  • 8/11/2019 Living Mulch Lit Review m Zum Winkle


    Living Mulch Literature Review

    By Mark Zumwinkle

    Conventional clean cultivation agriculture is highly

    productive when viewed within the time frame of a single

    growing season. But the high yields obtained with clean

    cultivation often come at the expense of the deterioration of

    the soil resource base. Erosion, loss of organic matter and

    deterioration of soil structure are all accelerated by

    extensive periods clean cultivation. Attempts to develop

    reduced tillage methods in the 1950's coincided with the

    development of herbicides to make possible planting of row

    crops into a killed sod. The water and soil conservative

    benefits of the dead sod were dramatic (Beale et al. 1955) but

    lasted only until the sod decomposed. In an attempt to

    extend the mulch benefit over time, crops were grown in living

    sods. But live sods proved to be excessively competitive for

    water and nutrients (Kurtz et al., 1952). Refinement of

    herbicide technology in the 1960's resulted in a renewed

    interest in live mulches suppressed with non-lethal rates of


    Living mulch technology has been shown to benefit bothshort and long term productivity by improving soil physical

    properties, reducing runoff and erosion, suppressing weeds

    and, if the mulch is a legume, transferring symbiotically

    fixed nitrogen to the cash crop. These benefits can be offset

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    by the potential for the living mulch to compete with the cash

    crop for limiting resources, particularly water and nitrogen.

    Improvement of Soil Physical Properties

    Long-term productivity of agricultural soils is

    generally associated with maintenance of adequate levels of

    organic matter in order to provide a loose, well drained

    physical condition. Living mulches have the potential to

    positively alter soil organic matter content by increasing the

    total biomass produced by a cropping system. Several studies

    have shown that extensive living mulch biomass can be produced

    without a significant cash crop yield reduction when the mulch

    is temporarily suppressed by mowing, selective cultivation,

    herbicides or a combination of these techniques (Vrabel et

    al., ____; Harper et al., 1980; Mayer and Hartwig, 1986;

    Grubinger and Minotti, 1990; Mangan et al., ____; Beste and

    Teasdale, ____). The residue is usually not harvested but

    left to decompose in place. When managed in this manner, the

    living mulch is a green manure.

    Extensive research in the first half of this century on

    the long-term effects of regular green manuring showed that,

    although soil organic matter losses were lessened by the

    addition of plant residues, rarely was there an absolute

    increase. Joffee (1955) postulated that there are two

    equilibrium levels of organic matter for a given soil: a

    relatively high equilibrium under native vegetation and a

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    lower equilibrium under continuous cultivation. The

    dramatically increased microbial activity due to cultivation

    overrrides the ability of green manures to increase organic

    matter except when the system approaches the lower


    Living mulch technology is a form of reduced tillage.

    Organic matter conservation under living mulch may result from

    a combination of increased residue inputs and reduced

    stimulation of decomposition from tillage. Microbial

    decomposition decreases as the soil temperature decreases

    within the range normally found under field conditions.

    Living mulches, like sods in general, lower mean growing

    season soil temperatures (Bennet et al., 1976; Newhouse and

    Dana, 1989).

    Living mulch studies that have measured soil organic

    matter changes generally confirm earlier green manure

    research. Organic matter losses may be minimized and, in

    rare cases where initial levels are very low, there may be an

    increase. Welker and Glenn (1988) found that organic

    matter levels were maintained but not increased after three

    years under a mowed tall fescue living mulch in peach orchards

    in West Virginia. Bare soil treatments, whether achieved by

    cultivation or herbicides, dropped from 2.4% to 2.1%.

    Akobundu (1984) found that a living legume mulch of

    Psophocarpus palustris Desv. dramatically reduced organic

    matter losses after two years of corn production in Nigeria.

    Initial levels were reduced 32% and 8% under conventional

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    tillage and living mulch, respectively. Lanini et al. (1989)

    measured organic matter changes under subterranean clover

    living mulch in sweet corn and lettuce at Riverside,

    California. Initial levels of 0.78% rose marginally to 0.86%

    under subclover and dropped significantly to 0.66% under clean


    The soil physical properties most likely to be improved

    by additions of organic residues are: bulk density, aggregate

    size and stability and water movement. The benefits of

    organic matter in mineral soils can be attributed either to

    its long-term presence as a stable component (i.e. humus

    fraction) of the soil matrix or to the rapid process of

    decomposition of relatively accessible microbial substrate

    (i.e. proteins, carbohydrates, fats and waxes).

    The bulk density of a mineral soil is lowered immediately

    by the addition of organic residues due to

    simple dilution of a dense material with a less dense

    material. But, because the volume of material added by green

    manures is small compared to the soil volume, dilution can

    explain only small changes in bulk density. A number of

    studies have shown strong negative correlations between

    organic matter content and bulk density (De Kimpe et al.,

    1982, Millette et al., 1980, Coote and Ramsey, 1983). Too

    large to be attributed to dilution, such dramatic reductions

    in bulk density are more likely a result of the contribution

    of organic matter to larger, more stable soil aggregates.

    Increased aggregate stability results primarily from

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    the cementing action of microbial gums and other intermediate

    products of the decomposition of recently added residues.

    Secondarily, aggregate stability is enhanced by

    increasing total soil organic matter. Chester et al.

    (1957) found only a marginally significant correlation

    between aggregate stability and total organic matter. The

    correlation with soil gums was highly significant. Because

    these cementing agents are subject to rapid further

    decomposition, continual additions of residue are required

    to maintain aggregate stability. Welker and Glenn (1988)

    found a large increase in aggregate stability and lower bulk

    density under a grass living mulch compared to clean

    cultivation in orchard production. Water infiltration was

    also increased under the mulch.

    Soil Conservation in Living Mulches

    Living mulches may prove to be an even more effective

    tool for reducing runoff and erosion than presently popular

    reduced-tillage systems. Hall et al. (1984) measured water

    runoff volume in corn planted on a 14% slope and grown

    conventionally, no-till or in a crownvetch living mulch. The

    extensive runoff in conventional corn was reduced by 90% and

    98% in no-till and living mulch, respectively. Due to the

    ability of living mulches to compete with the cash crop for

    water, their adoption for the purpose of erosion control will

    be limited to humid climates and acreage under irrigation.

    Hartwig (____) sugested that because living mulches can be

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    more soil conservative than no-till, they may substitute for

    expensive terraces, contour strips and sod rotations.

    Living mulches can reduce wind erosion by increasing

    residue coverage of the soil, by anchoring both soil and plant

    material with the living mulch roots, by increasing soil

    aggregate size and stability, and by providing a windbreak.

    Newhouse and Dana (1989) measured the combined damage from

    wind and windblown soil particles in strawberries. A mulch of

    perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) significantly increased

    strawberry yield and quality after a spring windstorm. The

    mulch also protected strawberry crowns from winter winds and

    cold temperatures.

    Nitrogen Transfer Between the Mulch and the Cash Crop.

    Living mulches may contribute to or compete for the

    nitrogen pool available to the cash crop. Generally,

    unsuppressed mulches, whether they be legumes or grasses, will

    compete for nitrogen. Kurtz et al. (1946, 1952) found that

    corn yields in legume and grass sods were reduced 50% compared

    to conventional tillage. Adequate nitrogen raised

    intercropped corn yields to 15% less than conventional.

    Stivers (1956) obtained similar results for corn in

    unsuppressed ladino clover.

    Suppressed legume mulches have the potential to release

    symbiotically fixed nitrogen and reduce fertilizer nitrogen

    requirements. Grasses are a net nitrogen sink, even when

    suppressed. Scott et al. (1987) compared legume and grass

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    living mulches plowed under and replanted annually with

    conventional tillage. Over 4 years, grain yields and ear leaf

    nitrogen were higher with legumes and lower with grasses when

    compared to an unfertilized conventionally cultivated control.

    The highest corn yields in the legume mulch were similar to

    conventional plots fertilized with 17 kg N/ha. Because the

    mulches were plowed under annually and not replanted until

    after corn establishment, turnover of legume N was maximized

    and competition with the cash crop was minimized. This study,

    then, was a highly favorable scenario for nitrogen transfer to

    the cash crop.

    Suppressed legume mulches will enhance the nitrogen

    status of the cash crop in proportion to the extent of the

    suppression. This is evidence that a significant portion of

    the legume nitrogen comes from dessication and decomposition

    of legume plant parts. The extent of mulch suppression caused

    by different suppressive techniques can be ranked generally as

    follows: none

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    sweet corn. The fresh weight of marketable ears and total

    nitrogen uptake by sweet corn were higher for plowed down

    mulch, chemically suppressed mulch and mechanically mowed

    mulch than for unsuppressed mulch and conventionally grown

    corn . This was the case across four fertilizer nitrogen

    rates from 0 to 150 kg/ha. Grubinger and Minotti (1990) found

    partial rototilling (see mulch suppression by partial

    rototilling) of a sweet clover mulch to be highly effective at

    increasing sweet corn nitrogen status. One month after

    rototilling, ear leaf %N was 2.5, 2.1, 1.9 and 1.9 for mulch

    rototilled, mowed 5 times, mowed 2 times and unsuppressed,

    respectively. The Grubinger study favored nitrogen transfer

    by rototilling over mowing because the nitrogen rich mowed

    clover residue was bagged and removed. In contrast, Peters

    allowed the residue to fall and decompose in place. The

    success of mowing as a nitrogen transfer technique may depend

    on proper handling of the residue.

    Although the ammount of nitrogen supplied by long-

    standing legume mulches may be a significant portion of the

    total needs of the cash crop, nitrogen does not usually build

    up in sufficient quantity to maximize cash crop yields. Scott

    et al. (1987) found corn in several legume mulch species to

    yield as if the mulch were contributing nitrogen in the range

    of 17 kg/ha two years into the study. But the aparent

    nitrogen contribution did not rise over the following three

    years. There is commonly a positive cash crop response to

    additions of fertilizer nitrogen even after several years in

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    legume mulch. Cash crop fertilizer nitrogen response curves

    in long-standing legume mulches show a "rotation effect" or

    absolute yield increase when compared to conventional

    cultivation. Mayer and Hartwig (1986) measured the corn grain

    yield response to fertilizer nitrogen in an eight year old

    crownvetch living mulch. The mulched corn showed a positive

    yield response up to 140 kgN/ha. The mulched corn yielded

    similar to conventional corn fertilized with 30-55 kg more

    N/ha. There may be two components to this response. First,

    the mulch has simply not provided enough nitrogen. Second,

    there has been an increase in the yield potential of the cash

    crop due to the presence of the mulch (improved soil physical

    properties, increased available water, slow release of legume-

    derived fertility). The value of the nitrogen savings may be

    overshadowed by the increase in yield potential, particularly

    if the value of the cash crop is high relative to the cost of

    nitrogen fertilizer. The magnitude of yield potential

    increases reported is highly variable. Bennet et al. (1976)

    found that a two year old bromegrass living mulch increased

    corn silage yields 137% over conventional corn when all

    treatments received 225 kgN/ha. Akobundu (1982) measured an

    86% corn grain yield increase in a Psophocarpus palustris

    Desv. legume mulch compared to conventional corn when all

    treatments recieved 120 kgN/ha. This was in the fourth year

    of the study. First year yields were highest in conventional

    corn. But the productive potential in subsequent years dropped

    in conventional tillage and remained constant in the living

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    mulch. The Akobundu study shows that what appears to be an

    increase in yield potential in a given year may be the same as

    the stemming of the loss of productive potential over a longer

    period of time. The study was conducted in the humid tropics

    where the detrimental effects of continuous cultivation are

    accelerated. Similar trends may occur in temperate climates

    over a longer time span. Mayer and Hartwig (1986) found a 15%

    increase in corn grain yield in an eight year old crownvetch

    mulch compared to conventional practices when 170 kgN/ha was

    applied to all treatments. Peters (1986) obtained similar

    results for sweet corn in white clover. None of the above

    four studies systematically applied water as a treatment

    variable. All of the studies extensively suppressed the mulch

    during cash crop establishment and growth. It is likely that

    the suppressed mulch acted similar to a dead mulch to improve

    water infiltration, reduce evaporation, and hence increase

    available water.

    Competition Between the Mulch and Cash Crop for Water

    Living mulches generally compete with the cash crop for

    water. Numerous studies have found that both grass and legume

    mulches reduce corn yields in a dry year (Kurtz, 1952; Lewis

    and Martin, 1967; Carreker et al., 1972). Although

    unsuppressed mulches increase soil water recharge by slowing

    runoff, increasing infiltration and reducing evaporation from

    the soil surface (Bennet et al., 1976; Hall et al., 1984),

    this increase is not as great as the loss dure to mulch

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    transpitation. Chemically suppressed mulches may either

    increase or decrease the water available to the cash crop.

    Total seasonal water use will usually be high in suppressed

    mulches because they are allowed to grow and transpire

    extensively in the spring and fall. But during the period of

    extensive suppression, the mulch may temporarily improve

    water retention. Humid climates receive ample annual rainfall

    but crops often suffer from short duration droughts between

    periods of heavy rain. Water may be conserved by a suppressed

    mulch under such conditions. Bennet et al. (1976) measured an

    increase in corn grain yields and an increase in available

    soil moisture in suppressed grass mulches compared to

    conventionally cultivated corn in West Virginia. Rainfall was

    ample but poorly distributed. Semi-arid climates depend on

    fall and spring rains to recharge subsoil moisture. Living

    mulches have a detrimental effect on this resource. In

    Nebraska, Echtencamp and Moomaw (1989) found living mulches to

    be competitive with corn for water except in a wet year.

    Mechanical mowing is less effective than chemical suppression

    at reducing mulch transpiration. Grahm and Crabtree (____)

    applied increasing ammounts of irrigation water to cabbage in

    a perennial ryegrass mulch suppressed chemically, mechanically

    or not at all. Mowed grass was as competitive for water as

    unsuppressed grass. Chemically suppressed grass competed for

    water but competition was eliminated at the highest level of

    irrigation. For all mulch treatments, the cabbage was showing

    a positive yield response to increasing levels of irrigation,

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    even at the highest level applied.

    Although living mulches have been shown to compete

    extensively for both nitrogen and water, suppressed mulch

    studies were not found that systematically altered both

    resources simultaneously. The ability of a plant species to

    compete for water or nitrogen is dependent on the soil volume

    explored by the root system. No studies were found that

    describe the spacial distribution of the root systems of

    either the cash crop or the living mulch over time.

    Mulch Suppression

    Early attempts to produce corn in living sods were

    abandoned in the 1950's because of the ability of the living

    mulch to compete excessively with the cash crop for nitrogen

    and water. The driving force behind the renewed interest in

    living mulches since the 1970's is the search for a wide

    variety of mulch supression techniques. The three primary

    methods of suppression are: non-lethal rates of herbicide,

    mechanical mowing, and maintainance of a clean soil strip,

    whether by cultivation or banded herbicide. Less common

    methods that show promise include: manipulation of plant

    populations (both in the cash crop and the living mulch),

    delayed planting of the mulch, and partial cultivation.

    Herbicide Suppression of the Mulch

    The use of low levels of herbicide for mulch suppression

    has had mixed results. A number of studies have shown that

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    some mulch species can be suppressed enough to dramatically

    reduce competition and still allow the mulch to recover

    (Bennet et al., 1976; Elkins et al. 1983; Hartwig, 1985;

    Lindgren and Ashley, 1986; Grahm and Crabtree, ____). A

    majority of these studies have used grasses. Success with

    suppressing legumes chemically has been associated with mulch

    species that recover by stoloniferous regrowth. If the

    herbicide proves lethal to portions of the mulch stand, the

    remaining plants can fill in. Examples of this are Dutch

    white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and crownvetch (Coronilla

    varia L.). Crownvetch has been successfully maintained as a

    chemically suppressed living mulch in corn for over ten years

    by Hartwig at Pennsylvania State University.

    A major problem with chemical suppression of the living

    mulch is that it often allows weeds to become established

    inside the mulch (Hughes and Sweet, ____, Graham and Crabtree,

    ____, Katz and Ilnicki, ____). The same competitive abilities

    exhibited by the living mulch are likely causing both the

    suppression of the cash crop and the weeds. Most often, the

    weed entry window opened by the herbicide is exploited by

    annual broadleaf species because they establish quickly.

    Perennial weeds must compete through periods of uninterrupted

    mulch growth after removal of the cash crop. Hartwig (1977

    and 1989) found that crownvetch reduced invasion of the

    perennials, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ___) and yellow

    nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) in corn by 74% and 80%,

    respectively. Fall regrowth of the crownvetch after corn

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    harvest smothered the newly established weeds. In contrast,

    the annual weeds, redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.)

    and fall panicum (_____) were not controlled at all by the


    Mechanical Mowing as a Method of Mulch Suppression

    Mechanical mowing has been shown to be a viable means by

    which competition can be reduced (Vrabel et al., ____; Enache

    et al., 1988). There are several advantages to this

    technique. Unlike the use of herbicides, mowing has the

    potential to maintain mulch vigor, maintain or increase mulch

    biomass production, and reduce weed invasion. Also, the

    largely as yet undeveloped technology of non-lethal rates of

    herbicide is unnecessary with mowing. The primary

    disadvantage to mowing is that, because the mulch recovers

    rapidly, there may be too small of a window for cash crop

    establishment and development.

    Mowing the mulch in a late stage of vegetative growth

    immediately reduces both the plant canopy and live root mass.

    But, unlike herbicide suppression, mulch vigor may be

    maintained or increased as a new period of vegetative growth

    is initiated. Rather than opening an opportunity for weed

    invasion, timely mowing can cut existing weeds and reestablish

    the mulch as the dominant species.

    Wiles et al. (1989), found that mowing a perennial

    ryegrass living mulch reduced competition with chinese cabbage

    (Brassica rapa L., Chinensis Group) equivalent to herbicide

    suppression. But mowing increased living mulch shoot biomass

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    compared to an unsuppressed control. Herbicide suppression

    dramatically reduced mulch biomass production.

    Lindgren and Ashley (1986) found mowing twice to be as

    effective as herbicide suppression at reducing competition by

    a white clover mulch in snap beans. But the mulch remained

    more vigorous when mowed than when chemically suppressed.

    Only total kill of the mulch with herbicides increased bean

    yields over mowing. Because the suppression from mowing is

    short-lived, more than one mowing may be necessary. Vrabel et

    al. (_____) found a single mowing of legume mulches at the

    time of sweet corn establishment to be less effective than

    herbicide suppression. Costello and Altieri (1994) obtained

    broccoli yields equivalent to clean cultivation by

    mechanically mowing clover twice. Unless the mulch was mowed

    early, competition for light ensued. They suggested that

    improved machinery needs to be developed for large-scale


    Strip Tillage to Reduce Mulch Competition

    Mulch suppression by mowing or herbicides alone does not

    generally reduce competition enough to produce cash crop

    yields equal to conventional clean cultivation. These

    practices are usually combined with the creation of a clean

    soil strip in which the cash crop is seeded. Living mulches

    are usually perennials. The cost of the establishment of the

    mulch is significant. The use of perennial mulches allows the

    cost of establishment to be ammortized over more than one

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    growing season. In the second season of production in a mulch

    stand, the newly seeded cash crop must compete with an

    established perennial. Creation of a clean soil strip at

    planting dramatically reduces competition during the critical

    early stage of cash crop establishment by physically

    separating the two species a known distance. Vrabel et al.

    (____), found that 0.45 m clean soil strips reduced

    competition from four legume mulches in sweet corn when the

    mulches were established five weeks prior to corn planting.

    The soil strips were created by banding the legume seed. The

    effect of strips was much less pronounced when legumes were

    seeded simultaneously with or five weeks after the corn.

    Elkins et al. (1979) found a similar benefit to using banded

    herbicide strips in grass mulches for corn production. A 20

    cm banded herbicide strip increased corn yields dramatically

    compared to corn planted into an undisturbed mulch. Waters

    and Ilnicki (1990) compared subclover mulch full stands with

    0.55 m planting strips for production of summer squash.

    Strips, whether killed with herbicide or cultivation,

    significantly outyielded full mulch stands.

    The cost of reducing competition with strips may be a

    relatively small reduction in mulch biomass productivity

    depending on the mulch species. Vrabel et al. (____) found

    that strips occupying 50% of the total soil surface did not

    significantly reduce white or red clover mulch dry matter.

    Alfalfa and ladino clover were reduced by 50%.

    The width of the strip needed will vary with the cash

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    crop. Loy et al. (1987) found strip widths of 0.5 m to be

    insufficient and 1.5 m to be sufficient at eliminating

    competition from grass and legume sods in peppers and bush

    winter squash.

    Manipulation of Plant Populations to Reduce Competition

    The relative competitive abilities of the cash crop and

    the living mulch determine to what extent plant populations

    can be altered to reduce interference by the mulch. Wiles et

    al. (1989) found pak choi to be weakly competitive with a

    ryegrass mulch. The ryegrass was unaffected by a doubling of

    pak choi density. Lowering ryegrass density reduced its

    resource use but the effect was variable across growing

    seasons. The authors concluded that lowering mulch density

    was an undependable control of mulch interference. These

    findings are obviously species specific. There may be cash

    crops that are highly competitive with mulches. In this case,

    increasing cash crop populations may prove to be an important

    tool. The use of lower mulch density, however, runs the risk

    of allowing weed invasion. Rather than lowering mulch seeding

    rates, the grower can control the overall mulch population by

    widening the cultivated clean soil strip while maintaining a

    local mulch density competitive with weeds.

    The use of double cash crop rows with double wide mulch

    strips may maintain or increase yields (Loy et al., 1987;

    Grubinger and Minotti, 1990). This reduces the complexity of

    the field and simplifies field operations in general.

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    Specifically, it provides access to the mulch for maintenance.

    Delayed Planting of Mulch to Reduce Competition

    Competition from the mulch can easily be reduced by

    delaying the mulch planting date (Vrabel et al., ____; Regnier

    and Stoller, ____). But the cost of waiting will likely be

    reduced weed control, lower mulch biomass productivity and

    exposure to erosion. The strategy is limited to annual

    mulches and perennials in the establishment year. If annual

    mulches are shown to improve watershed quality significantly,

    the cost of establishment may be partially borne by the

    surrounding community. Jurchak (1984) reported strong

    commercial grower participation in a government seed cost

    share program for planting annual ryegrass into established

    tomatoes. Coolman and Hoyt (1993) conceptualalized a system

    of relay intercropping summer annual legumes into a nearly

    mature crop of broccoli. While this approach reduces

    competition with the cash crop, it minimizes the potential

    benefits of weed suppression and nitrogen fixation by the

    mulch. In addition, use of an annual living mulch increases

    the cost of establishment when compared to a perennial mulch.

    Another way to get around the cost of establishing an

    annual is to allow it to seed itself. The use of subterranean

    clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) or "subclover" is a

    dramatic example of this. Subclover is a mediteranean winter

    annual that germinates and grows in late summer, goes dormant

    through winter, and resumes growth to set seed in spring. The

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    seeds lay dormant through mid-summer, leaving a window of

    minimal interference for cash crop production. The seeds are

    deposited in the surface soil by a downward extending peduncle

    (Ilnicki and Vitolo, 1986). Because of this efficient

    deposition of seed, subclover has the potential to persist

    beyond the establishment year. Extensive weed free stands do

    persist in southern and western Australia under grazing

    pressure (Lanini et al., 1989).

    Several studies have shown subclover to be a weed

    suppressive living mulch (Enache et al., 1988; Beste and

    Teasdale, 1991; Lanini et al., 1989; Waters and Ilnicki,

    ____). But, because the cash crop is planted into a vigorous

    mulch stand in the spring, a combination of planting strips

    and mowing or herbicides is needed to suppress the mulch.

    Partial Cultivation as a Mulch Suppressant

    Partial or "trashy" cultivation for supression of a white

    clover living mulch in sweet corn was investigated by

    Grubinger and Minotti (1990). The entire mulch strip was

    rototilled, allowing a narrow strip of undisturbed clover

    roots to pass between the tiller tines. Mulch stoloniferous

    regrowth was extensive but recovery two months after

    rototilling was still significantly less vigorous than mowed

    or unsuppressed clover. Rototilled clover recovered

    completely by the following spring.

    A major advantage to partial cultivation appears to be an

    appreciable transfer of nitrigen from the clover to the cash

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    crop. Grubinger measured 56 kg N/ha incorporated into the

    soil in clover residue from the combination of creation of a

    planting strip and later partial cultivation. Because most of

    the clover was dessicated by cultivation, roots and nodules

    probably provided a significant release of nitrogen. Partial

    cultivation not only released a large portion of the clover

    nitrogen, but the extensive suppression of the living mulch

    reduced its ability to compete for nitrogen.

    Literature Cited

    Akobundu, I.O. 1980. Live mulch: a new approach to weed controland crop production in the tropics. Proceedings 1980 British CropProtection Conference pp. 377-382.

    Akobundu, I.O. 1982. Live mulch crop production in the tropics.World Crops 34:125-126 and 144-145.

    Akobundu, I.O. 1984. Advances in live mulch crop production inthe tropics. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. pp. 51-57.

    Alteiri, M., D.L. Glaser, and L.C. Schmidt. 1990.Diversification of agroecosystems for insect pest regulation:experiments with collards. In S.R. Gliessman (ed.) Agroecology.74-76. Springer-Verlag, N.Y.

    Allison, L. E. 1960. Wet-combustion apparatus and procedure fororganic and inorganic carbon in soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.24:36-40.

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