

FOI.. Yll no. t. tVBW.YOB-r», IATIBDAY *?.?ß??»4_. APRIL IF, IS4T. WHOI.K I«·. 18»»«

ItllTB«, maaa.a»_. feo* linn·, tb cenigto" ?..«-vertuen

Bit« Born.g and



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aree Lia··, ü" lare Ft r»i insertion,.¦ osou« euch «ui.eequeol tneertl.-n.:.« "

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Aura·. M.»»!»«·«·. Fobcbal Noticci, Ac a««« tacttd-Itati, ib cenu,advartu«menu tree-ried tn ihl» pape-r appear both

.a Eventna edition.


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TíÉ^YORK"YrÍBUÑeT«?- - ' ¦.- » -¦_l====

foreiga Correspondence of The

tambhng Notte on t!jc (Dlb tuorlo.rr.ii PVB1K r.tHiBiTio·.».THtiK MSMUTMti

No VI ] London, January 1-17

London, like all Europe is munificent in »how» tor

the people- The opening of the Picture end Sculptore Gallerie· oi France free to al! cía·sea. ha· hadta effect upon Britain, and elsewhere Here in

London, wtt have the British Museum, combiningwall iti treasure» of earth, ocean, and air. Painting»enough to form an oaiqne rota »plei.'iid gallerythe finest Sculpture» in the world, vide Ki.-inMarbh» and a hod of Librarie·, both in print andau..cri·.!, of uncqualed magnitude and variety,ae»ide a National Gallery of picture», by the Masters.a rare collection at Dulwich. in the suburb«an.i Raphael'· Cartoon·, with other .»lorie« uponcenv.? at Hampton Court, just tar enouirh out fromBie city to free one from the «-xliou« «tooko and f<>g.and all theee are free ou certain day· to the en

tare public. And there i« «til! anotii«er collectionBt the Pantheon, embracing the chief of Haydon ?

.»»intuii··, also free, lhe line» pitture· andgtatuary, »tairiedglM· and carving«, ol the Chu." h· »

tnd Abbey», sufficient in thrnuelvee to satisfy an»lBre the mail devotional love for the Fine Art«, or tht*facet intense curiosity. The influence excited by(these dumb bnt eloquent agent« of civil.ation, isbeyond all statistical calculation. Not only be-cuuso they aro a means ol turning tho multitudefrom lower excitements and vitiating pleasure»,but for the critical taste they e»tabli»h, and the.dncation they impart ?· in Spain, the maree«

of people become initiated into the ray»teric» oftnu»i<- from «hildiiood, by having it conttantlytrilled into their ear». ·? here, the herd catch a

grace of thought and sentiment " beyond tbereach of Art," from the creations of the Arts whichhail them at every turn There are yet some irn.fa-lections attending thi· Government wit, the do».g of tbe»e free exhibition» uponholiday», tho very time when the pent and op(»reeled multitude moit need them.and, in myopinion, alto upon the Sabbath. There u no queiBon but thouiand·.who, in a thronged metro|»oliihjie London, bowed down with toil fee «ix lonedey·· during which their circumstances |.mitlittle or no recreation, »eck to relax themselves on

tbe Sabbath by trip» out of town, in aocial riait.iff·,and grog-ahop festivities, where the bottle is thepresiding; deity.might be drawn to such place· a»

toe Brillali Museum, the National and other gallerit··, it ttiey were opened And 1 put it to alllover· ol humanity, and Chruttanity. whethereince there arc multitude» who vv ill not vi»it theChurch.who feel no imperative ceaedeacc m the.core of "atntod prearlnng .it would not I«·..orally «nd reiigiomly better to turn them fromto.ikenneea and debauchery by the allurement of.kite, innocent, and exalting arts, than leaveIdem where they now are I put it to the Statuteraiker». who may be »uppoeed to act upon princi¬ple» oi Chriitiar.'.ty iu uakii.g law» for the poopi··if it woul.i bo more odiou» in trie eii'ht ot Bodwho everywhere in Hi· universo invite· man t«>

contemplation au«! adoration by i*m<.-_*«soI beautyor more discreditable to themselves, to Mat the

galierie« of «ctilpture and painting the cOÜBCtioniof natural «urioeitiea. and even a muaical man ?

»atoire for tho benefit of the crowded poor, than t«.

Mbenic »ome forty Clamanti " gin palace» to

open then porta at one o'clock P M on the Sabbhth. U. debauch eociety and manufacture criminalsarid pauper·? I know it would not «oneerve so

Well toward BW HIillg that ten nniiii.ti» ul poundsrderliug per annum, ciual to the expeiue» ct (MlGovernment..derived from taxe· and duties anon

liquor· guzzled down the throat al Britain, hutwould it be Ie·· ju«t toward God and man I Speakout. you Reverend and other Statesmen who oniotecl Joeeph Hume'· motion to open the free pubfc gallerie· to the poor on the Sabbath ' »o bitterly.crying that the kingdom of Heaven wa· invadedYou fox hunting Bishop·, and wine cellar keepin«·bolder» of fai living» under a Church and Statt»system win. h make« public religious»told.with >our lawn robe« and carbuncle«! noses

your stipend« and Parliamentary privilege», «!¦

Cm ever feel gudty for opening t'actone· to makelaata of men.hole« fit to typify the lung· of that

Tuphet ? hotly and eloquently deacribed by Tertul-lian I Whence then, thi« «udden horror, tbat theshadow» of that beanty which God haa lavishedthrouchout creation in »unehine and shade.c»lmmd »term.rolling thunders and rimiling brook·.the music of leave· and bird·, ami the grace andnlory of flower·, that open their odorou« eye» tit

toe Sabbath aa well a» on the mid week day. are

tare»y creating an«! itoI.el maktag to the paar.Do you really think meu will reverence the Sabbath,or any of Goda day» Ie··. for beholding thetraita which God giv.· geniu· has reaped in imita

Üon of it« Creator by a toil and »acrilice that nevei

entered into the account of your CatechUm· an.ICoiife»»i«iu» I They can finii no beauty in «our

temple·, beyond the beauty of art.they «ee youcorrupt aud napraaaita and turu whither they mayto glean aoBM [tobt "1 Heaven and you drive themfoni Nature and her »utei Art into the rxneel den»m earth Will Ihm· grand painting» at RaffaeleAlee Transfiguration, or the Head of Chriit, m*jet-tk' and innocent even in agony.make men rude to

beauty, or irreligious to Owl 7 Are Carracci a

Samt» paie and glowing wit.? the resignation ofheroic martyrdom.»o carnal or devilUh as t.» ex. itee* líenle or »corn'' Doc« tbe Nativity, by Ruben»«u it lung· ».raiiut the wail eloquent as

llf*·.more elo meta than volume» of your »erroon».*k ·_leanctif) tag I Are von fearful that Reyur.>ld» · children, or Claude a la-decapo·, likeNature in^ a swoon.will corrupt the ramatotihaart ' Will t.cue inoiiument· of the wiadorn or

tolly of pa»t age« m the British Mu».:uni.tho«e..written rolommof Nature which apeak be OodWith UTS-i»tiblo (orce, the beaste ?! the field, fowlstaf the air, fuhec and «hell» of the «ea, an«! ore»dug from the i;»rth «re they dant-ewus lo Itoli«ou Ì Will their confamuttone. am! colma rivaltn*.* the priem, abaje the harnet·· of their Creator î Fear yon the Theteum nn.l fTljmna of Phidial which could »of'teii even the barbarian int.»admiration far beauty ? Then banish ??10 I'mrene in which mail i« let loom tor nx dev·and whith you would shut out as dangerouson the seventh! If the axiom lur rfctatom,«..nt pursuit·, be riot "the better the day the bet

'.tor the deci, then I must belie««· in tota! rientravi-?y.hut I ask you 0 (¡<«d profe«»ing society »rtiar.

to« legi«lator· aitai prie·!·, when >"u cl.»»e the<m»re of Picture ami Sculpture Gaiierie*BebJbath, not to tonret the "Jorro tkemeernA " rum

kale», and iuuumer»ble lurge» and rail way tran.«.beve you permit men to court infamy, or lonetota to toil. If von rame to me with your »»ne

th.»iou» cry, eaet I were yoor Jadge, I would «ayto vou in ibe language at Jame· V of Scotlani.»the Catholic heresy hunting deputation.. Pack,Ft j» gal er» Get ye to your charge«, and re-mu* ? our own h»c» or I vow to God. 1 «hall remra j -»u.not aa the King of Denmark, by impneoorner.t nor a« he .·! England, hy hanging.but yet by a more «evero punishan»., if ever »ueh a inotion proceed from yiuaeaui. Yet it mu»t be «onfe»»ed that these exhibetón« ¡n their iimit.-d aphere do a vatt deal ottarsi They repay the (ti.vernnient ten tim ?fcr ail expeoiei by lesaeiung the crime and vitia*to*j_0/ ·**'· Metrop«'dii. Nor ?« the openiiü.-1»! tl.» in

4~Btnity in la. t, tboa-rk the indirect taxi.-.«tay are »upported ia «carccly felt by the "clame·.»"ho enjoy them. When shall we make the first'tort toward ettabluhing a National Muaeum.and»Mlerici «»f Sculpture· and Picture· Shalt wc waitdritil thr· worldamarket ia altogether rifled of all«It u ii.UictUi.__ ' **J

Leal»tait are »f New.,ark.FirTtcnTH Werk.

Par1tStr.gH;u ftmtwmmtat L'gli' Jnatemi liittrict*-'" **men fa toi liti Aia·-y ficàri.Album Hatlroad.Syracutt Charter.Cartai Approptiattofit^Sumntn* Refuge^-Wttckmaeur».Cobodian and Lake Trade.Lord Elgin and ¡U*po%*ib.t(to ParUj Gormimeni. /,., ?, ,r-

iBflflB'.ni Sir liaac Newton..pondence of The Tribune.

Ai »A.w, Thurtdty Night, AprilIt i* not a majority of the People who noni mate

or appoint in large Dtatrii tt.¡t ii the leiden, ur

tntniger», of the mijority of t ptrty, whether »hitptrty hM the control of « mijority, or only of t plu-rtlity. of the vote« if the Plate.To day'» debate on the Judicial Dutrict* artord» new

»idonee that ?a?t? i· trying to divide the eight Dit-tricU, with reference, not toimpaitial juitice and publicconvenience, but to the politic« of Mpiring men. theeader« ct Whig» and Loco» 'J*he Judge» who are topa«« between party-men and tboae who m»y oflendthem, and to form the ti nal Appeal Court on constitutional and other important queitiom, are alto to owe theirelection t? thi*ta fabtv The Loco*are tohaverHEt»partv nominttioni mtde it Syrirute. and. I doubt letthe Whig· will have TiiEias there alto. Whether thetwo parti·.· agree to a common ticket thu· dividing"the »poil», 'or each party nominate its tour men. m Ap-peal Judge», on a general ticket, one thin-; is clear.allthe nominations will proceed, not olficiatly'and tubsttn-tially trom the people, but from the aitute managers andregular politicians of well drilled party tampyrtomt VV.the Dutrict nomination» ot '!'.' Juil."·» te· controlled manner >. Mint probably, unless the people areawake to the crisis and iu momentous consequences, andfully resolved to choose their purest, able«, and tx »tmen, independent of interested dictation and the jugcieof the spoils system.Mr. Chapita'· Patriot exhihiu a third ticket Ior Appeal

Court Judges-tmon expreisly nam. I with reference !presume, to the issues connected with the Slavery '(Ui a-

tion. and to these only. We had a Temperance cand,date lor Mayor here mi .'ueadsy. and per.MBthaton· I !· «

may alio produce a Temperance party Judicial ticket.though 1 hope not.

j A'W" rn mmm\ .*»'."'·-· Rittiron I ('n. H,il./,··.'The bill to mik«: change« in the (.'harter ut thu corpo

ration, by increMiiig iu »tock, Ac. wa» lost, on th«·'jiieitiin of :U final ptMage. ¡n Assembly, tins BK«.ng.The Aye· wetrn 87, tae Boa» .'.prêtent ? aba·.I SJt lacked H of a conititulional majority. Mr. Burnm.who had voted n" mured that th·· .ote tie roconndcod. and that hi motion bt» ¡«id on the table fur the pr.-sent. It wm «o ordered, «id thc bill remain» in abeyance

Viictii ami Loead Hill*Many of these were dtfinitiveiy »dod on, the Aye«

and Noes were taken in evt ty instance. The SyracuseCity Charter wm also stayed tor the present.

.lutiteli D«Mr. Bi'bmcll brought the reperto» tl·· .oik Com¬

mittee before the II..u«e Mr. aairnoi Bl huharie eui-

»lined the Keiolatlon that the H ni»e will ituist ou itsamendment« to the renate Kill. The Senate a lOmru!tee say thi*. it Keniielaer is placed on th·· 4th Diftrietit will be too long, and then propose to piace St Law¬rence in it, and thus make it mm h longer It had be· n

urged that St. Lawrence and Otsego would not, in oneDistrict, be the convenient «ritingi ment intended by theCunttitution, and the BottM COMBSiM ·' "store willing toptece Ouegn in the ltd.thi» also the Beaflto'· Commit¬tee opposed. ArrangemenU which would gin· the «in

only tn AMcmbly hvc ol the eight Districts were reject¬ed.the majority in Senni.· wanted tMTMM out ut . igl.i.Mr. ?'?ß???-? witlied Sullivan in the *.'d. Hutch··«· in theUd, Kenix-laer in the Mb, St Lawrence in the 4th. Mr.-'.Mint wm content, but add d that tho Senate IihiI re

jocted that plan also. Mr. l'raiciN« would give lim?a·t?· four Dutrict!.both partita he laid| were con¬trolled by political coniider« .ioni.none but a knavewould deny that luch an influence operate!

After lome supposes, as to who tbe Ann Rt nt. is werefor. and where the Argus and the Old Hunkers wouldgo. the House adjourned for dinner, and reassembled atfour, when Mr Marks spoke till near tire, at which lime1 left.

In Senate, Mr. Johnson reported a disagreement aboutJudicial Districts. Mr. Hasd admitted that the Courtscould not organize till that question was settled.Mained lite Senato tur iu olialitiHcy.and ttrrirtiied that itsbill wai put forth is e feeler, sad had been planned in acaucus of tbe 1."'o 1 oeo leaders, who wanted to over-

rid« the Coiutitutiuu and iu approvers, and to adheret tin o. d i.i-lit liuti u· tn, instead ut diviiioui adjoiningem h other. Bud convenient for the people 1 liticai advauUgiu had »jeeii the controlling piiuclple.The Joibnai.. to night, gives it as an irti <tu that Uie

Chairman ot tbe Senate a Judiciary Committee " «nut«

a Hun id arranged exprtualy with a view to his ownJudicial atpiralioiu.' Ie It Ml I presume lie v»

not lut stri*".nn ii it were »-t? Joiliuas, ("idi one, Ssmuete. Jephttiah* and Solomon» are perhaps not so pientiful as they were some thousunl ye«rs «nee.or it theyare, the same means of rinding them out may be wanting

Comma Appropriai inns.??**** lìdi-The Sknatk's Canal Committee have «ubttituted

their Ave bill« (copie« of which I «ent you) for the Hou·.»bill, and during a debate about the Can«!·, t.. d»y MirirBKC«· remarked that the ie«!ou«y letween the Flrioand ? tewego Canal» wm a BORO« hfl.Bfl «ini ought notto be eucourigud. I'.y enlarging the Lucks on lhe Canalfrom Albany to Syracuse, increaiing the prlira ol theCanal wherever it may be found necessary, arid the(limpidi.m ot the ne Canal leeder, »? M to iurnuh ?

full »upply ot witter, »uch a channel would bit formedmi woulit enable goodt «hipped a*. New V urk to hod theirwty to Luke «interi.« without tran» shipment. Whenthe Vili··)· ot the greit Wett had become peopled withiu many million« ot! rich trade would re

quire both these channels to convey products to marketTbe House bill wae read. Senator Bf.acii moved to

substitute j 1 of hi« own bill- Mr Habbi« defended theHouse bill but no div iiion took place

M'rtch .V·'-.'· ?*·. Senni, ? I ? ¦'¦«' A''!''!«'·A bill paaiid to day. iu Assembly, to authorize tbe

Manager· ol the Seamen · K· tu at. New York, to erect a

building m a un ck for such ot the mothers, wives,and daughters ul seamen, trom your port, m mayrequire it. There's Democracy in that, and ot the rightfort, too.A bill for the appointment, by ihr Gocernor. ol Wreck

Masters in Surîolk. Kings. 'im-ene. Richmond, and Westehester wa» objected to by Mi. J I. Smith tnd others.who expreiMd a belief that they might be consideredCounty officer», and m »uch appointed by the Superrtoera of each ol the»«· Ooaefllee,

('inaila Trai, an 1 }' Met 7V jfl'«Wr«-fl ·'The trade oi the St. Lawrence ii already extensive.

Tbe Rocheiter Democrat give» the following itemi ol

esporta by »ea in '-If. via Quebec and Montrealo¿¿.6tj-2 barrel!of Flour,5»>4"47 buiheli of Wheat,21b,·My bushels of PeM. and 4(Ux»J bushels of (tau. Mr.Barton givei the exporte ot F lour snd Whest Irom To»onto ..Canadtj ind the port» within twenty mitri of it.on Lake Ontario, tn 1848, m equal to 334.431 barrete ofFlourMr. Barton, who enumerati ? among the importi ?! Oi

wego. in l.»4ii. nearly r»*.» million! ot feet ol Lumber, overtwo and shall millions of buthelt ot Wheel s millionand a quarter ot Stavi·« 1.1 374 barrel» ot I'ork «id 7 ·-..

«'Ktki of Albes. Among the exports are 4'»' million« IhrMerchandtee, of which over 11 million» wont to Canada,which ateo took nearly 4".(W barrel« of Ocondtg« Silt.

I perceive that you have taken up Canidi politic«regularly. In thii morning,'· Tribune and are in favor ofa libkbal. responiible Ministry to aid I ord Elgta. a set

ol men who would pour»· the confidence ol a majorityuf lhe 1 e.illative AMembly. Ac. Not one m»n ¡n fivehundied u eligible ?a a »ctt in the AtMmbly. two third·or three fourth» of the Members ef which might vote ?

Cibinel to be liberal, tiid two thirds being returned bypitees not containing one third ot the cV nteU. but

lharing « xcluiively «mon» them and their it-olitit-alfriendt the vati patronage » 1 the Crown, .? ,?.?? thii brrilAer good or popular Goremmrnt, or ai ail liktly to mendmatter! · It might be a ttep «hetui of the Spanuh ("«.-

lonial »yiteni, where all wm venal or purchMable butit would give the Executive no great power to do good.Canada politic» are a wonderful puzzle, and require ?

very long apprenlleetliip.too long lor tome men ·

lives. There have been ten Governor» there in the Imiten yetn or »o.Lordi Setton. Sydenh«n, Durham(Vilord. Cathrart Metralle eud lügin. and .»in F. Head.(I Arthur and C Ftegot Cf the»« MM or hve ire dellind tr the Baron of Kincardine do not lind »ucceMlu!Cabinet miking t more difficult tMk than hit greit an

ctwtor Robert Bruce), dio to conquer at Ftannockburn, itwill artord one proof ai least, th«t in «ome timilie» there1« «uch athin« m hereditsi y grealnees. deny it who mey

?.???.L1DF1S.G I The '* Sir ltaac HM '*'

" Is »dvcrtteed m s I uUngpilice. end »he really 1* one. A more superb stesili

packet I never beheld, uor one more commodious andcomfortable tosali in. She it, in many re«pecu. a tarfiner tight than the Great Britain iteimer. which we·

eshibiU'd at '-'·' to 3"? cent« · bead. \ i«itor« »houli notomit to eoe her .jeptr cabin, with its «tained g<M« roofsud furniture


Lu. the Poor Impías .A ftmily ot CbortawLidiint. whole anceitcri bare 'ived immemorialiy inoar vicinity. My« lhe 1'aton Rouge ..La ) CitoMrvetor ¡id in»«, »-jj who, irom a once powerful body, are

cow dwindled down to seme half doren degraded be-ing», engaged themMlve* teat week in the «eleina offloeot a capile! puntehuteat It hM been long known thaione of the family in a dninkeo brawl k'iled another,and that Duniihiiicnt rau« follow, but the murderer andthe triend« ot the murdered, have for month« vuitedand eimped together upon equ«l term«. «pp«ren»Jy en

joytiic tho mo« perfect social intercourse. On f?iturdiyiMt. the poor wretches, covered with rag« and scarcelyprovitletl with ftxxt to keep their »oui» md bodte* to

gether. camped in a be»utilul piece of woodi near our

tosm, aod commenced the «oleran cérémonie* of funer·.i, the victim taking part in the«. Towtrd nightfall, thenrr piratical were finithe.l ind lhe poor Indian exposed '

hit naked br-eaet-.· l«»id ol buckthot. tired by bu ne»r

eit relittve.. pieri-ed hit heart aod he tell a corpao. Nearly three dsys were cosumed in weeping over hi« graveand then the retributor» of justice wended Ibelr w»y oftto the »wanip«. ^^^

MiUMHoi.»Aini)*»vr and Loss «n LThe kitchen belooging to Mr Wm. GairriTM. Uvtngnear Commerce, Mtt»ouri. caughl fire ta»t week, andwm roiuumed tugotlvr with tìv,» negror*, who wore

burned to deilh. u · De^r nun and five chiJdtvn. |-.-; isouta iiepe^iitviku, Tib.

(. la wold'a proar Writer« el Aniertra.

T t.·» y ' »r »peakineof thi« work, whichwaifavorab y re· lewed m The Tribune a f-w werkt.go. hai til'· fuiiowing .'biervitioni »huh mayenjwer for this meridian

We have read this volume through, with delibereteend careful attention, and with » desire to irnve ai ¦

candid «at.nate 01 iu menu. A« the rreu.t of our ex¬amination, we give to the work r.»n«ldering :t« greetd_icultie* our gener»! »pprobation. and to iu authorour decided cuín.eudatioo aod .ana·. I'pun the whole.he hai had extxaordicacy «ucee·« »nd be hre certainlydisplayed · «pint a temper, and taimu that w.u.dhave made good his title to reipect ana applause, evenit the ittue had been leu «a.?factory than it 1». Tbeundertaking could not properly be described a* per!(MB.M p.enum oput alee lor the danger· tbat wkylaidit were not matter of chance or mere probability butof obvioui certainty. The entrrpnie did not eomut inproceeding per igne« «uppotito* einen dol.xu. but in

marching directly throu.-a the blt/ing ind cracklingdame·. To tush an act of courage, »ome little »r.rrfcIng ol tbe hair aome eotlure of atnoke upon the face or

garmenu. were mere matter of courre The performerol tbe daring feat, in the preaent case, bes had the lairfame of bu anqmaBCB.bat triumph» htt!e «_oked or

.mirchftd. by three critic·, who. in their character .,fproae »?»t?**·G«. being sufferer·, more or les* from hi»

huiic»ty cuuid not. quite reuooably. be expected toperceiie that doing juauce to them consisted in doingjuatice upon them. However, notwithstanding aome

very labored atucka upon it. in« bock baa nut :

tbe le.t degree damageI ine a-cur»menu ui fai t, tbe general err. ·. tn.« ot hi« op.:.litaratere, to· enta»« integrity·.! _¦ pmaam, »nd the

.y and genero»ity ot h. ? :· t tar«nrendered at ell doubtiuì. Tbe ability and dee,hia paragraph» have been admitted by thoee who lesetbad re.on tu b<* gratified by their t--ud.-ncy. Mr i,r:,

; Ita délicat» lo himwith tri at mora, preparation which .huuld be Mone «so .iu in judgment He ha» r-initted prejudice·,hi» has divested BUM ¦·« h»· ha»favor, be ha« auspended th« recollection ofSome of those of whose production· h·» has epuk.-uwith ·· t-rity. ire, we huppen to know, his m>'«t

personal Iri.-r.n In other in.lance·. be has praisedwarmly .nd »ti.d. ualy. and labored to make hi· r. id· r.

prais.·, Ihem troni whom be bai received auch ?· t.,p,?

for kindiit-i*. at would bave inducid any man leu chi-valroui. or 1..-»» juit, to pesi them tn »ileoce f I»· he* nutalways been met with tne same man un.»» and generosity!»y tb«·»» whom bis crltici*m* have \ G????.

Ther»· have been aunie depaitur. « fri rn lair endhonr.ra a thit raaaaet, whtoh we r-gr.-t tohave ama Bowerer, Mr. (»riswuij. hke amaatrmhki been too olten behind the »ceiies, and ha· viewa-d Hi« dirty »opt·· and greuy p-.,!_;y» bywhicii the great «tage delmion ol the iil prepared and maneg«*d. to be et all erbend by me

levolence in the mask of «-ritirimi, or t». ha«.· kny ditfl-culty in ¦l,:eeii'ig i),e vhini tf abor Ikeleal of mtirtiji/d aman, ?. the abgäbe ..t affected sneer.There wa· no w»y ol doing the work which Mr. line·wn!d undertook, ijuite acceptably in tact, there wasbut one way ol doing it at all. and that wu. by peritaihoncety, independence, truth und feei ·-·:¦-« .to run

the ri»k ul irritating e\eryb«»dy. in order to attain thecerteint. it to any. 'I'hia ?» lh.· cur»»* whichton aatt r*;¡-- ..inpted. Bahmtrnekladtono metri ha BB· COBcHtaa Bi re* II·- hai clearlytaken tu in pain« to a fperaoOC,»hi» Irom liifir p.»eiti"ii» in relation to new»pap«'r« and

iihil it their ? .wit. either tu let the bell» ot the

pre»· to itog.g peal· ot triumph, or to ¡angle them intofrightful »créants, ur. wore-· than ad perhap«. k·pruiuuiid.y «lient. In «indicating hu independí

¦-;.· ct« perhaps th·· author I. .s .on«· beynd theUralt« ot a practica: direratio·, bit with bm· ol an

beaambb an da by eu.-h een

duct, lai moie Iban he could loee by the annoyance ol m

whole toflrtoen ot die.·.incerte.! unire writer·, .-»uchImprudence u tin- excès« of a nob!»· ¡uality While we

do uot a*k for »uch »uperrluou* virtu»* in an author. «»»·

honor and admire the feeling, aa much as we contemnth»· littlenea» whli-h. wounded by the honesty ol thttauthor, would revenge a private di»[,|e»«ure by a aecri

tea ol «¡nceriiy and tainia'ae. A man reo place·or ie placed by other», it, tht ».-

tournai. BMBBM a duty to tfh "

opinioni that h,ict litio uj» .,/«/ -¡irrite,) n'iu.l him by one

BBC fjmm hi* name I ' m erti thennonymni,* privilege, which hat been a» "rde.l to him forprêtai '·,..!. .,m ir,,. tfaatfto

nr,d ·.I · ».»» official pi,;-purport ff giti paltry prnonal piijue .he de

MÛ, MJon M '·· '¦ ???» M ri'me», 'hr ima b lb "mrair.rii.-y. However, in the

upp«r »ch'HiI ol literature, th·* opinion i· entirely in

lavor ot Mr. liriawiild The pro«·· ¦·« liter« ut Vinerlca.'in tlieir individual cipacltie*. ar.· «titisfi··,! w:tb tiiei'rosn Write ?· In It« literary character

¦ii to tere '·'.·, among literaryma. uAo ha· t no biai to think or epn-ik unfairly, and v*

ripari that imitrcinon. to bi. that Mr. ? ir¡»mold'* uork hatttdhoiieiilji. elf**, _,.,/ __-_·/ ___,_.] th»t it il a value

ble contribution to the original literature of the country.

Thlne« lo Philadelphia.<'orre»poii lene«, ot 'l'ho i ribune.

I'liiLAiiRiriiia AprilWe Mea a dull, ? iiillv day but the Flour mar

ket ha· been erti« e at unproved price« fiole* at ?and |T tor «hipping hand* and at the close nothing buttbe highest figure accepted. The »a!«·« at ?7 willtoabout *-'f»Ot)bbla. .*--. B«heb Wtaatat I StBl gl tor white, and SO to M lor red. Craameg »t '," to IH to« Pennsylvania M«-ai m<>«-u »tea.iy»ales at yeeterdey's '¡uotatiuu· I (to, I here ¡s no varia¬tion in Cottou.light »ale» of G piami at l-'., 19fj and IQmmrim and Piovulon» without «-bange.«ale« !¡|¡htGeorg« W. Toland has declined the Tn-a-uirerihip ol

tiie !Vnn»ylvr_iia Railroad, ae iiitertt ring with hi· otherammBtm

? hi» in.unni, the two celebrated «nd highly tractableelephants betonate· ? Raymond i W.iriiig*l mankgenewen- drowned iu the Drl»w»re Th»-y would not be indue» | M place foot on board the ferry boat, and were

therefore taken down the ilver, near (ilouce»ter Point,to «wim «ero·» They wei· d thr ;,.'h r

Ironi other runt' became exhausted, end aunK betuteth« y reached the oppotlte »bore They »re · greetIt»·», a» Ihey have ham «slued at thirty thouiandand I burn twenty live wa» n-lutcd I r them last Sumin·

The illumination next Monday will be on the moat ex-

ten».»»¦ see!-. All the dutrict» hate followed the leadof the city and made appropriation» for tbe purposeWe have had no genera! illumination here since I.ifeyette · «uit, twenty odd year« «g»

"JA1.X or firoem. Firit Board and After .10 Bk Peon»? -Jute Ve, 5ds ?*.'i 5 North Bk Ky 9*H 75 ? O

Canal. (?; 100 Morris *' i 5of?usq Canai. IdJ SiJÜCounty h«.'.)'.': 14 Bk Kent. N| 1000Su«q bd·.*·.!. 100 C.irard.111. Second Board and After.WoV Tex IJ ? c bd«, r>1100N»»igHÜon tb I-«. e?_; S4000 Tex * ? rt. 2i\. 3500U g Sa, ls.'k!. 'J 100 I B Hk ffi wn. 41 ¿00 Head, JO.4U0 N«vg t.. Itt5*j. 7rli gOg | ¡r» Bk, hB 4, *HKO St5«. t.*I*·* .'»OOÛ do. g dy«. 72>. ."«???.·« - p et Mtj l Ht) d.» -.>4(.10400 .-ute 5«. 5 dye. Tv» -JOU l S Bk. 4i KX» MorrU211. er.'t-utq Cin«l t

Lew Coarta.1'jíit***-» i-TAT»:« Clamili Catini Bufata Judge Nel

ion .Blauthard lìu? 1 I Jacob».The company own· e petent 1· ? rregular »ur

face», »uch re nun stock·, «h.-e bato hat.-brt end ax

handle·, Ae Tbey charge that Mr J «»ho hea k bktebetfactory at Newark, wa« connected with a relative namedl'ite in obtaining a machine trum Eaat Had lai. in violatiun ot theii patent, an ! turning hatchet bandiva Atojo·ie brought for breach of pater.t It wee denied tbet MrJacobe wa» connected with Mr !'ik.- The jury, fromthe evidence. cun»idered him Ui ta ..·. and gar· · ver

diet for paint:·! of |. * :.rdend.iteple» for deit, Mr A.M

Philn Itlakr and Rr ..there x». John Of» \

tor tnti .ngeinent af patent tor impru« ement iu b. delcadmtoan Vt rdict I, r pUat. cenu and «rosu .ForpUintiti Mr. Srely I or drt. udent Mr AlberUc-nJohn A. iHtrmport v». t,eorge H Stordì .Mr IV lues

for infringement of jutent fur lhe manufacture of dourknob» under patent granted to HudgkiM and other» in

1-41. Vrrdict tur punti-» glO, thu· e»t»blu!,ing hi». ir plaintif. Mr. Staple«. 1er détendant Mr.

Edward·Homer ? ParmtUr chief mete of the »hip Amer!cr_

Eagle, was tried on an Indictment fui cruel and unueuei

punishment of lieorge ."tewkrt, » sekmau, (who wu

convicted of larceny. It trill be reco.lected, a few dey«ago.» by »tr_ing him »everely over tbe head. The Juryhad not agreed at a late hour .For B. 3. Mr. Mutiury.For defendant Mr. BarrettCmam ????t-Retore Judge Kdrnon«..J»I»bmb

Brom vi. Richard Card AcBon for A»reult and Flat-.«¦ry Mr. B i» mai! agent between NewVork and Al

bkoy. Mr. Ckrd is »econd captain of the etr»_ib.jst

Empire which boat one morning ¡n Júnela»·, brougütdown » large numi- Temperance irom

Poughkeep»ie to join in the celebration. Mr Card vu' -e at the fc. tad ot th·· pier to take the uckeu

of p_»eus-er» paremg out. the g»t<· t-cing »t.

Brown wa« in tie «ct «? presmg out. but not beting e

ticket or being known by Mr C he wu reiied by thearm »nd dr»wn back, and detained, it wa» »aid. 10 or 15

minute». There wu a greet crowd p-sing uut at thetime, the Son« at Temp»*r«_ce ret_r:a» th»-..r tiekels, u

agre-ed upon. Verdict tor détendant.-1 or pita. MrMush for defdt. Mr. I A. Cook.

I 1 Mauii_.'S Ornata -C»pt_:i Alta ? ol the «hipStephen Whitney wu «rrested «od held to bou ce a

eh«.-.·· ot cruel kiid i;nu«Ukl puni»hment oí . reaman

named Mackintoah.Kobt WiI»oii .1 m»tc ot the bark Poo». *»u atao mr

rutted by Deputy Marshal Smith and held to bail chart,ed with endeavoring la create a revolt by disobeyingthe order», we under·.nd. o! the tiret m»5c. when the

Captain wa» tick Ac_

gMOCBms ArriiK-Mr» Martha Sloven» wifeof Mr. A.bert Steven», ot Windham. M- a ho had beenconfined abont · week before, on Thurtdar night whi.e

lyio« in tied with her own »later, who took care of her.ukrd he- tora handkerchief which the rrtster handed to

h. r I tua wm about l'I " «-¡oc«. At IB her «uter againawoke, and tound a ? ere of the hr_dkerehief »beta tta (infant · neck and anoilier around that ol her »ister

They were bolh «tran«led to death Thu wa« Ure onlychild.they having b*-en irtarned about a year aad werem good circumttance«. Mr». 1?.»aS ytsars oli.

port.ed Argu».GTThe tarn Ri«er lUilroad Company have,

reti!. I with the heir» p! Dr Hitchcc:». of Mlddlerboro'.ahn wu lulled by a It·» colliM'-B oo th»t ro»d by pay I


Wothingitni Orrritpomdaac* of tht Heraid.Tte Telegraph muit be out of art, i«r we hate a rr

port in town Uvoi-;ht thst the Whig· hive carried Go¬tham.|y *» Kendell mo»t «tend to thatTTete

graph It ii gettine to be altogetner \\Tiigeiahabout the«e day» _

Conceding 'Mr Ctrolta's election; ibe Board· wi.istand, elev ? whig Alder-iea. eirhti .oeo-Foco.endtae lhe same. [Obntrar b Enqatrtr

\t*f~ Wll th« Conner be trond «nn-aeb to iniormu» tt whit time the XlXth Wird wm created IWe had not but«.re heard of tt.

- aa

FitDcairK V of Denmark, in hit lait moments exclumed It u · gre»! conio!t_on to mein my '.Mt hourth« I never wilfully aaaadei »ny cue. aid lh« rArr< unot ,i drop of blood on rat, ha mil

I .111 ot Dem. Rev. f,r Aui.l 1-4?

ty Whit would not the author tf the War ?in hit list hours for thi right to »ay

the »ame '^^^^^^

^y The H'hi..· » Nr.w BiiDrohD, Mi»» we

regret to perceive, are much divided ia relation to candiiiU-a for Mtyor of their new City A Contention,claiming lo be regular, nomtnited Abraham U How-land another meeting of Delegate· Im presented thename oi ? il 11 iltty, .»q while « correspondent >.;

¦heMenton »ring« to: ward the nareenf Jime» B. Congdou. Km. W«. hope our VV Ug trieato will see tbe follyan i avoid the dancer» ol divuion M iu. h · .|ue*lion.

.-t I.·¦; -!'.:»¦ r .x .Tl..s ·¦ - ·. m » |ine »th mrt. and resulted in ptMln. tht governnieiil ttthe city into new hands, tor lhe year which i« to eoate.In all iu departmcuU It i» ? -co, ali the oflicers here«ter to be appointed will, undoubtedly, be ofthe »ame »ir;,· l.r Mayor Mood thu» B.Multenphy. IvMt.1. H. LuCM-iWhlg.'.'«!·..

\Vi«i tx-ix ? F.iTt'tv .The vote oi a<i> .¡itnikfthe Cuimitution ol Wiscontin wm taken onTue«d»y.Wfl b»ve tori tow return«, but what we hive indicatethe reject mt ol tl:·· Constitution by a large majorityMilwaukee »*ivei |... Kaelne Ii"). and Soutrport 170 ma-

jority again« it. Ail the Interior town· heard from havealto cut their t ·..· agninst :U adopti ?

t£gT Ctpt Child», of the Oseeolt. arived yr»»t,>rday from i.reenirck. S-otland. which plwe he It M

the .loth uit r> porte Flour and Provitimi o! til kindton Ihe decline md the itorehouiei well ? led.

f*y The Bt Louis /» /: appear« in. new and beautiful dren. We are right »lad to wiinet»»uch «n indicition ol prosperity in our inluitrk'Ui «nd

Sprightly twamm*wtt*TJ, _i'KU.M.« TBABLI MbBTUMJ -Tho Philadelphia

¦Teert** Meeting || the irthuuOx dr.iann of Friend»aill commence iu Arch »t Heel iM adar»tuoni;!.»; next 'th nut at 10«? lock.The Philadelphia V early Meeting ul the other divuion

Of» will commence on Monday morning, kith of

May at 10 o'clock.**** lirlfii.lier ?? QrSO-tol (X.rWAlLAB.? of

Philadelphia srriteii in New ? irleans on the 1th. un hu

a»y to the Seat ol War.

i.rx / Tatù» Wt auh ao hule.lurpri»«' y«-»terd»y the ntme tt 'ten. /«chtry'Iiylorf.gvr'.n- »t th·· head ot the ? ¡Urtiti a» a teat] da'·· lor

the l'reald. ticv ··¦* ·.. ·?'?· II .·'

lltoe. Thi« appropriât: ?·· .-?. Taylor « name

lor party purpose« tr< kim*- is wthout the »«netim ui

that dittili'untied cuinmaiider and t'.-mrriry tu his tmimmm,tt :¦ not only against hu withe· but it u repugnant to thefeeling· and view» ot hi· peculiar triemii and In h.s

Category we ineludo ine immediate tamily ol (ien. 'lay|or«nt ntidentlal M«ociatei m t«ut knowhi· purpo«e«. _i? '. i iciyune.

Tut Vu tras ?»»a??. Let l'itrin ·,\ ye»terdty, My« that tbiough a eredib'e »».¡tree it ¡.

thitt th·· order wn« received In thi« city on Monday last.itaUtd at Wathingtyon on the '.'4th of March, by which itI« iik.wc ? ? ,.¦ e .? reoaeto to trodport· and too·· of the I'enimula. excepting only the

portol El Carmen, in Laguna, on accountot iU prox-tmity to Tabasco.

Iu accordance with thl· order, the ichr. Atrevido wmyeiterdiy cleared at the ruitom houie with a cargo otor,,» nions and the left lor Cimpeachy le«t evening.Capt AloiniM. nt the icfar I.una. ruimed that hi* vet*el jibould likewise be diipatehed but our (,'jllector oppiueil It. «UtlUg that tn« uidn is dated on «he '.' !i .1

March, and the sehr Luna wm Mizod only I

<ouM(|Uently it i« necetsary lo await a «pedal orderfrom flreeaaaeflM

Lo I'airta ilio aayi »hit Befl r Dm Jote lujbira, thea ««inner tr.nn Yucatan, left Wellington C:ly 00

the V.-»'d uit and proceoded to Now-York, from whichxrnpeachy. we underttand, with a

IÌ0M on hit own account.IN O D-rlta ???!

AnI Hiram Potter, son ul Kzekiel.f Uueenibi.ry. Werreu Couaty. ? Y, left Bel

chertown. M«ii t»b«re Ii- had been vuiting a liiter.ontu·· .ti -nee which time he bM Ihe«d from He i· | peon ».·· tert IU iuchei high.weighed 150 pounds, with lig*-t complexion and hair,black rye·, and a icar uccationed by a bair lip Theaged parent· ol thu young man art l| y in«

Km· to obtain inlurmet. ·?? Iruin him7_^ Taper» are requested to copy this article.A Fm ?. 8hot .We learn from Ihe NeiHucket

lo'iuirer th»t the moti thoroughly trained of Mr. Bun».¦r · Carrier Pigeon» w«» »hot at Sia»con»et on Mondayweek by an indivi lutti who rr.utook him for a crow.He had lost bu way coming from lhe boat lhe day be·

re pi ubabiy in a «now «quel!, aud appear« to have tir«made the uland at Siasconset

it.OBI «n FrilI'.ht .Wfl are informell thtt theimpression prevail» in New York lh« the Railroad· re

tuie to ctrry any more freight Thi» u an error. Theentire dup.uabie power of tbe line u employed in bring¬ing down produce and taking back merchandise and it

will continue to be so employed until ntvigition it re

.utned on the Canil. [Alb. F!»e. Jour.

©nierai Xoticee.Iimil.ll« A WELL«, 131 N«ee*a-«l. N. V.

rrllk.xeLOGIsl- 4«D rTILIIHlSt,Office hour· from 8 ?. ?. ? ? ?· M.

arffiffs, LETTERS and KEWSFAPEHS^|¿·»»¦¦» ??? KOKKIU.N PORT·». ·«¦¦»

FT Letter Baga ate open »t the office of Tbe New.Yorl Tri'tune for ·.! Poreign Fort», at.d ali .eilen and

newipipen depottled in thu office will llwtyi b· for¬warded by the very earlte«t veenete. This cepsrtinert is

under the speclil supervialon of J B. MOW ER. Fit.;well known for many yeiri M lite experienced and nth·ctoet tBupeTtateodtrnl of ihe Foreign Leuer OepMi.leu ufthe New-fork Ciiy Po.Bag« ere now open for ibe recepì! m of letter» and oew«-

p»l.ii for lhe following pliCM. viz London. Liverpoollì.«««'.«. Ireland. Havre.». A-ntterdiin, Bre¬men. Ultotrurgb. Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, Bueno»Avie«, Oregon. Mexi. o. Fantini. Si Thomas Klngilon,lw« Havana.Office open from b A M. till I" F M a. . »

tT Leiter* aad >rwipaper« wtll be recoiv.d «The Tr.i.uce office u.i ih« Ima In«, for m« packet «bip7.1'Rll It. Capt Thtstnpeoe, for Havre.

? Letters snd Newipeperi will he received at ?'·.?? ·- all lha 1Mb '.is. f .r to· peciei tb.p SIR ROB¬

ERT rEKL. Cipt. ? hefltrtrti.flsrCsaflin »· "?

ir Lettera aad Newrapapera .ar_l !>· received «to· othce ot Toe Triauae for ibe picket ab:? Surta ioOratoe. Ctpl Rieb, whi-h talli for Havre on the 24ih In«.betoni aad newipa^en will ateo be leeeived tl the

tame place, f. iipi» Eldridge.wr..ctl aa I ' 'r Liverpoolt!7 ll

r*t*r~ Notice. ¡I · given pur«uini to thep. . ¦· « ao .et er.ttlie-1 in Ac! io incurpo'al· lh«.CUENECTADY AND CAT«.ILL RAILROAD COM¬PANY, ptiKi! Mty 11 ·*'". lh« the .ndert;gued. Com·Btuetucert. «ppotoied la aad by Mid art to receive aub-

a. »««.et of UM Mat Schaarcurly »nd.» ·

open book· to rere··. · ?

,. m H.·.e. nagt haLB. «.ruio.ia ine (_::y of ache·.·ecudy.oa ibe !<".!. of May. » ? M ar.d.? Ibe office of Drew. Ryr.osor. k. Co. He VV_. »i ta tlieCity of New-Yort. on um Qflh lay of May. 1»47, « 1

« P. M.-Dai*l ?JAMFS POVVVRa Cj,l V AS xVNT". .»«Jilj. Nov. fort.A ('. PAI ÌE. .j.-hcueoiady,--IKRWlxiD DAY. C. .

tCopy ? ^^ate lawtiriahMay.

OAOT.OM to"thb Jeh-waata Teet.ara« Drepe.-Tbe Cloy·

Anodyne for th« unniedlaie and pencaaeol cure of pam(Toe e«cay«d teeth. Mftng fra«a tu tnu-uic vbiuomi

nmaady, bieo.M laMM»_*ly popeter «rita ihoee wbo bar«

.ned It» »nay tn-tauoa· have tete.y beca ihruai apon ib«

airlet by unpruielpled pMtsoo· aad old m _» ortg1a_.ed cwata« ma*» The objatet of thu paregraph te wcaat-m the putii«· era'n« all socb tpuritms cMapoond*. Mno Cove Aoataynecan poetóly les lhe geooiae artete, to

iJ0_ mWi ftvoraby tr-wn by lh« name, bul Lbsit pt^poreddaria« fuer or 4?ß re«· by A. B. k D. flan*·, aod for lb«

«ait year by Henry JobtMoa (Meteaaor to A. B. Sands h

Co who te now lh« sole proprietor. The only safety for

pur-F.aaev»te M t· Mr» aad Ml «or Jotouofr*· T*«lJ3«keheDroB· asta to ·ßßß0?ß ibe wrapt-«· of ta· rial, m everyaoeo7lbeg«oalne Iim lhe »i**a*_ai« of Heory Johnsoo.»w.»_. ortx th« Tm« Cf"ve Acodynete in loi-kedlate

eotratorthmaooa* rtcataat toothat.»or paia ta tae eat-»,end thai tt te Manufactured gentil-- only by HENRYJOHNSON. CTwta!*· *»d Dreg-rtel, Ito. TTÌ Broadway.ire.« aid«, ta Ibe (MM-· B*ll_og. Isold «Mo i»nillir%_Mi«»o¿ TT ?·* Broadway aad Au» Hor-tio-a Priée « e.tu.

411 tf ^J. D- WHEBLEB,

car ? eatantoatoanr fer rite SuiH of *?»» fora85*C««»_toÇyCUl· Tt-tMBJ taoot. "i ¦

©cncTiil Xoticce.HYER S PILLS

(»»-The American Improved Ilvgelrte .Medi·ele«· Coat r» s p« te- ' ·..» Dataa .tai

»· - .ropr.e'-'r _e fo,..twinç fesu.onyof lhe above P;..a. S' :·ß??p??:.:·1* «r« da..y

re-e.ved»t he GENERAL DEPOT '.4" Patern« ssxondl'rom raa»pon»ib> parsons Th· Proprietor of

-»«Lim no «tae» certificate·. » . t

:d»_t.y recoo ? ¦rtedDtAtS» rfereertto 1 gire you my ·· t» ruten ß??????"

of Hver'i Pi.i».«omewnat lengthy I ownw*.. be sud m fewer ·* «

1 have former.? .¡eta ire<j-i«n¡.y ttatalta wuh kOmi ·?-Ueka. »:>· .··: « tun! »ruer·.*»» through the «xa.1of my beck. wh;e'n I astirlbeied to »a alecuon of th« kid¬ney· Ir. »eocveraauen with a mutuel friend Ke«- D. ?

Beume lui Spring, he «pok« at Hy«-« ? «

and recommended iheir use. whene»«r i>-cuion .

? thebe« 1 remembered

a _g direction«l.ieea&.'t, .. ,·· « week M l«n !iv. 1

. «mene«· Bad ».n.-it entire!« ceased, "for» fo.lowing, my bed..» beai'., otherwise.»

wa» never hem·In the ear.«-part f ihe Wmier I wu attacked w.rfc bi.

:. a very aevere compiami, and bad immédiat· re-ihed the work, end in

tt» o daye I wu »man again.? :u7 wib hafl a .imilu atfe.-'a. She

aettmg and del a, that we

from farther use, by herself a

-arolVr¦ i* ·¦

. now nearly r.·-

· « pr« enee

:- . : . .c |m « tob '·¦' "

rUBL. S PAUKER.15? « g Y

tV ' Norih-weat 11 i in ?« ( onipitn». -Ai »¦¦' '·' - Ti tate» fining ? ompe-

ib« .sita li_»t. It WM«ri per »bare

be laid en ibe A»»«»»»!,¡e Slock of «aid Company,onori- .· of the

Company, ij Haaorw, reei Witti »t.II a g_COB, Fretogata

D. 8. I!*«T. Secreury.New V .rk, March .'«. -17 ,1 .wSw

t*»7" Printing O.toa l«ir an le A ata.Bf wuthlLh-rated hn a be» U y fi unih'ng vt.lage In the Siate

ul New-York, with a Whig paper enjoy ii'g h good patron-ir »ale upon sd

. mi« terni«, Tbe prtattBf material« aie ampie f>>r¦ « » 1 kr« nekrly ne« Tta *a-..|. »practica] prtaier, » livtagaad han!. ·;?ß pro

« 9 r partícula.-» «idre««, post-paid,the Editor» ot ibi»P»per._ ai: .«v

tr Kllhu Hurrlll'al brieailnn Citizen, publishedwe«k!y al WrorcecMr, Ms»» -Terni«. ·: M in m«care.V ? Patarra*. Nreretaew Ageni, ?* Agem for tt, «? hi« of¬fice* !n ?«» ?Ora l'in.»delphla and Baltimore¦*g ¡uieoi D_W***** Water Cure llouae. Mr.. M H. dova conite¬

ne»« to recleve patienu al ber bou»e. .».1 1Kb et New-Y r«Mrs G a:·) »Uli« ladle« aid -hüdr-n al tbetr to.ta «nd

gì»··· direction far ibr *k»p:i> eu:>: ul Wei.r Cure «30 li

tr T. J. ? 'meinen, Exrhrtnne Broker, Ne. HVV »Ilei New-Yuri l'neurr«nl money bonghi and «old;« 'a- I e.ivar .«.-hang« noieau · «Ciad eri

TT II. lirlHIn'a Pai.·,! H«al (..¦neral

Broedwej liA new and valuable i:iipr»v«iiietii.f»»r the Pronio-

t DeMB.M of Heat under *»'.eaiii Boiler· and Pur··' r Cnemicai ead M·· · - » AppilC·!»!·m théier» »età Fi ree«a -e. ry variety of eonitruc-

ii'.nThl« vtluahle tmpruv.m-nt wa» invented «mi »ecured

by a paloni. De« D .RIPriN ? CO. area new plan for selling

ste»oi boilers »ni ?!'- .:· ??·If,»? ou uf furnace» for olh.-rpupuse«. Tii"»e itit«r«»t-l BBed not lie (uld llul frollithirty 10 af h«»l 1» luti by the it">»t econom»ickl mod« of selling boilers on tbe old pun.Thia IreprovaoMM i-.a» beee thoroughly iMied hy bad

? of tta highest re»pe.-t«t.!.iiy Bad Integrity whohave b«»i it ta BM «M four year« past, and they tuv· real-bed a »avmg of froM twenty h ve to fifty per ceni ln fuel.Thu principi»» may be «pr. ¡ted to «tetmihlp«. a eejnboat«

and »ituonarv engtn»a fur u. ,- - lad menufaciuriug.«· to Dottor· for beat.-If fBCtortM and CBttCB mi..·

li burning of brick io MO·, Jtr :n prict worke , anneal-iag raraaca·, rolltag mill» end all Inn work«. It m«ya··, ?,,· .,n| in ibe ttuniiiaeiure of *"ger el th« »ou.b,with »«me retulu a» to eciinomy of fu«Thu improvement eer,·!*!» In the pecu.ur coiuirucllon of

the fire chain'.·", an the rondifttlnr "fili« (lt¡·· or Hutu uttotiie ebiiiin.·>¦ in «och a -usinier tua! io b«al PS «ses to. talis r-i.n, -.1 tn tnd .!.. m lit. Boirr. and ike bue» burnL? » tort la produced by substituting an »rrtf tal for I -

nalirn draught, which euurely prer ???«· ibe neretaliy ufbuilding II,gh Ckumntmt, u«. ·, i-n'iy he cuti of eetUng

-·. || »· o'd ???.I« of I ¦!

ung. Bot'er« and furnac«» now in us« ckn be altered wiihdelay.

Single rights, n.d right, f. r Sta'.r* and CourV.te». will bellepo.d «seen memt .mtai » ions addr«seed tbe Proprietor· *ai i.e puucuaily »Hended to,and every infonnaiion cbeeifjby gì ..-u All jer.n» en-;

gaged In Steam operano-· ar« rrapeeifully invited to call, -«of ih« Propri·'«*·*.d eiainlre ihe r Drawtng«

:-..- I) OBIFFINACO ¦. Broadway. N. t.( EITTF1CATEB

The .uhtenber bee fur ibree year« put been u»in,; e

BglBB in bi» fac. ry. *a lth ib« bo rr «p in tbe oril-naiy way, and beve foaae bat the daily consumption ofcoal waa afitjui IttO pooade. I do hereby certify that Ih«ve for th. pest >«·. « taa * fleabury'e Pe¬lei: beai Oeaeiator and 6nd> thai ii.« itverage daily coa

,?bow e pertorM.g ita»Bine ».erege work a* \th- Ita In lhe oldw»y, and it ·.. eaiy lo keep up »lean*.

Y.. ('.SAI.ISBI RYNY Vugmte, 1844.

Tht» t» to eerti'y inai we have e new eteam boiler oft ¦¦¦ »tr. set wiih the irnproved plan of

M .·. « P«i«nt lirai (ietieraror, and furtherstate that aeid I'ltproveiunil bM proved u» u. » MVtng of

1 of the amoenl of fue, over the old pl»n.COOK k ENOlaE.

Signed, Brooklyn, B. Y. September.», U44.Thu u to certify. Thai, ln the »uiumer of 1*43, I wu

deaireti by my MapiOyor», Barere, h«, n. S·. L Co. B-OCl.ri¬eri, Everiit ·!_ Brooklyn, N. Y to weigh aud keep «n me-

Count of the (¡ukulily of eoa. which wu eond.ned io driveti.etr engine of »hor»e power, «nd kUoto run their »till by«team. I weighed and kept ihe account wiih ail the »ecu·

racy 1 could, end found thai H reaulred, upon the everege,from I1»»1 to liS») pound» of Luckewaiu lump coa!, loebotler wu »et in a. good a manner M m.aei boiler» ere, in

fact'll wu the »aine e» et pra-senL Sometuue after Meeeri(iute V ijea-iury. Patentée« of " Tb« Heat Oner»·tor,' kpplled their to«Baton H Ito« «an.« bo,1er. aud I wu

agata directed by my emp.uver» to weigh and keep so Be·f the «p-unliiy of coal which wu con»umed in per·-he lame werk k» before, knl I found (Jut ·.'. r-

qulr-d. up«)ri '!i«»ver»g«,f'uui ~'? m V*' l««ind»of Railroadaal atoe fiartaw« rmefe·»

c.f.ty u»ed. «ud ai»«» a ur:!t«-r rertagfourth.' o. ai. brc»ure_«nut coki ukl .raoe. a·

lump, ln order u> »ho* ihm all the he«- that i· gen«r»t«-dby Ciel· ll . unruied undasr

·. aud does not pus a* ¦» ~o murk..-,,.· ? ...... ,

- .r-.-.: la il e ?··«! »aaic-r. 1 t»... m-

e _. p» ita ibru *_,1? la .·- ciiun-ihe ß',«

of ih« ehtaa·) «hand on thewoum

-«¦..bury'· luv«Mli.« tb« heal u.o eonri'.· ¦-any futur* after

Uie hr«u oui. «nd. me prool of the«ssertlon, 1 nave»everait m«s, ?,??p? ? - .'ae englne to

wor». «n»i pumpt. water into th« reservo.' whim · al

;«**? . :--ei *:»o.e ;.'.« .-r.Kjnc. and w _eky Into lb· lop ro«j_

of our d.«-.- 1 tee Ire wu « half

paat 6 o'clock tbe precedtag evening: «nd ai ¡he urne thai...agio· WMpomping. a» 1 tiare »_t«d. I have taken oui

IiBud».uf ae

Mtam ordhamt fire under the boiler met «uch an extraordprurv nrciniilA: »..-1 »evfrai >A" m..

-. It, and ther all iec:ar«d chat ihey could nut

ha'« beueved ll if Ihey had not eeen itWILLIAM H. SAZINO. Poreman lo

Mettre. Bach.Son k Co. llectifier», EiertieL Brooklyn..Ugual 6-_, 1S-IÔ.

: u> »uie we continu« the u»e of their intonuo·:.- ... ...

I do nea.'.y -«rtify thai having had D. QrirSn'« HeteuOenoraiur in u*as for te.» lut -.en monib», ihkt I am reil«ft»d Iit ·« a a«v:r.g in of g»«_r-

-aui DAVIDTRAIMEB. I. Muu,'« ? MAi.i .*> ll<)t)vi. Pa

trai ? roil.itiary, .

B«LT!**uar., Aigtutgatta. 0«i»ri> a. Co..'eemcatara la »nswer u> your« of

tb«il_hie**, wiü? respect tu-¦ ...e Paient HealOeoeraior put up at tt. · ymr Mr. Scab.ry,we tame pleasure m ·_uag uui it hu 'u.fiUed our moat

«angaiae «speciali ·. IÑe -».? peartotot io ila erecuon,?t· of th« otd -fui- ...«->! Fura«»:ea. tbe cunsumptlon of j

« of each week, wutjm I'M. of knthrwt'.e lump coal, at a r .el of *? per ton

Oer e·.aampooaa. «rtth Seanury*« Paunt Heat O^n«rater..lum-ii. ibe eaiiM nuai*»·» of day», la T.404 iixr. of pee· coal,lb· coal uf w.en it tl ii per mti-an ..a. eavin« in .e

quaauiy uf coal «aed of 1A**> ibe pee we·k, or t.arty IS

«r cent, whu· .· rev.g »° **-»**' co*t °'· c<~ ** nanel u»

? per ceni.making, wiihu? a l'racdo. an aggregate.»»ing of SO per cen? W:*.h arren re«pect,

W. M. JoHSSOM, Worden M. Pre.EDWARD ? ROBKRTS.C.erk M. F.J W KLINE. Suf-et-ieoc·.(WooleeDopai.lent, Maryland Fea

TT Not bav.g rooai for C»roncete· tn full, we referyou io ib·followlag gaottaaaee, who bave it to ureSe.ael Morgan, 117 Fr jci-si. Messr«. Cook A Engin,

Brooklyn, N. T. . Bach.·.. A Co. do. John D. Dale,La_?to«Trurrfc. N. Y. 0. __· and C. B. Tippett, Af«-nu

Me.odisi Book Concera, to· Malberry-··. ?. ? , Cicak Col Jrferaoo tteum Mille ma««. H. Y. Qea. ? W.Hnreey. Wir« aad Screw Factory, corner Thli-ty-third-«i¦kl TMrd averne, ?. ? John Adntnce, Pooghtleepale,

Mc««ra Duacan A F*àmnr~o. Fleesant Valley,Dut.»ere Co. ? Y Merer». Polled A P.radley. Bariirulon,Vi D»»id Truner. Barrus H".>t, P«. Meurt H'ïÎltng·worth k Teas. Wilt.agta-n. D«L MesaraScott A Co. do.Meaa»·· Johaano. Kline and other«, of tb« Mary.tai Feel-ienllary, ai Ba.jnor», Perry Miiia, Newport, E. L New.? -gland Se:r»rw Compaav. Provideoc· Cacai H leerhingCores.y ; M»»*r«. Bun à Iweet, Pruvtrtaac·. . I ; Ce*B«-)tae.Dr Durtae. F«.. K.v.r.Mu» John H.C_»f-«r.i L.bei'.y (quare. Boet^n. Keitay A 8pr.g. Brig.On,


Spring ano Gnmmcr ftUòinnc




????? EXTRACT te put up In fwe-f te.n. Ute ne tmu*A cneamrr. p.eaeaaier. aad warranled iu perlor io My.oui It cure· ali imi« without rtwtiCmg, p-a-gatg. ittant-tag er debtiaimttng tb· pauenlTh« gre« beauty aad aupvrtortiy of tate Hai tapar: .e

over tH other rwuttdtee te. while ll «radicaua dlieet«. tltavtforaiee tbe body.

IT HA* PERFORMED__*oa« TB.s lal.-lFaJ- tini· tuu mi

1,04*41 cisti or Rhii-m»t!ìm.1 ,???) itili or DvtrtrsiA,4 ..WO cuts or tiitiin. Di».litt aad win! of

?-·- ·«· F'.uergy11,01)0 FsMAii CottfLAtttT» a-,.ii»ib,7.000 clic» or Dur.ami

Of the Blood, vis L'tt-ar», Scro-'uia. EryslpelM, BallRheutc, Funpl«! on lhe fice. kc. kc together «ttth cuerr-ui cases ot Cotuuaipiion Liver C iiaptaini. Spinai Alec-

Uona, i.e. Thu. we are aware, mm arpear incredible,but we have leiten from phyt.ciani and our Agenu frum.11 paru of ih« »cited Stale». Mhttofeto ui of extraordiB-ary cxxrea R. Van Butklrt, Eta on« of the taotx reepecta¬bi«.druggUU m New«!, New-JerMy, Inforni« u« lha! h«can refer io more than on« hundred ind fifty eaae« tn thailace alone. Thar« are thousands of caa«· in the Cuy oflew-York, which we will refer lo wttb pleasure, and tomen of character wed known.

INITF.D STATFÌS OFF1CKR.I apt. O VV Mcl.oen. member of the New-Jer*ey Legu

M Of lha luiioal Suie· Ntvy, hM kmdly tent ui

the following t-eriificate It teilt tu own lUiryK.i»»v Jan «?. m7.

A year unce wm taken with the »«/l.r«.·« ar.d my.· tt»u» left tn * det.iuuted t««e. I we· Induced it»

iry Dr. TowiueoJ t Be .-tpnr-iil*, »l'..t a/Vi taking two ftit'.·» y»«a very mach re!· ·??.?, and «tr :.i the tx: j .»eiMpMtlle. 1 live continued taking??, «id find that I improve every tt»y. ? M (eve u »aye.!mv ll(e, and would not be wt'rvui it tindei any ."oaitdera-uon. - o. w. McLean.

THF*. FDITOFLic«»«»n, F".«t] Editor orT lb· R«h» ay Republican,

puhltebe«! the above certificale, and remarti in an e.tiion»;m folli·«« -

The tucceat* of Dr. Tuwirmd · preparation of Saraa-

parlllaappear» to be «I lhe BMW e\ireor,!;n»ty chare·· ¡er.

We pubUih to day two eri.mate» .? IU behalf, .tee fromCspt. McLean, of ibis town, and one from Rev. Mr vv

f Siaien Idand. a g· known in Rahway.Cap*. McLean bs :e\,·» the medici-· lo ¡uto »ato tut life,and ?? VV hilo teeuu to «nlerteitt an eijuaily »«rung con¬fidence in tu efficacy. Intelligent men like the·« wouldnoi pian« ??ß??_?] whai'lioy li ? nolfuUy belleveio de-'

BCBOrULI CUBEDThis eerilficeio wa* h«iilel mio l't. Towneend · ofF-e

tht» week, and conclusively prove that his SarMpertila Iimrerfect oiurul tra IM ? «>»? oluilaaie d'.»oe»e» of lheNeed, Tbte« peiaoru cured lu ob« bouse I· unprece¬dented.

THRU CHILDRENDa. ToWMtiNu--Ban» S»r I beve lh« pleasure to In-

form you that three of T.y children haveMee cureO of lh«Bertoni· ?»« th« ;. afyeni ixeeltoai medicine. Tbeywore «Aicud very teverely with uad t«ire·, have ukeoonly four bottle· ii t.a k iliem a»ir, I t which frati my-Mlf under deep obligation Y«>ur» reapecil'nlly,

ISAAC W. CRA1N, lut" VVoo«er «CNew York, March 1,184T.

RHEUMATISM AND TDK P1LF1S.S· rti xtH»t ltì, 1 Sx

Dk. To» .vxeiao Drur .x*it M ? w fe Iim t.een for Mv»r

al year« afflicted wiih rheuiumum »' ¦ hai ttte«J manydifférent remedie· to ohtoto r«.nie re.ief, lui all l" no pur-poM She y« «» finally lnduc««l, l.y i-eing >our edveitl.e-ii -nt to give your Sartape'Ula a ina! VI e procured suino

of li troni your ag-ul (Mr. V an Busklik) aud It givei uie

pleasure lo siale liiat aller using 11 .! e etjierimced grealr· ;··!. md wm tn a roey ihor*. ? a· pr -fr-clly cured, fwm

.eiher with iim In my employ) badly irouiiiedwith pilei, snd by uilng ? »null (tutntlty of your S«r«eperllla. "ir complalnl wm completely cured. conttder ¡l

one of the be« of medic ¡nee. at .1 would advise ail who are

.mined to give it * Irta!. llARRI G t'Alili IHRAMT.- I. Mirtei it. Niwiik.

tLEROYMEN AND win. ?? THol'taNOS or MBSMU «? ?. HIT» or Tu«

Un led Sute·, »ro c· mutually sondlt.g rortlticairl and .a-

for.deg u«of benebu dented from Dr. Towns-end« üvit·

partlla.1)k Tn»x»tSD-.Vir Sont« «tine »Inreyou retiuaatedmy

opinion of ihe tirtue« of yiur Compound Syrup of Sana-p«rlla 1 am now prepare,? to »lie il I hav« u.ed It In tnypredice end preecrüed u for lb« leal few inotiih*. «idMM give tl my decided preference over auyihlng of lh«kind wuh which I em ecuiieliiied, bolli M lo it» mediceiviriiiM end Uie reaOOBOhto price at which fmtt MÜ 11. Interofâlout t.eri. iru, ci.liaroui eruption» generally, dy»·pepala, Indigeni, in. ci ulivo, and liver compiami·, Iun much plea»» win, u« oltecia. In «hear oiupialiiU, or

any other where -.-rotula u iinlicatrd, I can wllh confi¬dence reoitimieii.l li lo the palronag« of lhe proiettimi µa valuable auxiliary fur removing dUeaao m tome of lu

mo« iriitihieioin- foni«, and lo «Il e» a »afe and value!iteBENJN. WEEKS,M.D

Brooklye, Nov.21. ?.·,..Da. ???. xMxti IVn· Mr Having for »onte tinte ?·«?

beten «f.icled with a palmoouy «ite.tion on uy lung«, «ida continual pain tn mv side, owing to evening exposure In eher preaching, aod finding my due··« lo In*BM«, will» much ditbcuny of breathing and olber alarm¬ing symptom«, 1 wm edvieed by a iiletgyman, a Mead ofmine ui try your celebrale«! Sareei/aiilia. I did·», andafter taking two or throe bottle· I found myself relieved.My Bppetlte hM Irren restored. 1 rind myself much «rong¬er, and hope very soon to resume my luusl dull«·. 1 hsvet.eeu m grekily t.enefiii-i" by your excellent medido«, I feelu mv duly u mate known the facufor the benefit of« ther»who may h. laboring under lh« »aiiir C Ibi.nines lhat I bsvebeen for sum·· timo iyiu¡ Ke«pectful!y, your·.

s)AMI*f:L Will G?, t'eslor of Bapilsl Church.??? 22. l'I" Stelen Island.

?-MOST A MIRACLE.RiAii THK icii.lowix'., and doubt ll you can. thai con·

.amplio· canno! ite cured Thit u only one of il.« leverail.uudred ca·«· itisi Towniend'i Sirtapartlla ha* curad

H» o« tv, Sept. Il' 1?4«'Da. Towa«K!ti>.lAre, Su 1 wm taken, a Util« over a

year ago, wllh a ««vere eOBflB and pain in mv »ide. It in-. r-a.el un ni« v«ry feet, indeed I waa pronounced l.ypiita .au« to have ihe quick coniuit pilon, i raued largequtnlltlet uf bid miller, had nigbl letali, tnd linkingvery fa«, my doc'or «aid he tóete do nothing fur me. I»i-M iniit lhe hospital :n hope of belog l.eiiefited, bui w««

pronounced there a« incurable. I WMnow gro«iy juiro»··ed al Ul« lung« and could hardly breathe I loon br, ar.m

emaciated, and expectn'. lodi« wa» confined io my lied,and wa· obliged io h«v« weichen, ii.ileed I caono! git«you any dMcriplton lh« wuuld de |u*tli » to my *M Iw«. ·????.,»ß?1 by my fremi« lo be pMt recove, y I hadtried · gre« nun rier of rem-diei, «id ail seemed lo be ??

nu purpose. 1 read of some inoeiexiraordlunry cire* per¬fori: ««I !.y your end H tell you lh« trull., I iut-

Pecled there » as «???« limning In thorn Bill I wt» In

dured 10 try ?¡ I did »o. and am very thankful I did. Icaiiuul »ay thai I am entirely well, Inn am to far recovereda» ne «tiout mv bualoe·», «id bop» to be entirely well In¦ few week». My cough and pain in the »lde, end nlghl¦we«· have lefi me, an.l rater hu v.-y Imle, «id am featgaining my iati «rengih. 1 fell it a duly lo give you a

tliiemenl of my .:»·«. to punish if you pl«M«.FKTER BROWN, 17 Lllil«·«. Brooklyn.

GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE.Or. Townsond's Bar«»n»rl!la u «ovoreign and ipeedy

cure fot laetpleit cotuumntioB. bMrenneei. leurorrh'r·,or »biiM. otidriicied or difficult men«r.«!oo, lar.ootin·.nee of uriae, or involunury ducharge thereof, and forthe gemerai pro.trk.ion of the «y*t»m.flu natter whethertae retult of inherent causM, or produced by Irregularitylune·· or accident.Nothing can be more surprising thsn IU Invigorating ef-

fisiu upon th« hninin frune. Ferioo· ».I BalBOW sudiBM.lud« before taking it, at one« bOCMM raheto »ad fullof »oergy unCer Iu lofluarie«. It Immedut.iy eouaurscu jlh« n«rvel«MiiM« of the female frame, which u tbe greatcauM of barren»·*

It will not be expected of u». !n raaea of *o delicate ·|nature, to exhibit ceri;*', aie* of nt.» po-formed, .'mt we

can M»nre ih« aBliCled Ui« hindr-d· of ceort b»v-i lir-.r,

reported to a*. Several citai, where temili«· bar« beeawithout child res. after tuing ß few bottle* or thl* Invalua¬ble medicine, luve ...«? ?.??·«?,? with kaallhj *.*print.

I)s. TowNttMii My wif« betofl greMiy duire···! byweakne·« «ml gnneral debility, «tn'J «nfTortag continuallyby pain and a Mntaiion of !«tarlBg down, of thaiwoi'i'i, and «,???: «herdifficulties, and bsving known easeswhere yoar medirlo« Im «tTeried groat eirre, and alao

bearing il reco.inieu'led fur «ucb caaeeaal have deecrÜM-d,I otyUlned a! ulto of Flxiract of Senipanila, ind followedthe direction« foa gar« me. In a «bu t tune tt removedber· aad reiiored her in bealih. Beta« grau-fulfor ibe ber.-fiu iho received. I lake p'eaaur« la thus acknowledgln^j !· an.! recommending ll to ibe publie

M. D MOORE, cor. ot Oread and Lydius ilAlbsny, Aug. 17 \*A*\l)s. Tuwti,r.xii, -T·. all whom this ntty roncera This

ts to certify, «hai my wife uee*d on« boute ut your Sa/sapa-nita previ.»ui tuber confine.«en«, under the mo« slarmingand deltcaiecirrumeiancM, beine troubled wlib lb« drop-.y, iweiiing taf ine feel, narvoii» ßß-acuorie, snd very muchdebilitaied. With my periuMion.snd the recommends!ionof tboM who bad used It, lb· wm Induced io try it, withlull« or no feith and i._c« it lo hi, the Biedic.lnti .ad it.«

happy and deel'ed etT«ct, not only In the hour· of coaflno»meal, bui after tbe etpirtiion of ene wee» of iu um, thedropey end iierrou» affection nve way to an aauynuMngdegree, and bar health te now bailer Iban lt bM been for ?

long urn· previ «p?».Ir thu wtt! tie of my Mrvice ut you, or any oo· who

doubu iM «ttcceM of the ont-d'cln·. yoa are enil/eiy wel¬come to il I lubieriue myMif your irnut obedieotaudobltged Mrvanl. S S JAMEION.

UPINION8 OF FHYIICIANfl.Dr Toarnn-od u aimoMduiy receiving ordert troia pby-

rteiaru m d.íereot ptru of Hi« L'nlon.T I te to cert.fy ih« we. the uiderilgned Phyilrtaaits)

tbe City of Aibaay, bar· ta numérisas casée pr.r ri .d ?»Townaend'i Ua/Mparll · ti m one of th·mo« viiuih,e pr-para-.ton« <»fam s»r»aparUla tn the markeL? ? Puling, M. D J. vv ..»..·.. ?. 0. ?. B Bngg«. M.

D F. t, ??_«?«1??t, M. D.AlbaBy.Aynll.lMfl.Tbe follow.n* la from one of lite moti re«p«eta*tte pby«·

ekae«t Long Iatend OktixiokT. Ju.y !·), U^ri.Ja. Tow«, «ai» -/ara. bV li 1» wun laiufac'.loa ibai I

My lu yoo. Ma.11 have .-.·>?.··--«.-? -n-t«the moat I «eetttet« reeulu from yu»»r _uraci of SerMpe-rllia. Bein«; eügagwU la tb· prac tien of medicine I base

freecrureO u in mjprei capii, aad aever «tUwal t Tatflla .a racuovtl l»0.BMto aruing from » deranged «touof ibe dlajtaatlva organ·, jaundice, tte. it far excas-sda any·tbtnf of the kind ever before offered io ito public TonWt_ pieeae Mod me two doc··, tc. kc

Raoprrituuyroxxn, S C FB_BTON. Bl. D.Principal otte a, la Fuium-et Sun Bullding, ?. ?., Red-

d'r.g k Co. ? Stale-«. Bostoo Dr Dyott k Sons. 131 Nor_Second st Fbitad«lphta. A ? Hince, druggtst. Bs-lnvoieDu va» k Co llch-tood F. M. Cohan. Charleston t Wrightk Co. 1.51 Cbar.r-.s-st. New-Orleans; H-5 9<>uth FMr!-sLAinsny , B. Vsn Buttirt, Si Brood, cor. tUxkttt-el. ? J., and a> druggUU generally Ibrougb-oat tha Cotled State«,Wm Indie·, and the CinadMNone «jtsa'Alae, utileM pul ap in U.· large sAjuara boutas,

which euBiain t O'ltrt and «Irned wi.h tit· written ilgna-tu'eof S. P. TOWNSENO, and la nee» blowa oa une

gIAi« p_?) Jtn'TuThA.8 ¡tip

\|????? Kl PAINTl.-sti.-Mr. J A. M'DOIItIoaLL ha-ng returned ? ih« city «ít«r a abort ah·tener v.ouid titfortn ? · frieenJ« Md lb« punite ihM ha hoetaten loom» oi »il Bioadway.oa tbe corner of Murray-eCin lha PtitMto Balldlnga, wbere be u ready to recale· ailorden in his line)._ata >w·

VOTUK -aFs«3N_B k CO. have reu_tv«d*_ 3 Nm-lam» beta*«« W«S»?PtM»U. '··, o-otiio ,tr»e cactoai.

Uoaa·. to le'lMf


PBtynFBfCTTB of to. Harr· Coltane. WIM liana.ADaikteki« Thi» taf-rMatto·. retata loitoram«*. eet-tag· »y « cannot greeted by ita Lattaiotaro et* tato toaremot imanare, lo ih»fot»*.lag rena Tra· lere, rta:_man. t Itati v, tea lotte*· Web*. Altrad è» Fera, J." '-rea. Dr I Muta» F ? Ireaam md BeareM »ut. a »uaa-d tn e retirad, «tarered aad .eltatatol par«o( ua arov^au-y to_iby city Tire bei-taa» «a»

¡e-·'7 *-»rg«d dur ta« ih· peM year Tta ptafgrentaSggg*« ß» ¦. * ¦«¦*l*he «ternato are eet aUewed te Bere toe Milage gm»

cuci«, leieee aeogeaaa.ed b*f · teeeta*.irle«, atuotio· «Mtota be moki lo ito tato*,

red tata) moeni aad ttara-ry UBfmv.ataai «fa·»

_T_! t_«îî .¿-.t?5*··» ?* *tatto*ta| ·*« ·*»??M«·· ««·-. and «a.»ra. .« Orare Latte to hg·n .. ··. L. »· ·· Neure/«».«^^VhWmr'ttaíiBiieiry


·».-d «cu JMimad fa, cotnmattlni farsulu. w_ ta .n.;.· .. r.,-i»d :i iriitaMie a| ka-brea

Ta« K-ù. .nie s«er toevuuncen «e ¦»- iti» Tie irai tal.od* oo ib« Id of July I.4«au «re aeodaed m m« tona.oa «ctaring they are «i««ateta, ato «eck «a· ta to·_ala ita ria··«« fo- which ta a «juaigtaC ^Tbbmc T*>« ari.«·, pañalón for board, Catitee, waaatae.

¦«odiag lioar. «ud «localag«, aad are of botata·, emkuhalf tesi ? la «dvanco,u. .gito toPur iiudcou oui ieeralng (Jreta or latta. Ito toThore who ai ita Coltafe dartag ita rana·

¡.ur.» will b« charred extra. UtoF»eoch. for Éata wie leere li per eaarter. dmDrawing. de de de. imMatte oo ih« placo, aad ore of do. li MOiher branch·· of ran»le ai ita area! rare·.Book·, «teiloBcry, dotare, if ordered, ata, ta ama af

. être·· mttdictaM ata doctor*· be« will ta «et.toargeeNo uniform u raeatred. taut.1« «arertag ta toe ttxtmaekooid brin« wlth .are ihree guiare «.toi thereeaiertagin ine Pai; ftuxili brtag with tarn» tore· Wiater retto , all.houad tuv· mx »bin·, ata paira of aneliti·, fere lavato

nd ab.and Ihr·· pair· of boere and_vaaaacM

Wilmington, lto«ware-A-ed da Font, Chas Da Peal.and J ? 0«r««<b·, Zaatn, Ceamaetar I. BMbrick, MdCoL 8- DariaPhiladelphia. RLghl tax Dr. Kaorlek. Ber. ? X (tort

land. Rev E. J. Souria, Re«. J t «Carter. Ber. D. Der»..Rev. ?. Cantweli, Rev. P. F.Btortdaa.

G ·.;»* ¡. ··- R.v. ? Fua« Rev. ? Fti»»i*amoa»lhaetor Ceuni.·.Juti-e Wllc»ia, l*,r!»».·..«. Kelly, Em.N«w. York -Right Rev. Dr. Bagtoe, Yery Bm. Or

Tower.Jersey Clly-Rer J. Kelly.Newark.Rev. P. Moran.Er.:i¡u-.ore.Edward .l«okins and Jao MdrptoJUfM.Wilmington. Merck IT. IÍ47.



,eetaà um pup., to ire·'cough and «reoapatailnot D.ptnai-eu mo few»be geni..«.? from PhB-


errang«!!.«nu u» enlarge hat raun.iabmanlta lhaeoer··of the Spring aod Fall, would call lb« «tuta··· i»f ae.Mllaod guardian« t» ihe »alt an,eg«, otletaa. ihn papila ta talaI??·??? ,??,m. fur «entitling · ihuetHigii end areoap.badeducation. The Senior and Junior!'_»>· ih« dtreclioe of an

adeipila, who bu had great «»penane· ta im taeatattaaof young ladle· Additional teacher« are tiao employedIn iheae and the other Deperurrenw. aod all will be MB}··«lo Mr«. B«lley'« uiiuiedut» «upar« a*ion. F.vwy «dort I«mad« t., tender the young«· happy and eoBlaeteg? toInculcale kind, polli·, aad airi Ia» «a a «BB.ra ; aad le tato·uat« ?.'em to ronelant eiarlloo« to ? ta«·. by rendering Ihem, M tor m poMibte, attrarli»·end p.casarti Tlu «choui u fumtthtkl t't? rtarlB. ¦>yi.glob«·, exce. ent Phllosop.c·! Appararne, wlih ebar of dtagraine for ih· eludi·· uf Aeiroooa« ·_

»ry. Th· beat laertore ara .ploya·! la tea fraaab Oeim.iment Tht* language I« uughi daily to all ito pepile,and, » the Latin, la -n.-mdod tu tbe urm» for BegltohTullio«. V i« al Muele, bulb Bariod «ad taular, to ata·tough! throughout lhe school, by a distinguish*! Protomar.Tue next regular Term will ciiatataare oe Bk» la afMar.

Them, however, who may alah u> pi·.-· toalrdaughter· »I lh!» tnttttution before that lime, will 6.1(1 tatheir advantage, me the» will «Ble« the clue»» bow terming for the Spring and· and fariner par iteti uri may heMcertatota, «taaai

!.y poti, or by personal appllcailos lo Bra. BaUey.BI tarre.ftlenc«, !" CarroU-place, Bleecker-et

r·..». nawMTuThbBetew lelp

PKIl \Th ·»( IIOOI. FOB BOYf«, No ». Freakm ·? .:« uiiiiiiiei of echolere le limited lo twenty

five, who ere entirely und«r th· care of Ita PrtuclpaL.Boy» mey ranter el tb· eg· of eight or ala· year«, «ad torilled fer -.·« or for -unirne elei pur.uluTwo young Tad* may be aceommodaied with board to

the »eme family with th· Prtnclpel. and uadet hb em«.toni »unervutonCircular« containing term«, referen«··, Ac. .»y be tad

«l the echool, or at the b.a.««!ure· of M«ura LoeBwacm.»r Applet.m. [. UwlwS«) J AY OREENOCOBV

l·G»A.MI_Y HOAMDIN4J-*4( IIOOI. for BorUtaa-l.'i. y l'i'i"! -Circuler· mey be had of Messra Fwto b

II*!!, I PranaitB .»|ua~. Firth, Ball A Food, MB Breta»way; Bell v Ouuld, Tribun· Building« Fiaba·· kClara., ? «????·!··!., and of Rev. J W irtrla. Frtottpal·

ia 13 2ewnwWi.Sc

h* A.HI L, Y HOtKDINU M4HOOL. la Kaet, Oeee.Circulare may le ned at Ahephard'e bovkMo»·. Ill

Broadway. Th· Principal I» aow la tbe clly, eta afanawuh a pera«.nal in «rvi«w ihey will ptaare lo leave JtatTaddre»· ai IJ Waal Wa*hlngu.n piece, or el the Houre in Broadway.


ASHBE Pi'LLER, *_f*gg*g^AUtSicinif.OHBIITIB'g

I1AI.VANK BBLT.IT- Thia Heitutllul laseallee to l-egtaatae W at·

tract »uch marked . "ili» among taielltgenlphy·»*-·.re bedecleatlfie mee generally, that lb· foltawtag deearlprbn,token from Dr CHkitTit» re «ot wort oc lh· MadlaalApplication of (HI ?anUrn. it to e ballava! will be of talefMtlo ibe public, MpBatoB in· aOtcad

I " In «.«ne dtoe.« of a vary »avare eharac.r. aed efI·..ig .lending lhe power me »pp*t««t by lb« iHlvMtf laaa·la noi .utiieleriì lo erreel iba progreee of dlsaa*«. Bag ajB-inalely lo reelore health. The .inrovM modlfleatloa «fih«.(el»en!r ?..?. enllrely larrudf. tat· ob leidm I 0·**ú.gr.-ß of power thai Ie re.rutra.1 can rawtliy be gtHBH,end no cumpleliif which lb· my.tottou. egnai ot Qtiemm.inn ran affect, will fell ? be -»*rta*a«etiy retami, tftaOeJvealc Belli* a beautiful ln«ianc« of art, a.'ea B.mmlo produce the blgheai ban« «.rial re»uiu, «to III« Botar·«?thai i«*a luvanlione have «ver be·· eo B»»t»«red «ad··generally successful tn Ihtrlr teVl To intuirai· ta ·??->. -jpp...« i/i« cota of · person «totetod wlib ?ß???????.fruiii eriy uf · vario. e ause·.b· compi«!«« of, owing lo ih· pneduction aad rateai.a or eertatogotte»,-,,??? di thai region ; gaaaraldfurelne of«gbae.and «¦-· on In ordinary cimi Mlmuianu ar« lacee, trttoftby their ariuen »n lha narvaa «ad maaelee of toe ««eMetb,ariot.l lemporary relief, but which 1··»· ita palamite aworee (late and wuh Injured feculiiee, altar Ita aerineil..,· «xriied hu c«aa«d. Now rumpera tab alto *ta«t

irrs.i.iiig from lie» appilcailou of tbe Belt Tataspaiieal lo a ·?ß?· »lmlln io thai we beveIbe Belt round in· body, and Bear lha alo·uer u »t ·. '«?., «i.t. Th· heat and moWar·the Bell round toe body, and near ihe Moaeeb to Ita Mae-eer areal rot,v«ni«ot. Tb· heat and raotatore beai will »ci on lhe potlltv· «l«cnonl ot ih» gelt, (totebyexcinng · da.» aule current which.uve, and thence back agkiu to lha»up a continuai (lelvenlr rlrriilmoo»ere ce·«· of DYSPEPSIA at· permanently emetd by? ? a ..? 11, g ihe Oalvenlc Bell

will pane ««· to toe BBf*« p«j«iiiv«, thai keeptofme. Thai to· mm! m»

rin» compi ai r. 11· eo pfv«l.i, aed ordmmrj lereatoajerTorU are «j ?-aI«.,naia lo ito relief, thai

??a?'«».o««it a Hoi Lie«jroper kppetad the r«m»rk« of « d'stlnguletud pby«l«tm.

M. D. regardmg ita «dacia of etat-vai'Hin in iu cur·" Dytpep·-.·. «spaclelly wh«a il ertene tram

««i.a.ui.oii. U mor« generally reiterad by OaivaeLany other means 111« well known thai .adlttaM Ior «var do «nygoaod la ibi« dtMea·, «m U klIhey cannol Ther· I* «a t»«***aje<i««n»«y ·/ en· atounf,owing io tbe peno· hevlag axn«u»t«d U «U ta totaehg,or.uine oihot piorree», «nd wbal I« waatta le et.e» lo rem.nd »o kiiow .t mo.aeh io regata Ite due toara of .atnainral power-or «te· lo MhetltaleM Bfttteta) powerMedicina can n«tta«r celi tacb Ito bai mre»B» power, or

gire · «.¡'..ti' n« bel Oalvaal·*» will «étale th· «teae.?to act «?most uw «ilm tt dore with .e aeree« pewm ? IIi« itarafore ?» ? h ao ««eleni ata · propre MbetHeta l.totoconfident tbat nearlyle» «true turai duco»·-, may b« cured by ita applicata« of Oalv

loiune«· niiumarabta might It« giva· M Brere

h «o amelen*, ata a propre «ebeüíeía 1 toai«ai'¡? «very cue o? Dy«p«P*ia. eeleM toare»a?a· of toa rf-MBta, which to retare» toe

«la.··.-« «»ere ri'reeaary. 11 is eulVl·« I lo »ny IBM lb«Oalvkolc B«H s believe«! lo be tb· beat «ta n*em ef·«!««!form of »ppllraiion Ib ihl« pertteatar dteeeae. Atom amp*u .firn amply luffletrnt U trookrate tkt dorntet efprore.Tfi« phy.lulug e»T «fTerUof ta· carrent is thi· lha Oatvainc Elaeiitcuy ihu· developed, ecu (taoetfb kmeoortmpt.

th· ?,-·.«· of «vary part -f lha «tomato, «od are»·

e*peel·, y oa tlioeae which »r« .«««eUal lo (to diMB'Ire?·· ¦·¦** laeareva· attoa .· muele·,tae aeectae eaih« e» domine.' .-.-.ta-m -u.e food U propelled oawarc toe?»»-· et peituel- dlgeeilon »ffacied, aad ito aactam tapft»ly reoev-d How BeajiifuUy ba« each (lew tactomtMhumanity beea pr.tded for by Matara' EvtBT IMI-Tiua or tm». niim»· ·?·t«? is trricrae ·» Ost,vaatmTbui tba Uv*r and other orgaea ara «erealtaUy taaeata·by these Oalvsatc; ep.vue, «pita**·*», B*FPO-eiiuriir.acum. be. raauliing from d«raegaet«eiof ito a»·

ft_«. m«y thu« be effectually relieved «ad aauraly Cared.',. ,|n:rwa»lr.g dleaua i-a!l«a*d ?»G'?ß ,··-·· .._. dl

.pei._ -._...

el weakneee, be may he permfieBliy reererod k»[ «a »n-^t «poo UM unta*,

lib iu ij.uel aceoinpaolina.u uf pain la ite «ata, gaaaf ihe belt, which having an mb'ael apon

p«u»e»«*»* a greM advaaiag· ovar every other formvenir application

is ii. >·»««» or t?· Ht »·t, w.char· of toegaroo» rharacter lb·» eppltaauon of Ito (Mivaalcprovea« amlnently eue-tneeful. Tto woederfel "

developed to alway» of tto mot» mmilaM m^1 » uf eoara» ßßßßß?. la ireaitag m datteeMm __

il-«»· Diuresi of ito Haart are gwarelly ef eeher·«- tor, and con*»r.j«n«.y core« under tb· pe«Buanc· of tae remedial agaacy ef Oalvaateai»anlc Bea le certainly (to most «tocado·. fora·«'lloo »? ?r.«er.? knowniBCBM«of DEAFNEMito recet «roatartol tad «mi

pected cur·· bona made by ih· Oeiraate Bei. If toatane* to of · nenaut chararter (to rnthtfb caaTsW, eta

If the organ be not injured there te · teli remate nfltfltr.«corear.

Is »i.i. Discasci or tub Briaa ita Oelraete BttobMbeen us«d with ih« baup.ea rrealia The inaiata toagtot.'-n of tht« portion of taa ola. frana wttb to· eme«r.-r .· ..,« «>«ien» bu long b««a aotlced, ead lib taa tartwhich eau··· Spinsi Co.pleiau alway· lo preenu · ry*aerier «ppareetly *·, larr-r««.», «aj BaoeetcM «ad au» -kiBut Mraoga. It !· «A** tarry fact, wbaa-fc caBBM Ita ··*>«»fu! pumer of 1». «u.i»m io f.e of »orb |in »ery aaay caeee lo tare ptwfurtwod tneort e- . ·.%».ne, ware pronounce· toron») ito r··«· ut* are ml et*at?? thu by compétent medir ai tutaortty '. Tto ·» j e «v»be uid of Hip, WiiliM of tocC aa» 4n*t_kc The effect« produced by 0_»antea are atatalm« lletaal agency, re wu before ebowa bat totaliy Iwiwr to u to daw that »nil wbteh iaawM *.decided ly improvad, and wlih lacreeced vigor I

than to uae tho·· of w_eh It may truly be Mid»·-Tto Rm.dy to w···· itoa toe etaemr«»*

rar ? »,·,·.. ? ·« :i,«oi¡u.^-i that no ????avea.a«aba-i*wi4_t upo· .las; ine Otortmin ·??, orné .renare*· toworn by lh.· mo«t da.atto with Ito aoM B»f-tt mtam"onimij. Iieeorutruetkan U b ,.«j «taipte «ad «tagmt» T-du-t o-A mteet iu ·.eacy m * ti aay to retotly Mgr. tpert of ihe country Fail dlracttaM maaMptaf··

ty CACTION _BThe grael celebr.ty «nd «acere« of Or. C *

ducovetireb·· cauaed numero*«» at.apa at ·Th« public are reepnatulrf guarded eguuoo« u .«y «r« mnrety wnub ImiThe on.y Agwaer to N^w.Yorh tor C

lea Uaiva.c ata Mejpitat Cnrntrem ItV IcepOADWAT,

betmotm Jobn-ei aad MgHee tea· ?tels and the moa coavtaetag aatoaoeb..... gratis

? Store a New-Torb wtoerwtoftawtat»hm(**nwmMr»

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