

A- Look at the job advertisements below and match them with the jobs given.

There is ONE EXTRA job.

environmental engineer cook cellist web developer dentist librarian

paramedic encourage psychologist sanitation worker accountant composer engineer

1- Our restaurant is looking for a professional 1 .................................... . If you are below 30 and know about Italian cuisine contact us!

2- We are looking for a/an 4 ........................... . The candidate should have knowledge of computer programs.

3- Our university is hiring a/an 5 ........................... aged between 25-35. The person needs to have knowledge about well-known classics.

4- We are employing a/an 2 ................................ aged between 30- 40 to provide first aid for our private hospital.

5- The Heart Pulse Private Tooth Hospital needs a/ an 3 ...................................... who has at least master’s degree.

6- We need a talented ............................... who has played in wedding ceremonies before.

7- Marta has some problems in her private life, probably about her relationship with her husband. She wants to learn the address of your ............................ .

8- Beethoven is my favorite ............................ . When you listen his music, you can feel passion, love, anger at the same time!

9- Edgar is a civil ............................, and now he is building a very important business center in Texas.

10- The ............................ in our neighborhood is doing his job very well. No one can find any litter in the street thanks to him.

11- The ............................ in the company wasn’t successful at all, so at the end of the year the company made a huge economic loss.

B- Look at the words in the box below and complete the given dialogue with these words. There is ONE EXTRA word!




part time

full time


Marta: Sally! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?

Sally: Oh! Marta. When I was in the final year of the university, I immediately decided to go abroad. In Spain, I had a lot of experience about my department.

Marta: Really? What did you do there?

Sally: In Madrid, I found a company which was looking for a/an 1 ................................. They accepted me because I was still a student. I mean I didn’t 2 ........................................ from the university.

Marta: How long did you stay there?

Sally: For three years.

Marta: Three years as a student in another country… It must have been difficult. Did you earn any money in the company?

Sally: No, no.. I worked there 3 ................................ from morning to afternoon, and I didn’t have any 4 ..................................., so I needed another job for money.

Marta: You worked somewhere else then, didn’t you?

Sally: Yeah. After the company, I worked at a fast food restaurant. There I had enough money to live.

Marta: What are your plans now? You are back to your country!

Sally: Now I am looking for a/an 5 ......................... job. I want to have a good money from my job. I am going to send some CVs to some companies. I hope I will find a good one soon! Oh, my phone is ringing I need to rush. See you. Marta: See you Sally. Send me the news soon! 1

C- Look at the words in the box below and match them with their definitions. There is ONE EXTRA word!






encourage psychologist sanitation worker accountant composer engineer

demanding entrepreneur occupation


……………………… someone who is busy with the money and calculations in his/her job.

……………………… someone who cleans the streets and takes the rubbish away.

……………………… someone who designs or builds machines, electrical equipment, roads, railways, or bridges.

………………………. someone who studies the human mind and feelings. ............................ noun [C] a person who starts his/her own business.

............................ adj very difficult, hard

............................ noun [C] a person’s job

............................ adj related to health or illnesses ............................ adj too important for a person, so he/she can’t do without it.

............................ verb to love someone or something a lot.

............................ adj perfect, very good.

............................ verb produce music.

............................ adj very valuable and important.

D- Look at the sentences below and underline the best alternative. NOT! Yapılacak olan iş önceden planlanmışsa veya olacağı kesinse “be going to”, kesin değilse, tahmine dayalıysa veya o anda karar veriliyorsa “will” kullanılır. 1 A: What are your plans after graduation? B: I am going to /will look for the positions as a web developer.

2 A: I need some change. The coffee machine doesn’t accept any notes. B: No problem I am going to give/will give you some.

3 I got the tickets for the film! I am going to see/ will see the film tonight.

4 Real Madrid is playing better. I guess they are going to win/will win.

5 I believe one day I am going to be/will be a very professional photographer.

6 Look at this little child he is sneezing. I think he is going to/will be ill.

7 A: Why is Lucy waiting for the professor? B: She is going to ask /will ask about her exam grade.

8 Don’t touch this knife! You are going to cut / will cut yourself.

9 A: Oh! These bottles are very heavy. B: Really? I am going to take /will take them.

10 I last saw George at the graduation ceremony. It has been a long time, but I guess I am going to remember him/will remember him.

11 My mother needs some cacao. She is going to make/will make a cake.

12 There is no sun today. I guess it is going to be/ will be a cold day.

13 A: Oh! No. I’ve forgot my bag in the at home. B: Ok, ok. I am going to give/will give you some money.

14 Look! The car is going too fast! I am afraid it is going to crash/will crash.



1.NOT! İngilizce’de bazı filler ile “to” kullanılır. Bu filler şunlardır:

advise decide invite pretend tend

afford expect intend promise threaten

agree fail learn recommend wait

allow forget manage remember want

appear get need refuse warn

arrange happen offer say wish

ask help plan seem would like

come hope prepare teach dare

They couldn’t afford to go on holiday last summer

You need to be a good swimmer with good balance to be an expert surfer.

You mustn’t forget to wear your helmed when you go rock-climbing.

2. “to” bazı cümlelerde amaç belirtir.

I went to England to improve my English.

I studied all night to get a good mark.

3. Bazı sıfatlar ile “to” kullanılır.

glad sad proud happy pleased reluctant

stupid disappointed ashamed clever surprised

good afraid difficult nice kind sorry

Sometimes it is difficult to persuade old people to think in a different way.

I was surprised to see Celine at the party.

She was proud to be the best player in the team.


1. Bazı fiiller arkasından gelen diğer fiile –ing takısı getirir.

admit enjoy mention suggest

appreciate fancy miss worth

avoid finish mind

can’t bear forgive postpone

can’t stand go practice

confess give up quit

consider hate regret

delay imagine risk

deny involve stand

dislike keep stop

Most surfers enjoy riding the waves in Hawaii.

We had to postpone going on a picnic because of bad weather conditions.

While you are surfing the Net, you should avoid getting too close to the screen.

You had better quit eating too much chocolate otherwise you will put on weight.

2. Sevme, beğenme ifade eden fiilerin ardından –ing takısı gelir. (like, enjoy, love, hate, don’t mind….etc.)

I don’t mind sleeping late because I don’t have to get up early in the mornings.

3. Fiilleri özne yapar.

Riding the waves is the thrill of a lifetime.

Drinking too much coffee fastens your heartbeat.

F- Exercise 1 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Sue has always enjoyed (1) .......................... (go) skiing. One day, when she saw some people (2) ..........................

(snowboard), she decided (3) .......................... (give) it a try. It was more difficult than she had expected. At first she

could not (4) .......................... (keep) her balance on the board as easily as on skis, and it was almost impossible for her

(5) .......................... (go) any distance without (6) .......................... (fall). She hates (7) .......................... (fail) at any sport,

so she continued (8) .......................... (try) and she finally managed (9) .......................... (go) all the way down a slope

without an accident. It was then that she realised what a great sport it is, and now she’d rather (10) .......................... (go)

snowboarding than skiing.

2. I have always loved (1) .......................... (take) part in team sports, so when my P.E. teacher asked me if I wanted (2)

.......................... (learn) how (3) .......................... (play) handball, I immediately accepted. It sounded ideal for me as I

don’t mind (4) .......................... (exercise) hard. But it wasn’t as easy as I thought. I kept (5) .......................... (practise)

every day including weekends. But I gave up in

the end because I couldn’t (6) ......................(concentrate) on my lessons.

Exercise 2 : Choose the correct options.

1. A: What do you think about the show?

B: It’s very nice ...................... the live performances.

a. watch b. to watch c. to watching

2. A: I’ve never seen Bob diving into the sea.

B: Ahh, you don’t know. His disability prevents him from ......................

a. dive b. to dive c. diving

3. A: What are we doing now?

B: I think it’s time ...................... to my favourite band’s new single.

a. to listen b. listening c. listen

4. A: 4. A: I feel really disappointed.

B: I’m so sorry for not ...................... the equipment you wanted. I completely forgot it.

a. buy b. buying c. to buy

5. A: I’m glad ...................... in the school team.

B: Me, too.

a. to be b. be c. being

6. A: You promised ...................... me to the circus but you didn’t.

B: I’m deeply sorry.

a. taking b. take c. to take


Can/ Can’t

• Yapabildiğimiz veyayapamadığımız işleri söylerken kullanılır.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They can play chess.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They can’t (cannot) ski


Can I / he / she / it /we / you / they do ice skating?

Could / Couldn’t

• Can ve Can’t ın geçmiş zaman halidir.

I could run fast when I was young.

My sister couldn’t read when she was 3.

Could you play the flute when you were 10?

Was/Were Able to

• Yapabilmek anlamındadır. Özellikle yapılması zor işleri yapmayı başarmaktan bahsederken kullanılır.

My brother is a real intelligent boy. He could play chess when he was only five.

The other team played very well, but we were able to win.

Our goalkeeper was great, so the other team couldn’t score a goal.

He could run very fast when he was a young boy, but now he’s very old, and it’s very difficult for him to do sports.

She is a very talented girl. She can draw amazing pictures.

Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks with can, can’t, could, couldn’t, was/were able to.

1. When his mother was young she _____________________ skate but she can’t do it any longer.

2. Tom is really in to music. He _____________________ play three instruments.

3. Although it was raining hard, we______________________ finish the match.

4. As the weather was stormy, we______________________ go sailing.

5. Mary was a fast runner. She __________________________ run 18 km per hours.

6. He _____________________read without glasses till he suffered from visual disorder.

Exercise 2 : Fill in the blanks with the words can, can’t, could, couldn’t.

1. I’m really into art. I .............................. express my feelings through colours. I think I’m gifted in drawing.

2. Mozart was a famous child as he .............................. play the piano and write music when he was four.

3. Most of my friends enjoy scuba diving but I .............................. do it because I’m afraid of sea creatures.

4. Gwen’s brother is very intelligent. He .............................. play chess when he was a little boy.

5. I’ve tried pottery many times but I .............................. succeed it. I think I’m not creative enough.

6. Demi Lovato is an amazing pop singer. Do you know what she does in her leisure time? She .............................. knit

very well.

7. Unfortunately, I’m not good at music at all. I .............................. even do karaoke.

8. My grandma .............................. use a computer when she was young but now what she likes most is to have a chat

with friends on the Net.



We use “would like”

• Yapmak istenen şeyleri söylerken “istiyorum” anlamında kullanılır.

After would like we use the infinitive with to.

Do you have any time? I would like to talk to you about something.

I wouldn’t like to go on holiday alone. It must be really boring.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They would like to have a cup of coffee.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They wouldn’t like to have a cup of coffee.


Would I / he / she / it / we / you / they like to have a cup of coffee?

NOTE : “would like” has the same meaning with “want” but would like is more polite than want.


We use “would rather”

• Tercih edilen şeyleri söylerken kullanılır.

I would rather visit Aquarium when I go to İstanbul this summer.

I would rather stay at home and watch a movie with my friends tonight.


I / He / She / It We / You / They would rather (‘d rather) eat out.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They would rather not eat out.


Would I / he / she / it / we / you / they rather eat out?


We use “prefer”

• Tercih belirtir.

I don’t like big cities. I prefer living in the countryside. / My little daughter prefers wearing pink clothes instead of yellow

or green ones.


I / You / We / They prefer visiting historical places.

He / She / It prefers


I / You / We / They don’t prefer visiting historical places.

He / She / It doesn’t prefer


Do I / you / we / they prefer visiting historical places?

Does he / she / it prefer

I prefer a full-time job to a part-time one.

My son prefers playing computer games to playing an instrument.

Turkish people prefer to go on a beach holiday rather than go on an adventure holiday.


We use “would prefer”

• Özel bir durumda bir kişinin tercihini belirtirken kullanılır.

A: Shall we meet in front of the theatre?

B: No, I would prefer to meet in front of the City Hall. It is nearer.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They would prefer to go there by train.


I / He / She / It / We / You / They wouldn’t prefer to go there by train.


Would I / he / she/ it / we / you / they prefer to go there by train?

*** Would rather and would prefer have the same meaning but;

We use Subject + would rather + verb + than + verb

The sun is shining outside. I would rather sit in the garden than play chess here.

We use Subject + would prefer + to + verb + rather than + verb

The match on TV is very exciting. I would prefer to watch it rather than chat with my parents.

Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks with would rather, prefer, would prefer.

1. I_________________________ you played tennis. You’ll keep fit.

2. Diana _________________________knit than sew. I'm sure, she’ll love it.

3. Do you ________________________________ watching extreme sports or documentaries?

4. .____________ you ______________________ to do salsa or tango?

5. They _______________________making music to listening to it.

6. I ______________________________my son attended the talent show on TV.

Exercise 2 : Choose the correct option

1. Until I find a suitable flat, I would rather ................ with my relatives ................ in a dormitory.

a) stay – than b) staying – to c) to stay – than

2. A: Do you like baggy trousers?

B: Actually not. I prefer ................ skinny jeans ................ baggy ones. I think they are more fashionable.

a) wear – to wear b) wearing – to wearing c) wearing – than wearing

3. I would prefer ………………………to her directly ……………… this problem on the phone.

a) to talk – to solve b) talking – than solving c) to talk – rather than solve

4. I would rather ……………… from the job …………………… those bad working conditions.

a) resigning – than accepting b) resign – than accept c) resign – to accept

5. I would like …………… my favourite singer on the stage when she comes to our city.

a) see b) seeing c) to see

6. People prefer ………………. in supermarkets ………………….. to the local shops as they can find whatever they


a) shopping – to going b) shop – than go c) to shop – to go

7. I have been studying for hours and I feel sleepy, but I won’t go to bed. I would like …………… this project even if it

lasts till the morning.

a) finish b) to finish c) finishing

1. access erişim

2. administrator yönetici

3. aerospace Science uzay bilimi

4. affect etkilemek

5. airfoil uçak kanadı

6. analytical skill analitik beceri

7. applicable documentation uygulanabilir


8. applicant aday,başvuran kimse

9. apprentice chef çırak şef

10. background arka plan

11. benefit menfaat

12. bio-genetic engineering biyogenetik mühendisliği

13. bold gözüpek

14. business işletme

15. came up with the idea aklına bir fikir gelmek

16. career counsellor kariyer danışmanı

17. career Summary kariyer semineri

18. cater yiyecek içecek sağlamak

19. checked stock level stok seviyelerini kontrol


20. childhood çocukluk

21. claim iddia etmek

22. classmate sınıf arkadaşı

23. commercial cookery ticari aşçılık

24. completing tamamlama

25. computational skills hesaplama becerileri

26. computer-based hardware bilgisayar tabanlı donanım

27. computer engineer bilgisayar mühendisi

28. computer science bilgisayar bilimi

29. computer science


bilgisayar bilimi mühendisliği

30. confident kendine güvenen,emin

31. consider durumu değerlendirmek

32. consumer tüketici

33. contact iletişim kurmak

34. convinced ikna olmuş

35. cooked meals pişmiş yemekler

36. corporate functions kurumsal işlevler

37. creative applicant yaratıcı başvuru

38. currently şu anda

39. CV(curriculum vitae) özgeçmiş

40. demonstrate kanıtlamak

41. dessert tatlı

42. dull sıkıcı

43. education eğitim-öğretim

44. effective etkili

45. electromechanical elektromekaniksel

46. employer işveren

47. employment history çalışma geçmişi

48. encompass kuşatmak

49. entree başlangıç yemeği

50. entrepreneur girişimci

51. establish kurmak

52. etailer perakendeci

53. excellent mükemmel

54. exceptional olağanüstü

55. experience deneyim

56. experienced deneyimli

57. experience in high school lisede deneyimli

58. extend genişletmek

59. familiarity aşinalık

60. faq (sss)sıkça sorulan sorular

61. field alan

62. fluid dynamic akışkan dinamik

63. French cookery techniques Fransız aşçılık teknikleri

64. future career plan gelecekteki kariyer planı

65. global problem küresel sorun

66. goal hedef,amaç

67. good communication skills İyi iletişim becerileri

68. graduation mezuniyet

69. handful avuç dolusu

70. hesitate tereddüt

71. hold on a moment biraz bekle

72. hospitality misafirperverlik

73. human resources employee İnsan kaynakları çalışanı

74. income kazanç

2019-2020 11. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite Future Jobs Kelimeleri veĚ Anlamları -


75. individual bireysel

76. informative bilgilendirici

77. initiative taker inisiyatif alıcı

78. innovation yenilik

79. innovative thinker yenilikçi düşünür

80. input girdi,giriş

81. inspirational ilham verici

82. invention buluş

83. investment yatırım

84. job candidate iş adayı

85. Key Skills and Abilities anahtar becerileri ve


86. letter of intent niyet mektubu

87. logical mantıklı

88. managed all team tasks takımın tüm görevlerini


89. managed food preparation


yiyecek hazırlama işlerini


90. manufacturing industry İmalat sanayi

91. master controller ana kontrolör

92. mechanical engineering makine mühendisliği

93. mechatronics engineering mekatronik mühendisliği

94. mock alay etmek

95. monitor izlemek

96. multidimensional professional çok boyutlu profesyonel

97. multidisciplinary çoklu disiplin

98. my dream job hayalimdeki meslek

99. novelty yenilik

100. nowadays bu günlerde

101. operating System İletişim sistemi

102. opportunity fırsat

103. opportunity imkan

104. ordering and monitoring


sipariş ve izleme


105. owe borçlu olmak

106. participate katılmak

107. passionate tutkulu

108. personal quality kişisel özellik

109. persuasive inandırıcı

110. preference tercih

111. prepare sauce sos hazırlamak

112. previous experiences geçmiş deneyimler

113. proactive receptionist proaktif resepsiyonist

114. production area üretim sahası

115. profitable kazançlı

116. provide feedback geri bildirim sağlamak

117. purchase satın almak

118. qualifications nitelik

119. raise artırmak

120. relationship ilişki

121. required urgently acilen gerekli

122. research araştırma

123. respectful saygılı

124. responsibility sorumluluk

125. sales support satış desteği

126. search engine arama motoru

127. Setting menus and food


menüleri ayarlama ve gıda


128. skill beceri

129. snacks atıştırmalık, aperatif

130. software yazılım,program

131. software developer yazılım geliştirici

132. solution çözüm

133. Sous Chef aşçı yamağı

134. submitted gönderen

135. supervised denetlenen

136. technical skills teknik beceriler

137. therefore bu sebeple

138. travelling the world dünyayı gezmek

139. unintentionally istemeyerek

140. utilize değerlendirmek

141. vacation time tatil zamanı

142. via aracılığıyla

143. vice presidency başkan yardımcılığı

144. virtual sanal

145. well-known tanınmış

146. well paid yüksek maaşlı

147. with flying colors çok başarılı bir şekilde

148. workday iş günü

149. work with different chefs farklı şefler ile çalışmak

1. ability yetenek

2. achieve başarmak

3. acting oyunculuk

4. act out (rol) canlandırmak

5. actuality hakikat

6. advertisement reklam

7. affect etkilemek

8. afford parası yetmek

9. alive canlı

10. although her ne kadar

11. apply başvurmak

12. as a result sonuç olarak

13. attend katılmak

14. background geçmiş

15. benefit fayda

16. blood kan

17. bound bağlı

18. breathtaking nefes kesici

19. butterfly style kelebek stili

20. castle kale

21. celebrity ünlü

22. championship şampiyonluk

23. choice tercih

24. church kilise

25. claim iddia etmek

26. collecting stamps pul koleksiyonculuğu

27. combine birleştirmek

28. community topluluk

29. compensate telafi etmek

30. complete tamamlamak

31. computerized voice system bilgisayarlı ses sistemi

32. condition koşul

33. considering hesaba katma

34. culture kültür

35. curious meraklı

36. dancing dans etmek

37. definitely kesinlikle

38. demand talepte bulunmak

39. dependent on -e bağlı

40. designer tasarımcı

41. desire istemek

42. diagnose tanı koymak

43. disability sakatlık

44. due to nedeniyle

45. dull sıkıcı

46. eager istekli

47. education eğitim

48. effort çaba

49. empathy empati

50. encourage cesaret vermek

51. enroll kaydını yapmak

52. enthusiasm coşku

53. environmentalism çevrecilik

54. establish kurmak

55. even bile

56. eventually eninde sonunda

57. experience deneyim

58. fame ün

59. fashion blogger moda blok yazarı

60. fashion industry moda endüstrisi

61. financial loss maddi kayıp

62. football player futbolcu

63. fortification güçlendirme

64. full length film uzun metrajlı film

65. gather bir araya getirmek

66. goal gaye

67. heritage miras ,kalıtım

68. however bununla birlikte

69. human nature İnsan doğası

70. ice-skating buz pateni

71. illness hastalık

72. imagine hayal etmek

73. improve geliştirmek

74. increase arttırmak

75. interacting birbirini etkileme

76. internationally uluslararası anlamda

2019-2020 11. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Ünite Hobbies and Skills Ě Kelimeleri ve

Anlamları - Sunshine

77. join katılmak

78. juggling hokkabazlık

79. knitting örgü

80. library kütüphane

81. majority çoğunluk

82. manifestation açıkça gösterme

83. mankind insanoğlu

84. meanwhile bu sırada

85. mentally zihinsel olarak

86. mind akıl

87. model making maket yapımı

88. monastery manastır

89. mountain-climbing dağcılık

90. national milli

91. national team milli takım

92. necessary gerekli

93. necessitate gerektirmek

94. Neither.........nor ne ne de

95. neurological disease sinir hastalığı

96. obvious apaçık

97. on the stage sahnede

98. opposing karşı

99. paralympic paralimpik

100. parkour parkur sporu

101. penny metelik

102. physically fiziksel olarak

103. playing chess satranç oynama

104. play script oyun metni

105. primary school ilkokul

106. rare nadir

107. receive almak

108. receive special education özel eğitim almak

109. refreshment canlandırma

110. relationship ilişki

111. require gerektirmek

112. research araştırma

113. satisfaction memnuniyet

114. satisfy memnun etmek

115. saving birikim

116. sensation his

117. significance önem

118. soul nefes

119. sweat ter

120. take up yapmaya başlamak

121. tear gözyaşı

122. theoretical physicist teorik fizikçi

123. therefore bu nedenle

124. thrill heyecan

125. touch dokunmak

126. trekking yürüyüş

127. trend moda

128. university graduate üniversite mezunu

129. unknown bilinmeyen

130. varied çeşitli

131. village köy

132. violence against women kadına karşı şiddet

133. waste of time zaman kaybı

134. wheelchair tekerlekli sandalye

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