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Life at Immanuel...don’t you love the ring of that? I do! “Church” is not a place,

it is people. It is nice to have a place to worship, learn, serve and grow, but a place is not necessary in order to have a church. I love the way the Apostle Paul says it in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.” Through Life at Immanuel we are attempting to tell the stories of the people of Immanuel. Our life experiences are worth sharing. God is always at work around us, but sometimes we fail to see Him because we don’t share the

stories. Life at Immanuel will help us change that.

Speaking of life, please let me say how grateful to God the Hollingsworth family is to be part of Immanuel. This is my 40th year of ministry and I can honestly say I have never served a more generous, encouraging and willing people. God has blessed me in the past with some wonderful ministry opportunities, but you, the people of Immanuel, are in a different league. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Blessings,Pastor Gary

MAY//JUNE 2015


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REV. MARK CARTERAssociate Pastorfor Discipleship

Can you imagine sitting in that upper room with Jesus and the disciples on the

night before his betrayal and the events to follow? While you would not know that this evening was your last time with Him this side of the cross, you are celebrating one of the highlights of the year for the Jewish people, the Passover meal. Yet Jesus is burdened and serious. He begins to teach something you don’t grasp the significance of at the moment, but would go back in your mind after Pentecost and realize that the death, burial and resurrection completely enables the believer to live out what Jesus is imparting to you in the upper room. You realize later that this teaching is the key to living out an obedient and fruitful life for the King. You understand that knowing and living out this teaching will make the difference between a powerless and fruitful life.

This teaching in the upper room is as significant to the born-again believer today as it was to the apostles then. The key to any believer’s ability to live life well is learning what it means to abide in Christ.

So, what is “abiding in Christ?” I assure you it is more than Bible reading/study, prayer, church attendance, giving … even though all of these are descriptive of an abiding disciple of Christ. Again, put yourself in the

position of the apostle after Pentecost as they reflect on this teaching. You remember how Jesus interacted in a relationship with God the Father like you have never seen before. You remember when He said, “the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something that He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” (John 5:19) You remember Him telling Phillip, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father?”’ (John 14:9) You realize that the relationship Jesus enjoyed with the Father, via the Holy Spirit, reflects perfectly what the believer’s relationship with Him should look like. In other words, with sin no longer inhibiting communication and oneness, being justified through Christ (Romans 3:22,24), filled with the Holy Spirit (John 14:17, Ephesians 5:18), and living a lifestyle of denying self (Luke 9:23), you allow God to consistently mold you into the image of Jesus (Colossians 3:9-10). You now understand that Jesus was modeling the very relationship that He was asking you to enjoy with Him! So, empowered by God to live and bear fruit, you go moment-by-moment living a lifestyle of fulfilling the LORD’s commands of making disciples of all nations by sharing the Good News in both words and good works, just as He did. This is the normal Christian life.

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Director of Children’s Ministry

Summer is almost here. One of the things I love about summer is that the world slows

down just a bit. Yes, summer can be crazy because we’re not on our regular schedule, but WE’RE NOT ON OUR REGULAR SCHEDULE! The kids don’t have to get up and out of the house at the crack of dawn. Most classes and extra curricular activities take a break. It always seems just a little bit slower. Looking back over the years, I wonder if I’ve always made the most of my summer. How can we make the most of our “extra” time this summer? Jesus said in Matthew 6:19-20, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Make the most of our time this summer by investing in the lives of people, spending time with them and pointing them towards Christ. If you’re a parent, invest in your children. Grandparents may invest in grandchildren. Each of us has people in our life that God has placed in close proximity. We must be intentional about impacting their lives in the direction of Christ-likeness. Biblical discipleship is the act of one person intentionally impacting the life of another person toward Christ-likeness, and then that person repeating the process. 2 Timothy

2:2 says, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” We were created to be in relationship with God and relationship with others. The summer gives us many opportunities to “do life” together. We can grill out, go to ball games, take walks outside, go to the lake; the possibilities are endless. But while we are doing these things, let’s be intentional about pointing others to Christ through our words and actions. In our Home 22:6 Family Ministry, it is called discipling as you go. I can’t think of any better way to spend my time this summer! Below are some local, family-friendly activities that are free, or very little cost, that you may want to consider this summer:•Old State House Museum FREE //•Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum $5-$7.50 //•River Rail Trolley // $1 // •Heifer International/Heifer Village FREE // •Arkansas Arts Center FREE // Go to for more!

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SUMMER’SCOOLTHURSDAYS // 9AM-2PMJoin us at Summer’sCool for Bible stories, field trips, and fun! Beginning June 11, for IBC Kids and prospects who have completed 1st-5th grades.Email [email protected] for more information.

WOW (WORD ON WEDNESDAY)STARTING JUNE 10 // 6-7:15PMKids who have completed 1st-5th grade are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings this summer as we walk through the Armor of God! Visit for details.

CAMP SON SHINE THURSDAYS // JUNE 11 – AUG. 6Children who have completed K-4 or K-5 can join us for Camp Son Shine! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16We will meet every Thursday, June 11 through August 6, except July 2 & July 16.Contact Susan at [email protected] for more information.

KID’S BASKETBALL CAMPJUNE 23-25 // 9AM– NOONLooking for a fun and uplifting sports program for your kids this summer? Try our Kid’s Basketball Camp! Visit to sign up!


GRADUATE SUNDAYMAY 3Join us this special Sunday as we honor our graduating High School Seniors!

SAVE THESE DATESWe have some great stuff going on this summer for our students! Save these dates to join us!




Lads and lasses are invited to join us for Kingdom Quest where they’ll be challenged to seek the King of Kings through Bible stories, games, songs, and crafts! For ages 4 through 5th grade.

Visit for details or if you would like to volunteer!

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ADULTSDID SOMEONE SAY ROADTRIP? 2 OF THEM!MAY 12 // MONTICELLOMAY 21 // DONDIE’S WHITE RIVER PRINCESSSenior Adults are invited to join us for a day trip to Monticello on May 12 and Des Arc on May 21! Contact Rick Jaggars for more information.

SR ADULT TECH SAVVY JUNE 11 // 11:30-2:30Helping senior adults deal with anything high tech. Contact Rick Jaggars for more information!

WOMEN’S CELEBRATIONJUNE 25 // 11:30AM-1:00PMCome hear from missionary Nancy Calvert!We will enjoy a traditional Muslim Tea again like last year! We are having it on Thursday during Mother’s Day Out so our younger women will be able to come!

GOD & COUNTRY SERVICESUNDAY, JUNE 28Join us for our annual God & Country service where we will celebrate our great God and our great country! We will also honor the men and women who faithfully serve and protect our nation.

MEN’S GOLF RETREATMAY 15-16 // MOUNTAIN RANCHMen are welcomed to join us at Mountain Ranch for a weekend golf retreat! Information is available online and in the Recreation Center.



Sometimes you just need to get together for a fun night as a church family!

Join us Friday, May 29 for a churchwide family fun night!

This will be a great time for families to come spend an unplugged evening playing games! We hope this will be a fun night to make memories with your friends and family.

Visit for more information!

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REV. RICK JAGGARSAssociate Pastor

for Men’s Ministry

The past three generations of fathers in my family have not made spiritual growth a

priority. They are a long line of hard working, law abiding, bring-home-the-bacon men, but when it came to the spiritual and emotional areas of their lives, they were quiet. When God transformed my own heart in my twenties, He provided “Spiritual Fathers” who brought me guidance my forefathers had not. Just because my dad didn’t lead me spiritually did not mean I was off the hook when it came to leading my own family. One of those spiritual fathers was the pastor of the church I attended while in seminary. For the first time in my life, I was hearing Biblical truth about me as a person, husband and parent. I was like a sponge soaking everything in. I didn’t have kids yet, but this stuff sure sounded good. As the oldest of five, I had changed a few diapers. What could be hard about parenting? I was about to learn I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was. I read parenting books, attended seminars and was determined to be the spiritual dad I never had. I failed in many ways, and have tried to be open and honest with my boys about that. Ironically, confessing my inadequacies allowed me to pass on a more authentic legacy of faith. Some of the most powerful moments with them have been when I asked

for forgiveness, told them my struggles and asked them to pray for me. By demonstrating vulnerability and teachability, I showed them it’s OK to make mistakes. To be a godly man to my kids meant that I needed to cultivate a passion to live a holy life before them and prepare them for the challenges of life. I admit I “froze up” at times in the face of huge challenges. I let my job and other pursuits distract me from what was most important. Thank God for a wife and mother who stayed the course! My boys are grown men now. Looking back on fatherhood, I boil it down to these two points. First, love God deeply. Kids can tell the difference between obligation and a genuine passion for the Lord. Kids need dads who love the Lord unashamedly and wholeheartedly. Second, teach your children diligently and live life with them. It’s all about time. Less time equals less influence. Building a son is a challenge. I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father. He knows what I am up against. He will make a way and show me how to be a godly man to my sons, and now my granddaughter. When I “freeze up,” He is there to see me through and He wants me to succeed. I have a Heavenly Father… that’s why I can Father. I am not in this by myself.

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CHRISTIN C.Immanuel GO Intern // 2014

As a Journeyman in Bangladesh, I was constantly reminded of one reality:

God’s timing reigns, not mine. Bangladesh is a country of 161 million people, all contained in a space about the size of Arkansas. As you could imagine, everywhere I went in Bangladesh there was a sea of people. The religious makeup is around 89% Muslim, 10% Hindu and the remaining 1% consists of Christian, Buddhist or a Tribal Religion. In my eyes, the possibilities for ministry were endlessly overwhelming. One day, I was reading Luke 5:1-11. It’s the story where Jesus is calling Simon Peter to follow Him. Simon had just returned from a night of fishing and was probably cleaning his nets from a long night without catching any fish. Jesus called out to him and told him to cast out his net. Although the Bible doesn’t record Simon saying this, I think he was probably thinking, “Jesus you’re a carpenter, I’m the fisherman. I don’t tell you how to do things, so keep it to yourself.” Instead, Peter obeyed and cast out his net. The fish came by the thousands! They caught so many that they had to get another boat so they didn’t sink! I can only imagine Simon’s face looking at Christ in utter amazement. Then Jesus told him, “No longer will you catch fish, but you will be fishers of men.”

Then Peter dropped everything and followed him. When I read this, I came to this realization: They were probably fishing in the night because it was known that bigger fish come to shallow water at night. In contrast, Jesus typically taught during the day. So, He would have commanded Simon to cast out the net at a time that didn’t logically make sense to a fisherman. It’s the same in our everyday lives. We have to be faithful to the things He has called us to WHEN He says to do it and THEN he will reward us with fruit because it’s under HIS control not ours! HIS timing, not mine. HE is sovereign and always faithful! HE knows every situation better than I do. I can’t take my eyes off of Him. When He says now cast out, only then should I cast out. After learning this lesson while in Bangladesh, ministry among 161 million people didn’t seem as overwhelming because I was trusting in God to lead me and tell me when to cast out my net.

Christin C. served in Southeast Asia for 2 years with the IMB and is currently attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is a member of Immanuel and worked as our GO Intern in 2014.

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Each IBC GO Partnership will host four “wind tunnel” meetings in 2015 where we, like Ezekiel, “call upon the wind” and intercede specifically for global Kingdom advance. Each meeting will be hosted in a home, last for one hour, and include specific updates and requests from the field along with intercession for spiritual breakthrough only HE can provide. Like Ezekiel, we “gather the bones” (do what can be done physically) and then “call on the wind” (ask Him to do what can only be done by HIM spiritually).

Call the GO Office at (501) 396-3302 for times and dates of each “wind tunnel” prayer meeting!

GO TRIP INFO MEETINGJUNE 14 // 5:00 PM // THE SPOTIs God calling you to GO in 2015? Come to this meeting to get more information about our upcoming trips to Peru, Macau, Taiwan, Seattle, San Diego, Rome, Turin, Milan, Dubai and India. See where the Lord is leading you to GO! For more information, contact Mark A at [email protected].

GOING NOWMAY & JUNE GO TRIPSIn May and June we have GO Teams headed to Seattle, Toronto, Mountville, Peru and Ghana. We would love for you to join us in prayer for these GO Teams! Pray for the Gospel to be spread and for the hearts of the lost to find the love of Jesus!

NORTH AMERICA GO OFFERINGSince not all of our North American GO partners are funded through NAMB’s Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, we created our annual North America GO Offering in 2011, which allows us to give to Annie Armstrong while also providing funding for some of our national partners. This year’s NAGO recipients are Tim Corbin, church planter in Seattle, and Ken Welborn, IBC partner in NYC. As always, our largest recipient of NAGO is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, which supports the work of NAMB personnel across the country. The Immanuel family has given more than $76,000 towards these offerings this year!

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D r. Richard Ross’ sermon on March 15 inspired me to invigorate my efforts

to make disciples at home. Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs to strengthen and encourage each other. I believe the pairing of a husband and wife is equally important in discipleship. Admittedly, I don’t have a good track record as an individual. However, Christy and I agreed early in our children’s lives that the most important thing we can do for them is introduce them to Jesus. I realized that if I can help to make disciples of only two, they may in turn, do the same for dozens or hundreds more.





I also confess that my desire to make disciples at home stems not only out of love and obedience, but also fear. I love my three ladies so much and want to spend eternity in heaven with them as well as my future grandchildren.

The alternative scares me. Dr. Ross’ quoted research (echoed in a previous sermon by Junior Hill) is alarming in regards to how many children raised in ‘Christian’ homes fall away from the faith, and it goes back to the kind of example they witness at home. Personally, I have been all over the stage according to Dr. Ross’ hypothetical grouping that Sunday. As a young boy, I loved Jesus and had faith like a child (‘on the right’), then moved to the middle (‘a convert’) as I was exposed more to the sin and injustice of the world. This led me, like others in the middle, to behave like those on the ‘left side’ of the stage - acting as though I were lost when I went to college. Then it was back to the middle again after marriage. Now I am trying to move to the ‘right side’ to stay and teach my children to avoid the spiritual roller coaster I’ve experienced. I have faith that God will work through me to make disciples at home. Jesus chose 12 regular men with no special characteristics, talents or leadership ability. Their faith often faltered and they fell into sin as well, but in the end, they had one thing in common… they were men with a willingness to follow Jesus.

Visit to watch Dr. Richard Ross’ message on discipleship in the home.


Immanuel Member

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• WHAT’S IN THE BIBLE?Enjoy all 26 episodes of “What’s in the Bible?” along with custom videos, activities, games and more. Buck Denver and his friends take your children through the WHOLE Bible. In his first new project since VeggieTales, Phil Vischer has set out to teach kids (and parents!) the story of the Bible—God’s great rescue plan! We know the stories of Moses, Noah, David, and Jesus, but in this groundbreaking new series, we learn how they all fit together to tell one big, redemptive story. Suggested for elementary aged children.

• YOU AND ME FOREVERThis seven session Bible study series, based on the book You and Me Forever from best-selling author Francis Chan and Lisa Chan, will challenge you to view your marriage like never before. Marriage is until death do us part. Then comes eternal rewards or regrets depending on how we spent out lives. While we cannot allow lesser things to destroy our marriages, we also cannot allow marriage to distract us from greater things. A jealous God asks us to pursue Him first and most. Then life makes sense, and everything falls into its proper place. There is a way to love family deeply without ignoring heaven. It all comes down to our focus. Jesus was right. We have it all backwards. The way to have a great marriage is by not focusing on marriage.

If you have ever eaten at our church, you probably know this month’s featured employee. Raymond Hill has been a loyal employee of Immanuel since August of 2007. Those of us who have the privilege of working with Raymond behind the scenes know he always has a smile on his face, and is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure each and every event is carried out with excellence.

Raymond is a born again believer and a member of City of Fire Ministry. He is the fourth of six children and attended Texas A&M where he received the Texas Master Gardener degree. He also enjoys watching baseball. If you haven’t met Raymond yet, stop by the kitchen and tell him you appreciate all he does for Immanuel.



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