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    Learn to Live Passionately FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!

    Cat & Dog THEOLOGY

  • Genesis chapter 1: Most Christians are bored because they have a people-centered perspective of the Bible. They don’t get excited until Genesis 3 when the human story takes front and center stage; Adam and Eve sin and a giant rescue mission is launched to get them out of their predicament. Non-verbally we communicate to both God and ourselves that the Bible is all about us.

    QUESTION: Who is the main character of the Bible? ANSWER: God is the main character and lives to radiate His glory. Although most true believers say the Bible is all about God, they live as if people are and humanity often replaces God on the throne.

    Reading the Bible with a filter: “What Do I Get?” (WDIG) or “What Do People Get?” (WDPG) instead of “What Does God Get?” (WDGG). We tend to respond to God-centered questions with man-centered answers:

    Example #1: Jesus death on the cross is considered primarily for it’s redemption of humanity rather than for the restoration of God’s glory that was lost in the garden of Eden. Example #2: The primary reason for not wanting people to go to hell is so that they won’t suffer. David the Psalmist has entirely different take on this in Psalm 30:9; he is far more concerned about God not being praised than he is worried about dying.

    QUESTION: Did Jesus focus primarily on us or on His Father? ANSWER: “For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs so that the Gentiles may glorify God for His mercy” (Romans 15:8-9). “Now My heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name” (John 12:27-28).

    Cat and Dog Theology defined: Dogs say to their masters, “You feed me, you pet me, you shelter me, you love me…You must be God!” Cats say almost the same thing, “You feed me, you pet me, you shelter me, you love me…I must be God!” In many ways this joke characterizes practical Christian theology today.

    While cats do not explicitly state that they are God, they do say that life is all about them. Jesus lives to make their lives safe, soft, easy, and comfortable. Cats think: “Jesus left the Father’s glory for me. He suffered for me. He died for me. He’s gone back to heaven to build a mansion for me. He’s up there interceding for me. And He’s coming back for me. I wonder who He lives for? Yes, He must live for me! And if I’m going to obey Ephesians 5:1 (“Be imitators of God”), I should live for me too…in a Christian context of course!”



    CAT & DOG THEOLOGY 1{your notes

  • Two different mindsets in believers: Cats think… Dogs think…

    “God wants to bless me!” “I want to bless God!” “God serves me!” “I serve God!” “God advances my kingdom!” “I advance God’s Kingdom!” “God thinks the world of me!” “I think the world of God!” “God bless America!” “America bless God!” “God is a means to an end!” “God is the end!”

    Practical differences created by two different mindsets result in MIXED-UP PRIORITIES and an INCOMPLETE THEOLOGY: 1) Motivations for getting to heaven: 

    2) Perspectives on OBEDIENCE:

    3) Differences in QUIET TIMES:

    4) Closer look at one of our common PRAYERS:

    Cats are mainly worried about not going to hell…they experience the RELIEF OF ESCAPE [Question: Do you know any joyless Christians?].

    Dogs are pursuing a treasure of immeasurable worth (Matthew 13:44); for them it’s the JOY OF DISCOVERY.

    Cats are saved FROM hell, period (not incorrect, but an INCOMPLETE theology).

    Dogs are saved from hell FOR worship (COMPLETE theology).

    Cats want God to obey people. Dogs want people to obey God.

    Cats want to be the center of attention during their time with God. Their focus is on what they can get from God while reading their Bibles or praying (not incorrect, but an INCOMPLETE theology).

    Dogs are focused on making God famous. They ask God for wisdom and direction to bring Him glory throughout their day (COMPLETE theology).

    A Cat’s heart beats for God’s GIFTS (“What do I get?” or “What’s in it for me?”).

    A dog’s heart beats for God’s GLORY (“What does God get?”).

    Cats pray, “Thank-you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins.” Their focus is only on what God has done for them by washing away their sins (Not incorrect but an INCOMPLETE theology).

    Dogs pray the same prayer but then add, “…so that we might honor and glorify God and point others toward His mercy” (COMPLETE theology).



  • 5) Perspectives on BLESSINGS:

    6) Differences in the relationship between BLESSINGS and GLORY:

    7) Differences in WORSHIP:

    QUESTION: So why all the differences between cats and dogs in their perspectives and attitudes? ANSWER: Cats are into MEOLOGY (“it’s all about me!”) whereas dogs are into THEOLOGY (“it’s all about God!”). Theo is the Greek root for God.

    When dogs read the Bible beginning in Genesis they see all of creation pointing toward God. For them creation is like a giant stained glass window which God gets behind and shines His glory through. Each tile or cube of glass in the mosaic that makes up a stained glass window is called a tessera.

    Cats want God to bless them in all areas of life (health, finances, family, friends, etc.) and fill up their “blessings bucket.” Then they pray for a bigger bucket (not incorrect to ask God to bless us, but it is INCOMPLETE).

    Dogs believe they have been “blessed to be a blessing.” Their “blessings bucket” has a hole cut in the side so they can bless others as God blesses them (COMPLETE theology).

    Cats hunger more for God’s blessings than they do for His glory.

    Dogs have a greater desire for God’s glory than for blessings.

    Things (material blessings) are primary, God’s fame is secondary.

    God’s fame is primary, material blessings are secondary.

    Health and wealth are primary, God’s glory is secondary.

    God’s glory is primary, health and wealth are secondary.

    Living the American dream is primary, making God famous to those who have never heard about Jesus is secondary.

    Making God famous to the unreached is primary, living a comfortable life is secondary.

    Cats worship God primarily for what He has done for us, secondarily for Who He is.

    Dogs worship God primarily for Who He is and secondarily for what He has done for us.



  • Each tessera uniquely displays God’s glory: …the HEAVENS declare the glory of God! (Psalm 19:1) …the diversity and beauty in the PLANT kingdom displays God’s

    glory! …we TASTE the glory of God in a variety of delicious foods and

    refreshing drinks!

    One tessera that God uses to reveal His glory is His desire to bless people. God blesses people in numerous ways to reveal His glory. Satan’s strategy is to get humanity to focus in on something “safe” and “close to God’s heart” so their focus is off of God’s glory. As a result, many Christians begin to think that life is all about them. They think that God blesses them entirely for their sake.

    Because of this, a foundational shift takes place in their theology as they miss the bigger picture. Rather than God glorifying Himself through blessing them, their primary focus is on receiving the blessings from God. They focus on increasing income and better jobs, good relationships, more respect, prestige, and power, and a hassle free life. People become primary and God’s glory becomes secondary. Cats want God’s blessings more than they want God.

    CONCLUSION: Everyone living for themselves in a Christian context have embraced a cat MEOLOGY. Their Christianity is centered on themselves. Their prayers have a lot of “Me”, “My” and “I”. Their worship songs have a lot of “Me” “My” and “I”. Their problems take first priority in their prayer lives. They are basically using God to advance their kingdom.

    Cats want to get from cradle to grave in the safest, softest, easiest, most comfortable way possible. Again, they want the blessings more than they want God.

    Dogs are different because they know one key thing about life: “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created BY HIM and FOR HIM” (Colossians 1:16).

    All of life is for God! Therefore dogs ask, “What does God get? What does He get out of Creation? What does He get out of saving me? What does He get in eternity? What does God get?”

    LIFE…it’s not about us…it’s about God!

    SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: • Name 3-4 areas where you have been blinded to the glory of God? • How do the heavens declare the glory of God to you? • What tessera is blown out of proportion in your life? • Which incomplete theology or mixed-up priority impacted you? Why?



  • Embracing a Meology rather than a Theology over centuries of time has birthed some great dangers to the church. The truth is, Cat Theology is easier to believe, takes less effort to learn and apply, and in many ways, is our default when we don’t know what to believe. INCOMPLETE theology is dangerous!

    DANGER #1: Embracing a “Feel Good” Meology In a default “feel good” Meology, cats only spend time on Bible verses that please them or make them feel good.

    DANGER #2: Always Looking for Yourself in the Bible Cats read the Scriptures with a self-centered focus rather than seeing the complete picture.

    First example: Different emphases when reading John 3:16

    Cats embrace God’s Fatherly love, concern, and removal of their sins as expressed in Psalm 103:11-14.

    Cats reject 1 Peter 2:20-21 which reminds us that we should follow Christ’s example even when it means suffering.

    Cats eagerly read and memorize Jeremiah 29:11; it’s value lies in the knowledge that these promises of prosperity, safety, and future dreams are made specifically to them.

    Cats reject Exodus 20:5 that indicates God’s jealousy over His people worshiping other gods. They don’t know Isaiah 42:8 which states: “I will not yield My glory to another or My praise to idols.”

    Cats welcome the benefits and stability of God’s salvation “promised” them in Psalm 40:1-3.

    Cats reject that Matthew 28:18-20 applies to them. They assume it is for someone else.

    Cats gladly welcome the “Prayer of Jabez" (1 Chronicles 4:10) and all the blessings it entails.

    Cats don’t pray the “Prayer of Paul” (Philippians 3:10) rejecting that suffering might be part of their journey.

    For God so loved THE WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, THAT WHOEVER believes in Him SHOULD NOT PERISH but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.

    For GOD SO LOVED the world, that HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whoever believes IN HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.




  • Second example: Misplaced focus when reading Ephesians 2:6-7. Many Christians focus on their heavenly position with Christ rather than the purpose clause of this passage which states the reason for such an honorable status: (loosely translated) “That God may show off His glory forever and ever!” Bottom line: Heaven is more about what God gets to do than what we get to enjoy. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

    Bottom line: Heaven is more about what God gets to do than what we get to enjoy.

    DANGER #3: Expecting Life to be Fair Three questions:

    1) Was God fair to Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) who received everything from God that he asked for?

    2) Was God fair to a young girl (2 Kings 5:1-15) who was enslaved so a Gentile could learn about God?

    3) Was God fair to Stephen (Acts 6 & 7) who was stoned to death for preaching the truth?

    These are wrong questions. Life was not designed to be fair. Rather, life was designed to be a series of opportunities to reflect and reveal the glory of God. A better question to ask of all Biblical characters is: “Did their lives point to God’s glory?” Furthermore, will you live for God’s glory regardless of present and future circumstances?

    DANGER #4: Selective Application Many times we only apply those passages of Scripture which speak of our benefit or make us “feel good.” Rarely are we reading (much less memorizing) passages which deal with God’s desire to glorify Himself through times of suffering.

    Biblical lessons not commonly taught in church: • God wants you to live, breathe, eat and die in slavery to

    teach future generations a lesson (children of Israel in Egyptian captivity).

    • God may want a famine to come to your land so you move to another country and share your faith (Abraham).


    Introductory to Purpose Clause

    Subordinating Conjunction

    Prepositional Phrase

    Prepositional Phrase




  • • Your siblings are going to sell you off as a slave so God can use you in a foreign land (Joseph).

    • God may want you to marry a person from another culture just so you can bond with your in-law and be shown kindness after your spouse dies (Ruth).

    • You are to be a prophet to the church, be jailed, and see no fruit for the majority of your years of ministry (Jeremiah).

    • God may want our country to be invaded and devastated to get the Gospel out (Judah).

    • God may want you thrown into a blazing fire to show His power (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego).

    • God may want you forcefully taken from your home to become a leader in another country and then be cheated and thrown into a lion’s den (Daniel).

    • God is going to test you by having all your assets taken away, by having your children killed, and inflicting you with severe pain (Job).

    • God may allow you to be beaten with rods, stoned, shipwrecked, naked, cold and hungry, alone in the sea, and beaten with 39 lashes multiple times, and put in jail to share your faith with others (Paul).

    DANGER #5: A Winner’s Circle Mentality When Cats read the Bible, they always focus on the major character, never the minor character. They falsely assume that God loves the major character more than the minor one.

    Why don’t we ever relate to: • Lot’s wife? “I should obey God and not let curiosity get the

    best of me.” • The firstborn of all Egyptians who died or David and

    Bathsheba’s firstborn? “My parents’ disobedience may cost me my life.”

    • The 3000 who died after Israel’s worship of the golden calf? “Our nation's leadership may disobey God and I may have to pay the penalty.”

    • The children of Israel who wandered around in the desert for 40 years and didn’t make it into the Promised Land? “My lack of faith may keep me from experiencing God's fullest blessings.”

    • The 70,000 fighting men who died because of David’s sin? “My leader/President’s sin could cost us our lives.”

    • Job’s children? “My life may be sacrificed just so someone else can learn a lesson.”

    We don’t relate to them because we only want to relate to the “winners” in the Bible. Yet God’s sovereign assignment for everyone is different; there’s equal love but different roles.



  • When we replace God on the throne to make Him serve us, Cat Theology moves from simply being Incomplete to being INCORRECT. Besides being dangerous, it leads to categories of sin calling for repentance in the church.

    SINFUL OUTCOME #1: Wrong Priorities 1) The first priority is stay alive and healthy. Prayer meetings

    center on the health of those in our church who are headed toward heaven. Psalm 116:15 and Philippians 1:21 give us a Biblical perspective on death.

    2) The second priority focuses on safety and security. Concerns/prayers are offered for safety in travels and other ventures. Many Christians invest highly in insurance policies and relegate “mission” to low priority status or completely avoid it altogether because of the risk involved. God’s glory is not a concern or factor in prayer.

    3) The third priority is to be blessed by God for personal gain. How cash and time are spent is evidence of what matters most.

    4) Fourth priority of cats is that the church meets their needs. People switch churches quickly based on their preferences and resistance to change. The percentage of giving to missions compared to the rest of the budget is a good indicator of Cat Theology’s grip on the church.

    5) The unnumbered priority is world missions. It doesn’t excite a cat; rather, it puts them on a guilt trip. They would rather focus on local needs than consider those who have never heard the Gospel.

    SINFUL OUTCOME #2: Embracing Christian Humanism 1) Liberal Christian humanism: Jesus died to give people a

    good life, angels exist to serve humanity, and the church exists to meet people’s needs. The chief end of Christianity is the happiness of man when he is alive. Evidence of liberal Christian humanism abounds today: • “Health and wealth” theology • “Name it, claim it” gospel

    “Today we are reaping a harvest of man-centered conversions because we are more concerned for man than for God. We are more interested in God serving man than man serving God.”

    -Unto Full Stature by DeVern Fromke




  • 2) Evangelical Christian humanism: Minister to others by saving people from hell and motivate people into missions through guilt. Humanity is “deified” when we put the lost world “on the throne”, seeking after man more than seeking after God. The chief end of Christianity is the happiness of man after he dies.

    True Christianity states that the chief end of Christianity is to GLORIFY GOD, period. Whatever happens in life, good or bad, gives one an opportunity to glorify God…“make Him look good!”

    SINFUL OUTCOME #3: Worship is a Part of Life An incorrect Cat Theology differentiates between the sacred and the secular. For “Cat Christians,” worship happens at church or while listening to music. Everything else is regular life.

    For “Dog Christians,” worship is life! Everything reminds them of God: His greatness, goodness, and generosity. Therefore life is one big worship service; they take time to:

    • Smell flowers and honor God for the sweet fragrance. • Hear “God’s glory” in music and honor Him for it. • Hug the “glory of God” in a small child. • Observe a sunset and praise God for his glorious display. • Glorify God for the diversity and beauty of butterflies. • Thank God for tastebuds when tasting the “glory of God.”

    PRAYER OF REPENTANCE Lord, we repent. In many ways we’ve lived for ourselves and

    not for Your Glory. Bless with all things or give us nothing. Honor us before others or bring us low. Put us to doing or appoint us to suffer. Give us work or keep us unemployed. Send us overseas or keep us home. Shatter any dream that is not yours. We freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure

    and disposal. All we ask is that we delight in You!

    SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: • Which of the dangers of “Cat Theology” has affected you the most? • What will you do in practical terms to avoid it in the future? • Share some incomplete/incorrect prayers you have heard and

    discuss how you could either correct them or make them complete. • Name some specific examples of liberal and evangelical humanism

    you have observed. • Brainstorm some practical ways you can praise, honor, and glorify

    God since all of life is one big worship service.



  • Consider the non-verbal communication of advertising; almost everything in the world around us is telling us that life is about us! This was the same problem in Jeremiah’s time. God told him to “uproot” nations (Jeremiah 1:10). In order to get at the “sin” root of our people-centered theology, we have to pull the plant up by its root rather than simply apply surface solutions. This will not be easy. We will have to “fight” in order to keep our vision for God’s glory strong.

    In order to produce a “100-fold crop” (Matthew 13:18-23) we need to think differently and act differently. Since everything is to the “glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11) we should seek to emphasize Dog Theology in all areas of life.

    THINK DIFFERENTLY: On a continuum from Cat Theology to Dog Theology rate the different scenarios on whether they are people-centered or God-centered. For example, consider both non-verbal communication and heart attitudes in this prayer:

    Prayer at a Church Meeting “Father, we come before You and ask You to bless our church.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTION:

    • Is the heart attitude of the one praying focused on the church receiving benefits (new gym, parking facilities, band instruments, etc.) or on God revealing to the Church how they can be a blessing to others?

    Analysis #1: Pastor’s Statement to his Congregation “We want you to know that we are believing God for miracles in this church...”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTIONS:

    • Who gets the glory for miracles? • Does God want to do miracles in other churches?

    Analysis #2: A Mother Counseling her Daughter about her Impending Divorce “Honey, all I know is that God loves you; He wants you happy. And if you’re not happy, then just get out. It’s not God’s best plan, but He wants you happy.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTIONS:

    • Should happiness ever trump God’s holiness? • Does God want you happy or joyful?




  • Analysis #3: Lyrics of a Worship Song “We want to see Jesus lifted high, a banner that flies across this land, that all men might see the truth and know He is the way to heaven.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTION:

    • How could Liberal or Evangelical Humanism creep in here so that Jesus is not really being lifted up?

    Analysis #4: Sign at a Church Engaged in a Remodeling Project “We’re making room for you!”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTIONS:

    • What is church about? • Who is church for?

    Analysis #5: Parents Speaking to their Child who is Treating Friends Poorly “Honey, you’re never going to get any friends if you keep acting this way.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTION:

    • Is life about getting friends or about honoring God in our relationships?

    Analysis #6: Prayer for a Prodigal Son or Daughter: “Lord, please bring my son to You. Do whatever it takes to get his attention.” A. “I don’t want him to go to hell!”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog B. “His life is a wreck…he can’t hold down a job…and his family

    has left him.” Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog

    C. “…So that he and his family might know You and worship You.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog D. “Cause them to fall so much in love with You that they begin to share Your glory with others.”

    Cat / Cat-Dog / Dog-Cat / Dog KEY QUESTIONS:

    • How can you make all your prayers complete and correct? • How can the church not violate Deuteronomy 4:2 by leaving

    out the glory of God in its prayers, songs, and messages?



  • Refocusing a Prayer for a Broken Marriage “CAT” PRAYER: “Oh Lord, we come before You now and ask You to heal their marriage.They both know You Lord, they both go to our church, work in their hearts…Oh Father, they’re both so unhappy, You can see it on their faces. He’s losing weight, and he could lose his job. And Lord, she’s got headaches all the time and she can’t concentrate…and Lord, their children are crying a lot, Oh God, save their marriage…”

    “DOG PRAYER: “And God, what is that doing to Your great and holy name? How can they witness of Your love and peace? How can they tell others about the ‘victorious Christian life?’ And how will it affect their children’s image of You as their Father? Oh God, for the sake of Your great name, heal their marriage, and as You do that, give them a vision to share Your glory with others.”

    ACT DIFFERENTLY: “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24).

    What Cat Theology is God asking you to “put off”? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What Dog Theology is God asking you to “put on”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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