Page 1: LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES GREETING and ANNOUNCEMENTS … · Thanksgiving dinner for our Church family. You would bring only a side



PRELUDE Lead Me, Lord The Glory Ringers

Page 2: LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES GREETING and ANNOUNCEMENTS … · Thanksgiving dinner for our Church family. You would bring only a side


*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively)

O Great Spirit, whose breath gives life to the world and whose voice is heard in the soft breeze.

We need your strength and wisdom. We are appointed by Jesus Christ.

We offer peace in the Spirit of the Lord to everyone we meet. Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh upon us!

Empower us to be the very hands of Christ, as we strive to be the Church you call us to be!

*HYMN Spirit of the Living God UMH 393 (2X)


Father, we need wisdom that only your Spirit can give us. Help us to not lean solely on our own opinions, thoughts, or dreams — or what our society, culture, and circle have to say. We need godly — not earthly — wisdom, Lord. Please supply us in knowledge and truth as we battle these tough decisions and uncertainty. Father, open our eyes to the barriers holding us back from spiritual progress and help us to walk confidently as we discern the next steps we need to take in the life of our church. Amen.

SCRIPTURE LESSON Hebrews 10:19-25 (NRSV) 19 Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, 20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.


Page 3: LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES GREETING and ANNOUNCEMENTS … · Thanksgiving dinner for our Church family. You would bring only a side


OFFERTORY PRAYER (In Unison) Lord, we bring before you these humble gifts. Continue to use them and us in powerful ways to shape the world around us. Open our hearts and eyes to all that we meet this week, so we can share the joy and hope that you have placed in our hearts. Amen.

OFFERTORY O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing The Glory Ringers

*PRESENTATION OF GIFTS UMH 94 Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*HYMN Take My Life and Let it Be UMH 399

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostle’s Creed UMH 881

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE [You are invited to share your prayers aloud.]


THE LORD’S PRAYER SUNG IN UNISON Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

MUSICAL INTERLUDE Great Day! The Glory Ringers

SERMON How is your journey? William Milholen

*CLOSING HYMN I Love to Tell the Story UMH 156



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In the name of Christ WELCOME!

Although you may be a stranger to us, you are no stranger to God, who knows you and loves you, and whose heart is glad at your presence here. We sincerely hope this time of worship will bless your life.

As you are able, please stand for acts of worship indicated by an asterisk (*).

UMH indicates United Methodist Hymnal (red hymnal) TFWS indicates The Faith We Sing (small, black hymnal)

Help us sustain God’s creation by placing unwanted worship bulletins in the basket on the credenza in the back of the sanctuary for recycling.

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Potato / Salad Bar Fundraiser: Mark your calendars and plan to attend the next 5th Sunday Potato / Salad Bar fundraiser for Project Crossroads, which will be held on October 29, following the 11:00 a.m. worship

service. The dessert contest will be cookies, so bake your favorite batch of cookies and bring them to share with the group.


Congregational Care is considering having a lovely

Thanksgiving dinner for our Church family. You would

bring only a side dish. SO- If you do not want to cook,

have only one day off work or for any other reason you

would be interested in having Thanksgiving dinner at

First UMC, Hampton please let us know. We will need

an approximate count for the dinner. Call Laura at the

church office; 723-6577 before November 16 (she

will be going out of town)

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Please remember in prayer those

from our congregation:

Lil’ Bit Brown

Nell Writtenberry

Jane Roberts

Robert Kilgore

Richard Mundie

Eleanor Woodward

Cecelia Short

Ed Kilgore

Allen Langford

Mike & Tami Langford

Barbara Cubbage

Bob Lawson

Libby Kendrick

Doris Diggs

Marty Baker is in York Convalescent Ctr

Candee Martin and her family

Winnie & Gale Barnes

Rick Allison

Ruth Kourtiche

Is there someone for whom you would like us to pray? Please contact the church office.

Other requests: __________________________________
















Page 7: LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES GREETING and ANNOUNCEMENTS … · Thanksgiving dinner for our Church family. You would bring only a side


Our friends and family members in need of prayer:

Carolyn Crozier (former member); Baby Lyle (Wilson’s preemie grandson);

Z’amir (Pastor Candee’s grandnephew); Eloise (friend of Jane Miller); Courtney

(friend of Amanda Hooten); Jerry Berkseed; David Roberts (Carl & Jane’s son);

Ernesto Bridges' mom; Lenny (Carol Gardner's friend); Phil Suazo (Rich

Foley’s friend); David Hearne (Rich Foley’s friend); Kevin Kittrell (friend of

Michele Benson); Kim Dulaney (Cheryl Baker’s daughter); Mark McDaniel

(friend of Milholen’s); Harry & Audrey Slye (sister-in-law); Michaela

Burkholder’s father; Bobby Sherman (Jo & Ralph White’s son-in-law); Audrey

Wade (Allen Langford’s sister); the Cross Family; Irene (Candee’s spiritual

friend); Clyde Castle; Chad Sayers (Winnie Barnes’ grandson); Jimmy Parker

(friend of Carol Gardner)

Also remember:

the hungry, the unemployed, those suffering with loneliness and depression,

healing for all cancer patients, members of our armed forces & veterans, first

responders, local, national and world leaders, the homebound and the

homeless, our UM Bishop and District Superintendent, our Pastor, church

leaders & staff, our children’s Sunday school program, areas of conflict, those

traveling, those suffering, volunteers for God's Work, the community

surrounding our church, the Lord's guidance in how our church will move

forward, CALE and Prayer Triplets, the CA wildfires and many others….

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Reminders, Announcements and Other News

Sunday, Oct 22 – Laity Sunday

William Milholen preaching

8:30 am Worship with handbells (S)

9:30 am Refreshments & Fellowship (FH)

9:45 am Sunday School/Bible Study

11:00 am Worship with handbells (S)

Monday, Oct 23

No scheduled activities

Tuesday, Oct 24

10:00 am Nifty Crafters (CFR)

2:00 pm Trustees (C)

Wednesday, Oct 25

No scheduled activities

Thursday, Oct 26

6:15 pm Handbell Choir (CR)

7:15 pm Chancel Choir (S)

Friday, Oct 27

No scheduled activities

Saturday, Oct 28

10:00 am – 2:00 pm Special Friends (FH)

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Hampton Block Party

Sunday, Oct 29

Greg Wilson preaching

8:30 am Worship (S)

9:30 am Refreshments & Fellowship (FH)

9:45 am Sunday School/Bible Study

11:00 am Worship (S)


Lauren Baker

Ron Rumsey




Bob Kilgore



Sandra Clements



Ralph White

The Pastor and staff

wish everyone a happy birthday and

pray God’s blessings upon you.

If your birthday is not listed or listed

incorrectly, please accept our apologies

and let us know in the office

so we can correct our records.

Thank you.

FH-Fellowship Hall HP-Happy People’s Class

CR –Choir Room S-Sanctuary

CFR-Craft Room Kit-Kitchen

C-Crouse Room P-Parlor

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LITURGISTS: Tami Langford (8:30)

Vennie Lulofs (11:00)

FINANCE: Carol Gardner

BUS DRIVERS: Sam Pollard & Ed Boyce

COUNTERS: Donna Robinson

Rusty Evans



LITURGISTS: William Milholen (8:30)

Richard Slye (11:00)

FINANCE: Vesta Wallio

BUS DRIVERS: Allen Langford

COUNTERS: Lynn Chandler

Sandy Clements & Barbara Farrand

Stewardship Corner – Oct 15


Worship: Total - 94 8:30 – 28 11:00 - 66

Sunday School: 57

Offering received last week:

General Fund 5,814.22

Designated Funds 371.00

2017 Budget Status

Date Amt needed Amt received Amt over/(under)

10/15/17 6,315.00 5,814.22 ($500.78)

10/1/17-10/15/17 18,945.00 14,476.79 ($4,468.21)

The chancel flowers are given to the Glory of God

by Carolyn Knight in memory of

her husband, Ed Knight.

Next week’s flowers: Wayne & Ruth Nast

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Engage your congregation in creative Christmas outreach

Advent is the perfect season to reach out to new people in new ways. As you plan your holiday

outreach, engage your congregation in fun, meaningful efforts that will extend a personal word

of welcome to people in your community who are searching for connection. When helping your

congregation think of people to invite to church activities and worship services, use the acronym

FRANKO: Friends, including coworkers and long lost friends; relatives on both sides of the

family and everyone who is on your Christmas card list; acquaintances such as your hairstylist,

accountant and people you run into at the grocery store; neighbors on all sides; kids’ connections,

such as families you see at soccer practice, PTA meetings or birthday parties; and online friends,

people you connect with via social media.

Below are some creative ways to put these resources to work!

Invitation cards - Handing out cards is a great way for your congregation to extend an

invitation to your church’s worship services and events, but this can be intimidating for some

people. Make outreach efforts a bit more approachable with these ideas:

• See if families or small groups would join together to host block parties in their

neighborhoods with music, treats, a snowman-building contest, a photo booth and

plenty of invitation cards to distribute to all who stop by.

• Seek permission from local businesses to leave a stack of invitation cards near the

cash register so that people can pick them up while they complete their holiday


Digital outreach - Personal invitations don’t have to be in-person. Social media is the

perfect platform for sharing information about your church’s Advent events and worship

services. Post consistently on your church’s Facebook page, using graphics, photos and

details about upcoming activities. Ask your congregation to share these posts, not only to

their personal Facebook pages, but also in “closed” groups they belong to, such as:

• HOA and neighborhood groups

• Special interest groups, such as parenting or hobbyist groups

Your congregation’s invitations simply open the door for visitors. Be sure your church is

ready with friendly greetings and helpful volunteers when new people join you for worship

or events.

Invitations should go beyond Christmas, too. Promote a January sermon series, such as

one developed by Discipleship Ministries, during Christmas worship services, via invitation

cards and on social media so that people will join you for worship again as their search for

meaning extends into the new year. Read more of this article at

— United Methodist Communications

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Register now for the High School Fall Youth Retreat

Registration is open for the High School Fall Youth Retreat from Dec. 1-3 at Eagle Eyrie in

Lynchburg, Va. Visit the conference website at for more information about

pricing and how to register.

Apply for 2018 Foundation Ministry Grants

The deadline for Virginia United Methodist Foundation (VAUMF) Grant Applications is

approaching! Deadline is October 31. If you have any questions about how to apply for a VAUMF

Grant, please call 804-521-1121 or visit to apply.

Have ideas for 2018 Advocate magazine themes?

The Communications office is currently planning the feature themes for the 2018 Advocate

magazine. What topics would you like to see? What events need to be covered? What topic

would you like to know more about? Contact Madeline Pillow, editor, at

[email protected] to share your ideas.

Dates released for 2018 All God’s Children Camps

Lori Smith, camp director, shared that the 2017 summer sessions were very successful and she

cannot wait for 2018 for more fun-filled weeks loving campers who need it most. Please contact

Lori Smith at [email protected] for more information and 2018 dates. Learn more by searching

“All God’s Children Camp” at

Fact of the Week

John Wesley coined the terms “agree to disagree”.

Over the years, Wesley had serious theological differences with another popular pastor named

George Whitefield. Though they both argued passionately, Wesley reflected on these differences

in a memorial sermon for Whitefield by saying: “There are many doctrines of a less essential

nature. In these, we may think and let think; we may ‘agree to disagree.’ But, meantime, let us

hold fast the essentials.” This appears to be the first recorded use of the term. It was a

hallmark of Wesley’s way of holding to his convictions while remaining in connection with those

with whom he disagreed.

— United Methodist Communications

Published weekly, the electronic Sunday Advocate summarizes news events affecting Virginia United Methodists and serves as a link to the in-

depth reporting of the Virginia United Methodist Advocate, the official magazine of the Virginia Conference. To subscribe to the monthly

Virginia Advocate magazine, call (804) 521-1110 or 1-800-768-6040, ext. 110; or e-mail Advocate@ Unless indicated, all news

compiled courtesy of the Virginia Advocate, the weekly e-Advocate or United Methodist News Service.

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Visitor Center How to Reach Us


NURSERY: Enter through the canopied

entrance on the side of the building. Rest rooms

are down the hall to the left. The Nursery is up

the steps and down the hall to the right. Greeters

and ushers are available to guide you.

REGISTRATION PADS are located in each

pew near the center aisle. Please use these to

record your presence, and to pass along

information for the pastor or the church office.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are available in

the pews and in the foyer atop the Prayer Box.

Deposit them in the box, or drop them in the

offering plates.


We celebrate Holy Communion on the first

Sunday of each month, and at other special times.

All are welcome at the table of the Lord,

regardless of church membership, age, or feelings

of worthiness. If you wish to come into

relationship with Christ, deepen or renew that

relationship, there is a place for you here.


A MEMBER OF FIRST UMC, please indicate

so on the registration pad, or contact the pastor.






There is a place for you and your family on

Sunday mornings here at First UMC Hampton


[email protected]



Rev. Candee Martin

[email protected]

Office Manager/Finance

Laura Harris

[email protected]

Director of Music Ministries

Dean Shinn

[email protected]

Nursery Director

Jenny Hamm

[email protected]

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