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The Bishop looks forward to visiting your parish and celebrating the liturgy with you.

Attached, you will find the Planning the Confirmation Liturgy form to communicate your plans to the Bishop. There are a few points to clarify:

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1.Penitential Rite: Please select either the sprinkling rite or one of the three penitential acts at the beginning of Mass.

2.Scripture and Mass prayers: Planners have the option of using the readings and Mass prayers of the day as listed in the “ordo” or the readings and Mass prayers for Confirmation.

3.Liturgical ministers: Lectors, music ministers, and communion ministers (teens and adults) from the parish community who are fully initiated, have been trained in and regularly proclaim the Word, do the music, and distribute communion should serve the confirmandi.

4.The Psalm: Write in the title, psalm number, and composer. Plan to sing the psalm response and verses.

5.At the Presentation of Gifts, the music ends when the bishop washes his hands.

6.Concelebrants: All priests present are invited by Bishop Quinn to concelebrate. Concelebrants and deacons assist the Bishop with the distribution of communion. When there are not enough clergy to manage a smooth distribution of communion, please alert trained parish communion ministers to be ready to assist.

7.Communion: Plan to distribute the Eucharist under both forms. The GIRM tells us, “While the priest is receiving the Sacrament, the Communion chant is begun. Its purpose is to express the communicants’ union in spirit by means of the unity of their voices, to show joy of heart, and to highlight more clearly the “communitarian” nature of the procession to receive Communion. The singing is continued for as long as the Sacrament is being administered to the faithful. . . (GIRM, 86) Plan on at least four communion stations for the distribution of the Eucharist.

8.After communion: The General Instruction tells us, “When the distribution of Communion is finished, as circumstances suggest, the priest and faithful spend some time praying privately. If desired, a psalm or other canticle of praise or a hymn may also be sung by the entire congregation.” (GIRM, 88)

9.Cameras and videos: Please help family members remember that Confirmation is a prayer. During the liturgy, all sing, pray, and prayerfully witness Confirmation. Hospitably arrange for the church to be open and lit after the liturgy so families may take pictures after the liturgy. A professional or experienced parish photographer should take the group picture with the Bishop before the liturgy. Individual family pictures with the Bishop may be taken after the liturgy during the reception.

10. It is helpful to the Bishop if he is provided with a short list of people to thank.

THE RITE OF CONFIRMATIONPresentation of Candidates


After the gospel, the bishop returns to his place. The pastor (deacon or catechist) presents the candidates for Confirmation.

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PRESENTER: Candidates for Confirmation from the parish(es) of N., (and N., and N., ) please stand.

All candidates stand in place. The pastor (deacon or catechist) continues:

Bishop Quinn (or Harrington), the parish community of St. N., and I present to you these women and men and ask you to confirm them.


After the gospel, the bishop returns to his place. The pastor (deacon or catechist) presents the candidates for Confirmation.

PRESENTER: Candidates for Confirmation from the parish(es) of N.,_______ (and N., and N., ) please stand.

All candidates stand in place. The pastor (deacon or catechist) continues:

Bishop Quinn (or Harrington), the parents and teachers in charge of the formation of our candidates for confirmation give a favorable account of them. With confidence, we present them to you for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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LITURGICAL CONTACT: Parish _____________________________________________

Date of Celebration _______________ Time ______

Coordinator _________________________ Music Director________________________

Address _________________________Music Group ________________________

Telephone _________________________Lector #1 ________________________

E-mail _________________________Lector#1 ________________________


Gathering Song ________________________________________________________________________

Penitential Rite A (Sprinkling Rite) _________ B (Spoken) a. _________ b.________ OR c. __________

Glory to God Sung Spoken

Opening Prayer

LITURGY OF THE WORDFirst Reading ________________________________________ (Lectionary number)__________________

Psalm _____________________________ (Psalm of the day or rite should be sung)

Second Reading _____________________________ (Lectionary number)__________________

Gospel Acclamation _____________________________ (Gs. Acclamation is sung)

Gospel _____________________________ (Lectionary number)_______________________

THE RITE OF CONFIRMATIONPresentation of Candidates Number of candidates _________________________________________________

Homily by the Bishop (Please provide notes for the Bishop on back, if needed)

Profession of Faith Renewal of Baptismal Promises required by the Rite

Laying on of Hands-Anointing Bishop

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Prayers of the Faithful Offered by: Deacon or Lector

RETURN: Three weeks prior to Confirmation, return a copy to Shirley Engbrecht, Office of the Bishop, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987; email: [email protected]

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Collection yes no

Preparation of the Altar Present only bread and wine. Presenters are ___________________________

Music _________________________________________________________________


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Holy, Holy, Holy (Should be sung) _________________

Memorial Acclamation (Should be sung) _________________

Amen (Should be sung) _________________


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Our Father (Should be spoken by all)

Lamb of God (Should be sung) ____________________

Communion procession: Distributors: Bishop, Pastor, Deacon, concelebrants. If more are needed, please have trained

parish communion ministers ready.

Communion procession song: ___________________________________

See GIRM 88 for options

Prayer after Communion Bishop

DISMISSAL RITEAnnouncements by ______________________________Blessing / Dismissal Bishop

Recessional music _________________________________








RETURN: Three weeks prior to Confirmation, return a copy to Shirley Engbrecht, Office of the Bishop, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987; email: [email protected].

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