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Learning outcomesTools for the mentors:

double function Transfer competencies and evaluate the mentoring process

Page 2: Learning  outcomes Tools for the  mentors :  double  function

One –to one relatioshipStages of the mentoring processfrom March 2013 to July 2013

1. I meeting= Mentor-Mentee in presenza (Building trust: starting phase) assessment skills and developing career plan2. II meeting= Mentor-Mentee on line Networking 3. III meeting=Mentor-Mentee in presenza (Nurture the relation: active

phase) Self awareness4. IV meeting=Mentor-Mentee on lineCreativity /project design5. V meeting=Mentor-Mentee in presenza assessing personal strenghts6. VI meeting= Ending (Evaluate and celebration: ending phase) Self evaluation: move forward

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Learning Outcomes

Ability to understand mentees’ needs by giving him the tools to help him developing his self development plan ; Ability to establish a meaningful relation; relationship management; action planning and goal setting;

Abiility to support the mentees in building his own network

Ability to support the meetees in recollecting experiences bad or good from past learning experiences (formal or informal)

Ability to support the mentee so that she/he can generate management skillsSupport the creativity of mentees, how to put ideas into practice

Ability to support the mentees in assessing personal strengths in planning their career

Ability to upport the mentees in evaluating the ending of the relationship by using the tools provided;Ability to recognise the end of the relationship and part in a mutual beneficial wayRecognise achievements/objectives obtained

Knowledge Cultural sector; mentoring;Able to use the tools given;Understanding careers in the cultural sector; Knowledge of the area where the mentees intends to pursue a career

Cultural sector; Importance of networking;

Lifelong learning;

Why creativity is important;

Skills Active listening; emotional intelligence; action planning; use of technology; able to build relationship; guidance and counselling skills; Professional distance

Action planning;Self-management; Networking skills; advocacy skills;

Giving and receiving feedbacks; questioning skills; instruction skills

Project managemnt skills; Risk managment skills;Problem solving skills;Creative thinking skills

Problem solving skills; Action planning and goal setting skills

Counselling skills; Networking skills; advocacy skills;

Attributes Self control;Patience; humility;Strong interest in giving something back by developing other cultural managers carrers

Open minded; assertiveness

Strong interest in developing others; self awareness and self management

Timeline March 2013






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Meeting Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcomes

Ability to identify available opportunities for personal, professional and/or business activities; increased awareness and understanding of the specific cultural sector they would like to work

Ability to Manage your own Network

Ability to understand importance of self-awareness about acquired competencies in the past(perceived feasibility)

Ability to design his/hers creative idea; Ability to communicate/sell his/hers idea well

Ability to assess personal strengths in relation to his career plan;

Ability to self-evaluation

Knowledge Understanding of the cultural sector; Professional careers;Mentoring process;Role of the mentor and mentee

Tools to use for networking; knowledge of key people in the organisation; Understanding how they work; organisations’ communication strategy;Internal Organisation’s dynamic and external dynamic

Importance of lifelong learning (Formal and informal context)

Project management process;Creativity tools

Understanding of the cultural sector; Professional careers;Formal and informal

General understanding of the emotional relationship cognitive process

Skills strategic planning skills; self-marketing (communication and skills)

Communication skills ;Social skills; networking skills

Self-criticism skill; Collaborative skills;

Creative thinking skills; Planning skills, analysis skills; teamworking skills

Employability skills;self-marketing (communication and skills)

Self-evaluation skills;

Attributes Open minded; proactivity;Flexibility;strong motivation; Coherency between interests and professional career;Honesty; respect;Sensitivity;Dynamism;Independece / Autonomyopen to learn new things;Initiative;

Curious, Open mind; proactive;Perserverance; resilience; Dynamis; Courage; spirit of initiative


Open minded; flexibility;Spirit of iniative

DiplomacyResponsible; Proactive

Collaborative; honesty ; humility; resilence

Data Marzo 2013






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Meeting Aims


Modalità On presence On platform On presence On platformCall voipe

On presence On presence

Aims • Build relatonship

Negotiang:• Share goals of

mentoring• Agree on

confidentiality of discussion

• Clarify expectations and roles

• Decide criteria for success

• Become familiar with the webplatform

• Conclusion of the relationship

• Define agenda• Help to Read

the salient CV Mentee experiences.

• Monitoring learning process.

• Supervision on BWM

Coaching • Monitoring learning process.

• Supervision on BWM

Vocational Orientation

Tools Interview Evaluation 3P

Interview Evaluation 3P

Interview Evaluation 3P

Data Marzo 2013






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Meeting AimsMentee I II III IV V VI

Modalità On presence2hr

On platform On presence2hr

On platform Call voipe

On presence2hr

On presence

Aims Negotiang:• Share goals of

mentoring• Agree on

confidentiality of discussion

• Clarify expectations and roles

• Decide criteria for success

• Become familiar with the webplatform

• Conclusion of the relationship

• Define agenda

Register expectationsSkills Assessment • Explore Self

Efficacy• Narrative CV

Skills assessment• improve social

skills• Design your

strategic network

• Manage networking Social network

Skills assessment• Explore Locus of

control• Coping Strategy

Skills assessment• Explore creative

thinking• Risk attitude• Negotiation

Skills assessment• Explore

Employability• Realize your SPOT (Video CV)

Sharing feedback on experience

Evaluate one to one relation, closing of the mentoring relation

Tools Interview 3P Evaluation





Interview Evaluation





Interview Evaluation

3PVideo CV

Final Interview

Data March 2013






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3PInterviewPOSITIONAL Area (Now) Skills survey: Awareness of Self (Super 1984)Quali sono I learning outcomes da indagare?

Self presentation (3 - 4 minutes) Describe how you would describe your own links Strength: "What are your Strengths?" What can you better?Weakness: "What are your Weaknesses?" What you can not?Opportunity: "believe what opportunities may arise from ferquenza of this course?"Threats: "Think what side effects may result from ferquenza of this course"? "(Risks in the short, medium and long term work itself)

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

PERFORMANCE area (past)Skills investigated: Locus of Control (Rotter) and Coping Styles

Achievements: "I tell you a story of success" Failures and coping strategies :"I tell you a story of failure and how he reacted to tackling”

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

3. POTENTIAL Area (future)Skills investigated: Employability

Prospects in the short / medium term, "as seen from here at 1 year / 3 years from now"Ambitions: "3 indicating areas / types of work to wish to enter”

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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Strenghts Weakness

Opportunities Threaghts

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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Aim List’s To do list

1. Short


Long Term

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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• BWM: there are “operative tools” like “ behavioural work” that the mentee have to do during the session. Micro obiettivi che si possono monitorare online• The BWM aim is assign practical exercise to

build and improve the skills request by the learning outcome, refered to meeting and it will be used a measurable tool

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I incontro

Mentee Mentor

Learning Outcomes




Tools SWOTTo Do


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I incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• L’autoefficacia. Quando si parla di autoefficacia si intende l’insieme delle credenze e delle convinzioni nutrite dalla persona a proposito della propria capacità di attuare i comportamenti necessari al fine di raggiungere determinati obiettivi e risultati (Caprara, 2001)


Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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I incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• Achievement Motivation (AchM)

The need for achievement is a distinct human motive which can be defined as a need for success

or attainment of excellence. Individuals satisfy their needs through different means, and are

driven to success for reasons both internal and external. McClelland asserted that while most

people do not possess a strong achievement-based motivation, those who do, display consistent

behaviour in setting goals. Achievement-motivated in- dividuals are different from gamblers or risk

takers. They set achievable goals which they can influence with their effort and ability. This

results-driven approach is almost invariably present in the character make-up of all successful

business people and en- trepreneurs (Cassidy and Lynn 1989). The questions (Hermans 1970)

used to indicate achievement motivation is Q3, 7 and 19 of main survey part 1. (See Table 1)

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I incontro Tools-Mentee MY SWOT

Strenghts Weakness

Opportunities Threaghts

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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Aim List’s To do list

1. Short


Long Term

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship EI incontro Tools-Mentee ducation: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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I incontro Tools-Mentor

POSITIONAL Area (Now) Skills surveyed:Self efficacy

Self presentation (3 - 4 minutes) Describe how you would describe your own links Strength: "What are your Strengths?" What can you better?Weakness: "What are your Weaknesses?" What you can not?Opportunity: "believe what opportunities may arise from ferquenza of this course?"Threats: "Think what side effects may result from ferquenza of this course"? "(Risks in the short, medium and long term work itself)

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

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II incontro

Mentee Mentor

Learning Outcomes




Tools BWM 3P

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II incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• Meta- Cognitive Activity (MC) • Simply defined, meta-cognition is thinking about thinking (Jennifer A. Livingston,

1997). It refers to the higher order thinking that involves active control over the thinking processes involved in learning. It consists of two basic processes occurring simulta- neously: monitoring our progress as we learn, and making changes and adapting our strategies if perceived that we are not doing so well (Winn and Snyder, 1998). It’s about self-reflection, self-responsibility and initiative, as well as goal setting and time management. Activities such as planning how to approach a given learning task, moni- toring comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are meta- cognitive in nature.

• ”Metacognitive skills include taking conscious control of learning, planning and se- lecting strategies, monitoring the progress of learning, correcting errors, analyzing the effectiveness of learning strategies and changing learning behaviors and strategies when necessary. ” (Ridley et al. 1992) A successful entrepreneur should be a good learner with meta-cognitive skills. The questions (Rybowiak et al 1999) constructed to measure meta-cognitive activity include, 2, 9, 12 and 16. (See Table 1)

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III incontro

Mentee Mentor

Learning Outcomes





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III incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• Locus of control interno. Il locus of control viene definito come la modalità di interpretazione degli eventi che accadono secondo la polarità interno/esterno e indica la percezione del soggetto relativa alla possibilità di controllare gli eventi (Meazzini, 1996). Il locus of control interno considera che gli eventi e le situazioni di vita si trovino sotto il proprio controllo: ovvero, l’individuo ritiene che la vita sia un percorso in cui, ad avere un ruolo importante, sono le proprie scelte, le proprie azione e il proprio impegno.

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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III incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• La proattività. Il significato di questo costrutto risiede nella capacità di anticipare problemi futuri, esigenze e cambiamenti. Una persona proattiva è quella che sa operare senza attendere che qualcosa accada, ma prende piuttosto l’iniziativa per realizzare ciò che è giusto e necessario. In altre parole, la proattività identifica la capacità di reagire agli eventi in modo consapevole e responsabile non lasciandosi condizionare dalle proprie impulsive remore psicologi che e dalle circostanze ambientali esterne.

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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III incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• Risk taking. Gli imprenditori sono, per loro natura, portatori di incertezze, poiché si confrontano continuamente, in maniera volontaria o involontaria, con le sfide provenienti da situazioni ambigue e con le possibili perdite di capitale finanziario o sociale. Ed è proprio questo spirito di incoscienza che li incoraggia a rivolgere la propria attenzione e i propri sforzi verso la realizzazione di nuove imprese.

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship Education: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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III incontro Tools-Mentor

PERFORMANCE area (past)Skills investigated: Locus of Control (Rotter) and Coping Styles

Achievements: "I tell you a story of success" Failures and coping strategies :"I tell you a story of failure and how he reacted to tackling”

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

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IV incontro

Mentee Mentor

Learning Outcomes





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V incontro

Mentee Mentor

Learning Outcomes




Tools SpotVideo CV


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V incontro Entrepreneurial Attributes

• Employability. Questo costrutto si inserisce in quella parte della metodologia di ricerca che si colloca nel versante della psicologia positiva, ovvero quella parte della psicologia che si occupa dello studio degli aspetti che possono incrementare il benessere della persona, sempre più minacciato dall’instabilità del lavoro, oggi incerto e insicuro.

Valeria Caggiano– Enterpreneurship EdIVcation: Traits and Views to manage to entrepreneurial organization

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V incontro Tools-Mentor

3. POTENTIAL Area (future)Skills investigated: Employability

Prospects in the short / medium term, "as seen from here at 1 year / 3 years from now"Ambitions: "3 indicating areas / types of work to wish to enter”

Express the degree of adequacy of the boy over to this area of expertise:1 2 3 4 5

not quite adequate adequate to very adequate

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VI incontro Tools-Mentor

• Analizzare il percorso fatto e tutti gli strumenti analizzati

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Tools for tutor

• Adeguatezza rispetto al percorso • Funzionalità rispetto agli strumenti• Soddisfazione rispetto alla relazione

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