Lincoln County Leader, 08-22-1885Lincoln County Leader, 1882-1892 New Mexico Historical Newspapers
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Recommended Citation Lincoln County Publishing Company. "Lincoln County Leader, 08-22-1885." (1885). 149
'A' í ' ' h ss lo. xa i. r. : h .i .
TlltO EdOrrí mnTlir l on fir. nt n.
i ni rnrtii i a i
cua-.- ia m-- y
(LO. T. BF.1LL.
I'iMi-tir- ti;ill Contain ;!if Tanilnry.
W . H. C I I.IIMl H HV K V H KKI!rS."N j
cnaMiscs a feucussox, mtjkmiv-- - at i. aw,
't-3- J
iíotarv Public. WHU'KOAKH, 7M.
,,,,.,.!.,.i'iirc.'iase, Oyncis-I- a all "I
..I im- - .u;i. N. M "'ai coin to isie h:in!lv
t o tit Iaiw tun r. ISiw Mtxicn.
Ul in all th" f'onrU of Law U'n
lurtac.ll.cti;. IniHi.lV", rnii;tiiHrcs
Counties. li ft lliis i.tilin.
UiiOKtiL ir isAUIUOn,
ddrs, fliict.vro, N
G. I",
fJ"I.i.i'noii l'ruuf ,.ir la "f
--VCOLN DvotaJ ta tlia Intercala of Liucola County nml t!io LV-elcpin- of Resource s.
Aariisi 'JL'. INS".
KniíTt'l lh Peí Office t Wh;' Nl Oiiks. N. M n .iouiii rlumnmttor.
FWA BEN. BÜR3ESS Ni:w )i.i.i:.v.s,
Ail'', li, Ma.i. Acrording to pro-- I
miso I send i letter t Lkaiu-.k-
Most ot tueTi-xa- folks vnii know can't write, then vim I am a Lotttianian, ami use
'that plea iL tense of the fe.-- '
that s.miio people from the Smith can write, and let Texas look out for No. 1, as vfin know she poller- allv to do.
u'i;lt i , i
LAW """IJUlltl US. ill r... ::i Bon. I.llU' Into ubos. came bv vate i i i
' "i.1 . i i . .. .,.
r. a. i . , c, , , ,,
n. ni. rp1. 1 IV. IT. ' I . Till' .
ueiiveii sons, ami am down inati of New u iifi'v. this trio some
Socorro 101 I' jmlv a! work." i ... . i
jiast by! Lditor. We nine it raiies io smoe three ci
to in
'... of , our.
to .
mu roao uiac there no bun at on them was for its rn:nd inoiin-- 1
i .11 scenery, am; :;ne trait. came Texas. Now,
good old just for tare ot your soul, take a trip from the Oaks down into Why, you have no idea how things have
in ibu last four When 1 left I you tin: thin
ii i i Contractor.! do wi, .divide the Southern white vote. and
il. The as and as you are. 'ihe few old
left have the S up in the w.iv, and it even
"... the
is our Wei it her
i like a trip to 'Ihe here even like to ho .r
' a in in allude to tin.'
thePeoples Market; m:i;Ur ,,m";,s ,
short llixie. don't,
i i r jipa if uno iiis i i on v i t i i
ei or boniid iii high apprecia Minion nn,l fork Uon .,,, Flii,tn U. -l-
imit. BsiifSS. llMd I'life'f ickioe Trip Term Cash. Prk luw. So let tin; shirt go lor aye,
oibo.i in.ii Kt. wbitr land ymi fsound a ..i Av-in-
you i an make it pay. The crops Texas l.ousi
ana are simpl and Lusb ' Iless in those two Stat, s, this win
t.e good. 1 unes in too nt :ire did , owmg the
f.lsOII. JW) ClsiS o, .,.i,W 'e ver have appeared here, one an ,n- -
digenooiis cas.-- , the other imported but in. more followed, owing ii
BONITO, Lincoln Couniy, NEW l,iu'b at h .ist, to precautions taúeu
ie a Ac. I have seen what
' Imposition, to-wi- l: the grand
i .
' Iihto seen a White invt my
resignati.n has been accepted, tike itlVct Oct.
Allx'Hi'1- I 'ui.-ti-
An Interview with c L. Hubts
few days sine.-- we met Mr. ('.
Ilubbs. who had react tly arriv o 1 from Albmpieripio, and, know '
ing 1 he was interested ' j
extent in the took alvautago of a bri-- f period
enjoying ;i he. ;rtv dinner at. Unele John r's to learn something. if this mi : talk- -
ed of e:i!iii, and having succeeded in our ellorts, propose lo give it to; our iv 1 rs as near; v in his word
After leaving Oak.s, I !"'Hdu. a to I i
Li' t r llelphin-Min- e. brought t
i. ...
pleasant time, measured
friend, thewrl-- j
V I'r.s
eTf;it ;isI v'
MM (if jlllllJ a victim with morn money
than to whom they may cxeliang a claim two. tor his m. re. wealth.
tho relocators- -- ipiite
.''irises camp
of have boon mai.alac-tuie-
at gnat expense, will doubtless save all, greater part of gold. TIiom' have
in from
ashen, cents
tin- - mineral display h bvOiine suq.ped. rei nar'.s tiie haste
have that of avail-
barren, or kindest ivgnr.Ls the clever compact gravel, to reach
Hur-- . pay which will 'hartrcs New yield, on average, $l'
lb weight. Iiight eaion lroin dillerent dine-- 1 there is secret ir failure,
Meantime, is not much in value of
washer, the cold that about S"i to
or ' wí.rt'.i of "pav lth. U'v :ii.r out
;. 11 n..T.:! i; it: in;; miy w-
' i'i !! .! ri.'l . i. !':' ir i . .
I"!', .
drilliii;: i'.ii- - v::er lor that What io know about th
Mr. II. Only lids that failure will a;,'riin blast the le.pes of those win) it.
devtdop-- ,
be ohi.-ime- donee making mining pro ni. it might interest siirfafe. but the cost pcrtiei when developed. De-.vo- ii r.adeis know
a bU'at.'lle compared velopmenl, however, is progress- fi"inet4dhi: about the Southern li
the exjiense necessary 'div-jsm- - s'owl, on account position open- - this city f.u draulie" the ilches. Al'ler I'n' poverty means this taiiiin water jiraetieady inex i'wmtr.s. oinery linuer-- :
haustibliMjuanl ilies, comes tank, or a more g,;. m e;
Lureka. or pressure water, others. This
on ,, lav Hoisl Uaiccrs wav. .dr. .ii p.,1,.,. ,i team...... .... .t s
product obiaiued comp:,r.u grade private 'justify tint; ' public known, intelli- -
f i:iny ,avo'gvnt r will
s itaiumg
at a
i , r
is an
ot - -- is
I i o ri I I ee I if . i II T. I I s .
par in It a I :.e i r .. t i .. .
will that
i v 'ir 1 1. . ,11... I'.' I i ... i
eouragiiiL' outlook your cain:i. Mr. all, when con-ddere- d
from standpoint. You cannot benefit irisiug from the
in ... .i ,, ., y
been injury. The there probably the mosi expensive
veil iseineht the frailly human
vour eld notions!'. witli '"""erous pie.lece m.'ai. piaeer mining before thnethe rebels, the :""'"'eve, ...'..
rillleef. ff,.,.,;,,,,
ie (uartz veins. source gold w found
Muni'" I'htcers .i-- i M
northerly southerly couie,but until within year two, there had them been dis-
covered tempted the'ii, have Lditor.--- ! had supposed that visiled lamp, have a pan I had been hob.;
taken some rich place hills there several ha.e Mr. Tin v and
and tieni'iod t yarn thai heles evidence yielded from lilty digging a hole the
pan, when in fact a cent, a 'ground, only ivih cent a
theing tar,
ing. this
Send Aiim; W. dirt," ges, ( St., Or-- j the the
I you yard, ir.O news a the tlu tion. luck.
their tact costs atea
linelv,but "' a success, uncovered i.i the a own ir urroini..
'is th,. Mr. '
t '
properly is down nixtv the bottom which a cross has been v the
a distance ot in and no east yet in sight. appears a va:.t
nihition j
a t
iudisp.-iisihl- '"'ni '""
be mere ob-- ! a !... i mi i..,f i .... ;o: 'li .i
ro- -
of for
to any
o lilt.
plant ot
a difiicnlt camp i;i;loeco-t- n t bu'ldi-gs- ,
prospect, and manv, disc Soiiiliern lO.xposiiion a ll.vv become ilisusted, this y
and leave because everything during continued, there being M;o,(Mi(i were irteiidnii-e- , u
mountains. anticipat(d. With mutter, being .improvement show
cepiible atended s nnection elements, ' ccted li,(i;):.t,(r)u will and covered harder, dii'ureut. durin:' igmoi.s rocks. I predict t .e camp will under more intelli- gent prospecting, the introdnc-th.'- i
capital, proye the camp
and beauty '-
ne it to.
since built that.
in of to "L aim ofll!.
re A large prin have here!
S fi ! nee of i
and dispatched, the elided.
Aug. lo, Vi. KentiK l;y, the home and him
ing Daniel noted
they n v
and ui and in from
that II iev- - never hi
many n Isoa.e and is
and ii the basks ot the yarn - see within the hist tew par-- ; the
i II .1 i ' ... .... ! I . . t ii . .
tnt. ear loii'is goiu mind i1. mis sunn a smut actress world, also oí ,lav b'et, with more o 'i' the
bat is the re.-,ui- t tions than vxist on thoroughbred v after Ihe after a ' have boon
be bv
nee, scut This just has
owner been fair Kxpositious here
the faith hen. One her ong
most line
should money
iicm weeks.
The stand; first importan sis Indus- trial and the World's New Orh i.i.s. hist sean.n, '.and by many eht
that be laidl'1 will lo.inlv the iside foi-'ott- voiueot the jiertormance ol the d.ilerutit
of le her
many familiar and faces here upon his;
arrival this that coal
the World's Fair,
saved rtlifcin and cast- -
breiF," horses, cattle people. repeated saying xhibits from every state
visitors territory the I'nion, there public entertainment gathering exhibits sixteen different made ehiellv KcU aehh;;,-- . foreign countiie:-- , aninig
women! together."' Komiieky home other governments any
Why, birthplace Mary Ande months 'present
10 in a-- j in a in rock. ed of
lit of leo-- . lul., .. ii-- . nil .. ' ,:it I lie ' , i ,,. r- v I i
' " " " 3 " l..- - -- - I - ..... f ..... ,
That holi! I ni nt l if it
is not a mine is a In Id . .. 1 ... . .1 . . . 1 ...
ul,). and immediately order their indica- urnl Maud S., place
ponded because prospector during years ami believed sort commercial struuieiit detecting the locality import especially the
gold. presume vckhov. ledge will oll'i-inle- brought about 'argely through
called illm- - the Southern
of nearly al! these principle railr-.a- ci!c-- . ;' '
wh:ch nothing i'lxj.osit
i r t ai d U a
. .
i :i
he I
very school is inforination one
lln. lis i
of gnie to
tin. of anv exposition, n any all exhibits are in
ted and ivadv for the ot the isili.r-.- . It is
near1 v
jone vvei k before opening, and the sound ota hammer on Saturday w li b.. uncommon tone. This
! condi'ion of affairs is iluc 11 .11 mu 01 11 nun i:as a outers l ai n 1.1.1 mi me pasi in o i ears ami ( u, .(.t ni.lM v ,f tie!
hills in nearly all cf which v 1! open up again a a f w o s c mo huv Jum JiM, direct from which there was 110 evidence of d ys New Orh'an-- , and wot.t to work,
from surface to bott id. I .oiiisville bus tin ilifl' I' d lili t heir d isphiy and are tl-.-
of others r Mich depth. which es pla?e a 1
mineral i.i- .i1 K ng i ieir vacation v.incli about ended. Tic 1r-- t ilav oftlm
-- it:
s utilera Fpo-;'- i .a wij! be m n torv
i 1, 1":
i..,- - . ,n- I;'' in- r i v. 'i 1. i .
t i ; .!ii:mí v.:!' r i r
!! ti..' i
!i i ii ' : ',
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l i : i .!' ',,vi ' ; .
I,,! nut f l : i i i i . . ii ..I
l'iv-rl- it !l :i '. ;r! r i :v
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i:: Uo.i'.r : j l
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i .l.i -'i-- i.' ül-- ::!;... v '
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.,. , r W i t'- - I i1' ' if .'.' ,' u nnitil n...P'T
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. . I'.. t i,i....
II r,l. i. mi'i 1. v. r I .. Ir. Ir lw f'rr. '"".".i';r !', ,,:,',,! ::,!vv.,:,;',',..''i.; . -- v;.1;; t
i.i'n . iii- - : i ''- - " ' ' ,'' ''' "' :
mmmm office BslSIKFORD'S
is just v,ha: ts as imp'.iej ; a Tun-l- .Vcgctibb Cc.poutid, th;t r.cs directly vpon the lLvr ; curing tha miny diseases iAÍdíHa lrn organ, and rCe-Ltia- the mi- - i
r.'.ercus niimrints iKV) arise from its cranjed orVrr-a;to- n, eucli a3 j
DjTpcpsi Jxiillce, Eillcusncss,' CocJene:T.rt.l.'.ria, e,
rilicr-p-i'V.'etc- . It is tlicreforc a
trui:r.iSirMTo Goodllcaltll ' , tha Liv2".r uivst Le kept i.i 'i
3?.. rv.:ro:v.v3 v.xzz i:;vígozixos. k 5 ; T:iv!-or:- !í( 9 t V- I.ivi r. - '! !' ; t'n' 1 v.-- 1
'.!, 1!"! , l'urií tlr) 1, o o 1 . A s ; ; s ) : : r o t i u , i'ix-v- nlsFevi rs. In ii Iloiisrhi-li- l is o 1. An InvuUü.Wa r:i:u';l v rHí'!no for common complnints.
t? ffi:íE023'3 LIVR i:;VXCC-T0- 3. fr,vri--hf- ff Fry ytr, eni T'U
l.ah'si f Titti'moni'it proce il J ).'. ' ronrl.K tiy am. iir.M.viis jn u:d tt:ci.
r.r f"'l itifnrr.iTinn h k.1 y,"'i' a!lf"" for pi"0 r" ''o " C.i- -- t end )' lo
T ' " í nT.r.icV"ef : aon av.4 a uTijiij.i
' ' .iíi, i.yir rare- - ' V C. f 7 ilifr y 111 ful v. v .' v'.vl.j j í ti líi'J. ti O n- -
a r 1P1 jr',t ' Ijrnin
1 " . . ;:ihí'i r t íirTi' i X'fy '.mi Avnid fin
. f '. u'i-.r- '
r.,..ÍT ....,, j. ::1', i, J".Vn;rr;; ;
4 !..'. i '. V, T. I::, ,1 mit- :-
"'. iMli. il m ( i"T J nr r C i iMi í.l;e,-l:o- ta
r. i ' n .n ÍQ K y,.. I)i:lci. s, or c:,u&f i' .In r u üU l:.,.i;mi'..ii!. !!.. J.'....r.i . d
Cu'1-- , of í '.ii:'"ii .i il, c i ri: , - y .'.; "i.'Il"'. Hy dir. .ph? .
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t.;.á Men. ki?,- :att.-ia- a
kii:r :';iíth $ lüuiatT. Í3 2 uíkths.ÍSj 8 hokix F
."s r IV
v w
I, 'I'm T.-r- : 1 1 ...... llrB'Hl ni!'-- ." í'!i Ir- - lüi'U.
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a r, í 7 r ni ,is
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i. W . !
I'l vil ' '
. i
(l'.i..:-.- r i . i 'i f ' v. ' fV.M- ' ' .
a. r.. i.í:- .- !.!. M V. C.'in ''''' 1. M. C.iiviiin 'I re;, ti:'-: r
S n;n; o;, v.'..
i.u.-::..- i . - 777'77
J. U. líí ' "
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pHi .i v .l.'.I ' I'm. w.nü. .vr n.. Pi'cccí'ip LiOíiG i. pcc;:'.!ty ii ,u .nil. iiii Mum-!--- , ir ' ii s u í ;: i'i
ir f if ii'N. y. ni v ill fit !i "H. !': '; : :' r , r M ill.' nli.iv ', :i.l'l '.vr '.vi ! vi", :1 y.,11 'I! r,-- ' !, . . l v 'i
lint liiüiil tuirr .r. l'- -r r!ul ' '; ,,. ... ii''i.l) 'A'ATi'il. A! ' ' "'
..;T.. h I.ADIKS- -
rurr tc i'aiimf.üs ' .'- -
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f ,' l'.irf.n.i iti'ii' ifur ftf",' n" ii'li. Ui .ni.- lli'' .1 ' ' f.'irn.-;--a-
ti t 3,a.u,.. l... i; :. .U
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.1 J'ji. i:. 'I. i... i., r. .1 j u..,;.'.i.-;L..t..,Ca-i- ,
I I "J It ."if Jn"í'M ! M a.i. : ii ( ;l per: r tin-- Wk wru with r rr t tlutt oar i.llU'lil I .fliil. I IA llUUs; ,., U. .,,,,1 ,. fl .,'. .!. '. K .luy.,, Ics
LOCAL ROUNDUPS l.i .imi'! Im.. i ii km iniiT'.
Cm i il l " i.'k ' lili. I. i. .'I .;!: fV.'l ihea mini fiiTiillnr fu'..,
U Ii ii put In lhl iii)cullr oliinm.
M ..i ..l.K í. II Holland.
'I lit inehni cholic days 'III.'.
Tin; new stiiinps l'or (ll.i-'- é Mül
llRVC btHIl 1 Hit ill Jillll'O.
Dii. Lank and v i lo li:i p'iii.i
to líw.voll, ti scho il
'lias the saino lopil to do M,oii, i,atitioi.ito.l. foro loÜoaoy, wiis tlio of Mu. and (i. Young, (ovonior lias. And ',.;,,,, 'nailication
were in Uncmn Monilay and Tuc-da- y.
" I'kencii v'' rcooivod word th'o
wook tt tlio doatli of o!lor bm tlior.
I. Airi im.v inanv ot our oitizons
hau mi hunt b.'d-b- (l.M. ó; I,i.i.. i.i.v.s hao .unt. oait':'.
'and eriiu;.l''to ln'io:.i:i'.:' Mr... Sam'l is oonlnn d to
Iior room with a bi voro atiao.i ol illllCHS.
Tiik Ilmiiostako had an Ml ton
olenn up tiii. wook, which iroducod 1.00.
... taken
fiorii.usly ill on n euiiesuay even in, but is !i"v inijiroveiiip.
I'liii i; .1. Cia.wi.i.v, of Hod Can-
... -
( iit.U'Ks mid peaches are Tularusu. A good market lor ihe n
Would be tolilid at Vv'hite Oaks.
Kiunv lias made a jiropo-sltio- n
to .Mr. II only, on the I'.oi.i-to- ,
to pnrcliase his ranch and out-
Wi: learn that the chinch bug has done damage to
the clous on the Peñasco and sur-
rounding country .
Tiii.t i: largo wagons arrived this burg, Wednesday, loaded with peaches, melóle., apples, and
( '. II. Bii'DKMAN. proprietor ol
tlio new brewery, near Ft. Stan ton. paid us the compliment call on .Mondavi
SvüM.v IIoi.iu.k, from Silver bprings. Sacramento M'ts, is in
tuwn. lie reports heavy rains and lots i f grass in locality.
Cy. I wile and child, were in town on Monday, the for
im i' on business, the to spend the day Mrs. Brothers a inl
companied by a partv of some L'.'j
bucks, has gone into the lower fiuadalnpe Iountains, a grand farewell hunt.
bin. Cham;, of Dry (iulcb, an.',
the. in tiicM Iioman of the gu.'c'i
es, wet ,r s.ieiit sevi-ra- la in camp this week, bunking o'
nights v iih us.
W. C MrDoNAi.ii, who has been engaged surveying tlio l'oe ( ioodin I'llllclieS, Ti t Hi lled to toWl
on Saturday, wilh Si"il)' l'oe, bu:
agaoi on Snndav.
'i i: co'To-ip- i I' iitnl pro-lii'i.- '
ir.ti v ii w w ii !i Mr. llu'.bs. orowtU out odit.-i- ' ia!. which is .v! cause for congral oil the part of eilttor and readers.
Wiimtmxs- - has a now bear in1' the lefr-'iu- : ' Pi.'iieer Sti.i .,
f'av, from the lower count '.y, with a lo.i l of r".ielo;;s(
gripes, mid ti lUi.tos, which ;ickly i of nt fnney prices.
d'.ul'l iv ll'ii.: Ti ;l . ; .ul ;:
camp I ii;- - wt'i '(
.il l - ... .:ns ;.. (w v, . !.- -: g.-- . .i. r.
''if t..i r::i i .í ! t t. ;( ml ver T S- ll).' ,'.' i: Il.i 1. I II ; , v l : 11, I I '1
. i. .. .f '. i .i. a .::iv .
: i ..i., .i,.' ' ' -- .i". . iu i r:.i t.i. a cos, i( h wr! Ii leh-r.-o- .
-- . .i cu:.!oyel, iiml sunvptitoii.-d- t:t- .ii v.Ucis co templo. 1 i.i injure tlm M.ij , v liii w. i. mi K..l;c r
j hii linciiiiM T't.iry iv idcme ol' lie have ' líovori'i l' impotent inii'ii'c. Hi
jintorvi' w i:iiiii didn't opérete very S.'ltl
Whlteman Sens.
itiiiiiv un tli" Mai. this i' i!,., wiüuinn a , ' '
! - ivir.irt cut t LuaUt Crook, mí tack iiitoxct.ototJ, '" trijs lut wook y
Iii;iirni'i ( loi s i'Trti it ii'iout iíiüi Satnr-- !
. . '
. ,
iluoMl't Slili I iiilliSI !
v- -
ovt ry in:u' h i i;;- ,,.:.:v i:ijVl-,.- ....j, Do .smim in.uv, boyo. ;
doiiso Liiioianoo, o..m:oiiod ,..,;,'; u., f(.V ,,, j.rojoot j ; iiu'iidaoi'y. Siiii urn os xva oilih sia--
'J ,,li'M,'';' Kingsloii, on; an oditor. xvhi't'.'us !,? j,,,. !iiis sitv. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,..) s oxj-or- t minor and ininoral..-is- t, ai.d scar c : ii )i-- t i; to oi'i'diiaoly
lijl tho i'uiliiti o; ohiunin riuaid .a a country livory-s'ablo- . (io to.
boon - a j i
Holier fam'.iv and the ( arrizo-..- )
ii.iiic coiisiuoraiioii vcars :';.. m '.s.tUKt. loeaíi'd in oitliof lottv-- or s.: tlio etc.
I lie saoruinonto .ioi:r,t;,ii a iinc location, and ttm stock prises thv hi'st ho:-;.i- . herd in coin Conn! v.
Mks. Cai.t. Kempton ;.v""- -
AiM inn ilo.vM and wife, and
Taliaferro, wore on Creik jail l.i-- r, wee!;, ami left there Safer- dav for tin- Ag"ii.-- y. '1 a rosa, rüiii
Las ' in io;:en wi
A it Imi- - got a turkeys, and hundred:-
fish on .oith Creek, and SM'es the is so lino there
SCIaicclv ti :.i awav.
Ii. P. i.oi. of Seven who was so badly wounded in the arm by a rill.: Idi souk; weeks ago,
has been at Ft. Stanton, and in
the nioiinlaiiis, during the two wjcI.s. I'nder eare of the Post
Mirgioii, by the mountain air, .slo.vlv recovering.
... J.M.. P.;oi i:.;;;:- - :.s improving the
outskirts of 1.1.5 possessions wii'i a board tonco. John
ilion is doing the s.ihu at. the Colp yet we class of unprincipled growlers who
.ire contin.ialh as tm.t tn.r camp is not booming.
C.WT. W. W. Puazu. will leave about Sept. Jst., on a tr:L to To.
as, to get a herd a!oiii l,0(in
head of kmale stock calilo, v. hi -- !:
lie y.ropoM S io locale on some wa-
ter lie. and the Conner boy-ow- n
n the neighborhood ol La Lu -
Qui K a large parly. coiis;in;. of the v, , leu ell and family, Mr.
S:igh lamí . 11. W. Parker's t'au --
ily. sever..! of ye young n.eii and maidens, left on Momia , for a
fishing excursion on F.agle, ami liuiiloso.
Suieiav I' Dr. Co-- 'li
Iloii,;,-!;,..!!,:- ,
.u fe s, and w ish a
long and pv mu m.
Don I'aui.o.s Aí.mmo, pasSLil
through town on Sunday, en nni lo-
to Three Ilivors. Mauzaiiuo. . io had In en up in ! he la! tor sec-
tion looking after his siieep-lloeks- .
i Try to tarry hmgi'r wilh us, r.ex! ii .no. 1 oii t 'arios
A vim heay I'aiu visited the region adjacent to Nogal, week Itwa-he- the road ooinplotoly
in many jilaeos, and did a
'!, at deal oi iliunaL'o t the Lea A:
Il.indolph garden, on the Nogal di
ii ranch
am', who sold cattle to dpt. Kir-
Di'.ank came into town Tin s-- ! by, boi:,ht ah.' ut '.'") head ct cat tie, trom a Texas drnvcr, last week S im. suvb he to stay hythi-b'is'iii..-..-- ,
aii.l is lo 'king for
w:'.'i-- . '.mi i
.! '.i c ti'.Ut l'i'illtll" I'll '.ni wiu.-'i- i s Ii ti.i,,..:'
I'i'i'li'ft'.y uii.m! K.ikcrs. Miiil
wotiíu v -
I.iiii dio li., or, t l,i n into town. The dis '1 'ho w
untl sourop a Mrs. i ( i;,t :irrctl i. l l.cir
iil.n.- --
i 'r
to b.. ai.!- - to 1U room oaj.itnlist, vising tJ,c mi,.! d.or, was anv.tcd, r.i.-o- f
w"'k. oor n. ul to answor at I In- - noxt
of the DNtric.'-t- .
Icico O ' '.1 . .
This s j tlio of 0!l3, -
not fence, as it beijinsl A o slops tlio i.tiurj
t ta!.'oii
stn;i"ht Hut lit prevents no one ironía 'tiling on (any portion (,f ;'he hind conl'gni,i;.s t ii ; ir nor iM::iniain jd by fore threats, or inl iniidation, nor does any one exorcise special ownership over it. Ii I
oi alike
uroteotion Carri;:oo Coniia-ny- ,
and Pat. Couhlan, wilh their thousands of calilo, well as to Messers Jacobs, Sligh, Darnell. Uobs Armijo, the li. L.
C. Co., in fact oii- on the west side, with their tens and h'an-dred-
Many of our readers will re-
member Will. Moore, who lob here with Dr. Paden, to aiter.d .oarso ot niedi::al lectures at. Lou sviilo, K.v-- soi.--i two ye.irs ago.
Saeh of our citi.-ii- i as him hire, will rejoice to hear ot his jom I f'ortun , as reviale.l by the Itiliowinn', which wo clip from the l."i .ville Ci u ier Journal :
" ! )r. V. ( ). Moinv. who has ''.a s; ing since last April a icsidiiit graiiuate at tin- - City Hos--
I;!, r.Ciived an appointment! ;ni.i the lnloiior 1 . pa; Inieiit. ves- -
.etilay. uss'giiiiig' iti to the lntu- - o oian Kesei alioii. u Koimo "" ail- -
,(:, Cali ornia. '1 u 1 pay; a sa' iry o per annum oyer e.'.pi'is.;i. The doctor was liked here in the coy, left for the s a I. of ai.pointmt nt last night. lie is a hnglit voiint; inal.
'.- C.l;l ' l.l t; '.! with
f r.iej, ' wi li il Oi cei.ti r ! . ii 1"! i Fl.i ii. li r.
Ml!'.'.:! i Ih.t S:.''!) l olTr-rM-l
1..- li'.f S't. !l n:i;lli:it I v. p.i ' "'1, .in ..ivicli.i-- i nf ;. iy li.i.-.- fi
yuieu '' J.;;' - - .1 Ol t h.- - J ' . A. Ai.e.'. ii, M ii.e.-i r.
DlSSOUTloX. '! i !". c ;;u '"'i liip
hi'lxi oí-- li..' imil'.-r-- 'it'll, :e .!;--
.eel l.vli' of v nyi.i' iv i'.lr.i-U- is ( ii h;, Lull er ini'iii.
ün.-- r''diiii:.', .nal Jos'.m-- i '!'. V'
a a
J;. iiVlIt' .11-
l a ii in ..r. Hi" In in- - nil dc its i!:ie In. muí :i ill;,' nil il' t.'-- i iU" I'V l!ir l:il.-- ,
in .i íil i I A T W.WNK. .lA.SiKS V. lil.ACi;.
lrv I.i-- nil) Co. N. M. i:i
'lt of t OI l.illl'Olli.
r.iv..l PAlll.aed. llie Jasti'i.'s Cuín t fur I 'ifcii'et No
lu'li.I.' .1. Ii. ColKt;', .1. P. A ssuioU'.'.t i:it;'.cliiiii'iit. l:aa.ii's ilaiaieil,
S'.'Hi S I.
IN an nnt'T of vni.t llie l'fiu-c- . I" mi- - liii-- cn it i in I uclivcr--il- ,
am. llii'Mii.Kli fi'l;.liii,l. ('. Cu nnrPiu-in- .
mi' i'. li iiotilii'.l lleil :i writ leas !),. '.I i i li -- I on. nuil vor.r l'li.p.'r tv :i'la. H...I in llie nb.ive cciitii il suit. .,ml
li.-.- a y 'in ;i -- y. su'al J i".' il liis lelii ia svid p. iiici, un il,,. ,..i;l, !;C, of Aiiv'ist. lvs"i, ,l in ii'i '.o U in itic j'iiii in r.f iliiy. jiiiiu'inmit will ti.-
("... i"'l .i '..'.'lin-- ' on. niel ' ur pr-- j criv' I... ''i il.i--
i '.'la. ''"' .1N . V Pi 'li. Sli.:;-:T-
! ! )V t'n o- - i , !.).'o.', I
Wi:o Lili tu leave t!io i '.
on.- - ..f v. .i. i:. s;igY ir.
I ); 1 !ii rvvr get 1 ;t h r.-- i
N.i : lio i i i
l "li.-l-i tu g'
lülU' i
A.u.i. Miado ut tlio íiníiv j froat
K. vn vi t t'ricin's

raiü'li it It. !'
H. H. Manning Having bought. Dr. J. T. Kcid
- (,'.- - s drugs. J desire all Hknow t'nat L will sell drugs much cheaper
market. Those wanting drugs. cVe will i i 1 it to their interest to oaf or write for prices, before sending '
The v.-r- best of Whiskies, Pran-dios- .
Wines, etc.. .hic"d out t (cus- tomers. Celebrated Anliauser Peer always on hand.
Conutiixtioiiy Hall ami Tables
'iusic a Sptcinl Fcal'.;ie.
- - -
LI Q ITO 1ÍS an' i) C IC. A US
C;r-- ?a for Hides find Pelt
J. T. REÍD & Coi -
i(x'., lie.
lulti-- t 'i ui : o:' !'!' ' Mi
e s
t i .!.! - y MV.'l'lid S, ill.l V ill fcl
LOW ERP RICES, iIiíti "':. ovor l)"liu--'J in Lincoln Cnuntr. oiiur.:i
Ilia itock
Hardware, Queensware,
Trimmings, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes :Smá Poliosis of all Kinds "W T TMilt, UAivb nuubJL.
This old favorito. Jlotclhus been to the public, ami the proprietor will exert Inmsoli to the utmost to give satisfaction to his terms reajoimtde, The tables will ! supplied with
This House has been reiittcd and refurnished in cm-fortabl- o
wi 1M tent k West end White Oaks Arvnue, JNO. EIÍ0TEEBS.
Lincoln County Leaner, por Year, S3
The CHICAGO "WEEKLY NEWS ia now an eight-pag- e, tlxty four-colum- n paper. It is the largest "dollar weekly" in America. It eight broad, long pages present, eich we k, mass of choicely selected matter, containing much to suit each of the vnryinj; fasten of the family circle. First and foremost, it gives all iiiií nkws, complete as to details, yet concise in lorni. lis connection with tlio CHICAGO DAILY NEWS (member of the Associated Press), gives it facilities for news-giitlieriti- g unsurpassed by any journal in tlio country. Its market kepokts are specially complete and thoroughly trustworthy. Particular attention is given io agricultural and home matters. Every issue contains six coMri.KTi:n sioimlb, ami regular installment of an original story by some well-know- KuTish or American author, ex clusively secured for the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS. Coiidensod note3 on fashions, art, industries, literature, science, etc., etc, appear regularly.
Few papers in the country are so extensively quoted by the press in pOneral lor its bright and humorous paragraphs as the Chicago Dciil'j Xcirs. These aro all reproduced in the WEEKLY NEWS. In its editorial expression the paper speaks from the standpoint ot th Independent journalist, thereby escaping the temptation to support or condone the questionable under the pressure of party allegiance. Mere partisan extremists will not like it ; the fair-mind- and thought ful of all parlies will appreciate and value its cand d statements of facts and conclusions, all calculated to qualify the reader for the formation of his own intelligent opinion. Tho political events of the year to como promise to assume such character that thoroughly truthful and impartial record becomes rather than a partisan one, colored and perverted to individual 1 kin".
In all i;s departments the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aims to present an enterprising, impartial and entoitaiiiiiijj family newspaper of tho very highest grade.
WHAT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY when ti;i;y iir..vnw Tnr.iu sriwcRimoxs.
Vni!í"Ti Cannon. Vortltir, Odklsnd ÍTVii.. uv; i lUink i Uiu be i i:'ij.ur iu AlltlTi.'.l
I. A. v. rirn. Sulüvnn. O., tuyi: 'It better t.i. p ii'Buv tf Tin í I'Hpf r."
.airii'H Í. .Maiirnc, '1 Charlfi B'rrrt, Vw Ocian-- . I h , : " In ).,ir pairIi t In: I 1 miot .v y.ur, i h i'llKAi-- CfKlV Nl'tt'li-HO- l JiVilrr. l.vmt. 1 iioiii-- j. i i ni li ii ii i iii her of K t t. It m lAi iiO.j)tljltruf i tiv tly. U true tü nrnii.''
Alfit-- 1. Foití-r- , WofÜni!!. rninv. . pnv-i- "It li die uf I tiu it t, ti ai-- pul-
W V. nhr.ilci. AMn, : " ! t' v:ini t't :i iiuinl'r. u ii.e li:i ia, ; r Bewt I hM r rwr rrii."
I ' t l.ati". ntr. :if ti 'flimt'.Ti Cu"i"" "!.
o i'l- - i i now
r r r r 1 1a s
I ! 1
n.i It
TPflflaMf Rnd Tilnnb'p rfwi. und. alMionchl dflB In ircfipt (tf tiltu ui'rkli J'jumihik, i mu Ctt niruMic! i.- m!i,r li. ic Nkws in, ! if It nt. ti uri ft ituiie In .'iüí u n. i In iti''Mc il iru'ti
(t he aciiuni uf nil j'uU.itAl ivti."M. F. ÍT.vrt'i'ori. Trini' r. X T.. Mr I
"Ii li tin- il.op l iui lit ki 1 mwt T l '
Vr. I.. runuthil. V.. aTa: "1 TWa r.iir pn it) mu Ii. I tli v Ut rrrri, I it tin ni ltktí tit- ui an uiil a ilia Wki.lty tw "
W K. I "w. Vana'fÜ. Tt . i"jrt "I dm I iiMy p'ruM-i- vl h iiit 'iwi. f- -r I fnt Pir . t i rv.em ea it, in t hi i ;i way h tt t !. It
-. . i f hi- fT.r.,-'u- f .Irly t f'Ttl:. W'ti rti It n'Ti' v iu (el lu a kii.tiiy ty Jp--
I vt i. U' r tUc"
I's M7..; unit cliuructer cn iik - i!io riUCACO 'tvrKKI.Y KKWS U ll ttiHt)Ht 'ttik'n in Auuricu, OMi 1LLLAU A V KAU, i)iwiu ;o ir.iu led.
Our C'luMiinf; Tern.x Lricr i' widiin tl.e rcn. ti "f u'.l ni- - ml.-crit-
ppcciiuuii x;i. inuy Ut ui n.i. c, fcvi.J .uLM.fij;U.w .w lUU wtLt-o- ,
University of New Mexico

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