no possibility of backfire or bad karma. Thirdly, black magic doesnt involve negative side-effects. As backfires, if the spell is cast by someone who knows a lot about the Craft, the spell will achieve its purpose and nothing bad will occur unless you really want it! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: I cast black magic spells because they are guaranteed to penetrate all barriers and obstacles, and therefore WORK! Black magic includes white magic because everything in nature has an opposite, therefore white magic spells do not exist, since they too have a dual side and contain black magic which forces changes and overrides free will! Black magic does not backfire, it only manifests results, because it is a one way force, it will overpower anything that gets in its way, it cannot bounce back. To cast a black magic spell for you I will need to know the outcome you want, any information you can supply on anyone else involved, and most importantly your details. This information will be transformed into a black magic spell which I will cast on your behalf. Once your black magic spell has been cast changes will start manifesting until your wish exists in the real world, this will happen without you doing anything yourself. A black magic spell is a force that influences the future, as you will be aware, a psychic can tune into the future before it happens, the vibrations of what will happen already exist, a black magic spell operates on this vibrational level too, and your spell will build a new vibration over the one a psychic might connect with, for example if you have been told your lover will not return to you by a psychic and obviously your lover has left you, your spell will change the vibration into the vibration you want, which is your lover returning, fate then automatically clicks into the new position and instead of your lover moving further and further from you he or she will return. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website:
  29. 29. Once I have cast your black magic spell containing your wish which will be the framework of your spell, your black magic spell will also connect to you and pick up all the information regarding what you want to happen, nothing will be missed. When a black magic spell is cast a sequence of steps takes place: 1, First you will need to furnish me with details on what you want to happen, and tell me your name, date of birth and forward a photo but only if you have one handy. Should your black magic spell involve anyone else, let me know who they are, assuming you know their name, I know it will vary how much information that can be supplied on third parties. 2, I piece your information together and cast your potent black magic spell. 3, Your spell is sent into the future, where it will completely change the vibration of what was destined to happen into what you want to happen. From the second the vibration is changed your new future is on its way! 4, You don't need to do a thing, your new future will know exactly where you will be at every moment in time, and everyone else involved in your wish - from this moment onwards your new future will start appearing. 5, Obviously a black magic spell doesn't change things instantly, it's over a period of time, just as if you are naturally destined to buy a new car it doesn't simply appear overnight, you will decide you would like a new car, visit a car showroom and so on, until you have a new car. 6, No one will realize you have used a black magic spell, no psychic will detect you have used a spell either. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: About Black Magic Spells What is a black magic spell I am often asked? What makes a spell black or white? The only spells that are capable of achieving tangible results are black magic spells, as they contain both positive and negative energy, which is required to fix problems, and manifest wishes. Why? Yin and yang illustrates how polar or opposite forces are interconnected, interdependent and how they affect each other. All real witches and wizards accept everything has a dual side: female and male, hot and cold, light and dark - two opposite elements that work together. A white magic spell is considered to be a spell that contains only positive energies, that does not
  30. 30. force anything or go against anyone's will. Witch's who cast such spells are buffoons, A, Yin and Yang clearly demonstrates, white alone cannot exist. B, Those who insist it's wrong to influence another's free will are living in cuckoo land, it is evident that everything and everyone is under some kind of influence 24/7 from advertising, fashion, culture, upbringing - if we weren't influenced, then we would probably die; we need order, rules, laws, instructions, influences. You hear people say they did something out of duty or moral obligation - no one is free to do exactly as they wish, black magic spells ignore restrictions and simply manifest your wish whether or not it suits others, black magic spells do not seek anyone's approval. In many ways white magic spells are fiction, how on earth can a spell work if it's not going to take control and force change? To change something a spell forces the change, whether anyone likes it or not. The person seeking results from their black magic spell certainly likes getting what they want. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Do Black Magic Spells Work? Black magic spells do not fail - assuming they have been cast correctly, in the same way that you cannot jump into a fire and expect to survive, some actions only have one outcome, and black magic spell always result in a successful outcome. It is only white magic spells that are to be feared, they are unpredictable, they may or may not work, they may or may not backfire... Since they can only work positively, that means a spell to separate your ex and their new lover is ninety nine percent more likely to push them closer together as the positive working white magic spell leaps into action, which its balancing black taking control. Casting black magic spells is far safer and one million times more straightforward, a black magic spell to separate a couple will work 'negatively', it will destroy their romance, and if it is pure black magic they will end up the opposite to lovers - enemies, unless you tell your witch or magician you are happy for them just to go their separate ways. If you want REAL magic spells, i.e. true love spells you need to find yourself a black magic witch or magician, he or she will be happy to help you once they become aware you are serious and have given your situation plenty of thought and you aren't going to send them time wasting messages worrying about free will or spells backfiring - Does God worry about free will? No. Black magic spells work! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: The Magic Circle.
  31. 31. A Consecrated Circle in which Great feats of Magical Operations are performed It is a Sacred space set aside for Ceremonies and Rituals of High Magic. I am not going to go into major detail here. I am going to give you just the basics for your curiosity. Within the circle one can transcend the physical world and take the mind to deeper and higher levels of consciousness. It acts as a protection barrier from all Evil and unwanted Entities. From within this Magical Circle the Magician can Invoke and or conjure up any Demon or Angelic being that is desired for their bidding. Now take note that the Entities are conjured to appear outside of the circle and into the Triangle of the Solomon (Triangle of the Art). The Magic Circle is for the Magician to stand in along with those who might wish to witness a Magical operation as such. The Circle must always be cleansed and Consecrated to make it a Sacred Protection barrier. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: There are many different Magic Circles that have been found throughout time from many different Grimoires. Most all have Sacred names of God and symbols that are inscribed all around the inside border of the Circle. By looking at the different Circles you will see that some have many many names that are hard to read. These Circles would be impossible to make because if you can't read it... then you can't be sure you have the right names and this will serve as no protection. You will see that there are also ones that are much easier to read and comprehend, which would be a much wiser choice. Which Circle is the best? That is for you the Magician to decide. I myself prefer one of my own making that contains names of God that I am used to invoking for protection and not too intricate and not too simple. It must be right for you, for all your energy will be built up within this circle. contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: Now many of you whom think you know it all may want to write me and tell me that they have to be certain colors and so forth, I say Bullshit. What I am telling you comes from trial and error. That is Experience. A Magic circle can be drawn in the sand or carved in concrete or painted on fabric. If they are painted on a surface they are usually in Black and White. All these methods of using a Magic Circle have worked for many famous Magicians/Sorcerers for decades. If Aleister Crowley were alive today he would tell you the same. contact +27739970300 email:
  32. 32. [email protected] website: Fire Magic has been around for centuries. Here exposed to you now is the Art of Magic and Fire! Fire magic can used for White or Black Magic, but don't get burned! This type of magic is best done outdoors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, or burning your house down. Please take extreme caution when doing these rituals! This is not for children or minors! To obtain love from a specific person... At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity... contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: "Fire come from below, bring me love that I do know, make my heart blaze and shine, to bring the love that will be mine!" Soon my love will come a day, three times strong and here to stay!" "SO MOTE IT BE!" Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true! After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. Soon your love will come to you! contact +27739970300 email: [email protected] website: CONTACT DR.ANWAR SADAT INTERNATIONAL POWERFUL SPIRITUAL HERBAL HEALER. This spiritualist came out of the dead to use his miracle spiritual healing methods and Ancestral spirits,Casting spells and herbal medicine. Heals and solve demonic attacks and misfortune
  33. 33. related difficulties. Call for help: +27739970300. email: [email protected] website:

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