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Linear organization

Organizing Your Speech

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• The organization of the body of the speech

• The Introduction

• The conclusion

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Why do we Organize SpeechesWhy do we Organize Speeches

• Effective organization helps public speakerspublic speakers by simplifying content preparation.

-- To get started, choose an organizational pattern.

-- Develop a list of main points.

-- Increase speaker’s credibility and confidence (i.e.

focusing on delivery rather than recall).

Speech Topic Main Points

The advantage of getting a college education

1. Salary differences between high-school and college graduates

2. Life status differences between high-school and college graduates

3. Health outcome differences between high-school and college graduates

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Why do we Organize SpeechesWhy do we Organize Speeches

Effective organization helps listenerslisteners.

-- Helps listeners understand, remember, and

listen to speech. (clear logics, links, transitional words…)

-- Allows listeners to enjoy the message, rather

than struggle to follow it.

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Guidelines for Organizing your ContentGuidelines for Organizing your Content

Step 1: Develop the body of your speech first.Develop the body of your speech first. Decide upon the major ideas you’ll highlight in your speech and then go back and introduce them effectively.

Step 2: Clearly state your central ideaClearly state your central idea, which provides the backbone for your speech.

Central idea Speech topic Main points

“Capital punishment is unethical because it unfairly targets minorities, is irrevocable, and is a violation of basic human rights.”

Ethics of capital punishment

1. Is unfair to minorities.

2. Cannot be revoked.

3. Violates human rights.

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Make sure your supporting materials are directly relevant to the main pointsMake sure your supporting materials are directly relevant to the main points

I. There are several reasons why people immigrate to the United States.

A. Over the years, millions of people have immigrated to the United States

B. Many people immigrate in the search of economic opportunity.

C. Others immigrate to attain political freedom.

D. Still others immigrate to escape religious persecution.

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Guidelines for Organizing your ContentGuidelines for Organizing your Content

Step 3: Limit your number of main points.Limit your number of main points.• Using more than five points will make it difficult for you

and your audience to remember your message.• Limit yourself to the number of points you can fully

develop and remember during your speech.

• Keeping your number of points low will help your audience recall your main points.

Length of speech Number of main


3 to 4 minutes 2

5 to 7 minutes 3 to 4

10 minutes or more Up to 5

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Point + proof, proof, proofPoint + proof, proof, proof

•Make a logical argument•Easy to follow•Best with 3 points

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Tips for Preparing Main PointsTips for Preparing Main Points

• Write your main points in as few words as possible.

• Use parallel main points to help yourself and audience members recall your main points.

√ Effective × Ineffective

“The tax code penalizes married couples.”

“ The tax code is unfair because people who are married pay more taxes than people who are single of those who love together have to pay.”

Speech topic Parallel main points

The benefits of internship 1. Internships are beneficial because they provide job skills.

2. Internships are beneficial because they provide business contacts.

3. Internships are beneficial because they provide job opportunities.

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Tips for Preparing Main PointsTips for Preparing Main Points

• Keep main points separate.

• Balance the amount of time devoted to main points.

Ineffective Effective

I. The first step is choosing the play.

II. The second step is selecting the cast.

III. The third step is conducting rehearsals and then performing the play

I. The first step is choosing the play.

II. The second step is selecting the cast.

III. The third step is conducting rehearsals .

IV.The fourth step is performing the play.

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Tips for Preparing Main PointsTips for Preparing Main Points

• Try to use the same pattern of wording for main points

Ineffective Effective

I. Regular exercise increases your endurance.

II. Your sleeping pattern is improved by regular exercise.

III.It is possible to help control your weight by regular exercise.

I. Regular exercise increases your endurance.

II. Regular exercise improves your sleeping pattern.

III.Regular exercise helps control your weight.

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Guidelines for Organizing your ContentGuidelines for Organizing your Content

Step 4: Organize your points in a logical sequenceOrganize your points in a logical sequence.

• Arrange your ideas in an order that make sense.

• E.g., job skill contacts job opportunities

Step 5: Identify your sourcesIdentify your sources.

Do Example

When you make a claim, you need to support it.

“ Air pollution today is the worst it has ever been.”

Indicate the source of the support you offer.

“ Environmental Protection Agency Report published in 2009”

Provide the specific source and integrate it smoothly into your speech.

“According to the EPA, …”

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Organization Patterns for Informative Speech Organization Patterns for Informative Speech

1. Chronological

2. Geographical/Space sequence

3. Cause and effect

4. Topical

5. Formula or gimmick

• Some organizational patterns can also be used for persuasive speeches

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• Used to discuss a series of events that happened in order.

Types Sample Speech Topics

Historical “Today, I am going to discuss the escalation of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War.”

Someone’s life “Let’s take a look of the life of John F. Kennedy.”

Instructions “By the end of this speech, you’ll know exactly how to plant your own English garden.”

Processes “Now, let’s examine how an amendment is added to China’s Constitution.”

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Geographical or Space SequenceGeographical or Space Sequence

• Use this pattern to

-- Discuss your main points based on physical proximityphysical proximity.

-- Describe a place or an objectplace or an object.

e.g., “Today, we’ll take a tour of the country’s national parks, from the west to the east coast.”

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Cause and EffectCause and Effect

• Highlighting causes of a problem and discussing their effects.

• E.g., Speech topic Causes Effects

Air Pollution 1. Car emissions2. Dust from

construction3. Manufacturing


1. Breathing difficulties

2. Allergies3. Can shorten

life span

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• Use when you want to take a broad topic and divide it into categories, e.g.,

Speech topic

Categories or main points

Weight loss


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Formula or GimmickFormula or Gimmick

• Helpful for improving memory by spelling a

word with the first letter of each main topic, e.g.,

• Or, begin each point with the same letter, e.g.,

-- The four C’s of diamonds include: ccut, cclarity, ccolor, and ccarat.

Speech topic Formula or Gimmick

Main points

Adolescent drug-resistance strategies

R Refuse

E Explain

A Avoid

L Leave

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Four Persuasive Organizational PatternsFour Persuasive Organizational Patterns

Pattern #1: Pro-conPro-con: recognize the counter argument and impress your audience with a compelling argument for the other side of the issue.

-- Use stronger evidence for one side.

-- Attack the other side of the issue.

Speech topic

Your argument Counter argument

Gun Control Laws

“Stronger gun control laws will decrease the number of deaths due to accidents.”

“Stronger gun control laws might increase the number of deaths by the number of people who cannot defend themselves because they do not have guns.”

Acknowledge an aspect or advantage of the counter argument, such as “Currently, you can own a gun to defend yourself.”

Use strong evidence to support your arguments, such as “However, there are many more deaths caused by accidents than by those who do not have access to guns to defend themselves.”

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Pattern #2 Problem-SolutionPattern #2 Problem-Solution

Speech topic

Problem Solution

Obesity in China

“Three problems occur because of obesity. Obesity leads to increased health costs, decrease the quality of life for the obese, and can even lead to premature death.”

“We can solve the problems of obesity by decreasing the size of portions in restaurants, decreasing the reliance on automobiles, and decreasing the consumption of processed foods.”

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Pattern #3 Elimination–Order PatternPattern #3 Elimination–Order Pattern

• Describe possible solutions and eliminate all but yours, and explain why only your solution will successfully solve the problem.

Speech topic Possible solutions Eliminate all solutions except your own

Overcrowding in the parking lots on campus

“There are three solutions to the parking problem on campus: 1.Build more garages on campus;2.Build lots off campus and shuttle students in, or3.Build more bike paths.

1. “It costs too much, and we don’t have enough land.”

2. “Students don’t want to ride a shuttle bus, and it increases air pollution.”

3. The best solution is to build bike paths.”

Evidence: “At other universities, the building of bike paths has decreased congestion in parking lot.”

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Pattern #4 Formula or Gimmick (窍门)Pattern #4 Formula or Gimmick (窍门)

• Helpful for improving memory by spelling a word with the first letter of each main topic, e.g.,

• Or, begin each point with the same letter, e.g.,

-- The four C’s of diamonds include: ccut, cclarity, ccolor, and ccarat.

Speech topic Formula or Gimmick

Main points

Adolescent drug-resistance strategies

R Refuse

E Explain

A Avoid

L Leave

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Monroe's motivated sequenceMonroe's motivated sequence

• Monroe‘s motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speeches that inspire people to take action. It was developed in the mid-1930s by Alan H. Monroe at Purdue University. It consists of five steps.

• The advantage of Monroe's Motivated Sequence is that it emphasizes what the audience can do. Too often the audience feels like a situation is hopeless; Monroe's motivated sequence emphasizes the action the audience can take.

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Monroe’s Motivated SequenceMonroe’s Motivated Sequence

Commercials, editorials, and political speeches often use this technique.

Five steps: ANSVA -- AAttention: Visualize or show how serious a problem is. -- NNeed: Explain why the audience should be concerned with a particular problem and why they should change

a belief, attitude, or behavior. -- SSatisfaction: Explain how your solution will address the problem or need. -- VVisualization: Motivate audience with a mental picture and solution. -- AAction: Advise ways to change by providing instructions

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Evaluation of an IntroductionEvaluation of an Introduction

1. Capture your audience’s attention (9 strategies);2. State your purpose and topic (see an example);3. Establish relevance to your audience (see an

example);4. Build your credibility/authority over your topic

(e.g., personal experience and/or extensive research);

5. Transition into the body of your speech (see an example).

6. Set your tone (i.e., lighthearted or serious);7. Preview your main points (a map to navigate the

speech with all the major points);RememberRemember: A good introduction should be between

45 and 60 seconds or accounts for 10-20% of your speech.

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1. Capture your audience’s attention (9 strategies)1. Capture your audience’s attention (9 strategies)

1. Open with a quote (brief, relevant, & easy to link your topic).2. Use a startling fact/stats (to focus your audience’s attention on

your topic).3. Begin with a question (either rhetorical or direct).4. Refer to a current event (to increase audience’s interest). 5. Tell a story/anecdote about yourself to others (to gain audience’s

interest and familiarity).6. Perform a demonstration to connect your audience nonverbally

(Alert: don’t distract from it or frighten your audience).7. Refer to a literary material (by concisely discussing a relevant

character, book, or reading a short poem).8. Use humor (to make your audience laugh, feel alert, relax, and/or

develop positive feeling; avoid using offensive humors).9. Create suspense verbally or nonverbally (to increase audience’s


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2. State your purpose and topic2. State your purpose and topic

Type of Speech Tips for Statement of Purpose


Informative Use a clear, declarative statement.

“Today I am going to explain three ways that you can improve your net worth while in college…”

Persuasive Use a statement of action or outcome.

“Today, I am going to persuade you to vote for China…”

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3. Establish relevance to your audience3. Establish relevance to your audience

• How can you make date rape a relevant issue for all your audience (both males and females)?

-- Explain the frequency of date rape occurrences (e.g., one out of four college female students in U.S.).

-- Mention that anyone is a potential victim, including the friends and families of the audience members

(e.g., mother, sister, girlfriend/boyfriend). -- Discuss the consequence of being accused of

date rape (e.g., short-term and long-term trauma).

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4. Build your credibility/authority over your topic4. Build your credibility/authority over your topic

• I started lifting weight when I was in high school, and I have kept at it for the past eight years.

• I have been interested in the history of the civil rights movements for several years, and I have read a number of books and articles about it.

• The information I am going to share with you today comes mostly from my biology class and an interview with Reyna Vasquez of the local Audubon Society.

*Whatever the source of your expertise, be sure to let the audience know.

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5. Transition into the body of your speech5. Transition into the body of your speech

Main points Transition

1.Completing college in three years.

2.Avoiding the use of credit cards.

3.Carefully selecting summer jobs.

“ Now I will tell you what a difference it can make in your net worth if you complete college in three years versus four.”

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Examples of QuestionsExamples of Questions


DirectDirect: Do you know how many small businesses are started each year in China? Please show your hand if you know.

RhetoricalRhetorical: Have you ever spent a sleepless night studying for an exam? Can you remember rushing to finish a term paper because you waited too long to star writing it? Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to get done at school? At work? At home? If so, you may be the victim of poor time management. Fortunately, there are proven strategies you can follow to use your time more effectively and to keep control of your life.

Avoid asking embarrassing questionsAvoid asking embarrassing questions, e.g., “How many of you cheated on your romantic partners?”

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Example of SuspenseExample of Suspense


Each of you has a gift. What kind of gift is it? It’s not a Christmas gift or a birthday gift. It’s not some special talent or skill. It’s a gift that could save a life—maybe more than one. If you decide to give it, you lose nothing.

Some people bury their gift. Others burn it. All but one of you who completed my questionnaire would gladly receive the gift, but only 20 percent of you have decided to give it. This gift is the donation of your vital organs when you die.

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Evaluation of a ConclusionEvaluation of a Conclusion

Role of Intro Role of Conclusion•State topic •Restate topic

•Preview main points •Review main points

•Build your confidence•Increase audience interest and responsiveness

•Encourage listener recall•Give a slow and emphatic review of main points•Make your speech memorable

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Example of ConclusionExample of Conclusion

• Speech topicSpeech topic: Why the audience should vote?Why the audience should vote?

Step 1: Recap your major points.

E.g., closing statement: “You should vote because voting is your basic civil right. It’s your responsibility as a citizen, and it’s your one avenue for affecting public policy.”

Step 2: Motivate listener’s involvement (“what do I want my audience to take from my speech?”)

E.g., “You might think one vote doesn’t count, but you’re wrong. Remember, in the 2000 presidential election, fewer than 1,000 votes separated the winner from the loser. It could have been your vote.”

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The modelThe model

•The introduction• Start the speech. Get attention and interest.•Thesis• One sentence to tell your point.•Preview• Three main points without the details.•Body• This accounts 90% of the whole speech. Problem---cause--- • solution.•Summary• Use past tense. You tell what you told them.•Conclusion• Address your introduction (go back to the beginning).

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1. What is your definition of success?

2. What contributes to success (think of at least 6 factors)?

3. What are the qualities and characteristics successful people share?

4. Read chapters concerning informative speech for the next session.

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