Page 1: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年
Page 2: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年

q spring couplet [`k9pl6t] 春聯

w firecrackers [`fa6r%kr1k0z] 鞭炮

e lion dance 舞獅

r New Year’s Eve dinner 年夜飯

t steamed rice cake [st6md] 發糕

y watermelon seeds [`w7t0%m5l4n] [`sidz] 瓜子

u New Year cake 年糕

i New Year’s visit 拜年

o red envelope [`5nv4%lop] 紅包

a New Year money 壓歲錢


Chinese New Year Traditions 中國新年習俗





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Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年


UNIT 1 主題式會話 ■

Page 3: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年


• brush 刷 • wipe [wa6p] 擦拭;抹掉

• scrub 用力擦洗 • mop (用拖把)拖;擦

• dust [d9st] 撣掉(灰塵) • vacuum 用吸塵器清掃

q broom [brum] 掃把

w dustpan [`d9st%p1n] 畚箕

e duster [`d9st0] 撣子

r rubber glove [`r9b0] 橡膠手套

t bucket [`b9k6t] 水桶

y cleaning cloth [kl7q] 抹布

u sponge [sp9nd.] 海綿

i scrub brush [skr9b] 刷子

o vacuum cleaner [`v1kj84m] [`klin0] 吸塵器

a mop 拖把

Year-End Cleaning 年終大掃除用品









Getting a Clean Start to the New Year • Daily Conversation


Page 4: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年

1 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 1 /慢速 MP3 - 25課程講解》MP3 - 45

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

1. hip [h6p] n. 臀部;髖

This dress comes with a belt to wear low on the hips.

* 2. tradition [tr4`d6]4n] n. 傳統;慣例

In my family, it’s a tradition to go out for ice cream on the last day of the school year.

* 3. thoroughly [`q-ol6] adv. 徹底;完全

Ethan searched the house thoroughly, but he couldn’t find his camera.

* 4. sweep [swip] v. 掃去;打掃(三態為 sweep-swept-swept)

We had to sweep away the leaves before we sat on the bench.

† 為補充說明

† get rid of . . . 指「清除、擺脫……」。

† like the sound of . . . 在此指「喜歡某人事物」。

1. Out with the OldDavid is watching a sports game on TV when his Taiwanese wife, Linda, comes home with some shopping bags.

L Linda D David

L: What are you doing?

D: I’m watching the game. It’s really exciting!

L: (Setting the bags on the coffee table) Why aren’t you cleaning?! I told you my parents are coming over for Chinese New Year’s Eve.

D: But that’s three days away! We can just do a quick clean in the afternoon before they get here.

L: (Hands on hips1) No, we can’t. They’re not just coming over for dinner. This is Chinese New Year!

D: We’re not going to eat? Then what’s in all of those bags?

L: Of course we’re going to eat! (Sighing) We’ll have lots of lucky food, but another tradition2 is to clean the entire house thoroughly.3

D: That doesn’t sound like a fun tradition. I like what you told me about the red envelopes better.

L: By cleaning, you’re getting rid of† the bad luck

from last year.

D: (Joking) I guess you wouldn’t want that hanging around in the corners or under the bed.

L: And then you don’t clean for the first few days of the New Year. You wouldn’t want to sweep4 away the good luck that has come.

D: Well, I like the sound of† that tradition.

L: Then grab a broom and help me start cleaning!

*中文翻譯請參閱第 67頁

關鍵解析 Language Notes

hang 的相關片語 動詞 hang指 「懸掛;貼在牆上」,三態為 hang-hung-hung。

hang around 逗留;徘徊

• At dinnertime, our dog will hang around the table and beg for food. 晚餐時間時,我們的狗狗會在桌子旁徘徊乞求食物。

+此片語也可以用 hang about代換喔。

hang out 閒晃;打發時間

• If you don’t have any plans tonight, you should come over to my house to hang out. 如果你今晚沒有任何計畫,你應該過來我家晃晃。

hang (up) 懸掛;吊

• Please hang your coat (up) instead of throwing it on the sofa. 請把你的外套掛起來,不要丟在沙發上。

They’re not just coming over for dinner.

Then what’s in all of those bags?


UNIT 1 主題式會話 ■

Page 5: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Getting a Clean Start to the New Year 迎中國新年

2 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 2 /慢速 MP3 - 26課程講解》MP3 - 46

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

1. lunar [`lun0] adj. 陰曆的;月球的

I’ll check the lunar calendar to see what day Lantern Festival is.

2. rush [r9]] v. 衝;急促

Fiona rushed into the building to get out of the rain.

* 3. wealth [w5lq] n. 財富;財產

Lawrence’s wealth came from his family’s oil business.

* 4. ignore [6g`nor] v. 不理會;忽視

If someone says something mean to you, it is best just to ignore that person.

5. nap [n1p] n. 小睡;打盹

The children have a nap around 2:00 every afternoon.

† 為補充說明

† touch 在此為名詞,指「裝點、修飾」。

關鍵解析 Language Notes

ready 的用法

a 要表示「某物已經(為某人)準備好了」,可用︰

sth be ready (for sb)

• Dinner is ready, so come and eat. 晚餐已經準備好了,所以過來吃吧。

• Your room is ready for you; the bellboy can take your bags up. 您的房間已經為您準備好了;侍者可以把您的行李拿上去。

b 要表示「某人準備好迎接╱做某事」,則用︰

sb be ready for N.

to V. • Are you ready for the test?


• Let me know when you are ready to go. 讓我知道你什麼時候準備好要出發。

2. Cleaned Up and Tired OutIt’s Lunar1 New Year’s Eve, and David and Linda are rushing2 around the house.

L Linda D David M Mother

L: Did you scrub the bathtub?

D: Yes, and I vacuumed and mopped the whole house.

L: OK. I’ve swept the balcony, dusted, and cleaned all of the windows and mirrors.

D: Well, if we’re finished, I’m going to put these buckets and sponges back in the closet.

L: (To herself) We just need a few final touches.†

(She picks up some red squares with Chinese writing on them.)

D: (Entering) What are those?

L: They’re to help attract good luck. This one means “bring in wealth,3” and that one means “happiness.”

D: Do you have one that means “We’ll never have to clean again?”

(She ignores4 him and hangs the signs up.)

L: Well, I think we’re finally done. The food is ready, our house is clean, and Mom and Dad should be here in about thirty minutes. Are you ready for an exciting New Year?

D: I’m ready for a nap!5 (He sits down on the couch.)

L: Well, we do have a little time. Maybe I’ll relax

for a few minutes with you.

(A little later, David and Linda are sound asleep on the sofa. The doorbell rings, but they do not wake up. The doorbell rings again.)

M: (From outside) Hello? Is anybody home?

*中文翻譯請參閱第 67頁

Did you scrub the bathtub?

Yes, and I vacuumed and mopped the whole house.


Getting a Clean Start to the New Year • Daily Conversation

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