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Linking Mission 3: The Yin of Ping and the Yang of Pong2011

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Feel as one with your network

In this final installment we will learn about how to keep in touch with people on LinkedIn through pinging. The trick is not only to grow a network, but then to keep in touch with it in meaningful ways. By doing so, you will have a lively network full of people you can count on.

Your network can help you:

•Find new resources

•Build a reputation

•Achieve personal accomplishments

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The Three Things To Do

1. Grow Your NetworkHaving a great profile, as we’ve already discussed will help you accomplish this, but you also need to reach out.

2. Update Your NetworkOnce you have a web of contact, you have to stay in contact. Let them know how you are doing through Updates and Messages.

3. Recommend Your NetworkRecommending others is a key way to getting recommendations yourself.

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Making Connections

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Where to find Connections?

You can find potential Connections all over the LinkedIn community. We’ve already discussed finding them in LinkedIn Groups and Answers, but you can also find them by:

•Using LinkedIn People Search

•Connecting with your offline network

•Connecting with 2nd Level Connections

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Who to Connect to?

Connect to people you know and those you would want to know. If a person’s profile looks interesting, you can see how you could potentially help each other out, connect!

You can always disconnect later, after all.

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Sending a Connection Request

The first step is to answer how you know the person. “Friend” will allow you not to request the Connection without knowing their e-mail. The others use LinkedIn to find your common ground.

Then you must write a personalized Connection request. Let the person know why they should connect with you, like you would at a face-to-face event.

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Sending Updates

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Updates are non-pushy pings

Sending a status update is a passive way of letting your network know what you are up to, and helps you find out what they are up to. You can connect your LinkedIn with your other social networks, but mind your audience.

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Use messages to keep in contact

Messages go directly to your Connection’s in-box, making this a strong way to personally contact people. Use messages to ping personal notes to people you may not have heard from in a while, like you would use an e-mail.

Hey Joe,

Long time no see. I’m going to be in London next week. Do you have time to grab a coffee?

-- Megan

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Recommendation Karma

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When to make recommendations

Whenever you can, recommend your colleagues and other people you have worked with. Your Recommendation should add professional value to their profiles. If they impressed you, recommend them.

Often, the people you recommend will recommend you back, too!

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LinkedIn Recommendations should be specific

When writing a Recommendation, you need to be precise about what you are recommending them for. This makes the Recommendation valuable.

“Ben Grossman represents the next wave of dynamic speakers on Internet culture and its impact on business. His presentations have covered the pulse of the Millennials, the Return on Branding Influence, and I’ve heard a few other topics come out of Ben that were equally as interesting. He spoke at my New Marketing Summit event in October 2008, and then I watched him at Jeff Pulver’s Social Media Jungle in November. Those two performances were golden, and the audience in both cases were at the edge of their seats. Ben Grossman is going places. Will you be one of those places?” – Chris Brogan’s Recommendation for Ben Grossman

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Your rewards….

Besides the LinkedIn Karma you will receive through a good network, once you are one with your network you will be eligible to receive several earthly rewards. Your progress will be tracked weekly and prizes given out monthly.


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