Page 1: Living Locally and Globally

Loving Locally and GloballyAs United Methodists we are part of a church community that reaches around the globe. But, everything that takes place throughout the worldwide Methodist family starts at the local church level. Thus, we are called always to act globally and locally - at the same time. Jesus' call to us is not "either/or" it is "both/and." Jesus calls us to go "all in" locally and globally.

As we focus on "All In Ministry" this year, we are encouraging you to go "all in" during Lent. Many of us may approach Ash Wednesday and the forty days of Lent quite cautiously. The traditions are somewhat mysterious, and it is difficult to maintain an attitude of reflection and self-denying obedience when the weather is improving and Spring Break is on the horizon. But this year, rather than giving something up for Lent (as is tradition), consider taking on a new passion for global and local work in Jesus' name. Perhaps you could make an extra commitment to participate fully in all the services at FUMC and connect in a deeper way with God's people both in your church home and throughout the world.

As a church, we are taking on an additional focus this year and asking each family or individual to participate in the Lenten World Hunger Offering. This calendar provides a daily scripture and devotion. As a part of these devotions, you are invited to make an offering which reflects your unity with God's children throughout the world. The offering we make will be combined with other churches throughout the Memphis Annual Conference and will be donated to several agencies which have both a global and a local focus (Heifer Project International, Project Peanut Butter, Hunters for the Hungry, Africa University Dream Farm, RIFA, and others).

Because we have such a strong commitment to loving and serving God's children in Jackson, we will also receive our traditional Easter Benevolence Offering which goes specifically to local agencies and families in need. Your faithfulness to God and generosity in the past has made an amazing difference in the lives of God's children here in Jackson. How incredible it is that God chooses us to be part of blessing others!

Let's go "all in" during this time of prayer, reflection, sacrifice, and giving and witness God's saving love both here and

throughout the world during these forty days and always.

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