Page 1: LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ · making LECS a great place to learn. LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ Spring Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 NWEA Testing 4th-6th 5/16-6/2

Being able to create

something and make it a reality,

fosters skills that will help

students become more successful,

in the everyday world. That is

what took place when the 4th &

5th grade students hosted their

first Annual College and Career

Business Expo.

The purpose of the

Expo was to not only invite

colleges and different careers as

well as local businesses to speak to

the students, but to also have the

students create their own business

plan; in which their product

would be sold to the entire LECS

4th-6th grade student body, par-

ents and community members

alike. This one event created an

experience of providing a service

for others, that the students of

LECS will always remember.

Part of the Business

Project, developed by Mr.

Steve, included the students

creating a display board, out-

lining their business plan,

developing business cards to

distribute flyers, and actually

creating a product that could

be purchased.

Guest businesses &

career speakers included the

Compton Fire Department

and Librarian, the Delfosses

Father & Son Team, provid-

ing financial literacy through

their P.I.E.C.E Project, Wells

Fargo Bank, West L.A.

Col lege , the Downey

Memorial Space Center, and

much more. The music was

provided by 102.3 KJLH.

The event was a great

success and the students enjoyed

interacting with their newfound

patrons. The students all said

they never expected entrepre-

neurship to be so exciting.

4th & 5th Graders Showcase their Entrepreneurship Skills

One of the highlights of

being a student at LECS is to be

able to attend the Annual Honor

Roll Banquet.

This banquet is by invita-

tion only, to those students who

have achieved and maintained a

3.5 or higher G.P.A. throughout

the course of the school year. The

honored students receive a certifi-

cate and medal congratulating

them on their academic success.

The event not only

included a video, highlighting

the interviews of all the students

being honored that evening, but

a sit down dinner for the stu-

dent and their family members.

To top it off, the event was held

at the exquisite Grand Hotel, in

Long Beach, California.

It was a proud night

for all stakeholders involved in

making LECS a great place to


LECS Honors Academic Success

Spring Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 3

NWEA Testing



Student Council Mtg. 5/26

Disney Leadership



Memorial Day 5/30

Financial Awareness



ASES Field Trip 6/2

Student of the Month 6/3

Spirit Week 6/6-


Redondo Beach 6/6

Talent Show 6/7

6th Gr. Awards



Park BBQ 6/10

Last Day of School 6/10

Important School



Mr. Gomez

Page 2: LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ · making LECS a great place to learn. LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ Spring Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 NWEA Testing 4th-6th 5/16-6/2

This year, the 4th-6th

grade Student Council Mem-

bers decided that one of their

activities would be to sponsor

a school-wide Spelling Bee; the

first in the history of LECS.

Since this was going

to be the first ever Spelling Bee

that Lifeline has ever hosted,

the students wanted to make

sure that it was going to be

exciting, yet fun for all students

who participated.

This year, the teach-

ers held competitions within

their classrooms, using their

grade-level vocabulary words,

to identify their top three (3)

contenders and one runner-up.

Then, Mr. Steve &

Mr. Venegas, the Coordinators

for this year’s Spelling Bee,

rewarded each class winner

with a Medal of Honor and the

list of three hundred (300)

words, which span from 4th-

7th grade, that were going to

be used during the Spelling


In the end, the three

top winners were 1st Place, Mr.

Keith Fitz, 6th grade , 2nd Place,

Mr. Camilo Durate, 4th grade,

and 3rd Place, Mr. Kevin

Enamorado, 5th grade. Each of

them received a trophy com-

memorating this extraordinary

event as well as receiving the

title, “The Best Spellers in all

of Upper Elementary”.

Everyone is looking

forward to next years Spelling

Bee. Good Luck to everyone!

their campus. These instru-

ments included guitars, key-

boards, mics, and speakers.

This year, Mr. Gomez

extended the day by thirty

minutes, in order to incorporate

music and the fine arts back in-

to the regular school day. He

also set aside two days for the

after school program, ASES, to

provide music instruction, using

LECS’ 4th-6th grade

TEAM worked very hard this

year in returning music back

into the classroom.

Mr. Gomez, the Prin-

cipal and two teachers, Mr.

Steve & Mr. Lubiano, attended

a grant workshop, hosted by

Little Kids Rock, where

schools are provided instru-

ments to begin a rock bank on

the instruments provided, as

well as starting a school choir.

The children and par-

ents alike were excited about

the program and Mr. Gomez is

looking to expand the program,

next school year, to include

drama/acting classes, making

the upper elementary a true

performing arts school.

Student Council Sponsors LECS’ 1st Annual 4th-6th Spelling Bee Competition

The Sound of Music is Back on Campus

Members, parents, and teachers

all read different stories to the

students, embracing the truth

that reading can take you into a

world of fun, excitement, and


The students heard

stories written by Dr. Seuss as

well as other mainstream au-

thors, creating a sense of urgen-

cy to get home and read to their


The day concluded

with Mr. Lubiano presenting a

PowerPoint highlighting the life

of Dr. Seuss, his educational

background, and the road dis-

covered when he created his

famous character, “The Cat in

the Hat”.

Let’s make sure to pick

up a book and read everyday,

for we will never know where

we might end up!

LECS Commemorates Dr. Seuss Day Reading is an essen-

tial part to a child’s learning.

And what better way to

acknowledge this truth, then to

celebrate Dr. Seuss Day as a

day of reading.

LECS 4th-6th Grade

TEAM held their 1st annual

Dr. Seuss Day and filled the

entire event with exciting read-

ers for each class.

S tudent Counc i l

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Page 3: LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ · making LECS a great place to learn. LECS Honors Academic Success Park BBQ Spring Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 NWEA Testing 4th-6th 5/16-6/2

5th Grade at the Griffith Observatory

The Downey Space Center Brings Robotics to 4th & 5th Graders

6th Graders Visit the Getty Villa

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Caption describing picture

or graphic.

This year, the 5th

grade students were able to

attend a special field trip to the

Griffith Observatory Planetari-


Every year, the Grif-

fith Observatory host tours that

are exclusively for 5th grade

students, focusing on the

N.G.S.S. Standards covered in

5th grade, helping to prepare

the students for the California

State Science test that all 5th

grade students take every year.

The tour includes les-

sons on the planets in our solar

system and the other objects in

space. It also includes a live

science show as well as a lesson

on the elements on the periodic

table. The tour concludes with

a visit to the telescope rooms

and a virtual reality show, where

the students pretend they are

traveling to space, visiting all

eight (8) planets in our solar


This field trip was

made possible through a grant

that Mr. Steve, the 4th grade

teacher/5th grade science

teacher, wrote for the class.

Part of the grant requirements

were for the students to con-

duct research on an assigned

planet, create a PowerPoint

Presentation, and build a model

of their planet. This field trip

also culminated a unit of study

that the students will be tested

on, when they take the CST

Science Test.

The 4th-6th grade

TEAM hopes to make this an

annual field trip for all LECS

5th grade students.

extraordinary heroes, and images

of men, women, and children

from this ancient time.

The students were able

to see rare artifacts and learn

more about how the Greeks and

Romans lived. They were also

able to visit a replica of a Roman

Villa, giving the students a sense

of life, during this era.

This was another trip

made possible through a grant,

written by Mr. Steve, which

helped to culminate a unit of

study in the 6th grade Social

Studies curriculum. The stu-

dents also had a project as-

signed to this field trip and

with the grant, received free

admission to return with their

families. The students truly

enjoyed their visit and learned

a lot about Greco-Roman life.

Traveling back in

time, to a world of gods and

goddesses, myths & legends,

and the Roman Empire; that is

what the 6th graders at LECS

were able to do, when they

visited the Getty Villa Muse-


This amazing muse-

um of antiquity’s finest art

work, displayed the mythical

Greek and Roman deities, their

Mr. Steve & Mr. Jona-

than, who comes from the

DMSC, had the 4th & 5th grade

students emerge into the world

of robotics, using the Lego

NXT Kits that Mr. Steve won

in a previous grant. Both he

and Mr. Jonathan introduced to

the students to the difference

between remote vs. autono-

mous robots and how this tech-

nology is used in our world


Robotics, space, tech-

nology...all of these things are

part of what students need to

learn more about, in their 21st

century learning.

This year, the 4th-6th

grade TEAM decided to partner

with the Downey Memorial

Space Center (DMSC) and pro-

vide the students with a expert

experienced with all of these


At the conclusion of

the lesson, the students built

robotic rovers, incorporating

engineering, collaboration, trial

& error; all the skills the new

Next Generation Science

Standards (NGSS) are requir-

ing students to exemplify in


Watching the stu-

dents working with robotics in

school, was really exciting to


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This year, the 4th-6th grade ASES TEAM decided to

increase their student level of engagement, by providing more stu-

dent based enrichment clubs, as well as increasing the academic

services for all the students in the program.

With that said, every Friday, the students could choose

clubs that consisted of cooking, gaming, arts & crafts, and sports.

Each club was four (4) weeks long and afterwards, students were

able to switch clubs, allowing them to experience as many enrich-

ment opportunities as possible.

The Principal, Mr. Gomez, enhanced the academic por-

tion of the ASES program by placing the students in strategic

learning communities, using the NWEA Scores for student place-

ment. The goal was to allow the student to work at their academic

level, reviewing key concepts and standards, closing the achieve-

ment gap among the students. During these learning communities,

Mr. Gomez, solicited tutors from the LECS H.S, who had 3.5

GPA’s or higher, to come and work with the 4th-6th grade stu-

dents on their academic needs. Mr. Gomez also instructed the

ASES Staff to have the students use the educational computer

programs that the school adopted, for math, ELA and science


Everyone was on board with the new changes to the pro-

gram. The student’s level of engagement as well as their perfor-

mance in the classroom, rose to extraordinary levels, and their

enthusiasm for learning tremendously increased. Great Job, ASES!

Everyone knows that parent involvement plays a very

important part in the academic success of a student, at school.

This is why, at LECS, parents are welcome to come out and sup-

port the teachers in making learning fun and engaging.

This year, the 4th-6th grade students not only participat-

ed in a lot of curriculum based field trips, but also involved their

parents in their learning. Parents participated in Physical Educa-

tion activities, assisted teachers with Student Council, provided a

helping hand during science experiments, came on campus to read

in different classes, as well as provided snacks during Saturday

School Tutoring.

Parents and teachers working together with the school,

showed the students that we are all one TEAM working together

for a common goal; educating the future leaders. Thank you par-

ents, teachers, community leaders, and staff for making a differ-

ence in our LECS Students.

The ASES Program Steps Up Their Game

The LECS 4th-6th Team, Community & Parents Going Above and Beyond

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