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FREJA Transport & Logistics- your logistics partner

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FREJA Transport

& Logistics AS

Larsamyrå 10

NO-4313 Sandnes

Tlf.: +47 22 07 50


Fax: +47 22 07 50


FREJA Transport & Logistics AS

Dokkeskjærskaien Skur 23

Pb. 23 Møhlenpris, NO-

5006 Bergen

Tlf.: +47 55 21 41 00

Fax: +47 55 21 41 09

FREJA Transport & Logistics AS

Østre Akervei 95, NO-0956 Oslo

Pb. 129 Sentrum, NO-0102 Oslo

Tlf.: +47 22 07 50 00

Fax: +47 22 07 50 01 No.NO927908492MVA

FREJA Transport & Logistics AS

Larsamyrå 10

NO-4313 Sandnes

Tlf.: +47 22 07 50 91

Fax: +47 22 07 50 90

FREJA Transport & Logistics AS

Dokkeskjærskaien Skur 23

Pb. 23 Møhlenpris, NO-5006 Bergen

Tlf.: +47 55 21 41 00

Fax: +47 55 21 41 09

FREJA Transport & Logistics AS

Østre Akervei 95, NO-0956 Oslo

Pb. 129 Sentrum, NO-0102 Oslo

Tlf.: +47 22 07 50 00

Fax: +47 22 07 50 01 No.NO927908492MVA

FREJA ønsker å være den perfekte strategiske samarbeidspartner for alle i enhver henseende og i alle forbindelser

FREJA Transport & Logistics blev grundlagt i 1985 og har hovedkontor i Skive. Med afdelinger i Danmark, Sverige, Finland og Norge er vi i dag en af de største privatejede transport- og logistikvirksomheder i Norden. I FREJA er vi over 550 ansatte. Med udgangspunkt i effektivitet og fleksibilitet tilbyder vi skræddersyede løsninger på stort set alle logistiske udfordringer vi bliver stillet ovenfor. Troværdighed er vores primære vej til målsætningen om at skabe værditilvækst for FREJA, vore kunder og vore samarbejdspartnere.

Vi arbejder målrettet på at udvikle logistikløsninger, som tilfører værdi for vore kunder. For FREJA er det ikke et mål at være størst, men vi vil være bedst til logistik. Ingen kunde er for stor, og ingen er for lille, men logistiksamarbejdet skal være værdiskabende for begge parter.

FREJA logistik kan tilbyde at håndtere hele kundens logistikflow fra transport til lager, varemodtagelse, oplagring, ordremodtagelse, pick/pack og distribution.

Udover lager- og logistik tilbyder FREJA alle typer transportløsninger, herunder international biltransport, national distribution luft-og søfragt, lagring, projekt opgaver samt spedition og fortoldning.


FREJAs lagre er indrettet til at opfylde de høje krav, som vore logistikkunder stiller til opbevaring og håndtering af deres produkter. Vi tilbyder lagerløsninger til kunder i mange forskellige brancher, herunder farma, hospitalsudstyr, elektronik, fødevarer og mange andre. Dokumenterede processer, avancerede IT-systemer og dedikerede medarbejdere gør os i stand til at tilbyde fleksible løsninger, som bliver skræddersyet til vore kunders individuelle behov.

FREJA tilbyder lagerløsninger fra vore logistikcentre i de nordiske lande:

• Totalt 50.000 pallepladser • Kølelagre • Højt sikkerhedsniveau • Lagerautomater for ren og effektiv

opbevaring • 4PL ydelser, herunder fakturering

til vore kunders kunder • E-handelslogistik • Toldlager • Køle-/varmefaciliteter • Renrums faciliteter

Farma- og hospitals logistik

Med moderne lagre tilpasset lægemidler og hospitalsartikler kan FREJA tilbyde et bredt spekter af serviceydelser til vore kunder i sundhedssektoren:

• Myndighedsgodkendt lager til produkter med forskellige krav til temperatur og sikkerhed

• Elektronisk adgangskontrol og videoovervågning

• Højt niveau af rengøring og hygiejne • Kvalitetsstyringssystem som

tilfredsstiller krav i Good Distribution Practice (GDP)

• Håndtering af returvarer og vareprøver

• Ompakning i renrumsmiljø • Temperaturovervågning på lagre og

under transport • Egen farmaceut og farmaceutiske

ydelser • Myndighedskontakt • Administration af import- og eksport

tilladelser samt rapportering af lægemidler, som er underlagt særlige myndighedskrav

• Warehouse Management System som er valideret efter GAMP standard


FREJA ønsker at være den strategiske og værdiskabende samarbejdspartner når du ønsker at outsource logistikken

FREJA Transport & Logistics was founded in 1985 with head office in Skive. With branches in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway we are today one of the largest privately owned transport and logistics companies in the North. In FREJA we have more than 550 employees. Based on efficiency and flexibility we offer tailor made solutions to just about any logistics solutions we are faced with. Credibility is our main road to reach our goal of creating growth in value for FREJA, our customers and our partners

We are determined to create logistics solu-tions which will add value for our customers. For FREJA it is not an objective to be the largest, but we want to be the most skilled in logistics. No customer is too big, and no one is too small, but the logistics cooperation should create value for both parties.

FREJA logistics is able to handle the cus-tomer’s full logistics flow from transport to storage, receipt of cargo, storage, receipt of orders, pick/pack and distribution.

In addition to warehouse and logistics ser-vices FREJA offers all kinds of transport solu-tions including international truck transports, national distribution, air and sea, storage, project assignments as well as forwarding and customs clearance.

Logistics centersFREJA’s warehouses are designed to fulfill the high requirements which our logistics customers set to storage and handling of their products. We offer warehouse solutions to customers in many different lines of businesses e.g. pharma, hospital equipment, electron-ics, food and many others. Document-ed processes, advanced IT systems and dedicated employees enable us to offer flexible solutions which are tailored to our customers’ individual needs.

FREJA offers warehouse solutions from our logistics centers in theNordic countries:

• Total 50,000 pallet places• Cold store• High level of security• Warehouse automatons for clean and efficient storage• 4PL services including invoicing to our customer’s customer• E-business logistics• Bonded warehouse• Temperature controlled facilities• Cleanroom facilities

Pharma- and hospital logistics

With modern warehouses adjusted to medicinal and hospital products FREJA is able to offer a wide range of services to our customers in the health sector: • Authorized warehouses for products with different requirements to tem perature and security• Electronic access control and video surveillance • High level of cleaning and hygiene• Quality control system which meets the requirements of Good Distribution Practice (GDP)• Handling of returns and samples• Re-pack in clean room environment• Temperature surveillance in ware houses and during transport• Own pharmacist and pharmaceutical services• Contact to authorities• Administration of import- and export permissions and reporting of medicinal products which are subject to special regulatory requirements• Warehouse Management System which is validated according to GAMP standards


FREJA wishes to be your strategic and productive partnerwhen you want to outsource logistics tasks

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FREJA wishes to be your strategic and productive partnerwhen you want to outsource logistics tasks

FREJA wants to be known as the Nordic countries’ most reliable and flexible overall supplier of logistics- and transport solutions


At FREJA we offer our customers flexible and attractive distribution. In addition to national distribution we offer express deliveries and international transports. There are no limitations to what FREJA is able to offer!

• Own trucks specialized in transports of medicinal products and drivers with GDP/GMP training• Uninterrupted and documented cooling chain of medicinal products for medicine distributors• Temperature surveillance on transports of medicinal products

In addition we offer solutions within customs clearance services,forwarding, bonded warehouse as well as national and international transports.

IT and reporting

With FREJA’s warehouse man-agement system, as interface to among others SAP, JD Edwards, Microsoft Dynamics etc. we offer full openness throughout the entire supply chain. Access to WMSsystem takes place over theinternet available 24/7 and always in 100 % real time.

• Management of product status (ready for sale, quarantine, returns, destruction etc.)• Full batch control• Management of expiry date• Management of serial number• Key Performance Indicators• Labeling with bar codes• Consignment notes• Packing labels• Customized reporting• Own IT development depart-ment specialized in Warehouse Management Systems and EDI

Quality characterizes everything we do!

FREJA makes sure that the customers’ high quality requirements will be honored.

GDP (Good Distribution Practice), own pharma/quality control system, ISO and AEO certification, ongoing update and training of employees in addition to regular internal- and external audits help assure this.

Security is a keyword for FREJA and a very important part of our company. Our warehouses will be equipped to fulfill our customers’ and authorities’ requirements to security. This includes, among other things, video surveillance, electronic ac-cess control and back-up power systems.

FREJA’s aim is to establish a long-term cooperation with our customers based on trust and a proactive attitude to efficient and individual solutions.

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FREJA was founded in 1985. With head-office in Skive, Denmark and with branches in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland we are one of the largest privately owned transport- and logistics companies. Based on efficiency and flexibility we offer custom made solutions to just about any challenge we are confronted with. Credibility is the main road to fulfilling our objective of creating growth in value for FREJA, our customer and partners.

Denmark Norway Sweden Finland

+45 9670 5000 +47 2207 5000 +46 (0)42 495 00 00 +358 (0)20 712 9850

[email protected]

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