Page 1: Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 in lumbar motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection

Brain Research 1013 (2004) 174–181

Research report

Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 in lumbar

motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection

Rosario Gulinoa, Salvatore Andrea Lombardoa, Antonino Casabonaa,Giampiero Leanzab, Vincenzo Perciavallea,*

aDepartment of Physiological Sciences, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6-95125, Catania, ItalybDepartment of Physiology and Pathology, University of Trieste, Via Fleming, 22-34127, Trieste, Italy

Accepted 31 March 2004


Neuroplasticity represents a common phenomenon after spinal cord (SC) injury or deafferentation that compensates for the loss of

modulatory inputs to the cord. Neurotrophins play a crucial role in cell survival and anatomical reorganization of damaged spinal cord, and

are known to exert an activity-dependent modulation of neuroplasticity. Little is known about their role in the earliest plastic events, probably

involving synaptic plasticity, which are responsible for the rapid recovery of hindlimb motility after hemisection, in the rat. In order to gain

further insight, we evaluated the changes in BDNF and NT-4 expression by lumbar motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection.

Early after lesion (30 min), the immunostaining density within lumbar motoneurons decreased markedly on both ipsilateral and contralateral

sides of the spinal cord. This reduction was statistically significant and was then followed by a significant recovery along the experimental

period (14 days), during which a substantial recovery of hindlimb motility was observed. Our data indicate that BDNF and NT-4 expression

could be modulated by activity of spinal circuitry and further support putative involvement of the endogenous neurotrophins in mechanisms

of spinal neuroplasticity.

D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Theme: Development and regeneration

Topic: Neurotrophic factors: expression and regulation

Keywords: Spinal cord hemisection; Motoneuron; Plasticity; Neuromuscular activity; Neurotrophin; Rat

1. Introduction Several studies suggested that neurotrophinsmay also play

Neurotrophins are a family of chemically related pro-

teins, which play an important role in development, survival

and maintenance of neuronal function in the peripheral and

central nervous system [12,13,19,25]. Brain-derived neuro-

trophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) have a

wide variety of effects on spinal motoneurons. During

development and in the adult rat [12,25], they may represent

target-derived and activity-dependent trophic signals for

motoneurons by regulating several neural functions such

as fiber sprouting, electrical and metabolic properties and

cell size [5,8]. Recently, it has been demonstrated that

neurotrophins may act via autocrine–paracrine as well as

anterograde mechanisms, in an activity-dependent manner


0006-8993/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-95-339095; fax: +39-95-330645.

E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Perciavalle).

a crucial role in spinal cord (SC) plasticity. For example,

recent investigations showed neurotrophin expression in

motoneurons [2] indicating that endogenous BDNF and

NT-4 may be involved in functional changes induced by

exercise onmotor unit properties [6,7,21,26]. It is also known

that spinal injury or deafferentation induce plastic changes in

the spinal circuitry, which could compensate for the alteration

of modulatory inputs and promote functional recovery [4,23].

In addition to changes that occur at the lesion site, spinal and

supraspinal circuits undergo substantial reorganization by

two different mechanisms: (1) anatomical reorganization of

circuits and formation of new pathways by sprouting; (2)

modification of pre-existing circuits by modulation of syn-

aptic strength [4,23]. Anatomical reorganization requires

long time, so the earliest signs of functional recovery are

likely attributable tomodifications of excitability of the spinal

circuitry. Althoughmany studies have investigated the role of

neurotrophins in preventing neuronal death or promoting

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anatomical reorganization after SC injury [14,16,18], the

involvement of endogenous neurotrophins in the dynamic

modulation of local circuitry remains to be elucidated.

In the present study, the expression of BDNF and NT-4 in

lumbar motoneurons was investigated at various time inter-

vals after low-thoracic SC hemisection. This way we could

evaluate the basal production of these neurotrophins and

observe the time course of their expression immediately

after the disruption of spinal and supraspinal pathways and

during the spontaneous post-lesion recovery of hindlimb

motility, that normally starts within few days after surgery.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Animals and treatment

Young adult male rats (Wistar, 200–250 g, n = 22) were

used in this study. They were given free access to water and

food and were housed under standard conditions of humidity

and temperature with 12-h light/dark cycle. Animal care and

handling were carried out in accordance with guidelines

issued by the Committee of Experimental Animals of Uni-

versity of Catania; all efforts were made to minimize animal

suffering and to reduce the number of animal used. Sixteen

animals were deeply anaesthetised with chloral hydrate (400

mg/kg, Fluka, Germany) andmounted on a stereotaxic device

(David Kopf Instruments, USA).We stabilized the column by

suspending it with vertebral clamps and drilled a hole on the

dorsal surface of the ninth thoracic vertebra (corresponding to

spinal segments T10–T11). Then, we removed the dura

mater from the dorsal surface of SC and transected the right

side of the cord by using a microsurgical knife attached to the

arm of the stereotaxic frame, under visual guidance via an

operating microscope. Care was taken in order to avoid

damage to the median blood vessels. This operation has the

advantage of producing consistent lesion, with virtually no

bleeding and causes minimal if any local operative discom-

fort. The hemisection site was filled with sterile gelfoam and

muscles and skin were sutured. Three other animals were

operated but not hemisected and they were used as sham

operated controls, which were euthanized 4 h after surgery.

Hemisected rats were divided in four experimental groups

(four animals each), which were sacrificed 30 min, 4 h, 12

h (short-term) and 14 days after lesion (long-term), respec-

tively. Long-term animals were allowed to recover sponta-

neously after injury, without administration of any

treatments. Finally, three intact animals served as normal

controls. All rats were sacrificed by intracardiac perfusion,

using saline followed by cold 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M

phosphate buffer (PB).

2.2. Immunohistochemistry

After perfusion, the thoracic-lumbar parts of SCs were

removed, postfixed for 2 h in the same fixative and

cryoprotected by overnight immersion in 0.1 M PB con-

taining 20% sucrose. Two series of SC horizontal sections

(40 Am) were cut on a freezing microtome and used for free-

floating BDNF and NT-4 immunostaining. Sections were

rinsed in 0.05 M Tris buffer saline (TBS) and soaked in TBS

containing 3% H2O2 and 10% methanol, for 10 min, in

order to quench the endogenous peroxidase activity. Sec-

tions were then preincubated at room temperature for 1 h in

TBS containing 5% normal goat serum and 0.3% Triton.

After pre-incubation, the two series of sections were incu-

bated at 4 jC for 1 week with either anti-BDNF (1:1000;

Chemicon, USA, Cat. No. AB1534) or anti-NT-4 (1:1000;

Chemicon, Cat. No. AB1781) rabbit polyclonal antibodies.

This was followed by incubation with a biotinylated goat

anti-rabbit antibody (1:200; Vector Laboratories, USA) for 2

h, and by reaction with Vectastain ABC complex (Vector

Laboratories). BDNF or NT-4 immunoreactivity (IR) was

visualised as a brown colour by using diaminobenzidine and

H2O2 as substrate. All sections belonging to control and

injured animals were incubated in the same antibody and

DAB solutions, under identical incubation time and temper-

ature conditions.

Control of immunostaining specificity was performed by

omitting the primary antibody or by substitution of the anti-

rabbit secondary antibody. These controls did not exhibit

any specific immunostaining.

A cresyl violet staining was performed on alternate

sections from the normal group and the 14 days group.

This staining allowed us to count the number of motoneuron

profiles and verify whether the hemisection caused moto-

neuronal depletion due to neuronal death or only a down-

regulation of the marker.

2.3. Morphometrical analyses

The sections were examined using a Zeiss light micro-

scope coupled with a computer assisted video camera

(Sony). The Scion Image software (ScionCorp., NIH,

USA) was used to count immunopositive motoneuron

profiles and for densitometric and morphometric analyses.

In order to ensure consistency in the analyses, all sections

were stained at the same time. Also, we used the same

illumination level, microscope and digital camera settings

throughout the image capturing session. Three SC sections

from each animal were used for these analyses and all

sections were separately examined by two investigators

uninformed about the experimental procedures performed

on the animals. These sections were cut horizontally through

the ventral horn in a region corresponding to the dorsolateral

part of lamina IX and to the segments L4–L5 (Fig. 1). This

motoneuron pool is also known as retrodorsolateral nucleus

(RDLN) and contains motoneurons that innervate the hin-

dlimb via the sciatic nerve [20,27]. Only unambiguous

immunopositive profiles characterized by evident nucleus

and well-defined motoneuronal features were considered.

Average soma diameter and optical density (OD) were

Page 3: Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 in lumbar motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the SC area where the motoneurons

included in the study were located. (A) The rectangle represents the area

from which the horizontal sections were collected. Note that, when the SC

is placed horizontally on its ventral surface, the RDLN is present at the

same level along L4 and L5 segments, thus almost all horizontal sections

show this motoneuronal pool for all the length of measured area. (B)

Example of an horizontal section showing the longitudinal extent of these

motoneuronal pools.

R. Gulino et al. / Brain Research 1013 (2004) 174–181176

measured from motoneuron bodies outlined manually by the

experimenter from greyscale images (400� magnification),

using a protocol modified from Skup et al. [26]. The OD

measured in the grey matter of the control sections obtained

by omitting the primary antibody was used as background

staining and subtracted from each measurement. The immu-

nopositivity of inter-perikaryal grey matter was evaluated by

measuring the average OD of three circular areas (3 cm

diameter at 400� magnification) randomly selected within

each SC side, at L4–L5 level.

2.4. Statistical analysis

Quantitative variations of the number of motoneuron

profiles and of the intra-motoneuron OD with respect to

the time-point after lesion and to the SC side were evaluated

by means of a two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc

test. Student’s t-test were also used within each animal

group to compare the left and right SC sides. All analyses

were performed by using SYSTAT software package.

3. Results

All rats survived surgery throughout the experimental

period. Spinal cords were inspected after removal in order to

verify the position and extent of the hemisection. We found

that all cords were hemisected correctly at low thoracic level

except for two animals, belonging to the 14 days and 4

h groups, respectively. These two animals were excluded

from the study due to incomplete lesion. The extent of the

lesion in each animal was assessed by reconstruction from

40-Am-thick serial longitudinal sections taken through the

entire dorso-ventral aspect of the spinal cord at the level of

the lesion. Hemisections were considered complete when

they included the ipsilateral dorsal column and corticospinal

tract, and did not encroach on the contralateral side for more

than 10% of its width, as assessed on digitized images by

the Scion Image software. Only individuals with complete

hemisections were considered for the study.

Hemisected animals exhibited a pronounced paralysis of

the right hindlimb. The group of rats that were allowed to

survive for 14 days showed visible improvement of hin-

dlimb support and stepping ability within 3–4 days after

injury. This recovery was also more evident at the end of the

survival period.

In normal animals, a number of large multipolar profiles

showed intense BDNF-like and NT-4-like IR (Fig. 2A and B,

normal). Dark BDNF-like IR was also observed inside and

around the cell nuclei (Fig. 2A, normal, arrows) and within

dendritic arborizations and axons (Fig. 2A, arrow heads).

These profiles were located in the ventral portion of SC

corresponding to RDLN and were classifiable as motoneur-

ons. Smaller cells, such as interneurons or glial cells, also

showed some staining.

The number of BDNF-like and NT-4-like positive pro-

files as well as their staining density did not differ between

intact and sham lesioned rats (data not shown); thus, these

animals were pooled in a single normal group.

Both BDNF-like and NT-4-like IR of inter-perikaryal

grey matter was found to be constant among groups and

between sides of the SC (data not shown).

To evaluate the modification of neurotrophin expression

during the post surgery period, we analysed the variations of

the number of immunopositive profiles and the changes of

intra-motoneuronal OD 30 min, 4 h, 12 h and 14 days after


3.1. Changes of the number of positive profiles

In all groups, the average soma diameters for BDNF-like

or NT-4-like IR profiles were distributed bimodally, with an

apparent boundary at about 23 Am (data not shown). The

Page 4: Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 in lumbar motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection

Fig. 2. High magnification (150� ) photomicrographs showing examples of BDNF-like and NT-4-like immunoreactivity. (A) The cytoplasmic BDNF IR

appears very intense in the motoneurons belonging to normal animals, and a large and dense body is evident inside and around the nuclei (normal, arrows);

dendritic arborizations and axons are also greatly stained (arrow heads). Both the cytoplasmic and nuclear staining density appear reduced after hemisection,

but they gradually recovered until reaching near-normal levels of optical density, 14 days after hemisection (14 days). (B) The NT-4 IR is uniformly distributed

within cytoplasm and there are not any accumulations of NT-4 IR around the neuronal nuclei (normal, arrows). The lesion determined a small reduction of

optical density that returned to normal levels 12 h after lesion. Axons and dendrites appear weakly stained (normal, arrow heads).

R. Gulino et al. / Brain Research 1013 (2004) 174–181 177

profiles with average soma diameter ranging between 11

and 23 Am were presumed to be g-motoneurons, whereas

larger ones were considered a-motoneurons [10]. The mean

soma diameter of both populations of motoneurons was not

apparently affected by the hemisection, since no significant

difference was observed between left and right sides or

between groups (data not shown).

No changes in the total number of motoneuron profiles

were seen after hemisection by using Cresyl violet staining

(data not shown). Therefore, the different number of

Page 5: Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-4 in lumbar motoneurons after low-thoracic spinal cord hemisection

Table 1

Number of immunopositive motoneuron profiles

BDNF+motoneuron profiles NT-4 +motoneuron profiles

Contralateral Ipsilateral % of normal Contralateral Ipsilateral % of normal

Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha

Normal 14F 1 32F 3 13F 1 32F 4 100F 7 100F 8 14F 1 36F 3 14F 1 35F 4 100F 6 100F 8

30 min 9F 1 27F 3 9F 2 27F 3 67F 9 84F 8 14F 2 35F 2 14F 1 30F 3 98F 9 92F 6

4 h 7F 1 29F 2 8F 1 23F 1 57F 3 81F 8 14F 1 32F 3 13F 2 31F 2 95F 8 89F 5

12 h 11F 2 30F 3 9F 1 28F 4 73F 15 90F 15 11F1 30F 3 13F 1 30F 4 83F 15 85F 15

14 days 12F 2 28F 3 11F1 31F 2 83F 9 91F 6 12F 2 30F 3 11F1 29F 3 80F 12 84F 10

The profiles number is reported as mean number per sectionF S.E.M.

Bold text indicates significant difference from normal controls ( P< 0.05).

R. Gulino et al. / Brain Research 1013 (2004) 174–181178

immunoreactive neurons we observed in the lesioned

animals could be entirely attributable to changes in neuro-

trophin expression.

Fig. 3. Effect of hemisection on BDNF-like (A) and NT-4-like (B) immunoreactivit

density of the contralateral side of normal group was arbitrarily considered as 100%

after hemisection. Then, the expression of BDNF and NT-4 partially recovered u

indicates significant differences from normal controls, while (y) indicates significanrepresent the standard error of the mean (S.E.M.).

Table 1 summarizes the mean number of BDNF-like and

NT-4-like IR profiles per section in all groups. The most

dramatic changes were seen in the number of BDNF-like IR

y, evaluated by measuring the intracellular optical density. The mean optical

. Both BDNF-like and NT-4-like immunoreactivity immediately decreased

ntil reaching near normal levels of optical density (see Section 3). The (*)

t differences between ipsilateral and contralateral side of SC. The error bars

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R. Gulino et al. / Brain Research 1013 (2004) 174–181 179

profiles. In particular, the number of positive g-motoneuron

profiles appeared reduced by 33%, 43%, 27% and 17% at 30

min, 4 h, 12 h and 14 days after lesion, respectively

(P= 0.002), with no significant side difference (P= 0.456)

or group by side interaction (P= 0.871). Pairwise compar-

isons showed significant reduction at 30 min (P= 0.042) and

4 h after lesion (P= 0.002), whereas the other groups did not

differ significantly from normal controls (P>0.05). On the

other hand, the number of IR a-motoneuron profiles was less

affected by hemisection, showing only a maximal decrease of

19%, with no significant group or side differences. T-statistics

confirmed that there was no significant side difference in each

group for both the populations of motoneurons (P>0.05).

As shown in Table 1, the post-lesion decrease of the

number of NT-4-like IR profiles was smaller than the

changes observed for BDNF positive profiles, and both g-

and a-motoneurons displayed no significant differences

between groups or sides.

3.2. Changes of intracellular OD

The post-surgery time course of intracellular OD changes

showed a similar pattern for BDNF and NT-4 staining. Since

the populations of g- anda-motoneurons showed comparable

modifications in the immunoreactivity throughout the exper-

imental period, they were collected in a single group and

analysed together. At 30 min, 4 h, 12 h and 14 days post-

lesion, the intracellular BDNF staining density was reduced

by 38%, 30%, 21% and 16%, respectively (Fig. 3A), whereas

the intracellular NT-4 staining density was reduced by 19%,

27%, 10% and 8% (Fig. 3B). There was a significant effect of

the group for both neurotrophins expression changes

(P= 0.000) reflecting the reduction of OD throughout the

post surgery period. The effect of side was not significant and

the side by group interaction showed significant changes only

for NT-4-like immunoreactivity (P= 0.009). The nuclear

BDNF-like labelling was dramatically reduced immediately

after injury, but it returned to normal levels after 14 days (Fig.

2A, arrows).

The reduction of BDNF-like IR (Figs. 2A and 3A) was

stronger than that of NT-4 (Figs. 2B and 3B) but pairwise

comparisons revealed significant differences (P= 0.000)

between all group pairs for both neurotrophins. Thus, all

lesioned groups were significantly different from normal

group and, throughout the recovery period, the groups were

different from each other (except for the comparison be-

tween the 14 days and the 12 h group of NT-4 OD).

The recovery of neurotrophins staining density was

equally evident on both lesioned and unoperated side (t-

test, P>0.05), except for the 14 days group, which showed

ipsilateral mean density values significantly lower than the

contralateral (t-test: P < 0.05) (Fig. 3).

Taken together, these results point out that the spinal cord

hemisection elicited a rapid down-regulation of BDNF and

NT-4 expression within lumbar motoneurons. This reduc-

tion was more evident for BDNF-like IR and in particular

within the populations of g-motoneurons, which showed a

reduction of both number of positive profiles and their

intracellular OD. After the initial reduction, the levels of

endogenous BDNF and NT-4 expression recovered progres-

sively throughout the experimental period, although this

recovery appeared incomplete, especially in the ipsilateral

SC side.

4. Discussion

In this study, we evaluated the basal expression of BDNF

and NT-4 by lumbar motoneurons belonging to RDLN and

the modifications of their expression levels following SC

hemisection and along the survival period, during which we

observed a spontaneous, although incomplete, recovery of

hindlimb function.

We found that spinal cord hemisection determined a

down-regulation of neurotrophins expression in the soma

of lumbar motoneurons. BDNF down-regulation was more

evident and longer-lasting than NT-4 reduction. In fact, the

number of BDNF-like positive profiles and their intracellu-

lar OD were more markedly affected by hemisection than

those of NT-4-like IR profiles.

The reduction of neurotrophin expression occurred im-

mediately after interruption of the spinal pathways, suggest-

ing a local expression of these proteins whose magnitude

might be related to the level of motoneuron activity. In fact,

as the flaccid paralysis of hindlimb muscles indicated,

motoneuron activity was dramatically reduced after lesion.

The fact that the down-regulation of BDNF was more

extensive in gamma rather than alpha motoneurons further

supports the notion of activity-dependent expression of

neurotrophins. In fact, the g-motoneurons are known to

have, in normal conditions, high excitability and typical

tonic activity; so the reduced downstream discharge induced

by hemisection would reduce mostly the discharge of g-

motoneurons rather than the activity of more phasic neurons

such as the large a-motoneurons.

The issue of a possible intraspinal source of neuro-

trophins we propose, has recently been addressed by Buck

et al. [2] who demonstrated a good correspondence of

protein and mRNA expression in adult rat motoneurons.

Thus, the reduction of BDNF and NT-4 immunostaining in

lumbar motoneurons is likely to reflect, at least in part, a

down-regulation of their synthesis by these cells, even

though a reduced retrograde transport of neurotrophins to

the soma cannot be entirely excluded [28].

Considering the autocrine–paracrine action mechanism of

neurotrophins, as well as their possible anterograde and

retrograde transport, the changes in neurotrophin expression

we observed might have altered trophic and modulatory

signals for the motoneuron itself, for target cells and for other

spinal and supraspinal neurons [1,2,17,22,24,30]. In partic-

ular, BDNF is involved in the synaptic plasticity [7,19],

neuroprotection and sprouting of spared pathways after

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injury [14,16,18]. On this basis, it is reasonable to think that

the modifications of endogenous neurotrophins we reported

here may be linked to the plastic phenomena responsible for

functional reorganization after SC injury. A result consistent

with this view has been described by Johnson et al. [15], who

found increased levels of BDNF and NT-3 in the ventral horn

of cervical and thoracic spinal cord following dorsal rhyzot-

omy that eliminated diaphragmatic afferents, which are

primarily inhibitory to phrenic motor output. The presence

of BDNF-like IR associated with the nucleus of the moto-

neurons and its post-lesion modifications (Fig. 2A, arrows)

may represent an additional support for the role of this

neurotrophin in plasticity. Several authors, in fact, have

reported the possibility of such forms of BDNF entering the

neuronal nuclei, where it could influence transcription direct-

ly [28,29]. Although the role of BDNF in neuroplasticity is

much more documented, similar hypotheses have been pro-

posed for the involvement of NT-4 [5,24,26]. For example,

exercise activity elicited an up-regulation of NT-4 in spinal

motoneurons and glia [26], as well as in the muscle [5],

suggesting an activity-dependent trophic and modulatory

action on neuromuscular system [5,24,26].

The down-regulation of neurotrophins was followed by a

significant recovery of expression, which seemed to parallel

the improvement of support and locomotion. However, the

neurotrophins recovery was incomplete, probably due to a

severe impairment of the local circuitry, which, conversely,

could have affected behavioural recovery. In this respect,

exogenous administrations of BDNF or extensive behav-

ioural training could be helpful to improve restorative

processes [4,7,14,16,23].

Surprisingly, the hemisection-induced reduction of neu-

rotrophins IR in the lumbar SC was equally distributed on

both sides and, only at the longest time point (14 days), we

found a more robust recovery in the intact compared to the

lesioned side. Several hypotheses could be proposed to

account for this finding. It is known, for instance, that,

although descending supraspinal pathways terminate mainly

ipsilaterally, a significant part of these projections may

decussate in the SC [3,11]. Therefore, the hemisection is

likely to partially affect the contralateral side as well.

Moreover, within few hours after hemisection, a variety of

dynamic processes in the spinal circuitry, such as modifi-

cations of synaptic efficacy and spinal excitability or reor-

ganization of pattern generators [23,30], could compensate

for the reduced neuronal activity and may thus sustain

minimal levels of expression also in the affected side. These

processes could be sufficient to promote the recovery of

neurotrophins expression and the functional retrieval ob-

served within 2 weeks after lesion, whereas a more robust

functional recovery requires an anatomical reorganization of

spinal circuitries, perhaps through compensatory sprouting

of the spared pathways [4,16,23,30]. During functional

recovery, animals relied on the contralateral hindlimb to

support the body for posture and locomotion, and this

behaviour should determine higher levels of activity in the

contralateral pool of motoneurons. This increased activity

might likely account for the higher levels of IR in the

contralateral side 14 days post-lesion. Moreover, the retro-

grade transport of neurotrophins from the neuromuscular

junction could be also reduced on the lesioned side, because

of the reduced muscle activity [5,7].

Together, these experimental results provide new eviden-

ces about the involvement of neurotrophins (mainly BDNF)

in the modulation of spinal motor circuitry, but suggest that

the overall effect on this system could be very complex.

Similar evidences has been obtained from the dorsal horn

neurons, in a model of chronic spinal cord hemisection,

where BDNF seems to exert modulatory effects on noci-

ceptive processing. In this model, the effect of BDNF did

not differ between sides and showed an intricate mechanism

of action [9].

5. Conclusion

Our data shows that neurotrophins expression by lumbar

motoneurons rapidly decreased after low-thoracic spinal

cord hemisection and recovered significantly along the

experimental period. These findings suggest that the expres-

sion of neurotrophins, particularly BDNF, may depend upon

the activity of spinal circuitries and integrity of spinal and

supraspinal pathways. We postulate that neurotrophins

could be involved in the plasticity of neuromuscular sys-

tems, including the anatomical and functional reorganization

of the motor circuitry responsible for the recovery of support

and stepping abilities following SC injury. In particular, the

rapid modifications of their expression after injury could

indicate an involvement in processes, such as synaptic

plasticity, which should be partially responsible for the

earliest signs of recovery of hindlimb motility after low-

thoracic SC hemisection. Further studies are needed to

elucidate the complex role of these neurotrophins in this

model of neuroplasticity.


We thank Gianfranco Bosco for his kind contribution to

the final editing of the manuscript. This research was

partially supported by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Uni-

versita e della Ricerca (M.I.U.R.).


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