  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study






    Class : 2 Abu Bakar 2012Date : 11 October 2012 (Thursday)

    Time : 07.0 ! 0".0 a.m. (#0 mi$utes)

    %e&el : '$termediateTheme : $&iro$me$tal

    Toic : Chater 1* : +a&e Our ,u$-les+ubtoic : orm 2 $-lish Te/tbook Article a-e 1"0 : %o--i$- '$ Catchme$t Areas

    %ear$i$- Outcomes : 2.0 %A3A O4 'O45AT'OA% 3+2.1 Obtai$ i$6ormatio$ 6or di66ere$t uroses byb. readi$- materials such as articles i$ ri$t a$d i$ electro$ic media

    2.2 rocess i$6ormatio$ bya. skimmi$- a$d sca$$i$- 6or seci6ic i$6ormatio$ a$d ideas

    c. usi$- dictio$aries2. rese$ti$- i$6ormatio$ to di66ere$t audie$ce by

    d. readi$- aloud 8ritte$ materials clearly a$d 6lue$tly

    %ear$i$- Ob9ecti&es : By the e$d o6 the lesso$ uils should be able to:1. read aloud a$ article to the correct i$to$atio$ a$d ro$u$ciatio$

    2. use dictio$aries to 6i$d mea$i$-s o6 di66icult 8ords. read a$d locate i$6ormatio$ i$ a$ article

    *. a$s8er to comrehe$sio$ ;uestio$s orally a$d i$ 8riti$-

    eda-o-ical mhases : CCT+ 5ultile '$telli-e$ces Co

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study



    Co$te$t Teacher?s Acti&ities uils? Acti&ities otes = 4emarks

    +et '$ductio$(@ mi$utes)

    reocabulary:8ater catchme$t area

    dams reser&oirs lo--i$-de6orestatio$ soil erosio$

    la$dslides 6loods settlessedime$tatio$ shallo8er

    ooses co$sta$t sulydestroy 6orests

    +ile$t readi$-

    1. Teacher sets uils i$to airsdistributes a$dout 1 8hich is a

    readi$- stimulus o6 a$ article a$d

    asks the uils to skim a$d sca$the article i$ sile$t readi$-.

    2. Teacher reads aloud the articlea$d asks the uils to u$derli$e

    certai$ 8ords as &ocabularye$richme$t.

    . Teacher i$structs uils to carry

    out i$di&idual air a$d -roureadi$- to the correct i$to$atio$

    a$d ro$u$ciatio$.

    1. uils use their skimmi$- a$dsca$$i$- skills by readi$- the

    article i$ sile$t.

    2. uils liste$ care6ully a$du$derli$e the 8ords i$structed by

    the teacher.

    . uils read aloud 8ith the

    correct i$to$atio$ a$dro$u$ciatio$ 6or i$6ormatio$


    *. uils 6i$d mea$i$-s i$

    a$dout 1

    orksheet 1


  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    Aloud readi$-

    4eadi$- Comrehe$sio$*. Teacher asks the uils to sit i$to-rous a$d distributes mah

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.


    A 8ater catchme$t area is a lar-e area o6 6orest 8hich tras rai$8ater a$d releases it i$to streams ri&ers or lakes. Dams a$d

    reser&oirs are built across ri&ers to hold this 8ater as 8ell as to co$trol the 6lo8 to re&e$t 6loodi$-. +ome e/amles o6 these dams

    i$clude the 5uda edu a$d Ah$i$- i$ the $orther$ states o6 Eedah a$d erlis.

    %o--i$- a$d de6orestatio$ i$ catchme$t areas 8ill cause soil erosio$ la$dslides a$d 6loods. O$ce trees are cut do8$ hea&y

    rai$s 8ill 8ash a8ay the soil. This causes la$dslides. As the soil is 8ashed do8$ it 6lo8s i$to ri&ers a$d settles o$ the ri&er bed.

    This rocess is called sedime$tatio$. 't raises the ri&er bed a$d the ri&er becomes shallo8er. As a result 6loodi$- occurs more

    6re;ue$tly esecially duri$- the rai$y seaso$.

    The 5alaysia$ ature +ociety (5+) ooses the idea o6 lo--i$- i$ the 5uda 6orests. They say that lo--i$- 8ill badly

    a66ect the 8ater catchme$t areas 8hich collect a$d suly 8ater to Eedah e$a$- a$d erlis.

    e must look a6ter catchme$t areas to e$sure that 8e ha&e a co$sta$t suly o6 clea$ 8ater. %o--i$- 8ill also destroy the

    $atural habitats o6 6lora a$d 6au$a. urthermore the $atural beauty o6 these areas 8ill attract eco

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    Write the correct meanings of the words or phrases below.

    No Words / Pr!s"s M"!#$#%s

    1 8ater catchme$t area

    2 dams


    * lo--i$-

    @ de6orestatio$

    # soil erosio$

    7 la$dslides

    " 6loods

    F settles

    10 sedime$tatio$

    11 shallo8er

    12 ooses

    1 co$sta$t

    1* suly

    1@ destroy

    16 fore st s

    A$s8er all the ;uestio$s belo8.

    1. hat is a 8ater catchme$t

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    2. ame three reser&oirs i$ 5alaysia.

    . o8 does 6loodi$- occur

    4earra$-e the 6ollo8i$- se$te$ces i$ the correct order.

    The ri&er becomes shallo8er.The rai$ 8ashes a8ay the soil.

    loodi$- takes lace.

    The soil 6lo8s i$to the ri&er.The soil settles o$ the ri&er bed.

    *. hich o6 these are the co$se;ue$ces o6 lo--i$- i$ catchme$t areas

    o Co$se;ue$ces Ges = o

    1 +oil erosio$

    2 loods 4ise i$ tourism

    * Destructio$ o6 $atural habitats

    @ Clea$er 8ater

    # 5ore reser&oirs

    7 '$crease i$ dams

    " 5ore rai$

    F +edime$tatio$

    10 %a$dslides

    @. ho are eco

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    Teachers?s 4e6lectio$ : Asects that ca$ be imro&ed:

    Obser&er?s Comme$ts : Thi$-s that 8e$t 8ell

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    Obser&er?s Comme$ts : Thi$-s that ca$ be imro&ed o$



    Write the correct meanings of the words or phrases below.

    No Words / Pr!s"s M"!#$#%s

  • 8/13/2019 Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Study


    1 8ater catchme$t area a lar-e area o6 6orest 8hich tras rai$8ater a$d releases it i$to streams ri&ers or lakes

    2 dams Barriers built across the ri&ers i$ order to sto the 8ater 6rom 6lo8i$-

    reser&oirs atural or arti6icial lakes 8here 8ater are stored

    * lo--i$- The 8ork o6 cutti$- do8$ trees 6or their 8ood

    @ de6orestatio$ Cutti$- do8$ or bur$i$- o6 trees i$ a 6orest

    # soil erosio$ A -radual destructio$ a$d remo&al o6 soil i$ a articular area by ri&ers the sea or the 8eather

    7 la$dslides 5o&eme$t o6 soil do8$ the sloes o6 a hill or mou$tai$

    " 6loods A $atural disaster causes 6rom hea&y rai$ secially duri$- the rai$y seaso$

    F settles Comes to rest o$ somethi$-

    10 sedime$tatio$ A rocess 8here the 6lo8i$- o6 soil i$to the ri&er raises the ri&er bed a$d shallo8s the ri&er as 8ell

    11 shallo8er The decrease o6 the deth o6 8ater 6rom the ri&er bed

    12 ooses Disa-rees stro$-ly 8ith somethi$-

    1 co$sta$t ae$i$- all the time a$d reeatedly

    1* suly To ro&ide somethi$-

    1@ destroy To dama-e somethi$- &ery badly

    16 fore st s ,u$-les 8oods bushes

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