Page 1: Leadership Development Programme Seminar 5

The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Leadership DevelopmentProgramme

Seminar 5

Page 2: Leadership Development Programme Seminar 5

The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Presenters today

• Brad Bamfield– 07803 133110– [email protected]

• Patrick Sullivan– 020 8241 0166– [email protected]

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Today• Welcome• 1:1 feedback• Delegation• Action learning section• Do you need any refreshers?• Seminar 6• End of course dinner

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Feedback on second1 : 1 sessions

• Patrick– David– Mervyn

• Brad– Matthew

• How did it go• Action since then

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem


“to apportion; to allot; to fix or specify”

Page 6: Leadership Development Programme Seminar 5

The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Delegate“to send with power to act as a

representative”“to entrust, commit, or deliver to another’s

care and management”“a person appointed and sent by another or

by others to transact business as his or their representative.

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Advantages• More can be accomplished• Deadlines met more reliably• Employees involved and committed• Employees grow and develop• Control less difficult (if done well)• Better productivity• Performance can be measured better

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Advantages• Compensation related to performance• Diversity can be managed better• Distant operations managed better• Less travel - time/cost /stress• Better employee

satisfaction/recognition• Manager has time for “plormocode”• Manager freed for important tasks

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

What can be delegated• A task that is part of your job.• The responsibility for successful

completion.• The authority to make independent


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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

The roles of the manager






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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Delegating and doing




90% 10%

30% 70%



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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Common obstacles

• I can do it better• Afraid of criticism from above• Being disliked• Lack of confidence in employees• Employees expect answers from me• I can do it faster than I can explain it

Page 13: Leadership Development Programme Seminar 5

The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Exercise 1

• Obstacles to delegation

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Process• Choosing the task• The right person• Gaining commitment• Handling the discussion • Control without interfering• Handling difficulties

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

An objective should be:• Clear (to the person who has to do the job)• Measurable (to know when it is achieved)• Realistic (related to the person)

– results you expect– time you have allowed– resources you can commit

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

An objective should be:• Result (rather than activity) oriented• Have an agreed deadline for

completion• Indicate parameters of authority

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Levels of delegationLevel 3•They decide on the help they need•They Set the checkpoints•May want to review major decisions prior to implementation

Level 2•Do only important things with them •Set checkpoints

Level 1•Do it with the employee•Help with detail•Monitor frequently

Level 4•Full delegation•Review objective and constraints with them•Let them get going•Advise you of decisions/outcome

- Directing Behaviour +

- Su







Experienced and capable, but may lack the confidence to go it alone, or the motivation to do it well / quickly (A)

Experienced at the job, & comfortable with their own ability to do it well.  May even be more skilled than the leader. (C)May have some relevant skills, but won't be able to do the job without help.  The task or the situation may be new to them. (B)

Generally lacking the specific skills required for the job in hand, and lacks any confidence and / or motivation to tackle it (D)

- Commitment +-






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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Control systems need to:• Identify what should happen and when

– especially key activities and checkpoints• Monitor what actually is happening• Show up any significant variation• Prompt timely corrective action• Involve the person in as much self

controlling as possible• Close the loop

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Delegation plan

Task Run the monthly sales meeting on 25th July to agree sales targets for area by August 31st

Date 23 June Skills Task skill

level requirement

David (deputy)

Jane (5Yrs in Sales)

Leroy (8 mths in Sales

Marta (just out of training)

Numeracy M M H L M Verbal Communication H H H M M Written Communication L L H M L Information extraction H M L Negotiation/persuasion H H M M L Personal planning and control M M L H M Creativity H M L H Decision making/problem solving H M M L Management skills Organising others H M L Leadership & motivation H H L Coaching & Counselling L Delegation L Knowledge Sales performance to date by area H H H Company procedure for meetings M L

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Signs of difficulties• Their use of the “lifeline”• Failure to meet deadlines• Reluctance to attend review

discussions• Performance below par• Gut feeling

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Traps to avoid• Thinking you can do everything yourself• Failure to give employees challenging

assignments with enough latitude to handle them.

• Careless selection of an authority level• No experience = no ability• Overburdening your best people

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Exercise 2

• Delegate a task

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Traps to avoid• “This will be a challenge for you”• Holding on to non-management tasks

that some-one else could do.• Too little or too much follow-up• Withholding vital pertinent information• Failure to give recognition• Failure to hold a critique

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Traps to avoid

• Having it bounced back (un-delegation)– Avoiding risk– afraid of criticism– too little confidence– lack of information and tools– Boss likes to feel needed– Boss cannot say “NO”

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Exercise 3

• Personal Delegation Skills• Homework• Interpretation of results

available on web site from Tuesday 19th September 2005

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Action learning Session

• Review of Action Learning Principles• Action learning session

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Action learning principles• Focus on the original problem or issue you identified. If

your thinking has moved on since then no problem just tell us about it.

• Review what you wanted to do between seminars• Review what actually happened• Think critically what the outcome was and was it better,

worse, different from what you wanted/expected.• What could you have done differently that would have

influenced the outcome• Tell us what you want to do next (Objectives, Strategic)• Tell us how you intend to do it (Tactical)• Tell us how you will know whet the results are

(Measures)• You will speak without interruptions or questions from the


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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Action learning questions

• Typical AL questions might be: – What result do you want? – How do you feel about this situation? – What could you do differently? – How do you know this? – Can you explain that further? – What is the best possible outcome?

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Seminar 5 exercise• Think about the tools & techniques so far• Refer to the web site for information• How do today’s issues relate to those you

identified pre course?• Develop a plan for action• Present on your business, what your issues

are and your plan• The team will review, and offer help in the

way described in the action learning techniques paper.

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem


• What major conclusion did you draw from today's session?

• What major questions remain in your mind?

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Seminar 5

• We have looked at– 1:1’s– Delegation

• You presented to the team your OGSMs for the future

• We helped to clarify your thinking!!!!

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Seminar 6• Is there anything you want in Seminar 6• Would you like to repeat anything• Have we missed anything

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Seminar 6 exercise• Using the tools & techniques introduced

– Refer to the web site for a refresher• Extend your action plan for next 6 months

– Clear OGSMs (SMART)– Covering People Sales and Operations– How will you evaluate success

• Present on your business, any issues and your plan

• The team will review, and offer help in the way described in the action learning techniques paper.

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Feedback for TSO

• What did we do well?• What could we have done better?• Was there anything missing?

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The Solution OrganisationTo build the solution, first define the problemThe Solution Organisation

To build the solution, first define the problem

Next meeting

• We hope you have enjoyed today • We also hope you have learnt

something useful• Please complete feedback forms• The final seminar (shame)• CitiLodge Hotel Wollaton Street• Tuesday 4th October 1pm to 5 pm• And after for dinner & drinks

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