
Lesson Three

More Crime and Less Punishment --- IV


1. Word building

2. Grammar

3. Exercises on the book

4. Writing

I. Word BuildingI. Word Building List: 1. prefix-non- 2. suffix- -al

noncombatant noncombatant non-: not

nonabrasive nonacid nonadjustable nonautomatic nongovernmental






arrival arrival -al: action; process

renew deny dismiss refuse survive disapprove propose withdraw









II. GrammarII. Grammar

Ways of expressing resultWays of comparing things

Ways of expressing resultWays of expressing result so much/many + noun + that example so + adj. + as + to + infinitive example so that + a clause example and + a clause example so + a clause example do sth. + and + a clause (indicating a future r

esult) example so + adj./adv.+ that + a clause example and so + a clause example (only) to + infinitive of result example

so much/many + noun + that

… that there is so much crime that it simply cannot be punished.

so + adj. + as + to + infinitive I will not be so foolish as to suggest

a solution to the crime problem.

so that + a clause

It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my grandpa’s repeated warnings.

and + a clause

and + a clause … I cut my hand and blood

spurted freely from my wound.

so + a clause

After some time, my fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away.

do sth. + and + a clause (indicating a future result)

Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer’s mind.

so + adj./adv.+ that + a clause I was so astonished at this that I must have looked rather fooli

sh and everyone laughed.

and so + a clause But the disease has not touched his mind, and so it has not aff

ected his work.

(only) to + infinitive of result I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again.

Ways of comparing thingsWays of comparing things

more + noun + than + clause of comparison the more… the more more + adj./comparative form of adj. + noun + than+ clau

se as + adj. + as + clause more than+ clause as + adj. + as anything as + adv. + as + clause as much/many + noun + as possible as + adv. + as if + clause (as) + adj. + as + noun

This amounts to more than 41 million crimes, many more (crimes) than we are able to punish.

The more angry he became, the more she laughed at him.

Our current crop of prisoners is an elite group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.

The criminal justice system must then become as powerless as a parent…

Yet any of you… knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past.

Sky’s just as blue as anything.

And now, just as suddenly as the engine started, it stops.

One can feel fulfilled… by organizing one’s cell to save as much space as possible.

And now, just as suddenly as the engine started, it stops.

One can feel fulfilled… by organizing one’s cell to save as much space as possible.

III. Exercises on the bookIV. Writing

Answer the following question in about 130 words.

Do you agree with the author that severe punishment is not the answer to the problem of crime?

Your answer should cover these points: 1. State your view. 2. Give reasons to support your view. 3. Conclusion

This is the end of Lesson Three

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