Page 1: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Learning Goals: Learning Goals:

Page 2: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Look at the numbers in the box. Listen.

Page 3: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Let’s play bingo! Write a number from A in each space on the Bingo form. Listen and check ( ) the numbers you hear. If you have four in a ✔

row,shout “Bingo!”

Page 4: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Four people are talking about places. Listen and number the pictures 1–4.

Page 5: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen




Four people are talking about places. Listen and number the pictures 1–4.

Page 6: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen again and circle the correct number.

1.a 75 b 1752.a 2439 b 23493.a 1067 b 1674.a 278 b 287

Page 7: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen again and circle the correct number.

1.a 75 b 1752.a 2439 b 23493.a 1067 b 1674.a 278 b 287

Page 8: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen


1. I work in a nice office in the new building downtown. You know, it’s the tall one with lots of glass at 75 Premier Plaza.

2. Meet me at the coffee shop. It’s on the corner— 2349 North Beverwyck Road. Just stop by on your way home.

3. Take these cans of Soylent Green to the school cafeteria on Westminster Avenue. The number is 167.

4. My favorite shopping center is on Route 287. It’s so big—it has so many floors. It has everything!

Page 9: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to four conversations. Number the pictures 1–4.

Page 10: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

3 4 2 1

Listen to four conversations. Number the pictures 1–4.

Page 11: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen again. Write the numbers you hear.

Page 12: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

555-1492 555-7399 641-255-3918 0287-72-6576

Listen again. Write the numbers you hear.

Page 13: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen again. Check ( ) the phrases you hear.✔

Page 14: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen again. Check ( ) the phrases you hear.✔

Page 15: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen


(B = Boy; G = Girl)

1. B: Wow, Jill. You look great in that red dress.Really beautiful.G: Uh. Thanks, Eric.B: So, how about dinner? Tonight. Are you free?G: Umm. Maybe. I’ll think about it.B: What’s your number? I’ll call you.G: Mmm. Well, how about I call you? Can I have your number?B: Oh yeah, sure, sure, please. It’s 555-1492.

Page 16: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Script(W = Woman; R = Receptionist)

2. W: Hello. I think there’s a problem with my TV.R: OK. Can you give me your number?W: I’ll give you my home number, and fax number, cell phone, and . . .R: Just your home number, please.W: It’s 555-7399.R: One more time, please.W: It’s 555-7399.

Page 17: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Script(B = Boy; G = Girl)3. B: Hey, we’re in class together, maybe we can study together sometime.G: Oh, yeah, good idea. What’s your number?B: It’s 641-255-3918.

(R = Receptionist; P = Patient)4. R: I’ll just check your record. Can I have yourtelephone number, please?P: Yeah. It’s 0287-72-6576.

Page 18: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen
Page 19: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Match the words with the numbers in the box. Listen. I’m free on the 14th.

Page 20: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen













Match the words with the numbers in the box. Listen. I’m free on the 14th.

Page 21: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Here are the months of the year. Number them 1–12. Listen.

Page 22: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

2 3





10 11


Here are the months of the year. Number them 1–12. Listen.

Page 23: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Work with a partner. What date is it today? What date is your birthday?

Today’s date __________________________. My birthday __________________________.

Page 24: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to four conversations about making plans. Number the activities 1–4.

movie ___ dentist ___ study ___ picnic ___

Page 25: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

2 1 4 3

Listen to four conversations about making plans. Number the activities 1–4.

movie ___ dentist ___ study ___ picnic ___

Page 26: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Kan is filling in his schedule book. Listen again. What will he do this month, and when? Write the activities from A next to the date, along with their time. The first one has been done for you.

Page 27: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

picnic, at 12 noon

study, 9:00

movie, 6pm

Kan is filling in his schedule book. Listen again. What will he do this month, and when? Write the activities from A next to the date, along with their time. The first one has been done for you.

Page 28: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to the conversations again. When the speaker repeats, is the speaker sure or not sure? Circle the answer below.

1. sure not sure2. sure not sure3. sure not sure4. Sure not sure

Page 29: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to the conversations again. When the speaker repeats, is the speaker sure or not sure? Circle the answer below.

1. sure not sure2. sure not sure3. sure not sure4. sure not sure

Page 30: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Script(R = Receptionist; K = Kan)1. R: You can see the dentist this week only on Thursday.K: The second or the ninth?R: Thursday the 9th. And the only time is 4:15.K: Thursday the 9th. Got it.

(F1 = Friend 1; K = Kan)2. F1: OK, The Incredible Exciting Adventure movie opens this Friday. Friday the 3rd.K: The 3rd?F1: Right. Friday the 3rd. See you around 6 p.m.K: OK. See you then.

Page 31: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Script(F2 = Friend 2; K = Kan)3. F2: Everyone’s going to meet at the lake at 12 noon.K: OK. On Sunday, right? What’s the date?F2: The 12th.K: The 12th. Sunday. For swimming.F2: No, no. Picnic.K: Right, picnic. See you at the lake at 12.

(F3 = Friend 3; K = Kan)4. K: Can we meet any night this week?F3: How about Tuesday? Tuesday the 14th.K: The 14th?F3: That’s right.K: OK, on Tuesday, we’ll study. I’ll meet you at 9:00, after karate practice.

Page 32: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to how these numbers are pronounced.

13 thirTEEN 30 THIRty13th thirTEENTH 30th THIRtieth

Page 33: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to the sentences and circle the correct answer.

1 a 14th b 40th2 a 13th b 30th3 a 18th b 80th

4 a 15 b 505 a 17 b 706 a 16 b 60

Page 34: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

Listen to the sentences and circle the correct answer.

1 a 14th b 40th2 a 13th b 30th3 a 18th b 80th

4 a 15 b 505 a 17 b 706 a 16 b 60

Page 35: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen


1. I told you so many times. My birthday is the 14th.2. How about if we meet on Sunday the 30th?3. This year, we mark the 80th anniversary of the Garden Club.4. You mean that 50-year-olds can’t get a discount?5. So many people say that 17 is a special age.6. I must have told you 16 times!

Page 36: Learning Goals:. Look at the numbers in the box. Listen

What time do you do the activities below? Write your answers in the table. Ask two partners what time they do the activities.

A: What time do you wake up?B: I wake up at 6:15.A: 6:50?B: No. 6:15.A: When do you get home?B: At 4 o’clock.

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