Page 1: Library of!-,,?! n, - an ITITT-- f Hixjrmfnrti gigpatit. ~"tm TSia OAKLY *MNFATOHU i" (grft*-* at tw»nTT

!-,,?!n, - an ITITT-- f

Hixjrmfnrti gigpatit.~"tm TSia OAKLY *MNFATOH U i"

(grft*-* at tw»nTT ciir-r» r?a »»w rM« f «

«»..c<r ?« a yaar, or M 60 r ir -itBMIM | «*ree

i-oDthi ta. oesmontbti ir sdvarer.efj-ThaSßitiTrßF: i vnfkTOK»la»Bfi

Trajr>*T and I', ai I. la

afTTlie WITBRKLY DtffJPi 1 »' ?\u25a0 I"""*!tveryrstDAT, aaiMMiM aateai4bema»lM"*aam.


W A"%T«.Vs will\\ N- reofired hy th» iii.d«rs.rr)ed nnttlth" vtn day cf .r.«v, A-r tb* hUtwbi

Mil Of initiner, ort.»r any p-rtior. of It all to

b» of th« very N-*t yon. c white o<vk*>-r ol know and *t>*kf. ?'f" l to be Jell vsredat ttif Virf ii.ia«tiii<try by the Ist dsy ofi to wit!l »<v nfi iv ?Mo*. ?? *? \u25a0 |li wl1 '' ?? *\u25a0 * * l°ns-.

4 00 . 4* '?

4 000 " «"

- -*-

, ::4 i? 1 ?'

«... -a) -

-AU9OU.« M tret | IcoL bard ptce piirk. 13 leches

?rice, !» and is f<*et lot r. for aae coxes; c o qtf*. i K»d merebaataMe l lech bard pinej;;., »,» tncbea Wide.from 14t090 feet lot-1Jno KNOTS, d A P.N9 U7 Pe.irl street, Btcbmocd.

4ji :> -ii!J;cwAiwltWV7iIMTAa»>VV TUE MARINE IH»KPS,

ABEE P.JIUEIi MEN,tr »-rvs at N*vnl Stations, and on board ofKMsaebipe ?\u25a0* the renown>-d Owfederater* '\u25a0\u25a0?" "Virn'.'jia »? ar.d on board of iron.r i ii null otber v>ua<>is of the Navy.

will b- aatUM to reteiv-n t-ouuty ofrim DULLAhS*!«D

nits Montr,Wbea eaajtfad in the c-p'ure or sickitg cfasj of tae enemy's craft?oi a»lo ?Ut> iction by wh ih su> U oetirafcle result*is ! b** i.-btatc d.

.\u25a0>'.\u25ba c saiiable for L.ou-comm!»sione.l offl ersptrttoaMiiy wanted.

A few buys will to rer»-iveO, with thecon-4«i * rt ttstr pumita iff *ooirdi£iLs l a»l««»rn»'rap mssic

A PHEMII M. «r :»: tU'llars will r>» g:\iu teai y perewn who?' w. '\u25a0 preaaata r«cmtt io th-Kecruitii.g effl-t-~ fro: llatmestt, after ha baabamiasamtaadsl i r«K*>iv*dus am.nnt.B

? iood clo'hu. $. -nid will be fnr-ii»Qed by the t*o*erimnnt

For farther particulars spptv »?.

crdsr tbe Q,«irjPh«'.er's Uffl *, 119 Bonditreel O «> f i ÜBb i;.

lb p -!i:L F.t< ru.'iig DfftosT«,n3o?iw

7 T\ ' *NTBi>?\\ oK» HUBDBBQ HBG2C MUN.\V« wt'o to blre f>r ib» l>«! .nc* of iLe ye»r

| c-" «3 at-lo b<iui«d HfiOt O 'JaiN, t--. ejork. »? be SehWorbs. la Bmythe *\u25a0?>! vTasbla(toaI f ?atlas. Va Wevrentdisaa cb>fiy for w»n ;.

f l r;'---* I.d MsuiV.ers, aci vrr nili B«y twelveI (eilairs p!>r m nt;.. feratab i o»~d am4sJetbbtK a d5 p») rayelhsf fij'eL.M-j lo arid ibis piaoe;I ||m lbs eaptnses of any » as'-sr or SRsnt wt.uI wil b;lcg»is or Ej-,r» han J s.TbU »«-cdon Is perfectly quiet, but c«n

| r«a "- 'hir islavej fro. , Lor» wli9»»th lieyI (Jht; fc'Ei In dm-gorfe'iTO tbeen? m" .fft r-fer to A Irby, Lynchburg and

«-\u25a0 m 1 Harvey, EicLniond, who wJU pay our.' ti-tt a o'-h!y or q la'lt-riy.W' heps Land* nUi be »eot tw st ones withoatII iraiani tut c* ii bunt theci cp. BeyaandindU?

Hrra\ t.'.a'li no*STUAKT BirCUANAN A 0 X

Baltetlla Ap-ti -J4, pH'T «p tj?«w*\\ J AN Tt-D-IMAIEDIA IELY ?


Kiohtno' d, AprM Kith, 1661 $Winti».t, fir :he pabitc »»rv;<e, Tirtiliiutt of

>h« following classes:MO.OCO cubit f-e - of square Timber, y-ilow

i lue, 12*11 acrl from 15 '. j ';> fl in length\ 100,000 t-ci .?: nqoare Timb-r, yellow plu«,

from! to i 9inches, from 26 to 30 feet inlength.i loooou te*t cf 4-inoh white oilr plnuk aad

2 O,COO feet of 4 lach yellow pine pl»»rk.The highest mprkT price will tie paid for

| : is limner delivered in the city ofßtchmond,I and itwill be received in anyqann titles. Ex-; tra prl ?» w:i; b« paid 'or fx-tn iengtl a

.'- \u25a0!) S if. MAI-LORY,- l li Secretary ol *h a N*vy.

Vi; Aft ; Hit?V A furni-tiedROOM.

[ wituf-.u'. board, for a sinslss gentleman, inI acy part of the city. A-idre«s, through the, i- ,:\u25a0 ffl -. "Hi>X 1.008 ? my i_t;.*

mN f£D?to ajHi;?~

f* Kia to oifitt COOKB,iniWee ty LATJMOBBBSBB.White laboiiiig w menf ell] be employed by Itauic.iiflte apnhcatLc at

t* Oamp Winder, to ?

I A. Q EA'.JK. P A C. 8 ,1 ? -' P-'S'. a Win ~r Hwnite.t.set W7 Awr*i'?WAN lJt>»-W VV Xi« or eight\u25a0l i M :>M for tho Bind .f ibel'jth

\, '.»?:rg!:i regiment Also, a competer.t i-ender,I R> whom a goodsaury will b- i-aid. Apply. '- Uo». '>«-. W BOYD

Yoikown, Vs.,Or to lOIiNBTOTe * BByl- Iti Main atreat, Richmond.

I 117 .-NiEiJ?AWl * WET MTJBSE,I without encumbrance Noac need apply whotrsnot sound aud healthy Apply en !4\b,ketwsec ila-.n auti Frunkiin Btreets, to

\ _\u25a0->'c-«;* X D. rAi'HO.»

_ ANTED?r»i a from n«-rV. iLcheeter, Vi , for hiui*elf and wife,[ to children,)

BOARDin a irlvate family,

. .i.l: mm, and locution a good oneA ireas "R s ?' mv 6?Sl»

U'A.NThti--7 A SUBSTITUTE.b nrelgner,wio has served twelve monihai mo bK-.i. rflechargs-d, la will!- g to enter again|to icb*uinte if B« hue a ltbernl offer. Ad-besi ZOUAVE," Uaaaatoa efflceay «?3t«| \u25a0 \u25a0 ??\u25a0

I »c Immediit'Jiv,i .tea , s ,10° EABORER&: attas Coafederate States Laborat irv,corneri -\u25a0' b ad Arch stream, Bichmonaw. n. South,

- ml n ~'* t?up*Tlii'.e-.. dent ot laboratory.I TXT An T t D-At th* ArsenalI iVLtxJmS*'* Worhahap, a i amb«r ofn' Bt'Bi-.KS. Apply tol '\u25a0' *- *' \< 1) 880 WN E, Siip'tIW * S TED ~~~

Six or eight good. rr , BLABDEBS.»f,iy at 'he lest tenement on loth sireet,- »< I Leiib, rijrht band aUo.a; i? ? «

yU AMVD-An saaKSaaesi BoOK-aMikP-BJi/M 7. * :d -* exempt from?«.?,' ?Ji 's eeat-oas to obtain a situation,' "1.. aauWtakewark by the job-\u25a0 *Sg»Jg :_D 'at thli r,ffie». my B-Bf*» in PURCHASE OK Be NT,

~.,,K , ,A K-tteei ana comm i_ioue BOUBE,«»oj«rsmodarataaia) taaaUy,wtthla teausiM umk 0f lße oapltel. ???.:.

? lllt hall AT. ler. my 6?6*»t A ti-nnber of (SBBVANTS«?.. . v -nd good htURKEB.

fthiltfaiV- =±i!Lt . THREE OITTTKBSw» by patterns. l**?*

«t« , AM,ly at once viWM. IBA SMITH,- j}^~ u ! J»MamsWsei-»\u2666 BATHAKBBB,j« wl- ta 1 i.tfsr the d*j*. wtiga* and conat&n

JUHM DOOLEY.\\ J ANTED ? ? pbVUUU wantedif fur oue year, secured by mortgage cv

**hakU ««tate In htiaaissippi,t;'JO,'.<) weni«d for flvu years or more, -ecoredP JBgags oa valuable real estate io the Bute of

"*U«tirt& K..r purUcuiars apply toit. H. MAI XT A I'O.

KEOKUIIS tur iL a"? I o>-.rlt;s- ltyTroop. Tbe usoitl bounty" *m. v-ni ue paid by Uaf Oovernmett. aa.i

horae. .stouidbsklßed in ac;:on, ho will U< paid

a>-. nuniy win be famished to suoh re-i.i7 '* buying ho'3es on credit, onIgTirol thet theaumthls hire of theirboraesf. r gK°l' r '-«-ted to '.ak»iig up the boiida giveniVib' pwahaaa m..u»-y. Address me atBam**' Va |{ M HAhUUBUat,

tiharloßl.'lty Troop.

\V ¥Bfts3lZ »t 3, »0tlso B

w**°*anißlaa>. High wages paid.F*° andsrstande making

b |»>J2 IMt»"*aoae<Joal.

9 N '\u25a0' >*-AywaahJ wHdEAsY,?M tta bbVu?!* o*' »«*»ui:ibrancs, comus-** m -I.* V"'' !>M tt aOBM aaasaat. Ai*""\u25a0?\u25a0-Lfs?;-

, *)*> \u25a0t4JsfJrnj**»" aiiaatt

"*V N. VTi?,~ ?

** tasa»ft«,7 1-WUI IBreat lair ruU*. by

.'r,'-' ?B'V*'^-*.'- , ',: 1-wißoEs. tr work; * "?'hoa Hill Mtnei,, inlsT^\^aatM|

,OI T,MII ""' l ? SMITH


| VOi . XJH.?NO. 1 1


BVffATE.4*M\fiTojT, M.-y 1, !^1,2

Kx. it vii, of Ky, off- e.i a. reeoluiioa de<01. Hug that the war now etrried on by theUeited htatea of Smerl < should !hi wiror-oaely nromeuted and cnaUnaed. tc f.->m'Pi\u25a0\u25a0 ib i iieuce to « oe.i -I'u'lot) and laqrs >a tbelimits of every territory aad hy all thecitt.reeldentsthereof,and faraofartheieo«l wb ttevar

I'd m ton cfalr Sumner, of *frt««., thereeoißtios w « Hid ore-. *

t»o mot on of DSr. WLson.of Mass , th<»olntioa sskieg l"M lit ry Committee toln-qoire whether am further i-g-l'ilon i-i.?».»;ry t; prevent < fR len returatng fugitive

slavee, v/. * t it \u25a0?> upaaroaa or rwerrtvaaVavas bt \u25a0lurabT own-

. HSS. ?

wit. Saaaer. af r 4is" . rail im wns audtl»-«f <b a henn'or fro«i low, In his ep«ech.eaiied atteatlon to the conduct of semeoffl-cere eercerni: 9 (as*tives tl *» eafd on* Gen-eral who lately astdaan orii r returatng; fu-ft was a ne'tve of Ma»sichaeet's, a.- dhi f ? r. *>"ra er) hi! h'« iiAaence tg*»t bin ??-?\u25a0?> i, J Tf be ii j k \u25a0Ai. tb'.t(?en So k\u25a0? k. ud''iv ra «.'?\u25a0» j, ich ?< i< r.i r bi> vrra o i hnv- to scire b.;po li tmentWhim s C-uchi fa la r battle, rout h'nor

inicglee v»i b tie«a>li*-g o t g ?\u25a0, b':' wbar*n Ci nerni i., \- »s Henera.l to k -i has talisf.o ~»l t. ottil m bu» reer st to bo fit He re-ferred to the ii :of CI ;«?!' Uuuiild.:

. oi.T ? , in wh|i*b hs I'dkii >f tohi't. a-,-tty He also r»f»rr»d mi tbecaeeol tleeeiaiKKj ootin th? We- aud tho Provost Mar-s' ?! <d L !.;;vt" v, ?? - d' g-. \u25a0.. *o the armyt;-> reid ;ii ?> \u25a0oi i' f be j r ' slou tg whtoh;ii'iM"l:i.Hti luiaville li-ii. submit

Mr. D't»>> Xv >s«kad where he got that ac-count.

Mr Sumner reptied, from a laRew V 'tit

vtr Uavleseid tbtttbers was no doubtofi«s falsity

Mr. vVllam M 56 i»; Id b? bid 'but: '\u25a0-? Iev'der.ceol th«*disgrace'u! treat-nentotl!ve ci ve< >y pcr"ioce of tbe army

lr. siua--'- Ms \u25a0 refer re i to of af;: jit-Tfi from ?he camps i f ilor»rsl Hneli mdthe ord«rcl (etteeral Hi'.li"ck ixj!od;t,g allfiglrlvea trmihis He siti taut ord*iwas ure ;.-t' \u25a0: \ - ;.l ?-. ?. ell u:u sui ', aadshowed advftcteuc) ofcommon s>'u-« adcom*non bu'tca»ity nnwortht ofa«oinier >'c';

\u25a0n vrdei »v. kldexclod all valuable int; #»"??UOU received f. IU .'Lg.U.e-, uf,; 1. -.

ti«-CHp ure of Np* ti :?\u25a0."..\u25ba, at'd theevaca ?

t on ot Frederi «*ou.«r.

Jt%' A .1 I'«.\V7 ANIEU? A sltnation iv TE.MJHE.'t,

WW la a family or school, bvi Yirgtiilalady. Is competent to teach ail the LuylUtibr«u.che», Littn, anrt Music. U-eHence In(teorgta or UaroUaa preferred Wo?umraer Tifat inn i sail ill f»oobi»c:mii to »I'*Tencri Ihflstlw Sniary Moderate. Beat r*f«*r-enceiKtv»n. A(11t»«i tmatwilatnlv, stntinxterm*. -YlHaiNiA " iuchmoid, V.i.

vr v 7?3 »

" AWi*.ll-"

Ai unfuruishsiKOtiM aad HOABD,

for a r«ntl«msti nnd wifs.*idr»M, at iTtn« tens* a»4 location, ' >4

W.J.,** tfctowgh rpy" !>?: I ANtJcD- A good

iV>H>K, WASHER, aadIKOWER,for ft w**J email family.

ITblta nwtnred. Apply, wttt reeemmeoda-ttcns,to '<"?!> N«»auEI.U,

ipv 7. ;i ? for- e'S i Hid I \u25a0«\u25a0!«?}» N'ree'R

Wnut4»c!, immaatately, one or two «;o>:iaiiich ti-w«, forwfeJeh iifccx-vi jric- \u25a0 win t>,pail. A',p!y r.t ctiCe at the UtapntcM I fll-e.

mv 7 -1-*TJk I'A£»TtL ? A

> SUBSTtTUTBicr lIM wtir.

Arpy*o WM. B ISAACS*OO.ray T? -?*

tXTAKTID-P Tkr? STJBSTnUTEaIt»rttoe w r, Ie eawalry aervtce F>r reiir.ble

menu pU ;r cc "»ll« be p ?\u25a0? *pt 1f must.t:: iv U W.M R Ptti'll,ro» 7-4- SaockoeMip.

VI7AMVb.U.?.\9% BSTITfjrTK

c r *\u25a0* bad for c .-« awaWleam ait li q«:reat JOHN i AI.!*KN H f b> leo 1 o ory on

Iro ', lay, o; M he:| At I 7-3 *

XX7AMTEi>VI A si;its 1ITU IE.Ditil tlie lti o' Juiy, fcr which aprice wlli be I aid Address

" N.H."r" 7 -S * l»i^t>«t < -h ( Oi?.

W Toilre,A HTJKBB.MiH la frj*! svemaa f-e'er*efi. App'v ».t

urt. DivMocnra,my T-ts rr». kta 1 \u25a0?.-1 bet .?; I <\ <tt»."

~, am i i L- "?

. > -To pcichwee, aHonan »r,<l LOT

n * g e4 n<ijbSoriiood 10 cost t<m t ~V oto§i5-A/ -diirtS. B. Ki'bai n! Pl» ,'js >;:---1 k treat! n prl » ana tf-rtns my 7- 2 ?

%.' ANTtU-**V T'J HIKKAn txpsrler.ced colorsd

HOBBE,a middle aged womaa praferrerfArpiy to dr JoYrlE^,

Praxklba atreet,3J Jour ab ye 7.b. ,

mv6-4i»r i ANIEU?A

BUB9TXI DTKfor the war, to wbom

a price will be paid.Apply at

A ! -J!H» [ D »«»,(>r Krflnkln st., between 17th Ind & hmy 6 3*

i¥7 ANTiiD-~

APUSUHASEBfor a very large siie solid Koie UemtbprT B DDK,

ftc! themaerlal warranted to be uusurp .-«.. d.I'.-.eJ bn- little \u25a0 n.i -j foodas Pricef«o Addreaa "Box 1 020, - * city P. b?St*fTTAMTEU?VV A W-_i?.ia.N.

White i>ri>fpvrfidto «*o..k, Wa.-h ar,i Iroi. for a -in:;'.! family.Ap: iva- this office. mv 5- ts

1/17 '\u25a0 \u25a0' I^'? A bit..b cf fardsbedv. O O M 8 .

t t as'agle « cl'e-ua-, on G-bcc or 1 ru al'.i >\u25a0.rear 1 ».: Itol Sq-tare. / d r»ss boi 465 1 I »ondPar-OOm , my 6? W

IliriimciiS lispatrjhTHWiJsOAY 'OKNINO MAY? tW2.

Fill*..Nome of the YuokeejoiirnaliHfarpealiofexile

as the very mildest j>nnJ9hme..t that can be in-flicted upon th* Southern ieadara of ' the reb-llion. As soon h« the com try is couojiered, which they takn it for granted will he acceuiplhrned wheuever our cities fall iuto theirbunds, they are to compel our leaders totJj the country forever,

1 hat achievement, oareubjm/atioa, in not conear a* their imurinative Renins* tSpSQN.Our citiea are but drops iv the backet of theS»nth«rij population and power Hut,; lion dthe t<ad event of eul juration com*-, the e*.iietbey thre iteu will be the only Meaning thatearth has letr for the opposed. There areother landp, lomo of them free and attractivewhere the oppressed eaaDud arefuge. Bitterop isthepaiitfof xiviDK up one a country, wjieuthat country -.eases to beonr own,thestcntlcehue been already made, [t remaina only thento life lv looking forever apoa the face ofthe joyed and loot, as death changes everysemblance of the wasdear tons, <<rtoirar ourselves awoy, aud efek in rime ami de-tune© f-omn o.'iati to the wound >d o v.!. are few who can bid this relief, [l ic<only who have wealth who ran removethen household gods aa i dtp i:t to a far couutry. For the ina-*, tiny eaa o.iv ha\o !;opein that abiding city beyond the grave, wherethe wicked cea*«- from troubling and the wearyare at rest. Tub eentiment of ytiietleta it*one which was raeogaiged even by th- DivineStviour of th* world He weptover 'he woestout Obme upon H*a U!five iuiiii, and p'>i:r dforth 11-a sympathies with ite eoiTO wsia word.-

'of sublime aid eonl-eubdsiog psthoe. Wouldto Hravea that, if we mi a: be subjugated!there could be a uuiver-al exodus of thiSouthern people to some ijmil of liberty audlaw, whe;e e;.ch m*n could rert eecure uuderhis own vine aud fig treo, and never look uponthe batted faces of our oppressors more Batthis canuot be. There is no hope for us onearth but iv resistance ?refistanoe at all haurde and to the last exiremiy. And iv suchresistance there is not only hope, but the cer.

of ultimate independence. No nationlike toe South ever was con-pered that wastiue to i'*e!t, and" detTinined tobe free.

Yankee imatet VYri;ersThe Yankee letter writers, by their ingeni-

ous fictions, havt» supplied lv great part t':ieliterary and moral nutriment with which th«ynsed to furnish the world in tb*=ir yellowcovers. We get nothing now iv thi* latitudeif that Satanic [iterator*, but its pl«i't« i? morethan made up by the kiters wriuea fiuiu theSouth to the Yankee newspapers. The falsehoods they niter have long siuce ceased to excite any emotion, but woader at their tran-aceodaat genius f>r audacity. Sr audiuk; ivno fear of coutiaiictioo, thsy pur oat afreshet of lies exceeding in volume aud im-mensity the combined curteute of the N'le andHis?iseippL '!' :e las! we have seen was beau-tif;;l in its mendicity. It wan a letter fromthe army neat - Fr<?derkk»!;nrg, in wnicu tnewater said that Uoioo tl u;e weredisj-l ived bythe citi/tjne in all directions, and that !lie la«Ji*-e vied with each other iv attention to thesick Yankee aoldiera, seu-iing fbcm all BOrta o'delicacies, and, amoug them, lemons, freshlyplucked trom the trees! A lady friend ex-presses her surprise, that titty did not addoranges, and other tropical delicacies. \V;-vnot meutiou bananas and plantain* I We haveno tbttf the Union Sag was dieplayed onlemon branches. Oh, Yankee* Yankee!?There is a certain book that says all "'liarsshall be cast iuto a lake that burnetii with Areand brimstoua What, then, will yon do forlemons aud oranges 7

» \u25a0" t; . .> nnt»?i-1

The Yankees have contrived to make theirmiserable gunboats loom up iv the people'?imagination to the dimensions of Germandevils. If we suffer them to impose this newhumbug upon oar credmity. we ahallbe wuip-pe i wherever a gunboat caa penetrate. Weshall fly from them as soon as we see thesmoke of one of their cLiaineyß But thetrutn is, that, iv oomparisoa with land batte-ries properly constructed, ttiey ought not toexcite any at prehension. Especially uponnarrow streams, properly fortified, a gnnboatought to be sank without the slightest dimcalty. In the attack upon Fort Donjon«yen iron clad gunboats were shivered topieces by the heavy batteries oi the fort. Inthe narrow portions of the James river a laudbattery ought to be able to knock a gunboatout of the wa!»r. whilst riflsmin in the woodscould pick c 9with ease every man upon herdecks. "»Ve hope the time is at u-aid whenfor the credit of Soa\,Leru gunuei> and th«good of the Southtru caase, tbis whole gunboat humbug will be iitbrailyacd thoroughlyexploded.

I' lf> fet 1A ha ?* I A A- ' * A,feiA?'* £.

r?OK BENT?A ou Ist be---' tween Euain and Clary streets, li h-ia

nine got d rooms, be i !«>.<-1 losets; kitchen w,hfjur i >cms, b'.tu-i.ousr, tmoe-boiis 4 , <xc ,

in fact, there ts» every ronveLiance for th"genteel accommodation of a large family ?

Tne pr. mice» are l". »>ood order, *vii ? see ?

sioc wni be givn in » ?hw daye. A tinched totbeabove residence is a Stable end Carriage-Hoase, which will t-e rented with lt,er sepa-rately, ii" desired. Apply atonce, to

mi r--3t A l) wiLi.lAaia;.',: UK KINTP A oonveui"iit

DWFL.IING-KOU: E,on CJlay street, and some j lulu Furniture losale.

Aiitress "U. X ," Fisratch 6?3.*|7tJS Kt-Nl'.-A


F HOlT: E.A large three stOTy HOUSE in one of the

iiest loci.tome in thecity, svltb most Of thestaudlng Furniture, f;.r rent c leaee, to;;rierminet't levant. Apply ou saata s'ri-et,between 3d and 5 !, rightstory h'U;-e. my 6 3.*i. \u25a0 s., Ma tihl» K.jU tON OitAOfc SlKri.* TP FO< BENT?We are futhorized'urge DW'J.iINO, c ten roorrs onarao ' sirtet, ;oB tihtr with tie Furritnre, untilIst October next. Toa c re ul tenant, tbe lentwi Ir* v.-yrisonabls. Apply-tony 6-3 GOOFfiN A APPBR3ON.


My rakolence at the comer of Drlarstiall and12.h street* Is still iv mtrket for sale. If <?e---tired, tbe Furniture will be ao!d with thehouse.

i'r.-aons deaircus of buying, will be shownthrough tbe building.WM F. BUTI..EB,_uy ??at No. :6 Purl e'reet.

jiHta BhttT?AV BCU3B AND TOT,Un 7th street, betvreea Msnhiiii sad Clay SBree*s,amamlycvo-rpiad ax » school bouse It artll safeajLitl fem; iy, o far aay laecbiueai o- otherba \i quire st No. Si .'flaln street, or at No90S Bsoadstrent. "

B9 5 _fi«

fV»uK KENT-For rett, ami posaemlcuP given lmraedlitely, the very tl-strableStore occupied by rh* subscribers It v oneof the best atsnds tor aClothing B.m** ia tnecity, havingbeec occupied a snch for be .set16 or 30y.'<irs.

liAEHACOTT, HaBKIS A 'JO.,113 Main street.P. S.-We would also dispose of the entireFeatures nt low prices IE, H- A OOmy 3-fs

TmkTviTILaSB EO'BJNirUKEr fob saleP .ruesdesiring to secure a good hi use andpuictu>s« new rDBaflTfJBEof the mostsu-perlor quality, sea do so by epplyligto

BLAINTUN UUMUAN,13:b and Oaiy stree.s,

my 8-8t QverTftidy a Willi imsUT'ITEaViLLB cuS ItßMl.?vne uartsr-signed »iil rent for the balance of the year

tie p'ao- m Lojisa county, \a., kconrnasPot-tiesvillr, containing sixty-one ««e9s,wcJion which is a dwelling-homio -vit-h some six orwivee roeaas, la good repair, sF the out baUdlag*neceß.ary for the comfort art convenience of afamily. This pl,ce bi within 1} of the Vir-ginia etemrsl Ballroad, In a pleasant and Stall by

Any psason wishing further «oo.mavo i, wi laddre** «heui.(J*r3 lgC cd R ; Lev ' sTTT TlSSlSßllsasß OOtml', ?.- .* e ~ *w *


ljt,fcUE 3 $*****>g_» ratiuai, neat to Mayo'a Wrr«h>cMFor Burthen\u25a0 narucai. itfanWat Mayo's Warshouss, or to" '" pr

ma J§? kt BDWABD MAYO-fcpOB BBNT -ThsVPPIUB new weup,ea *>yT ?. aof«r «. Oharlsa Hot.d. pci«sHongiven lit April.nib 7?ts R. B. ."lAIJRY A CO.

110OT AND 8808 MAtJUFACrOKY~llitving just reeelv»i a Urge *upply of PrencbCaf Kkinaaud Buglinb No 1.. Lea.her, I m pro-

per- .i to make AUMY BOOTS \u25a0 a B'U.E-i in tbevery best manner, apd aY other kinda that may bewanted. A call from my aid friend.-* and *be publicgeuer-uly U.*.H.'«cifii!!. faavftei

P. X Wiili'H, 80. 73 Main st.

WABTBB-SO snpeilor BOOT MAKKBfi?ten !)!->\u25a0 to work on ladies'ehoes, ana five menio -.-. Ts oo cbldtent' ihoss?towbcm the[r., * will bspsid.

Alt ?, wanted to pa-chase, V/as, Upper Leather,Ca'f fikiiw, H-de Le-ohsr, and Rheep bains, forwhich th* biabe»t cith pnces will t- paid

civ 5 iOt* P_K V'HIT?-. Wo 73 H ale M

j To Oitia«.»» of the Oity of Bichmond.?i iae>. '?> l-av« your crdoia wKb Tar |>uval, of lOvii andlttßiri atre«>, acdat _Jill4-p<.o, i. A Johaahoa a, coruer of Mala ana 10lbstn »v. ftnv i- lm] It li ALi.ENsfV voy want a BjuV; paib ovtsm-

r?«srfaWap»ryMrf;«oto . . ?: - - ,i my 1 fcXEWEL'B

ii.nt''! asi« . - ? i' i .? mm r t r oiTitsaa,*dr Se.Blsb.iry (ue) J? ii ? i r,.i amrudm >at4 ; tberesolwtioa, prttiJiug, a: sr>, 'o Uqum

further leglaiauon i D h»-c"h ry o pre-.v ntthe Illegal capture and whited'.iasis of tn>' U;;i ocl S:o.M<e Helei'-rt U -o Ute runt! 't>r cf t-er.-ons tiki-toe ;it-> cf 1/elaware, */f0 weru :kz-o t.v't tUlterj authori ies rivt dragge 1 :;w:.> 'oM:i:a if marylaad, a. d kept for nw»ekorI \u25a0*<), and t »>c disi h irged, hecaoe: ?\u25a0 ehc >uld ba maud agairst t&em. ? lis,- n;t,balongad to j. class wa.. a -d-erorfl io -c ;f

? o i.c ..nn;, :<nd wnote la ti-iot C tre if >r. They wer**, BBfbrtuuately, iiee wa<t»>p>e poms.

these men, who commitvd do offence w-'a.tfi*;s se 7. *1 in vio'U:on rf »ve.'y lttw K,:.drifbt ;he Of h«groea are t > b: re-or°s«"u, . c "uly utaed -h tt, th? samrjjs'icebe m? td out io whitemen He&aked bribingf r men wh > we.o dtaicyaJ to ih» Govern-ment, but would have ihjva punished '.o tlie

rxtent of law.Toe n.ori lug uoar havingespired,theOou-

fiScitiou bi'l w. s .v-teu npkjiAsciPAiioN raoso,

Mr Wilson, of Mas*, ouVrvd rr amend,msnt totbeslz 1) --??..-jn ofMi Coll mer'*', an h ritirg tbe Pre*] 'ent \u25a0<; m «»eioc ji itioi nod r .<» the aldves of those whoj Htß? in rebellion for thirty .!!>.>« af er tv»;«mo of i-s:».-n -ftf tlie , of tnisiet be s:*'i r-t> ./>p* V;;l in»c io confess 'h>u. ..:«

ol;' solicttnde was for eraancipa.lonof<he elavea of ;at< rcb»!i He was in fivorcf\u25a0i\e confisoati >n of be pr >perty of the leaders,and beg't.ntiugof auamaesrytothemaese*;

a- slavery was he c-n.e oi :ln? Bkbriilonrtndwatbe greatr b I < f ti r CIHe eld >"t s h iiow toy-.l n:"ii could be htriends of slavery Slavery bid b-eu fr So\u25a0 ?<irs -gcr»s3tveo : evorv'hlag k od sad freeb<> H saw no s. i.iiers s«cker \u25a0-..«., lid r.r »ytng iv tbe g» ye. ha he i-o :.'hat slavery nod done It

Slavrry hau been the mv >? r of theser v: man. was the £ eat enemy::.i ?h -ly *>i emy of bis conn' ry, find ;o"-

--day tbia criminal a<<d mnrderer wuh tiylcgo tbe Qovernment and oes-roy Itstional tie. B"elcg ul< feeling ihif, be?'? Utd s 1 Ike -* sl'iV-?r:- :a.d de» r. y it line

. ou.J. tie the ngri*. Congreea bad bo right tofree the slavesrf ai rebels, and it Itcdj ''in.cdwithout puttingsuch a law ou ih--« etatnt«--- :,ook, be b>»l:ivfd tcey ofou! I be fatse :-. v rt.-.cre.-nt, to 'hvir 'ountry. Slavery H?off>d?cd Jeered tit Declaration of lne>p»d-once, and derided iii»< mi I lions of »h-*"iortn as ,, niu.;feili&,''

Itmatia im tools hate the people nna th"(lovernment.and wte: ever slavery wns th«i thae was the m- at dish yalty au.ibe must barred of the (Government If w-?roai.t lave peace we mast desttoy slavery,v.vh,ch vvi? rhi-grvatcnnie of reie.iloo aiu'iis.loia:ty He believed he rtouid go to hr?atrenie verge of constitution ii ttgh't;, aud ifbe v*us iv doubt, Would Kivu hi* vote in fnvoufhiecoanrry and not In btvor ofeiaverj ?-

I- ti iii..,ii u'./'iot thepolicy ol »h:s moaa-ire, for almo»" every meaeure la enp; <rl ot

tUt*Qcveri ment had been to b? n~*iit would offend the rebeis, and perhap* themen of the Border States

He was tired of nil thpse obj»c'ions. AaUi':g.-iae!avsry S'HOris, ther-3 stands our co -\u25a0?my, 'hf. eaa tsever town the Owerameat orb* loyal. lJesiroy It,and tiie love to 1- :.?

Union rail tb-a Oonetitatioa wTI t, tc-veuh i:.'c6lniKo'bhame that men couldbnve r.H.iti so perverted by the monster,


Barniug Cettea.

This is th,e relieving feature in the disasterat New Orleans, that the cotton vat burned.The vast, amount of coUou that the enemy expected to 'obtain in that greatest of S.-ntherumarts has disappeared like fog from themountain side. Not only is this the case, butwe are assured that wherever they traversethe Southern rivers, and whatever Southerncities ana towns they may take, the torch wiljbe before them. The cotton, we learn, is allremoved from exposed placed, aud where itcautiot be so removed, the firebrand is ready,and ia in hands that are determined to use it.?They went to war lor the cotton. Lst us seehow much they will get of it. They mighthave an army of a million or two millions, in.stead of half a million of men, but all ihecuiilioue in the world conid not give them thecotton. Not only is it the present crop tha1they caunot get, but they will get no othercrops. The planters of the South are univer-sally abandoning the cnlture of cottoa thisyear, and raiding food for man and beast.?They will continna to do so, and raise nomore cotton till they can raise It for them-selves. If the British can do without cotton,the Yankees canuot, aud iv that inevitablecertainty lies their doom and punishment.

A Galiant Yen h.We yesterday Lai an interview with yoang

Bahrrvar, mentioned in this paper at satvaaejbeeu iv ihe battle of Shiioh. He showad usbis discharge, a t the bottom of which hia Ma-jor writes with his own hand a OBrtiieatUth>tt during the whole nK htl.e kept iv advanceof his company, aud behaved most gallantlythroughout. Ho received a Mittie bullet inhis shoulder, but Whs so aegerry engaged hathe tight that he did not feel it nntii ha laydown at night. He siya he will yo to thewars as soon aa nia shaalaae tfeta well.He is ouly seventeen, aud a very haadeoßMboy. He is acrtdit to Jir S' andhis iiienda

Btrrea Lavaansa Havaa~?The mata« i in. BJ. HcEiuas , --.v. .in. Juuu :orth.» Bast+tn Matrlat oi Ta ansaeas I the iJr,-gaastoa of the- ii'.iiitarv authorities, af.a U i;«*...oi>, taokakaaath lai aglaaea ta -.lie boath-btb Ooaladaraey. v/o truatthateodisßnguieh.c.- uu examplewill aad oj io». upcn the peopleof East Tennersoe, with whom tne Jnig'mwo'l known high character hath as a juiUtand a gsntieman,gave him great haauuaaes ?

EaeevtUf Bs/isMr.


r«ir. BorrUl (M.< ) said i* proposed >ii a fewwu'di to attempt to at»ul\se some of tne pro*posed met.t-uies -om..- of th* &Ul*, 1?e thereot '-b~ woiiatora from fsew York aud Ohio, ooeMUsmeaatio eflect something and to touchthe rebellion, and are produced by mso vHiouaeau to crush tbe rebellion.

Ths othbr bile -ireue! as not >nt*nde! 'o<ftV ta ybiug.aodareprcdaoedby/me* whoda notaasaß to do aaythlag. Ihe bill bef rethe Banata «;is ealaalated to strike directly athe rebellion. Th° bill simply authorises h«President to sets- such aa imiouot of prop ryu.B Ued-ems'hat military ueoMSlty requiresfor the a.fey and welfare of the United8

anybody oppose -bisf is to !?*d .v*, no; fjr th? purpose of emancipation,b"V. (Of the Suppressioß of the rebelhoa.?Wbo onpoeee -oa. t

lhiaoiii is. flf.-ct- v», aud isd°°'gned *bepree-. ut State of iff ire Tbe policy of ia?other bills is to do nothingto pot down thersb-iitou, bit so nab. >re, after tberebeiuouis }>ut down, to turi' the n .1! v into fi crt-ni-nal lor pun shutout. Tins bill simplyforfeits ths property of n certain elaaa ofpanose, and the fovfettara Is tobeeaforoedb> the Prseideut only in tii* praseeatton oftd« wi.r aud th<? suppressionof :h» rebellion,and \*ben it is supp; ".8e... nil pow-r undertha bill 1b ataa aad But \u25a0ti j substitute o: -

--te;ed uy thebeuator from Vermont providesfor the punishment lor trsa«un oi every per-son wh ?nm ti.k»n np 'inns ugams: (ji Goverumsnt. *

Tkea it proatdaa that -he p-rscn *oconvict-e:l shall Be for evsr dtcqaaltß a f;-. m LoidugoSce, !.i.d then superadds the teualty th-itno »l iv ?-. o. each persons i-ha.l .'..?: e-a ;n 3provtatoua tf thxasahatttats are muon morosweeping than oi inobill reported lroia'li > ; as S mttor tiom v ermo tiv Mi »pe*cli dclared that we bed no n.htto Interfere *i h slavery, yet hii bill anther-ia»* the President urbUranly to free evaiya:'vs ia tte couury.

Hathea reierred to the substitute cft'.redby the t-w»na:,ur from fannsy ivani t Air Ucw-au) ;tid co..t«u.'e i that It w a mora bw spti gtoan auv ota*r. Bu-, :he race wits that the..*other btlis are not latended io do aty thing.Omgreas, thai i-at v*ti; ooanctl oi lb ;u itioa,ougi't to hav< t&e maxiltassa to tab* ihs r#.\u25a0poanfhtltsy aad <\u25a0 lv!«a nod coua-el tt.e V[ v .

».tt'ii:, :tnd r.ot throw any reap ,aaibillty onalta,Et'r. lio\v« (Wis ) dteclalßied nuy fear to act

vn the subject, tut can voted to rtfer the aub-Jact i mi aaiect committee, because Le thoughtit .ni.-:- almpiiiy inaiure. Be did BUi :>?? ihal passage of ".be bii: woulj is,* tUy laaaute tt:e rahate oi streagihaa th<fnenua oi tfcf OovaraaMat Bewaata favorof soma aoafataauea rtt, Lv; ha cooldsay t~..t l-i i. vori.l this for he fas '. cotbud time toexxmtne ;;.

ssAvaai aoi aaaa araiaai roa ihs was..Mr Dti.a iuittd to have aa auwadsaaat

ra dto the eJLn>« teat iba tit) -. i all propertyforfeited a»der tbe act .-;.- '. vcetU the persons 'ir ii<ii:. c-; wJi > i itared th -1 rvlceof the United .-. ic ritiric; tbarsbtili o. dhave keen U !*u t.r .. \u25a0- ...... .... :.: me i). ionmen vis..«?.. pioperty hu- beau -- *.'v -'Ud con-ftscated by tae rehsN. Be itatd thine w#remany Banaton whoa., chief ohjaai wit* to us-?Jfoy sluvsty, uo in t'tsr what cUe wag done.HeiAintendvi at some length that the true

11l Jk W'W Wlk 1 CTi 11 4 w mtml I i i §# I P /Ik SI 1 %


iwllryof waa te>d«»vrif«»th»» prop-erty Hccrdine to h s proponed i menifmwit. thateJavtry was the caaee of fhawir It» eoatended ai soxe lergth ttitt lafietthefreaS»«i«oa vr re reipoeetblef<* 'hew<r f,f jf.,;2, the WUt Of hf*zi o, »ud thep*al of tU'- Miaeoeri (tompromtee li tbe freestates had not biviufh.*-! -v-y into Hnngiem,weebould iot bn\-? had tbe present trunMe.Tbepeople of ' ip fc'ii!;;n bad devrlnrwdbe rtj'ijd to * great tio* \u25a0 ti»-y we:e ,o-m:i»-t and conceited oa to thick they eaam uiceev»ryhcoy'= tv In ?»?. and, 'be-ef' r*.M"v were meb!i«is,aud i ra mi ih rofttm? h-ir nor o~ iuto otber people's bucket itawl)I.

He re'fr.,d to thepiedgjei of the RepabU<can party, aad aid if thi?y pussod 'bi»Mil rhey woald nrny the vrb'.ia Soutberapeople acalns; tii» K-* bte w-a Willing thatalavery hi mid I ike i a ebacceeol wr, and*u:!ng that slaves abound b« c mßtOated lik<'iihrr prope: ,y ; t>nt if the Senate Intend ti tomake w.->.r iv slavery, itiea tncic will be .. !ytiiio ber w.r hrgun.

\fterfarther iilaniml.a. the Scca'a v.tu*.In'oExecaUve ses»iou, aubs-.aaenUvj in.*d. ? M *'


7h- Army ?/ Occupation ?LopaVj < f the X<ttiveCittzeit?The YanUn kmvt a H trdKoa? :\u25a0- Travel

Tbeedt'orof the Kuoswtlla Beytsargatbentt ra two feutlsaten wbo recently left Nasb-ti!l- rom->lumr<anDg an I walmbte tw/orma!M-r. la re.-.r: -o tie condition of tblngatbere, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 porr n of wbicb vs cop-.-:

' 'ii- of our lafofmneta r»p pti ta<> tfT'ctlveFederal force at taeOaplta.laacvnalati totonly three reytmecta Tbrra ir*in ?\u25a0'*?.;..{ Mvi Federal st tdi- ra >> tae bo r;"---tr.i*-, titttootcb large na-ebers iir:*-« been re-cently re u.r.-l. ::-c:ae weeka 'go wereaa i>iany as fourths <h. -»s d i . the- hf \u25a0??tals, aad ibe deatira aomhersd fromeiaty \u25a0-oue Uu:.d ed pel day. Wu -i tbe inwaderanrat eutare-i tae :-,'_. L^ei ß were i iti-rive pops atloa, about »«entt or tnlr-yUnion u-.-± ~x\ aeob iiiyj b-»u the en--ragee committed aud tbe tyrannyesen \u25a0 dtbat tbe scadmente f ibeee h ye » v. -an entire ekolntion, and tbere la not nowaa. gle Ifnlaei iv in ?:-. ru H j; i.: 0j Aadv .louusem 6 appotu c c to oßtasare ill eitberNoi h-sramee, wbo have tern reeideata ibet* oraaaataislla'J Mina. Th-j saroe la thereue with ins to'ty FUard t aud tbe boaateJT ane seeregime it tie h;.3 ittempted to raiseFee r filer I pleaete will not leavetbe torn-pike, lor fear ekera ar.d jSorfenma. rneladieaoi ffaafcvute u-e ac as pv»t eg.',ii.s: the FedtriJe, »?? dtbe mi. qii !!8 far from bsiLg friend-ly. Tbe i-.L.rtLern eo;di-r:i fee iv ix.: Jr»,tueir diaaprointmea: r.Ld a urprfaM a; sotKorj cordially welcomed by (heoppr«aeed a*td ieirottaad OaicaUttaycamet-o liJ:c: a'o 1 brlg-deafrom

\u25a0 iflereu Ireeotatet, dib(?u« eel «j*i.:j heimpo-?a v.; l practiced npou tnem iv nit r ep*c?and wi h '.? represei la |oi a o ta.ta' the rebellion vtvuia b» ended i-i tbinydi>« ( h t tn-captura 0f NaabwiUe won dira.aedlb.icly oritig Teuata* toltaalle-(fi;t!;c-;& ,uiud mandth rms n ?«-_?. \u25a0 Jrmeedineed .o fijbt ;o' g-.r agatnet th* South Tbewwar- oieanaed, has aa tb'ie «t-re loimofof them D tains of bangieg, oo nmyto hi-ldtu Na hviiie a xrUoetirauiitll tttyemldbereduc d to aubordlnaUon, they~w«reall uorthwtrd #v >j -t . bi*prrb bygavertse to tne ramor w-» beardsom- t,me?..« aboai the evacuation ..f ffnah»l' c T \u25a0 rumoia v.j h.-:ys: bad of tbed:--?icr.l s lon ..f tb-> inrailng a'P.iy aro uoteztgg rtt d deieriera frcm Naabvitlanumber itfteen or twenty delly. n Mich ganr gm .ii applied toa lawyei to pc: i writofnahtat r»r,>hs tc claim a discha-ge from terv.c \u25a0on he gioand th it -h-v t.-; c i-iiv * t to en-listbyiatse preti e-.--.ii a iheycame Southt.' Hi D. f r< ac bject, aud foand that tbe wir~- %a . i o-cu el fjr a oiff".- «I.i o j«ct, Ujiobapplying \j tbe nommiurilng i.fti i co k-.owl" itii.. writ i * habuu amr/m* *«ul.tb:-?p c".»*J

;i tepli ems than ? ... d not, aad it takeson ac would noot every manoftbem tormu-lny. Th a tttcta t * -.- Johnaou'i 'igi«i-.i.t cuceorsbip or .u0 prvea v » preventedfrom o comt g k«: e-ally pu ;i.

Ibetax li] paved by tMeJLtncolntJoetxeaah-ucrei ..-' m cti among am ti a'theiroo;naa are am.itl property h-vld« albe> swesr taey v \ it, «.nd hu'their property abi '1 not bes '' ' - ??. T ,?ji .tend o re:am ho ac tc ..

~|"urai ;s:c ii.t do hi:ij da>e, ih*j wll ..

d r -u liiest ai ii-s.a' J?- ... :,??. oon]« reel 1* mv y m ?<,-

of these U>aauw tba 'he v j: .-c transgreesor la b.rd, ' and tU~t iv \u25a0uinc i- Saurarddeapoubm "js*i n.i.iro ?!

to travel."A »LMPSS 01 .M.g B»rtn»t.

Tbere pabliabed In Naeuvtile a littledaily paper called fa ! Unitm, which ie»ms tobo ;h« org la of Andy Johnson, In the i um-ber of a:-it id appeals an editorial, three«)'umss:.i iei.g-.r., which labors to coavincstun i... apitei f i»ie i.egro rieo!;if-< Itbe E'.n.c'c Cougreas, tba. tte parpeeaofB' puhl can party lv tbe North is not boatilsto slavery »*; '.ne States Immediately fol-lowing this c, it: rial la \u25a0 communication?v il h we copy. It abowa that Andy'sorganaaenot to o.ny eatent in pall*ing wool ovt-r the eye* of tne NaabviUa peo-nta

Ware It aot for the appa rauce if armedaea, wearli g ihe uniform cf the n . Aroty,...;.; liii-.i'.-vif Nr.sfifn! \u25a0. tid the dtsplat\u25a0>; Un oln flag liom the Uepitil one nii*urenal ydi.«b-lieve tbe fact >ha tueaupremaojif the Uoaatituttoa had busi: r«-e*tabileu«don th* aoil of Tennessee. Loud-m: a;n.d

| .-eltore poiluts tne o;r wliii their treasons Diej at araacas; they stand on the sue*, cjrtiet,

od predict, in toue* of ir.sjie;,i.<», vhe speedyrxuo' out iort ee fioia me c ly, and tne r- -

eetablbtameßt of the bogus Goafedarscy ?

Aiona the bojinses tßoroaghiares of the ittylucy truffle .nd trade, artmoleatad a;d ui.-qas'tiened, msulm.gwith sneers the paten ,

I soaiiers o* Li.l aad b-'siowiug Mcv >-? ,to- loud hat re*.r," ou tbe Govern vie..whub tuiii tolerates :»:\u25a0 ir ireaeon Iv of common to; uaun oommou de fte;,how io. g is tiiisfc.aieof IT Ira io ooatinaefAlong 'u<» Ohio river, the loyal d iaen w i Brpatriotism was never questioned is rcquiteoio ttutic.'.be to the .t.n ot uiibgiauce, iv ox.d«r to & kSi in m ose towu to another, whn.-herr, u._iier thesasaeaUg, theopen "i.uuvow-sd enemteacl tne It*, on arc proieottd ::itheir tr<}Bi>neiyTne ovii of Uleglarica ehould be aamiuis-ier.'.i to. every man wu- *?eks :o our:> i v uusiBaas in hTo maa h-.s ; ioe» jiy thebifasinga oi this free(Jrovexnmectwi-hoat awerrmg to supportIt agalnet for«?>igo fo.'S and domoatio ir:4tors. if we were,o i y a lo our tfforu to uphold theGovernmem as ifte rebels aie o puil it woven,sn'-o-iit would alw.ys perch upon our ban*n»rs A hatttatti g, *dnoting polky ntverwi a productive >.i g. oa leoalia, anasever will oe Tne pa fa of da y :« thepatn cf se.fa y, and vie meet follow haulpath iti'ouga all lm windings The irb-eis ter».b y in earnest, and if the O.v-rii-

Mment of our lathers is to ba ie-estt b rshed,ipolicyd oai leaders niu=t hems eriillyinfed. To S] riukle eoiogns or. .. . ji.g

ooi-fligratioß, woald bo wisdom comparedwita tbe yoncy cf cajottag uu iro . . tagmcv who i m beat on u.s r> yn g asd *.ut.v~r -v g the Ui.iuii of ;&©>« Metes Toallsuohle tue cnu ol alleK!-iioe be tendered; ;eeirlefusol iotaka i: w:ilm*.a: the-u as public4. em c«, and t be t.-t ~<?u c Let the:iu ho.«t:es b* up aad doing, stake everym i- "fiics h i ataxic," and ie. th -t L.ueio o«the ' muiic cf ;"

Tax Eaaiai iBikVM ? fwen y-*.wo of tbe««.gentry have aruvedic this city ttiara jreieg,under gutirdof adstaebment from theHi Oaregiment. They have undergone tLrlr trilland h:ve been broitgrit hate to awall . ;dralor their d'apoatiion from tan vVur ileptrt*meat at Bieaatoad. Amoeg .be pai »',.,>.Bostouiav,WßO wt-semj-xyej isao or .br-^

I yeurata 'ne ot cur m tahlaa shjr-s ofI ihim sjeß,

».oa sisemii-;. ;y regardless of all pets ual dan-ger hethey warapsakedftom Qea, ai chei;'sLivtsion, f.r .hi? servtoe, 'iini Q - appear-aaoi Una lades to tua geaerol eoudittoa olthe Taakae arm? What erders await ihem

I fc(<re. or wt at aaataaca wtll hepvaaoaacsd*,lanoiyet known to ei'.i- -r :i>e guard cr the pnb-

! Cbanßsamßhl? i? - \u25a0 -

Tut l I'omvs Taattaa H» -wklow ? ThssI Boioitoasrnnasada.luthaarog raaethlt iou.---j throughTath.edom. reached EJ Uadelphlaoa! th? :ith ult., oud as aaual *iv':v. .i . ta>i \u25a0all of one i f his biawiioi fairsi>B?s.JAnoig Mtnor thtaga ra expresaad the! aaines: dea-re Id return to ii.i* feo i-* -??

with "a cock 1 hat, a swo?dr ud a aol ?:10] "for -.hepßrpn ,aoocebs fwa I i:tbtig .. cc ipOHi i-m- .1 ia* ti. . aad .. >? i..i i :...« negios -'-i' what b» aalls he;r

I ??psrsecatioß*' \u25a0'<\u25a0 ;>-u. Ofhea BrowatoW..--a ratal a, hosrevse, -\u25a0<> »..- <x only o-mg ibecolt ofrop»" with him, unless be pre,Vrs oelrg

hat I i 1 BBWUl'd" o)>,nai'Btbte<oaoi bt> tir-.ia lv iho -?\u25a0\u25a0.>gave turn Birth. ~M**kU 4s»eaf.


"\u25a0<>TSBBH OP Al»VsTETMfrimI sqaora, l flay J\u25a0u J i sqimra, \u25a0'-1 y*. .*! ?

1 ?». l J»;i .\u25a0 '* i r»o. i. .- .; ?.l 7 «

«»o. I days., 1.00 l do. II days.. »o 9I Uo. « ft'.T » i.2c|l ,t... 1 100L«.Tfiu AAntrjiaaawasj <i ««et faayavahshj

published >ll h*?htdwill beaharged asoants pvr r Hapavbtatawfortua Brattasartton and m<- ittTThc"«\u25a0 : ii rot tin« ance.

tZt all\u25a0?%»*?»» fOTICRS.DEPOT ABKY< OhU tITTSI V M.r. A. IKi< saosa. vt <v « ti I i»r» SJ'JK AFll*f»< UNBEU WLbflanaV# Those j'ttriotic . Uasas who desire o

aid ta thw BOb!e~wo*k adt ham.eefcag hathawants it. ?! r*-l:e \ t - 'hesaaVftcgnof ,\u25a0si\u25a0?* ecU/'-ri aowoollsoasd iv aatdebou* tha\u25a0 i y rr,u do S4> he leavtag th*ir aaatrti ciousby 4 ok-clr P. 11, at tted' r>ot oi the Atmv?cmni't.e. V M, v. * ,an BarE eaawat. Jam...i >-??;? t-? sarj Uepai rn-»ot

Co led /eaa i. i»peo»*My aewdsjt, thoughl- .-'i ;-. i Dlog io tbe Way of med<cJiee,

me-made, clothing,yawwiasaaa, Ban.? . c o kcr, Old it< c ,a»e , 4c . that v#lll

ant be of very great ;-ivice, staw prove mostscrep'abtew gona leave thedepotawry aftagamaai R t4?? ??? \u25a0 - \u25a0? ,? thes dm a lonsio the sick,

\u25a0 d areattended hj those v/noa.'e th*t they-\u25a0? i-.i-'Viie-rki!*,! rn\ 7 6.

?*-??,. Til lyt; \u25a0? i > taha OF UAh O V t-KaVJ lam & candies iv.- the r/njeif OlerkifiheCduat] « o.irt,,« vacant»y tbe di-uth of tv- tats Va. o Win*.on,Bavißgaated as Dei aty <i*-rk forvine years,

I ; blcompe'ent to la barge BheduUea of ahaofßos ; i ad,Ifelected,will dosrepromptlyandtnithfUlly. KO. U. IK'SWELI*.Elec loa, 2.M '''ay, i*tj2

ire - 1? !? eW*d< ?

Orr.ea Va. Fiaa »*d las t;o , tBiCbmoßd, M-.y ? UaA i

v*,j b'.CllO-l MOriQE.gvregular "aaaal ti ettoa of t wsntaaa Di-

r. at r r thi--1 ?sejtauo aiill s held at ths'?mp-ar.y's ? fb. , Io if-3, hJU'a Btreet, onHOMDaY, thel*tb las' .> ISO Clack \u25a0£

WIL I wii.L.lN. Jr.,at | dll "?to "v.

Ec i ?>..i< Ci ii. ! i iflfa v.-,#

Richmond, oiiv 1. ISB2. tHOTItIE ? Tho Anna I iU ?

l-JSi -a ... i a of-the Virgiai t Lite Icsuriocs .. ipaay will be held at tbe Uoutgaay'aoiii-.?. i-roi« of M.iti ?\u25a0.mi ll'h u>>:r:UMi*Y, fl sy It, ISei, iit llo'c **..

By order oi ifceß ardof [Mreotara.J ADAIB Pi-XAs A4TB,my 3 - t>ii r*-tnry.

I rFitr. i< Ha'o*.PgTse«aoauat^|! . U cb. <.oa. Va id -y ad, IHA >

NOTICH ? :bs aanßal n> cti . ofI to. ah :':-. ri of U-i4 \u25a0 ma r srt» tk*

tleenattheb office ti ttli atty, en TUEBDaT,vi i7h' f ?-?*?.?, »t 51 o'eaaek A M-r-v'.??t.i ai w T »WnV» Q rrtw. \u25a0vesaefr

I ... ' | - --.ra J.--\ ... Awa\«": CIATIOS I»»SAAB.?Tin asaoeiattou

has c- ga (sd s ccrnsi >l ii-oad a.dabafh streets, tor a BAZAAB.' aad wI»J be readyo receive dot atiuns of ail kin-iion aeti

A' 1 aomma !<ii. v s Jhcmd be scire .lead to Met.v B v 7v.r - iNeiN. b\u25a0« tifi, htssanjaref Bn-Mmf aadGoi b] .. :-e Beeretery afl U A.

ak> U> >*


tAMrr, aTRAuTaVaw, ??

3. .'1 <>d MIS lARBICU ~.\ T U V N X,j with a blue in:t g ny ttaubat back ledV,: ?' v " kto I'rr. k fevlta, wasttkei st. ni ike depot of >a< « Letral rh, . .."

-;. Satard lsat.,br a bait weiond; i er, a\u25a0, I gha was goii « 0 the a m*z loanH iiel, hot bm (y . there * aetubWr wtrd b-p i I f« - a ?- icformatt n lefia !:l«ofn.e \u25a0 oneernii i itmv 7 \u25a0: ? PATRICK PET LIN.j v i ?on hoard Of a earner tiertis ft*eckl.j t"> yewterd y, itpin vYtliian b..a, >

i «"'K'.'. X.civ \u25a0?;-.«.: ul fa i tava* marked? >':.we " 1 l- joe nmed i Wis tabs ? it*uyttroagh mistake. Ar,y o. c havingsaeh ti aaawdlhaealtably rewarded by returning It)

P"rv BE h rtANi i,. y,my 7 -s * gtrvner lie D and i. hs'a

2 IK»T? A C . '11 1 a t. OS* «*M i «T7» fTi|.i t » v.r.-. : i ?i-.-fi b.-h 80. c.l datedi> tuoerS st, 'KU, pa* <ue to .'« i >l J O au;or ii: i c Hare ? Ui ti d r wis] p- iaee:.? .v ? *h.atn ? .'i he cC:e cf v«. oak, aoiaeri f ht*h< a dtfthtt s«'s. T. D :-.t'ii>At,."'"' 7 -"-[* Tf * *v " 1 -*"' *'""\u25a0" f * rk

Jt". ?Y*-steidaj a. tames, a tag' joim..

r>; 0 r»i o a "-area th*kfl»lfeeetweea Bserofte ili'.n't-' v4thigh a; d >n l -i tear on ih.\u25a0 't hit o "eg Th« BodVr abl t-« lib.-rally -iwaruad ry r> tareta? bia« io tbe sal as ;her, at ibe anw-ri an Ji t»t

tav 7 >* « j »:!-: RAbBIR**.|7t lfcuYE./? ~ : ~ ~..-. vii ise!fjj ronrrday cv* ..*?, c r.i.v m Brt Mixn v \u25a0 fcfjnr ou her .' nip -ad i*o t>i §a enher bok Alibi t*; r will be paid lb:h-»rrcurn lorn* ti \u25a0 J t- ? ? trv*r, t.« *c iBiker and Duval . ~ ' j £ "i.l. D -.* i.m 7? ;. I.!-<*; BLwai D ?? y-u rrom ta« i..i-k i?./>.? on "the eh .i -, bout

? ia o;:--<, a red HMF >. with shoi: .-i r uO .r.4.rks recollected J i out tiir:f.\\u25a0\u25a0 3 ii ??> ,in aovd irdei i v.'iti pt\« th:.t, v \u25a0 r-tv... ; .r ~ci v i dat my f m. ?..\u25a0?\u25a0,-,iiitormatli-i: ? v ie*rttiug u«-, so tin' l c -i-. ji .


[ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_>- 7 3'»] J. t> ATJ-Tlfl|X oil: h- .;?:?_? omi I'o.a ju aui,«.Ue>iv ter, on .!".:?!!\u25a0, .?\u25a0. i h, m as-rsy roITOWand C. i.F, Icuy horn*, ra b* r l winorder, lomarks cxc < ? .- ar on ncr xftear.

J iMhii ;1.. 7-6 » Rttneth*etT, Ye.

-, Clvlj- "jHTSa ??"; agat a?o E£ B ~h,P a atttlatu* ta. -an «: -;iti-»« ;nj>er~ ef H.1 "_'o.. i we,.,, r»-b other pepo/a Tu.» .wutcii:

({ ?\u25a0 ;b.;. by u»iii. gai tai . i pattbosTteeaad | i-,ag fur it i « .vertlseuioi :

-*iw, i tan a\u25a0 -1 > i PL' -i?, witbe'ia'a,! .i ilufa g in- u-.y Ca lat >..o co nst f First . ...

c rnoaUa ay.. t i \u25a0\u25a0'- - Ppar u.y 7-1:

SC* Klw Rd?Mr.ysd fr m v- and*r<,) si>c .» j. tie i»-d BUir L.U OUW

. . a tii-:ivven p lv cue of hereius, thf CRhfto if th* . is to have ai;<p jist io at:hu tuaa. Any InformattOß thanatnlly re-o-lved and th-. at« iwerewatd pa.d furI-veied to ni- OB 17 ia i'.reet, Leiu the old D>iUlteiw.m- 3 f>t c J li-V I, Et'B». *K.

Wll.B%aflanmnT-O I:; a ??'?? r. oud s.?ai

10asase Hen's and Boya* Leghorn. Pina-nn.fce;.: t, \u25a0. \u25a0?« »v;>t> UaT3

a cases I adlea'Jaat received and oreale***

O. a. kAI 1» *IN*()0 ,it h street hatweaa M in a-mi Uary

i ??\u25a0 7-?'"tPhUXUJ ittlLLlN UY.


an"olbb n^EELhtAM. oa south "I'tiii stree',hetv -?\u25a0 it ;, and llth,haa oa ho.ud a super lot

M I 1,1.1 W » B VUd ? i (fi ode, anil Invites eer o'd friend!-,and .he Ladles generally, toe.i! a>'«i supply

>.'?\u25a0> mselvea I»h# I > i epa re ;io make beaatt*-..' prtng s yie BonnetsWl li ej.c«diiiov.,auA, !i i i ordei i

Kerb i -t Ms pd everySaturday.Krs D is »i>'. i 'i to ULiiAUU linnets

and hats io the bei t aaai ciaVThrei r bar Young Lady BiILM-

Mt IS will find ?....,.-... 11 vm*atbyaeil<? iio Mas i?E BhLJDd *rmy I?lava

iioksi:k ioksaleT"j/u > ?-. '?-- Oi ?\u25a0 rety ti .c tv rroagh>bradr* ? svisiviOMil«i hi .'-i:. . :'. r-...-« WML

?\o , \u25a0\u25a0? - gs I» I J(" v. ry superior*

Irqairs <f llr BUB *ELE at the Vir>.-t! la Lifelcsai bb< s *»itt=: - m t-t ?

? j i\ oab a. ?

tfl \ seperlor family? II U R 8 E

aad llgh' 0* KBIAGEA \u25a0 - ? ' iv L : ' .. \u25a0- hi <n.<e.

ii? \_ c 3 ?_!

0 ?\u25a0> 4 h ;i .a htedly ' vfaif »t i!i , <'<a« : st's 'i icsboa* one

bißs from il» elt.i "voudißte s obtata one ar twois'li-; aedweu'd n-: ? I ret o fall | * v-ral

<-\u25a0 Bern >". *i B«»ABD!?BI». Applfcaets can adi-,... N»KJTTAOtI " at this office stathmwleaa'" ' >rv; ' w '" '" h " :

..-;:v 7»?

O *>""* it i> \u25a0Two ROOM3eaa be ebtaawl srtthw withaui

BtlAkn,and lbs BSjoffheaA ** 1 \u25a0 a prlvat*t ml y. f.n no*...* tbe mou ga Stanil psftteneet' thec:t , sad Bear tbeO ptteh

.«. .-Ir- "Boi 1.1 nxf &- to yr:t»\ \u25a0}? rti.DEI.:-.i i ?,ft (earaaatlfm*n m.J tbeti \vivtf>, oi single

| geatlemaa ctnatoare pl*aaaat rooms, withhoard, by applying at sn>. WOOD WASI/W.Qrac" * ii'*t, i c -,i»ii 1.1 aadetu,_upa?a ?

|TI~T." S?R U " o«' 1 tl TrTnTV ~aE- *E? / rVKNIX OF DUY GOODS AAl*OLOtiilX ?.eiinslsttag IB fvn of-

i-ni Kobe* >v.d lire»*t ii-», ot ail colors,/»:>iorif .in ard Engliah Pri-ti.,Urgnndiesand aio»sil ligor-u i#r.wn>.Black Lawns, Popttna, aad ether Oesa

i lucdi,BTbit« nd colored Ltnau T"»nr IBofJaljLi oa .. imesk, Uarbala c kUsaawIrish L.iuei.«. -»iiimaad fancyBmell figuredBrilliant, whIts tnd ool'd.Sill I. .?' .. md Ilersga f- r Prtls,raara illesaad hllaudele tguisia,Frn; fa s, <'f all ooljre,Bi ??. k -.!, .. ' Bombaalat,Uasetta re» - Bars«»y a, Lhaaa,! U v, :-: il Oot . .-'.'.'?\u25a0. for MCB »,Pie* ctifj ioi ...i. Jacoae W»s r.ed

fjambTts htouailß.fiee 1 .-.-.cb »' nsroOoveaa,.-iiitvis, i i Hii ktnth and c-jior«, iiomesik.tth«..t-'>. '"; I t'3.;i'u >r, iiLJ taa Bty baleafarowi Cotton, at low prtcaa -V itirKe aaavtity of Baa Fret oh Uinghasaa, L«diei' «ndrßuldrm '«? ti->»f, ol '.ll coii.ta, olen'ei II ae.Ooats'stto*ton, white ud hiaah rpoola,aairroodcaen Mih epo la, ol all ealom whtwaad)oolored Agate Buttons, L dtaa 1 Slllt ollus,white Istaefl aad Uamhahj Baaitk'Hk, bilk.Uottoa, and Ulogham Haadk*fe. Ai^.>,6f, oUaahrallas, Wholesale hu.i iei%ii. at

JLLlls aTOUa,SSI i;- a! street, hat at eaa oJ » ad i'.u.

a»M it*

« KJ ? t f- II IV BSD -:<?*. w -. .: Iabmt h \u25a0 ..'< '?!-.. ;-.t o.- he »or,i Bah

.-.,'! "lid .11 pea r CmrtHoass, Va , n fan assLaaidtitl T OBK, marked " peste-h araj . t-tu ?. .i ? -.. -t... ,-1; ry C tlston, r> :i

?r, Hiss ' Aa ad> . - *aiai \u25a0=\u25a0- va Bib*« i*sv->. tj ti." owns o'_-. t ana aaxhrai -.' liar0 v>r,'. Td«sh>vereward atl'lbepe'dnoontbdt ? .'V of iad tru-. k vi ,h* :? ?? v 0 X JSarHAi-L atMissiMipp! .\u25a0? m t i?:-v-.'o Va

iv 8 :l * ''»??»- !' -\u25a0 . \u25a0'? V 0I \u25a0 i.-. r >'J

| Si- A eu«i si acts Uii.K containing al_j iwie *.-,.' \u25a0. -j, t J i.i duoreaad s] Ici aOfli as i '.\u25a0? ! :»!?. J * P,»r?> ;»? ; r"

v bar papeM aula --c b "suit's r'l A iibo-»!re-rrft'd «rtl ??:-'- I-' ur tt ? ftttlU tS b * OlSp -l i I .'---1 \u25a0-. (s o .-\u25a0?] £aoia??£l ? ??» \u25a0?>:.c "?--s\u25a0-..*!'.- - i io. a \u25a0»!> V ttU -il Si aY

4,1 a SO? , ..i.-i.", .- UuM, c-.m* Ij o-cn.p ~.-.-- o?it'iausba if, a oat ? adavsatncai .i i' .: lt. -. ? ul| \u25a0' . S i j: !\u25a0.: J 'i.o I WU, i: '»t r. to it .a) vie bypod ? ? o-.p- '. andrn\ ;ng f...' *iv rilling "?? >c \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0? mid" ;.: Wa ?

?i <\: v. ifc-ireh, in tlanovi* r<. ... V\. B&3: v bMVB?,

. ? T \u25a0-' .-s to ;g: . \u25a0 iv i" . i aa;j I .-ge H\u25a0 ? all tj~, ?\u25a0 ees-o v»red tea!

i .- ;. > SK. m .ko i \u25a0> ??.... >end -r- ?'-? « ," oa tiie -. ? ? . Iward wil< be given fora return »-f tbe tiaidt sadc \u25a0 tanb '?J iU i' 1» .- LABD, proprlet i.[tlxc .. g- H i- .', <--r b,:i> iu'i.t -A 1 atetptctugU,

- -? »- -J ?

..?»?' . .i ?-. a-bruWiiU 0 w

;-i :? a \u25a0:'\u25a0 ? If ?. ? -u-i a t ? .'i r.jlv bin a...... trvJ will '- i- ?? ? I '

eva i | areb Hilt, a ?- \u25a0. oi --i aadBr -1 \u25a0? -;? -t< \u25a0'\u25a0'

.. '?.:'. > !>.? i:"' in loy itore ?? ?? Aio:- '\u25a0

reveral r. :.j« ago, containing sundry--.-':?> or elotbti | \u25a0\u25a0 iid \u25a0 ?] \u25a0 yer book, 1

ibcbael £ ? mi In it The ovr .«-

will ?.'.,'\u25a0.*-c- \u25a0-\u25a0'-. ->a tprovs propei' I -^? ti X \- :', .v Xl ?

2 H'M'i.D TH- MAS P. HAaCOOND, Esq ,

1 ! i lo let bin friend, tnj j,atlst. " .'ily ii»:r r.-.-.a bira r.y :ba 1 :t. ,;.i»


ittfartbeat. he posltfvely v,:ii Bed ih:.l:t-aiLnos vnilmilltas i - rile raatvtlai disad-vantage. -- MBEV9 5 K-D'..i 11-*,

oj'6-!'» Ist Idem Bayly's ittltery.

TpHBl O havingmade aacd<ti*ioealX apyroprianrn for ?Oj«*ppina volanteerala the Confederate rervi<u from the city afRn.t'Hi i -J, Ua t I sof ( ami ai lea are herobyreqaemed to famish me w *,-. a tletol their coo..pudes,destgneUcg ti &?? who arc resident*of the etty? aad ''?-- »a«ii« ulinies, it »uy

DVIUJ BVUNUBBB,(saalratan of t-o Arms

my 7-«tnit. meedXe3 ~?Ti>

TEUESOi PE FOil BALE.?drover ABjKer - Bewli % IluLus R<edlas? Nam betsWr»H aiiOi l«"0.

U- *\u25a0- Ei it lull >"ifle aope. ? s iic "fmv 7 8» JtJnN PTZEiWI. Idaraet.

OLW o . |X FOB SALE,a-. St. Jsnies'a I">aur^h.

mv'T-'.'Mv* MgAPßdi B«K£n.1 > I« JS ii O - - .

x cue for s tie ;i lot if superiorION. WIJ!ID-

Ordera left at the cornerol ;t:h ana Maoobt.»«t« v»iu v eel wltn j romptat'entlon

m«. 7 8 * OKIKQE Tl'il- ER.| IBAUU? bHJUUa.??

atVsiOo yaid Bpeol io.-g:i #1 2% p»rd IU44 te.vy OotMiaa Mets.ajard.[Aaaaargs ff ?*

l Bodies ibeaij? »?*..-<; pagerii;>« ajti E>w IB|a gro I0 evhU i"S uh« M "

Bloves ? 'Ai <s a i iy ? -*??> ?to'ik ol Or* Bonds, al vs-y

. u'i st from m au lieesaod seaboare1 sm<. sterahsata r.-.!i Bed idauy U-.8-rab'.- gea dat lower i-r.ces ihsn ekww&sru

0 B Brifjaß,_jny 6 _3.' tig njala«*»»et-

CIBOCEr.TCY vYAJasi/ 080088 IV WARY.I:. «t'citio .to rry osut weii-.v; rud ah > a 'f

Okinaaudfjßa s.-varr, ri misfemt«smg ana Far..ej uudv li»»ve r^pi. i 0,-u iiy steak .-t v 10 X

? aY w »i-i-,.-.;. . an saasKad to ttt r toyea tosßsrs aad the pn 4 c aaajhrndtd fc"»oi»n.>eni af!».-.'e-i, *!upß .i d Baas a, E»»<.rj ami Bu ~.r,.%!»;«,.- Pituieße, a*., t.t

JULIL'b Ml Vt.r-,i a; > Pattest t f \u25a0 :kvep * t;.- ,

\u25a0ry 8 *in* o<.- -r «r -i ?,; :u»-.

lei.' 1 t i- I I -?E ! I IAhaut I&C6 baaheii ales IQE, about una i. \'t

from to ci y, on the V irk BtVeraanrvad, w!ii t-eaodlaw,with Uxs p IvUaga if i> reutuus hihito.;iji, if Bauraa oy mi partbsser. Pcs -i

lerauutoe, apply io 0 LIBBS,w.\ fl-H* -it*! Vo -i Uarhet.

I aavetjeatlßedas to< lam bus - .d, To . - Skin

ccr, a, a l ui.eby Bppoia Joseph fat. .- ? >r,w> Ai »rney, to receive and ptiv mousyc lorm" oa acouu. ot u-* r» a c

»d- hit. b-i eaa be faaad l tbe ?.,?

otvie tatJahusßM til Aain atreet,my II

Bkjuilos>.~ihag*al>iaaioteu< .- .. '.«noaeawd to seed ill of their out «mp yVMb-., tor Bo*pit*: rae, to toe VVi- «t r Uve.p....l By aaawfnag this call hey wUlg-i-aiiy

promote ha comfort ol taoseoonfiaed » a ?\u25a0 \u25a0 J .-? -i BOLLOVI ? V.m* *~ **

i -\u25a0 «f t oai\i v ; Li s; ' *

-A: -? **?J-a L- - B <-. ?. nd ot. rtqeeetsd \u25ba vlsii towlndi Hi talut ill hoere, sad ptheaick with any fxd r . mfors thii

t" I * -'- \u25a0 /,??? M , s)hei lanaweiI t \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- *?? ;?» , ? ?. a '..i. u si i -:"i ?- *?-... aa i\u25a0?.. > e-a" I"t

? ?? -\u25a0 ? i., . ? i * .1 i>nv-i .? ? aai -. ." 11 -uj ?«

\u25a0v. g i rEftboN, viii. * . - ? i .. .. ? ijiaj,igu«., JjKj c Ut la!r''v ;


i t», i . \L*.t;rf,I ipCBPrl Hoßßli,

J ;M i 0I P- K. UAU. N? W « .. M««rt... Va Ajwtl X* myi-ltt»

Nullum? TO ALL hUfITAET SIK-^.A y oanew. i ami I OLOYbUbws for a ?lugre

Oosnpasry or Begfausttli i,»bn fnrulrh tt ,;- .'«ogeodO*ea rxv». ih-m ammertrhnuHl at chutu> wc<s. aad la tbs fa stsi .-. by appHoettoa to

"?'J-Imi a ? -a/v-V.BflJlaty Lio'.h&f htenntaslxwata,

rt fb'-crf, VaOr A ti. SttAl 88,

R n aw? 3>»* ltd I ass >o . ' efhceeedl Va.

\u25a0-»....-- ?\u25a0\u25a0 ?-. ana accounVa <»f übs ate~ BrmoflMYEJ & H!"" HIE ; \u25a0? wi'l b*1,.-..» attuscfi Ui vYai h\hataea4lQa,

All p«n M i ?>.":.!:'.»! khS fi;iu SB iitprs-eetthutt .'. .-. '.: iaai VaUßeIndebted i d make avmu-it d*Iv

iar. v ; < 1. Uxscsu m v *uU.i-n;id»o BBBwlail BBUsssaen - and graal lectlai ,

Ju isTB. DiTBEshnwrstag IHrtaar ef :>*?. mawtfaheaasihh31- t. .

a i -- ?\u25a0???\u25a0 ? rs i * ? \u25a0-'I\ * ?'..?.?.,- .i lei :i.

?i' tiEfeOß, a .-. ?\u25a0.. \u25a0-, | ~.- ? t j.Steal to the o ? . . .: ?.;\u25a0 ra at .ioiay; ai»dail those -i . ima adalnst sadden*tatOWUI . BBS '..:\u25a0::'. Wi ~* '.SCOB^-laaaa -v sal I ?\u25a0 ? ? rest,to '-o rmdatabfnsd]

\u25a0a soon, a . ? o:. . ? .-..iT'.

£ af ties :«. " ; baa ?., . . IB>bb fa

1 » ? itC-a \u25a0? -it '?- b >?;\u25a0 as* ahsaiegc i .-- ? a estate, of Iteary a\

I,rei i-i i\u25a0' ' i I presentHi '<» to

sxe, proaetlv s ? 4.1 uses, a <ialt..-,.-» led alii -\u25a0.' .* » \u25a0'.on eobiy.

. THOU v I v |uoy 3 '. i ' Meter* I - rttO'!

(""V",.« HiIIAN BO'E : mj . i U Vts,ota>u

. . ' .' - . t . PTOp/is .'r«.H Lues

I I. Hi I -. !?? i <i»e. v !«?*?

li M -". r H. ? .

I '.Mil Baa OfcatAiUßvl uaai' tiEM.t. ?,I **

it! Nil X oiU »,

t ? .-jib'l J : ,i i"'«Bl, apl?lm* lre*i rhet»no*»w>-»'.

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