
_...... ItAe W. GIll"Widnit ,...., F.,..

M••"*L II',•Ie .

Club Fifteen'. Pia,.Read,. For ()peDiq

By Mail $2,00 per year; Smp Copies S c.-J. , ...



."".er- .... ................ , $ r_T~"... -.II ....... n.-a,__ ." 1M nl •• ,.,.. .......... o.r.

'Iw. ...... wiI II. Iw Mat.......:BroedeIl N.... WoodlPc+ell M-'.V"ICe-PraicleDt



Dodce Dillman YachtApin To Sail

The Grosse Pointe Camera Oub 1\'illha,'e its first ~alon June 11-16 at GrossePointe High School.

M embers and their guests "'ill at-tend the opening On Tuesday evening,and the e"hibits will be open to thepublic for the remainder of the week.

G. P. Camera ClubAnnounces First Salon

High School SeniorRow8 On DBC Crew

• die ce-.. of the adJairina peo.. . - ft,. i -, ,. - - _. - ' . .

pic" attclltic:& aigned the priadpaIahip to tt1nIy at 1M Part-'D: 1be ~ Note.J¥ -A'feature of .. - .;d:.i K~Unive-sity of Ilich.igu. wbere he ob-' ~ C b 0 r II s ; The UlliYersity ~ Day sen1cel at Hie Grosse Poiatetained tbe degree of &tbelar of Sci- MIChigan Symphony Orcmtn, Wil. L1&tbenn Onm:b. wonhipiq in theem:e. At Baraga he '"' lirst tneher lia,m W.tki~s •. COJlductor-Stabat Richard School auditorium, Kerchnalof mathemati<:s and .c.iftlCf: and waal lIater, ROSSlnl. and McKinley, Dext Sunday 1IIOI'Dinc',su~sequently el.teted to the principal- ~0U'r distinguished ,lOloisb. \Vinifred May 26, will be the placing of Bowen

The huge $2,000,000 yacht of Mrs. ship there. Alter obbining his degree Heidt, Thelma vOll E15wauer, \Varren in the c:haneel by memben of the San •Anna Dodge Dillman, ....hich for Dve he sen-ed as principal at SL John; Foster and Hardin van Deursen will day School and congregatioB. After the GroaIe Poiater The plans for the presentation ofyears has been a souree of interest and Mich., and then earned the degree of take part in the concerL s~i-.-icea these blOOllls "ill be taken to To Graduate Ollb Fifteen's "Room Semce" are nowcuriosity to Grosse Pointers, is flgain Master of Arts from tbe Uniyeraity of Winifred Heidt made ber debut with the Marine Hospital. Groue Pointe. completed. All details hue beC1l a4-being prepared for serviee and will sail Michigan. Following this. he aerved the Metropolitan Open CompUly in where they .iIl be.distributed to vet- From ADnapolia ju~ted and the play u ready for thethe Great Lakes this summer. for six years as principal of the high 1939 appearing in the New Year'a Eve erans (ex-service men), seamt'n, CCC stage.

The vessel, Delphine II, left its moor- school at East Lansing. He Wit elected presentation of "Hansel al'ld Gretel." boys, coast guards, WPA workers and The name of William McKenlie The cast of "RooDl Semec" ~ing at 17840 Jefferson avenue last week principa! of tbe Port Huron High She recently aPlleared at guest soloist light~ouse Dlen who are con6ned to the Brayhrook, Lake Shore Road, was I sists of twel'\"e male parts and twc fe-and cruised down the Detroit Rh'er to School m 1935, on the Ford Sunday E\'elling Hour and hospitaL im:luded 00 a list of prospective JUDe I male parts. FolIov.'ing is a list of ehar-oW)'andotte, where it will be taken into (Continued oa Pqe Sevca) next yur will he feat <Ired soloist .,.;th S;>ecial Memorial Day services wm gTaduates from the United States Naval acters in the play and the DamI5 ofdry dock to be thoroughly reeolldi- the Detroit Symphony Orcheatra. ::>heI be held bolh at the Sunday Sc:hoo~hOUr Academy at Annapolia released last actors playing the respective p;1Irta:tiened. M R d comes to '115 direct from an engage- at 9 :45 a. Dl. and also at the II o'clock weelc, _ Sasha Shmi\'Rolf. Jack Morphy; Goroo

Since its eonstruction in 1921. the ore e Croaa Iment with the Promenade Symphony preaching hnar. conducted by the Rey, Braybrook and foor other residenU don Miller, Stewart Smith, Joseph Grill-Delphine II has had some rough sail- Volunteerl Needed in Toronto. V. ~uther Ca~P. ~.'D.• p;1Is~. Mn_ frOUl the Detroit area arc schedaled to ble, Alfred Knapp. Harry B'lIrUoR.Re»-ing. A fire gutted the boat in New __ Thelmavon Eisenhauer is one of the Adeline Doeppmg Will be solOISt. The receive their diplomas on June 6. ert Koe~l, Faker Englund, Racly Ka....York in 1926. and it sank at its dock. It In face of the o~.r""""" d' most prominent and so-ht after ao- music. scripture lessons and aerlDOn ------- ish lee; \Vrn. Wa'"'er. :Bell Hall', Leo1

' .. r __ ermg an m. .... ill ~. k . . h . ,.._____ • e"

~ s~ ran agTound se\'er.a1 tlm:s before creasing need of the /Ieeing refugees praDOS in Detroit. Not only n she W In eepmg WIt the OCCllSIOP- '~POInte Davis, John Newhall; Hilda Vanney.It ,:,as boarded up an~ tIed ;0 lis Grosse Iand the tremendouS number of wounded locally famOlls but her abilities carry R I Cl b Vonnie Young: Christine Marlowe.POinte F~rm~ d~k III 193~. the ,'.merican Red Cross is asking e.-ery h~r far afiel.d. In a recent eon test tw:ld U. of M. Library evo ver u Anne Brooks; Timothy Hogarth, Clay.

.The ship IS ~57 fee.t long, 35 feet \\'aman to come to it's aid. Do you konw by the ChICllgO ()pera Company to Honorl SOGYear. ton Schwarz; Messenger Boy, EddieW1d~, dra"., 14 feet 9 mehes of ....ater. that the Grosse Pointe Unit of the select a soprano and tenor. she was Of . • The sec~d annual meeting of the Caldwell; Dr. Glass, \Vm. Colieus; Si--

dog. caTTles a erew of 40, I() personal serv- t:'ndenominational American Red C ehosen as the soprano from a field of PnDbDg Grosse POlDte Re,'olver Club was held mon Jenkins, Oayton Bennett; Senatorants, plus the o....ners :lnd their guests. is open from 9 'JO untl" 3 .'''. 'lross 15(X)eompetitors. __ on Thursday evening. May 16, with a Blake. George Marshall_....h b " 1 . '.""J tHrv ...on- t'E . d T '• COol. IS elju.pped "'lth two day and Wednesday at Christ 'Church Warren Foster "'i11 be remembered In bolh the "'illiam Oell'entJ Library' g<a I ymg allen ~"ce. he. mectmg was I Roben K",,/Jel and Oa)'tun Scn.:.racrew launches, another 3O-foot lalln~h, Chapel for sewers. knitters, and surg;- for. his fine sin gin g in the Gros,e and the General Library on the campus foll~ed b! electIon of offleers, th~ .fal. are general chairmen of the production,and a 35-foot speedboat. :rhe Delphme cal dressing ....orkers, and every Tues- Pomte concerts of 1938 (St. Cecilia of the University of Michigan at Ann ~o",:,ng bemil' elected to t~e pOSlhons ....hile Don Beenr, Honey lhrsack, andh~s five decks, a $60,000 p,pe organ and day from 10:00 until 4:00 at the Grosse ~fass) and 1939 (Elijah). He ....ill spend Arbor are a numhcr cf interesting and mdlcated for the year ending June I. Frank Queenan are taking care of setseIght, guest stat~ rooms. . Pointe Memorial Church for sewers. the coming summer at the ~ational invaluable exhibits of rrinting, eom- 1941.. an" l'rnptr!i ..s. Rlldy Kamishke and~.:~~~~,,:~~:.".m_~~~_?;~~t~k.~s. crul~~ Ii YOu prefer surgical dressings ~ ~{.usie Camp ",here he is associated memorating as they do thi! year the ~hld ~homas V. Tromb!!. Pres.; George Roberts are in charge of tickets.": .... ~~ ... ~ .. , .. ~" V, LO.t ,,,"I,,y & u,<lal sure to take the course first Arrange- "'lth Dr. Joseph E. Maddy and where five hundredth anniversuy of this Ch.ld Orville C. I?gals,~e. 'hce-Pres.: Jack Murphy is in eharge of publicity.tnp to Europe. ments can be m~de through'the Grosse he is expected to take a prominent part universal art. ChId Albert D. Flultt, \ Ice-.Pres.: H. S. and Donald Morrison u obtaining the

Pointe L'nil. Call Mrs. Ezra Lockwood in the filmin.;: of the fortheoming mo- At the Clements Library which is de- Jones, Secretary; Wm. Con den. Treas- usherettes.Xiagara 8135. • tion picture "Interlochen" ....hich i. to ,'oted exclusinly to American, only urer; Edgar Trombly, Exeeuti\'e Of- The play was directed entirely b,

Thi~ is a serious apl'cal for )'our ftalnr .. Abn Jon~. and Roo HO\'>C. hooks coHring the early Ameriean ef- fieer. . the ca~t,help. H~rdin Yan neur~cn ",ill he remem- forts in printing are being sho ....n. Of Ivan Moo,re, Ch,ef R~n"e Officer: Tickels for the play may be resen-cd

_______ hcred for his incomparahle ,ingin-'\' of particular interest to Detroilers is a Clarence Bllnn, Range Officer; Law- hy calling XI -l6OO.

Loui .. St, Clair Chapter the tille part in "Elijahn last year at volume printed by Father Gabriel Rich- r~nee Burmaster, Range Officer; Ddos Club Fiiteen extends a cordial in"it ..the Gros~e Pointe eonc~rts. For Ihe ard, "'ho was the first printer in De- Cltre, Head Co a c h; Ray :Mich~ls, tion to everyone to attend and reallypa~t three years he has been a teacher trait. His ,'olume. Iss Ornemens De la Coach.; Andrew Hollbeke, Coach; KOf- ha\e a good time, The presentation

At the annual meeting of tn. Lou,'sa f . bert ~ eff P bl' 't Off' d• ('\ ,-olce it 'he t:ni"ersity of Michi;oran ~[emoire, published in 1811. I .. ~ 'c, y , ,eer. at~s are ~fay 31 and June I. hcginnin,St, Clair Chapter D.A,R., -h,'c" ,,'a', ~ h Mem'-- h Co I" n ';:,c 001 of ~!u~ic, Prior to this appoint- T ....o rare Blbles are on exhibit. One • "",rs ,'I' mmlltee: van ~[oore. at 8 :15 p. m. in the Pi~rce Auditoriuai.held Thursday morning ~ray 16th It ment he ".o~ head of the ,'oice depart- is the first ,<,olume printed in a Euro- C1arenc.e Blinn, Arthur '-an Baeeiaere, ------Xewherry House, the foll-.,'ng off',c"rs H Rav),[ hI' -.. New T I ph W ..L_V~ • ment at uron (""lTege, South Dakota; pean langualte in America. The other is .' IC e S • .o-a\\Ttnrt nnrm~ster. e e one ea~rwere installed for the coming ,.r~r' t"n;\'C~s;ty of \\'\'"millg; Albion Col. a eopy of the first Bible printed in There ~re now se\'enty-four actin Se 'P P IMrs. Palll Hale Bru~ke. Reg-ent;' Mrs. kge, EnF:'li~h. members In the dill'> ....hich i~ enjoying I'Vlce roves opu arC1ar~"ee A. Fi~ke. First "ice-Reltent; Ticket_ mo,. he ohtained from the fol- Several e,,~mple, of Benl'~min Frank- a. ~~.althy growth" The pr"j::'ram of ilC-~fr, R ~ "el"~1 Ch I' '! t t f 19"" Accorrlin~ to :I re""'rt ,'s,'u.d .... a.. ......., . op aln: ., n. I"w'i"~ men-,hero of the ticket com- lin', "''0'''' are included," the sho\O;tng, '~' les or "OJ IS an ample one and '" ,~. ~ n.('h,.I" F_ ~',';"!e,Rcce.rd;-,,~ ~•.__,_._' ".. Of w,lI he ' tr !I' ~ ~fichi.-:on Bell Teleph(>ne Com"anv' oi.

E O• :"> _ ............ Ildl(,t:" ..... 1.... "om. O':\"rll Kr(,\r1n(f p..rll'l,J;". inl('u.'t to uudf'nu ot I' ,. Y ;I r~rt'\"e ~n Qt:\:o!rC's r--f. t-" -

.1Ig-ene Brien.17-)'ear.old 'enior at lory; \Ir<. \\'liliam H. }I"lme'. C~•.- 1--1)" E I a 'f' 'h th,~ p~",me Th G h",ai 10<1 week, ,197.130 pcr~ons dialedG P

, -" 1.-' >0 • CIOtC''''': ., 1« \'ir;rini~ typ"ll',ar" i, 0 hook pnnted from h'''e' . e ran~e .t ,ro,'e \\.",rO"e om'e }lij::'h ~chool, will row re.'pon(jin~ ~ccrctar,_", Mr<. Rov E_ ne- ". I a I'll ,- ' h d f .,' POInte Shor~, ha h r:. 1212 durin~ the new tcle;-ohol1eX 2 -- ","rll",O".. .,,'It'''$:t am: ~fi,s Reth' ma eo I'n hy the Jr~lIit ~li ... ionarie~. ' s rCn rcp~lrcd and

• ". "ar on the Detr"it B"at Clah's Hort. Tre .. urer; :!-In. Thn; •• f),v Sh ff 1'0 . 4. h " in fine d f h \\ca,htr fmrcau', ~"t mo"th. This ishea\'} ,,'eighl eight when it m"~ts a \\','._ ~! I ' .• , rr, " C:If_" ;;t rinee J:",ior Hillh . nnl er rare e"ample ('>i t)'p<lllraphy • con Itl"n or I e summer a ' 1"><

.. .' ou e. Rel<'lstrar; Mrs. Charles G, Schoo!; !\In, b'~}I. nunn, 12M \\'hit- "ep'el~ a battle in w'hith the il1u~tra- ,hoots. the schedulc "f wh,ch II~r,-' n awra~e "I -',.'''''cal!, per d~\' ande('ln~jn ere"t Sunday on the Detroa Franklin, Hi,torian " and Mr'. Em,,,-' ~ 'f I \ \ I . Saturday ~r ,- 1 T ind,,~lr' that m.oy nrlr""~r; areRi,'~~. • ~ tIt.; an-, .' rs (urphy, 1227 Y"rk. tlOns ere m~de completelv from h'pe. . , .• y •.'. ~t - p, m. he off!. 1< - " . .

A. Fo~. I'uiiamenlarlon. D"~etor< ('>i .•h,re. The Gr"',e Poi"te ~r01her<' Nnamtn,'. O"lv "ne c('>",. ~f ,h,s pi.ce' 'trr' trr~r thatl"~ mrm",er' a'.,,1 thrlll- m'T,tn~ "rd'e lI'e ('>fthe "ew ~enl('r,O'Bri~", liO,lb. hu,k\', rn"'e~ w'i',h De".rlmen""r 'I R h I CI - ". • ,~' e . tV ,le r',~lle't o,,'o~e f~r.~ e" I "e: .' .~. ('l ert . \In~, .lIh: ~lr'. rOlll D. Gruhh,. 197 ~fr. l~ in rx,~t~l1te ~nd it;, the property of ,1\" "I .,1< nr'!,MI"~il)' to r~."ClI'.':C I . ..,' ,,~."n

the nC\,-ly fMm~d k',al hi~h It}1",,1 Drl',nment of Am~rieani,m: ~fr~, "I \1 R I' h \\" ' in .hool n t ,h d l,nl1r. ,< Ihe I'me hrl"ren 7 o"d l<. 'IIcrew I~,t yeor. R"ot (I"n cMch, Jll",}- k s m e,-; . ro, a ph R. "~tlin"" 0.'7 t. e ,T1:~mCTemenh I.ihr~f\'. ., If a e "ut ""r r~nF:e 10 ,h~ 111 . t. h 'd h' ' •

Un (i roln ...cott. Jr .• Df"p:lrtm~nt "f !h= J,i:1('"nfn ~rf.: ~f:,,(. G('ja.!.j \fcCr~y. 14,-4 T:ir ('~rllhit at 1he Gtnrral tihrilry 5-"''''''!'~:! ~~:~:r!gthr ~:;'iililil1(r SlCd"l.';l .UIU . \,.!i.::I If! lid:" tr'l t t: tolct thatRM' r~m.;,kcd lhot thi, is ti'e firq Fl,-:: ~rrl, Chorlcs C. A,,:Ire,,'~, luni,," Y k h r\ " 1 pO«;hly' f h " t 'e tIme \\hen n-o't peop'e lcaI'e ill!'time a hi~h ~ehool ~Ihlcte from th,', n . ~r" 1fe; an ~frl. C. Swenson, 637 I~ "'e t r"undrd "lit .nd c"a~i,ls of \'01. . "'" one" t C ~e\'Cral fin~ \\Mk. " . ,

. r".r'ment; Mrs. ~or'ol1 H. Prad, Lincoln Rd. 11m.. from lOony porI.. nf the wMld i,,- medals awarded at ~hn01. \\' ',. .',rro ha' hcen m~de a m~mh~r oi th~t nrrorlmen! "f Drfrn<e Thrnu~h P.trl" I d' \' ------- re: n~" n., rcn"rl '"e l- "'c.t1 . " C II '''1<' a rel' lCa of the famous and "' , ,t llO, nrw. nl,e Fd1lCot;nn; ~Ir< \\',Thom H 'f-.1. r-r- r;",~.'. .' I' R hI Mac.ot Tr-atm.nt ,,<". ,\'"lc ""nd.~" rrtMd i, Ihe :"w-

T'l (' I(i.(' I '. t "n h j ' .. , \ +*. •• •• I T T , , • • • • • • ..... I '" I', rq ... ,nr 1 t I'll '"' ~ T'. o. r'~, \I' ~ ",,',"c,l C"1<,". Ilq'O'lmrnl "f f"'r1"llt Rt- t VACATION I T' T- 'h 1- " . Modf'rnmNi,cin!'\I~~~t"'eblowRy It'l. 'le rerNd ~',rn"t' nf coll, i"r

rl';::"..1It'll;t tLr 1 'I \,."""', nf \\ " ~ \f J ' i 'C: ~~('I ('!~t". 'ran,,1.n \"fo:('l('"l;:t11('ln,....., t 1 ~" .... I \' ,oo , 1,(,-n"<"""j I r.: . -c., -rtrlrnc 11 Ic,=tn, ~"""f"~1 ~ The ern. Ie Pointe Public t ('If J)"'j('l:t T'bl1C: tf'l ri,,,'r,ho.t" ~ k(,(,'!"1- ... a~R(' In 11'e t'-("r11rllf'nt ef ~an'l l' '.~:~ -;'.', .... : (' ',:i'," tl~~\ ',ieP'Ch('r! C:"C" ~nnfl;l\" ;:end \\ 1~ q'('~ :('1 !lri'~r:ml"'nt: ~'iri \frl;, 'R~. :'t,,-'nri H .' Scht)Ol. win h4" dot:4!'CI Tll.r.da +1 <'..1;"r (If rh(' Clrm('nlc:. hhr~n' f"'\;hihlt I ~r("ne. tuber('ul0S1~ or tr.~ nlp and <;l""r\ 'ft \\.11;, :' ",l:rr;. l,'~" tl",li \\01:'aH,,"r ~ rlr'nl 'nf'rrr~ ~I , r Ro~,,- RrcC\' ,nrl ~Irs \\ liil " G II t y, 1 ' ' . :It other bone dl~ea,e~. The mal1~nts _:1"_'rd h,- : 't '''"1('''', <': ~r"~'t ,,!10er' h d J" " ' ~tre,t, cnera 1 M.y •. M..",,,ri.1 D.y. , Ihr d,~nrr en,\' In .1\1nr rnmmcmMH- devour the d,sea~!'d "<0,,. and d., "I' .",.

" I an ,,5 J.s.t .....J;'l'Hi'.C. in "\"'4lJJ~Vn~ DlfCduu. I' ,. .. . '<;:; ,..; r~ r-- :0 O,~I"O'l.Ci \\ I'''' "..- next $U .....-__ .....- -........... • I • I. I I • •• • ••••• I , I I I I I,. ~ni the so::n:1 annl\ersar)' of prLnt1n&- ItrO)" m1ecLJoua bacteria. j Included. _---~ .,.""". "'_---'~ ~

r--' -1HZ CItOII& POIIn'K


'A 1Iew nriaa: tfte _ the -. _Yet.talIed "Beethonn'. BOllIlce." (Don'tknoW about bouncillg, but this 0IlI'1I1 tow.-ke hiw tun;. v\'Ci.)

How to make spring hOll!ecleaning as~::I;"1~5~ '!~ p"c5fhT~ ~~!': de~c:,~bl:::! ~oday by Orla M. Fair, manager of theMichigan State Employment Sen-iceoffice, located at 11640 Kercheval ave-aue.

"All a housewife has to do to takethe ,,'orst headaehes and baekaches outof .pring cleani"g i~ to call Ouf local• tate employment offiee," Mr. Fair $lid.

"We have registered for work a largeDumber of thoroughly skilled womenexperienced in house cleaning work andb<l.ndymen to do the rug beating, plant.inll' anrl hea,'i~r r1~an-uil work,"

The employment office al~o hasald1Ted craftsmen availahle for othertemporary or permanent ;oh~. The tele-phone numher is L."ox 9500.

Spring CleaningCalled 'Painlel"

Veteran DetroitLawyer Dies

Sidney Tro,,'bridge :Miller, '6, of 10B~"e:-!y a ... t7";-"::~9 G:::--:o::e r~ir;a F.rmc;.died ~, his h"me lo~t Sunday night• flH a I"n;or ,Hnr".

~llilrr horl hern ;t weTT-kno\\-n otlnr-n"y and p<lli,ir~1 k~"'cr in Detro;t form'l1y yeon, ),O\'in~ bcen norn hrre in18M. He -"",.duolea Horvarrl I.~w5th",,) ,n d h .. pr,cUrrl law in Delroit.inte l.'tQi,

i)':;-,l'::- thr f'"'1 "'r,-I'" "',c, ~Iilirrh~rf (!'':':''(' ('.f ~I'Ir"'~..l'i'~ R(rl ('r."",l;

5\1h'r:irl,cn, Hr "0< buned Iuc~da}'in Elmwood Cemetery"

Having nothing IlI1ICh to talle abootthese daya, lODleoae uked lla what• ix articles we'd hurriedly gTab to takealong, if we knew we'd be stranded in.i1e6nitely on a deSert isle. Much quicker

, than we could have grabbed any ofthem, we said. "Lawrence Olivier; acrate of pads and pencils; a victrolawith four Bing Crosby records of .StarDust": a thousalld cans of spaghettiand a can ~ener,. The question start-ed ua wondering what other peoplewould take and we made lome wildcuesses about a fe,,: Mrs. Cortland Ie.Larlled: A book of 'guessing' gamu,• dictionary, a comb and a telephone.

Mary Margaret Me.Alpine: A set of1'011 clubs, a tennis racket, bowling balt,row boat and a pair of skis,

Lewis Bredir.: A pair of slaeks. !>m-Iness suit, dinner coat, 'tails and whitetie,' a raZOr and a horse.

!.Irs. John T. Woodhouse: A(Coatinaed 011 Page T'Il'OJ.



---J 1J' • J."



• I I • t I ••



FOI 'Hlf SUMMEtTOU PAY THiS FAll101111'au,.OIlY

'I J t •




PlANO AND ACCOIU)IOMn- MU. 1m fOIl' lat8ritw

Save time and 1lIOlIey with adependable instructor of mod-ern music. Summer sessiollbegin' .oon.

•• II.

pRf" 2

• • • • • I I I I • J

• II

,. D


Apet'mafteDt from. Fa g a ,.fect fol f.. JCMII' S-8GaBet.

Felix Franco;" Beauty Salone.-.. Pol." a."r-tatift 01 .... 0Pfte III ..

P1mch • JacI7 ne.tN Biq. NLflU


1- Mad: at <inJtos I_a K.eMnJ. _. a.u.nH~ fer r.....a.-.. P.. " T..... a- tIoIe ........e-.r for -..!it of $5M _ -a-. J ..,. I.. tI.--


BABY FOODS 3 for 20c

O M )- , MARKET• U ler SI~~.A",

LE.7786 Week.LeI Sp.... We DeliYer


ORANGES, large size doz. 29cPOT ROAST of BEEF : .lb. 25cFOR BJtOIUNG

SIRLOIN STEAK ~ ~ .lb. 39c

16023 Mack Ave. at Devonshire

••• I I


.'. ,.

S8aday-Moaday- T.... yMay ZII, 27 • ZI



F~bria7...,. JC .... ZS



SAT .. 11 P. M.H.... H"""-t, "LOttie AecW.t"

I'tu FIctt& "Ditpt.,. U4 • ~cleJ:noaltl'atiOll to IiY. Yiaiton aU thefacti about Plu. tile U.n-enal Built,.FiBish. "

~~~~~:~:~:~;'~:;Iwhich to writ. the ZS..... «d prille ,tal ••_I..

Tu eoatat witt be opaa to U)'8IIe.lIICcpt .. pIo, ... of the Iter. Ol th.irfaJDwe.. Tllere is IlO oblipliclll to buy.. ythialr aad so fallCy writiq ui1ity~ .ecesl&t'1. EDtriet will be iudled 011

:he :i=.ple merits C'f the Itltemect'l.and in the eymt' 01 a 'lie, dliplicat.prize, ....ill be awarded.

So coaellldcd Mr, Rolf: "'W. feellIII'e tat so OM wiH ... , this cppor.tuny to Yiait Ollt It«. tltis Fridayaad !Saturday ... UW thiI WlJ'to-wia 1octJ~" •••c..w L.iIar ............ s-r,o.Koueldd Scnice tot tile put 12yeart, 1UIIIOtUIC. ".0 ~e Pointeclientele his pwdsaM 01 eM buisteMof "Jordu tb. Iledi.anie," wllo ......fonaert,. located at St. ,lld Ker.ehenL :t.t: r. Lacier ,tat.. he is in •positioa to ,;,..e uuIInt' IItYiee, Jimoat,. to hi. piese.t eJlItoIQn but aboto all tb. folka w:ho *-ulr dependedupon "Jordaa the WedwUc:" lei- a widerue' of __ bold repaU- .. "ice•.M]eny" iI_lecated at 4134 Hereford,Cllnlet Eut Warra.

a-. " ...... a..w-.151" Mack eaue. wishes aD hi.frimdl aad CUItclIUn is! the PoiDte tobow be is most apfCecia.tivc of theirmill to his ,tar. ftrUtl' NatiosWHudwwe 0Pas H-. Week. April 25to Il.,... It is his bopc thet aU whoCUle fOUll4l their _ l'eU ,pent in1oclIrin6 on~ th, interutille lllerchaa-dUe uhib~ed at that tinIc, aad .till tobe __ bJ ally. who .wish to drop ia.

In aD the darknes •• there i, • ,teadyRalll_DON'T f~t it-the RedCross)

W....... y_ 'l"ltundayMaya._DAVID NIVEN I


I Continvoa. PerflM'manee :llnrnd.y from 1:45 P. M. I

II J I ld II

• • •

Points & Pointers

p..... ~ .. IItJt ..... .. ......

the Ifnt American Kovel, bat youprobably will .nnt to write a .imple 2Sword statCllletlt and .-in the Fietta !lO-r;~c!!! dinner en'emble that'. to be..... rded to a resident of this county.

Aeeordilll' to Mr. Rolf, of Rolf'.Hardware, J.41 Fishel' Road, dealer inLo"'e Brothers Paints, the Fiesta en-!emble table service for six is amasterpiece of sparleling colors. Andin addition to a complete set of ,enu •ine Fiesta dishes in a. Jervice for sixit incJurles knives. forks, spoon., tumb •lers and Itlas'\\'are.

~Yel," say. ~rr. Rolf. th:s din.'er en.semble ,,'ill he ,tinn ."'.y free to the.....inne~ of O'Jr lCl(:alc<>Me,t open onlyto reJTdent. of this ~"ulltv.'

C: .. :.t '\, ~ T'I ...'( .' !•• --~ ".VII rn .. Hat~m~"t toda •.

T ,majt,ne Inat eHr~' "'''man "'ould1,ke I... ha"e thiS en'em!>!e for her home Iit's sold hy leading department Ilore~the "'orld "'ver. ~ntl ;,', made "" th""rid.. !arlte,! maker of poiler ... 'f\'rryonr f~ invitf'o tno ~r ~~ore th "r,,,('('1..: end 10 ~rf' O~1r P1a~ C(.l.or Fit",a..nrl 10 ~,...."' ....~ ~.~r ... (".n ~ h'\'h to r,a<etl'l"':r .?~.\l .....rc{ (t'li~~('q !\.ldtrmC'ilt. \\ t'

,II.," arr.nae<i & ~loriOiI. Illimaled

no.. diAiDtr out are findiDB every tastesatisfied at Eugelle'" Detroit', restaur-ant CJttraordinaire, located at IJ90!Wt JelJerson at Lakeview. NO.... lI!Ideethe experienced managership of PaulP~pu, Eugene's cuisine is of a natUl"etruly differenl. In addition, patrons areentertained with music by Muzak. Andju~t w~t ~.. "Mu,ic by lluw.k?- The

IanswCl' to tbil entails a 'rilIit to Ea-, 1Iaar!..gene.. Patrons will find ~Dgene'. air- A :17 ~ted hamDulr

I::"v:":::'~:1': ...._1 ~=~~~~ ........- ...halll has ~en appointed to the .taff of'Spirena Corsetti~es. She will urnGrosse Poin!e resident&.


Faitlt LuthenDChurcIl

~rly 3.95

lor 3 dtIy. only- \

GROSSE POINTECsulo~ r.1daf S".. ., SI. CIIIb

Smartly Styled

Hostess Stand

1VIdte W'f'OaIht II'OJl ",hls I'.ftIencI rP- top.A ..,. ...... _"er for pon:k. 1errIIee 01'

r-.. LR1y e.nied by the ...-eelul1y de-Mped Uadie. Lep are tipped witIa rubber8ad • nil U'OIlIld the 11- top pre't'_te

p.e. 01' pIaaa froaa aIJdia« ••Tbpe la eIaoIee of pry ......... eoJon ndthIae, yellew 01' poeea. A "'OIlderfai WII.••• ~ .... e .... dum • third the ftIIUlal'priee. Early nillftioa adftJed.

RALPH M. CLARK, Secretary, Board ofEducation, Rural ARTicvI~ Schoel Dil.trict No. J. Croue Pomt. TOW1ltllip,Wayne County. Michi,a ...


PRECINCT No. I-To IncIad. the ...... of Jd __ A...... tJ...-rlot .. - the east aide 01 Wlaittier RoM, Lab St. Clair. the City limita, 'rOt" the JW.t Tro&EIbI7Schcaoi, IZI 8eecoa.&eJd, GI:OIIe PoiDte PUtr.

PRECINCT No. Z-To iac:1ude the ...... of Mack Annae,.-r lot liM... tile eat .... of ...... Mile Drift, micWle of Jethnoa A"I'....... 1M CitF&.it. (iadadea J.oth aidea of W.JfNm A-aue). "I'otiq pIace.t 1M G.arpDel.. School, 154Z5KerchenJ Avers", CroNe Pomte Park, Midq ...

PREClNcr No. 3-To iDcIvde the middle 01 Mack Aversae,.-r lot Iiae... the eat IicIe of N" RoM, Lake 51.Cair. rear lot 1iae 011 tile welt aide ofAd la i A...... votiq place at the Lewis E. Maire Sc:booI, 741 Cadift'1I!...... City of GroNe Poiate, Midaipa.

PRECINCf No. 4-To iDcIade the middle of MacIi: A--, I'eU' lot line... 1M acrth aide of Mona Road, Lak. SL Cair ....... lot liDe 011 .-..t .weef 1.1r"'1UMI A..... "I'otiac place .t t1Mt P .... CaIlrieI RichanI ~ .. I"McKiDie,. RoM, ero.a. PoiateF-., Mic:Iaipa.

PRECINCT No. .... At ....... t to izsc::Iade .0 temtor,. betweea WeirLaae oa the ~ and tIse rev lot liDeof Memw-tber oa the lOath, ....fraa lAb 011 the --t to the middle of Dufflo Ro.cI be7- tile' place at the Kerb,. ScbooI, ... K~ R.... ~ PoiDtef M~ 'VOuy

PRECINCf No. t-To aD territor,. aortli of Weir t.-e • theCoaaty U. .. from Lab St. to the eut .... of Mart .. Roed, at the V..... ScbooI, • V..... Ro.d, GroMe Poia~ Shona, Micllip8.

PREClNCf No. 7- To iacfode aD territor,. nortfa of Weir t- ... theeo-t,. L... .... from tile ,..,. lot line of Marter ROIid _ the .. t to tIM..... of Dafio RoM,~, place at the Muoa School, 1141 V... D-...IIen-. Pointe Wood., Mic:Iaic_ --

17010 KERCHEVAL,~ ~ ••••• _.' Wi -.II,,,.,... f,. .... 9

.' '~

- s.~. the ZSda day of May. A. D. 1Nt, aad oa Saturday. the 1st day of JaM, A. D..... ...... 3:11 o'elodc P. M. to .:. o'clock P. M.. Eaatern StaadanI IQIIe (Z:. o'dodi:P. M. to. o'cIocIi: P. M .. Ceatral Stanclard Time) 011 IHIth of whieh day. all lll'irqiatwed... &6 •• echooI eMden of tile District may rqiater for the annaal eleetion of the SQoolDiatrict to ~ held' on June 1•• A. D. It4I, ancHor other e1ectiona, reaenl or apeciaI, ill theDUtrict. util a e-a.I n.rqiatration is ordered aecordia .. to law.

Notic. ie aleo an- thet provi.ion h.. 1Men made ~ the Board of Eclacatioll 'or the.....-entia. of .a -aUt..... and qaaIified edtool eleetOl'l of the cliatrict .t an, time ciar-.. ofice hoan lry the of the don neme'll elementary school .. andlor the Seen.tuy. _:or the Superintendent of SdIoo I., ..,d for the Purchase Apnt 01 the BoanI ofW::~~, .t the ofice cf ~ RUOt.tJvf £due .Uun, 38i St. Oair A.-I, GroeN Point.City. Midaipn.o.t'fod MlIY 7tt., '14'),


. t .....,.".

rJ\-~Oi<:: ~--o.,... ' ..T'"".I~-~-E.."~:ir~t/." .. . . ~~ ..

~r. ..:t:'" ........;... I r. . - .

tbf~theRegistration of Unregistered QuWfiad School'.£leeton Of Rural Agricultural Scho 31 Diatrict No.1,

.of the Tow~ of Groae Pointe, Wayne .CoUnty, Michigan

:: '. NotiCe' ia liereb,. given that there wiiI be a reaiatration of the:~ quali6ed electors of Rural Agricultural School Diatriet':No. 1, Graue Pointe Township, Wayne Co u n t,., Michigan, at theJl!""inl' places of the leveral precineb of the c:liatrict, to--wit:


..... • ....... IE .... 'Of' • ....... Sunday, 10 ;45 L m..-Putor ~ D. n....u..",..,., ~ at0.-.,..,. ..Spriq itMlf. W..... 1.inhart -ill pr.'ch at SlIllUv', Wl)I'- Waybum, i. llqiBaiq a new ,.rin 04..%-11:-.... ...~-- -_ .... J...... ~ - •- -- - abip Service at 10:45 a. .. lteautifu.l Tru.BIIi Eaamel Ware to be

M. Evelyn Butler A Crusadera' luacheoa uel .-tin, ~~e~:~e~:,:~:.:~ Weclact.will b. held 011 Sunda,. at 6:00 p. m. Tbil new kilche. treat Is double

HAIRDRESSER .. The Re". GeCll',e lluedtldqo ()( AJUt e:::l::d. on t:i~ hoTj' :::e~;!! ill t~~!!

~ II ~ ~ at nlREEp

MILE " p ~', 2-_ II:t=~~':::,k~i~ ~a:~:;1:::::::-::~,, == -; cliall,. is!vited to attetld .. d obtaia •

I- lid of the.e wouderful kitchell 1IteuiILn. cloon opes at 5 :45, witllthe 1i.t11 feature berinailll at 6:00-i:. aI. • ~_D_"" 4i: _ • I Th.. "",_'h...... Il~,\,.)' w••~ .........,r ""-_.........- '" a....3' _. III'bich has bee1I olftred for the \&It 11weeka on Wcelnadai aud Tbursda,.nia-bt .... ill DOW be dwlCed to Frida,.and Saturday ...,eain«- to permit anladies to CClIZlplete their H*-

• • •II'"........II........ IIF ...activity of H..,.', k .. $1..00 5tos'e.14P40 Kerc.benJ. 20_ ... _.ectioewitb tbe utica.wide ttOdset _Ielt.. 1ticlI wiI1 IWU the 1940 crochetchalllClioa this faIL ProcIaitaiq thelIle.sage of "Be the 1940 Challlpion"lthe .tore is -kisIa' ...ery dort tobrift6 the national title ud lI0G0n tothis community by helpine Ioc:a1 WOlDenenter t be _all&1 CGIIIPCtitien. It.-eoporU that IIIU)' 1oca1 .-nideDU wiI1take part in the ioaI IlltioaaJ ~.

Oificial, of the etoh ~1aiB that aUmtriee in tlte CIOttt .. t alllt will • intpria f« eNehet in a 1940 conty,local« .tate to bec:oaae eJiciltIe f« thenational finals. The atore hu thereforetied It, an ~k Jlepartmeat uptrith the uti¥ity ... tk IocaJ falt.which wiI1 take! !hi. temt«ydllriaa' the year. AI ~eten are be-ine advised to> eater" lJM:jr unm-kimmediatel,. ia Ute fain. with the hopeul wilIAinc lint JlrizD..~e.

Within thestM'e, ~t ~ poet.eI", &Dd biuen aBD8Ullai the COIIte,tand ppla.iD the duaifieatiolU iBcl1lClediB the judcia:J. ODe potter' of particu-lar inter .. t chal1eqes aD - with a Groue ~tioaI"ltaPti- readiq. "W~I c.. • Ii..Crocbet Better ThaJl Yoa''" The thaI. COI I' I .......... 0IIeJlata. it printed IJaide a JIbDtoIraph of cat. e&ILVJ'. two ra,W,ib, a lock ofJoba J4iJ1er, croebetialr haheliaek of ~ -- cbickeMUd. • pal.Sacr~ Ca1if.. who __ of the Cooper Wood: A erate of eo4ee_jar prizes iB the .a,aetest hald last beau, a Packard AND a chaufeur, ayeaI'. MUJ'_ are oat to rneaae short waYe radio ud iltlD«Irecls •• ,...Mr. J4i11er'. triampb. tel')' It.orieI.

Oerkt ill the d«e are prepared to J4n. ~ N. MKdouw: A cookaas all qllettiaG, 1"ClIUdU!a eIItJ:y book, 18 at1u, the SodaJ J)irect«y, • I I I I I • • ., ,. • • "Iand the type of threads and desipa plac:e carer. aad • bair-dreiMr. BLESSING'S BETTER 'DINNERS AREthat ...iU be ~e. Rule ,hew &l'e HaroId:a. Boyer: Sac polo poaiu PLANNED ESPECIALLY FOR GROSS'E!te:i1lC c!istribllted .ct'D3. the collnter. &lid .. ftI_ of limerick&. .'&Iy mercerized croch.t ~fOII is e. We' .. heanl of cutiq peat!. before I POINTE DINEftS _ble for the ~test, the .tor. explaina, swiM _ aenr (.-tiI nc-tlT) had w....... -...-- tUt tIoa II .... ~ ==-.IUld 10 eIu-. of detipa ...m be at- - bear' ei .... .otIsbaDe to wed_' .w.-t -tM.. _ ..,.Iicy e s' t • F. e-.. Dr.-~ ne~~.&UJe- -. At tM Book-BaRr wed- at == tMt..toiIe ... ;...u ••........... 11M ....... he '-4~ lriiPEea• .........,. r~ ~ ~. e..'.. fa o...L~..... f ...........

ia« __ iIIeab ........... ....,. bon G. P am-t ......., - ...... sBJirmeDtr, I:oaseholtl acceuories. fas'h- in a 'L~ ~t' that JC:lt the pelt; 7Scion accCUOl'ies, edalnp f!t iD.lCr'tioal. lCIIny.;ac for a 01 air. One of 0Uc:k_ NOCMIe s.o..and chair ad.. 1D addition, .pecial tboH best frieIIda who DO tell )'QU, JUI- Rout Milk.fed Odck_ with dresaiDa IIDd paY'J'prizet will be awarded f« tbe best lested that lie de-lIIOthiu hinakl£ be- Breaded FroC Lep, tartar Macecrocbet .abmitted b,. pit DlIdCl' 16. f«. pnxeediq aBY further into the Broiled Beef Tenderloin St-.k, with mualsroomaby ladie. OYer IV, and by IDen. It i. mid,t of the pth1!riD{- Tbe C. p. b., Broiled Lamh 0uJpa oa Tout, miDt jellyexpected tbat DIIny lII&scu1iae crochet- wbo ...... thas CMI Isis 1 1 1- cIas. of Carden V.. etabIe Salad~ win partidpate in the ,pecial MFor cbampape. du&' iDto Ilia pockets and Creamed Whipped Fresh Gnea 'P ..llen Onlf" cia,.. hauled out hudfult of IIIOthballs, ....hich or or

• • , be tOiled to tbe paui. l'11e.t,. A jolly Frebch Fried Potat_ Fresh Kerael ComW ..... _ to .. that 1.N.e&e Mar. time -- had by al.I---notwithstaod- • Fresh Strawherry 5ho1'tcak.

tin, who for .everal years has been iDr. Coif .. Tea or Milkregarded u on. of th. Poi.ute's for.- If ,ou missed "Littl. Chkallee, to with THURSDAY SPECIAL!most h.irdressers, has joined M.rie W. C. Fields and)(&1 West, J'OII're vcr,. FaD Coarae T'lll'key DiDDer, SSeBird at the Grolle Pointe Hairdressers. lucky. LaBelle We.t .hould have re- Other Week.Day Dizmen, see up

At tbe present time Mis, Ilartin', tired after her Iasl opus aacl Fields is w. omcerely .ppreciate F..uJy .... __ ..... at aD !lmae.ervice. are on I,. available 011 TbW'l' too lI'I'eat a amitu to be cast in a to _intaia .... tmosph ..... tllat b pIeuaat, cardial, ealc.dated t and Friday" 'drool' like this oae. Th. biIh Ipot (if to f ..1ks truly i..t_ted ia w1t ~ ..

• • • ally) W'U whea Field .. whl> h.. hac!. a FAMOUS BUDWEISER AND IoLTES ON TAP

Mn~bt beioI'e,"1ookri at hiDue1f in the A. BLESSINGmirror. stuck out his tOBPe and said,'AD aight long, a mid&'et with muel onbit fed, Isa, been trampilll' &rOWld 00m,. t~e." That ought to anideal






3 for llc1 for Ie



• .... th. -HIDDEN STAIRCASE,-




Oraan P.......... P... ~ ••. pb.LIPTON'S GREEN TEA, !fl-" pIq., •



SOAP4 ...21c


ilLUXFlAKES 2-----------SSPRY--3


SUPER MARKETS14m Kerchenl AYe.,at AJt. lW.

1.- Eo J..... MIIl 12111 Waod •••7.31 KerclMwai IU. IIadl

lUZZ £. WalTa 71M W. 1IcN"......152M E. WUTeII mI. CnDI Rhw'------------------------

eRA nOT OI'PIaU517 GnDo< Aft


1I400} .... e-_DEAR.BOJlN

2t13~A_WYAND01"JW5046 fiac s....



Friday and Saturday




Double eoated on utna hea.,. enamel. Cobalt Woe tMm handlea cannot comeoff. Air tirht con.... Heat proof.

15001 CHARLEVOIX, cor. Waybum


the gift ,hal ~ indupensable

r....CAN com,,"'te ,..,.... S_th ...n B.....ty...... Set. 11oe ... tift • .nO be amn to tJ...cIift nffY





White men probably made a 'rOyaleinto Minnesota in 1362, 130 year, beforeColumbus landed at San Salvador, Dr.George Lechler, Wayne Universityilr<heuiogist, has repoMed to membersof the American Archeological Society.He pointed to evidence accumulated infour years of research, ,howing thatthe mysterious Kensington Runestonefound 186 Uliies liouthweH of Duluth isIIn authentic "calling card" of theNorsemen. Hi, finding. augment thoseof certain other ,cientists which pointto tbe same conclusion: but there is nounanimity of opinion on the Rune'Itone', genuineness.

The 2OO-pound boulder, inscribedwith runic 6gures, describes an explor'Iinll trip of "eight Goths and 22 !\or-wegians" that year and the establish.ment of their camp at the spot wherethe stone reposed 'When a Swedishfarmer discovered the curiously en-araved message near the small villageof Kensington, in 1898, the figures weretranslated; but, they were branded aforgery, largely on the assumption thatthe Norsemen could ne\'er have pene-trated SO far from their Greenland ,et.tlements.

Dr. Lechler, after uamioging arch-eological, historical, and geographicalevidence involved, bases his belief inthe ,tone's genuineness largely O!1 thepeculiarities of spelling in the wordstlsed. These p«uliarities, long believedevidence of the forger's clumsiness,have been found through research workwithin tbe past year to be typical ofNone runic writinJrs at the purpoMeddate.

Historical t Ten t. transpiring inGreenland would almost certainly bancaused the Norsemen to become ac,quainted w'th HudM)n's Bay, whencethe" could hive penetrated by watermost of the way to Kensington.

Enormous Bags

Paris FlashesThe formal blouse III very much

in evidence.Simple black for daytime rank...

high in style prestile.Slim straight silhouette con-

tinues to gain in favor.Dark dresses have colorful

yokes, the hats repeatin, thecolor,

Agne8 creat.. matehln, bllg5llnd hats of check ,inChalnS, alsochintz,

The newer skim ne fashioned,,-jlh hIp )'oke~ from wluch fall,pleating.

LeadlJ1' couturiers lire crealing beautitul cotton froca ftlday and eveninl.

Newest afternOOl'l IIrln. ar'pa tterned with widel)' spec ~med~um~;7e flnwl1!"~.

Afternoon Frock inCarnival Stripes...

Red, yellow, blue and lI'eftl arestriped in a Carnival effect on ablacl: sheer background for a lon,sleeved afternoon frock. Thl bodiceis lIOttly bloused and trimmed with• rippled harlequiJl collar of Iheer,.,hit~ organdy,

Paris Frocks HaveTheir Own Coats

The seuon promises to be moreIlUit-y than coat-y. and mOlt of thecoaa are Ihown with frocb, eithermatched or contrasted. Sports coatiare made of Iu1ry surfaced woois,the 1I.J.dfless de.p than iJ1. the TeddyBear varieties of the winter.

Cheviot and elia,ona! worstedsere imro!1ant. ChecD and o;Jlail:l.i,ofteJl restramed. are also Hen.

Som. of the DeW bap are thateDOrtIlOUII they are a!moat amusiD(-that is tmtil you become aC'CUI-tomed to them. ThQ take care IIic:e-Iy of an the little belcmgiDp youwant to catty 'trith J'01L TIle hUld-aome bac matebed to the hat miladywear!! In th", picture is really quiteCaDservative in size compared to 'blip _ will • -inc this IJIlI'incaDd _. '!'be pocl-klokiDc cha-.-,..n '14 • • .- ~...lien Jr'" aDd whitewith popp_ aD4 • poppJ~

veil u dec:or&tive teatur .. , ,

Grecian SandalsWith Evening Wear

The lIDCient goddesses wore noheels, where today'l medema wa1kon wed, .. , That is almost the onlyessential cWrereuce, however, be-tween the mythological versicma ofthe I&JIdal and those designed to ae-rnmnAnv mndflrn ~vpnin. drIfllR.w~.You - will find today's mortal .od-desses wearill, ,old kidskin onesmade with nanow straps that criss-cross the feet and are tied well~boV!! the ankle bone with a smallbow.

By r,RERIE NTCHOL.-\SIt d.epeBdls OD ....hether the Iweet

1m ".duate f.vor. the .implestItreet-1eDIth type to wear U!1der herCODventional IOwn or a more formaltype tAat will .rve al a party frocklater or. in the summer, U to thematerWs belt .uited.

SbarUkin. cottons:, especially pI,que. aDd variolll crepe. are rec-ommended for the .impl. Itreet-lenJrlh dress. For interest, play uppockets, IIDpreued pleats, yoke de-tails, wide midriJr beltl introduced... part of the dre .. , cunnlnll bo-\ere. and ether elever littl.e hi,h-spot Itflinl detalla.

Dotted swiN, eye1eted pique, eot-ton lace aDd or,audy .acll hav.their place a1Io in the fabr ie list for"acluatinl frocks. formal or iD-formal. '

1ft dreMJ' anoocl that foretelldauce and party .ventl for wm-mer, you have IUch intriIUiJtCchoice. u mouueline de lOie, mar,quiRUe. Det, ehiflOA and quaintdimiti.ell.

The bit DeWS for the (irl "adua"Ia about lowers. You do the un-IJIIU&1 thiI lNlIOn-clip them to )'OQl'dip1om.all. or CIl!TJ' out the lower-bracelet idea, pose them In the bairand. JOII caD eel dect ill lon, swinl-m. iesiooDa. Bouquet.l of quaintold-tashioMd Sowet'll accent- youth.

Garden 01 RosesA rose census by Parll: Superin-

tendent WIlham Nicholas of the20,000 rose bu~hes surroundIng (t,e

IRo~e !:lowI at Pasadena. Cilllf., reovealed thilt there are 67 Iund. offO$U fepre5QDted.~_.,-

• Costume Hints for ThinJu WhIte MenCollege Graduates R_~ed Minnesota

__ Re810n In 1362Material and Style Matter 01

Individual Taste.




TIle Art School of Arts and Crafts:,"7 Wataon, held ill annual exhibit ofstudent works last Tuesday. The ex-hibition was followed b" a tea.. Theschool. will Jive ita Huge Ball on Sat-'Urdayeveniq.

• ••Mr, and 1IIn. Heary P. F"sseher of

Grand Marait Boulevard, Grosse Pointe,Pointe, UIIIOllDce the marriage of theirclallghter. Dorothy, to Willis W. Bnt-terfield, I0Il of Yr. aIId Mri. ErnstBatterlidd, of Los ADcdes, Calif. The

I.~~.:e:.==t=-r'~~<;~~=~I May 1", at St. Bona.,mtare Monasteryin'Detroit. •• •

KiM )(~'Kiiter; dlnlltlta' fIfMr. and Mra. joHpb P. :aiiller of l246YOS'kshire Road, was awarded a. wbitejacket for partidpatmg in at leut 17sport. at the close of sports day at SLYary', CoUege, Notre Dame, lad. Mar-guerite, who will receive her degreethis June, is well !mown at 51. Mary'.for her intereat in extra curneular ac-tivities.


f#L. UI76

I • I ,


la BuiaeN Onr ZI Yean

For Authorizecl Waahing MachineService. Call TUxedo 2.7077

Grosse Pointe WasherService


- S • see -

THE ,ECKHARDT CO..9342 GratIot A.enue


Full Line of Fertilizen and InsecticidesComplete Landac:aping and Maintenance


WM. G. STAMMAN,Village Clerk.

Notice of Public Hearing1940 BUDGET

Perfectly Cleaned andR.flnl.hed for Your

Decoration Day Outing

We: Deliver

Monday, 1\1ay 27th, 1940at 8 o'clock P. M.

ImperialCleaners and Dyers

MackAye.AtNottlaPam TU.2-3~OO

To the Residents ofGrosse Pointe Park:Notice is hereby given that in ac-

cordance with the provisions of theVillage Charter, a Public Hearing onthe 1940Village Budget will be held_at the Municipal Building in the Villageof Grosse Pointe Park on


I , 'I • ,. I , F I I I • F 3 I T----------_. -----.---------

GrMIl ~ hIIIeCudidatel for' atb1ltlo III

ucidt c.r- IiVlid 011. eae-.dried Ais. bollad craiB with ...,.:water IDd DO meat.










w. .. ' 5 ... -......

.... ....a i I c:.-

... -1)nPIIW.

14m ~Le ..8275.. AaW-I

It... HI ...... 3GC LEao. ICtI- AJt.- It... 15111 ~


to A.,. atria 01' ......

........... R..,.iriq &lid R......

LINOLEUMN. PnoI.ctio. w.....-W .... tH W"

Aa It S_1oI .. D_Mblearer LiDoIeam Layen

c...,.Iet. u.. ..Ane_troooc u-Iewa I ........

!51Z3 M..,k A TU. Z.~R. Gn.t Caidaer. Prop. Detroit, MicIl.


Vemt Fiaiah 15SHIRTS C


15 u.. S9cAD flat piece. include 1uaMIr ..

chief. _utifuDy iroaelI.AU wearml' apparel relu ....

ready for iron ...We Specialize in CcntaiatI ,

~ Pick.U..... 0-..,. FRdLE. '-373

'" Coplin, near Je.enclIl




Fur Coat Special!Aa, Iv coat a.....d, GIuecI ad Stencl ill OOJ' CoW StonpVaults,$U5- ... to $1.. YalaataL w...... the ..., latatFur Coat ""_,_ 1...... 1. Get __ ....- for u, aItentieee,aa .., .,..ill __ W. a1ao ... ". J.... U'GaBII .torap f.oat of t&. Yoa,., for the d-niq aab - illtbeFaIL


1&21. Madr, ... Bedford EetaIdiaMi Sme. 1m


Edelweiss Nursery20393 MACK, at Lancaster

Near 8-Mile Road

Grosse Pointe Woods

JeIacd witll at ill predudq VIrion. de...... TIle ... stioaa of thole whOfa_ a .maIler plate are bcine thorooacIaI:r eoaaidered. We certainly wouldfaYell' ..... Ucr one, 10 Ioq •• vilibilitywere nol .. trili~ed, because the State.yu mone,. in reduc illl the .i&e, !eNneel bcill' require d.

"When the police olficen alld thealltOblotive research 'Bell I'el throuPteatinc the diJIerellt lample. on theroada, we'll stud,. their 6ndinct. Thelillat selection will be based on actualclri~ina experience, 1I0t on Illy penonalpreference for this 01' that color com-biaalion, aiae. or any other factor en.terillc ieto tbc problem.'"

UPPER MACKCleanerlr. Tailor

17457 MACK at NEFFro :t.!1!!

FREESTORAGE(AU <ar-t. I ....... )

"'a....c of waoMs .. fgjoprmeat&. Mea', eaib altered.F"1nt ... work 1UU'Ulteed.

CEDAR FARMSGrade A Poultry Farm

EI'I'ILm arKI Dressed Poultry





Strictly F..... E...P .. 1try o.-oed Wlioi1e YOll Wait

LEo 3M3 15117E. JdenGII



AUemon'. F1on.ta S. CARLSENAND GREENHOUSES I PaiDter usd Decorator*W. TeIear-aPIa FJorw..... P'-:'L'--_

V"..a Ow Adjoiaiq e.-..s._ -17111 Mack at Uaiwnity DETROIT 3715 HanIiq DETRon

1n.;-POiNTiLANi:SCAP';:';: ~~I~N~Co~~~'

c-..I GaroIeaiq.Dd I.t..;or PaiBti,.. uod D-uiq_k_.nttiq, R-M. ••• t.l, ,.~ ..L- R__RIa. E-tima-.e. fr.I, . -- ""T 1_

.-- CIea- .. , Ow MottePIIoae MU. 175C I. Fairftn,-A_ U- ..

T\hedo z..-aC. ELLAIR Sr.


EatalolialMolt_I3ZIB-u5eld Aft.

...... Poat. P....

How I. Your

. t • ,'(.,,' - '.' ..- -

Ready Reference Business Directory



EJec:tric Motor R....

DUNCAN" McNICOL141Z7~ ... t W.,...

NiPie. s-..Ta. Z.IlS' T~~

New Michiaaa PlatesWill Be 'Road Teated'

Vacuum Cleaner. REPAIR

'COMPLETE REPAIRSero... PoiDte W...... SenieeTU. 10"" .,. MACK



N_ ...,... .. r.- m-U.- JteWIt ..".. P Jib _La._ .......e-.. r..... 11_ A. sa..

A. C. V........ I. 1.Uepoia ..Cd ,. JIlL M7I DeIiwr

P. ...-t ... p ....... _ all __ ......k---. Saw .



Be"~ Bvilt Bett ... Sw.ieeA ..... i"._ Rf1NIired and Port U.


SERVICE 0.... N._N..... UfO lleat _ priaeEJecIric __ or ....... AI ... Amrt"" 1n~T •. z.m.

---- !SIZI Mad< A.... 11413 I ••••••ClYMAN REFRICEJtATtON ---------.SEltlVE, .. M_ It... IJOB PRINTING of the better

Gr_ PM" F..... Nt..-s kind done by the: GrOIle PointeF 11M"'t _ die e.--j Printinr Company, ]5121 Ker.

r 1 dtnal A.....


Section 1. No perlOll, firm or eorpo.ration .hall distribute or caule to bedistributed any obsceae, immoral orlewd printed matter 01' picturtl or •combillation of the two. Of' matterwhich adloocates unlawful coaduct, inthe City of Grosse Pointe.

See. 2. No penOll, firm or corpora •tion Ihall litter or cawe to be Iittere4Illy .treeta, aIIe1l, public places, oroth er ou taide premise. either IHlblic orprivate, in the Cit,. of Grosse Pointewith aa,. printed or written IlIatter.

See. J. It ahall be unlaw! al to ob-.truct traff"1C OIl public slreell, an.,.. orwalla in the City of Grosse Pointe illthe distrlbutioA of an,. writttli orprillted IlIatter.

See. •• It .haD lie unlAwful for u,.person, firm or corporation to distri.bute or caase to be distributed in theCity of GrOise Pointe aa,. cOllllllercialhandbill or other l'r!!!!e!! Ol' "l'rittentommcrcial matter by placitll' or the Ame to be placed in .n,. allto-mobile or in any yard or on any porchor ",stibule or in allY mail ~ !lOt inthe possenion of ar under the COIItrolof th~ penon 10 di.tribatinr.

See. S. Section 4 of this ordill&De:tshal! not be applicable to the di5triba.tion of an, n~wspap.r or magaziae; tothe deli,'ery of mail; to Ihe deliTeryof any matter .....hich the OW1Ier oroccupant of the premise. 1IIa,. hlYeheretofore requuled to be delivered atthe pr.mises: or to Ihe distributioll of ,any printed matter (~her than obscene, ----REFR---IGERA--.-no--N--immoral or I.wd printed or WTitlCll mat. . _ter or pic,ures or a combination of thetwo) by ~ttaching the same 10 an OIIt.side door Or scr.en knob durini' d:t,.light hours in such a way that it willnot be blown off,

See. 6. It Ihall b. unlawful for an,.person. firm or corporation to distrilnlteor caus. to he distributed in the Cityof Cr05!e Pointe any commercial hand-b,lI or other printed (lr ..,.ilten com.m.rci~1 matter by the ringing of doorbells, knockinll' at doot\, nr ~ny othermeans of .llr~ctinR' one inside thepremise" '0 com. to or e>pen the en-lrance door. unle's slIch person, firmor corporalion theretofore secured thewflttrn cons~nt 01 th~ occupant of theprtrnis~5.

See. i, It ,hall be un 1a..-ful in thesale or di'lrihu,ion of any ",ues, mer.cna,ldis., newspaper. magazine. pamph.1.t or am' I'nnlcd or "fllten m~tler fortIlt or.1':" m ...'klllR t,u:" or ("auslO~ thecLsttlbut,on to call 0111, rma a bell,


~~ ie .... ~ .-k .,..aeIf: -.nmw ... ~ faa,.

UP'. 1DOto'I'!", hritchts, waD pl~ :YKlltlJII dotter Ier'ric.. Prompt alldre1iabJe. Call aDy time. LEo 1552.



HOllse painting. roofs ltained and wiD.~crwa PUttie,d. Stucco and brick paint-ID&' • specialty. AIIIO paper hanginland interior decorating. We parant~eall our work and come recommended.All utimatn free.

E.t ., GyPlIY TraIlGYPIJ caravaas are a thing of the

pas1 in Bobelni. and MOTam, JlOWpart of German,.. Every InGYmust register • perm_nt resi-dence wiUl the police atlthoritiu.Failure to do 10 mean. interDmtlltin a labor earn"

,j The Stroh Brewery Compan,Detnit, MKJU. ...

LADIES. yoar IiIfllJ'e-PresCtYe the ap-puliua aDd natural charm and be

the en..,. of ,our act. Hollywood'sncwest and moll effeetive method ..French and Spanish lDanlge by skilledexpert. By appoiDtment only, Yourhome or our studio. Trinity 2.1605.


Have your decorating done now,Thirty yean ullerience. Beat refer-~n....,. Quick scnke IIOW. TII:udo• 2.7143.


1511. Mack at Wayhna

BOUSE PAINTING-Wall wuhinlf.No job too ana1L NL 76i1. =P:-:A~INT::-::::::-:-ED--walh--d-ean-e4-by--m-a-cb-in-e.

FOR R2NT No mllll: holu. '.OlIIlIlete--- -. ill OIle da,. UN. 2-7486.

BUNGALOW-S __ Ud bath~ re-& iaa atioo: ...... ao:eltfIlt tOIl&-

tir& ICUCl. Call --... and all da,~. «NeWport. LE..3. .ODICES far dmtitt. New baildinc-

Grot. Pointe Woocia. 111lIocr. CallNt. SIlll.


BEAUTIFUL Dew income: 2 bedrooms,

I cas beat, air conditioned. 5SJZ Cour-rille. TU. 2-S2.52.

IFtnUnSHED house for rellt-Sennrooms. looe IS.Sept. IS. 636 Wash.

incton Road. Niapra 7ZtS. Shawn by.ppoiatmeut only.

The Gardeaing Season'. Here!We are prepared to serve youin DIUlJ' way~0.. • [[ .a II ....,. .tod.d wido -&

5... ~ -- Ie .. lot ... 6W will.Jow.a,. Spaiq- PIub. w.......... a ...... t... ".. .....,. of ~ e.t n--.

Graue Pointe Florist• ~... NL ZSIJ w. De&nr

T' J

L.N:rM wo........


'VeDetiaa BJirsda a.-..I 01' MecIe to OrderBUY NOW Prica An RiUq

LINWOOD SHADE co.rn. ". 0,. E......


,... r--a._. & __... -... ......-..... ftTw.

a.t- JII-. D-.A St. CWr, JIlL"

StMI, ,_ pet I........ ..,

Picket. for M-tyW.... f_ I~J ..,.

Ma ...... .-ti.a.diea u.......Stell. W.... r. .t _ ._, ....

MEHLENBACHER FENCl co.... ..... £et ••••• 1M PIa,q ZI5I

V-SELL-TRADE USE REVIEW LINER~I ~I~=-E::=~=~::~FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE - h. shell ... is &D1 raMleDc. dietrict ..

'au. WE S~ it 1ivins: room Illite'. STORk.UNE ,pia,. Pea. dia,per can, WHITE GIRL for plleralhou~work: TOTci~EN ~¥iIE:V~~R Go.&.Ti~ de6ued ill the zoaiq ordUsane:t of the.... aad du.1l'~, Buy dIrect and "" Taylor-Tot aJ,de.way, All 111 e"cel. 110 cooki~. MII.t lfO home niaht... ' Cit,. of'Groae PoiDt. or in .uell elote

.... ,Van Lokern, 14547 Chule"oix, lent cortdition, !'iI. 1lOO7. Will consider part time .• Must like chilo WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN. PfOXilait, tIIereto .. te disturb !hote1t1. Z-$423. !!ICYCL£-..28 inch. 1931 Schwu. 6SZ drell. !'iL 2152. Call morllinas acd eve. Sir: ' in tlae refldeace diatrict.DELI'HINlUlI Hybrid •• Z Yelf old Pemberton. ninc-s. You are henbyllOti6ed .the Bovd See. & It mall ~ ualawful to 1IH the

plaatL Must ~ 'cen to be apprec:i. EMPLOYED WIDOW with IOC, II, of CO\lIlty Road ~er~ of .tr"", pablie wallet or public prope.1yated. 591 SL Clair. bet. Kercheval and UPRIGHT pian()-Aalique chain. ma. wi.hes motherly woman to keep the COUnly of Wayae, W..:bipll, did, at ia tile City of GrOIN Poillte for aelver.e. hill h"Pllr lideboard. lJJ8 Albland. MU. house and took meals. Call Drexel a meetill' of laid Boenl hald Fri".-,- 07110 • ~ titu. ptlIpOICI h1l11un. of load .peak... Pi........ waI ut d" room it. . 060J, after 6 eveninc-s. Ma,. 10, UNO,deeicle aad delet1lline titat era, pl.--aph.. rictrolu, or otber-po &:A.or.. n InlllS su e, ANTIGY'E' I'" Sh Ch' C b tb- ta' ,'_ f~" __ ,.._.. _'

perfect coadittoa.: $45.00. qn ,"e.' v In II" craton Ina a - SMART sale ... irl for a Dlle Junior , .. cer ,Ill ICCw...... O '- cr""'" wiac•• 114 no OWlIu Of' oceupa.nt of.w.e. and aU clay Sunday. ~i8NewporL inet. Elegantly carved ros_ood arm. and children's wear shop. Experi. III the mlnula of aaid Board Illoald beLE. 6893.; Pf'rfect condition. Wood and en.ce llccnsary. Must have I'OOd fol. County Roada uadct' tile juritdictioa of propert,. altutUq '!fell .treets or public

china antigue suudries. Appraised. No 10' W 't t Bo-.: W G P , walkJ or public; place, .ball UN loudGENUINE IDIClle brealdall .et' drop dealen. Story and Clark upr~ht play. R WI~. r e ? ,rOlle o~nte the BOIlIrd of Coullty Road ComaUa. IPUkera. p~, YiettoJa. or

leaf table. J leather back cb&~ with er piano. Good j chup. Tyler 5-6172. Mi~~' 1 121 Kercbeva~ Groue Pomte .iOllera. The .. iavte. of laid lIIeetilll •rwt ItIlta; one hoet chair; ;'Inior -__________ fully deacribiq 1lie1 .eetioa. 01 road atbuwlle 10 placed - hia 0Wll or III.Brwnnric1c Balk pool table. fully equip- STUDIO COUCH: attaehed ma1lle end GIRL as IDOther's helper: ~"eral are hereby llIade • put of tllia llOtice otber's prOfert,. .. to aMerlise 1JPOIIped. NL m4. 1l:ominc or neaiq. table: make. clouble bed. Whitney houte1lwk and assist wit II chi1dr~, and are aa follows: public Itrceu, JQlllc tralkt or IHlblic------------- maple cobbler's bench: Tuxedo aize 40. Stay nights. $5.00 week. NL 1017, plOpGity.~JtE.HAIRED terrier1: all .. es: AU I'ood condition. Kew Johuon ice 1570 Oxford Road. MMinutea of the ... tiq of tile See. 9. TIle isfttidi'" of aD,. Me:tioa

- by Wildoak. famous Interna- .katel •• ize 7. !':I.arara 0i78. Board of Coullty Road CoIllmitaiOller. 'il

.-.u ~s. AI~ buuti~ul Sh~t. LLEWELLY~ setter ..._ ..... thoro ROOMS FOR RENT of the County of Wa11le, helli at 3800 ~ ,ectioaa ~ part or. parts of lAy He.~ anOdnon.We~.,1lAra!lF.2.lIa POllles. NL hb I b ..- ...., BarIum Tower',Detroit. MichipD. .t tioIl or HetiOlU of thll ord.inaace, shall-."".,.. oue red: ma e: eautifully marked. LA KEPO 1!\"TE. 979 - Se~ond hou.e not afeet the .. tidity of the relll&iaclu

CaU Frida~'. Sunday e\'eniDlf or Mon. aouth of ]efTeuon: sinll'le or Iwte of 10,00 A. M .. Friday, Wa,. 10, 1940.KET.AL lUh.ny bi,h bed wilh day. 1\1, 4586. ~.lO WalhlllClOll Rd.. room.. Gentlemea preferred. LEo "Pre"e"l: CommiJsionert BreiAiq of thi. ordiaaace.

1JlI'IDC: abo IIl1'llt ....,. $5,00. Bed. GrOSH Pointe, . 6&31. and O'Briea. See. 10. Aa pel'lOG, 6nn or'corpon.I'IlCB drcsaer and chair, $US; maboc. -------------. • •• tion 'IiolatinJ' the proviaiotu of thit-- equare table, $3.<10: $30.<10 coil TWO YOUIl.6 men' •• Iiehtly wot'lI wbile GE!\'TLEMAN-Larl'e plea.anl room. "'___ L_" L-". lummAr sw't.. Itch 0 L All Pho b h 'il B df ....1 _. m-Ad .... '"--'-':-Ar or_c .......DC PWlitllable b'" a ille~ catTed wood end... Day bed, ~ >. rell ... rCOol lie. eac prlV eges. e Old Rd. • _~ _.~ ..." -..-... _._ ..ClPCIIt doable: rich cover: saitable for ilztmaculate. Cau 1\1. 1354. Soutlt of Jefferson, Nlaran. 8115. O'Briell that Ihe Board .. aume JurisA 01 net Ies. thaD ten cloI1ars lIor lIIiOfeIirilIlf -- C1RD pad. $15.00. Write BED-V 1:'_-,: ....._.~_ ------------- clictiOll over the followiD, Itc:tiou of tbaa 6ft,. ell". or b,. iaprilOcuDelll..... "'- T. '"._.- POI'~- R-:-, 15121 anity, ...... .;sll cab, <:<><:JaailY."STER bedreom in llew Gros.e :.. th .... '1 f • ba- - UI'_ ..... ~,-- b E1 '- ' k bo "-- road in the TO'WIIsh'tpof Gratiot: - e coun'iI ,al or ao. Iaore t nICercbeftJ, Gro .. e Pomte, Michipll. ar, ectro ... tenniS rac el. 11\"~'6 Pointe Puk home, large alcove. bath.------------- shes, siu 10: sidewalk bike, "lcb thair. Z clothes closets. eross yenli1ation, .OLD HOMESTEAD DRIVE-6) nizaet;r clays, or by both .uch be loadIVORY llllf'JCrY fumiture: 1cicldiekoop: r~ed bllftY, chup. 1146 Beacoa.sield. beach privilees. Couple or 2 ladies. NL feet wide and 1.J01 miles ill 1aIctk: iIIIpri,onlllleat in tile diacreUoII of the

J'OGth'. bed. clrc:sser. chest, nursery -------------- 5291. BEACONSFIELD ROAD-86 fe.t court.

::r~:J'T' table. FuU.ize WORK.WAJIrIT£D...-f'£ LAKE POINTE. t4S2-Near Chule. wide aDd 0.116 lIIIile. io leqth; and See. 11. This ordinance ahalI repulGF_~ERAL Sprill' bousecleaning by .,oix; two rooan, furnished. 'ludio SANILAC AVEN~ feet wid. &Ad any OI'diaance of tile Cit,. of Grosse

two MEN'S St"ITS, .ize ,3'}-Tuedo two reliable women j referencel; 40c couch, refr~atioa, l'oocI transporta- 0.116 mile. in lC1lflh, a. included wnhil! I Poiate in C0ll8ict therewith.nit - J8. All praetjgU,. De..-, per hoar each. can TU Z-48J8. tiOlL tne boundaries of Old Homestead NORBERT P. NEFF,

$10.00 eacIL Two &iris' formals ai%e 14. Fal'llll Subdifi.iol1 ill Pri Caia Ci- Clerk.Perfect, $2.00 neh. Tap.hoes, new, EXPERlE.>';CED maids. cooks, week BEDROOM-I"rlnle bath. ill exclusiyt 619 G 'ecorde - 5~ Lad.ita' black bolero drut, days: trood references: Iaedry: Rell' home. Bllline .. ueeutive or profa. ,ratiot TOWIlIhlp. &I r If ill Adopted K.,. 20. (941)... 34. suo. Nt 6910. era.! c1eaniq-. For all kiDdI qf llood -. who desires hitth L"ber 67 of PlAts, P-.c 23, !leu. ill an PoIte4 Ka,. 21, 1940.~... --.:..... ... b'--'- ,,---ble. colored hellJ telephone Temple 1~ ~C~IionL Gar ... e. Niapn 3512, 1.53J mil.. ~I rc.d. Publialtld »ay23, 1940............ ---- ...-,,~ - e_"amp. "Themotiollwu .--ed '- Com.Por:b 1tid4er. SUo. Hntl, is I'OOd EXPEtUENCED laedres. will do fint u.......... "-"-'kioe NL 96SO. clan work in 0Wll bome: also expe_ WANTED TO BUY miuiOner Srciniq and carried It,. tile------------- riCllCed)'OG1Ill: maD to wa.h waIb. Ref. ------------- fo1lowinl TOle: YeaI, CommisJioDen;APARTMENT Grande P1aDo...Walnat er~lKes. De1inr) serrice. NL 8Zl2. OLD CLOTHING WANTED-HildJ. Breinine alld O'Brien; N.y., NOlIe.

inida; :rear old. NL S29L Reuon. ------------- est prien Pilid rQi .wen', suit. and Whereupon it wu ordes'ed that theable. llr .. VerkOtli1le. shoes. Telepbofte caU wilt bring a. to

eral hoase",Oti<. 3SJU HiDeer nenae. you immediately. Tel. Tyler 4-J62S. de..uibd meets .. the Towa.TWo-PIECE liriqo I'llOIII .. ite: 10. MrL Verkovilk. ------------ Jhip of Gratiot be hereafter CeanI3' 'rite 194t lIIOdelof Kkhipll.'. auto-

piece dilrinIr: ia uceDent coaditioa:, ------------- Z GIRLS' bityc!el. 24 or 26 inch. Must ROillda under the jurildictioa of the 8!OlliJe lictue plate wiD be •• road.W. clreuer. inSlersprilllr _tlTn., Joo-uRSE-Pkuant, "oaBCo will assist lie in JrOOd conditioll and price4 rea. Board of County Road Comminioncr. tated" job. Ia hit elfort to arril'C at.... tabla, rva. tire buket. KUtt w.i~hlicbt domestic: dlltie.a. Can IDOrn. sonable. XU, J175.~.. •......1 HA--.":". D•• ' -Im-. A.I_ f U' AU Dr 14-" ------------- of the County of Wa)'1le.'" a proper combination ofaizl. color alld............ -.. - - -- mgs. ~ or ... 1" ClIo exe , ..... WHO WILL don t U rt ( "_l_ u._AlL 1829. f '.L t hol a ,e) a ~_ pa f or THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN UNDn _, ._,~ P. Ken,., Mcretar1 of------------- EXPElUEIIiCED __ wishes to e am-. a w en,e wa ...... per or a AND BY VIRTUE OF ACT NO. 2U State, baa erdered the ----ction ola• .• VERY 1'001' COUlltry cllurch? Used ... "" .._b_ alld ItCIIIIlIC at boDIe. NI- church pew. Or theater ltat.? Thank OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 19051,AS douII or more wnpl. platea. all of

aaan 7985. 1'OlIo LEo om. AlIE,l'IIDED. 1Ibieh wiD lie used on tM road, to beLAUNDRESS-F..I:petienct:d, wiles -----, -LOST------- GiVCtl dder oar Isan" tbillOth day Itadild wder aetaal driTinc conditioal.

Ialladry work to do ia owa bolae. of Ma,., A. D.,-I!l4O. State police and autoosobiJe mallllfac.Best references. TV. 2-3m. LOST OR KILLED-SmaD black male BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD turm will joia ill ,mlll' eeimtlfic tests.GIRL-Part time: peenl 1IoIIIewor1c.. cat. vicinitr Whittier Rd., Gross~ COM MIS S ION E R S of the' Their COIldadoat wilt dctermill.e ju.tDa,. Ot' llead,.. AC-e 17,ears. TV. PoiI1te Parle. If yOu !mow anything Count,. of Wayne, llichiPAo what kind of plate wilt adonl the 1941z.B271. about this cbild'. pet pJ~... c:all NI. JOHN F. BREINING, car of the Michipa lIlOtorist.2554. .WOIlAN-1tellable. W&JIts IaUlldry to Chairmm. "V'w'bt1ity it a chi.!f cOllJiderab of

do at ~ Telephoae TV. z-JSS7. l.OST~t. aU en, tom, 110 hair be- CHARLES L WILSON, the Iaw-afOl'Uml!llt 08ic:en," "'11 Mr.------------- hind right ear. City of G. P. reward. Vice-Chairman. Xt!b'. "'l"bey- 1nDt to " .. able to lee

WORk WANTED-IIALE NI. S706. UICHAEL ]. O'BRIEN, the Iic_ .llSIIlcra at 10alJ diataac:a.HOUSE a.EANING COlIIlDisaiOller. n. lIWIafactllrcrt .... ilIterested also

B, EDMUND B. SULLIVAN, hca... tbcy 4eIire a plate that 1riI1Deputy acrk. IaanDclIaiae with the Itrumlinilll' 01 the .. _ _ _ ......

can they prodac:e, and 011. wkich 1riI111 rUe -,~ J 1 Ni. 22 i2 IAN ORDINANCE he ...u,. itted to t1lc car.-rile r=temc6i1e aciaeen aft •• .

Phil Geist's Beer Store(F"'" ... ....., I1753. MACK AVE. NIAGARA 202..........








.'...*'r; ,,.'r:-:


Spend extra hounout-of-doors

All .lectrlc coobr brI"IIS yellfr •• dom from the Ieltchen,more leisure time to spetId out-o'-dOOrL You'll enjoy theclecrn/ineaond cOlIYenie_ ofthis up-to-dat. cookl"l

met!lod. But you'I1 0110 IIICIl'WIat th. cWldously ~FLAVOl of foods coobcI ...trlc:olly.Electric cook'ng h MoIthfuI",lIferI.a eooItlng. hnpcw tol,'mineral. and food vat- artISEALED-IN ••• meats cmcI."...etobI.. eook to -Jtino left-e.m- In tMtr 0Wft Juk!II.YllUf electric coobr wi! ,...o 1~ tvrlwy Oft 0 __ham. It will ... pIeI, __

. ..........AM It II .-a.fu' .. ~

_ ... Of VOW __ llII

_ UM tkare elect<ic coole .... See< "iIplay-ie _.., ..~ ..........10--' h ~ ~--. ~ .......a_ r:.aJaros lOOId .11 DooIrelt Id ....

,.....D.Ireit idioM c.......,

THE modern woy of ~illfjl meals i. cool and pl-

ont ••• CI' Hay os p1"lX1illl Inyour .lectric toaster. Simplyput 0 ",ho/. Ginnet intD yourelectric cook.r at one time,and 110 0\11 for the aft-rnoonwhile th. m.ol i. cooking.When you (OIM home yOlJfdinner is waitl"ll. perlectlycook.d and r.ody fat thetabl ••

WARM ..WEATHERcooking is

fJ/' uP1/),b ~I

I •

•• I II"

RE.ROOFIRE.SIDE!. ,.1. , •.

••• I'



Her frieada like to (0 back ~aiDaad .. aiD bec:auae her home U 10

.5U1UJy aDdcl.... She bow. the"alue of aencIiq cInpeI, curtaiDaaad all home funaUbiDc. rep.1arI,. to Ale... a-aen I



Mrs. Brown is aSocial Success



•••• 1'1 I"

24 Hour ServiceFOR. DESSERTS

Dated: May 21, 1940.

ICE CREAMAD AuortecI Ravon


A public hearing will be had on the i2th day of June, 1940, at8:00 o'clock p. m., Ea,tern Standard Time, at the Muon School,situated at Vernier Road Ea,t of Mack Avenue, upon the propoaeclZoning Ordinance of the Village of Grolse Pointe Wood., laid Or-dinance being entitled "An Ordinance to regulate and re,trict thelocation of trade. and industries and the location of building. de-signed for .pecified UleS, to regulate and limit the heigbt and bulkof building, hereafter erected, to regulate and determine the area ofyardl, courts, and other open apace" to limit and restrict the maxi-mum number of familiel which may be houaed in dwelling, here-after erected or altered, and for said purpoles divide the Villageinto districts, to provide a method of admini.tration. and to pre-acribe the penal tie, for the violation of its provi.ion .. "

All personl interested in ,aid Ordinance will be given an oppor-tunity to be heard thereon at ,aid public bearing.

A copy of the propo.ed Zoning Ordinance i. now on file in theoffice of the Village Clerk in the Municipal Building on Mack Ave.nue, for public examination.

To Residents and PropertyOwners of The Village ofGrosse Pointe Woods:

Our P--.b are P__ etl,.Beeutihd

15218 Fairfax

La Jolie SalonLeaoz I2ZI

LEACH for DRUGSTU 2.3333


Alger' CleanersIUZZ KERCHEVAL ro. 2..-1131.Eo WARREN ro.2-1'"

FREE STORAGEAND INSURANCE - PAY NEXT FALLFree proteetioa for ,oar furs. winter cloth. aDd bouseho1clu1ic:I. (Waaketa, cIrapaiea, rug.) .. .mat mothI, fire andtheft! Pa, oaI, for paraateed quallt,. dry clflUliq. Cold.torqe aad inauraDce up to $2S b free I Call

N_ .. th. Ti_ to H.... YOIII'

ROOF REPAIREDGlTJTERS.... .. 6c: aad Ie: per foot

PIa_ fo.. FrM E.lieatoOn ROOFING, SIDING,


A. J. KRETSCHHome Service

1473. Mack Ave. at AIh1aDcIT.... _ Nlalara 17"

I I I I I ••• I I • I r I •• I • I •

t I , , , , , •• , • , ,~oaae Po~~ I , I • , I , •••


New Race SeuonMarka~ N,w1m.. oveaDeIita .



NURSERY17931 MlIck AvenueAt W•• hinrlon R....d


An arcument of Ioaa-llalldi.n. waldefinitely .euled Ialt Tuesday after.noon, when tbe male section of GrossePointe High ~hool'. teachinl' depart-ment joined hand. and crushed all all-slar .tudent baseball team in theiranllual softball contest.

The teaehen, combining eoafidence,experience, and actual Ikill, provcdthemselves vauly superior &I theybanged out a 9-4 victory before a 1'000..ized crowd of amused .tudents andspect~tors.

For years, the teachers have beenthe t'arget of cood-natured jeers andtaunts showered upon them by over-confident s t u den t s. When actuallygoaded inlo physical competition, themell have jammed tbese threats downtbe astonished students' throatl. Buteach succenive clan believe. that ithas the illvincible teamwork needed todoWtl the so-called 'old mell" and eachclass ill tum is SOrely disappoillted.

This yeu's batch of boy athletes wasno different than their predece.sors. 10

after days of practice they con,iderC1ithemselves ready for the bailIe. Afterfour illninga tbey were ready to uc:a!Jit quits."

But it appears tbat tbil will becomea perennial question, and ODce a yearthe poor teacher. mu.t drag out theirdus ty equipment &lid liniment anolprove that they are still UmastersN ofthe'situatioa,

The Pboto-finisb. the PIlelt .tartinggate, electric odds board and the salivatest are among the racinl' improve-mellt. at the Detroit track whkb havebrought congratulation, from turf fansand owners alike ill recent season., Butanother advance was made this yurabout whicb the owners are particularlyenthusiastic.

ThU is the .Ia.hillg of the purses on Ithe larger .take. to be offered dun",the 43-day meeting. Ordinarily pursereductions don't produce any cheers,but Getleral MalLlger Clarence E. Lehrdid not reduce tblt pune totaL He•imply took the money from the bigparse and spread it over the entireprOilTam in larger punes for the dailyfeature races,

),fore than $36O,COOin mcrease CTerlast )'Ur. will be paid out to horsemenbefore the 'Print' meetinl is Cl""er:

Lehr'. move 'inS calcubted to haltwhat bad b~ome a chronic paill to tbehorlemen who brought their entirestabln into Detroit to stay for the en-tire meeting. They grew tired of watch-some of the coulltry'. bigge.t .tabluship their sIan in here on Thunliay,!shoot fer .. $5,000 t... $25,000 purse in abig stake race, and then, having vabbedthe pot, ship out on SUlIliay to leavethe other honemell to .cramble lorthe ImaUer purse •.

Under the new program daily featureraces are be in&,offered with a value offrom $1,000 to $1,500, which will enableall the .tabie. 011 the ground to .endoul Iheir best horses alter worthwhilepur5e. during the week, instead ofkeeping l!:em in the barns from oneweek-end to the nexL They are beingrewarded for bringing in their entireracing strings. As a result, the Delr";ttracle has drawn stronger and belter

I balanced slablel than e"er before.Racing followers will benefit through

I helter programs -during the week, forthe new mo\'l: has resulted in the elimi-nation of the $&)0 top-and-bottom cardof eight c1aim,ng races. Some sort of a

Ie:Jt5e or handicap evcllt is 011 tap e,'eryday,

I The tracle managemenl expects to• ha," the program completed each day. hy i 3(J p. m.

Student. Faculty GameTum.lnto Rout

Th. flut Dobbers tcum.ment WII aareat .ucceu, althouah the day Wll

.cold .' Id dark. It wal very well at.tended, Jot lIIel1lben turni", out forthis lint play, DurinI' the evenin,prizel were awarded to the followillgmembers: F'ltst prize wal \II'on byFloyd Champine of the Grone PointeFarm. Fire DeparuDeni, alia oih ..prize. were won by George Poupard,Bill Beaupre. Harry Furton, AugustBillett, Dall Allor, Carter Piche, BillMason, Fred Hood and Fire Chief Led-ger Cha uvin.

Two ladie.' priul were aha a,varded.Firat prize wellt to Mr •. Joseph Trem-bly, and the other to ),fn. WilliamBeaupre.

There will be anotller Dubbcn tour.nlmellt next month. Watch for ananllOUDcement in tbis P&PU in the nearfuture and make plalll to adend.


Fint "Dubher." MeetCalled Great SucceI'

Don't ForgetStraw Hat

DaySat. May 25.

AllderlOn, who played five years ofpro foot baU with the Bear. after grad-uation from Katre Dame University,returns to Chia.go to &.Ssist GeorgeHala's, owner and coacb of the well.laiO\ll"ll Vid .qua d. .

Heartl,. "Hunk" ADderlOn, late 01tbe Detroit Lion., .iped a one-yearcolltract witb tbe Chicago Bun lastweek, and ...ill handle lille coachinl'duties for tbis teaDl durillg the comingNational Professiollal Foot Ball T ~.!t"~suson,

Hunk Anderson Sign.With Chicago Bear.

I We have .n atyIe. to 6t ,our[ cliacrimiDatia~te. $2 aacI up

Clem Seaile17Ut KERCHEVAL AVE.

Dea2' St. C1airAlae Cam_ a Ca ...... Sapplia

• , , , , , , •• ::-- • t~~_ !-!_ ~ _ .1


A picked croup of GrOlIC PointeHia'h School track athlete I traveleli toFerndale Ia.t Saturday afternoon andlinished lecond in competition againstbe other Dan A Ichooll ill the annualItate r~onal track and fitld meet.

Ferndale, playinl' the lIngrr.cioulhOlt, ran, up 38~ points to take tophonorl, while the local Blue Devilstrailed close behind with 3SY.. EdisollRobbinl provided Grosse Pointe wilh afint place in the hall.mile event, whileBobby Sturman tied {or first in thepole vault.

Melcboir Perrone and DOll lUmmercounted .econd and third in the .hot.put al did Ralph Savory and CharlesLee in the high hurdle evellt. RalpbDeWinter ran lecond in the 100 and2OO-yard dashes. while Ray Weaverand Ed Reoch contributed a .ecolld inthe quarter mile and a fifth ill the lIIile,resJM!ctivdy.

Thest nille boy. who placed in', festivities are now eligible to par-ticipate in the Slate finals 10 be beld inEast Lansing next Saturday.

Local Track Tea.mTaka Second InState Reaional.

Cy L. Lerchenfeld,ViIlftge AlleslOr


Dat~ May 20, 1940

Thursday, May 23, 1940Friday, May 24, 1940 and.Saturday, May 25, 1940


at the Village Hall, 60 Kerby Road, Groa.e Pointe Farm" Michigan,from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. each day.

AU tbose deeming themaelve. al'Brieved by laid alse.sment maythen be beard.

NOTICE!To All Taxpayers

The Alsessment Roll for the Village of Gro'l!~ Pointe Farms,. Wayne County, Michigan, for the year 1940, having been compiled,a Meeting for the purpose of Rev iewina' of aame by the Board ofReview will be beld on,

At last-a really quiet lawn mower! It's theSilent Yard.Man - easy to use, remark ..blysimple to adjust. and practically unbreakable.Trade in your old Lawn-Mower. but FIRSTtry the Silent Yard. Man on your own lawDFREE!



TU. Z-lZif

15121Mack Aft. at Lakepoiate

Jerry'. Household Service.734 Hereford cor. E. Warren

Phone TUxedo 2.1350New Owur of the Bu.m... 01"Jordan Tbe Mechanic"'....-1,. at SL Cair lDei Kwe:beYai


Walbing MachinesScr---sa"'iDI'--Gutt~on

w. Repair. aDd Sharpm Lawa aacI Pow ... Mow..


~. 'nlurMa7. May 23, 1940




Oren nail".






~~i5~ilY, May 23, 1~,

The original 51andard, and onlyTextbook on Christian ScienceMind.healinR is publishcd in Ihefollowing editions:

Sunday School Edition.pocket sixc. blue or brownc101 h ................•..............•_ $2 ..

library Edilion, CIOlh _ 3...

Porket Edition. with jnd~x1<> mar,:!"in.! heading •. hlack.hille or hro,,"n mMoeco. I,m!"Oxiord India Bihle parer .... 5'"French ..nrl Grrm~n Tran!-I"',on,. I; bra r)" edition'.clot h _

~ B.dMIor Sernc.w• .s-wa- Do e-iaalFAMILY WASH-IS IIM~lie

15a5 MACK TUudo Z"I'

Tilj, h""k a'lel "liter ".Mk< of~fr.'. Eeld,'. an<l ..II authortredChri~tian Scienec lit(rature mayhe Tt"Jd. b('lrrnwt"'r1, 0'1'" p:Jr-ch~~~dat ~1l Chri,: ••n Scicnce Readll1E;Rooms.

Si"th Chllrch of Chri$t. Sci-f'nli<t. D.troil. m.,"lain< a R~.d.inll Room al 14;1() "<r~h~,.al.-\\"(""11('.

Jf Y- Radio Won't Operate CaBROBERTS RADIO SHOP

ODe of the Moat Complete RadioLahoratoriea in Detroit

IIIZI E. WARREN at Bedf,,",TU. Z-GSt GraM Poiat. R~

...TR E GIt.O.S S'Jt POINTE It.EV I It W. .. " .

A Lecture onChristian Science

EntitledOuistian Science:

The Demaad of The Time.

B,. GEORGE CHANNING C.S.B... Sa. Francisco CaL

by tile illUliv. ,hy.ieal .enses whereby I WOI'IcI,if the .. spiritual ideu, diYiIMh M.".,~. her .,.break path to It revealt OIlr lOIl.hip to God. It dia- u, wlao IlIt&kc. and. k«PI His clrildreD to bammer for admiuion to thouabt.the b1Dllall miad it deluded into the revealed to ber, had SlOt prowed their th. tCIIIIO J .... was laid. "elra' pels ill oar thouc'ht tbe illu.ioa oi it. lecure. They do not release themselve. fro.notion that life Jowen onl, to decay. dicac:y ift term. of apirituUy ilium. isle' to 1M 0ariIt, with which, ,be abseac:e, Wltll ....e are cooscious of it. S~lUTY IS. FROW GOD their lO~aUed problems -run awa,that lile mast develop from DOthing to ,ent livmc. be .... die ... 1&&, of Jeau. ... e. occupant)' of the wbWe of out men. Havin,.- _idered the nahlre 0( lore from the field of bailie. They set outIteablen, oaly to decline from creat- Therefore, I iftrite oar atteetiae hen dumd,o ~ II'" him ift aIorioa. tality. . and ht;!!ltll,let us bOWconsider .ecwity. with tbe courage of the Chri.t and tke'aes. to aotbilll' and the ,rave. on this occasioa to di\'ille!y -Pirihal .... !;eat •• t alld apptcciatioG at tile The W:lId whicb Jesn. lI1Iaifested the tbird aspect of the elfect. of God. endurilll weapon. of diville warfare ..Y'ORTAL GREATNESS A MIRAGE idea •• For, tbe .lIect oE tJ!eIc iUII. point.where is_aD ~Ie "ielc1a to spiro .... God. and that manifestatiOli of which l:oanitllte the daunc1. of the prove their problems to be sen.e ill..

Wh.t • "';,.,~ ;~ !h~ lrl"e:l!nelS thus ent~rtain",! i" thought :u rul and II.....itlWl Trutll aad the .. bite evidellce it God, healing, lllving, lnnishing Ih. mo- ti~ What i. tbe human d_nd for lioa.; and God. in the immediacy 01developed! Faltened for dauihter, so I is tloe fullilllJleut of oar foadett hopea II1IPPIieI. She hill her rewllrd in the tion that there is any other mind, i., as .ecurity el<cept a reachiq OIIt for what Hi. own divine will, relea.e. them fr~to .peak I Built up in stature to become for vielory over evil. for deli""nnce eKaJtatioe of her own life to the realiz. we hne said. the Christ. This eh.riat can b, fouad oaly in the d~re Ihat their problems. Through .uch warfare

Yoa IftCI L who have eome upoa this a larger mor.el for that which d".ours! fram the mercilessness of IIIOI1a.I iUu. atiot! tbllt ber imsaediate necd .... con. i. the Irue model of man. el<prel5ing God is foulldl II there allythitlc secure they ,rrow in stature u the children ofpt'nat period 0( the _ld's biatory No wosader the human mind is fleeing sion~. In other worc1a. I iftvite our at. acioasly aet. TIsotus. with leu spir- the presence of God. Let it he your but God? What is it that OIItlllts III ~ch in "his own niche in time.. particjpant. in ill nnfolclment, are, the wrath of it. own na~re, seeking tenhon to the o.riat, for the lPifituaJ itual dHir. o"Ild therefOt'e I.... pirilual lDO<1el,my friend. for it i. natural to false opininns of man? What iJ it that and eternity" (Retrospection and In-01' .boa\d be, little surprised that a firmer foundatiou. outside itlelf. Lim. idea of God, operatins in tbe bllllWl Gleemme.t. but nevertheless with some you. It will bring out your individ. remain. wben humaa sense has fled? troopection, 70118-19). They bring out~eat NeW' EacJand --0. whose *pir. ited b" its OWl!educatiooall).stems, de. consciousnen to displace and destrOJ spiritual delV', also had hil reward in uality-what it i. in you that makes John' •• ecurity u in God, the divine in. ill themselves the qualities which ar.hUIJ etatua enabled her to be God'. voted to the proud human mlenect the errors of mortal lenlt, is the tbe improvement of hit sease of liie to ).ou, you. It will lead to sclf-discovery_ teUigence he expresse .. He is anchored identified with true chara~ter _ th.--aw« to t!Ua .. e, bas reminded whose refiaements acknowledge and in- Christ. It iJ the Christ because it heals the realizatioa that hi, immediate need your individual status as the child of in spiritual wi.dom wbich, untouched character of the Christ. They hold theirJI-.dty dearly and definitely that sin upon the assumption of destruction. a.nd. Illve., ~aking "wise Ullto .. In- WIJl met. It it import&llt to note that God-and will reveal to you your talent b,. human ....iII. re ..eals hia daily fDOt- ranks open with the joyous and unsell."'tJte time foe' thinkers has come" (Sci. humall thought is nevertheless emerg. tlon (II TlIl10thy , :15, to lIse the the elEpel'ieJsee of the faitbful Mary and for expressing true being. thus, .teps. There is II woman of my ac- ish motive of makinr plain the way ofeace ~ Health. rii: 13). In the worlel ing loday to a createI' hope of salvation Apostles' phra.e. It is the &«i.,ity of of doubtiDe thoasu left neither where manifest in daily experience your reo quaintance, who, bereft of husb&lld and sa~v.ation to aU who desire dominion. byof oar tiIIle. the d_d, «insiJtftt than it can ever give itself. I am not the divine Ililld with which Christ it found them. Eacb prosressed ill .pir- lOurcefulnesa, wi.dom, security, health, seemin,ly of .upport, looked into ber 'Pltrtual means, over the tyrannicallim_de'in, of DIeD it foe these three thiap: here eondemning educlltional .y.tems. JHU' ~ endowed-Jesns. oar lP'Ut ital d~ent, tnle inteJlia'ence. and love-in a word. )"Our job. own COI1scioll$aess of ClOd's presence ~tation. of the Besn. \Ve are not prolll_"'eJ", aecaritJ', health. and loOn. and Educatioaal svstems have a funclion to EJcample, who 1aI.... God a. hi, fatber. from his present .tandpoint of lhoUBht; DIVI?\e INTELLIGENCE for the wisdom that was to be ber .e- Ised happiness ia material alluremftlts:for the iateUicCllcc which .upplies this serve. .Acad~H:' of the ri(ht 'ort are an~ IIW an~ perceived.~ rea.l.oaJy the W.". c:r)iqo eMIt ill the imlllediaey of REVEALS HEALTH curity. She recopized her individual ~lIt we are promised victory by spir.demand. The btaua ltIind, so-ea1Ied, is requisite- (Sr.ieDc:e and Healtb. p. 195: un..verse wblCh ~ diviIle W~ eoa- 'p i r i t II a I recOlPlitioll: "'Rabooni'; In view of what has been said here, talent for u.dumell, help- ltual means. and victory is co-ordinat.IldlecL Its reputed mte\lia'eDce rw-. 19). lIy. Wrs. Eddy. The truth is that celVe~, and ~ho l!Ted a~d had hIS beiq wrbieh is to .. y. Waster~ (Jobn 20:16); idel'tifying spiritual love as the demand Eumesl, service, anI" other spiritual with jot. Robert Frost. the poet. haabet -0 lhCh but yidU 10 little that in 10 far a. educational systems assert co~sclOUsly In .that lIIl.Iv~. Beall.... ud Thoeu.., in penitent appreciation of the times, something should be said qualitie5 that attest the immediacy of truly.aid: "The best way ont is aI-aeema reIiaWe, .. lhfa<1ory and puma. and accept the reality of human sense. :UUld~ .. and 11 a~are of Its.O'I/tfJ ..... lor the patiellCe of hi, Lord, capitulat. also about the heallli of mankind. For. divine Mind. Then the IIIOdc of whit ways through.~ Chd,tian ScienceIIftt. TIsat is wtIy thiakerw are needed. tb.". are coatributing to the refinement Ifestallon~ eJl;chtllnly, ChrISt Je'III, iIw witlI tbe acbowled,ment, "Y'y jllst as .urely as Chriatian Science WIU to be her,. Kth'ity took form qree •• and adds to the lDeanill&' of th.U4 tile tim. is ripe for their COIftine. of human ICDse to the poillt wnere its ....bose MInd was God. 10 ac~ Lewd ed lit)' God" (JobD 20 :28). teaches and demonstrates that true in. ill her thoua'ht. It led her to establish .tatement by lurning it up,ide dowlloFor 1lOIII-W Hay tIlat true iIlte1li- aotbiquess is 1IilIpOSed. And at that and ut~ized by ?~ did Dot tee II real Thoma. ~ to crow to the poillt te1lia'ence is di.,ine Love (from which a business which keeps DO frl'owina a~ "The best Wily through is always out.-eace..perfect &ad incapable of error. poU,t it i. replaced by divine intelli- !be WI~verse which IS the.eelIIiq _ .... here _terial ICJISe did Dot ICCllI to the expressiOa of .piritual love pro. allO keeps her alert to improve her per. HUMILITY LEADS TO POWER- lOIn a&1' P!'ObIem, can UDfold the ~!:c~fect and iIlfinite Mind-to IlestatlOn of so-called mortal minef. doatiJIate bim Ud thus contribute to his ceeds), it proves tbat true iIlteUicence is ception of her true se1fhool .. bich reo Ily fricnd. a ".Ot'd about humility_Jaeakk. MC1Irity, IIld Joore which oar 9lbich heann itself appears. JESUS SAW SPIRITUAL FACTS acceptance of the illusion tbat be .aw the antid~t~ for disease. God, divine fleets God. &lid i. med of God. Today that glorious quality which robs you oftimet are demand.iss&'. Manifestly theA. Thi. iIlfinite Mind is God. BtQluse Jesus saw the eternal .piritual fll:tl. Christ materiaJJy, But the £act rettiains Mind, i, true inteUigence. He neither- sbe is dClllOllStratitlg ber security. ud pride bllt doc. not rob you of !'O"'.er_the Iteed of hllllWlJ' ia fat metealiq it ia injnite, it is perfect. It is syn- They were indigeuous to his aittlre. that he. saw the Christ. becalUC bis kDoWll nor permits disea'e, DOr i. He abo ber health, through ntilizmg Ihe Your ability to demonstrate the truthCII&Cif;r to clisunt. oatIIide the 1iInita. on)l'lllaC witb Love that i. infinite aad and he 10 recognized thcm. This made hoaest desire fouacl respoaae from deceived mto the Dotion Ibat disease wisdom which God hlpplieL about God and man is God-given. Rec ..tbM • Innaaa thoaa'bt, tb. presuce perfect; with Principle that is infinite him wise. It ideatiW JUs ~t !.Me. And he doubtless learned much exists. Disease expr~sse. the mortal GOOD CANNOT BE THWARTED ognize this fael, and be grateful to the•• ad - of tnIe and perfect inte!- and perfect; with Lile. Spirit, Soul, wholly and aclusivel,. with Trutb ad &em the IcwiDg rebuke from the Was. supposition of a lack of ease. or l Con- Is there anythinc to prevent tbe iIlfinite Giver; and you bavc altaint((~ IlId to UDdentancl the aftil. rrnth, i aits intinite lIlld perfect nlture. thus marked hilllll the lllOSt.iat~at ter -. , • bewu¥e thou hast seen me, dition of in.completeness or lack of spiritual delll&lld of c:>Ur tima from humility. All of our power to witnessahilit,t of '1ICb mtelliceace to meet the For each of these terms, all of them man who ever trod this elobe. All hia tboa hast believed: blessed are thV wholeness. That ",'bich i. "'hole (the 6nding its fuI6n-t? Can you and I Good's ill1Dlortal presence. to banishdaaaDd 0( the umes. used ill the Christian Science textbook thought or cOllsc:iOO'lDess prO«cded tbat have DOt seen, ed yet hav~ be- Anglo-Suon tongue calls it hale) is desire and seek after divine intelligence the appearance of Our subjection to

ID lOch tmder'Widiq. couciously u .)'ftOII)I'llIs for God, describe. and from the divine and perfect loIind. The 1ieved~ .(Joim 2Jll :2\1). healthy. God is whole. If He were whose eft'«t, are love. health. and se~ ~i1, to .b~ forth in us the alertness,aad ac:oascionsly pur'ued, iJ the lIUID. incllldes tbe cbaracteristics of the oth- resnlt of this inte1lia'ence ...... that real- 1.ET NO ONE DES!' AIR not so, He would not be God. If He curity. &lid be ~ed by tome in. ~or, true mtclligence, wisdom, ",'hic:!t.. Hbstue:e of b-.aaity', loac.time en. loIind. let II, remember, is com- it,. was e"er before hi, ,aze and'lIJl- lzt tile liIJht of thia narrati", let no were impaired, deficient, or, ill a word lueace altle to inierfere? My friend, mcruses out spiritual .tature and at.IeIfth fer ~ HUm which Chria. plete. Its completeness identi6es it reality never had a chaDc:e to be np. OIUt 4~ whose beart is .incere. diseased, neilher He nor the univers~ God is the only. power; and God is tl...:I tracts ill good-all of this power is b,.tiaa Scieace hu crowned with .tl<'eel' with Love, for that which is less tban posed by ~ins to be tru-e. Wan and Ili'rCSlthoqb the Iicb~ accuu slow in would exist. For. the universe is. as is )(iad of lllan, to be ac:lmowledged and ~he grace of God. Use it with aU"""" rnu1iIIc that true intelUecace, Love ill .e!f-dHlructi"e. while God, rUIDors of war" .in, sickness, and coming. You alSd t, like Thomas, aee taught and revealed in Christiaa Sei. demoastralcd., Man'1I never at the sty and consecration, but never bethe periect, diYUae Ilillcl,. is Deity itself, Mind, is self.snst&ined. Its complete- death. hatred, malice, aIId sorrow WCI'f: aad fttel the Jove of God for us. the enee, II is being explained in thia lee- !berc,. of anythillg QUt.icle himself. It t""'pted to $Iy or think it is a per..e:lqIIc:wed ill ~t in~CSlce wbich is nell idea.tities it with !'rim:iple, for that unable to limit or dUhlrb hi, awareness 10Te of the di\'ille Father EOt' bi, .pir- lure. as has been and i. being demon- ia,.our privileae and mine to think our IOnal POSsession. Increase your ability.the prisrW aad eteraal quality of God. which it less tban Principle is ioade. of the perfect qDalities of the diviDe itual cbild; and you and I, perhaps like strllted by a hOlt of men and women own tboughta, to be at OIle with the It is your spiritual duty. AcknowledpThis achieTemea.t plac:es the Diacoveftr quate to be tbe source of all. Its com- Mind be reSected, IlOl' to interfere with Thomas. need to crow to tbe point and is.. open to demOllstration at ali Mind that is perfect. We do not need your imporlallce as the eternal. indioaacI FGallder of Christian Scietlee. the P1elelless idftltifies it with Life. for that his demonstration of the prescue of whCJ'e _terial leDIIe does not deceive times by you and me-tbe uaiverse is to accept notiel'!!. coadasiotla. lSsump- vidual expresaioD of divme presence.~ GcMI-Iovinc lIJlclaUDtcd )tn. which is less than Life is not living; the consciousness of barmoa". UaabIe us into accepting the iJIl1'ioa that the lllauifestatiOll. or idea. of perfect tioas wbich dei'll, tbe reality of spiritual Let )!'OUr iUustratioD in you of whatEcId7 at tile Jsa4 of the mardl .in this witb Spirit, for lell than Spirit is lDat. to iIllpress him. tbe illnsiocls of evil 1IelI1tb aad hamsovy come from marter. infinite Milld. Hence the non--existenc~ ideas ""ida come from God. We eau God doe!l for man be the moot telling,... of tnse dainftn "boee time, .he ter, sultject to deca,; with Soul, for less were simply. to hia coaacioasnaa, false; God siftS as llOllrislmtent, .ecurity, of matter, for mattu is the illusory always aad uadu aU dn:lUDStuca at- Petlllasive illustration you can make ilo.,. .,...,iI here. than Soul is a limited sense: with and his underltandill&' 0( their falsity, beaJth. and hanDoD,. Oh. ma,. our universe conceived by imperfect. mortal scrt the ualit)' and dominiou of our cli- of man's infinite mental proportions

WE GET WHAT WE LOVE Truth, for less than Truth is false. through his beholdi ... of cfrriae realty, hearts he 10 IiIJcd with .the cle,ire to ~o-call~d mind, which canllot and does vinely derived itItt'Jlia.ellee. If notiobs UDQer God. but always bear ill thoughtThe waJ' of trlIe thiakinc it tbe ... , DIVINE lUND'S uNIVERSE wi~d out the appcannee of tlleir CJI:- bow God and to. Qpress our spiritual not e:lOStin spiritual reality, since per. of mortality. limitatMm; ulUpirituaJity that your achievement is illustratinc

of.riPt deaire. It u1tisaates in the re.. PERFECT istence for those who sought his belp. at-oae-lSICJIt witb Him that we never ~ect, diville Yind is aIL Perfect Milld seem to Icnoc:k at tbe pte of oar COlI. the doing of G<xI, not of man. ThileIaUaa to m-an -.c:iola_. of di~ This dirine Milld which 'ees con. Is 1I0t this the iIltem.cace for "lVhieh 10M the sense of ~t, security, IS .hole. ~~.kt1ow. its OWII wholeness. Kiousness, that ia 1II.lpneti.:~, ....hether way lies affluence. for it is Ibe way ~, or God, and the awU- teive., and 1IIIderstanc1a ill te~s of humanit,,: is pleadillf,. -bi;!! ;r= /Wid I I~!~ a::d h;........ j-. Dui .oci" the ii" ~f PO"fect MIll~ IS recognized and lItil- StemiDa' to proee~ frOID iporance bmaiJity. It is the way of divine iDte!.hltatilslI of t'h! ~~.! cl C-&.!nth c:osapierenCls U aware OIlly of the uni- are nccdJDg, and which. III a word. is ~IOD that .these aro:.~tcriaL F~ the ~ed as tbe. Mmd of 1lWI, ~ knows alone or from lIWicious inteation to ~nce, cnfolding it5 effects in terms 01iachIde love, heakb attcl eecwitJ'. It. verse oi its OW'II creat ..... Imperfect, it !h= ~~man~?i th~ times? Is it _ the IDIIcere ?e8Ire for ' Trot. IS reo .. o",,? wholeness. A~ th::; .truth harm. Alld tile lwt4ling of malpractice '!'~. beL'!h. and security, thus meetia.dseftiGre, ~ ill today a.Id" not a:ist itself' and existill&" it i.", .. aiL~ lDtel1Jsenee wIaicb is ...... ded lIl.mateqr wa~.oar lsonest 4e-j ~ea1s dlSea.e. Tbe bea1iaa' of diseaae is alwa)'t .. the .aame--tbe r~tioG the demalldoEthetimu.Itit the .. "cc ,... to ...... its to coacm-es,-that is. cr'eates, in the ~a- Love. reBected ill that me, wkidl is .. Qlt- ..,..eciaea die spiritual COlI. II the hea.Iing of thought. It is ac:com- .... d uti1izatioD.«. iIamortaJ ,Mind II ol thiaktta, whose time, .. ha"':.........-. ,. '-:'0." ~ ...,...... ~ or idQ, of perfection. II !he llIOSt lIftCIed aDd 7--.1 far .ic .~, of .... lIa~.__ ~Jll'_ plishcd throash lhe diS1llacemeat oj tJse ool"..JMMl. .. ~ ..... '' ..~.Ce,'~:~~.t:a~- 4

01~ .. ' •....... .--.,. ill - tlse hip rauI there by evidcllCe of this creatioa~ ~n the "'"OrIel-love that is .c) true thu the.~ Wlde .. t ... wIrich rec- whatever appears to be imperfect, mar- the aaa~ 4i,e.iL i'Ite... .....~__ -.....

liD tne attaiamL Yea, in the fact that the 1fIlivene 'ur- It erases the naloved qualitiee of 10- CIlrIURsJ! II the cpnKioas_.s of eood, tal. or death-full, mind lJovernillg hu- tioIu of evil may SCIIiIIl to come ohen. ~akind. ID acrcemeat Wlth all that ~"Deaift," I&J'I Uti. EddT. "is prI)I'et:' Yives. ID the fact tbat Life is and the caUed mortal man &ad rccotrDizet and IPUitaaUy and etemally iIldcstnctible. lDa.n consciOUsness by the immortal They do no bana. tHat rather .trClllrthea ~,d, and. also implied, ia the comfort~

CSdasce IJld Healtb, 1: 11), and .be "verse, iuc:ludin, man, i! it~ expreJ- tJu:lu the true II1lInU both lCl"able and Way W1! come oat frC*l alllOng material (Mth-no-dealh-in_it) Mind. us in Truth. if lIJlbelieved and com. mg. promISe of Christ Jesus, a promi ..-ys it 0Itt of the fuBttes. 01 ber 1IIIdu- sioL 1£ the lO-aJled mortal mind, ~ovlng? Consider th. Mind wbicb .... lCJISe and. be .~te from the fear CHRIST JESUS SHOWS WAY TO pletely rejected. TheY came ~Rn to tbe whIch is. ~e benediction I leave wilb~ that prayer is &IlIwereeL She whicb claims to see, cnnceive. and know reBected by Je.sns. unfolding ita inelf- that ~ IS p"y.~.I, therefore limited HEAL'DH pare cOflS4"iousness of Christ Jesus but !~,rad~.tiftlr a~surance and dispellm..... that in a Yel'J' promnd - oar ill tetnll of incompleteneSl and self- ~ble .Iove for hIS human disciples; and. and subject to WIthdrawal from man. 1ft the healing of disease, as in all he hanclled thelll with definitenHs and m ItS SPlfltual slgDificance all doobt ofapcrien.ce ~ det~ by what w. CXInlradiction, had ever projected a uni- m hl.s ~ontacts with his disciples-, CJ(- ~':' We ~ave the wisdom to Icnow God, other respects. Christ Jesus has set the finality. luppl"iaa II'. II' alway, the our God's IInlimited goodness to thektft-detetnllllled, If w. Joore God, in verse, the iIlherently suicidal, self-de- emplifYlDg the ellectivetleu of divine diVIDe MIDd, u the one controUing iIl- aample. He knew that the intelli. perfect u:ample. He uew tha; tbe hearts that desire His love: "Fear not.-.... 0( bannon." or of complete do- .tructive nature of that .o-called mind ~ve's activi!y. bealiaa and saving llWl- auenee o~er ~ thought ~ad ~ lives, gftlce which knows aU reality knows handling of evil consifts in the reiec- Ii:tle Bock; is your Father's goocl-- - all lD barmon,. that may would ~ve destroyed that universe in kmd. Co~s.der. t~e case oi Tbomae. and the. IDte~CSlCe .. to Idetltl~" OUt. ~t reality is harmonious, holy, and tiou of evil, and, aceordingly he de- Pleasurc to g!ve :l'{fU th~ kingdoO'''-- to Ippear to us: ReQletll~ the the 1. there no .i&'tlificance in that dISC!p~ Here"IVu one ~lvCl W1th His q.ualitlts, t~u~ ~prov- dl~ta:seleSl. Consequently, he applied clared H, • , the prillce of th'iJ world (Luke 12:~),Ftaeh proverb whid!, catcbiaC a the appearance that tne malerial uni. I of the twelve, wbo. like Ihe others. had lUg buman expenence unlll ,t JJ edu- thIS Intelligence to expose disease as an cometh, and nothing ill me" (John~ of this fact, warns alld at the verse mcludes the element of destruc. enjoyed the friend.hip of Jesus, bad lis. eated out of itself, swallowed up, Or dis- illusion. By this means the mo,t ef- 14 :.30)-nothing in his mentality whichAme time promise.: "Be careful what tion? Can consciOUsness be aware of lened to his incontrovertible up\ana. placed, by the unmterrupted spiritual fective means of healing' the world has is akin 10 e,.il and therefore able to be-)'OU set "o~ "beart UJIOD, for you ~U exisl~nce and also of non-existence? li?ns of. the indestructibility 0( divine sense of God', eternal good. May We. ever known, and. in fact, the only truly lieve in evil It i. only the conscious ..,.el,. pt it. Remember, more 1m- Can It know it. own death if the very L,fe ",'hlch Jesus embodied, and which even when .en.e says ....e doubt. like luccessful method he healed a man neu of limitation tbat can uperienceponaatb', the Scriptural ac1lllonitioa: ability to know, to understand, is a fac- is e:xprHsed by. every iIldividual aware Thomu-may we at least desire the sick of the paisy ~o that the man not limitation. the consciousness of heart-"Xeep ~y heart ~tb aU d~~ce; for ulty 01 Life, not duth? Indeed. can of his ov..n .piritual .tatus.. Here was Christ ",itb the ho?~ty oi. Thorn .. and only rose unaided from his couch but break and loneliness that can expe-oat oE it are tbe 'IIUes of life. (Pr.c- th~e he any consciousness of Uncon. one w~ had not oaly beard these u. thus, tbrOUBb Cbnst. IovUlg response, walked away, carrying his couch as he rience heartbreak and loneliness. the~ 4:23), ~.abo Ihe ld:~ter o.r.lI- ~ness? Can tbere by any reality planat~ns but had ~eea them practical. PCOlTess ~ t~e ~ae ... ef Mary, to walked. He healed lepers who asked con.ciousnes. of disease ~ deatb thattiall'. co-«dinatioll ~ upenence Wllh lJI that which is impossible? Iy apphed by Jesu. III the restoration of th.e conscIOUS idelltdicahon of ourselve. his assistance. and sent them baclc pre- can experience disease or death. Butatlectiaa ~ be said. " • , • wbere If a:istelJce must be perfect ill order the sense of liie t~ indiviclua1s, who, ~h aU t~at ezpressel the infinite sumably to useful lins. In the pres- the onl,. Mind is the Mind whicb is)'0lIl' tre&lllre q,. there MlJ yollt heart to be (and perfect existenee entertains ~ortal sese had saId, were dead" aDd Mmd that IS a1so Troth and Love. eaee of Truth. error cannot exist. Ac. God. In tbe defrl'ee that you demOfl-he also" (lolatthew 6:21). Remember, no COIIlradition. of itseli-no sense of In the erasure from tbe tboaebt of the LIGHT ON HOW TO LOVE cordingly. he healed a woman whose strate that fact. you will find no COll-too, the rellllll'kabIe 'Illmaillg up of this ~""-ezisteace), then perfect CJ(istence onl':'Oke" of their accqlWite of the Perhaps, at this point, _CODe will imploring thought reached his pllre .cionsness of evil in you. and thereforetnltb by Muy Baker Eddy. alr:u.

y~ rea~ and the Mind which conceives it notIon. that that parlicular individual still feel prompted to say: "Thi. i. a consciousness of God's reality, when no evil affecting your life. And. con.

metred 10 bere. ~OIe textbook ~. ~ ete.r~al. An~ this Mind is the in fin- had d,d. Yet, Thoma. wben he. ,hort- beautiful .tatemCllt. but how cau it be she touched the hem of his garment. versel}., you will find all good appear-eece &lid H~ WIth Ke,. to the Scrip- rte, dIVIne Intelligence which is reflected Iy after the murderous assault upou used? \Vhat practical approach to IIS- He opened a blind man', e}'es. Aad in ing. The Discoverer of Chri.tian Sci-brcs" admonisb .. : "~old thOUlht hy. man. It has no kinship 1Oo;thmor- Jesus, kno~n II the crucifixion •• aw inJ' it can I make in the clashes, dis- tne words of S...ripluT", he w,.nt ab~lIt ence has made it plain that "the mindItea~ .. t~, to the endll~:W, ~he ~ood, ~hty, nor wilh conceptions or conclu- ~e~us. walk.'ng and heard bim talking. apPoi'l!!:l:ll1s, and limitatiollS that ac- healing all manner of diseases among of the individual only can produce a~ci

tMi.l~ a~d SOU w:.1 b:me tnese SlonS based on mortal premises. It i. I~"ea.o (l1.scern the glorious; fact that company the daily grind of my life? I the people. He knew that Ihe demand result upon his body' (Christian Heal-

!Dte:-)'OUr ezpetlence proportlonab~ 10 the. center and circumference of being. Life, .the dIvine Life ..... hich Jesus WIll ~w that love i. a demand of the of hi. time', just as it is the demand ing, 6:21.21). Let us persistently ac-theIr occupaney of )"Ocr thought. (p. whIch elrpresses its O\<.n unlarni,hed conscIous of expresSIng, had not been time.. I do not need to be persuaded of OUr times, was for the effects of knowledge the only Mind to be dh.jne.361 :~'l). " . n~lare in the uni"erse it creates. It de,troyed. In this failure he refused to love, but I do need light on how to God, divine Mind, or intelligence; but producing by its law. the results oi

\\ hen ChrIStian SCIence presents God IWes forth its own manifestation in ackno~..-1edgment of the one fact whic:h Io\~." My friend you are not alone he also knew that mankind did not r _ beauly and t~e one intelligence and foc~s at- ter~lI of h~ly, indeslructible qualities ~ade his Ma'ler'~ lIIission a ,uccas. in yoar query. \"e aU need light on ognize God as the cause of these :~. EV1L IS ALWAYS FALSEtentlOll on Ulan .. the reflectIOn of whIch Conslltute the elernal man. It \:et, Jesus lo'.ed hun enn at that mo- how to In"e, and Christian Science fects. He dcplored this condition but But how about the Case where mortalGod, and the i~ Ihat become. man!. ~Iots out .by its presellce all illu.i"n.,f ment. He lo~.ed hi~ 10 much, indeed. gives that licht. explaining in its text he loved humanily, Accordingly: out mind seem. to sncceed in being be.fe.t. therefr~ •. It pre.ents no. archaIC nnperfectlOn, for, being infinite, it that he pe~1l1ed .hlm to se~ the riaen boole, already meutiot!ed in this lecture, of his great love, he helped those hearts li.....ed. and the result. of evil seem toIIOt~ of rel",on, no false pIety, ~o leaves ~ ~oom for aught Ihat is not in. L:'rd-peTlDllled him to lee m the way the s.teps t~1t shc>wus victorious. First. that d~sired the ChriSl, even though appear? Evil is always false, and there.!echa~1 theoIOO' •. the h.v- c1aded III Its perfect presence. hIS dull sen,es co~1d at .that llIOIIlC1lt and lIamedl&teJy effect;,'e, is Ihe desire the deSIre ever 50 little. to feel the fore nothing, and.the proof of that factJJIlr, v!U:

Itruth WlllCb .. ~~Sllfied by Its TRUE IDEAS HAVE PO\VER comprehen~rmltted hnn to ;dntify to love. We must purify our desire power of God in their lives. By his can be unfailillgly made. Christ Jesus

.ffec:h In lerms ~f unfalh ... rood. It Front the divine. perfect Mind, the what Thomas clouded hU1llan .ense aDd make it unselfish alld .piritnal ma"'elous healing of myriad inhar. has already supplied the example. Hepreseu~s a fuU vIew of. God and ~is ~OUndatioa of .11, prOCeed true spiritual saw only. as a fleshly Jesus thr01llJb the ~eeping the desire active in thought monies of mortal lhought, he sought to permitted Ihe crucifixion, which herna~. ~duding the unl"erse, a YltW Ideas. If these ideas were abstract, woun~s 1ft the hands wher~ the nails Improves the desire and brings it to turn men's affections and allcgiance to might han avoided. onl" 10 show mor-~Ich II remarkably new 0111"because unavailable to humanity, and without had p,erced and the hoDo.... lD the side fulfilltnmt. Kext, and o,'erwhelmingly the cause of thOse healings-to God lals the 'uy to conqner Ihe seemingit 11 remarkably complele. praclical effecl. it would be usele,s to where the spear ., thrnst. important, is the modtl before our ",hose prcscnce, r~Aecled by man, re~ presence of evil. He pr()\.ed ils powe~-

11'I~ELL[GE~CE IS DIV1~E . de,'ole ourselves 10 considering th~ na- LOVE NEVER \VITHHOLDS thOl.ofl'ht, for all of us, conscio1151y or I veals heaven hcre and no\\'. He is "'c, lessntss. By persiltellt recognition ofInte~hg~nce as ~.. ~Iready been said ture of the.lruths of Chrislian Scicnce. Thomas 'Vanted 10 see the Christ. unconsciousl) .• .,..ork toward thought I cceding. The mcssaR'e of his mightv his spiritual being he ktpt his scnse of

herc. ... d'".,ne. :Sothlng short of per- But experlence has proved them 10 H,s dcs,re was ri!'(hl. Jesus knew that.! models and "'.e bring out in I works is lillln<krinl;" down 11,e ages. II s~lfhood beYOfld the range of mortalfect Intelhgence un make a universe h ....e holy power. Vltlizat,on of lhem, I So he lct 1 horna, set. in the ...a). i Ihe nalure of Ihe modd. Therefore. I has Ihll~dcr<d in human consciousn"s hatred to harm. Evil could not im.or ~I~ .it togetller ..... nd nothing short in lhe degrce thaI they are und .. ""oo i Tho.mas could. He leI him sce the I my friend. let our model he perfcct. to the arri, al of that l,i"oric sririt~~ll ['ress hi. con,ciou,ne.~s and thereforco.f drvlftlty can be perfect. The perfec- and Iruly acceplcrl, has horne unfa.img : ("hmt. or ulhcr Ihe evidcnce in the' Keep (;o,j beTMe the thoughl, and thc nnfoldmcnl_lne bril1,lfing to earlh of I was .robbed oi its illusion of existing. :tIo:I of di-inil,. is its c.o~p.!etene55; and fruit in terms of the redemption oi i Ile<h that Jesus. in O\.ercoming death. I conscious aCli,.ily ...hich expresses God.s Chrislian Science, the di,ine Com. This is lhe Wa). of "iclnry. II is nOl lhe:~ornp.lelene5S muns Ifthn.'tude. Coulli mortals from lhe d~slruclh.e tyranny i hat! d~.monslral~d Ihe Christ. Ihe ~p;r'l prestnce. Know the nalure "f G<>d as fort.r. promiserl ov T.",< >, r~mm;;: :,,' ".'J" 0: l~c e:.capisl. if hy (;'011 term is 'int.~!hgence he rehable ".h,ch 'SStrl~ it. of thr mrnA ....f ..,~r'.',. .\ ~.~ : :,c )" h- .! "CO '.c'" .;.f ,j ,;"c. jncieslrucl~bl~ L, f~. ~ Inrin"e 1-0, .e. The Chr",ti.n Scienc.' learl inr" ~I~lr11th. ~nrl rc, coll.<i 10 th,s I' IntAnt Ihe coward ".ho TUn., and Ica'.e, .ablhly 10 be..honest but nOI 10 be ~ust'l e~t proof of then P'''' er. III the npe. I "r \I:n<i. .\nd Thomas .a", It In the: lextbook h~)p, Us 10 lhe true COf1CCp' a,lte hy God .' c'>\\ n me"cn,ltrr. the God. Ihe sense of nil" appcarinll' to 1>" some. ito be .mer~"al but not 10 be "'lie: rlence of hosts ~f men and "."mtn. c"n.1 de"r~. ln~t Ihethought of Thorn ..s ".,i !Ton. and our teason, intuition, anrl e". ordarne<i. spiritualh.mlnded. c"mpas. Ihln,lt. 10 he "'1 rin:! cap,lI:. oi pow.r.Coord mtelh/rence be abl~ 10 savt frn", firm. the F!lhhral ~""r,. "f rn." .. ""ore of <l"""'"1t .I,e Chr;,I. e'.tn llW'n ..nrp r''',/;rm i.. 1...",". Leek at (.uT "en.:. \fT' . .t:.d<l, .. Thr(l"llh 11,ener~s'l Christian Scienlists are not (SCapisl,.silt and at Ihe same time ~tand helpless plete IIh'ation from ,in, ,;ekne« ... nd lh""lth lhal dr, ire setmed ".orfu11y "'0<1<1continually. See divine l.o'.e in ,ili .. "f "''' <lay. men <ie,iring. wilh Thty o,"enome. Thev fare the iIIus-~fore the raYlge. ~f disease? Could dealh. Nor would that compas<innale. smaiL 1: ..... , ~e\"trthelus there. jusl its imparlial. inltlligen~, gen .. ou~. IIn-1 increa<inll inlemity. the effecl' of ~nd ions of m~t~rial sen,e ~ith.lhe spiritualIt make men 5hr~.,. d and sma:t and u~selfish, detpl.y .,plTllual woman .... ho os. It " herc rn )01lr thought and mIne. .elfish, tender, compuslonate. r'''TlfYlng ~-expressed as lo,'e. h.alth, "cllnl).. scnse whltn erASCS lhe Illusions. If.unnrnlf 10 Ihe polDl of devel~,"g re- dlseovered Chn't,an SCle"te. ocr Law \\ .... 10<>. ore ;lcr:;;iUed 10 aee the .,;>eel. RejOice in our impro,.inll" ahliltv: And throu"h lhe minislr)' of Chri.lian tl,ey w~llc Ihrough lhe valley of thcfincd muns for extcrminatinll" their frl-I be.n able to eh~ck the ;"Ioor"nl mar ...h Chri,!. the conscIousness of .sonship to 110 .ee nur model mOTC ;>lainly and we I Serence men are COOlin". al Icast in shadow of death. Ihey, like the Psalm.Joooo-menand themsel ..e, tmder the con- of manklDd loward the unhappy goals God ..... h,(h enables us to Inherit the shall presently be rejoicing in the e"i. somc de~ee. 10 nndasland God a, Ihc is!, fcar no "'il, for Ihev know that e\.ilt .. (f;~tory. i".tin'ati ...." th~1 inlelligence I e-f human lhoughl~:er 1,""e been ~hle eli,.;ne F~lher, hount~. in tern:'s of ever.! dences nf 10\"e in O'lIrseh.e~. and the ef. I c:n,e ~f.. thc.e effect, and lhereforc to i, nnrcal to rJO<! .nd' mllst be SO todemands II? Thr answer to these ques. 10 fot:nd. or d, .. red to f"unn. Th( pre'cnt ~w .. ene'. 1'1 /rO<><!.rn lhe de- fcet. of LOH, SlIch a. secUrtly a no , ,,~'" c ",m. to 10,.c and oh,y anel !li'.e man. Th,y "fi~ht Ihe gOO<!fill"hl" (!>f;<.tion~ i, ob,.i)u,!y "~o." [t i, a false ~Ch",c" nf Chri'l. ,nm;>:",cl """'1:,., Ih. eI,,,re t" ,e, Ih. Christ in h..~hh in ""r ,,['eri •. The ~elivil\" ,he he~rt .• fin,:,,,. 10 :',. ,nfin:lc c,ll.n.o". \\"rili"ll"'. 2;8:/).;\ hv 1111117''en,e of ;ntel1T.:.r.ce tilat an'\\er, in Thf \folher ("",,', :" R,,,:en ,,"1 ". O. '=. (.'i.,." ",'rd •. I" h... ellr"ll,,,. oj <ii,in, I"" 'n 'I< T'. kl n" <0,. " .',>:,,,., 01 ,i " '0<1. :i" (,1\rr 01 n't\ lIl,lt :h .... rti, ;". "i '['ml,,_1 IrUlh :,,1.101otherwl5e-a .ort~ mis .. e supported 1

111 branches Ihroughout tile '>1I11.<edI b &Ulu,llciy cUr ciellre. "/he ,":lhiu!, .sa,", the c:: .. nlic.;t .. :,OJl vi lile l.nllst.l guvsi and perleel iill, the dl\"lne Falb. j OUl lhe malerial falschood which .eems I



.Pi!iIli!!liilYi!ll!! i!!I!I•••••• .. LAWN ,CUTIING

and e--aa c.nt-iDcSue OIl Moothl, Rat.


FREE ESTIMATESKe..t tJuot ..-t _ *'-ala •

Gt-_ Pom" R..... __ •


Help Out the Veterans!


NI. 2393

a motor ear, all eleetric light; they might haft been pY-

emor, _tor, president; they might h....e rot that culturefor cancer. written that creat noye" painted that areatpicture. MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Inltead the, fouchtgreat battle.. They're .till fighting .•• fightiar 10 peopleWon't "y, "WHY SHOULD I GIVE 'EM MY MONEY?"They don't want moMy ri.en them. The,. want to earn it.

And they make tiny Bowen-poppiel to selLThey want you to buy them • • • .. Itrai,btmerchandiae ••• 10 that they an belp them-.. lyes with better medical care and facilitiea.So that they an let ua enjoy our healthybocIiea and normal lives without the bur_of the memories that the laat war baa culinto their lives. You will nmember, of coune.


CompletePainting Service


'Vicker and Lawn FurnitureBreakfast Sets, Basements,Stucco and Brick Painting

Bedroom Suites Painted to )'IatchAny Color Design

AD Work Guaranteed.

., You will please take noticethat the Board of Re'V'iew will be. .msesslon on

LEO J. ATHMAN,Village Assessor.

LANE BROS•897 Fialler Rc:L

To The Taxpayersof the

Village of GrossePointe Woods


Monday and Tuesday,May 27th, and 28th, 1940

between the hours of 8:00 in theforenoon and 5:00 in the after-noon. The meeting will be heldin the Municipal Bldg., at 20775

.,~~ck. Avenue..All those deeming themselves

aggrieved by their assessment,.will. then "be heard.

J' I •••••

--------------_._---------•• I • I • I • • • • I •• I I •••• I ••

Dr. Marias Fitz.Simon, psycholorist Twenty-nine patrol boys from the.of the Groue Pointe Public sChOOlj fourth, lifth, and sixth grades of Trom-System, gave a very interesting and hly School enjoyed the o;Jportunitystimulating talk on the "Importance' given them by Mr, Walter 0, Briggs,of Discipline," at the P,T.A. meeting Jr. and the Automobile Club of ~lichi.on Wednesday, May 15, at the Trombly f d' th b b 1lSchool. Many of thos ... present (om. gan, a allen mi'. ease a i'amemented on the practical value of the between the \\ lshlngton Senators andIUiiestions included in the talk. the Detroit Tiger. on Tuesday, ~lay 14.



All of the high school singles playersmet defeat in their lirlt matches, whilethe three doubles team. "4On theirinitial matche., but dropped their .ec.and encounter ••

Groaae Pointe Lutheran

aEye-catching •• '"",- ....,....• ..,. of _ ..:- '.-,,;A:p6a~ fulaioM t Cool, _io..b1e Pia,. 5 ... '•• pretty..... tiDY-priced I ,

1AcIi.' aad au '. Slade 5l1ita,Sbirta, Shoru, J b. .

. S9t to $7.50DEVON

Apparel ShoplarD Mack, Near


"The Rich Man and Lazarll' in Life,in Death and in Eternity," will be thesubject of the sermon at the Gro.sePointe Lutheran Church, worshipingin the Richard School auditorium, Ker.che,'al and McKinfey, Sunday morning,May 26th, at 11 o'clocl(, preached bythe Rev. M. Luther Caaup, D.O., pastor.

Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. SpecialMemorial Day sen'ices at both theSunday School hour and at the 11 '\o'clock service. At the dose of theSunday School hour each grade in thescho:ol will take part in a memorial I&er\"Jce ..

Mrs. Adeline Doepping will be solo;stat the 11 o'clock preaching hour. Thepublic is cordially in"ited.

Gro",e Point ... Hii'h Schoo!'. ten,,!.'Quad lini.hed in fourth place in thelIate regional meet held last .. turdayon the local court ••

Tenui. Team TakeeFourth In Regional.

Who are these men? What'e their racket?Wotta they got to offer? Are they greatinduetrialiats, politiciane, &eientiab, artisb?,Why should I give 'em ~y money?Tbeae men are veU. Their aim it to A1np that put: oftheir lives that'l left them after a ..,..t war.Th.y are trying to help themMlver aDd theirJarge community of wounded fellow aoIdierr.No, they aren't great. They ...... t famour.They are men from common walk. of life who,in the first f1ulh of iMir youth, found them... lftl fi,hting for • cause. But they m~htbave been &Teat. They might bave invented

Be Generous Tuesday-Wednesday


New Principal(e-timaed. ire. Pap 0-)

Mr. C1emlnst'n is married Ind hiswife is a former school teacher. Theyhave one child, a daughter aged fourand a half.

High School NineLosee To Monroe

By DICK BODYCOMBEAfter pitching bve .coreless innin8's

Russ Da"is, Grone Pointe HighSchool's Idt.holnded pitcher, weekencdin tbe lilt frame of Saturday's contestat Monroe and allowed the Trojans to.oore two runs and eqe out the localbaseball nine 7-6.

C1eminson ha. broocht about impot'Vement. in the guidanceprqrram and in the course of .tudywork at Port Huron, and with commit-tees of teachen has frequently visitedthe Grosse Pointe High School, 10 thathe is known to some of the local .taff.Although he ~,ill not officially assumehis new duties until September 1st, hewill spend most of August in GrossePointe .. well as some time bet ....eennow and the end of the .(bool year.Mr. RehmIU will be in Graue Pointeuntil July 1st.

See Your SpirellaRepre..ntatiye for Appointment.

New Spring ModebNI. ZI61

~ I Davis entered the pme in the latterIlII part of the opening inning, after Mon-

roe had pummeled Eddil! Smith out ofthe box, anll went along .moothly untilthe last inning. Groue Pointe gatheredall six of their tallies in the lirst threeinnings. Art Witt stock and WalterPickard eKh collected two hits for theBlue DeviIJ.

Tuesday, the Blue Devil nine traveledto Wyandotte, and right-handed law-rence Shock turned in the best linglepitching !>Crfocmance of the curr"nt iselUOn. Shock permitted only ooe hit,'although Wyandotte KOI'...d tlilrO I'UIlII I

.Olf etron:" Grblse Pointe combed three\'Vyandotte hurlers for 10 runs a long homer by Art \Vitlstoclc,Blue De"i1 catcher. This i. the thirdwin against four losses for the localsquad.

••• •• ••C1eminson Is president of the Edwin

L. Miller Round Table, In organiza-tion of high school principal. of lOuth-eastern Michigan, and has also ICrvedII ill .ecretary and vice-president. Hewas twice chairman of the high schooldivision of di~trict " of the Michigan Thi. mark. the first year GroneEducation As,ociation and 1IIhen at Pointe has railed to fini.h either lintEast Lansing 1IIa. president of the or second in a regional meet, and alsoLansin8' area of the Pbi Delta Kappa. is the irst year a local player hasAlumni Club, an orpniJation devoted been unabl ... to qualify for the Stateto lca.denhip and research in graduate final.. I.tudy. He has been ehairman of the I

TV. 1.111' public: relations committee of district 6 ~~t Tuesday. a.fterftoon, the Blue" P' T 1I!ji!1iI of the Michipn Educatioa Anoc:iatinll. De"lIs dropped tnelr last dual m~tch of

------- H. i•• Rotarian. When fDPled in th~ .easo~ to \Vyandotte. Thl' l~sd t t d t An Arbor h d Ibnngs their total record to two 111m.

gra U& e I u y an, e serve d' h 105a.i ;.:ai:;~;.::.t to Dr. CliffQrd \V~""i lu an elg tie •.. I the university'. bureau of educational With a wealth of yOlm" materialreference and research. He il a mem- avai~bll!.fOf next year, C?'ach Lawrenceber of numerous educatiollaJ Ulocia. Westerville has IOmethilll' well ~'orthtion.. waiting for.------

• i • I I I I

I. L •••• II ,

. """


~7.50 - S10.00 - $12.50

Nottingham at JelferlOQ.2nd Floor, LE. 3511.

IIZ DnId ~ BIIiWlq 7411 W. SI,VEJIf MILE RD.lludeIph ... UN. WIG

[email protected]!liili!lSi!lfil!!i!Rm •••••••••••••


France) FOll: Scalp Treatment~ exclusiTe .t the Gross.Pointe and Seven Mile Road Salon.

,Desi~ner of Contours and Styles

Good Food-F .. t ReuGllMbie PriCe. ... 1lWlI7 70Ug-D aet for • day of ~tic.!

OPEN 7 A. M. Week DaYI 9:3tTO il:3IA. M. Sunday'DINNERS SERVFD from 11:31 A. M. tti) c10aiae OD SlmClay.

n. Cit7-WideF_

Let Van De Store Your Winter GarmentsFREE!(Pa, for O.ninl aacl p...... WIleD Delinnd)

w. 5t_ F... C_b Ia CoW s Vatdta.THIS WEEK'S SPECIA~ Tin, ztc, ' 1). a--L 0. S.....P-u.. P,_ r,..... ta Jr_ M.ub-TIES LOOK1.In NEW.


BROEDELL PLUMBING AND HEATINGIp.a.Ii.h Ia Fumace a.. g..... R......


S. McQUEEN. p.....

15241E. Warren at Barham Phone NI. 0064

Grosse Pointe SportsmenYour Breakfast Problem

is Solved!KIN' 1011 can make the ladies "golf widow." and atiD affection I ForDO wife caD retiat the temptation toiDdaIp ill • "beauty nap." So-aet the .". toaet.ber-kiDcyear DeSt foaraome to

I r r



1n41 ~ ...... to S..... A • PC&I ,. .... Deli....

!....- -_Il_~ Ij!lII!!I!pit.i'li'Ji!ift!iJ8

- r TliarlCl.y, M.y 23, 1940

". ~,j11II









Rain Cancel. AllLocal Ball Gamea

E"Wf ... ,. Ie Value 0.,. .tKt.a_ - ..... thi. _,...... -.c....ftJ' ao. -LooIt!JlJIolo,o'l .. _

JILL flGILES ~ 151e-t17 a." eru- .......CUCIERS Z ~ 251fSot-DaW ~Iot

C!.I'fEE0...... F""" Oodo:

CIEEU IIWn .. v... x....IILI _ • I • Ill.51Caomtrr a.",

PORI & lEUS 4',. CJ1IIo Fbl.

llEAT IEMI ,~'15.e-tooD'. F_

~_ ~lUll 4':: 25tM~EGGS d07.. i..


Mack at Nottingham

e-t.y CIooIIO

TO" A'tOJ U I C-I3~23e

Ace ••••• 's .M"ZI" ••• "."',, ......;,;~ ....u. ..._.:w.. _..... to .,.... _ ._ II _---..-...._- ......


~ ... 5c

--------- -------

. '1IWAa. o. IM"ATION'"'"_ IS ONLY __ RAV~_LS._.....2k27c35c


.... Danay....... HI.......J1U7~A_

Heat WavesMean ••••

PERMANENT WAVESHaft :rCMlr IQ)p and hair a-ted

Wore ,ow Permaaeat, by oarScalp Speci.Ii'LS.... Mauqe, Salt G1o-RaaIM.

DONNA'S HAIR and HEAL TH STUDIO1.. 12 ~ A ....


RITTER'S'nJ. Z.I421 N. a-.. '- Ed. I... llZZ7 Mael at nr.. M.n. Dm.





T....... 1" Ie tIoe tint .... ~lII:ieti6c beef ---. .....- ...... totoy - E-,. .. t~ t-a- _,...-.,....... c.... __tiaa ........,...., B........ ~ n-.. 68-.1,_ T--.,.ll


Turkey.JONES FARM UNitS.usag••!UC"'...D





Potatoes 10 u.. 29c BIG BEN BREAD 2~ 10.FRENCH COFFEE 2Ibs.37. I

• ~ia 10c YEUOW CORN • 4 ' 25-.. _-- ~....... EV/AJ': MILK~I~ & ~ ~ I!~~ £...,."A'-

Oranges S~ q ... 39c COFFEE SP8r.JiiT • 3 r.':;39c.CAKE FLOUR ~b7 5,:;.17. i

~..:.-:::.-..:. ~ _. . - - - . - .. - - ~- ~ ~--:::'~.:....:.~..:::.';...::._~::...::.--:..:::..:.--=-=~ ~--~-~

On WinterGarments, Cleaned

and Pressed

IDOIorIats 1«1 the b1lftWl ar... to .tepOlIt there it nothill8' criminal inthat. Nevertbele .. , when the urge tomake haste reach .. the point of beed.Ie.. diarClfUd f« the life ailli propert,.of otllen by permittina' I motor Ylbicle Due to UtClelllellt weather eI ....

B;, JUDGE THOIIAS ... MAHER to reach the "out of cOfttrol" .t .. e, IUcb Sund4ly, aU game. in the Groes. PaiaIIIa driver Ju. attained the poteatial kil. BasebaU Leaaue ",ere posl1lOftecL

Of Trafie e-t ler class. It it most unfortunate that Double heade,. ",ill be held later ..c:o.treIIN s...a ,.eh 1II0torists eannot all be appre. the .eason, when the team. who wer.

La... enforcement luthorities are in hended before the mevitable accident scheduled to oppose tach othu JuIhappen. and IIOt Ifter. Sun~y meet again.&'tIIeral lIt-ent that the princi"1

can$( of lIlQSt of our .eriou. traBic ac- Obey aU speed re&'Uutions. They may The schedule next week finds GnItMtideats ia fast driving. 'l'he operator of not all sllit your personal convenience Pl>ir!!e F:lr::;~ ~laying h~st to S.t. Iotaa motCH'vehide who drivel hi, ur al a but you will be doing your bit to solve of Arc, Ca~r1er s ~thletlc Dub In~dd

• P e e d W h i chi t fl' b! Grosse POinte \\ ood., Grosse POIDC.a ra IC pro e:n. Sh G P .makes it impossi. ores meeh roue ornte Park ...- - AnI!, aooy<: aI!, llla!::e !:.:utc cr.lj' ",l."" I the Park diamond and Gratiot TOWIa*DIe tor IIIIII- to. .'have his car UDftr you Un do 10 In ,afety. ship draw, a dye.control it a ft6-nile traffic: men.Ice Ind C'Very ef.fort • h 0 u I d bemade to eIimma te 'him.

Two fae t ora.houlci be takeninto considen.tiOllby the driver to

determine the COO-Itrollable speed ofhis vehicle: t b e

mechanical condition of his car and,most importlat, some knowledge of thedistance it travels per lecond at Tad-OUI speeds and the distance required to 1'\1 2-ZI"bring the vehicle to I stop. Ju an ex. '" '.amplc, a car tr.~'elir.g at :ro miles per ,I--


hoar moves 29 feet per secoad and, as. "0-swlling that brakes and tires are ingood ~ndition, may be brougbt to ai'complete stop m J9 feet. .

With .prinS in the air, an open roadahead and a good car, it is no wonder


Maior Buma HearyPo.t No. 303

Fort Poatcbartrain

Harlow J. Lingeman17... KerciIeTaI TV. Z-M2t

We are Yell' proud IlO sa,. that atour meeti .... «Ma,. 20tb ...e had SO'foin attendance. Grace Smith also waswitb us, althoUc1t .be is an old memberit WII the lirst time she has been ableto attend one of our mee.lings. Hopewe will see more of her.

Let's lUalce an effort girls, and turnout lItxt time and lee if we ean goover 50%.

Our Unit was 105"'" in membershipby March 1st, but let'l see if ",e canhelp Dara Bi.hop ret a fe ... more newmemben. Le.t you foqret, SirJ.s, areminder: Spaghetti Dinner, May 25that 68 Kerby Rd. Can for reservationsbefore Friday, Nt ./64S, or TV 2.1813.Memorial Service at churcb, May 26th,Puppy, M:ay 26ti1. Service. at MajorBurnl Henry srave, May 30th.. The few of )'VU girls that left oar

meeting right away missed 0Ui 011 atreat from our president, Elva Nielsen.She took about 15 of us girls intoSanden, and I feel s«ry !or poor MartaDd Dons far they wili have to eathot dogs and beans for the rest of theweek. We certain!,. didn't try to laveher any expense en the treat. I hopeMart and Doris will forgive DS. Mart,I'll see that YOU Ilet an extra lervine-of spaghetti if you 'kiU wait till Satur-day.



Neighborhood Club

Blankets, Comforters, Draperies and Furs


w. W .. h ..... Trim AD B.....~ AI B.... BovcIecl ~ D.,. • M_tll


An unusual display of communit,.talent will be featured at the Jamboree011 Friday night, May 24th, at 8:00p. m. ill the ~eighborhood Club gym.l1I.silUl1.Inchtded in the program ",illbe a Danisb Dance by the Tin,. TotsBallet Class under the direction of Mrs.Jose and Jacky Tenney; A play TimeReview by Junior Girls Gym Class;Tap numbers by P~ggy and MaryQailln, and the Neighborhood Oub TapCIa•• es; Folk <lances by the GammaGamma Dub; A Fencing Demonstra-lion by the ~eighborhood Club Fenc-ers. A play "The Fatal Quest" by theA.O.C. Club; a song by the PlaymatesOub and a Tumb.ling Act by the Inter-mediate Girls Gym Class, and a por-trayal of Camp Fire Work by the CampFire Girls.

E"eryone is invited to attend thi.

Iprosram, in fact bring your Mothersand' Dads, brothen, sisten, uncle.,aunts, cousms and don't forget Grand-m. and Grandad. No admission will ~c;/w'ged.

• • •Grosse Pointe Girls Baseball Leape:

The Baseball Leaaue for girl. starb OIl

Thursday night Jnne 6th at 6;30 p. m.Everyone it .....elcome to see thesepnaes.

Y. w. C. A. Notealira. Frank KliaIbW and the Fricnd-

1:r SerTice Committee at Central Bl1lnchY. w. G A. are aU puffed up withpride over the tremendous success oftheir recent benelit bridge party' at Mrll. Henry B. Kellogg, and Mrs.Groue Pointe Memorial Church, which Roy R. Riddle, past regents of Fortnetted nearly $JOO to aid in this phase Pontchartrain Chapter, O.A.R.; Mn.of Y. w. C. A. worle. As a relult of Edward]. Savage, historiasr, and Mrs'ltheir effort, many needy girls will re- Harry W. Ryan, of Detroit, chapterceive a well-deserved 'iii.' ",'hich may member, and others, will Diulur [0 Gai-be in the form of emergency food or ien, Berrien County, Michigan, Snndayho~sing at the Y, clothing (or perhaps afternoon, ~lay 26th, where, in theeven a pennane!1t wave) to help them

Galien Cemetery, at three o'clock, amake a b~tter appearance in seeking bronze tablet will be unveiled on theemployment, or some other bit of serv-ice which U of maju, imponance in grave of Mrs. Ryan's alleeslress, Mrs.solving a gir!'s particular problem of Mary Jewell Lee Bratton, daushter of

the Revolutionary .oldier, Benjamin. the moment. In 1939 more than JOO

Igirls were given free food and housins Lee. Two neighboring D.A.R. the Y. w. C. A. and ncarly 600 Fort St. Joseph Chapter, of Niles, and

Rebecca Dewey Chapter, of Three Oakswere assisted ill .olvir.g some personal h b .. _-' . • . hproblem. More than 100 girls were ave ee.. mVlt~ to participate m t eplaced in employment through the ceremony.Friendly Service department which als0l Mrs. Osmond D. Heavenrich, ofacts as a referral agency, Jackson, formerl,. of Detroit, now state

O.A.R. regent, will be present at thelltIveiling. All interested are invited.


ChriatiaD Science

"Soul and B~~e the subject Iof the Lesson-Scrmon in all ChristianScience Church ..s throughont the worldIOft_Sunday, Ma,. 26. .

L.orrclatlve passages to be read fromhe Chrjsti~n Sc:e::~: te..~!bO!:'k,uSden::e

Iand Health ""ith Key to the Scriptures,"by Mary Baker Eddy, include the fol-lowing (p. 261): "Hold thought stead-fastly to the enduring, the good, andthe true, and you ....ill bring thue in-to your experience proporlionably totheir occupancy of your thoughts.~


brsfJ• ;;; g am I


!SSE. -de iiI«! Ii





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Dectrie ....... dan;"~ equipmeat. Equippecls.rnc. an. 21,.... in ero... Poiale.

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JOE'S . F,.. S.... _ W au-.taVlI.LAGE SHOP ~. Pq Nut~'" T Z........... ~ .~...JII~ a-.. • l)FWltt ...

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EUGENE'S •••B•• t Food In Town

STEAKS AND SEA FOODS.... "'''''''11:. A. M. to I'.P,M.

DINNERS, LUNCHEONS,lie........ tic to ISc

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We Caw to Priftte p.... w ....PAUL PEPPER. .


PLAy C1.OTH£S.....sI SIa.cb, 3-piece PIa,. Dreua$195 to $1.95



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S9c to $3.95, aizea 1..6

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PUNcH tI: JUDy Bl.DG.GnMe Poiate

N:n' ~~,. 7." IMichiaaa Society, CAR.s-..y, ~e WIn be'li' at 11 :15 1lfmlbe" and lUests of Cadillac S0-

L ....with Suuy School meetill&' at ciety, CA.R. wi11pther at two o'clock,... oClodr. The ,lIDlDltt .chedule of Saturday afternoon, Ma,. 25th, at theSu4l111a"rice1 will at) in~ e!feet with home of M:ra. Kenneth A .Kitchen, OfttIM irst S ..... ,. of Jut. FOf detailccl Grace Avenue, ~ortbyjlle, from which~eab, lie lle:d wuk'. iuue. point member. of ...IYftloutb Corner,ao:: Society, of which Mn. Kitchen i. sen.

Picture Framiac lor president, will ",ide them to a place in Call-Benton Park, for a


~~\ wiener and steak rout and picnic IUp-.' per. RenrvatiOfts should be lllade by'~ lJ."..'/ Friday lIl'ith the lenior president, Mrll.

.. ': Tolbert'1.. Grimm, of Kendall A"enue,or Muilynn E. Savage, junior presi-dent, of Yorkshire Rvad.------

TUxedo 2.3000

:' J


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